ليه الشر موجود - شكوك و ردود - علم اللاهوت الدفاعي - ابونا داود لمعي

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 15

  • @niveenhabib2211
    @niveenhabib2211 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    صلاه خاصه ياابونا من اجل جورج بول

  • @Memy441
    @Memy441 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @emanuelhadad2433
    @emanuelhadad2433 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @ghadadogan3138
    @ghadadogan3138 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    ربنا يحميك ويبارك حياتك ويحميك يا ابونا الدكتور داود لمعي

  • @fadynabilabrahim274
    @fadynabilabrahim274 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    طیب لیه ربنا ممنعش من الاول الشر

    • @fadynabilabrahim274
      @fadynabilabrahim274 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      طیب لیه سمح ربنا ساب الشطان یتحداه وهل الشطان لیه قوه تتحدی ربنا ممکن یکون اقوی

    • @وردشان-ط4ب
      @وردشان-ط4ب 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      لان الله ديموقراطي .. لو منع الشر هيمنع معاه حرية الارادة الي عاوزاه .. لو قتل الشيطان هيبقي عامل زي الملك الي بيقتل الي بيقاوموه ويعارضوه.. عشان كدا الدول الديموقراطية كانت في اساسها دول مسيحية مينية علي اساس الانجيل . واغلب دول العالم المتقدمة السعيدة الناجحة في صليب علي اعلامها .

    @ROIANTHONY 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    HOLY, HOLY, HOLY ALMIGHTY GOD surrounds with your mercy all the defuncts who left before us this earth even all tyrants who persecuted your chosen people.
    Good and gentle JESUS, as you forgave from the top of your cross your opponents don’t hide your tender and radiant face from all creatures that moved away from your inexpressible love.
    As well as my ascendants, descendants and collaterals I beseech you HOLY LORD to weight upon the world’s destiny for the salvation of the present and future humanity awaiting the PAROUSIA.
    As for your poor servant, forgive me JESUS for having triumphed in your glory and your resurrection before taking part in your passion.
    Following the example of the right robber I implore you to remember me when you will come in your KINGDOM.
    HOLY and MERCIFUL GOD, help me morning tonight to share at least psychologically your passion from GETHSEMANI to the GOLGOTHA.
    In my turn I offer you my body and my blood at any time you desire and under any circumstance you wish. I do remember what you had learned us do you? Accordingly servant is not greater than his MASTER.
    Loving FATHER as you refused to consecrate Isaac the son of ABRAHAM you decided to sacrifice your only begotten SON for the redemption of the world settling thus our heavy debts and charges towards your GOODNESS.
    GREAT and MERCIFUL FATHER, forgive me my sins.
    I do not care anymore about the matter, the space and the upcoming time.
    In your hands I give up back my soul for thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen.

    @ROIANTHONY 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Though evil is real, it is not a (created) thing. It does not exist by itself. For example, a donut hole is real but it does not exist by itself. You cannot separate the donut hole from the donut; it exists in the donut. A donut hole is merely the absence of dough in a donut. Likewise, darkness does not exist by itself; it is the absence of light. Similarly, evil does not exist apart from good; evil is the absence or corruption of something good.
    God created everything good (Genesis 1:31). When He created man, God also created man with the freedom of choice, the ability to obey or disobey Him. God told man what to do and what not to do but man corrupted himself by choosing to disobey God (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:1-7). From the moment of man’s rebellion against God, evil entered the world and its effects (pain and suffering) have touched all mankind (Romans 5:12). Man’s corrupted nature is the cause of much evil.
    “What comes out of a person is what defiles them. For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come - sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.” (Mark 7:20-23)
    Man’s sin also brought about a curse on the ground (Genesis 3:17-19) and all creation is subjected to corruption and decay (Romans 8:20-22). The world as it is - filled with natural disasters - is not what the world was in its original state at Creation.
    God did not create a painful world; pain, suffering and death are the consequences of man’s sin (James 1:13-17). Man’s rebellion against God explains man’s corrupted nature and the evil acts of men. A fallen creation explains disasters.
    Cessation of evil
    However, God did not abandon man and creation to eternally suffer the consequences of sin. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to become a man so that He could pay the penalty for our sins. He is our substitute.
    Surely he took up OUR pain and bore OUR suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for OUR transgressions, he was crushed for OUR iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity OF US ALL. Isaiah 53:4-6
    Jesus’ crucifixion (i.e., His pain, suffering and death on the cross) is the solution for the pain, suffering and death in the world. Through His resurrection, Jesus conquered death (1 Corinthians 15:54-57). He can break the power of sin and transform our lives by changing our desires - instead of wanting to do evil, we will want to do good (1 Peter 2:24; Romans 5:17). Each person is now faced with the choice of accepting or rejecting Jesus.
    God’s promise is that evil will eventually be destroyed. He will right every wrong, put away evil once and for all and create a new heaven and new earth (Revelation 20:11-15; 21:3-4; 22:3). Meanwhile, God allows temporal sufferings to continue so that more people will turn to Jesus and thus escape eternal punishment and sufferings (Matthew 25:46; Revelation 20:14-15; 2 Peter 3:9).
    Is there pain in your heart? Evil (i.e., pain and suffering) is the absence of good. Do you want to fill that void with good? Do you want to fill it with God? God is extending His hands to you. Are you willing to put your trust in the all-powerful and all-good God? Will you accept Jesus as your substitute … that He died for you?

    • @fsokar9695
      @fsokar9695 6 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @homarep649
      @homarep649 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      ممكن حد يتواصل معايا من الإخوة للي يتكلمو قبطي أرجوكم محتاجة ترجمة انا بتكلم لغة أثناء الرقية مش فاهماها وأن أظن أنها قبطية. أختكم من المغرب

  • @afafawwad2302
    @afafawwad2302 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you abouna very interesting God bless you

  • @ابوابالسماء-ص2ي
    @ابوابالسماء-ص2ي 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    سوال الاب ليه الشر موجود ..الشر موجود بسبب اله الكتب السماويه وهو ليس اله مثل انجيل وقرأن والزبور ....انتم تقولون ان في الإنجيل روح القدس يعني يطهر ..وانتم تقولون ان نبي لوط اجمعه مع بناته اين روح القدس .وانتم تقولون رئيس الخصيان .اين فيها التوبه والغفران ..والقران هم فيه نكاح مقابل المال .وفيه قتل في سبيل اله القران .اين الرحمه والغفران ...وفي الكتب مايدعون سماويه نشر الدين بلعنف والقتل ..

    • @وردشان-ط4ب
      @وردشان-ط4ب 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      من غير الانجيل مكنش هيبقي اساسا في حاجة اسمها قتل .. لان مكنش هيبقي في حاجة اسمها قانون اخلاقي .. بدون الناموس لم توجد الخطيئة فالناموس انشأ الخطيئة بمعني عرفنا انها خطيئة .. بنفس منطق القانون والجريمة هل كان هيتم عقاب الجريمة بدون قانون ينص عليها ؟؟ لا .. اذن هل ينفع نستغني عن القانون ونريح دماغنا من وجع والتزام تنفيذه ؟؟ يبقي بتحكم ع البشرية بالهلاك .. الناموس عرفنا الصح م الغلط .. والانجيل علمنا ازاي نقوام الغلط ونعمل الصح .. اما القرآن فهو ضد الانجيل وضد المسيح بيحلل القتل والزنا والاغتصاب