I’ve been digging the crescent stuff recently. This is definitely a nice bag. As you probably know us apartment maintenance men do so much across so many trades there isn’t ever going to be 1 bag that holds all we do. Great video brother 🤜🤛
You're def right dude. I have a daily load out bag(which will end up in this crescent), a plumbing bag, an electrical bag, a flooring bag and prob 5 more of random crap. It's easier to just spread it all out per job. The new Crescent gear is def nice. I like it a lot. We'll see how she holds up🤞🤞🤜🤛
Good bags!!!
Not a bad little bag. I like the look of it.
It's seems like a legit bag. Solidly built, quality materials, pretty cool cool colors. Just gotta see how it holds up
That is a nice looking tool bag. One day, maybe we will find the holy Grail of tool bags. Let us know how it holds up.
I hear Aldi's, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods give you their own bags. That may be my next step
I’ve been digging the crescent stuff recently. This is definitely a nice bag. As you probably know us apartment maintenance men do so much across so many trades there isn’t ever going to be 1 bag that holds all we do. Great video brother 🤜🤛
You're def right dude. I have a daily load out bag(which will end up in this crescent), a plumbing bag, an electrical bag, a flooring bag and prob 5 more of random crap. It's easier to just spread it all out per job. The new Crescent gear is def nice. I like it a lot. We'll see how she holds up🤞🤞🤜🤛
The Brotherhood of Dirt 👍 right on brotherman. I’m interested to see as well.
Always a problem, your do everything bag/box gets too heavy to go anywhere
No truer words have ever been spoken. I find too, if I try to go minimal, it's just never enough. Can't ever win