The full course is available for USD 3.59 here, including datasets and Stata do files. The slides are available as an E-book (129 pages) - combined offer: USD 5.40.
I am currently working on a time series course, which will take a few months to complete. I will make an announcement once it is done. Advanced panel analysis such as GMM is on my list
The full course is available for USD 3.59 here, including datasets and Stata do files. The slides are available as an E-book (129 pages) - combined offer: USD 5.40.
Please do some video(s) on GMM
I am currently working on a time series course, which will take a few months to complete. I will make an announcement once it is done. Advanced panel analysis such as GMM is on my list
My new course on Applied Time Series covers GMM. You get 50% off using DATANERD until 5th December.
You are crazy
Yes, I take it as a compliment