アメリカ合宿④ラモント、2024、10.13pm. Gassyuku held in Lamont, California/ Shito-ryu Karate Do、日本空手道会、糸東流国際空手道会

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ม.ค. 2025
  • 2024年10月12日~13日に、糸東流アメリカ空手道会が開催した合宿の様子です。
    This is a report on the Gassyuku held by Shitoryu America Karate-Do Association on October 12-13, 2024.
    Two Shihans, including the head of the school, came from Japan. This article introduces the program that took place in the afternoon of the 2 day of the Gassyuku in America.
    For more information about the Nippon Karate DO Kai and the Shito-ryu International Karate-DO Kai , please see the website (karatedo-hitory....

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