Pray along with the prophet, receive the blessings and see God do wonders in your life! Originally from " What Is In The Oil? Part 3 (The Prophetic Spice)" (June 4th, 2017)
Brothers and Sisters, Pray for me that the Lord may give me the fruits and Gifts of the Holy spirit. In Jesus Christ name be blessed as you pray for me.
Brothers and Sisters, Pray for me that the Lord may give me the fruits and Gifts of the Holy spirit. In Jesus Christ name be blessed as you pray for me.
I agree and receive it in the mighty name Jesus Christ
Amen I believe and receive
Amen and Amen
Amem, seja louvado
Please where is the part one prayers? Whats in the Oil, I've found t he whole video but wondering if you have only the prayers
Powerful prayers and I say a big Amen