Blue collar and pro union are kinda 2 different things.. If your smart, you know joey is only doing that for Votes, he could give 2 shtts about ANYBODY..or this country. His view of unions is the same as a socialist view of it workers. Unions also have extreme control over the workers, a bit like Big Government.. Non union Blu are more independent thinkers/scrappers and more conservative.
@@improvisedsurvival5967 My dad was a steelworker after the war he worked for Bethlem Steel he worked a arc welder for 5 years had to wear glasses after that, one day he came home the bottom of his shoes were melted starting a blast furnace, he had to spend 90 days at the mill when in January a 100 car coal train derailed. We moved to Florida in 1965 my mom wanted to get out of Pa. He lived to 77. He told me once I can't believed I lived this long most steelworkers died a couple of years after 62 retirement. Construction work is hard physical labor day in and day out. Your body is not a replaceable machine. 45 years of daily physical labor. Good luck to your knees.
It never was the only option. I am from across the pond, and we face the same shortage of "blue collar" workers ( i kinda hate the term, coz it implies lack of qualification or education). If we as western economies want to boost our employment rates and become less dependent from foreign suppliers, like China, we need to get better at making manufacturing jobs more appealing to young people. So, here comes the part where we possibly disagree. Imo opinion the current government makes great efforts to achieve just that.
They decided, the BEST person to represent them is, Donnnie the ABUSER. "I don't even wait. When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab'em by the p....y. You can do anything"
LOL, I work in a Factory, and half of the Gen Z's either quit within a week or so, or we have to constantly double check their work. If it was up to me, I would make sure all cell phones are left in their lunchbox's and used only on breaks.
@@arintheseatsesh6242 Maybe, But I know guys who have worked their entire lives in a Factory and made a good living. The deciding factor is are you willing to work? Nothing wrong with that.
@@arintheseatsesh6242I’ve done a factory trade for 31 years. I own two homes and have plenty of money. Overtime pays great. Is it a dream job? No, but it gets the job done in terms of making a living and I’ve never had student debt. Unless you own a company, all jobs end somewhere. The goal is steady work and security. You use that to build your dream on the side through investments and real estate. One young guy banked 60k in 2.5 years while still paying for a place. That’s how it’s done.
As a welder of twenty years it’s refreshing to see the younger generations coming up. The only concern I have with the trade school route is the students need to learn about fabrication not just being able to weld!! Very few welding students who graduate come into the job with any idea of real world welding knowledge.
It’s your job to teach these great Americans. As many generations have before! Good luck and give ‘em a hand. I’m happy to hear that America is at least turning the page on this “you need 30 years of experience” and woke crap. Let’s raise them up!
@@bigsarge8795 if you can afford to travel, land a job in an English speaking country, or are bilingual that might be an option. This overhyping the trades and downplaying education is nothing but a ruse to over saturate the sector and drive wages down in the trades.
That's great to see. I worked as a carpenter for 50 years. It's hard work, but rewarding at the end of the job, you see what you accomplished. We had ups and downs with the economy but not a bad living.
@@Dixie.1818 No Ray was railing against "wokeness", otherwise known inclusion and acceptance. It was dreamt up by America's enemies as way to divide Americans.
Most of EU requires 2 years military or civil service where they teach these skills and offer college level classes. No huge student loan program needed.
Younger people must understand there's much more to this than welding. A true craftsman in this field must be able to work from prints, fit up their own work including rigging involved before critical welds can be made.
Is finally somebody on here making some sense. I just got out of a basic welding class and everyone in the clas shocked at how much went into it. We started out with twelve and we graduated with six People in the class only. One of them was an engineer and even he struggled with the welding. And we only spent like 1 or 2 days on blueprints.But there's so much more that goes into welding and people think it's just slapping two pieces of metal together. Nothing's more further from the truth.
@@prepordietryin9119 I would highly recommend young people to enroll into a union pipefitter or boilermaker apprenticeship program if there are any available in their locations. It's a 4 year apprentice program that is on the job training. It's hard work but the pay is good and it's extremely rewarding and the training is elite. There is a downside to being in a union and it's politics. They try to brainwash you into voting Democrat. If you are anything other than a Democrat you have to keep it to yourself and just tell them you vote Democrat.
As an HVAC hands-on owner! I sure hope this is true! I've been doing HAVC for 28 years. im 52 and can't find help. Im getting too old to be doing all the work myself. I've even tried teaching people they dont stick around long enough to learn it. I don't think the kids realize how good the money can be after they get some experience!
The quality of worker/ employer that college creates after 4 years on average is just god awful. I'm in the aerospace industry & We have countless young engineers that are pretty much worthless in the field I'm in
Our education system is antiquated for what's coming. As an engr manager with 40 years of experience .. I strongly advocate for HIGH SCHOOL training in engineering / design, that leads to entry level intern positions, with continuous online training provided by employers .. continuous is the key word there. Brick and mortar colleges are a joke, kids don't need a $100K plus debt boat anchor starting out, .... they need practical skills that can be expanded.
Totally agree. Im a jr engineer currently and my work ethic and attention span has plummeted during college compared to the physical jobs i was working in highschool.
Few yrs ago worked at a major building site. A 24 yr old girl ran a bob cat. In 3 yrs she averaged take home about $60,000 a yr(10hrs day 6 days a wk). First yr paid cash for a new Harley. That's not just intelligence that's a real American.
Hard manual labor outside 60 hours a week is slave labor for 60k. The project manager is rich while the slaves do the work because they feel useful until they realize boss doesn’t do anything but hire and fire
The loans some need to take are compound daily interest and cost 3x the loan unless you pay 1k a month to get it paid. This type of loan interest needs to be outlawed
As a gen Z conservative, I’ve been republican my hole life . I would never go to college they are to liberal and never seen the worth of a peace of paper to just be in debt . If your in debt already at 19 ,21 so forth your doing something wrong. I was gonna go into the military out of highschool in 2020 but they went woke plus other things . So I didn’t. Now I’m doing trade school and on the side trying to get involved in politics.
The pushback is that good ol' blue collar jobs require actual work. You WILL get dirty,sweaty,tired,pull a muscle or 10, and apparently worst of all is you'll get grease on your hands.Oh the Humanity. New generation (with some great exceptions) just can't deal with that. I spent a lifetime (50+ years) working with my hands and body: retired well after I sold my company but during Covid it was dang near impossible to find decent people to hire to work.Main driver for me selling and retiring was exactly that. And: high school diploma, 7+ years in USN with honorable discharge,strong work ethic matching my type A personality, and a mind thirsty for new skills is all it took.
I wouldn’t say blue collar are jobs are the definition of actual work but yes, they are physically demanding, which is the reason many do not want to make them a lifelong career. Contrarily, everyone serves their own purpose on this planet, regardless of how much physical work they do. Some put all of their actual work into management, teaching, and higher forms of academia. It all serves a purpose.
If this is true. Its awesome! It's a load off my mind. I'm 46 and have been in the trades for my whole life and its getting ugly finding young men who actually want to learn and work. I really hope this is real
Feel bad for people that work their entire life, sacrificing their body with no retirement but individual jobs that are literally required for them to survive is a juvenile way to waste your life on petty work no one wants to do. There’s a reason the industry is dying, supply and demand for other jobs
You don’t know any college graduates and the people who work for the “every contractor I know” is probably hiring immigrants from Mexico and Central America and paying them low wages.
They decided, the BEST person to represent them is, Donnnie the ABUSER. "I don't even wait. When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab'em by the p....y. You can do anything"
I did the NJATC apprenticeship in 2009. Now….I go everywhere I want and quit the contractor if they get too demanding. The entire country is a walk through and they can’t keep anyone. It’s nuts and I love it. $43 an hour and benefits with $65 for OT and people still don’t show up 😂
As a boomer I've spent 49 years doing carpentry. I'd say that quality work gets the job, but I've seen more and more that some do fair or poor work at a cheap price and some are okay with that. I'm just not the guy to do a subpar job at anything I do. Whether it's fixing a vehicle for a friend, building a home, or tending the yard. You can tell a lot about a person by how they do a job.
My nephew just turned 21 and recently journeyed out as a low voltage electrician. Barely 21 years old, driving a company truck, running jobs, directing apprentices, handling customers. He barely finished high-school and everyone told him to go to college or he'd be a loser. He's making $53.50/hr plus full benefits and already started saving for his retirement. His peers are still paying tens of thousands for the priviledge of going to college to get a degree that teaches you nothing and nobody cares about.
I was a Welder my whole career. 43 years. I then taught welding after retiring for 4 years. Out of 20 students at the most would be 4 that could do it. The rest thought they could do it without help or stay off their cell phones. I told them if they didn't want to get burned, sweat or keep their welding hoods down just walk away
I went to a vocational school for welding. 3/4 into it i started asking a few employers what they were paying... they said $15/hr. This was around 2018. $15/hr even then was too low. My welsing instructor was becoming disappointed with employers, some of which he knew personally. I then dropped out and took two welding jobs under the table. Both bosses (veteran welders) on both jobs had developed serious health issues related to welding. We all arrived at the conclusion it just isnt worth it anymore; all of my savings would, eventually, have to be spent on medical expenses on problems caused by years welding. So it was then that i dropped out of it.
@@Lawlesslarry69absolutely not. The pay is worse than being a welder, for the same later in life health problems. Unless you get into heavy equipment/ marine diesel which are only available in certain areas, or require a lot of traveling.
@@Lawlesslarry69depends on a person’s talents, location, age, etc when choosing a trade. Most pay pretty poorly if they’re unlicensed or if you’re not self employed . Such as light vehicle mechanic, carpenter, painters, etc . Licensed trades plumber, hvac, electrician pay better, but entry lvl positions pay pretty poorly and are usually reliant on new construction. So there’s really no perfect answer.
I'm a retired electrician. When you have a skill, you can always make money. Even though I am old and beat up, I can still troubleshoot and change switches. I spent a few years at the end of my career taking just the gravy work. You also can begin learning your trade as a teen. If you want to be a mechanic, start by fixing your buddies bicycles. Things always break so here is always work.
Definitely a lot of misinformation here… my spouse has been a certified welder since 2016 & he’s only worked as an actual welder once …most of the jobs are looking only for helpers not actual welders. And when you go online to ask about leads for welding jobs many of the “older” welders will laugh and not provide any help at all. Also this is definitely not a field that works off merit, it’s based on WHO you know, not WHAT you know. Don’t get sucked into the “trade trap” Lastly many trade schools could care less about job placement or job referrals.
Welding is rewarding work, and also fun. Plus, side work for those who are good enough to fabricate or make an art of it. Take care of your health. It's hard on the body. Protect your eyes and lungs. Blessings.
All my friends in skilled trades own houses, nice cars/ trucks, and have relatively no debt. Most of my friends that went to college (barring ones who went to small state schools or have rich parents) are saddled with 25-50k of debt, and some are as high as $100k. I'm glad young people are waking up to the insanity and rejecting college as being the only path after high school.
More Apprentices less journeyman on the jobs. Companies want to save as much as they can. Just hope whatever company you work for is strong or else you’ll be jumping around when it gets slow.
Join a Trade Union , they provide an apprenticeship program and you'll learn from journeymen on the job too. You can easily make $100,000 or more a year in most the construction trades and you get good benefits too. Its a pretty good living . College is a joke.
This is a great thing. For years, it has been difficult to find people who had any skills in any trade or even wanted to work in the trades. All my life, I have lived comfortably as a construction electrician.
You're using a gov statistic for factory setting welders. Oil field coded welders with their own rig make $150.00 to $200.00 per hour for each hour the welder is running.Off-shore rig welders make same. Fab-shop owner/welders average $125.00 an hour.
I highly suggest guys in the trades eventually start their own gig, or get into a big pharmaceutical company. As a boiler tech, before I retired at 48 years old in Los Angeles, I worked for some of the biggest biotech and pharmaceutical companies. The sign on bonuses benefits, stock options, 15-18% annual bonuses. Electricians, HVAC, welders, robotics, general mechanics, please look into this!
Four or more year college degrees are pretty much useless in today's economy. Our country was built by hard working tradesman. I had only a high-school diploma and became a carpenter. I'm now retired and can honestly say that I have provided a very comfortable life for my family.
It’s only useless if the degree is useless aka liberal arts or social work. Being in a STEM major is useful! Making way more than any blue collar worker and less abuse on the body
When I was in High School, I’m a late Gen Xer, we had shop classes and wielding as part of it. There were two tracks for students a general track and a college prep track so not everyone had to be going to college.
We had one kid last 1 day because it was 100 degrees out. Another kid the boss hired that was one of the workers kid because he did nothing but play on his phone. Talked to the boss and he's now not coming back this season.
The most important trade is a carpenter trade.Because you do it all welding sheet.Rock windows doors floors, tile sinks.Toilets you name it is what a carpenter does
I received my welding Certificate 21. Got a job on the railroad. Fixing tracks eventually quit because of racial and abuse. Unfortunately for the company that I worked out was shut down by osha. Haven't found a welding job in the last fifteen years.
This is awesome, hardworking young people are our future and they are still out there!! I'm the training coordinator for a non-profit organization that does free construction training and we have had more interest from Gen Z lately. They are hungry for it and very respectful and hard working with great attitudes in AK! We also have a Women in the Trades program and are getting more women into the trades also. Apprenticeship is a no-brainer for a career in the trades with zero debt!! And the reality is journeyman make better money than most people with college degrees with no student debt. There should be apprenticeships for all careers in my opinion, but the Universities wouldn't like that.
There is a reason that they are called the skilled trades. You learn enough in school to really start to learn when you get on the job. In that, it's no different from engineering. Skill is acquired through practice and study. That is true on every field. Nobody comes out of school ready to go. The objective is to get the tools you need to keep learning.
I always say a person should be able to work with their hands and their mind. I didn't start college until my mid-20s because I got a trade out of high school. Fast forward many years and having both hands on skills and a STEM degree has put me ahead of peers with more college education. Many of the guys I studied with were just like me. They were electricians, mechanics, and carpenters first and then got a degree after. Could I have made it with just my trade alone, yes. That said having both skill sets has made me a well respected and well paid person at the company I work for.
It is about time the younger generation gets back into blue collar jobs. No one can afford college any more unless you get a full ride scholarship or are from wealth.
I went to college for one semester back in 2008. Got my future wife pregnant and had to go to work. I do construction and I make more then the majority of the people we (wife and I) know. Avg income for my area for a college grad is 55k. I havent made less than 70 since 2013.
Blue collar workers deserve more respect.
Democrats give them respect. Joe is pro-union. Biden 2024 🇺🇸
Blue collar and pro union are kinda 2 different things..
If your smart, you know joey is only doing that for Votes, he could give 2 shtts about ANYBODY..or this country. His view of unions is the same as a socialist view of it workers.
Unions also have extreme control over the workers, a bit like Big Government..
Non union Blu are more independent thinkers/scrappers and more conservative.
@@Dixie.1818 👍
@@TTOCSSMITH Only when they need them!
Good, finally! F the idea that college is the only option for success.
College is better
@@improvisedsurvival5967 My dad was a steelworker after the war he worked for Bethlem Steel he worked a arc welder for 5 years had to wear glasses after that, one day he came home the bottom of his shoes were melted starting a blast furnace, he had to spend 90 days at the mill when in January a 100 car coal train derailed. We moved to Florida in 1965 my mom wanted to get out of Pa. He lived to 77. He told me once I can't believed I lived this long most steelworkers died a couple of years after 62 retirement. Construction work is hard physical labor day in and day out. Your body is not a replaceable machine. 45 years of daily physical labor. Good luck to your knees.
It never was the only option.
I am from across the pond, and we face the same shortage of "blue collar" workers ( i kinda hate the term, coz it implies lack of qualification or education).
If we as western economies want to boost our employment rates and become less dependent from foreign suppliers, like China, we need to get better at making manufacturing jobs more appealing to young people.
So, here comes the part where we possibly disagree.
Imo opinion the current government makes great efforts to achieve just that.
@@improvisedsurvival5967hell no it worst unlessu want work in heath or be a Lawyer
Now we need to get prices right
We need more trade schools in this country for sure.
I teach I-car
I went through that trade school when I worked for a body shop.
Good school!!!
Thanks Mrs Obvious 😘
They decided, the BEST person to represent them is, Donnnie the ABUSER.
"I don't even wait. When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab'em by the p....y. You can do anything"
LOL, I work in a Factory, and half of the Gen Z's either quit within a week or so, or we have to constantly double check their work. If it was up to me, I would make sure all cell phones are left in their lunchbox's and used only on breaks.
Spot on comment to this fake news
Factory work is a dead end job. I only lasted 3 months. It was awful and so unfulfilling I don't blame anyone of any age to find anything else.
@@arintheseatsesh6242 Maybe, But I know guys who have worked their entire lives in a Factory and made a good living. The deciding factor is are you willing to work? Nothing wrong with that.
They are spoiled. My 26 years old lord help me😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@arintheseatsesh6242I’ve done a factory trade for 31 years. I own two homes and have plenty of money. Overtime pays great. Is it a dream job? No, but it gets the job done in terms of making a living and I’ve never had student debt. Unless you own a company, all jobs end somewhere. The goal is steady work and security. You use that to build your dream on the side through investments and real estate. One young guy banked 60k in 2.5 years while still paying for a place. That’s how it’s done.
Work a real job, provide a real service, live a full and accomplished life. This is what America stood for.
Yea. Not everyone has the intelligence to go to college. Kids with average intelligence should go to trade schools
@@indianlarry6105 I find the dumbest people have college degrees... Just saying
Mike Rowe is pleased.......
I hired a "college educated" guy (once), he held nails in his comb so he wouldn't hit his fingers with a hammer....he didn't last.
College has become an expensive joke.
Agreed but that is how a debt based fiat currency works...
why a joke?
with fjb it's become a free joke...
@@skoolwheelz9042 so your kids can go to college : worried about this ?
@@vincegoupilNot at my expense.
I am in Canada and it's old white guys working construction. I get paid $42/hr to weld.
Same here. All the guys on our crew is in the 50's were bricklayers.
Welders where I work (in Toronto Canada) make about $48/hour. You should ask for a raise.
As a welder of twenty years it’s refreshing to see the younger generations coming up. The only concern I have with the trade school route is the students need to learn about fabrication not just being able to weld!! Very few welding students who graduate come into the job with any idea of real world welding knowledge.
It’s your job to teach these great Americans. As many generations have before! Good luck and give ‘em a hand. I’m happy to hear that America is at least turning the page on this “you need 30 years of experience” and woke crap. Let’s raise them up!
@@Legoman69469well it’s because of experience that what most people looking into stuff.
If you learn a trade, you will never be out of work
unless u fk yourself up,, i see it all the time!!!
That’s if your good! Unions are picky nowadays
Tradespeople that were out of work for yrs after the 2008 housing market collapse would like to have a word with you.
@jasonkoplen2554 Well, yeah. That was then. Overseas work pays really well also
@@bigsarge8795 if you can afford to travel, land a job in an English speaking country, or are bilingual that might be an option. This overhyping the trades and downplaying education is nothing but a ruse to over saturate the sector and drive wages down in the trades.
That's great to see. I worked as a carpenter for 50 years. It's hard work, but rewarding at the end of the job, you see what you accomplished. We had ups and downs with the economy but not a bad living.
Now, we get to teach them that safe spaces don't exist and NO one gives a f about their feelings.
Can we agree Biden won in 2020? Since feelings don’t matter…
Not true. Every day at work people ask me how I`m doin.
Bob, you missed Ray's Point...
In the south people ask everyone "how ya doin today, ya all right"
@@Dixie.1818 No Ray was railing against "wokeness", otherwise known inclusion and acceptance. It was dreamt up by America's enemies as way to divide Americans.
As you guys sob about a beer can
Men! Getting sht done and building this country!
Building this country!!! ... for customers who went to college.
@@KrustyKlown I don't know what space station you live in but in my world here in the US I know more Blue collar people with wealth than otherwise.
@@mgu1N1n1 define "wealth" ?? .. I've never met a wealthy dude who humped HVAC installs.
Kristy, yep, right on
@@KrustyKlownboth many blue collar workers have large union companies themselves making millions buddy
It’s nice to see some of that generation will get busy and not rely on the government to take care of them.
You can be communist and want to work.
Better jobs are better paying and in a healthy economy, there are lots of them! That's why I am
trump is absolutely responsible for the border crisis and had a failed economic record...
It's a very healthy economy. Did you see the unemployment numbers yesterday?
"The economy does better under Democrats" - Donald J Trump
Yep, he's right.
@winsomemartinez, it rose faster under Trump, anyone with half a brain knows that.
Health? But university bad? Doctor go to trade school? Mechanic, Doctor… same thing. No learning at University. Bad says MAGA.
Most of EU requires 2 years military or civil service where they teach these skills and offer college level classes. No huge student loan program needed.
The US government - run by swamp people - will turn it corrupt overnight
Younger people must understand there's much more to this than welding. A true craftsman in this field must be able to work from prints, fit up their own work including rigging involved before critical welds can be made.
Is finally somebody on here making some sense. I just got out of a basic welding class and everyone in the clas shocked at how much went into it. We started out with twelve and we graduated with six People in the class only. One of them was an engineer and even he struggled with the welding. And we only spent like 1 or 2 days on blueprints.But there's so much more that goes into welding and people think it's just slapping two pieces of metal together. Nothing's more further from the truth.
@@prepordietryin9119finish welders more than the dude with a spud wrench lol
@@prepordietryin9119 I would highly recommend young people to enroll into a union pipefitter or boilermaker apprenticeship program if there are any available in their locations. It's a 4 year apprentice program that is on the job training. It's hard work but the pay is good and it's extremely rewarding and the training is elite. There is a downside to being in a union and it's politics. They try to brainwash you into voting Democrat. If you are anything other than a Democrat you have to keep it to yourself and just tell them you vote Democrat.
Millennial here. Be proud you guys are the toolbelt generation. You deserve better then us. We were just the tool generation.
Elder Millennial here and I went to a state funded trade school so the loss of interest in college definitely started around 20 years ago.
As a certified machinist and an electrical engineer. I do not regret getting either.
Real man sh*t
I don't think I want to buy a Gen Z built house. The likelihood of a Cry Closet being a feature of the home would be too high.
As an HVAC hands-on owner! I sure hope this is true! I've been doing HAVC for 28 years. im 52 and can't find help. Im getting too old to be doing all the work myself. I've even tried teaching people they dont stick around long enough to learn it. I don't think the kids realize how good the money can be after they get some experience!
How good is the money
I quit the AC trades money wasn’t that great I got into tech making triple income
The quality of worker/ employer that college creates after 4 years on average is just god awful. I'm in the aerospace industry & We have countless young engineers that are pretty much worthless in the field I'm in
the disconnect between school (theory) and the world of work = need for an adaptation of theory to practice.
Our education system is antiquated for what's coming. As an engr manager with 40 years of experience .. I strongly advocate for HIGH SCHOOL training in engineering / design, that leads to entry level intern positions, with continuous online training provided by employers .. continuous is the key word there. Brick and mortar colleges are a joke, kids don't need a $100K plus debt boat anchor starting out, .... they need practical skills that can be expanded.
Great trade AA degrees available at community colleges all around the country. Do not be so quick to denigrate education.
Totally agree. Im a jr engineer currently and my work ethic and attention span has plummeted during college compared to the physical jobs i was working in highschool.
Not college educated yet myself and many accumulate wealth just as a puff in an office!
Dirty hands,
Clean money.
Boomers destroyed Gen Z chances greed in tuition and greed in real estate
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
We will have our last laugh… when they finally get to the nursing home, let’s leave their diaper on an extra day :)…
Few yrs ago worked at a major building site. A 24 yr old girl ran a bob cat. In 3 yrs she averaged take home about $60,000 a yr(10hrs day 6 days a wk). First yr paid cash for a new Harley. That's not just intelligence that's a real American.
Not at all worth the money. That’s absurd.
Hard manual labor outside 60 hours a week is slave labor for 60k. The project manager is rich while the slaves do the work because they feel useful until they realize boss doesn’t do anything but hire and fire
That girl was the play toy for the foreman and owner at work
The loans some need to take are compound daily interest and cost 3x the loan unless you pay 1k a month to get it paid. This type of loan interest needs to be outlawed
As a gen Z conservative, I’ve been republican my hole life . I would never go to college they are to liberal and never seen the worth of a peace of paper to just be in debt . If your in debt already at 19 ,21 so forth your doing something wrong.
I was gonna go into the military out of highschool in 2020 but they went woke plus other things . So I didn’t.
Now I’m doing trade school and on the side trying to get involved in politics.
Godspeed go for your Dreams n use these tools🧠👐
Woke soldiers is a Fox scam. Any of our soldiers would take you down in a second.
You never joined the military but you know it's woke? Good luck on your political career. One tip. You might want to learn English first.
Man go on AI and tell it to re-write your comment with correct grammar and study what you did wrong.
Watching Fox news from Philippines☺️🇵🇭
The pushback is that good ol' blue collar jobs require actual work. You WILL get dirty,sweaty,tired,pull a muscle or 10, and apparently worst of all is you'll get grease on your hands.Oh the Humanity. New generation (with some great exceptions) just can't deal with that. I spent a lifetime (50+ years) working with my hands and body: retired well after I sold my company but during Covid it was dang near impossible to find decent people to hire to work.Main driver for me selling and retiring was exactly that. And: high school diploma, 7+ years in USN with honorable discharge,strong work ethic matching my type A personality, and a mind thirsty for new skills is all it took.
I wouldn’t say blue collar are jobs are the definition of actual work but yes, they are physically demanding, which is the reason many do not want to make them a lifelong career. Contrarily, everyone serves their own purpose on this planet, regardless of how much physical work they do. Some put all of their actual work into management, teaching, and higher forms of academia. It all serves a purpose.
The numbers are proving you wrong on that my guy. They in fact are handling it.
If this is true. Its awesome! It's a load off my mind. I'm 46 and have been in the trades for my whole life and its getting ugly finding young men who actually want to learn and work. I really hope this is real
Feel bad for people that work their entire life, sacrificing their body with no retirement but individual jobs that are literally required for them to survive is a juvenile way to waste your life on petty work no one wants to do. There’s a reason the industry is dying, supply and demand for other jobs
Good college isn’t for everybody and every contractor I know makes more than 98% of the college graduates I know
You don’t know any college graduates and the people who work for the “every contractor I know” is probably hiring immigrants from Mexico and Central America and paying them low wages.
They decided, the BEST person to represent them is, Donnnie the ABUSER.
"I don't even wait. When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab'em by the p....y. You can do anything"
@@indianlarry6105 I know plenty of any contractors and plenty of college graduates. Every contractor is better off!
All the graduates I know make more than any trade union.
I did the NJATC apprenticeship in 2009. Now….I go everywhere I want and quit the contractor if they get too demanding. The entire country is a walk through and they can’t keep anyone. It’s nuts and I love it. $43 an hour and benefits with $65 for OT and people still don’t show up 😂
As a boomer I've spent 49 years doing carpentry. I'd say that quality work gets the job, but I've seen more and more that some do fair or poor work at a cheap price and some are okay with that. I'm just not the guy to do a subpar job at anything I do. Whether it's fixing a vehicle for a friend, building a home, or tending the yard. You can tell a lot about a person by how they do a job.
This not a surprise the economy is booming and there is demand for those jobs. Another plus, no need for college 😂 or the debt.
Fake news. Gen z kids don’t even know what a Phillips head screwdriver is.
That’s true
Wanna bet?
And I’m guessing you don’t know how to clear a virus from your computer after thinking you’ve won a free iPad?
@@Gatzucortezemmanuel357 what nonsense are you talking scrubb
@@jediskunk67 I’m sure you do after googling it
you used to be able to make a good living in a trade. cheap labor pooring over the border is making it harder .
there are more trades than just construction, though not disagreeing with you
Cheap labor is cheap for a reason. Those guys are lazy and incompetent af. I make good money to fix their mistakes.
My nephew just turned 21 and recently journeyed out as a low voltage electrician. Barely 21 years old, driving a company truck, running jobs, directing apprentices, handling customers. He barely finished high-school and everyone told him to go to college or he'd be a loser. He's making $53.50/hr plus full benefits and already started saving for his retirement. His peers are still paying tens of thousands for the priviledge of going to college to get a degree that teaches you nothing and nobody cares about.
A young couple has to work 2 jobs now to afford food.
I was a Welder my whole career. 43 years. I then taught welding after retiring for 4 years. Out of 20 students at the most would be 4 that could do it. The rest thought they could do it without help or stay off their cell phones. I told them if they didn't want to get burned, sweat or keep their welding hoods down just walk away
Hey bro was it easy to get a job in welding
Shop and home economics worked really well for many years
I went to a vocational school for welding. 3/4 into it i started asking a few employers what they were paying... they said $15/hr. This was around 2018. $15/hr even then was too low. My welsing instructor was becoming disappointed with employers, some of which he knew personally.
I then dropped out and took two welding jobs under the table. Both bosses (veteran welders) on both jobs had developed serious health issues related to welding.
We all arrived at the conclusion it just isnt worth it anymore; all of my savings would, eventually, have to be spent on medical expenses on problems caused by years welding.
So it was then that i dropped out of it.
Yes I've heard of this happening to welders. I think vehicle mechanic is best.
@@Lawlesslarry69absolutely not. The pay is worse than being a welder, for the same later in life health problems. Unless you get into heavy equipment/ marine diesel which are only available in certain areas, or require a lot of traveling.
@@jasonkoplen2554 suggestions?
College is best unless you want manual labor for the rest of your life.
@@Lawlesslarry69depends on a person’s talents, location, age, etc when choosing a trade. Most pay pretty poorly if they’re unlicensed or if you’re not self employed . Such as light vehicle mechanic, carpenter, painters, etc . Licensed trades plumber, hvac, electrician pay better, but entry lvl positions pay pretty poorly and are usually reliant on new construction. So there’s really no perfect answer.
I'm a retired electrician. When you have a skill, you can always make money. Even though I am old and beat up, I can still troubleshoot and change switches. I spent a few years at the end of my career taking just the gravy work. You also can begin learning your trade as a teen. If you want to be a mechanic, start by fixing your buddies bicycles. Things always break so here is always work.
Re-write in lowercase please
@@MrYega-zq7rz can't doing am blind in one eye get over yourself unless you are inflicted ! Wish it on no one!
My landlord has 3 sons 20-24, a carpenter, a fireman and a mechanic in the Coast Guard.
Cheap labor isn’t good, and good labor isn’t cheap. If you have a skill you deserve to be paid well for it. Union all the way
You can’t say that on Fox, that makes you a leftist…
Definitely a lot of misinformation here… my spouse has been a certified welder since 2016 & he’s only worked as an actual welder once …most of the jobs are looking only for helpers not actual welders. And when you go online to ask about leads for welding jobs many of the “older” welders will laugh and not provide any help at all. Also this is definitely not a field that works off merit, it’s based on WHO you know, not WHAT you know. Don’t get sucked into the “trade trap”
Lastly many trade schools could care less about job placement or job referrals.
Welding is rewarding work, and also fun. Plus, side work for those who are good enough to fabricate or make an art of it. Take care of your health. It's hard on the body. Protect your eyes and lungs. Blessings.
In California there's very few high schools that have any kind of shop classes.
All my friends in skilled trades own houses, nice cars/ trucks, and have relatively no debt. Most of my friends that went to college (barring ones who went to small state schools or have rich parents) are saddled with 25-50k of debt, and some are as high as $100k. I'm glad young people are waking up to the insanity and rejecting college as being the only path after high school.
More Apprentices less journeyman on the jobs. Companies want to save as much as they can. Just hope whatever company you work for is strong or else you’ll be jumping around when it gets slow.
Join a Trade Union , they provide an apprenticeship program and you'll learn from journeymen on the job too. You can easily make $100,000 or more a year in most the construction trades and you get good benefits too. Its a pretty good living . College is a joke.
You have to be good to stay in and get work also u gotta like it. Unions are picky nowadays. It ain’t for everyone
i did both, went to college, join the marines and now I work as a utility locator.
This is a great thing. For years, it has been difficult to find people who had any skills in any trade or even wanted to work in the trades. All my life, I have lived comfortably as a construction electrician.
Haha loved that fail at the beginning! 😂
Welders make $46,799 a year or 22.49 an hour
You're using a gov statistic for factory setting welders. Oil field coded welders with their own rig make $150.00 to $200.00 per hour for each hour the welder is running.Off-shore rig welders make same. Fab-shop owner/welders average $125.00 an hour.
@@amossnowdaharleyman9179 Great!!
Many construction Jobs pay prevailing wages ….i had yrs I made over $150k …as an Equipment Operator
That sounds too little. That is how much I make right now as a unskilled warehouse worker at Coca Cola
Im a truck driver. I dropped out of college pursuing a Computer Science degree. Im dam happy and wealthy now. Best decision of my life.
I highly suggest guys in the trades eventually start their own gig, or get into a big pharmaceutical company. As a boiler tech, before I retired at 48 years old in Los Angeles, I worked for some of the biggest biotech and pharmaceutical companies. The sign on bonuses benefits, stock options, 15-18% annual bonuses. Electricians, HVAC, welders, robotics, general mechanics, please look into this!
Four or more year college degrees are pretty much useless in today's economy. Our country was built by hard working tradesman. I had only a high-school diploma and became a carpenter. I'm now retired and can honestly say that I have provided a very comfortable life for my family.
It’s only useless if it’s a useless major. many graduates make way more than any trade blue collar
Tradesmen can receive training at community colleges. Quit saying college is a waste.
It’s only useless if the degree is useless aka liberal arts or social work. Being in a STEM major is useful! Making way more than any blue collar worker and less abuse on the body
As you get older you move up from Welder to Welding Inspector. The Medical profession has many trade oriented job openings, particularly Radiology.
Wonderful. Trade school was the answer for me
When I was in High School, I’m a late Gen Xer, we had shop classes and wielding as part of it. There were two tracks for students a general track and a college prep track so not everyone had to be going to college.
It's about time.
Great episode
All the gen Z guys don't want to work hard in my trade. They want high pay and no sweating
Gen Z made my last job intolerable. You try and get them to do 50% of what you have done your entire life they get upset.
You left out soy milk lattes and imaginary safe spaces
@@Dwade689 as soon as you yell at these kids they call Human Resourses. Won't stop me from breaking in these soft hand boys/gal
We had one kid last 1 day because it was 100 degrees out. Another kid the boss hired that was one of the workers kid because he did nothing but play on his phone. Talked to the boss and he's now not coming back this season.
Those people must be part of the creampuff generation?😮
Awesome for news for trade schools. 🙏🏼🇺🇸👍🏼💪🏼
Remember lads! Safety first.You'll be missed!!🇺🇸😁👍
The most important trade is a carpenter trade.Because you do it all welding sheet.Rock windows doors floors, tile sinks.Toilets you name it is what a carpenter does
tell us what a "framing crew" is......and how much welding happens in stick built construction
Truly inspiring to see Gen Z in trades.
Definitely a great time to be in the trades. Anyone who is crying poor these days just doesn't want to get their hands dirty.
I received my welding Certificate 21. Got a job on the railroad. Fixing tracks eventually quit because of racial and abuse. Unfortunately for the company that I worked out was shut down by osha. Haven't found a welding job in the last fifteen years.
Welding is Good Stuff!
# union mom ❤❤❤❤ good for you!
This is awesome, however my husband is getting put of welding after 6 years because they havent raised wages for it in forever
Looking at the workforce objectively most 'college graduates' end in jobs totally unrelated to their useless degrees.
This is awesome, hardworking young people are our future and they are still out there!! I'm the training coordinator for a non-profit organization that does free construction training and we have had more interest from Gen Z lately. They are hungry for it and very respectful and hard working with great attitudes in AK! We also have a Women in the Trades program and are getting more women into the trades also. Apprenticeship is a no-brainer for a career in the trades with zero debt!! And the reality is journeyman make better money than most people with college degrees with no student debt. There should be apprenticeships for all careers in my opinion, but the Universities wouldn't like that.
There's 10 million new migrants who can do what you do for less money
they're coming here for the freebies fjb promised them
And we should ban all of them, to protect Americans and America.
@@TomStedhamLol Americans commit more crimes than the migrants.
Happy Saturday to you too. 😀
There is a reason that they are called the skilled trades. You learn enough in school to really start to learn when you get on the job. In that, it's no different from engineering. Skill is acquired through practice and study. That is true on every field. Nobody comes out of school ready to go. The objective is to get the tools you need to keep learning.
I always say a person should be able to work with their hands and their mind. I didn't start college until my mid-20s because I got a trade out of high school. Fast forward many years and having both hands on skills and a STEM degree has put me ahead of peers with more college education. Many of the guys I studied with were just like me. They were electricians, mechanics, and carpenters first and then got a degree after. Could I have made it with just my trade alone, yes. That said having both skill sets has made me a well respected and well paid person at the company I work for.
It is about time the younger generation gets back into blue collar jobs. No one can afford college any more unless you get a full ride scholarship or are from wealth.
Please look into the the pros and cons of every interested profession. Welders damage their eye vision, but they have a cool job melting metal
I went to college for one semester back in 2008. Got my future wife pregnant and had to go to work. I do construction and I make more then the majority of the people we (wife and I) know.
Avg income for my area for a college grad is 55k. I havent made less than 70 since 2013.
I agree, 100%
Welding is a great career. Very good money and sense of accomplishment
Good to see . Make yourselves useful . It's your turn now.
I ain’t convinced,Until I see the actual results of of Gen Z get in to trade work,it will be hard for me to believe that they’re on the rise.
These youngins are lazy they don’t last in the field I heard stories where they quit in one day! They couldn’t handle.
Many kinds of welders..Woman are also great welders!! Iron workers are amazing too!
Women are good for laying down pipe. Plumber phrase “pipe her down”
WEARING a toolbelt while standing around on their phones watching this and Truth posts.
Now, this is good news.
Get Ready To Say Goodbye To All Those Companies, The US Government Is Targeting You
HIGH COST of COLLEGE is why this is happening ... so sad, a Dumb America is doomed to decay.
Exactly what Trump advocated.
Take THAT, Ivy League 💥 💪
Because welding is cool and the ultimate job. Been burning myself for 40 years with 18 certs.
The allure of college has worn off
If you’re not doing hvac you’re losing money
That's because they've been lied to about college.
Good thing for me they suck at fractions
It’s the only thing that pays anymore these days. Like people have been saying for years.