Step by step: Convert a SOLID MODEL to a workable part on CATIA!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ม.ค. 2025
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Live onscreen demonstration of converting a solid model to a workable part on CATIA. Catia licence Part Design Features Recognition.
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Bu video da Catia V5 de solid modelleri nasıl operasyonel hale çevirebileceğiniz anlatılmaktadır. Bu convert işlemi için Catia V5 de video da anlatılan lisanslara sahip olmanız gerekmektedir.
Genelde Step (*.stp) datalarında geçmiş (history/operasyonlar) bulunmadığı için bu video işinize yarayacaktır diye düşünüyorum. - วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี
Hello, I appreciate your kind and thank you for that, but I think this file is a sheet metal do you have any idea to convert a part like that in a sheet metal design environment?
before entering the feature recognition, why is my part are said to be not active part design feature ? tq
bu video başlamadan önce o dosyayı catiada nasıl ve hangi environment'ta açtınız
Muhtemelen parça dosyası olduğu için part design modülünde açmıştır.
Aslında data sac parçasına benzediği generative sheet metal design modülünde recognize komutuyla tanımla daha iyi olurdu.
Hello, I get this error message when I want to use manual feature recognition: "Feature recognition requires that the In Work Object be an active Part Design feature. Please set an active Part Design feature as the In Work Object.". I already did define in work object. Can this be fixed?
first check if you' ve license for FR1 or not ? If , yes then Right click on Solid model then select "Define in work object " . Now, try the later steps. i am hopeful it works .
But only holes and fillet appear I can't pad and its dimention please help me
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good job..tkx
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Bro
How to make reverse