My experience with dentists has been negative about 50% of the time. It would be great to be treated without bias or financial interest in squeezing as much money as possible out of a person. I am searching for information when AI dentists will be rolled out or if I can become an early adopter
Interesting, my earlier comment was deleted. RD article which was mentioned, highlighted that financial incentives do drive treatment. And that it’s not dentists miss catching caries on radiographs.
There are so many conflicts of interest in dentistry the actual healthcare part of it is kind of a joke, maybe more so than in the larger system. I want to see robots+ai, that might be the only way to remove the conflicts.
Impressive.. would like to learn a lot from you.. ❤️in subject of ai in dentistry
My experience with dentists has been negative about 50% of the time. It would be great to be treated without bias or financial interest in squeezing as much money as possible out of a person. I am searching for information when AI dentists will be rolled out or if I can become an early adopter
Interesting, my earlier comment was deleted. RD article which was mentioned, highlighted that financial incentives do drive treatment. And that it’s not dentists miss catching caries on radiographs.
There are so many conflicts of interest in dentistry the actual healthcare part of it is kind of a joke, maybe more so than in the larger system. I want to see robots+ai, that might be the only way to remove the conflicts.
Lol benny hill