You never know. That is the current trend in Nepal. This country is ruled by goons and something needs to be done about it. Kudos to you guys for bringing this out and presenting it in a very balanced way.
I am from Tikapur ...Tikapur ma bhayeko ghatna yaahi kuro sang related xa we all know that Resham chaudhary is innocent but no one can speak against Aftaab alaam and Resham also Fear ..kinaki tiniharule daar dhamki le chup laagey yadi kaai bhanepaxi Sappai family laai mardinxau bhaner ...jun SP le yeu ghatna ko barema investigate gare tai SP Tikapur ghatna ma maare gunda harule teu ghatna like andolan ma parirat garnw lai aaru laai pani mariye ani sabai Blame Resham ko ma lagey...I am Susmita Chaudhary yaako sabai Sthaniye haruli thax yeu ghatna ma aftaablaalm ko haat x bhaner ..police harulai no yeu ghatna ko paxadi Aftaab ko haatx bhaner THAAX They don't speak
How Iman Singh Chemjong Spread Hatred Against Madhesi, Lepcha, Bhutia, Khas, and Newars Introduction Iman Singh Chemjong, a contentious figure in the early 20th century, played a significant role in shaping the socio-political landscape of the Himalayan region. His actions and ideologies left a lasting impact on the ethnic and cultural dynamics of communities such as the Madhesis, Lepchas, Bhutias, Khas, and Newars. Chemjong's efforts to promote Christianity and his use of divisive tactics fostered hatred and mistrust among these groups. This essay explores how Chemjong spread animosity and division, particularly through his fabrication of the Kirat identity and derogatory terminology. The Fabrication of the Kirat Identity One of Chemjong's most notable contributions to social discord in the region was his construction of the Kirat identity. By linking the Limbus and Rais to the ancient Kirats, he attempted to create a distinct ethnic and cultural identity that would serve his broader agenda of Christianization. This fabricated identity was used to undermine and erase the historical significance of the Madhesi, Newars, and Khas people. Chemjong's strategy involved promoting the idea that the Kirats were the original inhabitants of the region, thereby delegitimizing the claims of other ethnic groups to the land and its history. This narrative not only served to elevate the Kirat identity but also to create a sense of alienation and resentment among other communities, particularly the Madhesis, who were portrayed as outsiders and intruders. Spreading Hatred Against Madhesis Chemjong's use of the term "Dhoti" as a derogatory label for Hindus, particularly those from the Indo-Gangetic plains, was a significant aspect of his divisive tactics. The term "Dhoti" was used to demean and humiliate the Madhesi community, fostering a sense of inferiority and alienation. This racial slur contributed to the growing animosity between the Madhesis and other ethnic groups in the region. By portraying the Madhesis as culturally and ethnically inferior, Chemjong aimed to marginalize them and diminish their influence. This strategy was part of a broader effort to weaken the cohesion of Hindu communities in the region and pave the way for the spread of Christianity. The stigmatization of the Madhesis had long-lasting effects, contributing to the social and political marginalization of the community. Division Among Lepchas, Bhutias, Magars, and Khas Chemjong's divisive tactics were not limited to the Madhesis. He also targeted other ethnic groups such as the Lepchas, Bhutias, Magars, and Khas. By promoting negative stereotypes and fostering inter-ethnic rivalries, he sought to create a fragmented and divided society that would be more receptive to Christianization. Among the Lepchas and Bhutias, Chemjong's efforts to promote the Kirat identity served to undermine their historical and cultural significance. By positioning the Kirats as the true indigenous people, he sought to delegitimize the claims of the Lepchas and Bhutias to the land and its heritage. This strategy created a sense of resentment and mistrust between these communities. Chemjong specifically targeted the Magar community by labeling them as refugees from Mongolia. This derogatory characterization aimed to undermine their sense of belonging and legitimacy in the region. By portraying the Magars as outsiders, Chemjong further fragmented the ethnic landscape, creating tension and division. Additionally, Chemjong vilified the Bhutia community, portraying them as oppressors and manipulators. By emphasizing negative stereotypes and historical grievances, he aimed to create conflict between the Bhutias and Lepchas. This strategy was designed to weaken the unity of these communities and make them more susceptible to his religious and political agenda. The Impact on Newars The Newars, with their rich cultural and historical heritage, were also targeted by Chemjong's divisive tactics. By promoting inter-group rivalries and fostering a sense of division, he sought to weaken the cohesion and unity of the Newar community. This strategy involved exploiting existing social and cultural differences and magnifying them to create conflict and discord. Chemjong's efforts included creating tension between the Maharjan and Shrestha sub-groups within the Newar community. By emphasizing their differences and promoting rivalry, he aimed to fragment the Newar society. This strategy was part of a broader effort to weaken Hindu communities and promote the spread of Christianity. By undermining the unity and cohesion of the Newars, he sought to create a more receptive environment for his religious and political agenda.
Recently I turned 18 Ani maile recent ko election vote garna payema but I will promise my self from now on Vote garxu 2084/85 ma Ani aru lae pani inspire garne try garxu At the end jasto bhaye ni merai desh ho and I got some serious responsibilities ❤
I am from Tikapur ...Tikapur ma bhayeko ghatna yaahi kuro sang related xa we all know that Resham chaudhary is innocent but no one can speak against Aftaab alaam and Resham also Fear ..kinaki tiniharule daar dhamki le chup laagey yadi kaai bhanepaxi Sappai family laai mardinxau bhaner ...jun SP le yeu ghatna ko barema investigate gare tai SP Tikapur ghatna ma maare gunda harule teu ghatna like andolan ma parirat garnw lai aaru laai pani mariye ani sabai Blame Resham ko ma lagey...I am Susmita Chaudhary yaako sabai Sthaniye haruli thax yeu ghatna ma aftaablaalm ko haat x bhaner ..police harulai no yeu ghatna ko paxadi Aftaab ko haatx bhaner THAAX They don't speak
जिहाद हो वावु, सवै भन्दा पहिला जिहाद के हो वुझन्नु पर्छ। कसरि नेपालमा छिरने, लव जिहाद गरने, नेपाली युवालाई विदेस बगाउने,नेपाल सक्काउने संगठित जिहाद युद्ध छेड्ने, कसमिर, हैदरवाद, पाकिस्थान, अफगानिस्थान , वंगलादेस, वनाउने सवै यसैमा लागेको छन् । सव मिलेको छन वोट वैक चाहिएको छ ।
१७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
vote ke timro bewa lai fine feri .kati madheshi lai pahdi le mare ka xan aab madheshi kahi le pani ra*di ko xora lai vote dine hoi na ... Raja ko desh ho neta ko hoi na madesh Raj ko time ma mile ka ho aab madhes ya ta raha samlo indipendent madhesh chahiye.aaj Sikim, garwal lai her ra madhes lai her
म ठोकुवा भन्छु, जब सम्म यही किसिमको राजनीति, राजनीतिक पार्टी र तिनै राजनीतिक पार्टीका कार्यकर्ताहरुले मात्र देश चलाउने हो भने हाम्रो देश नेपाललाई राम्रो विकास गर्न अझै १००-१५० वर्षसम्म लाग्छ । अहिले भएका सबैले सडक, फुटपाथ, नाली, zebra crossing, lane marking गरेर देशको निम्ति धेरै ठूलो विकास गरे भनेर फुर्ती लाउँछन र अलिकति पनि लाज नभएका तिनीहरूलाई २१औं शताब्दीको बेलापनि केवल त्यस्ता सानो तिनो अत्यावश्यक, गर्नै पर्ने कामहरू गरेर देश विकास गरे भनी छाती फुलाउचन अनि आजको दिनसम्म पनि हामी जनताहरू पनि त्यै सडक, नाली, zebra crossing बन्यो भन्दै मख्ख पर्छौ। बर्खा सुरु भयो, कति घर बगाउने होला, कति ज्यान जाने होला त्यसको वारे कोसले तयारी गर्ने, गर्मी पनि सहनु नसक्ने भइसक्यो, त्यसको बारे कुनै सरकारले केही गर्या देखिन्न, आजको दिनसम्म गुणस्तर शिक्षा २-३ ओटा विद्यालय बाहेक कतै छैन, यदि हाम्रो देशमा कुनै किसिमको बाहिरी हस्तक्षेप अथवा युद्ध भए Defense को लागि समेत राम्रो हात हतियार तथा उपकरणहरू छैन, र यस्ता कति हो कति कामहरू छन् । राजाले देशमा तानाशाही मात्र गरे भन्नेहरूले आफूखुसी २० वर्ष जति पुग्न लाग्यो र पनि देशको जनताको भान्सामा आज सम्म नत शुद्ध खानेपानीको व्यवस्था गर्न सक्यो नत गुणस्तर तरकारी तथा अन्नहरु। १०० मा १०१ भ्रष्टाचारीहरु भइसके हाम्रो देशमा, जो आएनी देशको सम्पत्तिलाई आफूखुसी चलाउने, खर्च गर्ने र त्यो पनि केवल कमिसन र घूस खानुलाई मात्र । बिचरा मेयर बालेनले काठमाडौंको शिक्षामा राम्रो गर्न कत्ति प्रयास गरे तर आजको दिन सम्म काठमाडौंको सार्वजनिक विद्यालयले अस्ति भर्खर नगरपालिकाले विनियोजित गरेको यो आ. व. २०८०/०८१ को बजेटको रकमको पनि अन्त्यमा आएर दुरुपयोग गरेर नै छाडे । १-२ जना मेयरले प्रयास त गरिरहेका छन् तर भ्रष्टाचारीहरु यति सम्म भइसकेका छैनन् की कानुनलाई नै प्रयोग गरेर मज्जाले बजेटको दुरुपयोग गरी कमिसन र घुस खान पछि हट्दैनन् अनि १-२ ओटा बालेनले कति ओटा कार्यालयको Documents हरु verify अथवा cross check गर्न सक्छन् र जहाँ प्राय सबै कार्यालयमा प्राय सबै ज्ञान अर्जेका शिक्षिक्त ठग, चोर तथा भ्रष्टाचारीहरु मात्र छन् । माफ पाउँ, यही किसिमको र तरिकाले २००-३०० वर्ष लाग्ने छ, माथि भूल भएर १००-१५० लेखियो ।
@@minku13 हाम्रो देशमा नेता, मन्त्री त चोर फटाहा भइहाले तर विडम्बना के हो भने शिक्षित जनशक्ति, जोसले सानै उमेरदेखि मेहनत साथ पढेर, ज्ञान आर्जेर लोकसेवा उतिर्ण गरेर सरकारी सेवामा काम गर्न अब्बल छु भनी प्रमाणित गरे, पढ्या लेख्या देशकै नागरिक आफै भ्रष्टाचारी भए, घुस र कमिसन त खाए खाए साथै काम पनि गुणस्तर गर्न सकेनन् । हाम्रो देशको शिक्षाले केवल भ्रष्टाचारी, घुसखोरी मात्र बनाए किनभने घुस खाने भनेकै शिक्षित कर्मचारीहरुले नै हुन्, शिक्षालाई तथा सरकारी जागीरको अर्थ नबुझेको हो कि बुद्धिमा गु भरेको तिनीहरूको थाहा छैन तर देश डुबाउने भन्या नै देशकै शिक्षित नागरिकहरु हुन्, जसको काम नै चोर फटाहा लाई समाएर सजाय दिनु पर्ने उसले नै चोरी गरेर आनन्दले सम्पति, इज्जत सबै कमाइरहेका छन् । प्रत्यक्ष प्रधानमंत्री निर्वाचित हुन पर्छ नत्र माथि त मैले ठोकुवा नै गरेको छु कि अहिलेको देशको शिक्षित जनशक्तिहरु जस्तै भए २००-३०० वर्ष लाग्छ होला नेपालले राम्रो प्रगति गरेको अनुभूति हुनलाई जुन हाम्रो जिवनकालमा Impossible नै छ ।
@@BuddhaLama-yp1ny hoho jsto jhanata testai neta pauxa re desle . Aba jhan Janne sunne uba sab bides xa nepalma veda ra jhole matra xa . Bidesbata vote garne subidha didaina neta harule harxam vanera
१७००० मार्ने के ? झुटा लाई १७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
संरक्षक नेपाली कांग्रेस पार्टी हो भन्ने कुरा नबिर्सिऔं, त्यो घटना को बारेमा नेका , नेकपा एमाले र प्रशासन लाई स्प्रष्ट थाहा थियो ! हत्या हिंसा र लुट नै रहेछ राजनिती भनेको !
Tikapur ko ghatana ma mariyeka sp laxman Neupane aalam ko ghatana lai lukaun ko lagi kangrss ko isarama gariyeko thiyo tar fasaiyo sojhasajha tharu harulai
@@sikharharijan5440 arey chutiya teso bhaya dhruv rathee bhanda pahile ni dherai international youtuber haru le yestai video banauthe. Jasle banayo teslai respect gar na nabhaya aafai bana na yesto video. Aafu camera ko agadi bolna ni nasakne le aru lai dhruv rathee ko copy po bhanxa
From childhood i used to admire Congress but after bp sir i have not seen such great leaders .. we should throw away such system.. such parties .. they are the reason we Nepalese are lacking behind . We are sleeping in the fear of country being default but these mfs are drive car of worth rupees crores of this thing wont stop our condition will soon become like african countries
@@sunilpoudel3953 Totally false. Ranas were the ones who signed the 1950 treaty with India. BP on the other hand reached out to China, payed an official diplomatic visit there, and signed a friendship treaty with them to balance relations when he was Prime Minister for a short period. Ani pachhi BP ley Nepal lai bachauna raja sanga reconciliation gareko ho. See his interview in USA. Teti khera India ley Sikkim lai liyeko thiyo ani national unity chainthiyo. BP’s brothers and congress sold us to India later but BP himself loved Nepal.
Hamro desh ko Keratantra lai, yeti Matra hoina most of the Muslim in terai region have there Bansaj citizens and non of them are from Nepal , mostly they are migrated from Bihar and Utter pardesh as well from Bangladesh 😢 You know why this happens, all the leaders as well as civil services officers are in a wave of corruption, sooner or later Terai will be facing the problem of terrorism bcoz of such Zombie mindset creature
bhai video banau yastai khal ka tara ak dam nepal ko kanun ma rahera banau dherai research garera shacho k ho tesma banau feri voli ka din ma timlai garo hunxa best of luck bro ak choti india ko dhurv rathee ko ni video haru hera
मनि dacumentary vdo बानौने सोचिराको छु तर कसरी vdo सन्कलन गर्ने अनि कसरी copy right lagdai na sikaidinuna .. 2 hapta vayo nasuteko sochi sochi msg reply dinu ..
त्यो प्रहरी inspector इन्द्र सुवेदी होइन युट्युबे भाइ लक्षुमन न्यौपाने हो त्यो पनि अपराधी लाई जोगाउने मतियार थियो,त्यसले आफ्नो पापको सजाय कैलालीमा पायो।
१७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
@@healthylifestyle6032 कसलाई भन्या हो?? त्यो ५००० मारेको जिम्मा लिन्छु भन्ने फटाह पर्चन्डे,गौर हत्याको नरसंहारकारी उपिन्द्रे सबै जनताको नजरमा दोषी हुन्,सत्ता र शक्तिको दुरुपयोग गरेर मात्रै अहिलेसम्म बाहिर छन्,म यस्ता भ्रष्ट हत्याराको पक्षपोषणमा कहिले नि लाग्दिन,के भट्टामा मान्छे जीउँदै पोलेर मार्ने आलम लाई राम्रो भन्नुपर्ने हो र?
I am from Tikapur ...Tikapur ma bhayeko ghatna yaahi kuro sang related xa we all know that Resham chaudhary is innocent but no one can speak against Aftaab alaam and Resham also Fear ..kinaki tiniharule daar dhamki le chup laagey yadi kaai bhanepaxi Sappai family laai mardinxau bhaner ...jun SP le yeu ghatna ko barema investigate gare tai SP Tikapur ghatna ma maare gunda harule teu ghatna like andolan ma parirat garnw lai aaru laai pani mariye ani sabai Blame Resham ko ma lagey...I am Susmita Chaudhary yaako sabai Sthaniye haruli thax yeu ghatna ma aftaablaalm ko haat x bhaner ..police harulai no yeu ghatna ko paxadi Aftaab ko haatx bhaner THAAX They don't speak ..This is request for our plz make videos about Tikapur Protest ..We (Chaudhary) are innocent ...Resam chaudhary le yeu ghatna ko barema yeuta book lekhnu bhaax teu book ma sabai kura haru lekhnu bhayeko xa teu book chaai Foreign Bank ma rakhnu bhayeko x
१७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
१७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
caste ko name ra religion ko name ma vote halna narokun jel yesto manxe haru janmiranxan, hamro caste ko ho hamro lagi garxa vhanne haru ko lagi yo case example ho, vholi vhote halne haru lie ni yesto nahola vhanna sakidaina
17:30 संविधान सभाको अवसर होइन, संविधान दिवसको अवसर
16:37 Its not Supreme court its District court
You never know. That is the current trend in Nepal. This country is ruled by goons and something needs to be done about it. Kudos to you guys for bringing this out and presenting it in a very balanced way.
Niskera goli hanla hai video herera😂
Z lol lol
I am from Tikapur ...Tikapur ma bhayeko ghatna yaahi kuro sang related xa we all know that Resham chaudhary is innocent but no one can speak against Aftaab alaam and Resham also Fear ..kinaki tiniharule daar dhamki le chup laagey yadi kaai bhanepaxi Sappai family laai mardinxau bhaner ...jun SP le yeu ghatna ko barema investigate gare tai SP Tikapur ghatna ma maare gunda harule teu ghatna like andolan ma parirat garnw lai aaru laai pani mariye ani sabai Blame Resham ko ma lagey...I am Susmita Chaudhary yaako sabai Sthaniye haruli thax yeu ghatna ma aftaablaalm ko haat x bhaner ..police harulai no yeu ghatna ko paxadi Aftaab ko haatx bhaner THAAX They don't speak
SP Bhupendra khatri played the great role. Nepal needs this type of officer. thank you for your information
How Iman Singh Chemjong Spread Hatred Against Madhesi, Lepcha, Bhutia, Khas, and Newars
Introduction Iman Singh Chemjong, a contentious figure in the early 20th century, played a significant role in shaping the socio-political landscape of the Himalayan region. His actions and ideologies left a lasting impact on the ethnic and cultural dynamics of communities such as the Madhesis, Lepchas, Bhutias, Khas, and Newars. Chemjong's efforts to promote Christianity and his use of divisive tactics fostered hatred and mistrust among these groups. This essay explores how Chemjong spread animosity and division, particularly through his fabrication of the Kirat identity and derogatory terminology. The Fabrication of the Kirat Identity One of Chemjong's most notable contributions to social discord in the region was his construction of the Kirat identity. By linking the Limbus and Rais to the ancient Kirats, he attempted to create a distinct ethnic and cultural identity that would serve his broader agenda of Christianization. This fabricated identity was used to undermine and erase the historical significance of the Madhesi, Newars, and Khas people. Chemjong's strategy involved promoting the idea that the Kirats were the original inhabitants of the region, thereby delegitimizing the claims of other ethnic groups to the land and its history. This narrative not only served to elevate the Kirat identity but also to create a sense of alienation and resentment among other communities, particularly the Madhesis, who were portrayed as outsiders and intruders. Spreading Hatred Against Madhesis Chemjong's use of the term "Dhoti" as a derogatory label for Hindus, particularly those from the Indo-Gangetic plains, was a significant aspect of his divisive tactics. The term "Dhoti" was used to demean and humiliate the Madhesi community, fostering a sense of inferiority and alienation. This racial slur contributed to the growing animosity between the Madhesis and other ethnic groups in the region. By portraying the Madhesis as culturally and ethnically inferior, Chemjong aimed to marginalize them and diminish their influence. This strategy was part of a broader effort to weaken the cohesion of Hindu communities in the region and pave the way for the spread of Christianity. The stigmatization of the Madhesis had long-lasting effects, contributing to the social and political marginalization of the community. Division Among Lepchas, Bhutias, Magars, and Khas Chemjong's divisive tactics were not limited to the Madhesis. He also targeted other ethnic groups such as the Lepchas, Bhutias, Magars, and Khas. By promoting negative stereotypes and fostering inter-ethnic rivalries, he sought to create a fragmented and divided society that would be more receptive to Christianization. Among the Lepchas and Bhutias, Chemjong's efforts to promote the Kirat identity served to undermine their historical and cultural significance. By positioning the Kirats as the true indigenous people, he sought to delegitimize the claims of the Lepchas and Bhutias to the land and its heritage. This strategy created a sense of resentment and mistrust between these communities. Chemjong specifically targeted the Magar community by labeling them as refugees from Mongolia. This derogatory characterization aimed to undermine their sense of belonging and legitimacy in the region. By portraying the Magars as outsiders, Chemjong further fragmented the ethnic landscape, creating tension and division. Additionally, Chemjong vilified the Bhutia community, portraying them as oppressors and manipulators. By emphasizing negative stereotypes and historical grievances, he aimed to create conflict between the Bhutias and Lepchas. This strategy was designed to weaken the unity of these communities and make them more susceptible to his religious and political agenda. The Impact on Newars The Newars, with their rich cultural and historical heritage, were also targeted by Chemjong's divisive tactics. By promoting inter-group rivalries and fostering a sense of division, he sought to weaken the cohesion and unity of the Newar community. This strategy involved exploiting existing social and cultural differences and magnifying them to create conflict and discord. Chemjong's efforts included creating tension between the Maharjan and Shrestha sub-groups within the Newar community. By emphasizing their differences and promoting rivalry, he aimed to fragment the Newar society. This strategy was part of a broader effort to weaken Hindu communities and promote the spread of Christianity. By undermining the unity and cohesion of the Newars, he sought to create a more receptive environment for his religious and political agenda.
Recently I turned 18 Ani maile recent ko election vote garna payema but
I will promise my self from now on
Vote garxu 2084/85 ma Ani aru lae pani inspire garne try garxu
At the end jasto bhaye ni merai desh ho and I got some serious responsibilities ❤
Vaag fucchey😂😂
येस घटनामा जुन S.P ले केस मिलाएकाे थियो त्यहि S.P पछि गएर टिकापुर हत्या कान्ठमा मारिए
पाप धुरिबाट कराउछ 😊
Really hora teso bhaye ta dami ho
Is this real..🤔?
त्यो घत्ना मा त्यो स, s.p को हात छ भने त रेसम चोदरि लाइ सलाम छ |
I am from Tikapur ...Tikapur ma bhayeko ghatna yaahi kuro sang related xa we all know that Resham chaudhary is innocent but no one can speak against Aftaab alaam and Resham also Fear ..kinaki tiniharule daar dhamki le chup laagey yadi kaai bhanepaxi Sappai family laai mardinxau bhaner ...jun SP le yeu ghatna ko barema investigate gare tai SP Tikapur ghatna ma maare gunda harule teu ghatna like andolan ma parirat garnw lai aaru laai pani mariye ani sabai Blame Resham ko ma lagey...I am Susmita Chaudhary yaako sabai Sthaniye haruli thax yeu ghatna ma aftaablaalm ko haat x bhaner ..police harulai no yeu ghatna ko paxadi Aftaab ko haatx bhaner THAAX They don't speak
Bhupendra khatri ji
God bless you sir..❤❤❤
नेपालमा केरा गणतन्त्र जति सुकै आए पनि सुशासनको नाउँ मा आलु नै आउँछ। युवा ले एकजुट भई भूमिका खेल्नु पर्छ नत्र भने परिवर्तन आउँदैन।
ahile ko netrito pani kunai bela yuwa thiyo, desh kina banena ali ramro sanga chochnus mitra
@@newhorizon7294 yuva vaneko hami sab vaneko. hami sab milera khukuri le chapkaidinu parcha vaneko ho. nyuva vanera gagan, rabi lai chinne bhram ma chai naparnus mitra
@@Gundrukdhido02 Ho bro, prayas garnus
जिहाद हो वावु, सवै भन्दा पहिला जिहाद के हो वुझन्नु पर्छ। कसरि नेपालमा छिरने, लव जिहाद गरने, नेपाली युवालाई विदेस बगाउने,नेपाल सक्काउने संगठित जिहाद युद्ध छेड्ने, कसमिर, हैदरवाद, पाकिस्थान, अफगानिस्थान , वंगलादेस, वनाउने सवै यसैमा लागेको छन् ।
सव मिलेको छन वोट वैक चाहिएको छ ।
१७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
रौतहटकै अर्को गौर हत्याकाण्डको बारेमा पनि भिडियो बनाउन अनुरोध गर्द छु।
भाइचारा र सर्व सम्मान अधिकार को नतिजा हो
If Hitler from Nepal had a face :
देश बदल्ने हो भने भोट फेर्नुपर्छ । कांग्रेस, यमले, माओवादी, मधेसी लगायतका पुराना दललाई भोट नदिनुहोस्।
vote ke timro bewa lai fine feri .kati madheshi lai pahdi le mare ka xan aab madheshi kahi le pani ra*di ko xora lai vote dine hoi na ... Raja ko desh ho neta ko hoi na madesh Raj ko time ma mile ka ho aab madhes ya ta raha samlo indipendent madhesh chahiye.aaj Sikim, garwal lai her ra madhes lai her
एकदमै राम्रो वाचन
Hats off to u bro for posting dis video
Well done
Nice one
Facts are always THE FACTS
पाप धुरी बाट कराउँछ ! Solute bhupendra khatri sir . ❤
यो हेरे पछि यो प्रष्ट हुन्छ कि
देशमा कतिको भारती नगरीको दब दबा छ भन्ने
म ठोकुवा भन्छु, जब सम्म यही किसिमको राजनीति, राजनीतिक पार्टी र तिनै राजनीतिक पार्टीका कार्यकर्ताहरुले मात्र देश चलाउने हो भने हाम्रो देश नेपाललाई राम्रो विकास गर्न अझै १००-१५० वर्षसम्म लाग्छ । अहिले भएका सबैले सडक, फुटपाथ, नाली, zebra crossing, lane marking गरेर देशको निम्ति धेरै ठूलो विकास गरे भनेर फुर्ती लाउँछन र अलिकति पनि लाज नभएका तिनीहरूलाई २१औं शताब्दीको बेलापनि केवल त्यस्ता सानो तिनो अत्यावश्यक, गर्नै पर्ने कामहरू गरेर देश विकास गरे भनी छाती फुलाउचन अनि आजको दिनसम्म पनि हामी जनताहरू पनि त्यै सडक, नाली, zebra crossing बन्यो भन्दै मख्ख पर्छौ।
बर्खा सुरु भयो, कति घर बगाउने होला, कति ज्यान जाने होला त्यसको वारे कोसले तयारी गर्ने, गर्मी पनि सहनु नसक्ने भइसक्यो, त्यसको बारे कुनै सरकारले केही गर्या देखिन्न, आजको दिनसम्म गुणस्तर शिक्षा २-३ ओटा विद्यालय बाहेक कतै छैन, यदि हाम्रो देशमा कुनै किसिमको बाहिरी हस्तक्षेप अथवा युद्ध भए Defense को लागि समेत राम्रो हात हतियार तथा उपकरणहरू छैन, र यस्ता कति हो कति कामहरू छन् ।
राजाले देशमा तानाशाही मात्र गरे भन्नेहरूले आफूखुसी २० वर्ष जति पुग्न लाग्यो र पनि देशको जनताको भान्सामा आज सम्म नत शुद्ध खानेपानीको व्यवस्था गर्न सक्यो नत गुणस्तर तरकारी तथा अन्नहरु।
१०० मा १०१ भ्रष्टाचारीहरु भइसके हाम्रो देशमा, जो आएनी देशको सम्पत्तिलाई आफूखुसी चलाउने, खर्च गर्ने र त्यो पनि केवल कमिसन र घूस खानुलाई मात्र । बिचरा मेयर बालेनले काठमाडौंको शिक्षामा राम्रो गर्न कत्ति प्रयास गरे तर आजको दिन सम्म काठमाडौंको सार्वजनिक विद्यालयले अस्ति भर्खर नगरपालिकाले विनियोजित गरेको यो आ. व. २०८०/०८१ को बजेटको रकमको पनि अन्त्यमा आएर दुरुपयोग गरेर नै छाडे । १-२ जना मेयरले प्रयास त गरिरहेका छन् तर भ्रष्टाचारीहरु यति सम्म भइसकेका छैनन् की कानुनलाई नै प्रयोग गरेर मज्जाले बजेटको दुरुपयोग गरी कमिसन र घुस खान पछि हट्दैनन् अनि १-२ ओटा बालेनले कति ओटा कार्यालयको Documents हरु verify अथवा cross check गर्न सक्छन् र जहाँ प्राय सबै कार्यालयमा प्राय सबै ज्ञान अर्जेका शिक्षिक्त ठग, चोर तथा भ्रष्टाचारीहरु मात्र छन् ।
माफ पाउँ, यही किसिमको र तरिकाले २००-३०० वर्ष लाग्ने छ, माथि भूल भएर १००-१५० लेखियो ।
Yesto. Para le kaile bikas hidaina ajhai bhako ni bistarai binas hudai jancha
@@minku13 हाम्रो देशमा नेता, मन्त्री त चोर फटाहा भइहाले तर विडम्बना के हो भने शिक्षित जनशक्ति, जोसले सानै उमेरदेखि मेहनत साथ पढेर, ज्ञान आर्जेर लोकसेवा उतिर्ण गरेर सरकारी सेवामा काम गर्न अब्बल छु भनी प्रमाणित गरे, पढ्या लेख्या देशकै नागरिक आफै भ्रष्टाचारी भए, घुस र कमिसन त खाए खाए साथै काम पनि गुणस्तर गर्न सकेनन् । हाम्रो देशको शिक्षाले केवल भ्रष्टाचारी, घुसखोरी मात्र बनाए किनभने घुस खाने भनेकै शिक्षित कर्मचारीहरुले नै हुन्, शिक्षालाई तथा सरकारी जागीरको अर्थ नबुझेको हो कि बुद्धिमा गु भरेको तिनीहरूको थाहा छैन तर देश डुबाउने भन्या नै देशकै शिक्षित नागरिकहरु हुन्, जसको काम नै चोर फटाहा लाई समाएर सजाय दिनु पर्ने उसले नै चोरी गरेर आनन्दले सम्पति, इज्जत सबै कमाइरहेका छन् ।
प्रत्यक्ष प्रधानमंत्री निर्वाचित हुन पर्छ नत्र माथि त मैले ठोकुवा नै गरेको छु कि अहिलेको देशको शिक्षित जनशक्तिहरु जस्तै भए २००-३०० वर्ष लाग्छ होला नेपालले राम्रो प्रगति गरेको अनुभूति हुनलाई जुन हाम्रो जिवनकालमा Impossible नै छ ।
त्यसो भए बिकास गर्न के गर्नु पर्ने होला नेपालमा?
Hami nepali veda xumm..😢 bides bsda jhan bujhy@@DeepMusic50
@@BuddhaLama-yp1ny hoho jsto jhanata testai neta pauxa re desle . Aba jhan Janne sunne uba sab bides xa nepalma veda ra jhole matra xa . Bidesbata vote garne subidha didaina neta harule harxam vanera
Dai yesto video haru lyaudai garnu
Your channel will grow faster ❤️
i rember sisno pani deusi
हिट...लर ले मान्छे मार्यो ग्याँस च्याबर मा हालेर।
अफताब ले आगो ताप्यो मान्छे बालेर।
सांसद भयो मन्त्रि खायो छाति खोलेर😢😢
१७००० मार्ने के ? झुटा लाई १७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
finally he realizes he has a youtube channel.
@@gwiek2456 oh, yes.
i am now decided to leave this country as soon as possible
संरक्षक नेपाली कांग्रेस पार्टी हो भन्ने कुरा नबिर्सिऔं, त्यो घटना को बारेमा नेका , नेकपा एमाले र प्रशासन लाई स्प्रष्ट थाहा थियो ! हत्या हिंसा र लुट नै रहेछ राजनिती भनेको !
भ्रष्ट काङ्ग्रेसको क्रूर हत्यारा आलमको आत्माले मरेर पनि कहिलै शान्ति नपाओस
अझ काङ्ग्रेस ले ठूलो कुरा गर्छ , अब रबि र रास्वपाको विकल्प छैन कुरा तेति हो
He must have been getting VIP treatment in the jail.
खत्रीको मतलब खतरा! hats off to you bhupendra khatri sp sab!
Timro videos babal researched hunxa yar bro …
Sai lagxa ani informative pani👍
Bhupendra khatri ko part aayesi goosebumps nai aayo kasto dhukad darlagdo ghatna 😢😢
salute salute salute to sp bhupendra khatri sir
घटना मा संग्लन सबै प्रसासन लाइ पनी जन्म कैद हुनु पर्यो
Your process of story telling is too good broo ❣️
Love your video bro… Keep it up. ❤❤
Tikapur ko ghatana ma mariyeka sp laxman Neupane aalam ko ghatana lai lukaun ko lagi kangrss ko isarama gariyeko thiyo tar fasaiyo sojhasajha tharu harulai
मरे पछि पनि यो चोरको नर्कमा वास होस !
कांग्रेस फेरी सत्तामा आयो भने अफताबले आम माफी पाउछ, तेसैले संबिधान संसोधन गरेर येसलाई मृतुदण्ड दिनु पर्छ - फासी दिएर या गोलि ठोकेर |
Bro lay ysati content banaudai jau dami lagyo ❤️✅🤝
Copy of Dhruv Rathi from chorbazar😂
@@sikharharijan5440 tyro ama ko puti copy garyko xa hyrtw hyrtw tyro ama ko puti dykxas tya ramro sanga hyr mugi 16 brush ko fucchay
@@sikharharijan5440dhruv rathee ko alik alag type ko video hunxa
@@sikharharijan5440 arey chutiya teso bhaya dhruv rathee bhanda pahile ni dherai international youtuber haru le yestai video banauthe. Jasle banayo teslai respect gar na nabhaya aafai bana na yesto video. Aafu camera ko agadi bolna ni nasakne le aru lai dhruv rathee ko copy po bhanxa
From childhood i used to admire Congress but after bp sir i have not seen such great leaders .. we should throw away such system.. such parties .. they are the reason we Nepalese are lacking behind . We are sleeping in the fear of country being default but these mfs are drive car of worth rupees crores of this thing wont stop our condition will soon become like african countries
BP Great leader re he was the one to start lobbying of India
@@sunilpoudel3953 Totally false. Ranas were the ones who signed the 1950 treaty with India. BP on the other hand reached out to China, payed an official diplomatic visit there, and signed a friendship treaty with them to balance relations when he was Prime Minister for a short period. Ani pachhi BP ley Nepal lai bachauna raja sanga reconciliation gareko ho. See his interview in USA. Teti khera India ley Sikkim lai liyeko thiyo ani national unity chainthiyo. BP’s brothers and congress sold us to India later but BP himself loved Nepal.
Yo dhoti Lai nepali citizenship koley diyo. Mantri ta tada kura
Hamro desh ko Keratantra lai, yeti Matra hoina most of the Muslim in terai region have there Bansaj citizens and non of them are from Nepal , mostly they are migrated from Bihar and Utter pardesh as well from Bangladesh 😢
You know why this happens, all the leaders as well as civil services officers are in a wave of corruption, sooner or later Terai will be facing the problem of terrorism bcoz of such Zombie mindset creature
@@Error-kf3fj I have heard that too.
Bro yo dhoti hoina ho yo Muslim ho k jo khurta paijama lagaun xan...
@@Error-kf3fjbro not soon I am living in Muslim majority area in terai and I have seen their hatred towards hindus.
तो इंडियन धोती होई ना पहाड़ी हरु को जीजा पाकिस्तानी मुसलमान हो
hats off to bhupendra sir
we got nepali hitler before gta 6
येस घटनामा जुन S.P न्यौपाने ले केस मिलाएकाे थियो त्यहि S.P पछि गएर टिकापुर हत्या कान्ठमा मारिए
पाप धुरिबाट कराउछ
नेपलमा सामुहिक नरसंहार लाइ चाहि मुत्यु दण्डको व्यवस्था हुनु पर्छ ❤❤❤❤❤
जिउदो नेपाली लाई जलाउदा पनि नेपालीहरू मोन बस्छन् कठै मरेका नेपालीहरू
Next video on Prachanda Ncell scam and KP Oli giribandi land scam
Even his name sounds e*plosive: Mohammad
La ma pani aaja bata new subscriber ani listener ❤ bro video haru dherai ramro informative rahexa.. keep going on
धोतिले चलाएको देश😢
It's right i am from his village
Video ko 2nd half dekhi ko part ekdam brief matra lagyo... Ali depth ma vako vhaye ajhai rambro hunthiyo...
bro he is from our village gaur rautahat he is really very powerful gay he also know nitesh Kumar indian
From Western Part of Nepal
Dai ❤❤❤❤❤ From Nepal
Dai please 🥺🚸🥺 Reply
Aam maafi apuna aabo dekhi pidit ko manjuri chaincha bhai... latest amendment on bill...
Yo desh ma j ni possible cha.. Law lai fck hnekai chan neta Le aile ni.
15:17 ma Trilok Pratap Singh haina Sri Narayan Singh ( father) vannu parne .
Anyways , Loved the way of Your explanation and case study ♥️.
Great content ❤️
यो भिदियो हेरेपछी टीकापुर कान्द सही भयको रेछ भन्ने लाग्यो लक्ष्मन न्यौपाने जलायर मार्न सहयोग गरेकाले उसको अन्त्य नि जलेरै भयो. जैसे करणी वैसे भरनी
1 म ज फो नेपाल
2 म ज फो लोकतान्त्रिक
3 नेपाली काङ्ग्रेस
4 जेल
16:37 ma alikati mistake xa Supreme court le haina dai
District court le ho janmakaid gareko
Gaur hatya kanda ra tikapur ko kandani jastako tastai with videos lyaunuhola sir
Misguided ko ahile samma kai best content lagyo malai chai
bhai video banau yastai khal ka tara ak dam nepal ko kanun ma rahera banau dherai research garera shacho k ho tesma banau feri voli ka din ma timlai garo hunxa best of luck bro ak choti india ko dhurv rathee ko ni video haru hera
Lmao his hairstyle, moustache, everything is same
That's makes a lot of sense 😂😂
Nice video brother 😊😊
Muslim will ruined the Nepal if Nepalis Hindu won't unite together
Not really , religion is not really that big of a deal here as in India and Hindu are not a peaceful as India ones lol.
@@anosvoldigoad5748 have you visited terai lands of Nepal
Dude are you trying to create hate between people in the name of religion. It has nothing to do with Hindu or muslim
@@cobinbasnet1900 dude.... You will soon realise it. Just mark my word
Feri arko Murkha bolexha
Congress out from nepal
Goat misguided nepal
Eye opening video
नेपाल को नदजि हरू ब्राह्मण हरू हुन । शेरबाहादुर ले एस्लाई आम माफि दिने पक्का छ । काङरेस को सरखार आउनासाथ ।
जय ब्राह्मण बाद ।
मनि dacumentary vdo बानौने सोचिराको छु तर कसरी vdo सन्कलन गर्ने अनि कसरी copy right lagdai na sikaidinuna .. 2 hapta vayo nasuteko sochi sochi msg reply dinu ..
Full support ❤
Please make one on gaur rice hatya kand
कांग्रेस को सत्ता आयो भने 100% आलम छुट्ने छ ग्यारन्टी हो 😔
नेपाली काङ्रेश को हात पाय पछि कुनै कुरा असम्भ छैन।
याे ज्यनमार लाई बडिगाड रे साङलाेले बाधेर राख्नु प्रर्छ केकानुन यार जिउदै जलाईएको जनता लाई थाहछ
Salam xa bupendra sir lai 🙏
त्यो प्रहरी inspector इन्द्र सुवेदी होइन युट्युबे भाइ लक्षुमन न्यौपाने हो त्यो पनि अपराधी लाई जोगाउने मतियार थियो,त्यसले आफ्नो पापको सजाय कैलालीमा पायो।
१७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
@@healthylifestyle6032 कसलाई भन्या हो??
त्यो ५००० मारेको जिम्मा लिन्छु भन्ने फटाह पर्चन्डे,गौर हत्याको नरसंहारकारी उपिन्द्रे सबै जनताको नजरमा दोषी हुन्,सत्ता र शक्तिको दुरुपयोग गरेर मात्रै अहिलेसम्म बाहिर छन्,म यस्ता भ्रष्ट हत्याराको पक्षपोषणमा कहिले नि लाग्दिन,के भट्टामा मान्छे जीउँदै पोलेर मार्ने आलम लाई राम्रो भन्नुपर्ने हो र?
Make video related to Pokhara Mayor ,Aanand Batas,Bindu Kumar Thapa and Narayan Poudel
Wowowo very nice good❤😊❤😊😊🎉😊🎉😊🎉😊🎉😊🎉😊😊
Nice programme bhai .
कांग्रेस पार्टीले यस्तै गुण्डाहरु पालेको छ
isnt pintu and oshi aktar same guy ?
Kaha bat yati information layako dhaju youtuber ko pani power rahe x
Samachar patra patrika ra research vanni naam kaile sunya xaina hola ani ka bata tha hunxa
bro thinks pracchanda saved 17000 people
I am from Tikapur ...Tikapur ma bhayeko ghatna yaahi kuro sang related xa we all know that Resham chaudhary is innocent but no one can speak against Aftaab alaam and Resham also Fear ..kinaki tiniharule daar dhamki le chup laagey yadi kaai bhanepaxi Sappai family laai mardinxau bhaner ...jun SP le yeu ghatna ko barema investigate gare tai SP Tikapur ghatna ma maare gunda harule teu ghatna like andolan ma parirat garnw lai aaru laai pani mariye ani sabai Blame Resham ko ma lagey...I am Susmita Chaudhary yaako sabai Sthaniye haruli thax yeu ghatna ma aftaablaalm ko haat x bhaner ..police harulai no yeu ghatna ko paxadi Aftaab ko haatx bhaner THAAX They don't speak
..This is request for our plz make videos about Tikapur Protest ..We (Chaudhary) are innocent ...Resam chaudhary le yeu ghatna ko barema yeuta book lekhnu bhaax teu book ma sabai kura haru lekhnu bhayeko xa teu book chaai Foreign Bank ma rakhnu bhayeko x
यो आलमको कर्तुतको लागि धन्यवाद तर हिटलरसङ नदाजेको भए हुने किनकि कम्सेकम हिटलर कुनै बर्ग र समुदायको लागि त ठिक थिए
१७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
17:30 संविधान सभाको अवसर होइन, संविधान दिवसको अवसर ।
१७००० मध्ये ५००० मर्ने लाई के भन्ने ? NEPALI HITLER ? view , live लागि youtuber बनेर मुद्दा बारे के छ ? झुट फैलाउने यस्ता मान्छे समाज क लागि किडा है तिमि / ५००० मर्ने र गौर हत्या काण्ड, दरबार हत्या काण्डनेपालका हिटलर हैन ? पहिला मुदाको मिसिल र प्रमाण पढ के अनि विडियो बनाऊ जनतालाई भरण न फैलाउ मानसिक रोगि भयर
Bro u finished the whole story within the first minute..
Sp bhupinder khatri jyu salam hajur lai🙏
ellai aam mafi dine lai sang sangai jhundaunu parxa
Yesko encounter gare hunthyo ni ..
Yasarinai truth video banaunu hola thanks for this content
लाटो देश गाँरा तन्देरी हरु को गतिलो उधारन् कति दर्लाग्दो घिन्लाग्दो लाज्नीती हुन्छ!
yo tw same south indian movie jastei vayo
यों कांग्रेस को करतूज dhurve rathe ले banaideko भयो कती राम्रो हुंत्यो कांग्रेस सकिंट्यो
Vedio thikai x, bicha ko advertisement bina vedio banaunu parx pahile
caste ko name ra religion ko name ma vote halna narokun jel yesto manxe haru janmiranxan,
hamro caste ko ho hamro lagi garxa vhanne haru ko lagi yo case example ho, vholi vhote halne haru lie ni yesto nahola vhanna sakidaina
भिडियो राम्रो लागो तर यस्तो मान्छे लाई हिटलर भन्न मिल्दैन हिटलर आफ्नो देश र आफ्नो धर्म को लागि लडेका थिए
यसलाई त कुरुर aapradi भनिन्छ
त्यसमा संलग्न एस पी लक्ष्मण न्यौपाने हुन् उनी टिकापुर घटनामा भाला हानेर मारिए का थिए।
Fasiko sajaye nahunjel yo desh bandaina😢😢
Atiq Ahmed of Nepal 🤣
Khatri ji lae salute xa