sure the EPA had a noble goal, but they also redefined what wetlands meant to include the smallest puddle and in turn became systematic thieves by taking private property away from homeowners and farmers; making it a burden on the people.
All the while doubling the national debt. It sure made up for it in the second term. He went nuts on regulations. Absolutely terrible president. Fortunately trump is here getting rid of all the Dumb regulations that were put in place during the George Bush and Obama years.
He said he’d do something, and he did it There are three exceptions I can think of: 1. He said Mexico would pay for the wall (he shouldn’t have said that) 2. He said he’d label China as a currency manipulator 3. He said he would repeal the ACA (that’s the Senate’s fault)
It resulted in railroad workers being under paid over worked and under staffed and preventable accidents until the main one spilled toxic chemIcals which killed everything within five miles Thank you traitor Trump for making work places unsafe .
I met a guy who was building a huge pole barn with an office and bathroom area on the edge of the city limits for his business. He told me about all the delays and fees that he faced during the project and it was rediculous! The funniest regulation he told me was that he had to pay the city 2,000 dollars to NOT hook up to the city sewer! Now imagine how many stupid regulations the federal government makes.
We would hope that Libertarians would be willing to consider each policy's legitimacy in its own right, and not base their opinion on who authored it. They generally seem to do a better job at that than supporters of the other two parties by my estimation. Maybe I'm wrong.
Nicholas Gergetz I'd agree with that. Where we get in trouble is progressives masquerading as Libertarians (ala Bill Mahr and Gillespie) who just don't want to admit that they're part of the establishment parties.
I'm so tired of you guys. You get a boner each time Reason says something that aligns with your views, but get extremely triggered each time Reason says something against your pre-conceived views.
This is what I love about Trump. This was a campaign promise he made that was vital to the economy that he kept and he kept it. Now if we could just explain international trade to him...
Blaine Howes There is no free and equitable trade if every other country puts up tariffs and barriers while we pretend to care about a false notion of "free trade".
Even the trade stuff appears to be having a positive effect. It's true that the US has been getting the short end of the stick on trade, which isn't truly free trade. In the end though all countries need to have more free trade.
I'm disappointed by this steel tariffs thing too as that will surely backfire and hurt US manufacturing. My hope is that he is somehow using this as a negotiating tool that will end up with total free trade with China and other countries. (I don't have my hopes set too high.)
Not really. The net neutrality repeal was a huge huge blunder. When 80% of the American population is against it and you do it anyways... There is an issue. Which is now being shown. The FCC is being sued by half the states and other large tech companies... And a vast number of the states are pretty much saying "F you" to the FCC and implementing net neutrality laws in their own states...
Congress and courts should not be. There should be a clear separation of powers between executive, legislature and judiciary branches of the government in order to prevent party controlled tyranny prevalent in communist countries.
@Simeon Roban yes the lefties always talk about how great the economy was and how great of a job he did even when you point out facts like how many manufacturing jobs were wiped out
I'm a changed name Congress has abdicated most of its constitutional authority to write laws to the executive branch. Rather than taking hard votes, they’ve allowed unelected bureaucrats in executive agencies to have free reign over regulations. Members of Congress need to assert their authority or unaccountable members of the bureaucrats will continue to rule through regulations.
Federal regulations are one thing, but there are still state and local regulations. And if anything, it's local regulations which hurt small businesses and freelancers the most!
Now we need to end the drug war, or at least make weed legal so we get in on this industrial hemp market and why not have the US spearhead the seasteading movement
I'm amazed they haven't legalized weed considering they don't seem to care about people shooting up heroin in CA and Seattle. Gotta stop those evil weed smokers though. They're the real problem.
Deregulation in the environment can be scary. I grew up in a town where the paper mills dumped waste in the river. 25 years later you still can’t eat the fish from that river. Be careful...
I had my doubts about the guy, and my fears about his protectionist tendencies have been confirmed... but credit where credit is due, props to the administration for actually taking on Leviathan. It won’t be easy, but I am glad to see a team that’s trying. Now congress: get off your butts! Time to throw out a bunch of outdated, arcane, and technology-specific garbage. Time to move toward lighter, simpler, performance-based guidelines (and fewer of them!).
I think it is a bit unfair to say that he is not libertarian in his trade policies. I think he actually is fighting for free trade, but he has to fight against the protectionist practices of other countries. I think we are seeing the world move closer to free trade as we fight against other countries who are stopping free trade.
His trade war with China is pretty much the opposite of what a libertarian stance would do. The real reason is not protectionist practices, the reason he does that is because China is set to overtake the US and he wants to halt that progression and 'stop them in their tracks' by slowing down their economy. This also creates an issue for the US industry because those jobs which are threatened by the retaliatory tariffs (since China itself also doesn't have to take the tariffs quietly) then have to be protected by government. For instance farmers which cannot keep production because of sanctions being placed on them as a result of political decisions. Libertarianism wants less involvement of government in market policies, so stuff like this active trade war is the opposite of what would be argued that the government should do.
@@RandomStuff-xn9wy The only reason China can keep going in the global market is precisely because of China's protectionist policies and the way how China isn't held responsible for their IP violations against the US. It is in no way free trade if the other side doesn't play fair.
It makes perfect sense that Trump would be so hostile to excessive regulations since he's had to deal with them for most of his professional life as a builder. This is why in the past he gave so much money to Democrats and even liberals running for government office. To help "grease the skids" as it were for any future projects he might perform in their cities and states.
"Regulation" has different meanings. Let's apply the NAP to three of them. Regulations that hinder the poor and middle class from starting their own businesses need to go. Environmental regulations that keep us from polluting each others' backyards need to stay. Anti-Fraud regulations that would, for instance, keep private ratings agencies from lying about the sub-prime mortgage market need to be written; but not even Obama would make white-collar crime illegal, so I'm not holding my breath on that one. Also depends on whether you think a company lying about their products breaks the NAP.
I am skeptical that this may just be crony capitalism. There are so many regulations that by selectively eliminating some of them the government can pick winners and losers. By just eliminating them via executive branch rule making provisions, the risk is that they will be reintroduced after a change of administration. Changing regulations might favor big business even if the net effect is simplification.
Male work force participation rate, almost the lowest in 60 years. When Trump is running as the candidate, he calls the U-3 unemployment rate fake. But now it is a wonderful metric. 9 years since last recession. Is the time ticking on this, or will the monetary tactics basically prevent any kind of correction? Low unemployment rate but as soon as any wage growth is seen, the fed starts raising interest rates.
+holiday671 Anecdotally I'd say that while deregulation may be part of it, primarily it's that the Democrats are no longer in power. Business owners from big to small have far less uncertainty now concerning their labor costs. Under 44, they never knew if some Federally-mandated wage hike or mandated insurance scam was going to get rammed through and drastically increase their per-person costs. In my region, I saw help wanted signs go up literally overnight after Dems got the boot, and it's only gotten better since. With jobs aplenty, even the heroin death rate has abated.
holiday671 - U-3 excludes discouraged workers. That was the metric that you provided. The unemployment metrics have been all been going down throughout Obama's and Trump's terms. The general problem with unemployment statistics is they miss the quality of the jobs. But the problem is that a 4.4% unemployment rate in 2018 reflects a weaker job market than a 8% unemployment rate in the 1990s. More part time work. More gigs. More contracting. More people in college trying to get degrees, but many in fields that won't pay off their student loans. More people taking earlier retirement than they wanted. A bit more folks on welfare and disability. But the rate of folks still working after 65 is going up.
That's what the media should he reporting. They're not because they want to stain his image so no matter what he does nobody is going to vote for him again
Most libertarians who think about it would prioritize reducing the welfare state first before any open borders ideals arr considered. So travel bans and reducing or stopping illegal immigration are a positive.
David Cisco The only law you need to know. Everything else is Infringement and is null and void. If you are a born American Citizen the second Amendment is the only law that counts. >LAW OF THE LAND The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as follows: "All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803) "Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda vs Arizona, 384, US 436 p. 491. >"If a law is unjust a man is not only right to disobey it he is obligated to do so." Thomas Jefferson. > "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety..." ~ Benjamin Franklin >"A Government is not legitimate merely because it exist." >"Listen, what's the most horrible experience you can imagine? To me-it's being left, unarmed, in a sealed cell with a drooling beast of prey or a maniac who's had some disease that's eaten his brain out. You'd have nothing then but your voice-your voice and your thought. You'd scream to that creature why it should not touch you, you'd have the most eloquent words, the unanswerable words, you'd become the vessel of the absolute truth. And you'd see living eyes watching you and you'd know that the thing can't hear you, that it can't be reached, not reached, not in any way, yet it's breathing and moving there before you with a purpose of its own. That's horror. Well, that's what's hanging over the world, prowling somewhere through mankind, that same thing, something closed, mindless, utterly wanton, but something with an aim and a cunning of its own." Steven Mallory, The Fountainhead
I'm sure I'm just irritating at this point, but... Good job, mostly, on the CC music this time. You got the artist right, got the license right for three of the five tracks, named all the tracks you used (even if you sort of lumped them all into one title, which is sloppy but forgivable). In point of fact, "Machinery" and "Soli" are licensed CC BY-NC (which should be fine, since Reason is non profit). Considering the usual accuracy, this is a vast improvement. Keep it up! It still eludes me why you can't be bothered to put credits at the end of the video. They don't have to run 20 minutes, or even 20 seconds. White text on black, a few seconds, and you're in compliance with the licenses. Seems like a small thing, considering you get the music for free and all.
As someone who is working the finance sector, the regulations after 2008 make sure that the mortgage industry remain strong. Some regulation is needed to correct the idiots in the system or the people who want to make money fast.
Dear independents.....please remember this come mid-terms and re-election time. The economy is starting to thrive because government is getting out of the way........ something we never saw under his highness Obama.
I won't be happy until I see deregulating worker's rights. Weekends, pensions, child labor laws, safety codes, paid leave, etc. etc. We are choking businesses to death!
The biggest problem is how they are implemented. Congress passes vague statutes and the executive branches interpret them however they like under "Chevron doctrine" essentially allowing the executive to write and pass laws. All regulatory agencies should be abolished, if congress wants to pass a law they can damn well pass a law.
If you don't like what a company is doing, you can still demand accountability in different ways. But when you ask the government to step in, it crushes new business growth and kills small businesses.
There is a difference in increasing efficiencies and eliminating safety. Deregulation should only be aimed at increasing efficiency while keeping safety either the same or at higher levels. Deregulation for deregulation is causation for causation's sake and serves only the short-shirted.
No, rights should be the only concern. There is no limiting principle when it comes to regulating for safety. Each extra regulation slows down innovations that could actually save lives.
if government wants to establish governing bodies that make laws that affect the public, they should have to be elected to those offices. call lobbying what it is for us normal folks bribery. stop subsidies, end public sector unions, end bailouts to big to fail doesn't exist.
Destroying regulations isn't a good thing. Destroying BAD regulations is. I don't think Trump can tell the difference, as he seems to be fixated on getting the biggest number possible. In other words, he's a politician: more interested in appearances, than substance.
I can tell you aren't interested in finding out which, so why even bother posting? Does insulting someone make you happy? Is your life less miserable now? It doesn't take a genius to understand there are both good and bad regulations. That said, Trump either can't tell the difference or only cares about appearances. I'm generally for smaller government myself, but that doesn't mean I'm for no government. Unless you are for no government yourself, you seem to be missing the point I'm making.
Bump stock ban. Calls for red flag confiscation laws without due process. As for Scott Gottlieb, at first I was optimistic, with reservations. Well those reservations were definitely warranted, when Mitch Zeller(big pharma's lapdog) kept his position.
Getting rid of 2 regulations for every 1 regulation is a bad idea. It's arbitrary, we should get rid of regulations that are unnecessary but not ones that are actually good
Now the deaths are coming in. There already were increases in deaths in the coal mines from less safety oversight now the big numbers are coming in. It appears we now have two airplane crashes with over 300 dead because of the new industry friendly FAA regulations. It seems that Boeing was allowed to do it's own certification of the flight worthiness of it's new 737 Max 7 and 8. Without regulation scrutiny from independent ball-busters it seems the sales people had their way and marketed the plane as just like the old jets with no need to train the pilots in how this plane differs from the old. Yes the anti-stall was different but pilots were not required to be told this and how to deal with a malfunction in this system. Added to this there was not not the independent ball-busting one would expect to get this set-up certified for flight. Yes it appears to be Boeing's mistake but it appears to be the type of mistake that regulation and certification would normally stop. This is what happens with Willy, Nelly, deregulation without paying attention to all the blood that came came before to cause the regulation to come into being in the first place.
I love it when some civilisations are so stuck up their own ass they can't see their own undoing. This part of history is gonna be even more fun than the fall of Rome in the future.
Very fair piece on Trump; mentioning, properly, from a libertarian perspective, (which I sympathize, but don't entirely agree with), that there are many objections against Trump, but, from the same perspective, but on the subject of turning back regulation, Trump is quite successful. It is, of course, up to every Libertarian to determine whether Trump or Republicans are preferable to the alternative on that basis and the other ways their policies are more consistent with Libertarianism.
At 5:12... Right, they're not all significant regulations. If they were we have a paradigm shift and of course we can't have that because that's bad for business... Just keep painting that illusion of freedom.
"Who is in favor of regulations that are not working?"
The regulators are…
Totally. The government serves to perpetuate itself.
He surely fixed that later, and if Trump ends updating the same thing well I'll revise my judgement about him.
And the leftards, duhhh
sure the EPA had a noble goal, but they also redefined what wetlands meant to include the smallest puddle and in turn became systematic thieves by taking private property away from homeowners and farmers; making it a burden on the people.
All the while doubling the national debt. It sure made up for it in the second term. He went nuts on regulations. Absolutely terrible president. Fortunately trump is here getting rid of all the Dumb regulations that were put in place during the George Bush and Obama years.
Freedom is always "dangerous" , but I'll pick it every time over Big Government.
Now you are in silent about Florida today, right?
I've never expected him to deliver, I'm glad I was wrong
You took the words out of my mouth. I keep being delighted with President Trump.
true dat
@C caymer California is ran by democrats, sadly I'm stuck here and I also lack the funding to fix this hell hole.
Also let's hope that wall is built to keep MS13 out. They don't belong in a country that's built for freedom and peace.
He said he’d do something, and he did it
There are three exceptions I can think of:
1. He said Mexico would pay for the wall (he shouldn’t have said that)
2. He said he’d label China as a currency manipulator
3. He said he would repeal the ACA (that’s the Senate’s fault)
"For every new regulation, two old regulation must be eliminated" Wow, I've been stating this for years. Never thought I would see it
Now I wish we could do the same for our laws
It resulted in railroad workers being under paid over worked and under staffed and preventable accidents until the main one spilled toxic chemIcals which killed everything within five miles Thank you traitor Trump for making work places unsafe
I met a guy who was building a huge pole barn with an office and bathroom area on the edge of the city limits for his business. He told me about all the delays and fees that he faced during the project and it was rediculous!
The funniest regulation he told me was that he had to pay the city 2,000 dollars to NOT hook up to the city sewer!
Now imagine how many stupid regulations the federal government makes.
Yeah I'm no fan of those sorts of regulations
What sweet hell is this? Someone saying something positive about Trump?! You better hope Gillespie doesn't see this.
We would hope that Libertarians would be willing to consider each policy's legitimacy in its own right, and not base their opinion on who authored it. They generally seem to do a better job at that than supporters of the other two parties by my estimation. Maybe I'm wrong.
Nicholas Gergetz I'd agree with that. Where we get in trouble is progressives masquerading as Libertarians (ala Bill Mahr and Gillespie) who just don't want to admit that they're part of the establishment parties.
+holiday671 - A new Trump/Russia scandal? Um... uh.... Ivanka and Lyudmila go to the same gynecologist! It's true! I read it in the HP!
I'm so tired of you guys.
You get a boner each time Reason says something that aligns with your views, but get extremely triggered each time Reason says something against your pre-conceived views.
This is what I love about Trump. This was a campaign promise he made that was vital to the economy that he kept and he kept it.
Now if we could just explain international trade to him...
He made a promise towards trade as well, and he's keeping it.
Blaine Howes There is no free and equitable trade if every other country puts up tariffs and barriers while we pretend to care about a false notion of "free trade".
Even the trade stuff appears to be having a positive effect. It's true that the US has been getting the short end of the stick on trade, which isn't truly free trade. In the end though all countries need to have more free trade.
I'm disappointed by this steel tariffs thing too as that will surely backfire and hurt US manufacturing. My hope is that he is somehow using this as a negotiating tool that will end up with total free trade with China and other countries. (I don't have my hopes set too high.)
Not really. The net neutrality repeal was a huge huge blunder. When 80% of the American population is against it and you do it anyways... There is an issue. Which is now being shown. The FCC is being sued by half the states and other large tech companies... And a vast number of the states are pretty much saying "F you" to the FCC and implementing net neutrality laws in their own states...
Deregulation is good ,but we need much much more .Congress and the courts should come to the party.
agreed, but we shouldn't be delegation by executive orders
abram galler baby steps
Baby steps may equal baby results.
Congress and courts should not be. There should be a clear separation of powers between executive, legislature and judiciary branches of the government in order to prevent party controlled tyranny prevalent in communist countries.
I always lol when they say the economy is doing great because of obama and his over regulation and over taxing 🤣
@Simeon Roban yes the lefties always talk about how great the economy was and how great of a job he did even when you point out facts like how many manufacturing jobs were wiped out
"Who is in favor of regulations that are not working?"
The Democrat Party, The Regulators and the entire Left side of the political isle.
4.5 minutes in and Reason has managed to avoid shitting on Trump 3 times. I'M SHOCKED!!!!
AKlover when Gillespie finds out, heads will roll
It is a problem that Bureaucrats can write laws in the guise of regulations. This is one of the underlying problems that needs to end.
Lawrence Miller
Then tell your legislators to do their job so bureaucrats don’t have to.
@@elijahculper5522 That's such a stupid statement I don't know where to start
I'm a changed name
Congress has abdicated most of its constitutional authority to write laws to the executive branch. Rather than taking hard votes, they’ve allowed unelected bureaucrats in executive agencies to have free reign over regulations. Members of Congress need to assert their authority or unaccountable members of the bureaucrats will continue to rule through regulations.
@@elijahculper5522 Moreover, this practice is unconstitutional.
Federal regulations are one thing, but there are still state and local regulations. And if anything, it's local regulations which hurt small businesses and freelancers the most!
But at least people and companies can move from one state to another without leaving the US.
I’m a Libertarian, but fair play to Trump on tax cuts and deregulation. If only he could cut spending as well...
I was hoping the same but democrats spend more and more.
Now we need to end the drug war, or at least make weed legal so we get in on this industrial hemp market and why not have the US spearhead the seasteading movement
Actually, I think China has spearheaded the seasteading movement....
I'm amazed they haven't legalized weed considering they don't seem to care about people shooting up heroin in CA and Seattle. Gotta stop those evil weed smokers though. They're the real problem.
Weed is not hemp.
LowKey LowKey He said why not have the US do it, not that the US is doing it
The reason Libertarians are going to reelect Donald Trump. Make America Great Again!!
General Patton he is better that commies in dem party hut not much.
Now abolish import taxes, end the FED, legalize weed & psychedelics and it'll be fine
The Fed is one of the biggest problems in this country.
finally, im not even american, but seeing good things happening that will make the life better is making me happy
Deregulation in the environment can be scary. I grew up in a town where the paper mills dumped waste in the river. 25 years later you still can’t eat the fish from that river. Be careful...
Cooper Hoover I think in the environmental field trump focused on coal
Well the epa didn't do shit for you did they
JoeAceJR The EPA has done fuck all
imthemaster57 really, tell me all the sites they have cleaned up.
The EPA is useless. They haven't done shit to protect the environment.
Big government = big taxes. Thank you president Trump!!
Regulations give unfair Advantage is the people that are connected to the elite globalists we don't need regulations we need free markets
Destroying millions of regulations? Yes please! There's NO WAY we need millions of laws and regulations!
He has my vote in 2020.
Its 2021 guess what??? XD
@@OriginalKarasuit's 2024, who did you vote for?
15 already, only 2 million more to go
I had my doubts about the guy, and my fears about his protectionist tendencies have been confirmed... but credit where credit is due, props to the administration for actually taking on Leviathan. It won’t be easy, but I am glad to see a team that’s trying.
Now congress: get off your butts! Time to throw out a bunch of outdated, arcane, and technology-specific garbage. Time to move toward lighter, simpler, performance-based guidelines (and fewer of them!).
my sentiments can be explained pretty well by this comment
I think it is a bit unfair to say that he is not libertarian in his trade policies. I think he actually is fighting for free trade, but he has to fight against the protectionist practices of other countries. I think we are seeing the world move closer to free trade as we fight against other countries who are stopping free trade.
His trade war with China is pretty much the opposite of what a libertarian stance would do. The real reason is not protectionist practices, the reason he does that is because China is set to overtake the US and he wants to halt that progression and 'stop them in their tracks' by slowing down their economy. This also creates an issue for the US industry because those jobs which are threatened by the retaliatory tariffs (since China itself also doesn't have to take the tariffs quietly) then have to be protected by government. For instance farmers which cannot keep production because of sanctions being placed on them as a result of political decisions. Libertarianism wants less involvement of government in market policies, so stuff like this active trade war is the opposite of what would be argued that the government should do.
@@RandomStuff-xn9wy The only reason China can keep going in the global market is precisely because of China's protectionist policies and the way how China isn't held responsible for their IP violations against the US.
It is in no way free trade if the other side doesn't play fair.
I will vote for Trump in 2020 *only for* the conservative judges
Trump got my vote next term, good job Trump!
Thank god he is cutting regulations
Thank you for all your hard work!! Regulations have buried people....... CONGRESS MUST ACT!! President Trump is looking for along term correction.
"I will Slash Regulations"
Man that aged well
I agree with Trump that regulations should be eliminated from businesses. I think environmental regulations should stay in-tact, however.
@Brilliant Chaos Imo if "green" regulations aren't put in place almost no one would voluntarily recycle or "be green"
I would like to see some of this deregulation going on at the ATF.
This is one of the few points I’ll give to Trump
Ruling by executive fiat is temporary. If you want it permanent it needs to be law!
Get rid of it! All of it! 👍👍👍
I miss him
There are things I dislike about Trump, but I will give him credit where due.
It makes perfect sense that Trump would be so hostile to excessive regulations since he's had to deal with them for most of his professional life as a builder. This is why in the past he gave so much money to Democrats and even liberals running for government office. To help "grease the skids" as it were for any future projects he might perform in their cities and states.
"Regulation" has different meanings. Let's apply the NAP to three of them. Regulations that hinder the poor and middle class from starting their own businesses need to go. Environmental regulations that keep us from polluting each others' backyards need to stay. Anti-Fraud regulations that would, for instance, keep private ratings agencies from lying about the sub-prime mortgage market need to be written; but not even Obama would make white-collar crime illegal, so I'm not holding my breath on that one. Also depends on whether you think a company lying about their products breaks the NAP.
Quick, have Gillespie don a diaper and parade around on a stage while proclaiming his love of Gary Johnson.
I am skeptical that this may just be crony capitalism. There are so many regulations that by selectively eliminating some of them the government can pick winners and losers. By just eliminating them via executive branch rule making provisions, the risk is that they will be reintroduced after a change of administration. Changing regulations might favor big business even if the net effect is simplification.
If these are your fears, then you should start cataloging specific instances rather than fall back on vague worries about unspecified hypotheticals.
Male work force participation rate, almost the lowest in 60 years. When Trump is running as the candidate, he calls the U-3 unemployment rate fake. But now it is a wonderful metric. 9 years since last recession. Is the time ticking on this, or will the monetary tactics basically prevent any kind of correction? Low unemployment rate but as soon as any wage growth is seen, the fed starts raising interest rates.
Well, we shouldn't forget that Americans didn't vote for Trump. Perhaps unknowingly, they voted for the Republican party.
Anecdotally I'd say that while deregulation may be part of it, primarily it's that the Democrats are no longer in power. Business owners from big to small have far less uncertainty now concerning their labor costs. Under 44, they never knew if some Federally-mandated wage hike or mandated insurance scam was going to get rammed through and drastically increase their per-person costs. In my region, I saw help wanted signs go up literally overnight after Dems got the boot, and it's only gotten better since. With jobs aplenty, even the heroin death rate has abated.
holiday671 - U-3 excludes discouraged workers. That was the metric that you provided. The unemployment metrics have been all been going down throughout Obama's and Trump's terms.
The general problem with unemployment statistics is they miss the quality of the jobs.
But the problem is that a 4.4% unemployment rate in 2018 reflects a weaker job market than a 8% unemployment rate in the 1990s. More part time work. More gigs. More contracting. More people in college trying to get degrees, but many in fields that won't pay off their student loans. More people taking earlier retirement than they wanted. A bit more folks on welfare and disability. But the rate of folks still working after 65 is going up.
Cutting regulations? How about he stops the failure that is the drug war
That's what the media should he reporting. They're not because they want to stain his image so no matter what he does nobody is going to vote for him again
Hate those regulations. If only one thing that trump did right, its removing those f regulations.
I did not vote for him but I love some of things he has done.
I hope government bureaucrats are hitting the unemployment lines as well.
Most libertarians who think about it would prioritize reducing the welfare state first before any open borders ideals arr considered. So travel bans and reducing or stopping illegal immigration are a positive.
Destroying Gun Regulations ?
That would be great- the Federal ones destroyed...
David Cisco
The only law you need to know. Everything else is Infringement and is null and void. If you are a born American Citizen the second Amendment is the only law that counts.
The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as follows:
"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda vs Arizona, 384, US 436 p. 491.
>"If a law is unjust a man is not only right to disobey it he is obligated to do so." Thomas Jefferson.
> "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety..." ~ Benjamin Franklin
>"A Government is not legitimate merely because it exist."
>"Listen, what's the most horrible experience you can imagine? To me-it's being left, unarmed, in a sealed cell with a drooling beast of prey or a maniac who's had some disease that's eaten his brain out. You'd have nothing then but your voice-your voice and your thought. You'd scream to that creature why it should not touch you, you'd have the most eloquent words, the unanswerable words, you'd become the vessel of the absolute truth. And you'd see living eyes watching you and you'd know that the thing can't hear you, that it can't be reached, not reached, not in any way, yet it's breathing and moving there before you with a purpose of its own. That's horror. Well, that's what's hanging over the world, prowling somewhere through mankind, that same thing, something closed, mindless, utterly wanton, but something with an aim and a cunning of its own."
Steven Mallory, The Fountainhead
I’m sure Europeans at this point wish they could have the right to bear arms
About time !
Trump is the best thing since peanut butter.
more like peanut butter with Salmonella.
At about 2:25 she states that they went below a negative cost budget... does she know how numbers work?
I'm sure I'm just irritating at this point, but...
Good job, mostly, on the CC music this time. You got the artist right, got the license right for three of the five tracks, named all the tracks you used (even if you sort of lumped them all into one title, which is sloppy but forgivable).
In point of fact, "Machinery" and "Soli" are licensed CC BY-NC (which should be fine, since Reason is non profit). Considering the usual accuracy, this is a vast improvement. Keep it up!
It still eludes me why you can't be bothered to put credits at the end of the video. They don't have to run 20 minutes, or even 20 seconds. White text on black, a few seconds, and you're in compliance with the licenses. Seems like a small thing, considering you get the music for free and all.
Good. People are known to be reasonable and responsible. Regulations are useless.
As someone who is working the finance sector, the regulations after 2008 make sure that the mortgage industry remain strong. Some regulation is needed to correct the idiots in the system or the people who want to make money fast.
Dear independents.....please remember this come mid-terms and re-election time. The economy is starting to thrive because government is getting out of the way........ something we never saw under his highness Obama.
I won't be happy until I see deregulating worker's rights. Weekends, pensions, child labor laws, safety codes, paid leave, etc. etc. We are choking businesses to death!
I want to see this happening here in Brazil so much!
sweet memory none the less
Yes sir!
"safety" is code for "government power"
End all federal agencies
No FBI, DOJ, ICE, DOE, Treasury, Social Security, Medicare, CDC, Park Service, Border Patrol? Tear up the constitution and install dictator Trump?
@@phiksit Trump isn't a tyrant. The Democrats/Demonrats are.
@@phiksit you act like those agencies are an integral part to the functions of our country lmao
I’d end the FBI. We don’t need it.
@@jeffklaubo3168 They are for it keeps Corporations in check. Look how the US was during Rockefeller years. Why would you want to go back to that
Government needs regulation.
Finally a video addressing this
The biggest problem is how they are implemented. Congress passes vague statutes and the executive branches interpret them however they like under "Chevron doctrine" essentially allowing the executive to write and pass laws. All regulatory agencies should be abolished, if congress wants to pass a law they can damn well pass a law.
If you don't like what a company is doing, you can still demand accountability in different ways. But when you ask the government to step in, it crushes new business growth and kills small businesses.
There is a difference in increasing efficiencies and eliminating safety. Deregulation should only be aimed at increasing efficiency while keeping safety either the same or at higher levels. Deregulation for deregulation is causation for causation's sake and serves only the short-shirted.
No, rights should be the only concern. There is no limiting principle when it comes to regulating for safety. Each extra regulation slows down innovations that could actually save lives.
But I guess "you just want people to die!" ;)
if government wants to establish governing bodies that make laws that affect the public, they should have to be elected to those offices. call lobbying what it is for us normal folks bribery. stop subsidies, end public sector unions, end bailouts to big to fail doesn't exist.
Less is more!
The greatest things are always the simplest!
A straight way always shorter than a labyrinth!
Keep it up Mr. President!
Destroying regulations isn't a good thing. Destroying BAD regulations is. I don't think Trump can tell the difference, as he seems to be fixated on getting the biggest number possible.
In other words, he's a politician: more interested in appearances, than substance.
I can tell you aren't interested in finding out which, so why even bother posting? Does insulting someone make you happy? Is your life less miserable now?
It doesn't take a genius to understand there are both good and bad regulations. That said, Trump either can't tell the difference or only cares about appearances.
I'm generally for smaller government myself, but that doesn't mean I'm for no government. Unless you are for no government yourself, you seem to be missing the point I'm making.
How is removing net neutrality a good thing?
Finally a POTUS that isn't expanding the size of government. Now get rid of the DOE
Just getting shit done. Who doesn’t love/want that?
Bump stock ban. Calls for red flag confiscation laws without due process. As for Scott Gottlieb, at first I was optimistic, with reservations. Well those reservations were definitely warranted, when Mitch Zeller(big pharma's lapdog) kept his position.
Trump Trump Trump make america great again
More or less regulation isn’t the issue. Which ones are cut and what effect does I have is.
Getting rid of 2 regulations for every 1 regulation is a bad idea. It's arbitrary, we should get rid of regulations that are unnecessary but not ones that are actually good
Only 93,000 views. My goodness. Should be 93,000,000
Go figure the mainstream media isn't reporting on this.
Go TRUMP 2020
Now the deaths are coming in. There already were increases in deaths in the coal mines from less safety oversight now the big numbers are coming in. It appears we now have two airplane crashes with over 300 dead because of the new industry friendly FAA regulations. It seems that Boeing was allowed to do it's own certification of the flight worthiness of it's new 737 Max 7 and 8. Without regulation scrutiny from independent ball-busters it seems the sales people had their way and marketed the plane as just like the old jets with no need to train the pilots in how this plane differs from the old. Yes the anti-stall was different but pilots were not required to be told this and how to deal with a malfunction in this system. Added to this there was not not the independent ball-busting one would expect to get this set-up certified for flight. Yes it appears to be Boeing's mistake but it appears to be the type of mistake that regulation and certification would normally stop. This is what happens with Willy, Nelly, deregulation without paying attention to all the blood that came came before to cause the regulation to come into being in the first place.
Wasn't the internet trying to save net neutrality? What the fuck?
Thank you president Trump and the Trump administration for eliminating regulations.
Best President ever.
Destroy the no child left behind!
I will soon be 60 years old. Trump has accomplished more so far, than any other President in my lifetime.
Wait, did he say net neutrality?
Records only started being kept in the 70s? Wtf guys?
I just heard Trump says: For any one new regulation, two old regulations must go. That is almost Scott Adams Brilliance. Amazing.
I love it when some civilisations are so stuck up their own ass they can't see their own undoing. This part of history is gonna be even more fun than the fall of Rome in the future.
Travel ban was a + for Trump
he isnt even my president and i do miss this man so much.
Meh....let’s see if he can do anything with the tax code.
Glad Trumpy did something sensible.
Very fair piece on Trump; mentioning, properly, from a libertarian perspective, (which I sympathize, but don't entirely agree with), that there are many objections against Trump, but, from the same perspective, but on the subject of turning back regulation, Trump is quite successful. It is, of course, up to every Libertarian to determine whether Trump or Republicans are preferable to the alternative on that basis and the other ways their policies are more consistent with Libertarianism.
Trump is the most libertarian president in our country's history.
At 5:12... Right, they're not all significant regulations. If they were we have a paradigm shift and of course we can't have that because that's bad for business...
Just keep painting that illusion of freedom.
Trump may not be great, but things like this demonstrate how much better he is than other recent presidents.
I have come around to admire Trump and will vote for him in 2020