Why was the islamobully in the lunch room if he’s not eating? Filming to catch the evil istophobe daring be an individual. I wouldn’t call him a coward, he’s probably got a family to support and can’t afford to be charged with a hate crime.
Interestingly, I was working in Abu Dhabi during Ramadan a few years back at a clients premises. The kitchen area actually put food on for those non-nuslim personnel who were working there... They didn't cause any bother....they actually recognised the fact that we weren't muslim, and didn't follow Ramadan...... so no issue was caused....they were polite and courteous to us non-muslims. It serms it is just protagonists intent on causing division who are the problem........if its no problem in the Middle East....why is it here in the UK....??? Just stupid-minded, arrogant morons trying to cause a problem and division, where none actually exists.
@carrie4558 At the rate we are importing young Muslim men off of boats Britain will soon become an Islamic state. London will be first I expect. Already thousands of Muslim hard liners pack the streets calling for the death of Jews plus it was fine to project "from the river to the sea" onto the Big Ben tower and then chant Islamic prayers in parliament . I'd suggest it you were still in education get yourself a Quran and learn Arabic before it's too late !
they looking for a reaction to acuse him of more insults and claim victim get time off work for it with a kabal of people backing him and will win .not all muslims are like this tho.
I will eat what I want when I want, in particular when on my work lunch break in facilities provided and couldnt give two hoots about respecting anyones elses religion or culture as it doesnt concern me. I'm only interested in the British way of life and that guys company should make it clear to these people that bullying will not be tolerated and dismissal will follow if they continue to put other members of staffs health at risk. Also depending on the job isnt it irresponsible and potentially dangerous to be fasting, esp if the job requires high levels of concentration, is physical or machinery or driving is involved, maybe the insurance companies should request this information?
Man, this video bullshit, the vast majority of Muslims do not care if you eat in front of them during Ramadan. They even feel uncomfortable if you hold yourself from eating because of them.
They've all forgotten that they are our servants. They are there to serve us as a people. We voted them in to do a job and to protect our nation. This insanity has to stop. Even our very own king is up to his ears with the WEF and ensured Klaus Schwab was knighted (even though German), by our late queen. 'Nuff said!
@@chelamcguire They have not forgotten, they just don't care, and they will keep doing what they are doing because Brits are not standing up to them, just talking.
This Man is entitled to his Lunch Break under Employment Laws. He is entitled NOT to be harassed at work. He should seriously consider filing a Lawsuit.
It's hard to stand up to entitled refugees, when it's their own British government protecting them. Brits can't really do much, they're disarmed citizens. Unlike USA, they don't have a second amendment, protecting their rights to self defense against a tyrannical government.
Britain is paying for all its inequities😢. This country is so free that SATAN has crept in long ago. Wake up. Stand for yourself before your little girls are sold as s$x slaves, before your women are draped in black sackcloth from head to toe, before you become another Syria, Afghanistan or Pakistan
DAFUQ !! it does not work like that As a muslim, he should respect people who is not the same faith as him. RAMADAN ONLY FOR MUSLIMS, non - muslims should not be forced to do Ramadan. The man who eats his pasta does not offend any muslims, he just want to have his lunch. I am Muslim, I shared a rent with my Filifino friend, he used to eat, drink, smoke, eating bacon, right in front of my eyes, just like normal day and I did not feel offended, it is me who do fasting, so I have no problem at all. This is WRONG ..... very WRONG
Yeah Muslims like these are giving a bad name to Islam. It makes me so sad because Islam is meant to be a religion of peace and respect but they literally shamed a non-muslim man for eating. What's the point of them fasting if they can't even give respect to others?
Good on you man. One my my managers was muslim but he was raised and loves the UK, and completely respected our culture. Very funny, solid awesome man. He also knew I loved spicy food sos used to make me hot sauces and things. I was sad when he handed his notice in.
Where I worked management stopped any pork dishes at Christmas meals to appease 3 moslims that worked there 2 of which had a very aggressive nature and had physical altercations with fellow workers without consequence
People need to wake up . A management push back against this sort of behaviour at work is never going to happen . For the same reason it doesn't happen in wider society or government . People are too cowardly , they don't want to be called racist , or the new stigma , " Islamophobic " .
No it doesn't, you are trying to force your religion on us, religion of peace what a fucking joke,singled that man out because he was on his own and those cowards had numbers,I would like to see them go into a transport cafe full of burley lorry drivers, they would be wearing that pasta@@masotactics
This happend to me once at lunch in a café at work where many muslims worked. A muslim also called me a pig for eating pork meat. I totally snapped and told him I would wait for him outside after work. I did , and then he apologized and told me he didn’t really mean it. Yeah right lol. But I let him go and it never happened again to me!
"Yeah right lol." how in tarnation can someone be so cynical after someone apologizes to them for a minor transgression and says that they didn't mean it?? Just forgive the guy man, there's no point deluding yourself into thinking there's malice or bad will after he apologized to you. Also, saying you "waited outside for him after work" and that you "let him go" very much implies you were gonna be violent. Even if you weren't, it doesn't really help your case to say stuff like that. I agree that it was bad for him to call you a pig but to then pettily not accept his apology and say you "let him go" as if you planned to do something is utterly insane behaviour.
The more Brits bend the knee to these people, the more they will think that they are in control. It's down to YOU to show them that they are NOT in control in OUR country! If there is a gang of them, hang around, get on your phone and call your gang to come to you. Don't cave into intimidation tactics!
Simple, " So sorry, I'm on my lunch now - I'm not muslim. See if Jez (eg the boss) can change your times for you" You know, typical Brit. It's fine to be called an infidel if they see it that way - just not to react - it's not a game for both sides. Just the one.
Our woman's England football team still take the knee but if you don't like what they are doing your a racist this country had I feel sorry for my grand kids
The interesting thing in my company was, that the Brits were the once bending their knees, and us Europeans were the ones challenging them and some HR decisions. However, since C19 and Brexit, 80% of EU employees left the business. We have since a large amount of Asian people working for us. We are receiving eMails from HR to celebrate Ramadan with our colleagues and be considerate during our lunch brakes, like not eat at the desk next to them.... I'm working for a large international company, in their IT department.... When I saw that email, I immediately had to get to Subways, get a nice, smelly sub and sat down at my desk.
If this had been white people telling a Muslim not to eat, all hell would've broke loose. I'm sick of these entitled groups telling me what I can and can't do in my own nation.
Definitely was bullying and racism. He calls him a kuffar and 'stuffing his face', not 'eating'. Its disgrace viewing. Guy was outnumbered and either intimidated or shocked, look at his laugh to himself as he puts his lunch away.
OMG! So a non Muslim is persecuted in his own country for eating. Well then stay in your home & fast or go back to your country if you dont like the British way. ITS CALLED FREEDOM! They are the RACIST!!
Good . Me too how dare he ? Its not my believe . Hello? This is a christian country . I ran away from a strict muslim country and now we are being bullied and if we say anything we are rasict we are islamofobic . ENOUGH
HR pushes all this anti-English pro-Muslim stuff. I was "asked" by HR not to warm up my egg and bacon sandwich in the microwave oven because it offended the Muslims. For a while I refused to give in but eventually it just became too unpleasant for me dealing with the accusations, so I walked down the road and ate them cold. It was not the Muslims but the feminist white women in HR and throughout the facility who made all the fuss about it and inferred I was racist because of it. I don't work there anymore.
@MrThetruthhurts Reality is HR would probably fire him for the hate crime of islamaphobia. Heard recently hard line Muslims are trying to get blasphemy laws reintroduced in the UK so as it will be illegal to criticise Islam !
I was once told by some Pakistanis that I was forbidden to eat my full English Breakfast in a staff canteen because it upset them. What a joke the UK has become!!!
I'm in Florida U.S.A. and worked at a state prison and when the small amount of about 30 inmates in my dorm complained that I was not observing Ramadan with them and not fasting during the hours of daylight I told them I'm not Muslim and don't participate in their religion so it doesn't apply to me and happily continued eating my bacon cheeseburger, they initiated a formal grievance saying that I was offending and disrespecting them by my actions, I had some kind of pork in my lunch everyday that I worked during Ramadan and never heard any word back on their grievances, I stood my ground and refused to comply with their demands.
Ppl should stand their ground...they get more entitled because they are many and they will force to apply their law to other ppl..they dont have logic nor tolerance, thats whats happen when they invade your country.. I hope more ppl are like you, you guys need to stand together against this bs
It is disgusting that they were not terminated for their reporting on you. We must make it illegal also in my state of Washington to have a company policy to not offend anyone. I was terminated for someone feeling offended when I said something not offensive in any way. Good grief.
Lebanon was the only Christian country in the Middle East until it started letting in refugees in from surrounding countries. It is now a chaotic Muslim country.
Our HR dept has asked people next week to fast for the last day of "you know what" in support of their M colleagues. Holy Thursday next week and the end of Lent for all those Christians out there, in this Christian country - not an F ing word from HR about that though. Needless to say the response to the fasting has been met with a mute response, so much so there have been more emails pleading people to join in. 🤣
They say that, but it aint true. Even praying is allowed during work while everybody else has to work. Have seen it at multiple jobs. Ur just Islamophobic. Normal people cant risk much to do anything, cause if u loose, ull be in the newspaper or on tv, as u are seeing now.@@polythenewrappedme6102
If someone came up to me and tried to shame me as to why I'm eating my lunch on a Wednesday I'd laugh in their face. Grow a spine. This is your country, and those are NOT your customs.
I agree with you to a point but the intimidation directed towards him, could have turned nasty! And it would appear that he was outnumbered by these gross people ...
@@TheFluffyDuck Are you scared of Muzzo's, they are cowards on their own? Dont be weak minded, stand up for you personal beliefs and never give an inch.
Any British person that speaks out against any none British person is classed as being racist trust me your not you just care about your country there is a big difference 🇬🇧
When I was in Iraq during the surge, I was expected to follow their customs and traditions, because it was their country. I come back home, and now, I'm expected to follow THEIR customs and traditions in MY OWN COUNTRY???
@@IrishAmerican17, they are very illogical. They are ALWAYS criticising us, but when we criticise them they start calling us all sorts of names, According to their own books, the person whom they follow, and whose name starts with an "M' committed so many evil deeds, and yet they call him "the best of Humanity". Without exaggerating, a dog is a much better person than he, whom they call "the best of Humanity", ever was
I would have carried on eating as a matter of principal! The fact the man gave in a got up and left is not to his credit but shows the cowardice that has become prevalent in the UK. Appeasing these people is not the way forward!
Exactly. I'd have done the British thing of making witty wise-crack jokes and carried on eating. This guy looks like the type of man who'd do that, I was surprised he obeyed. He looks like a proper jack the lad but obviously looks can be deceiving.
Sorry to tell you - won't happen: happened to my aunt at a bicycle factory: her coworkers practically abolished the lunchbreak during the "fasting season" because they wanted to be home earlier for their families. Complaint to the bosses more than 30 years back, showed them helpless: "please work it out among yourselves Ladys, WE don't want a knive stuck in our tyres or backs". Silly THEY were the BOSSES and there still is a law to protect your lunchbreak, maybe a complaint to the union would have been more effective... The factory had to close some years back - other reasons, but poor management certainly played a role there too.
You would be ignored . The management are self - interested cowards usually , too . If you pushed it , they'd probably try to label you a racist bully / religious discriminatory instead of this clown .
Wtf is going on it’s about time people actually protested about unfair treatment to the British national..but social control does what their Tory paymasters tell them..I wonder what’s really behind all this immigration of Muslims malarky ..one day they will rise up and take over England and it’s just gonna happen.
I think those who have never voted OR have voted Conservative or Labour WE ALL NEED TO GET OUT AND VOTE REFORM. Otherwise awe will LOSE OUR COUNTRY. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
I'm French and a similar thing happened to me litterally last week. A Muslim coworker of mine told me it wasn't cool and understanding of me to drink water in front of him ...
Time for the British to take their country back. If you let it go much further you will be strangers in your own country. The British who lost their lives for your generation are probably crying now.
This is absurd. Poland, Hungary and most all the eastern european states dont deal with this at all. Because their government and people won't let too many in nor tolerate them
They remember, keenly, what it's like to have a 'benevolent outsider' waltz into their countries and upend their entire way of life. We have never suffered that indignity before.
Poland has always been open for everyone: Africa, Asia, Middle-East, former USSR states. However, there are rules one needs to obey to be welcomed and accepted in our society. You have to arrive legally. You have to respect the law, local customs and culture. And you have to be a contributing member of the society. We have plenty of our own slackers already, we don't need foreign ones. Result? Everyone either assimilates very quickly or leaves to Germany/France/UK looking for troubles and freebies.
Well, we had 500 years of attempts to get rid of Muslim rule and get the Muslims out of countries. We fought for that. And now we're being told to invite them in?! No, thanks!
Hungary? Hungarians can't make up their mind about their identity. When they are not too busy prostituting themselves to Russians, they are best buddies with turkic (by coincidence heavily muslim) nations like Turkey, Azerbaijan or Tajikistan.
People don't seem to realize the modus operandi of Islam: *migrate to foreign areas en masse, and when a high enough demographic ratio is reached, begin to affect systemic change on the host society.* They're nice enough at first, but eventually it results in either complete demographic replacement, _dhimmism_ (eg; the original inhabitants become a second-rate underclass who are forced to pay _Jizya;_ the "infidel's tax" and are treated poorly and restricted in their freedoms), or open war that either ends in Muslim domination or expulsion. How do you think the current so called Islamic World that dominates almost half the globe grew to be its current size? It wasn't through non-violent proselytizing but by hostile, albeit creeping, takeover. This is the unpleasant fact of the current mass migration that is literally taking over the West right now. Of course, one is an evil --ist --phobe of various sorts and subject to cancellation and unpersoning if one notices or objects to this hostile takeover today.
not gonna happen scott, they are here to take over, the uk has lost its identity and has gone too far to get back our morals, its true that if you voice an opinion you are called racist or islamaphobic, we really are doomed, i was in kuwait 20 years ago and we were told by our employers to follow the rules and DO NOT look at women (not that there was many on the streets) like you say we behave over there but they show utter contempt for us and our ways
Unfortunately it doesn't work that way, soon they will be claiming it's their country because they are large in numbers and ask you to leave or convert or die. We Indians are used to this tactics. It's not too late for you guys but yes this is your last chance.
Not only that, but end up making bad decisions due to dehydration - I wouldn’t want to be ill in hospital during Ramadan! The NHS need to ban day time fasting as it renders their services unsafe!
Cop out. When are people going to look into the mirror and realise THEY are as guilty as the politicians for destroying our way of life. Immigration has been happening for years yet WE have sat on our laurels.
@missprimproper1022 Well I'll have to take tour word for it because its online and you could be making it up but even brits that think they are patriotic and in their words stand up for themselves in reality do very little. I guess it's because they are used to a weak soft life and being told what to do and complying hoping not to upset anyone.Unfortunately, where these people come from, they don't think that way, they just see it as weakness and laugh
He closed his lunchbox, said nothing and walked away!……It’s what us British have been doing for the past 40 years and now, because we didn’t speak up sooner are having to deal with the consequences! Our own apathy and not wishing to ‘rock the boat’ has led us to this! 🤔
They know you won't fight back..and are training all of you about their rules for their special days. They want to take England over. So you better start standing up for your country.
😢I had a similar experience in Nigeria. I am a christian. What they are doing is intimidation. Everyone should take a stand against their intolerance.. They are in tolerate of other people's religion.
They'll never get away with it here Ireland they have some nerve calling people false when there book I won't mention the name of there pedophile book is false they are truly fools
Agreed. Our culture is only done for if we let it be that way. People are slowly waking up. We don't have to be unpleasant about it, just stand our ground. I wish that guy had just ignored them. I hope the employers have a word with the camera guy and tell him that respect goes both ways.
@@recceeboy1237 You can'[t do shit in Canada or in any western nation as long as peacefuls are used/supported by zionists or globalists for their new world order.
@@Danni611 My God listen to yourself...'we don't have to be unpleasant about it"... Muslims care as much for your opinions as they do for the barking of dogs ! You all write silly little comments on Utube because it's all you're brave enough for. Not one of you will stand up for fear of being called a racjst, it's a country full of scared little sheeple, hoping someone else will sort fallout for them. Christians aren't made to deal with Muslims : one is a fanatical idology who worship a man who beheaded 600 men and boys in one day ; and the other is timid, meek and Jesus loving ; thou shalt not kill ...it's even a sin to kill YOURSELF.... So, you see how not being 'unpleasant ' isn't really going to do anything at all. It's all going to get VERY unpleasant.
One of my closest friends is Pakistani muslim but he's clearly conflicted with his faith. Once during breaktime a few years ago he traded some lunch with another friend who had bacon in his sandwich, so he let him know but he decided not to care and actually ended up liking it 😂 (We're from South Africa btw so our Muslim community isn't nearly as radical and insular as the UK)
Blame the people who pushed for open borders and massive immigration. That should have never been allowed. This nonsense is happening all over the west even in USA, Canada.
Ah so because you see it once it means every Muslim is mocking none Muslims for eating during Ramadan of a Christian rapes some one or murders does that mean all Christians are rapists and murderers . I am a white man with a muslim woman and have Muslim friends and they don't give a fuck about me eating during Ramadan or in fact eating pork they don't care what I do. I can't say that all muslims.are like those though because of my experience just as you can't say it the other way round.
When a pack of them from Yemen approached my about respecting the religion. I replied you may thrown down your rug five times a day. Then bend over and tell the rest of the world to kiss your ass five times day. I don't. It is what you do. But if you tell me. I have to join you. Oh but you must. No you have the freedom to believe what you believe. But I don't care to join or watch In case you insist. I can hit 3 inch target from 300 yards with iron sights. My rifle, then says no. I guess you don't understand THE REAL MEANING OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. When it is time to settle up with Allah. I will settle up with Allah. Not You. As far as I know neither God or Allah needs your help or my help with that.
You know what the worst part is? That we aren't united. I'm not talking about just the English here. I am referring to other nations going through the same problems. This is happening everywhere. People are forced to sell their houses and move out of areas due to this. Police forces are getting pelted with stones and acid bombs. Pre-teen kids are openly yelling things that are enough to scare a grown man. When a developed country, like England, raises this issue, people seem very supportive of them on social media. But when people from a developing country stand up to the same, they are mocked, ridiculed, gaslighted and what not by the very people from these big nations. I think at least we, the common people ( and not the government), should have each other's backs and save each other from these conspired propagandas and narratives.
They get a place of their own to pray at work and even able to stop work to pray and still get paid, but this worker can't even have his lunch in peace. That person that gave him a hard time should be fired. Everyone has rights and if that's not the case than it should go both ways.
I used to hate it when smokers got 5 minutes break every hour or so for a ciggy, I am a non smoker and had to keep cracking on. I wouldn't put up with the prayer breaks, I have heard about them but having worked for myself for fifteen years haven't seen them. If they get a prayer break I would take the same amount of time to scroll through facebook. Cant give to one and not the other.
@@BobLouden-r9q When I worked for Labour Hire companies a lot of businesses didn't allow that which always caused problems for them with their workers.
Of course it should. Absolutely ridiculous. I am half Jewish and i once asked to be off work on a Saturday as it was the Sabbath. You can probably guess the response I got! If I was a Muslim I bet I would have got any religious request I made! It makes me Absolutely sick!!?
I wouldn't even describe the attitude of constantly kowtowing to Muslims "politically correct". Their actions are a blatant abuse of the fundamental British values of tolerance, respect, rule of law and individual liberty. Giving them their own way is about as politically incorrect as you can get.
70 years? 70 years? 1200 years my friend, please do some research. The first Muslim invasion of India was by the Arabs who were led by Mahommad Bin Qasim. It took place in 711 A. D. and resulted in the conquest of Sind. (Wikipedia) Indians were slaughtered by them by the millions over a millennium, forced to convert and humiliated in many ways. Ghazni invaded India 17 times and completely destroyed temples, universities and stole far more wealth than the British took from us.
My lawyer is filing a lawsuit against my senile parents because they disinherited me. A mother-in-law is not to chase anybody out of their own kitchen.
Except that would end up being a lawsuit against you for being toxic cuz you were eating during Ramadan and that could be seen as a toxic micro aggression 😂
@@8itesize He indeed was more like spreading toxic substances into the environment instead of voluntarily consuming that rubbish undisturbed, and without winning advice of those noticing his doubt, which in case of for instance covid viruses has some, not much but anyway, jurisprudence in my country. I would not advise that on your insula, because it is secluded from the main land. We would rather ask to stop shitting in the North Sea.
Totally right, it seems they are running a high school and not a business. In high school at least kids don't know until you teach them, but in a professional place?
Oopppss your fake Christianity is showing lol They literally believe in Jesus and funny if it was lent and people fasted there would be no complaints until " normal": people like you think it;s weird lol
I'm gonna weigh in with my thoughts on this. I used to live in Birmingham. All of my neighbors were Muslim. I'm a black man and no one ever tried to convert me to Islam. No one gave me bad vibes for not observing Ramadan. In fact I used to enjoy when Ramadan came around because all my neighbors would knock my door and bring gifts of food when they break their fast and the celebration of Eide when their month of fasting is over is just brilliant. Listen you have Muslims who are good and Muslims who are bad but behave like they're better than everyone else. I'm also a Christian.
I had a Muslim student once come to my room during my lunch break. I was eating, and the student said, “oh… I’m not allowed to be around someone who is eating during Ramadan.” My response was very simple. “Okay! Well, there’s the door. I’ll see you later.”
Fasting is denying oneself a meal or meals completely during a 24 hour period or more than one day. They have just changed the eating from day to nighttime and they seem to stuff themselves at night. What hypocrites.
whilst You are entirely correct it's actually very healthy to fast for regular periods. i speak from experience. it gives our bodies a chance to work through the backlog of toxins we ingest along with our foods, especially processed foods. people have actually healed from all sorts of things this way. the 'doctor' said there is nothing i could do for the solidified lymph glands in the neck causing years long sore throat over ten years ago. i flushed the lymphatic system with green tea six days a week, clean foods and intermittent fasting, that took around three weeks. the doctors response? "well i'm glad that worked for You but it won't work for anybody else". so according to him i am some other species apparently. now having said all that, when they gorge themselves overnight they completely undo any health benefits gained by fasting all day.
This is bullying in the workplace and should be a sackable offence. The poor guy who was intimidated out of eating his lunch needs to man up and make a formal complaint to his employer, and to the Police for a hate crime ( being called a Kafir)...
A hate crime? That’s way too far. People should be free to speak their minds without fear of recrimination. There is a time and a place, and the work place is not it.
Nonsense, this is joking about in the work place. People who are friendly feel alright to call each other all sorts of worse things than that! And I thought the left were the SJWs! 🤣 Talk about making propaganda out of a molehill!
Absolutely infuriating to watch that guy submit. And you can gaurantee whoever employs the guy acting like a bully will be too scared to discipline him because of "cultural sensitivities".
@@hoppes9658 I didn't know 45-70 was a Ruger cartridge, I thought it existed before Ruger did. I thought it was 45-70 Government. wow. I guess you learn something new every day! 😊
Don't be brash. for me, I enjoy this month. Less traffic on the road, less likely to meet any of our cultural enrichment friends, especially in the park and at the local café.
Wait and see what this is going to do to Britain..the more you sit silent, they will just bully you into this nomadic barbaric cult that they call a religion.,
@@Yvonne-le6jui think arabs created a monstrous culture that overtook their own. a lot of practises that they do now wouldnt be approved by their scholars or their leaders back in the golden age. the only thing left of arab culture is their language and their monster child.
When does a company make a stand on racial bullying, nothing light hearted about this interaction. This company should be named and shamed. This is a prime example of racism and bullying. , obviously this company approves of racism and bullying,
@@samuel56551 There's nothing "light hearted" about saying "look at this kuffar stuffing his face". In South Africa that would absolutely have ended in a disciplinary hearing with the Muslim being disciplined for intimidation and creating a hostile work environment. How the Brits can accept this shit is beyond me.
Please protect Douglas Murray by all means. He is a gem and made to protect civilization. His lone voice echoes louder than the motley cacophony of the oppressive crowd.
Yep, when you want, where you want and in front of whoever you want, if they don't like it then there's plenty of airports for them to piss off to where they practice this nonsense.
@@robedwrds3879 No such thing as a Muslim. The ones I know take and deal drugs, they drink alcohol, eat pork, eat and drink during Ramadan. Their families are Muslim but benefit from all the illegal and anti Muslim activities the sons are profiting from. Then they go to the mosque on a Friday to pray, complete nonsense. Then you hear of them grooming young British girls, why these girls go within 10 miles of them is beyond me, I have two daughters and taught them to go nowhere near them.
The worker should have made a formal complaint against the guy. He was clearly harassing him and using intimidation tactics to get him to comply with what he wanted.
Well he achieved what he set out to do, could hear others that seemed to be agreeing. But then again who is in charge and who are the owners of this work place. Plus what is the ratio of staff who are "no food till sundown" Doubt very much if the guy would be backed. But if the shoe was on the other foot the place would have been inundated by a mob!
We have been living this situation in Greece 🇬🇷 for years!!! And we have been warning you since the very beginning about these people!!! Now ... DIGEST IT!
Greece did evict the muslims in the 1800's after 400 years of rape and invasion tactics. freedom war Lord Byron went to help so will I do the same come on Greeks take up arms to stop this multicultural shyte.
In Australia where we have the highest Greek population outside of Athens.the Greeks only took 2 Australian born generations before they assimilated fully. Helped that they were Christians moving to a Christian country to start with.
I am a white male, UK citizen. I love my flag and country. I have served in the Military and as a Paramedic. Our police protect those in the UK that want to burn our flag! They can't wear poppy's during remembrance. We cannot even fly our own flag without being asked to take it down. How many other flags from other countries fly in UK but that is ok! Every other ethnic race, religion or culture are protected in the UK except mine! If I speak out I am racist! My freedom of speech has disappeared. If i set fire to a Muslim flag or a Palestinian flag or any other nations flag I will be arrested. If I try to stop someone burning my flag the police will arrest me! If you are a British citizen, no matter the race or religion you should respect that what it is to be British. I am sick to death how now every race can slag me off for being white. I have never felt so isolated in my own country. This Country is failing me.
Thats right. Hell, Im not a UK citizen but the fact that you can get arrested for preventing your own country flag being burn is just outright stupid in every perceivable sense.
Some cultures are horrifically rude and uncivilized to the point of even interrupting a person's meal. A lack of sophistication and friendliness is what I see here.
I am sick of being told to be ashamed of my culture and it's main religion while showing respect for others culture and chosen religion. When in another country I do, If I was in a position where I either needed to, or chose to live elsewhere (Virtually impossible now due to BREXIT) I would still have the common decency to respect that nation's values and be grateful for the opportunity of being able to live there as a free man.
❤ 100% ADFParty. UK (google it) no whip except the voters, no big sponsorships, genuine grassroots people like you. Stand against your MP, run for councillor. We are fed up independent British people loosely aligned with the knowledge that policies are harming the average people
Agree, they should have nipped this in the bud ages ago, in Belgium Muslims tried to take control by becoming politicians. Once in power they were going to introduce sharia law, that's one the west will have to watch out for.
Not only in the U.K... All people in the western world that don't want that bs need to unite, there is no other way to stop this absolute madness... I don't know what happen that we got to this point, i really don't know. I was talking about it like 10-15 years ago and people where not believing me, now they do but allot of people are still not believing it and think these are conspiracy theories. Without every clear thinking person uniting, worldwide we will not stop this, because allot of people will only notice it if it's to late already.
I am currently in Indonesia. I encountered no problem whatsoever eating and drinking, even alcohol, during Ramadan. Nobody here seems to be offended. It is a mystery to me why it would be a problem in Britain. Last year, during Ramadan, I was in Malaysia. Same thing. No problem at all.
A working class guy eating warmed up pasta during his lunch break has to feel guilty because of this entitled hateful bigoted bunch .
He didn't have to feel guilty, he chose to. Cowardice.
Why was the islamobully in the lunch room if he’s not eating? Filming to catch the evil istophobe daring be an individual. I wouldn’t call him a coward, he’s probably got a family to support and can’t afford to be charged with a hate crime.
@@craigwhitelaw1481no, it's cowardice.
@@danielward7008 I suppose he didn't want the hassle
Problem if you don't fight back.
It’s disgraceful no British person should have to put up with this. It’s Britain not the Middle East 👎🏻
Britian is going to end up like Kosovo. Now you know what the Serbs endured.
I didn't get it.
Interestingly, I was working in Abu Dhabi during Ramadan a few years back at a clients premises.
The kitchen area actually put food on for those non-nuslim personnel who were working there...
They didn't cause any bother....they actually recognised the fact that we weren't muslim, and didn't follow Ramadan...... so no issue was caused....they were polite and courteous to us non-muslims.
It serms it is just protagonists intent on causing division who are the problem........if its no problem in the Middle East....why is it here in the UK....???
Just stupid-minded, arrogant morons trying to cause a problem and division, where none actually exists.
@@MizrahiChicklol. Nice try Muslim lover but no. Israel is not. Try again?
At the rate we are importing young Muslim men off of boats Britain will soon become an Islamic state.
London will be first I expect. Already thousands of Muslim hard liners pack the streets calling for the death of Jews plus it was fine to project "from the river to the sea" onto the Big Ben tower and then chant Islamic prayers in parliament .
I'd suggest it you were still in education get yourself a Quran and learn Arabic before it's too late !
He's NOT being mocked, he's being insulted, intimidated and harassed!!
They should be ashamed of themselves, he was not a Muslim. Poor man..
True, if they want to fast that's their choice! If someone else wants their lunch they should respect that and say NOTHING!
they looking for a reaction to acuse him of more insults and claim victim get time off work for it with a kabal of people backing him and will win .not all muslims are like this tho.
@andydudley1775 True, not all Muslims are like this. Most would have just much worse! Done as much as they thought they could get away with!
That's racist if he is expected to follow what * they * do.
It's our country ,not theirs!
Back , then , now is Britishstan , too many qypsys mouslims there !
Not for much longer, unfortunately!
If you don’t like us eating during a Muslim fasting period…..Don’t come here!!
They should have to sign a contract to say they must give up the cult if they want to enter our country ..they had too in the 50s.
I will eat what I want when I want, in particular when on my work lunch break in facilities provided and couldnt give two hoots about respecting anyones elses religion or culture as it doesnt concern me. I'm only interested in the British way of life and that guys company should make it clear to these people that bullying will not be tolerated and dismissal will follow if they continue to put other members of staffs health at risk. Also depending on the job isnt it irresponsible and potentially dangerous to be fasting, esp if the job requires high levels of concentration, is physical or machinery or driving is involved, maybe the insurance companies should request this information?
Resist. Refuse to comply. Your religion, your choice
Man, this video bullshit, the vast majority of Muslims do not care if you eat in front of them during Ramadan. They even feel uncomfortable if you hold yourself from eating because of them.
@thulomanchay It is already too late. Too many refuse to wake up and too many are weak and afraid.
That's bullying in the workplace. The guy filming should be instantly dismissed.
Mzlims are unsackable in this country!
Exactly my thoughts.
"What, it's Ramadan? Here, have some of my delicious pork sandwich! Nom nom nom."
Definately bullying but, but do you think the boss will do anything about it?
Our politicians NEVER had the right to give our country away.
They've all forgotten that they are our servants. They are there to serve us as a people. We voted them in to do a job and to protect our nation. This insanity has to stop. Even our very own king is up to his ears with the WEF and ensured Klaus Schwab was knighted (even though German), by our late queen. 'Nuff said!
@@chelamcguire They have not forgotten, they just don't care, and they will keep doing what they are doing because Brits are not standing up to them, just talking.
It's a war we are in they only have to influence a few people in power to allow the mass invasion by stealth .
More of us have to stand up and be counted. So, you are 100% correct.@@AMan-JCIL
But they did... and you didn't do - and are still not doing - jack sh*t about it... except for b*tching online of course..
they said ramadhan is about patience and forgiving, but look at the reality....total hypocricy
hypocrisy is a feature of conservatives religious.
Trashbags always stealing and fighting and exactly being hypocrites on the galema galema day
No its not about that. Its about submission.
Ramadan is about disciplined mind and body. We used to have something similar in Christianity
Rites are about submission, conformism.
It's like cancer. The longer you ignore it, the worse it gets...
Youve hit the nail on the head.
Apparently it’s spreading quite rapidly throughout Europe.
This Man is entitled to his Lunch Break under Employment Laws. He is entitled NOT to be harassed at work. He should seriously consider filing a Lawsuit.
A bunch of christianophobes
Yeah ! Shut these idiots mouths !!
It's a fake staged video just like all ya'lls fake outrage over it😂
Ya'll are ridiculous
@@billyyank5807 Prove it big mouth
U.K. You need to stand up to these foreigners and tell them that this is STILL ENGLAND.
Not any more! You have ethnic minorities in charge of Britain, Scotland and Wales, we have been occupied!
It's hard, and we can't.. they pull the card and we are in the wrong.. feel sorry for the guy, should of carry on eating.. don't effect us..
It's hard to stand up to entitled refugees, when it's their own British government protecting them. Brits can't really do much, they're disarmed citizens. Unlike USA, they don't have a second amendment, protecting their rights to self defense against a tyrannical government.
Britain is paying for all its inequities😢. This country is so free that SATAN has crept in long ago. Wake up. Stand for yourself before your little girls are sold as s$x slaves, before your women are draped in black sackcloth from head to toe, before you become another Syria, Afghanistan or Pakistan
The British are pushovers, they won't.
DAFUQ !! it does not work like that
As a muslim, he should respect people who is not the same faith as him.
RAMADAN ONLY FOR MUSLIMS, non - muslims should not be forced to do Ramadan.
The man who eats his pasta does not offend any muslims, he just want to have his lunch.
I am Muslim, I shared a rent with my Filifino friend, he used to eat, drink, smoke, eating bacon, right in front of my eyes, just like normal day and I did not feel offended, it is me who do fasting, so I have no problem at all.
This is WRONG ..... very WRONG
Yeah Muslims like these are giving a bad name to Islam. It makes me so sad because Islam is meant to be a religion of peace and respect but they literally shamed a non-muslim man for eating. What's the point of them fasting if they can't even give respect to others?
Yeah this video is hilarious, but moslty sad, dude look at his eyes, how he speaks and acts out. He is so not not scared. Very scared.
If all Muslims believed what you said, their land of heritage would be so different than what we see today
I know. I’m Christian and I don’t go around forcing Muslims to take communion with me.
Good on you man. One my my managers was muslim but he was raised and loves the UK, and completely respected our culture. Very funny, solid awesome man. He also knew I loved spicy food sos used to make me hot sauces and things. I was sad when he handed his notice in.
This company should order free bacon butties all round. This company must answer for this racist abuse
Heaven hates ham. Christopher Hitchens
@@loafersheffieldNothing from God is unclean. It's not what goes into men's mouths that is evil. It is what comes out!
Where I worked management stopped any pork dishes at Christmas meals to appease 3 moslims that worked there 2 of which had a very aggressive nature and had physical altercations with fellow workers without consequence
People need to wake up . A management push back against this sort of behaviour at work is never going to happen . For the same reason it doesn't happen in wider society or government . People are too cowardly , they don't want to be called racist , or the new stigma , " Islamophobic " .
Bacon butty@@dannym5345
Being called a non-believer by a Muslim means they are calling you a demon and don't see you as human.
No. It means that we acknowledge that you do not believe what we believe.
@@masotacticswhich then moves on to death to all infidels. Muslims are so backwater it's actually funny seeing how poor they are
No it doesn't, you are trying to force your religion on us, religion of peace what a fucking joke,singled that man out because he was on his own and those cowards had numbers,I would like to see them go into a transport cafe full of burley lorry drivers, they would be wearing that pasta@@masotactics
@@masotactics if that was the case here , then why mock him eating if they acknowlege he does not believe in fairy tales?
Surely that feeling is reciprocated.
This happend to me once at lunch in a café at work where many muslims worked. A muslim also called me a pig for eating pork meat. I totally snapped and told him I would wait for him outside after work. I did , and then he apologized and told me he didn’t really mean it. Yeah right lol. But I let him go and it never happened again to me!
Just tell him Pig don't eat pigs I eat pig because I am not Pig like you.
They are basically ipocrite and coward.
A typical strategy they use: dissimulation! Playing the victims even when they are the attackers.
"Yeah right lol." how in tarnation can someone be so cynical after someone apologizes to them for a minor transgression and says that they didn't mean it?? Just forgive the guy man, there's no point deluding yourself into thinking there's malice or bad will after he apologized to you.
Also, saying you "waited outside for him after work" and that you "let him go" very much implies you were gonna be violent. Even if you weren't, it doesn't really help your case to say stuff like that. I agree that it was bad for him to call you a pig but to then pettily not accept his apology and say you "let him go" as if you planned to do something is utterly insane behaviour.
Yer thts there speed all mouth no trousers they can give it all that but when you turn up to deliver they retreat up there own bum hole
The more Brits bend the knee to these people, the more they will think that they are in control. It's down to YOU to show them that they are NOT in control in OUR country! If there is a gang of them, hang around, get on your phone and call your gang to come to you. Don't cave into intimidation tactics!
Simple, " So sorry, I'm on my lunch now - I'm not muslim. See if Jez (eg the boss) can change your times for you"
You know, typical Brit.
It's fine to be called an infidel if they see it that way - just not to react - it's not a game for both sides. Just the one.
Our woman's England football team still take the knee but if you don't like what they are doing your a racist this country had I feel sorry for my grand kids
The interesting thing in my company was, that the Brits were the once bending their knees, and us Europeans were the ones challenging them and some HR decisions.
However, since C19 and Brexit, 80% of EU employees left the business.
We have since a large amount of Asian people working for us.
We are receiving eMails from HR to celebrate Ramadan with our colleagues and be considerate during our lunch brakes, like not eat at the desk next to them....
I'm working for a large international company, in their IT department....
When I saw that email, I immediately had to get to Subways, get a nice, smelly sub and sat down at my desk.
I'd suggest Ramadan celebrants went elsewhere at lunchtime. @GoalSquad666
every class in britain is bending the knee. i doubt most people commenting are even british.
That Was BULLYING and RACISM. He had every right to enjoy His lunch, The one Involved Should be FIRED.
If this had been white people telling a Muslim not to eat, all hell would've broke loose.
I'm sick of these entitled groups telling me what I can and can't do in my own nation.
Definitely was bullying and racism. He calls him a kuffar and 'stuffing his face', not 'eating'. Its disgrace viewing.
Guy was outnumbered and either intimidated or shocked, look at his laugh to himself as he puts his lunch away.
The goatphuquer filming can go back where he came from.
So a non Muslim is persecuted in his own country for eating.
Well then stay in your home & fast or go back to your country if you dont like the British way.
They are the RACIST!!
I'm with u on that #Firehimnow
If he is NOT muslim, he CAN eat!!!! Simple as that!!!! Shame on those muslims shaming him for eating!!!!!!!!
@@obelix_gaul Are you really a billionaire?
Instant deportation! For not recognising our ways in our country!
shaming people is haram during the period of fasting. so next time it happens tell them its haram and they will shut up real quick lol
He should be able to eat even if he is a Muslim. Uk is not under slam in laws. No one should be stop from eating.
As a indian Hindu we got used to it I didn't know that situation is this worse in the UK
Wake up secular Christians save your culture
sh shshush ! , they are sleeping
As a Hindu in India, with several Muslim friends, I have never experienced this. I have heard though that it is very common in Malaysia.
thats the problem. i mean im agnosticbut if you try to say anything we are racist horiffic people so its a lose lose situation
All religions are shit not just islam
@@jayashreesmani5641 probably because most Muslims in India were converted from hindus. So it’s a culture problem not religion
If I was treated like that
I am bringing pork fries, bacon and beer next day 👍
Me too. I don't eat meat, but I will bring pork anyway.
Big drama 😂😂😂😂
🤣and Chips cooked in Lard
I don't like pork but I will gladly bring pork and beer.
Good . Me too how dare he ? Its not my believe . Hello? This is a christian country . I ran away from a strict muslim country and now we are being bullied and if we say anything we are rasict we are islamofobic . ENOUGH
My response “You bigot I’m not Muslim.” And then filed with HR on the premise of bigotry and racism. Not dealing with these racists anymore.
HR pushes all this anti-English pro-Muslim stuff. I was "asked" by HR not to warm up my egg and bacon sandwich in the microwave oven because it offended the Muslims. For a while I refused to give in but eventually it just became too unpleasant for me dealing with the accusations, so I walked down the road and ate them cold. It was not the Muslims but the feminist white women in HR and throughout the facility who made all the fuss about it and inferred I was racist because of it. I don't work there anymore.
If O understand right it wasn't canteen - perhaps this is the reason? he should eat in canteen?
@@bibastarmedia9650it was in the canteen, what are you pretending to not understand??? The Muslim is a racist bigot.
And if there's no canteen where's he supposed to eat, the men's lavatory???
Reality is HR would probably fire him for the hate crime of islamaphobia.
Heard recently hard line Muslims are trying to get blasphemy laws reintroduced in the UK so as it will be illegal to criticise Islam !
Our politicians should be in jail for doing this to our country.
What law have they broken?
La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah ☪️ ☪️☪️☪️
@@smrriles5668They are traitors serving foreign interests.
Aint London's mayor not british?
Doing what? What crime do you imagine they committed?
I was once told by some Pakistanis that I was forbidden to eat my full English Breakfast in a staff canteen because it upset them. What a joke the UK has become!!!
I'd bring bacon sandwiches in the next day
Pig's ear anyone?
Ignore them! I am ashamed that the British Government is not standing up to this nonsense?
Because the members of your Parliament also come from somewhere else.
They're not british.
I've have told them to foff.
British government is actively BEHIND this nonsense... UK has now a WEF minion as PM and things like this is going to get a LOT worse.
Never mind the government, they ain't gonna save us. I'm ashamed that the British people are too cowed to stand up for themselves.
I'm in Florida U.S.A. and worked at a state prison and when the small amount of about 30 inmates in my dorm complained that I was not observing Ramadan with them and not fasting during the hours of daylight I told them I'm not Muslim and don't participate in their religion so it doesn't apply to me and happily continued eating my bacon cheeseburger, they initiated a formal grievance saying that I was offending and disrespecting them by my actions, I had some kind of pork in my lunch everyday that I worked during Ramadan and never heard any word back on their grievances, I stood my ground and refused to comply with their demands.
I admire you standing your ground.
Ppl should stand their ground...they get more entitled because they are many and they will force to apply their law to other ppl..they dont have logic nor tolerance, thats whats happen when they invade your country..
I hope more ppl are like you, you guys need to stand together against this bs
It is disgusting that they were not terminated for their reporting on you.
We must make it illegal also in my state of Washington to have a company policy to not offend anyone. I was terminated for someone feeling offended when I said something not offensive in any way. Good grief.
Sounds like hunger pains,,,did you offer them a bite?
Well done 👏
Lebanon was the only Christian country in the Middle East until it started letting in refugees in from surrounding countries. It is now a chaotic Muslim country.
Lebanon was the last Christian country left
Did the Palestinians care about the Lebanese ?, seems what goes around comes around , Brigitte Gabrielle
@@smallfeet4581 *Palestinian Arabs
To Muslims tolerance is a weakness to be exploited.
Lebanon should be a lesson to everyone what happens when Islam moves in.
If it’s not stopped in our country then we are not protecting what our families and friends fought for in two wars, nothing.
Take it to your HR department. This is discrimination at work. Sack these people.
HR department will favour with the muslims or they would be labelled as "racist"
Our HR dept has asked people next week to fast for the last day of "you know what" in support of their M colleagues.
Holy Thursday next week and the end of Lent for all those Christians out there, in this Christian country - not an F ing word from HR about that though.
Needless to say the response to the fasting has been met with a mute response, so much so there have been more emails pleading people to join in. 🤣
Take it where you like but it will do no good as the police and government are to wokified to have the balls or guts to say NO!!!
HR is nothing but a bunch of credential-slinging virgins and childless cat ladies.
@@hughblack6831time to double down on the eating!
He should lodge a complaint with his employers. This is bullying and intimidation.
I agree. Most employers have an equal opportunities policy.
It's racism not bullying. In fact, it's a hate crime.
Count to 10 Stevey the lads were having a laugh don’t be a Karen.
he seamed quite happy to go along with it
They say that, but it aint true. Even praying is allowed during work while everybody else has to work. Have seen it at multiple jobs. Ur just Islamophobic. Normal people cant risk much to do anything, cause if u loose, ull be in the newspaper or on tv, as u are seeing now.@@polythenewrappedme6102
If someone came up to me and tried to shame me as to why I'm eating my lunch on a Wednesday I'd laugh in their face. Grow a spine. This is your country, and those are NOT your customs.
Mocked by someone who would have eaten early in the morning. I don't wake up to eat early hours of the morning. I break my fast around 11/12.
I agree with you to a point but the intimidation directed towards him, could have turned nasty! And it would appear that he was outnumbered by these gross people ...
@@BeverleyGrobelaarHe was weak and alone. If he fought the coward men of Britain wouldnt aid him.
@@BeverleyGrobelaarThen fucking let it get nasty! Fights are won by whoever gets most brutal.
I’d make sure Thursdays lunch would be bacon and pork chops.
Called him a kuffar, that's a sacking offense as it's a clear insult.
Will never happen. Remember only white people can be racist.
Right, then the guy gets “culturally enriched” down down dark alley
not if your Muslim... your rights don't count.
@@TheFluffyDuck Are you scared of Muzzo's, they are cowards on their own? Dont be weak minded, stand up for you personal beliefs and never give an inch.
Why does the media not pick up on this?
Any British person that speaks out against any none British person is classed as being racist trust me your not you just care about your country there is a big difference 🇬🇧
But you ARE a racist 😅
He was not "stuffing his face"
He was having his lunch.
At lunchtime.
Which he could have eaten elsewhere.
@@petergaskin1811 So he has to leave HIS OWN DESIGNATED LUNCHROOM TO EAT HIS MEAL?🥴 Why not tell the Muslim if he doesn’t like it he can LEAVE! 😵💫
OH?? Was he eating in a muslim country?@@petergaskin1811
@@petergaskin1811 No, they can go back.
@@petergaskin1811 That's how they take over. Doesn't take many to be a critical mass.
Don't give these people an inch because if you do they'll take a yard.
@@brothermaleuspraetor9505 *Kilometre.
Give them an inch they will take your country. Reform
@@brothermaleuspraetor9505 *Kilometre.
… they’ll take everything
Someone who moves to my own country and calls me an infidel, is actually the infidel to me.
When I was in Iraq during the surge, I was expected to follow their customs and traditions, because it was their country. I come back home, and now, I'm expected to follow THEIR customs and traditions in MY OWN COUNTRY???
@@IrishAmerican17, they are very illogical. They are ALWAYS criticising us, but when we criticise them they start calling us all sorts of names, According to their own books, the person whom they follow, and whose name starts with an "M' committed so many evil deeds, and yet they call him "the best of Humanity". Without exaggerating, a dog is a much better person than he, whom they call "the best of Humanity", ever was
Muslims worship Saturn, they just don't know it, Islam is Saturn worship, Saturn is Satan, they also worship the Sun and Moon.
They always forget this is our country not theirs. They are unwelcome guests here at best.
I would have carried on eating as a matter of principal! The fact the man gave in a got up and left is not to his credit but shows the cowardice that has become prevalent in the UK. Appeasing these people is not the way forward!
Let's face facts, these people think they rule the world, and our cowardly politicians are allowing them to do just that!
Exactly. I'd have done the British thing of making witty wise-crack jokes and carried on eating. This guy looks like the type of man who'd do that, I was surprised he obeyed. He looks like a proper jack the lad but obviously looks can be deceiving.
@@whiskii Perhaps he's afraid of losing his job. With times being what they are, every penny is needed
I would sue the company and everyone involved for workplace bullying and equality at work. Solicitors will be falling over themselves...
No they will not. Too scared of being called racist & hounded out of business.
Sorry to tell you - won't happen: happened to my aunt at a bicycle factory: her coworkers practically abolished the lunchbreak during the "fasting season" because they wanted to be home earlier for their families. Complaint to the bosses more than 30 years back, showed them helpless: "please work it out among yourselves Ladys, WE don't want a knive stuck in our tyres or backs". Silly THEY were the BOSSES and there still is a law to protect your lunchbreak, maybe a complaint to the union would have been more effective... The factory had to close some years back - other reasons, but poor management certainly played a role there too.
You would be ignored . The management are self - interested cowards usually , too . If you pushed it , they'd probably try to label you a racist bully / religious discriminatory instead of this clown .
Wtf is going on it’s about time people actually protested about unfair treatment to the British national..but social control does what their Tory paymasters tell them..I wonder what’s really behind all this immigration of Muslims malarky ..one day they will rise up and take over England and it’s just gonna happen.
There is only one solution.
How low this country has sunk definitely voting Reform
I think those who have never voted OR have voted Conservative or Labour WE ALL NEED TO GET OUT AND VOTE REFORM. Otherwise awe will LOSE OUR COUNTRY. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
You obviously don't know reform 🤦🏻♂️
@@christinewigley2206You don't either
They should name and shame the company where this happened! Disgusting!
I'm French and a similar thing happened to me litterally last week.
A Muslim coworker of mine told me it wasn't cool and understanding of me to drink water in front of him ...
Time for the British to take their country back.
If you let it go much further you will be strangers in your own country.
The British who lost their lives for your generation are probably crying now.
Couldn't agree more! They should start by taking it back from Northern Ireland!
Nobody lost their lives for any generation, they lost their lives for banks and weapons manufacturers.
Turning in their graves
They fight for globalists 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is absurd. Poland, Hungary and most all the eastern european states dont deal with this at all. Because their government and people won't let too many in nor tolerate them
They remember, keenly, what it's like to have a 'benevolent outsider' waltz into their countries and upend their entire way of life.
We have never suffered that indignity before.
Poland has always been open for everyone: Africa, Asia, Middle-East, former USSR states. However, there are rules one needs to obey to be welcomed and accepted in our society. You have to arrive legally. You have to respect the law, local customs and culture. And you have to be a contributing member of the society. We have plenty of our own slackers already, we don't need foreign ones.
Result? Everyone either assimilates very quickly or leaves to Germany/France/UK looking for troubles and freebies.
Well, we had 500 years of attempts to get rid of Muslim rule and get the Muslims out of countries. We fought for that. And now we're being told to invite them in?! No, thanks!
Hungary? Hungarians can't make up their mind about their identity. When they are not too busy prostituting themselves to Russians, they are best buddies with turkic (by coincidence heavily muslim) nations like Turkey, Azerbaijan or Tajikistan.
People don't seem to realize the modus operandi of Islam: *migrate to foreign areas en masse, and when a high enough demographic ratio is reached, begin to affect systemic change on the host society.* They're nice enough at first, but eventually it results in either complete demographic replacement, _dhimmism_ (eg; the original inhabitants become a second-rate underclass who are forced to pay _Jizya;_ the "infidel's tax" and are treated poorly and restricted in their freedoms), or open war that either ends in Muslim domination or expulsion. How do you think the current so called Islamic World that dominates almost half the globe grew to be its current size? It wasn't through non-violent proselytizing but by hostile, albeit creeping, takeover. This is the unpleasant fact of the current mass migration that is literally taking over the West right now.
Of course, one is an evil --ist --phobe of various sorts and subject to cancellation and unpersoning if one notices or objects to this hostile takeover today.
This is all over Europe not only in the UK. Muslims live in the middle ages for most of them.
Europe needs to wake up. And fast, before it's too late.
I respected them in their country, all I ask is for the respect to be reciprocated.
not gonna happen scott, they are here to take over, the uk has lost its identity and has gone too far to get back our morals, its true that if you voice an opinion you are called racist or islamaphobic, we really are doomed, i was in kuwait 20 years ago and we were told by our employers to follow the rules and DO NOT look at women (not that there was many on the streets) like you say we behave over there but they show utter contempt for us and our ways
Enjoy the fantasy.
If you don't want to see people eating, don't go into a canteen.
I agree 100% - they could retreat to their prayer room. Good morning from Alberta.
Well, thats a good point. What are they doing in a canteen during their idiot fast.
@@Simonet1309 Probably should block the entrance to the canteen to help them avoid any temptation.
Bullying non-muslims.@@Simonet1309
What were they in the canteen in the first place. They not supposed to see food till sunset.hypocreates.
Never be dictated by anyone in your own country be proud to be British
Sounds good, you guys should put it in into practice.
@@CT-vu1jr- the tide is turning. Watch this space.
Proud of flat warm beer and soggy chips,oh and our national football team that has'nt won anything for 62 years.lol
@@daviddeida - where do you drink flat warm beer and soggy chips so that people won't go there.
@@jsemplefelton5348 Its called ebgland,a right sh*thole
The religion of 'peace' demonstrating exactly what they are!
Well done for speaking up.
Hostile work environment = sue the employer = own the company.
Then sack all the non British workers.
Looks like this situation fits within the definition of workplace harassment/bullying. I smell the potential of a lawsuit
Good luck with that in the U.k. that's probably not a thing 😂
Its our country, our laws and rules, our culture. Fit in with us or leave.!!!
yep white brits are the native peoples
Unfortunately it doesn't work that way, soon they will be claiming it's their country because they are large in numbers and ask you to leave or convert or die. We Indians are used to this tactics. It's not too late for you guys but yes this is your last chance.
Save it if u still can😂
That's what they would say in their country. If you got out alive
It is yours, is it( I guess you have lost it big time, unfortunately. Along with most of the Western Europe
Imagine starving yourself all day, being grumpy and angry at others for eating. Then, when the sun goes down, you proceed to eat like a pig 🤷🏼♂️
Not only that, but end up making bad decisions due to dehydration - I wouldn’t want to be ill in hospital during Ramadan! The NHS need to ban day time fasting as it renders their services unsafe!
Not a pig, maybe a fish. Or a banana.
@davidk3729 nope like a PIG sounds good and better
It's called 'intermittent fasting' 😂
We have "this" for over 30 Years in Germany... And the Government tells us, it's fine, don't worry.
Don't worry means the opposite in my experience.
F our politicians for letting this into our country. If I were a politician, I would sleep with one eye open.
Cop out. When are people going to look into the mirror and realise THEY are as guilty as the politicians for destroying our way of life. Immigration has been happening for years yet WE have sat on our laurels.
That's a big shame, he should of eaten his food. Brits you have to stand up for yourselves!
They never do
@missprimproper1022 Well I'll have to take tour word for it because its online and you could be making it up but even brits that think they are patriotic and in their words stand up for themselves in reality do very little. I guess it's because they are used to a weak soft life and being told what to do and complying hoping not to upset anyone.Unfortunately, where these people come from, they don't think that way, they just see it as weakness and laugh
He closed his lunchbox, said nothing and walked away!……It’s what us British have been doing for the past 40 years and now, because we didn’t speak up sooner are having to deal with the consequences! Our own apathy and not wishing to ‘rock the boat’ has led us to this! 🤔
Or in the foreigners eyes being weak and soft
Oh my crises! How awful, someone choosing to be a little thoughtful of others! You are all a bunch of bigoted weirdos.
They know you won't fight back..and are training all of you about their rules for their special days. They want to take England over. So you better start standing up for your country.
He actually said sorry!!
@@anthonysherry2628 I probably would have too. And eaten outside.
😢I had a similar experience in Nigeria. I am a christian. What they are doing is intimidation. Everyone should take a stand against their intolerance.. They are in tolerate of other people's religion.
Their whole belief system is militancy and forced conversion.
We need rid of Khan and that crap on the station info board needs to stop 😡😡😡😡😡
You are wet.
But instead of doing that you vote him back again and again and again. You wanted this and you voted accordingly. You made your bed
@@OlafRoosterThe individual did not necessarily do that.
They are trying this crap in Ireland too. We need to stick together.
In Canada we have private snowplows to solve this issue. Drive and clear the impediments
They'll never get away with it here Ireland they have some nerve calling people false when there book I won't mention the name of there pedophile book is false they are truly fools
Agreed. Our culture is only done for if we let it be that way. People are slowly waking up. We don't have to be unpleasant about it, just stand our ground. I wish that guy had just ignored them. I hope the employers have a word with the camera guy and tell him that respect goes both ways.
@@recceeboy1237 You can'[t do shit in Canada or in any western nation as long as peacefuls are used/supported by zionists or globalists for their new world order.
My God listen to yourself...'we don't have to be unpleasant about it"...
Muslims care as much for your opinions as they do for the barking of dogs !
You all write silly little comments on Utube because it's all you're brave enough for.
Not one of you will stand up for fear of being called a racjst, it's a country full of scared little sheeple, hoping someone else will sort fallout for them.
Christians aren't made to deal with Muslims : one is a fanatical idology who worship a man who beheaded 600 men and boys in one day ; and the other is timid, meek and Jesus loving ; thou shalt not kill ...it's even a sin to kill YOURSELF....
So, you see how not being 'unpleasant ' isn't really going to do anything at all.
It's all going to get VERY unpleasant.
As an ex-muslim, I would suggest all British should start eating bacon in front of Muslims !!
Don't worry ,we don't intend to stop eating pork or bowing to their imaginary friend,
One of my closest friends is Pakistani muslim but he's clearly conflicted with his faith. Once during breaktime a few years ago he traded some lunch with another friend who had bacon in his sandwich, so he let him know but he decided not to care and actually ended up liking it 😂
(We're from South Africa btw so our Muslim community isn't nearly as radical and insular as the UK)
I don't like pork, but I will start eating it.
@@ianhill4585Allah is not a friend to Muslims he/she/it is their master and they are slaves.
Pork Scratchings Mmm 😋
If that was me in that chair.. that man filming would've worn my pasta for that insult
Could you imagine the uproar if they were mocked whilst praying.
Support from the irish, it's happening here too , take our countries back dump our current government's on the street ..
Think we’re all united on this! Enough is enough.
Reunification of ENGLAND, IRELAND, WHALES AND SOTLAND!!!! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
@@damonrobus-clarke533nah much rather Muslims than brits
@@jackylegs6668never heard of Whales or Sotland. Thankfully Ireland was never british
Blame the people who pushed for open borders and massive immigration. That should have never been allowed. This nonsense is happening all over the west even in USA, Canada.
Ah so because you see it once it means every Muslim is mocking none Muslims for eating during Ramadan of a Christian rapes some one or murders does that mean all Christians are rapists and murderers . I am a white man with a muslim woman and have Muslim friends and they don't give a fuck about me eating during Ramadan or in fact eating pork they don't care what I do. I can't say that all muslims.are like those though because of my experience just as you can't say it the other way round.
It seems it's more of an invasion than immigration at this point.
Blame the people who don't want to pay British people British wages for manual labour and import manual workers from Poland and Pakistan.
When a pack of them from Yemen approached my about respecting the religion.
I replied you may thrown down your rug five times a day. Then bend over and tell the rest of the world to kiss your ass five times day.
I don't. It is what you do.
But if you tell me. I have to join you.
Oh but you must.
No you have the freedom to believe what you believe. But I don't care to join or watch
In case you insist. I can hit 3 inch target from 300 yards with iron sights. My rifle, then says no.
I guess you don't understand THE REAL MEANING OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.
When it is time to settle up with Allah. I will settle up with Allah. Not You.
As far as I know neither God or Allah needs your help or my help with that.
Before I got deployed they did not avoid me. When I came back they stayed away. I wonder why?
It was not my first time in the sandbox.
You know what the worst part is? That we aren't united. I'm not talking about just the English here. I am referring to other nations going through the same problems.
This is happening everywhere. People are forced to sell their houses and move out of areas due to this. Police forces are getting pelted with stones and acid bombs. Pre-teen kids are openly yelling things that are enough to scare a grown man.
When a developed country, like England, raises this issue, people seem very supportive of them on social media. But when people from a developing country stand up to the same, they are mocked, ridiculed, gaslighted and what not by the very people from these big nations.
I think at least we, the common people ( and not the government), should have each other's backs and save each other from these conspired propagandas and narratives.
They get a place of their own to pray at work and even able to stop work to pray and still get paid, but this worker can't even have his lunch in peace. That person that gave him a hard time should be fired. Everyone has rights and if that's not the case than it should go both ways.
I used to hate it when smokers got 5 minutes break every hour or so for a ciggy, I am a non smoker and had to keep cracking on. I wouldn't put up with the prayer breaks, I have heard about them but having worked for myself for fifteen years haven't seen them. If they get a prayer break I would take the same amount of time to scroll through facebook. Cant give to one and not the other.
Where I used to work I would join the blokes having a ciggy, and tell the non smokers to down tools and take 5 until we had finished our ciggies.
@@BobLouden-r9q When I worked for Labour Hire companies a lot of businesses didn't allow that which always caused problems for them with their workers.
Of course it should. Absolutely ridiculous. I am half Jewish and i once asked to be off work on a Saturday as it was the Sabbath. You can probably guess the response I got! If I was a Muslim I bet I would have got any religious request I made! It makes me Absolutely sick!!?
There's no way I'd have stopped eating my lunch!...Not for anyone or anything!....
Stunning and brave
La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah ☪️☪️☪️☪️☪️
@@khaleelal-saeed8762 Piss on islam.
I totally disagree with being " politically correct " and ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to bend my knee to intimidation from ZELOTS !!!!
I wouldn't even describe the attitude of constantly kowtowing to Muslims "politically correct". Their actions are a blatant abuse of the fundamental British values of tolerance, respect, rule of law and individual liberty. Giving them their own way is about as politically incorrect as you can get.
That's you though. You're not woke. Too many are.
ALL zealots I hope, not just those of one select religion.
Now imagine being India and the Hindus who have been facing this for the past 70 years.
You are also doing the same
70 years? 70 years? 1200 years my friend, please do some research. The first Muslim invasion of India was by the Arabs who were led by Mahommad Bin Qasim. It took place in 711 A. D. and resulted in the conquest of Sind. (Wikipedia) Indians were slaughtered by them by the millions over a millennium, forced to convert and humiliated in many ways. Ghazni invaded India 17 times and completely destroyed temples, universities and stole far more wealth than the British took from us.
How dare they tell us what we should do in our own country..🤯
Not ours for much longer thanks to our shite MP's & the lazy vast majority who can't be arsed to vote.
Not your country anymore!
Because your leaders gave it away to other people.
simply because it is no longer "your country"... all Western Governments are the same.
I didn’t say it was MY country !
This is where your lawyer files a “toxic workplace” lawsuit.
My lawyer is filing a lawsuit against my senile parents because they disinherited me. A mother-in-law is not to chase anybody out of their own kitchen.
Except that would end up being a lawsuit against you for being toxic cuz you were eating during Ramadan and that could be seen as a toxic micro aggression 😂
@@8itesizeI was thinking the same thing. It's a bit like the victim of theft going to prison for refusing to hand over his wallet when being robbed.
@@8itesize He indeed was more like spreading toxic substances into the environment instead of voluntarily consuming that rubbish undisturbed, and without winning advice of those noticing his doubt, which in case of for instance covid viruses has some, not much but anyway, jurisprudence in my country. I would not advise that on your insula, because it is secluded from the main land. We would rather ask to stop shitting in the North Sea.
If the employer is allowing this form of bullying then they are complicite and should be prosecuted,
Totally right, it seems they are running a high school and not a business. In high school at least kids don't know until you teach them, but in a professional place?
Big drama 😂😂💯
According to them,
This thing,
What happened,
Is a moral victory for them...
People don’t give up your culture or your human rights! 🇺🇸 🏴
The correct response is "I'm not bloody Muslim, I'm a normal person"
And how, pray, do you define normal? Same as you, no doubt?
@@davidf6326 Correct!
@@davidf6326 lol thats what the muslims want, everyone to be like them.
@@Bodom1978 Ah, so you're the yardstick for normality? Interesting. Arrogant, as well as ignorant.
Oopppss your fake Christianity is showing lol They literally believe in Jesus and funny if it was lent and people fasted there would be no complaints until " normal": people like you think it;s weird lol
Bullying in the workplace.
Nothing will happen because diversity.
That's not diversity though. @@davelowe1977
We have to fight. There is no other option.
Bullying, I agree 100%.
@@JoanKnott you won't
I'm gonna weigh in with my thoughts on this. I used to live in Birmingham. All of my neighbors were Muslim. I'm a black man and no one ever tried to convert me to Islam. No one gave me bad vibes for not observing Ramadan. In fact I used to enjoy when Ramadan came around because all my neighbors would knock my door and bring gifts of food when they break their fast and the celebration of Eide when their month of fasting is over is just brilliant. Listen you have Muslims who are good and Muslims who are bad but behave like they're better than everyone else. I'm also a Christian.
So true
I had a Muslim student once come to my room during my lunch break. I was eating, and the student said, “oh… I’m not allowed to be around someone who is eating during Ramadan.”
My response was very simple. “Okay! Well, there’s the door. I’ll see you later.”
Brilliant. And simple.👏
Well, you'rethe infidel so he expects you to bow down and adjust for him
You made this up Juliana. Please take your meds again before the imaginary muslims come back to haunt you.
As an infidel, I might have to find another Island to live on.
Fasting is denying oneself a meal or meals completely during a 24 hour period or more than one day. They have just changed the eating from day to nighttime and they seem to stuff themselves at night. What hypocrites.
yes, they gorge at night
whilst You are entirely correct it's actually very healthy to fast for regular periods.
i speak from experience.
it gives our bodies a chance to work through the backlog of toxins we ingest along with our foods, especially processed foods.
people have actually healed from all sorts of things this way.
the 'doctor' said there is nothing i could do for the solidified lymph glands in the neck causing years long sore throat over ten years ago.
i flushed the lymphatic system with green tea six days a week, clean foods and intermittent fasting, that took around three weeks.
the doctors response?
"well i'm glad that worked for You but it won't work for anybody else".
so according to him i am some other species apparently.
now having said all that, when they gorge themselves overnight they completely undo any health benefits gained by fasting all day.
That's why Muslims have bad breath.
It's called ram it down. They all have some sort of issue diabetes or heart conditions. Ram it down on Ramadan. Sickness
People fast every night hence it’s called “Break Fast”
This is bullying in the workplace and should be a sackable offence. The poor guy who was intimidated out of eating his lunch needs to man up and make a formal complaint to his employer, and to the Police for a hate crime ( being called a Kafir)...
A hate crime? That’s way too far. People should be free to speak their minds without fear of recrimination. There is a time and a place, and the work place is not it.
If he complained about it he would probably be reprimanded for racism
Nonsense, this is joking about in the work place. People who are friendly feel alright to call each other all sorts of worse things than that! And I thought the left were the SJWs! 🤣 Talk about making propaganda out of a molehill!
@@Paulthompson9942 Or be told to eat in the car or go to a cafe at his own expenses.
@@chincemagnetI respectfully disagree.
This isn't confined to the U.K. its happening all over the world.
Absolutely infuriating to watch that guy submit. And you can gaurantee whoever employs the guy acting like a bully will be too scared to discipline him because of "cultural sensitivities".
@@HamidKhalid369 My sister in the city gave me the Koran she found and it got shot with a 30-30 Winchester and a .45-70 Ruger.
@@HamidKhalid369 I thought islam was the religion of peace?
@@hoppes9658 I didn't know 45-70 was a Ruger cartridge, I thought it existed before Ruger did. I thought it was 45-70 Government. wow.
I guess you learn something new every day!
@@hoppes9658 OHHHH! with "a .45-70 Ruger" the firearm was a Ruger!
I should read more closely! what a relief...my world makes sense again!
there is NO ramadan in the uk... its a foreign thing...
Don't be brash. for me, I enjoy this month.
Less traffic on the road, less likely to meet any of our cultural enrichment friends, especially in the park and at the local café.
In Frankfurt Germany the town spent 50k for Ramadan lighting in the streets. In the name of inclusion. ;-)
I do hope you are going to church every week.
@@HamidKhalid369no it won't not when we English start fighting back you'll be sent home. 🐷
My family in England is in total denial. It’s so concerning for my young nieces and nephews who are the ones that will be dealing with this mess.
Then educate them that what YOUR preaching is racism and B-Sh*t LMAO
indoctrination of UK citizens
Freedom of religion only for religions which respect freedom of mankind. 🙏🇮🇳
He wasn't in the canteen though was he, idiot.
human resources would be scared of being labelled racists ... too many people dont want to offend muslims ..welcome to the uk , were screwed
You can't fix stupid.
Last I checked, work places aren't religious buildings!
Wait and see what this is going to do to Britain..the more you sit silent, they will just bully you into this nomadic barbaric cult that they call a religion.,
Somewhere I read: "You can take muslims out of the dark age but you'll never take the dark age out of muslims"
Substitute Arab for Muslim
Luckily the clocks go forward 2000 years next week.
Yes, variations of that concept apply to a lot of different groups....
@@Yvonne-le6jui think arabs created a monstrous culture that overtook their own. a lot of practises that they do now wouldnt be approved by their scholars or their leaders back in the golden age. the only thing left of arab culture is their language and their monster child.
When does a company make a stand on racial bullying, nothing light hearted about this interaction. This company should be named and shamed. This is a prime example of racism and bullying. , obviously this company approves of racism and bullying,
If it’s a local leftist council, the guy eating probably thinks it would back up the intimidator filming, and he’d be up for a disciplinary.
It was disguised as light hearted but the intention was to shame and the fool played along with it .
@@samuel56551 There's nothing "light hearted" about saying "look at this kuffar stuffing his face". In South Africa that would absolutely have ended in a disciplinary hearing with the Muslim being disciplined for intimidation and creating a hostile work environment. How the Brits can accept this shit is beyond me.
This country has gone to far and need to do something about before we get taken over
Please protect Douglas Murray by all means. He is a gem and made to protect civilization. His lone voice echoes louder than the motley cacophony of the oppressive crowd.
I'll eat a pulled pork sandwich when i fucking want
Yep, when you want, where you want and in front of whoever you want, if they don't like it then there's plenty of airports for them to piss off to where they practice this nonsense.
@@martinswift536 well said.
@@robedwrds3879 No such thing as a Muslim. The ones I know take and deal drugs, they drink alcohol, eat pork, eat and drink during Ramadan. Their families are Muslim but benefit from all the illegal and anti Muslim activities the sons are profiting from. Then they go to the mosque on a Friday to pray, complete nonsense. Then you hear of them grooming young British girls, why these girls go within 10 miles of them is beyond me, I have two daughters and taught them to go nowhere near them.
I’d be taking hot bacon and pork chops every day…
The worker should have made a formal complaint against the guy. He was clearly harassing him and using intimidation tactics to get him to comply with what he wanted.
Well he achieved what he set out to do, could hear others that seemed to be agreeing. But then again who is in charge and who are the owners of this work place. Plus what is the ratio of staff who are "no food till sundown" Doubt very much if the guy would be backed. But if the shoe was on the other foot the place would have been inundated by a mob!
@@HamidKhalid369Would you piss off and stop posting the same thing over and over, once was enough
@@HamidKhalid369 religion of piece
As in you end up in pieces
That worker should have just told him to ? off before he gets a knuckle 'sandwich!!
6:00 wahahhahahaha the newscaster couldnt hold in her laugh as wel. This so funny.
We have been living this situation in Greece 🇬🇷 for years!!! And we have been warning you since the very beginning about these people!!! Now ... DIGEST IT!
Greece did evict the muslims in the 1800's after 400 years of rape and invasion tactics. freedom war Lord Byron went to help so will I do the same come on Greeks take up arms to stop this multicultural shyte.
I agree
In Australia where we have the highest Greek population outside of Athens.the Greeks only took 2 Australian born generations before they assimilated fully. Helped that they were Christians moving to a Christian country to start with.
I am a white male, UK citizen. I love my flag and country. I have served in the Military and as a Paramedic. Our police protect those in the UK that want to burn our flag! They can't wear poppy's during remembrance. We cannot even fly our own flag without being asked to take it down. How many other flags from other countries fly in UK but that is ok! Every other ethnic race, religion or culture are protected in the UK except mine! If I speak out I am racist! My freedom of speech has disappeared. If i set fire to a Muslim flag or a Palestinian flag or any other nations flag I will be arrested. If I try to stop someone burning my flag the police will arrest me! If you are a British citizen, no matter the race or religion you should respect that what it is to be British. I am sick to death how now every race can slag me off for being white. I have never felt so isolated in my own country. This Country is failing me.
I agree with every word you say I also served Queen and country and I fly my flag 🏴 and anyone dare touch it.
The police could have their brains removed?😅
Thats right. Hell, Im not a UK citizen but the fact that you can get arrested for preventing your own country flag being burn is just outright stupid in every perceivable sense.
May God give you all strength to protect your flag and your nation
Some cultures are horrifically rude and uncivilized to the point of even interrupting a person's meal.
A lack of sophistication and friendliness is what I see here.
I am sick of being told to be ashamed of my culture and it's main religion while showing respect for others culture and chosen religion. When in another country I do, If I was in a position where I either needed to, or chose to live elsewhere (Virtually impossible now due to BREXIT) I would still have the common decency to respect that nation's values and be grateful for the opportunity of being able to live there as a free man.
You avoided Christ and satan entered
If the boot was on the other foot that guy would have been in court
This Country is not not Islam, It Greatest Britain. Our laws our rules we will not change for your beliefs,we have our own.
Greatest Britain???
@cunninglinguist-hu1dz you can't say anything. You like licking fanny
@@cunninglinguist-hu1dz we should take a leaf out of Polands book.... no muslims
But this gov ???????????????????
To the voters of U.K. This is only the beginning. Do something concrete before your rights got taken away!!!
❤ 100% ADFParty. UK (google it) no whip except the voters, no big sponsorships, genuine grassroots people like you. Stand against your MP, run for councillor. We are fed up independent British people loosely aligned with the knowledge that policies are harming the average people
Stand against your MP, stand as a local councillor. Alliance for democracy and Freedom lead by Dr Teck Khong 😊
Agree, they should have nipped this in the bud ages ago, in Belgium Muslims tried to take control by becoming politicians. Once in power they were going to introduce sharia law, that's one the west will have to watch out for.
Not only in the U.K... All people in the western world that don't want that bs need to unite, there is no other way to stop this absolute madness... I don't know what happen that we got to this point, i really don't know. I was talking about it like 10-15 years ago and people where not believing me, now they do but allot of people are still not believing it and think these are conspiracy theories. Without every clear thinking person uniting, worldwide we will not stop this, because allot of people will only notice it if it's to late already.
Reform uk all the way
I am currently in Indonesia. I encountered no problem whatsoever eating and drinking, even alcohol, during Ramadan. Nobody here seems to be offended. It is a mystery to me why it would be a problem in Britain. Last year, during Ramadan, I was in Malaysia. Same thing. No problem at all.