I just started to play Shogun 2 again this week and were looking for your guide again and here comes the good news! Glad you're getting better now. A glorious victory will soon be yours!
I don't know who you are, this came up on my recommended page, but I'm glad that you were able to overcome this obstacle and that your health is in a much better state now :^)
I literally found out my Mom has cancer, only 90 minutes ago. Her surgery is scheduled for the middle of December. I hope she does as well as you seem to be doing.
I composed a long, thoughtful comment conveying my concerns and thanks to you. Then the fucking browser crashed. Needless to say, I send my best wishes to you. You are an icon in the gaming world. You deserve the best the fates can offer for you many services and kindnesses over the years in the gaming community. True, 100%.
Man, I was searching your Date overview video for my next Shogun 2 campaign and I found this video. i smiled like a fool when I read the title. Is nice to know that the guy who always helped me in my favorite strategy game is good after this. I and the rest of the Shogun 2 community are thankful for your videos and appreciate you as a person so this is a relief for us. A GLORIOUS VICTORY FOR OUR LORD INDEED.
It's not easy being this vulnerable online, never mind in the gaming content-creation space on TH-cam. It's also not easy talking so plainly about cancer and the impact it has on us, so thanks for this - seeing you do it makes me feel I can do it as well with those around me. I've been lurking and watching you for years now and hearing this made me absolutely tear up. I wish you nothing but the nest and good health in the future man, you deserve it.
Thanks for the update and so pleased to see you're doing so well. As you obviously realise recovery will take time, but look back at the end of each week and realise what you are able to do that you struggled with the previous week and celebrate the progress made. Disappointed not to see you rocking a Gandalf length beard, you could have made a 3D model of that :) Take care and best wishes for your continued recovery.
Happy to hear the news. I often come to your channel to watch your old Shogun 2 videos, and I really appreciate the work you put into them. Good luck with everything!
Been watching your shogun videos since over 10 years ago now, and am so glad to hear you are doing better man. Makes me really happy. I also coincidentally bought a 3d printer on black friday, a bambulab a1, works great for miniatures stuff. Still hoping you make a shogun 2 comeback soon hehe! All the best from Sweden
Bah, don't worry too much about going on tangents! Like, it happens in situations like this. It's normal. Fucking hell, I didn't know recovering from cancer could be THAT painful... Glad you doing okay man!
I am a new fan of the page and a new shogun 2 player, I am currently watching your shimatzu plaything which is 10 years old haha I plan to catch up to your more recent stuff, didn’t know you were unwell but big congrats on getting better sir
Man I remember the anti clotting jabs in the thigh. I went in to treatment with a deathly fear of needles, I no longer have that lol Get a good apothecary and a good accupressurist. Eat organic all natural only. Trust me, I've been through everything you've been through. The difference is night and day . Congratulations on finishing your treatment and best of luck with the recovery
That was a good day! Ha, in reality I didn't really feel it, it wasn't like I was high or anything. I often see those videos of people in America after surgery where they're completely off their rocker, that wasn't the case at all for me, even with the morphine used, I was completely aware of the situation, just in a little less pain.
Hi, I'm new here. Do you know carnivore diet? It's for many people good against cancer, depression and other problems... Do you believe in Jesus Christ? I pray for you 🙏.
My lord! The tumor has fallen, a glorious victory will soon be yours!
A glorious victory indeed
Gotta love this comment.
Crazy shit
The tumor has fallen! A cutting blow!
I just started to play Shogun 2 again this week and were looking for your guide again and here comes the good news!
Glad you're getting better now. A glorious victory will soon be yours!
I don't know who you are, this came up on my recommended page, but I'm glad that you were able to overcome this obstacle and that your health is in a much better state now :^)
Our community welcomes you, kind stranger
I am extremely thankful for both your recovery and perseverance towards such a complicated situation.
Honerable display.
Victory is assured sir
I literally found out my Mom has cancer, only 90 minutes ago. Her surgery is scheduled for the middle of December. I hope she does as well as you seem to be doing.
I hope so too man, I wish you and your family all the best!
So very glad to hear of the operation!!! Get some needed rest now! You’re officially the Shogun
So good to hear! Glad it was a success
I composed a long, thoughtful comment conveying my concerns and thanks to you. Then the fucking browser crashed. Needless to say, I send my best wishes to you. You are an icon in the gaming world. You deserve the best the fates can offer for you many services and kindnesses over the years in the gaming community. True, 100%.
Happy to hear that, congrats on your victory.
Glad to hear from you man! Bless you!
Man, I was searching your Date overview video for my next Shogun 2 campaign and I found this video. i smiled like a fool when I read the title. Is nice to know that the guy who always helped me in my favorite strategy game is good after this.
I and the rest of the Shogun 2 community are thankful for your videos and appreciate you as a person so this is a relief for us. A GLORIOUS VICTORY FOR OUR LORD INDEED.
It's not easy being this vulnerable online, never mind in the gaming content-creation space on TH-cam. It's also not easy talking so plainly about cancer and the impact it has on us, so thanks for this - seeing you do it makes me feel I can do it as well with those around me.
I've been lurking and watching you for years now and hearing this made me absolutely tear up. I wish you nothing but the nest and good health in the future man, you deserve it.
Fuck yeah, dude. Now that is what I call a victory❤
Congratulations! Really happy that all is going to a better situation. Take a lot care, waiting for your next videos!
Good to hear Donkey. Glad it got removed from you.
Glad you are still with us and the close ones in your life.
Thanks for the update and so pleased to see you're doing so well. As you obviously realise recovery will take time, but look back at the end of each week and realise what you are able to do that you struggled with the previous week and celebrate the progress made.
Disappointed not to see you rocking a Gandalf length beard, you could have made a 3D model of that :)
Take care and best wishes for your continued recovery.
Thanks for the updates! So glad for the positive news. You are looking much better as well. Continue focusing on your recovery.
Amazing news! Best wishes to you. Rest well and gain strength! ❤
Congrats hope you stay healthy
Thanks for shogun 2
What a pleasure to see you post-surgery; glad to see you in decent shape!!
Im so glad to hear this, truly.
You helped me in the times of need and hearing about this is truly a blessing.
That's really great news. Congratulations for being able to get rid of a serious problem. I wish you a good recovery.
It's great to know that you are recovering well. I hope you fully recover soon. Best wishes
nice man, im happy for you, keep it going youve got it
Happy to hear the news. I often come to your channel to watch your old Shogun 2 videos, and I really appreciate the work you put into them. Good luck with everything!
The algorithm sent me here. Glad to see you are on the mend. My dad had the exact same surgery.
Man I watched your last personal update where you weren’t sure if the cancer is operable and I’m so so happy to see this now!!! Congratulations :)
Congrats, man!
so good to hear, stay healthy and enjoy your rest!
Oh hey man, congrats. I haven't seen any of your videos in months, but I'm glad to hear you're doing alright.
Keep on trucking, my lord o7
Congrats 👏 I'm glad you are okay. Keep it going ❤❤
Great news Donkey, wishing you all the best for the future.
Congratulations on this decisive victory!!!
Very happy to hear this, we wish you all the best ❤ Dragon & Panda
That’s great champ! Here’s to hoping the cancer fucks off for good!
Great to hear that! Hope u are okey. God bless u, greetings from México!
You're amazing and I'm grateful that you are getting through this journey. Hopefully the recovery continues to go well for you
Excellent news by any standard.
Good to hear you're on the mend :)
So happy for you!
Glorious victory, sir!
Awesome news! So happy for you and your family!
Congratulations, that's great news! Hope to see you continue making great content
Very happy for you!
Been watching your shogun videos since over 10 years ago now, and am so glad to hear you are doing better man. Makes me really happy. I also coincidentally bought a 3d printer on black friday, a bambulab a1, works great for miniatures stuff. Still hoping you make a shogun 2 comeback soon hehe! All the best from Sweden
My Lord, The Cancer has Fallen, A glorious victory will soon be yours!
I was just wondering how you were getting on! Thanks for guiding me to my first FotS win with the Choshu playthrough.
The Legend himself, love to see it bud!
Hell yeah dude, congrats!
Yes yes yes!!! So glad you are doing better
I am watching your let's play of Pirates of the Carribean. Great time. You did a good job. You are a cool guy.
First time seeing this channel. But very happy you are well and healthy 😊
Let's go! We've been loving your content
My lord! The tumor has fallen, a cutting blow!
Glad to hear my dude, keep goin strong ❤
My father new a coworker who had a tumor in his eye, and he's doing great. Just hang in there; this'll be a memory soon enough.
Bah, don't worry too much about going on tangents! Like, it happens in situations like this. It's normal.
Fucking hell, I didn't know recovering from cancer could be THAT painful... Glad you doing okay man!
A decisive victory excellent work my lord
I am a new fan of the page and a new shogun 2 player, I am currently watching your shimatzu plaything which is 10 years old haha I plan to catch up to your more recent stuff, didn’t know you were unwell but big congrats on getting better sir
I'm very happy for you!
Congratz man!
Very happy to know only the happy ending!
Be Well good man!
happy for you king
Yarimazing !! So happy for you
Great news =)
Congrats man, that's awesome news! 😃
real glad you are ok
Congratulations 🎉🎉
Don t record anythink if you don t have energy or strenght to do it. Your well being is much more important then our entertainment
Yarimazing !!! happy to hear that
Love you Mr SmartDonkey
Lolvely ❤❤❤
Hope you get better soon
a Heroic Victory! if I would say in Shogun 2 terms
The tumor: My lord, this is a black day! Our general has fallen!
best news ive received today! :DDD
Mr smart donkey welcome back good health i enjoy your videos keep going
Deus vult!! So glad it was a success!
Our tumor is running! A shamefur dispray!
LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Play Rome 1 - Barbarian Victory theme
Finally some good fucking news!
Man I remember the anti clotting jabs in the thigh. I went in to treatment with a deathly fear of needles, I no longer have that lol
Get a good apothecary and a good accupressurist. Eat organic all natural only. Trust me, I've been through everything you've been through. The difference is night and day . Congratulations on finishing your treatment and best of luck with the recovery
The tumor has suffered a shameful dispray and will never return. :D
A great fucking day! Geddon lad.
Thot Be Gone .... Happy your on the Mend small steps my dude,
Holy shit you used a hole bag of morphine
That was a good day! Ha, in reality I didn't really feel it, it wasn't like I was high or anything. I often see those videos of people in America after surgery where they're completely off their rocker, that wasn't the case at all for me, even with the morphine used, I was completely aware of the situation, just in a little less pain.
Hi, I'm new here.
Do you know carnivore diet? It's for many people good against cancer, depression and other problems...
Do you believe in Jesus Christ? I pray for you 🙏.
Speedy recovery 🙏