+BansheeNT-D No, most players flame shaco players hard. Shaco is an extremely solitary pick, where EVERY death is entirely dependant on your judgement alone. Most shaco players mute the first flaming guy. Any flaming shaco is just a moron that still hasn't realized his champion doesn't synergize with others. Even when I play with my mates as shaco, I often get a shen shield on my clone, or people get baited cause they think I started a fight while I was just exploiting their positioning. You cn't be a flamer when you play by yourself, fighting your own war. That's all I had to say.
dude , i realy enjoy watch this pro games , but would u do me a favor ?! and shut down the music in the future =? ( some people cant hear that shit any longer, know what i mean ? ) thx bro
nymx If they're the same skill, Lee sin would win without a doubt. It's like fighting between Jax and Fiora. Jax will win, no matter what. Then, if we talk about each player's intelligence, that would be different.
nymx Because Lee sin is better duelist than shaco. Which means, he'll buy wards and also vision to screw up everything Shaco plans. Or at least, almost everything. A good Lee will full the whole map with wards, and Shaco cant just kill every single one he had put. He has to gank, he has to kill. But if it's full of wards, ¿how will he do that? No way. In terms of 1vs1 Shaco only has his damage from the boxes and the E, but assuming the Lee bought wards, he will avoid Shaco's Q and W. He'll also be able to detect Shaco's clone. In terms of skill and champions themselves, Lee would win. In terms of intelligence, they both have a chance.
Shaco is a champion that has simple mechanics... of coarse nothing he does LOOKS impressive but all things considering he is in challanjuer proven by. gosu impact and the others in his game
26:33 best shaco :B
+Morbish Long Lol
+Morbish Long you ignored 13 / 0 / 6, and focused on something that happens sometimes.
+Morbish Long everyone makes mistake. just because they fail a q dosent mean they are not the best shaco na
+Morbish Long Lol classic
Ahhhh free kill.
ahhh izi
do you have health runes
How is he the best if he decieves into a wall and decieves to escape? I've seen better NA (Young Mini)
shaco é mto op nas ranked
Shaclone still the best :D
the little chicken do almost as much damages as the big chicken.
Pink ward is NA or EU ?
+Duong Nguyen EUNA :)
Yeah best Shaco ever birds FOR START. -.-
My master
+Hubert Dobrzynski m8 it is a high elo, enemy will know how to play against
what skin is that?
Wild card shaco I think. Its been out for a while.
+Uber Pixel JOKER
Ft piglet and impact
Most Shaco Players flames Hard~ @_@
Then im one of the shac the ripper mains that you havnt seen.
+BansheeNT-D No, most players flame shaco players hard. Shaco is an extremely solitary pick, where EVERY death is entirely dependant on your judgement alone. Most shaco players mute the first flaming guy. Any flaming shaco is just a moron that still hasn't realized his champion doesn't synergize with others. Even when I play with my mates as shaco, I often get a shen shield on my clone, or people get baited cause they think I started a fight while I was just exploiting their positioning. You cn't be a flamer when you play by yourself, fighting your own war. That's all I had to say.
+MrMeiryou that was Gorgeous my friend! +1
I think best shaco NA is Pink Ward
+Mind Zero no xD
shaco hay roi do bengxanh ga bay
that kog maw didn't have damege
dude , i realy enjoy watch this pro games , but would u do me a favor ?! and shut down the music in the future =? ( some people cant hear that shit any longer, know what i mean ? ) thx bro
There's no vs here. We all know Lee Sin is better than Shaco. And if it was "Best shaco vs Best lee sin", it's clear who's the winner.
Shaco would win cause the best shaco na is pink ward who is playing ap
Matija Milic I'm talking about a best shaco vs best lee sin. If players have the same skill, there's opportunity por shaco.
nymx if lee is better than shaco he won't let shaco set up.
nymx If they're the same skill, Lee sin would win without a doubt. It's like fighting between Jax and Fiora. Jax will win, no matter what. Then, if we talk about each player's intelligence, that would be different.
nymx Because Lee sin is better duelist than shaco. Which means, he'll buy wards and also vision to screw up everything Shaco plans. Or at least, almost everything. A good Lee will full the whole map with wards, and Shaco cant just kill every single one he had put. He has to gank, he has to kill. But if it's full of wards, ¿how will he do that? No way. In terms of 1vs1 Shaco only has his damage from the boxes and the E, but assuming the Lee bought wards, he will avoid Shaco's Q and W. He'll also be able to detect Shaco's clone. In terms of skill and champions themselves, Lee would win. In terms of intelligence, they both have a chance.
I don't understand the wraiths start ...
***** i think its because red was warded by blue team
shaco has crazy c
Superman ks
the best shaco na is pink ward
Thiago da fonseca arruda xD in normal game yeah but in ranked is not Pink ward ..
Hugo Nunes Pink Ward is in diamond the only shaco main in challenger i know is shaco clone.
***** *Shaclone.
Thiago da fonseca arruda shaco na is good at ap shaco
Haha 2 deaths.. Only feeder not skill..
worst shaco --'
+Hezio Werdan thats what she said. ;)
+Hezio Werdan Yes. Birds for start. And he doesn't attack, from back
WTF is Urgot in his game ????? thats not challenger ?
+Toby G www.lolking.net/charts?region=all&type=champion-winrate&range=monthly&map=sr&queue=1x1&league=challenger
check the 4th champion :D
Marios Papaloizou WTF is going on ?! The end of the world are close O.o
+Toby G Yup, and its Urgod not Urgot
where is infinity edge ,, best shaco NA''. I saw 1600 crit dmg shaco so your dmg not so good
+Mateusz Krzemiński so just because he didnt feel like getting ie that means he not the best shaco na LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
he isn't that good , also shaclone isn't the best euw player (he doesnt have the best kda and other) , he is just one of the best
Yikes this guys jungling is awful! Cringe
can we get more "best ______ Na/KR" ? tired of always watching faker and all them
sorry but that shaco isnt even good hahaha
Shaco is a champion that has simple mechanics... of coarse nothing he does LOOKS impressive but all things considering he is in challanjuer proven by. gosu impact and the others in his game
+Jacob Tendall hahah xD