  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024
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ความคิดเห็น • 74

  • @LisaCHERIFI-q6j
    @LisaCHERIFI-q6j 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +10

    Bravo et respect à Monsieur GUIRAUD 👏👏👍👍🌺🌺

  • @grandegeule6715
    @grandegeule6715 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    Pour la stabilité du pays je propose les mesures suivantes:
    que Macron soit président à vie
    qu'il n'y ait plus qu'un seul parti: "la maconie"
    qu'on dissolve l'Assemblée nationale et qu'il n'y ait pas de vote parce que ça fout le bazar
    et pour finir qu'on interdise les manifestations sauf celles qui ont pour thème "merci Macron"

  • @sarahjonquet2727
    @sarahjonquet2727 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +6

    Merci Mr David ❤

  • @AzaBen-w1n
    @AzaBen-w1n 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +7

    Vas-y David!!! Détruit ce palmashow de raciste. Nullicime. 😅

  • @louisesaissant8805
    @louisesaissant8805 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +7

    Courage au député Giraud de débattre face à cette propagande

  • @Fleur-e3u
    @Fleur-e3u 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Monsieur Guiraud bravo à vous! mais n'allez plus dans leurs plateaux à quoi bon parler avec ces médias! ils veulent simplement vous critiquez. ✊✊

  • @adlni73
    @adlni73 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +7

    Moi ce qui me dérange ce n’est pas le débat c est la façon comment BFMTV a positionné les invités Macron lepen contre LFI 🙃

  • @Rahim-qh6lu
    @Rahim-qh6lu 42 นาทีที่ผ่านมา +1

    Force d.guiraud

  • @nadiahouchati9749
    @nadiahouchati9749 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +10

    Exactement c'est grand homme ce David guiraud ❤❤

    • @VegaVoxx
      @VegaVoxx 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Eh sinon... Tu condamne les french arabic qui foutent le bord el en Thaïlande ou tu tolère ?

    • @cedricdubourg7653
      @cedricdubourg7653 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@nadiahouchati9749 effectivement, David Guiraud est un homme politique honorable.
      Il pourrait servir d'exemple à plus d'un.

    • @sucre-d-orge
      @sucre-d-orge ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@VegaVoxx Nous Ordonnons le Convenable et Condamnons le Blâmable où que ce Soit dans le monde.
      La mission prophétique du prophète Mohammed (Aleyhi Salât Wa Salâm) est mentionnée dans la Torah et l'Évangile. ALLAH, exalté soit-Il, dit (sens du verset) :
      Ceux qui suivent le Messager, le Prophète illettré qu'ils trouvent écrit (mentionné) chez eux dans la Thora et l'Évangile. [...] (Coran 7/157).
      Les juifs et les chrétiens reconnaissent la mission prophétique de Mohammed (Aleyhi Salât Wa Salâm). ALLAH, exalté soit-Il, dit (sens du verset) :
      "Ceux à qui Nous avons donné le Livre, le reconnaissent comme ils reconnaissent leurs enfants. Or, une partie d'entre eux cache la vérité, alors qu'ils la savent ! (Coran 2/146)"
      Par ailleurs, nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que l'Évangile a été en grande partie falsifié et altéré. La preuve la plus claire de cela est les contradictions qui s'y trouvent aujourd'hui. Toutefois, malgré cela, les chercheurs ont trouvé que l'Évangile mentionne jusqu'à aujourd'hui Mohammed (Paix et bénédictions d'ALLAH soit sur Lui).
      Voici quelques exemples de cela :
      - Le cheikh Abd al-Madjîd al-Zandânî a dit dans son livre intitulé al-Bachârât Bi Muhammad () Fî al-Kutub al-Samâwiyya al-Sâbiqa : L'Évangile de Barnabé mentionne dans son chapitre 22 : "Il en sera ainsi jusqu'à la venue du comblé d'éloge (Mohammed) le messager d'ALLAH qui dévoilera alors cette duperie à ceux qui croient en la Loi de Dieu."
      Le livre d'Ésaïe mentionne : O toi le comblé d'éloge (Mohammed), j'ai loué ton nom. O saint du Seigneur, ton nom existe depuis l'éternité.
      Le livre d'Habacuc mentionne : Dieu est venu de Théman, Le Saint est venu de la montagne de Paran... Pause. La beauté du comblé d'éloge (Mohammed) illumine les cieux et sa louange remplit la terre.
      Le livre d'Ésaïe mentionne : Je ne donnerai à personne d'autre ce que je lui ai donné. Ahmad, le digne de louanges [NdT: autre nom du Prophète ()] louera à nouveau ALLAH et viendra de la meilleure contrée de la terre. Toute la création se réjouira de lui, on proclamera l’UNICITÉ de Dieu sur toute élévation, on le Glorifiera sur toute Colline.
      - L'ancien archevêque de Mossoul, qu'ALLAH a guidé vers l'Islam, et qui est le professeur Abdul Ahad Dâwûd al-Âchûrî a dit : L'expression répandue chez les chrétiens : "Gloire à Dieu au plus haut des cieux et paix sur la terre aux hommes qu'il aime." ne se disait pas comme cela, mais bien :
      "Gloire à Dieu au plus haut des cieux, que l'Islam soit sur la terre et aux gens Ahmad." (Muhammad Fî al-Kitâb al-Muqaddas)
      3- L'Évangile selon Jean mentionne en citant 'Isâ (Jésus), ‘, qui s'adresse à ses disciples : Cependant je vous dis la vérité : il vous est avantageux que je m'en aille, car si je ne m'en vais pas, le consolateur ne viendra pas vers vous ; mais, si je m'en vais, je vous l'enverrai. Le terme consolateur vient du terme Grec paraclet lui-même étant dérivé du terme original paracletos qui signifie Mohammed ou Ahmad ().
      Il existe encore bien d'autres textes indiquant la venue de Mohammed () dans l'Évangile

    • @bob-ji5ts
      @bob-ji5ts ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@cedricdubourg7653 C'est un traite pour notre pays

  • @benoitsirat6298
    @benoitsirat6298 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +11

    Merci David vive lfi et le front populaire

  • @jean-pierresilvestre5771
    @jean-pierresilvestre5771 55 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

    Quelle cacophonie . Vivelent les débats à l"asssemlée nationale dirigée de mainv de maitressse par la macronne Rhone Pivet .

  • @MyreligionIslam-c2d
    @MyreligionIslam-c2d 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +9

    I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who broughtOh people, we are your sisters, by God 😭😭😭 We do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you, oh nation of Muhammad. People are brothers. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. My appeal to every Muslim, oh Lord, if he sees this message, may He prolong his life, make him happy, and cover him. May God reward him. God is sufficient for me, and He is the best disposer of affairs. There is no power or strength except with God. Oh people, oh nation of Muhammad, oh people of goodness, oh people of mercy. We are your sisters and your children. By God, we do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you. Oh nation of Muhammad, I only spoke out of extreme hunger and distress. My mother, sisters, and I are displaced from our homes because of the war. We are in a state that no one knows about except God. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, against those who brought us to this state 💔💔 By God Almighty, I only wrote this appeal out of extreme poverty and poverty, oh people. I beg you by God Almighty, Lord of the Mighty Throne, that I do not have food at home. By God, my brothers and sisters have been sitting around for two days. Without food, by God our situation is very difficult, we are 4 people in the house and my father passed away and there is no one to support us and we live in a rented house and we cannot pay the rest of the rent. I am not lying to you nor deceiving you nor cheating you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced because of the war between me and my family over a rent dispute and the owner of the house. By God, my brother comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants us to go out to the street because we are unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and talked to the neighbors again and gave us a deadline until the end of the week and we swore to God to let us out of the street now we are in arrears of 60 thousand Yemeni riyals for 3 months rent may God have mercy on us our country is suffering because of this war and we do not find our daily sustenance and we live my mother and sisters our father passed away may God have mercy on him and we do not have anyone in the world to come to us in these harsh circumstances my little sisters went out to the street and saw the neighbors eating and stood at their door giving them even a piece of bread and by God in whose hand is the heavens and the earth they closed the door and kicked them out and they came back crying dying of hunger no one has mercy on them and now the holiday has come back to me if no one of us helps us with a kilo of flour by God we will die of hunger brother I seek refuge in God and then in you and I want your help for the sake of God I ask you by God you love goodness and help me even if it is about the rent of the house send me a WhatsApp message on this number 00967716649494 and ask for my card name and send it and do not delay may God compensate you with all good My little sisters, look at their situation and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street and humiliate us or my family and I die of hunger. We ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not delay on us, and may God reward you with good.'~~_«%•&»_~~_~&:»'////;&&;&;&;;&🎉😢😢😢😢;&;&&&//&..,!~~~♡♡♡~~~♡~♡~•~•~•~•~♡~♡~♡~;l.i.i.i.i.i.l.|-.|-.،،[،,,,’,،،'،..-&;&/&;💔😭😭√_°_^

  • @stephanemalfoy5738
    @stephanemalfoy5738 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +4

    DAVID GUIRAUD Est le seul qui sait de quoi il parle face à ces tocards

  • @sucre-d-orge
    @sucre-d-orge 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +20


    • @VegaVoxx
      @VegaVoxx 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      Tu condamne les french arabic qui foutent le bord el en Thaïlande ou tu tolère ?

    • @jaick5278
      @jaick5278 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@VegaVoxxils sont en rien à faire ! En faite ces gens qui soutiennent la LFI s’en moquent des opinions des français, tout ceux qui veulent c’est se précipiter aux pouvoirs afin d’avoir un premier ministre.

    • @roserose24769
      @roserose24769 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@VegaVoxx Tu condamne les Sion. qui sont en train d'ex / terminer un peuple ou tu tolère ? À méditer

    • @VegaVoxx
      @VegaVoxx 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@roserose24769 J'condamne ouais. Et sinon en thailand c'est pareil avec les french arabic ?
      Ou c'est la tolérance 100%

    • @roserose24769
      @roserose24769 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@VegaVoxx Il faut condamner les délinquants français qui font n'importe quoi en Thaïlande et les pé / dophiles de toutes origines .

  • @fatihadiallo2070
    @fatihadiallo2070 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Je l'aime trop ❤❤❤

  • @francoiselemiere4518
    @francoiselemiere4518 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Éric Ciotti lui aussi mais alliance avec le RN non traite pas l'oublier

  • @Catherine-z1n
    @Catherine-z1n 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    y'en a marre des bla bla bla qui mènent à rien. occupez vous de la france!!!

    • @lionelaugait3572
      @lionelaugait3572 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      si tu dis cela pour Giraud c'est idiot il n'est pas au gouvernement et cale à cause de tebé qui ont préféré voter nazis

  • @jeangalarneau70
    @jeangalarneau70 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    C vieux ça

  • @tokyosety9275
    @tokyosety9275 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +8

    Il parle vrais bravos monsieur Guiraud LFI 💪🏼💐👏👏👏👏👏👏

    • @ericdubois2155
      @ericdubois2155 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      RN/LFI sont pro Europe,autant vous dire que si ils sont au pouvoir,votre vie ne va pas changer puisque c'est Bruxelles qui fera la pluie et pas le beau temps sur nos vies.
      Il est temps de se réveiller.

  • @cuilhepatrick9683
    @cuilhepatrick9683 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    la famille ducobu gauche de bon a rien

  • @kata2a344
    @kata2a344 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา


  • @bernadettejaspard9850
    @bernadettejaspard9850 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Il percute rien 😂du spectacle pour coquilles vident 😂en plus il est bien payé pour ça 😂😂😂

  • @Barberouge-sz2ur
    @Barberouge-sz2ur 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    😂😂😂 la gueule de LFI
    Les ouin ouin pas excellences

  • @jarod9365
    @jarod9365 11 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

    Dialogue de sourds

  • @JP-ub5lc
    @JP-ub5lc 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา


  • @lololala4164
    @lololala4164 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Arrêtez la pignole ! Pas un pour rattraper l'autre, tous des pourris

  • @MyreligionIslam-c2d
    @MyreligionIslam-c2d 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +9

    اللهم سخر لنا من عبادك الصادقين المصلحين من يكونوا عوناً لنا في طريقنا ندائي إلي كل مسلم قال عزوجل (قُلْ إِنَّ رَبِّي يَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَيَقْدِرُ لَهُ وَمَا أَنْفَقْتُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ فَهُوَ يُخْلِفُهُ وَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ) وقال النبى ﷺ(ما نقص مال من صدقة ) رواه مسلم وقال ﷺ ( أنفق يابن آدم ينفق الله عليك) متفق عليه وقال ﷺ:( مَا مِنْ يَوْمٍ يُصبِحُ العِبادُفِيهِ إِلَّا مَلَكَانِ يَنْزِلانِ، فَيَقُولُ أَحَدُهُمَا: اللَّهُمَّ أَعْطِ مُنْفِقًا خَلَفًا، وَيَقُولُ الآخَرُ: اللَّهُمَّ أَعْطِ مُمْسِكًا تَلَفًا سِالُتتكِ بّالُلُُه 💔الُجْلُيَلُ الُجْبّارَ انَ تْنَقًذَنَا قًبّلُ انَ نَمٌوَتْ مٌنَ شِدِتْ الُجْوَع انَتٌْخيَكِ انَيَ دٌِخلُةِ ْعلُى الُلُُه تْمٌ ْعلُيَكِ انَيَ فَيَ وَجُْهك انَـيَ اخـتْكِ انَـيَ اتْرَجْـاكِ اتْـوَسِـلُ الُـيَـكِ انَـقًـذَنَا لُـوَجُْـه الُـلُُـه. يَــشِــُهدِ الُــلُــُه يَاٌخـيَ انَ مٌنَ الُــصّــبّاحُ حُـتْا الُـانَ يَــحُــرَمٌ ْعـــلُيَـنَـا الاكل غير الماء ( ('''''''''''''''' اخي اول كلامي انا اقسم بالله على كتاب الله اني لااكذب عليك ولا انصب ولا احتال اني بنت يمنيه نازحين منالحرب انا واسرتي بيتنا اجار الشهرب 20 الف يمني والان علينا 60 الف حق 3 شهور وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ماترحم والله يا اخي انه يجي كل يوم يبهدلنا ويتكلم علينا ويريد من البيت للشارع لانناماقدرنا ندفعله الأجار شافونا الجيران نبكي ورجعو تكلمو الجيران ومهلنالاخره الأسبوع معادفعنا له حلف يمين بالله هذا بيخرجنا إلى الشارع رحمه واحنا. بلادنا بسبب هذا الحرب ولانجد قوت يومنا وعايشين اناوامي واخواتي سفار والدنا متوفي الله يرحمه ومامعنا أحد في هذا الدنيا جاانبنا في هذه الظروف القاسيه اخوتي الصغار خرجو للشارع وشافو الجيران ياكلو واوقفو عند بابهم لجل يعطوهم ولو كسره خبز والله الذي له ملك السموات والارض انهم غلفو الباب وطردوهم ورجعو یبکو ایموتو من الجوع ما احد رحمهم وعطلة ردها لقمت عیش والان لوما احدنا ساعدنا في إيكيلو دقيق اقسم بالله انموت من الجوع فيا اخي انا دخيله على الله ثم عليك واريد منك المساعده لوجه الله انشدك بالله تحب الخير واتساعدني ولو ---بـــحق إيجار البيت مع تراسلي واتساب على هذا الرقم 00967716649494 وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير اخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدنا وأنقذنا قبل أن يطردونا في الشارع تتبهدل أو نموت من الجوع وانا واسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره على مساعد لاتتاخر علينا وجزاك الله خيرا،-.@.،@:^@:؛>»𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊ااا🎉😢😢%;&;;&😭😭😭≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋𝖊≋^°>,,,_\},_\|`,_\;_\-ا¯ا|>•°¶

    • @marie-franceguerin1697
      @marie-franceguerin1697 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      On a assez de sdf en France que l’on ne peut pas aider nous sommes beaucoup à être dans le besoin nous français on ne nous aide pas ,voyez ça avec Macron!!!!

    • @cedricdubourg7653
      @cedricdubourg7653 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@marie-franceguerin1697 le commentaire initial est une arnaque.
      Bonne fin de journée à vous.

    • @marie-franceguerin1697
      @marie-franceguerin1697 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@cedricdubourg7653 merci je m’en suis doutée ce n’est pas la première fois que je vois ce genre de msg 👍

  • @fahmibentiti5188
    @fahmibentiti5188 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Mr guiraud feras un premier ministre Magistral

    • @MultiMan62
      @MultiMan62 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา


    • @essoxlucius2943
      @essoxlucius2943 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา


  • @manatnew
    @manatnew 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Quel % aux elections pour LFI Mr Guiraud ?

    • @stephanedujardin8982
      @stephanedujardin8982 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

      Lfi ou le NFP ?
      Qui est en tête ? Pas le RN, ni le LR, ni ensemble pour la république. Dit le.

    • @vincentportelli5109
      @vincentportelli5109 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Qu'elle % pour les abstentionnistes 😂😂😂

    • @vincentportelli5109
      @vincentportelli5109 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@stephanedujardin8982 faux vous oublié la majorité des français sont qui ne veulent plus de ces escrocs !! Les abstentionnistes.

    • @manatnew
      @manatnew ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@stephanedujardin8982 il me semble que j'ai bien ecrit LFI non ?
      LFI tout seule ne vaut pas un clou et la elle se la joue big boss alors qu'elle ne fait que phagocyter les socialopes !

  • @stgoldshaka
    @stgoldshaka 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Et pourquoi ne montrer qu'une partie de l'interview, parce que David Guiraud après son petit punchline finit en PLS. 🤣🤣🤣

    • @stephanedujardin8982
      @stephanedujardin8982 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Aucune buse du front national des idiots n'est assez intelligent pour tenir une conversation de niveau brevet des collèges, la seul fois qu'ils ont fait fermer la gueule de quelqu'un, c'est en lui tirant dans le dos en le tuant, cet homme s'appelait Martin aramburu est c'est un nazi du front national qui l'a tué et qui est parti se cacher comme une fiotte après. Le parti politique de gonzesses.

    • @essoxlucius2943
      @essoxlucius2943 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา


  • @roger3972-w7z
    @roger3972-w7z 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    tien tien m raisons guiraud lfi vous avier rien gagné

    • @roserose24769
      @roserose24769 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Et vous vous avez gagné quoi ? 😂 queue dalle...et vous serez toujours un sans dent

  • @YaAllah-p2n
    @YaAllah-p2n 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who broughtOh people, we are your sisters, by God 😭😭😭 We do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you, oh nation of Muhammad. People are brothers. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. My appeal to every Muslim, oh Lord, if he sees this message, may He prolong his life, make him happy, and cover him. May God reward him. God is sufficient for me, and He is the best disposer of affairs. There is no power or strength except with God. Oh people, oh nation of Muhammad, oh people of goodness, oh people of mercy. We are your sisters and your children. By God, we do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you. Oh nation of Muhammad, I only spoke out of extreme hunger and distress. My mother, sisters, and I are displaced from our homes because of the war. We are in a state that no one knows about except God. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, against those who brought us to this state 💔💔 By God Almighty, I only wrote this appeal out of extreme poverty and poverty, oh people. I beg you by God Almighty, Lord of the Mighty Throne, that I do not have food at home. By God, my brothers and sisters have been sitting around for two days. Without food, by God our situation is very difficult, we are 6 people in the house and my father passed away and there is no one to support us and we live in a rented house and we cannot pay the rest of the rent. I am not lying to you nor deceiving you nor cheating you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced because of the war between me and my family over a rent dispute and the owner of the house. By God, my brother comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants us to go out to the street because we are unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and talked to the neighbors again and gave us a deadline until the end of the week and we swore to God to let us out of the street now we are in arrears of 60 thousand Yemeni riyals for 3 months rent may God have mercy on us our country is suffering because of this war and we do not find our daily sustenance and we live my mother and sisters our father passed away may God have mercy on him and we do not have anyone in the world to come to us in these harsh circumstances my little sisters went out to the street and saw the neighbors eating and stood at their door giving them even a piece of bread and by God in whose hand is the heavens and the earth they closed the door and kicked them out and they came back crying dying of hunger no one has mercy on them and now the holiday has come back to me if no one of us helps us with a kilo of flour by God we will die of hunger brother I seek refuge in God and then in you and I want your help for the sake of God I ask you by God you love goodness and help me even if it is about the rent of the house send me a WhatsApp message on this number 00967717415667 and ask for my card name and send it and do not delay may God compensate you with all good My little sisters, look at their situation and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street and humiliate us or my family and I die of hunger. We ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not delay on us, and may God reward you with good.'~~_«%•&»_~~_~&:»'////;&&;&;&;;&🎉😢😢😢😢;&;&&&//&..,!~~~♡♡♡~~~♡~♡~•~•~•~•~♡~♡~♡~;l.i.i.i.i.i.l.|-.،

  • @ryantaleb7249
    @ryantaleb7249 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who broughtOh people, we are your sisters, by God 😭😭😭 We do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you, oh nation of Muhammad. People are brothers. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. My appeal to every Muslim, oh Lord, if he sees this message, may He prolong his life, make him happy, and cover him. May God reward him. God is sufficient for me, and He is the best disposer of affairs. There is no power or strength except with God. Oh people, oh nation of Muhammad, oh people of goodness, oh people of mercy. We are your sisters and your children. By God, we do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you. Oh nation of Muhammad, I only spoke out of extreme hunger and distress. My mother, sisters, and I are displaced from our homes because of the war. We are in a state that no one knows about except God. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, against those who brought us to this state 💔💔 By God Almighty, I only wrote this appeal out of extreme poverty and poverty, oh people. I beg you by God Almighty, Lord of the Mighty Throne, that I do not have food at home. By God, my brothers and sisters have been sitting around for two days. Without food, by God our situation is very difficult, we are 4 people in the house and my father passed away and there is no one to support us and we live in a rented house and we cannot pay the rest of the rent. I am not lying to you nor deceiving you nor cheating you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced because of the war between me and my family over a rent dispute and the owner of the house. By God, my brother comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants us to go out to the street because we are unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and talked to the neighbors again and gave us a deadline until the end of the week and we swore to God to let us out of the street now we are in arrears of 60 thousand Yemeni riyals for 3 months rent may God have mercy on us our country is suffering because of this war and we do not find our daily sustenance and we live my mother and sisters our father passed away may God have mercy on him and we do not have anyone in the world to come to us in these harsh circumstances my little sisters went out to the street and saw the neighbors eating and stood at their door giving them even a piece of bread and by God in whose hand is the heavens and the earth they closed the door and kicked them out and they came back crying dying of hunger no one has mercy on them and now the holiday has come back to me if no one of us helps us with a kilo of flour by God we will die of hunger brother I seek refuge in God and then in you and I want your help for the sake of God I ask you by God you love goodness and help me even if it is about the rent of the house send me a WhatsApp message on this number 00967717354582 and ask for my card name and send it and do not delay may God compensate you with all good My little sisters, look at their situation and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street and humiliate us or my family and I die of hunger. We ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not delay on us, and may God reward you with good.'~~_«%•&»_~~_~&:»'////;&&;&;&;;&🎉😢😢😢😢;&;&&&//&..,!~~~♡♡♡~~~♡~♡~•~•~•~•~♡~♡~♡~;l.i.i.i.i.i.l.|-.-.........،..،.،..،.

  • @ryantaleb7249
    @ryantaleb7249 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who broughtOh people, we are your sisters, by God 😭😭😭 We do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you, oh nation of Muhammad. People are brothers. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. Oh God, make your righteous servants subservient to us. My appeal to every Muslim, oh Lord, if he sees this message, may He prolong his life, make him happy, and cover him. May God reward him. God is sufficient for me, and He is the best disposer of affairs. There is no power or strength except with God. Oh people, oh nation of Muhammad, oh people of goodness, oh people of mercy. We are your sisters and your children. By God, we do not even find a loaf of bread inside the house that would satisfy you. Oh nation of Muhammad, I only spoke out of extreme hunger and distress. My mother, sisters, and I are displaced from our homes because of the war. We are in a state that no one knows about except God. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, against those who brought us to this state 💔💔 By God Almighty, I only wrote this appeal out of extreme poverty and poverty, oh people. I beg you by God Almighty, Lord of the Mighty Throne, that I do not have food at home. By God, my brothers and sisters have been sitting around for two days. Without food, by God our situation is very difficult, we are 4 people in the house and my father passed away and there is no one to support us and we live in a rented house and we cannot pay the rest of the rent. I am not lying to you nor deceiving you nor cheating you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced because of the war between me and my family over a rent dispute and the owner of the house. By God, my brother comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants us to go out to the street because we are unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and talked to the neighbors again and gave us a deadline until the end of the week and we swore to God to let us out of the street now we are in arrears of 60 thousand Yemeni riyals for 3 months rent may God have mercy on us our country is suffering because of this war and we do not find our daily sustenance and we live my mother and sisters our father passed away may God have mercy on him and we do not have anyone in the world to come to us in these harsh circumstances my little sisters went out to the street and saw the neighbors eating and stood at their door giving them even a piece of bread and by God in whose hand is the heavens and the earth they closed the door and kicked them out and they came back crying dying of hunger no one has mercy on them and now the holiday has come back to me if no one of us helps us with a kilo of flour by God we will die of hunger brother I seek refuge in God and then in you and I want your help for the sake of God I ask you by God you love goodness and help me even if it is about the rent of the house send me a WhatsApp message on this number 00967717354582 and ask for my card name and send it and do not delay may God compensate you with all good My little sisters, look at their situation and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street and humiliate us or my family and I die of hunger. We ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not delay on us, and may God reward you with good.'~~_«%•&»_~~_~&:»'////;&&;&;&;;&🎉😢😢😢😢;&;&&&//&..,!~~~♡♡♡~~~♡~♡~•~•~•~•~♡~♡~♡~;l.i.i.i.i.i.l.|-.-.....،..،.،..،..،.،..،..