3 years later and still I visit this video and your videos Arumba, I still can’t believe how much I still laugh at this. Thanks for literally cheering me up in this time of IRL economic tragedy my country is going through.
Arumba will LITERALLY trade his mother for a Song. Kudos to anyone who groaned after that dreadful pun. And yes, I know it was the Tang Empire, cool your horses. I was off by only a couple centuries.
I want to say that I love your content. It's so beautifully edited and humorously timed. I have to imagine that huge amount of effort that goes into each and every one of these and I just adore them. They often make my day just with how hilariously myopic they are.
Every time these videos just crack me up. And ofcourse, I had to explain to my ignorant friends why shipping your family to China helps keep your dynasty strong and alive... They don't get it, but thats okay.
i had this friend whose way of complimenting me was saying that he could earn a lot of money if he shipped me off to china as a trophy wife didnt know it was actually thing and not just a commentary of cross cultural inability to judge beauty
Thats like breaking the 4th wall. Also Arumba kinda right about the succession but the game use ottoman succession which is why in RL the sons of sultan kill each other and harem is the most hineous place in empire.. RL arab use gavelkind i think they split the realm between sons
You have a Pavilion? ( I love you +3.)
Arumba what other series are you planning to do
he's doing doge venice atm
Jesus Christ I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard!
you must do ck2 again
3 years later and still I visit this video and your videos Arumba, I still can’t believe how much I still laugh at this. Thanks for literally cheering me up in this time of IRL economic tragedy my country is going through.
"I am trying to become a paragon of virtue"
3 secounds later
"Burn them all!"
I dunno man that sounds pretty darn virtuous.
How did it goes in Nehrim? (total conversion mod for Elderscrolls Oblivion)
"the most enlightening about religion is a burning temple at night"
Great mod. You should also try Enderal if you haven't already.
I could make a joke about Islam, but I won't.
Burn everyone who doesn't like you. Then you only have people who do. You are now a paragon of virtue to the survivors.
At the beginning Arumba was a kind lord. But then one day Damascus was taken from him. The rest is, as you say, history.
Garsemor sounds like Stalin when he lost his first wife
16:21 Almost like Arumba knows that Long Game Short will do this.
He does. He actually referenced LGS a few times during that campaign.
So, what happened to the envelope?
When senpai notices you
Arumba and his wife unfortunately divorced IRL
My god you have a pavilion? It is almost as important as the quality of your content! Subscribed!
"Arumba The Kind - Crusader Kings 2" Is the definition of Oxymoron.
**dying sound ** "Aaahhh.........Now let's try and figure out why we were killing this kid."
Daniel I’m laughing like a little kid, someone send help
Assassinate first. Ask questions later.
"I can sell my woman, that's fantastic" just good old Arumba, nothing else
I like the shark facts, and also the editing.
I'm just imagining the hours that you spend to make this video happen. Good job and you are the best. Keep it up!
Dude, your name is awesome!
Arumba will LITERALLY trade his mother for a Song.
Kudos to anyone who groaned after that dreadful pun.
And yes, I know it was the Tang Empire, cool your horses. I was off by only a couple centuries.
"I want to be friends with everyone!"
5 seconds later
Another long game short? You sir have made my evening.
You did this campaign just for this didn't you?
MrLoxinator Most likely.
I started editing before I even knew about it. Really caught me off guard :)
What's it gonna take to start the murders?
Signals the beginming of a great era
Arumba is a kind man. He always gives candy to dying children. Often times before people even knew those kids where dying. What a saint.
"She's fifteen? Good! Sold!" - Arumba IRL
"good thing we have backups"
Arumba is by faaaaaaaar the best CK2 player to watch.
I want to say that I love your content. It's so beautifully edited and humorously timed. I have to imagine that huge amount of effort that goes into each and every one of these and I just adore them. They often make my day just with how hilariously myopic they are.
Title is Arumba the Kind. 1 minute in: "what will it take to start the killing?"
I was laughing so hard that tears came to my eyes. Excellent work, as always!
"She has a combat modifier which will make her fun in the bedroom." LMAO
“I am here, and I’m a malcontent, damn straight I am!”
Yess! Another one. I love you for this Long Game Short.
this is the content i subscribed for
Not only a minute after watching this highlight and everything is already going wrong.
Every time these videos just crack me up. And ofcourse, I had to explain to my ignorant friends why shipping your family to China helps keep your dynasty strong and alive... They don't get it, but thats okay.
Ye, neither do I, haven't played the newer patches
What's it about? How does the whole china thing work?
The editing at the end...if I could give you cake, I would
Freaking love you dude, one of the most enjoyable channels atm for me
"Do I marry for stats or do I marry for eugenics?
Ah, she has combat modifiers, she's gonna be fun in a bedroom"
Ck2 does *not* bring out the best in people.
It brings out the best of people..
Well, the best as one could be during the Dark Ages, that is. :P
Agreed. Denouncing your child and seducing her is definitely NOT the best of you
You sir are a godsend for doing these highlights.
I've watched it only because I knew there would be the pavilion thing.
Awesome as always!
7.48 that made me almost spit out my drink and it went up my nose.
Did you get your $50000 for "making" Arumba say awful things about wives?
Oh man, this is one of my favorite ones yet.
Eyyy we are noticed, we are alive guys
Not gonna lie, I'm kinda bummed he dropped the series but I get why he did.Great quality video regardless!
"she's got a combat modifier, which will make her fun in the bedroom"
This was uploaded wile I was looking for for some of your ck2 videos
Long game short you should do a video on meritocracy it is a great Ck2 channel
Oh no, it's becoming self aware!
Thank you!
Pure Genius!!
Gets one-handed trait. Learns to eat with his feet
13:13 Wait was that the wine poisoning sound effect, paired with the death of a seven year old.
16:20 Yup he did.
Hahah this is awesome! thanks for the great vid
"My daugher died"
5 seconds later
"It's ok we made a new one"
Arumba is the best.
You're just awesome! :)
*Arumba the Kind*
"Torture, mutilate, humiliate."
So that lasted for an entire minute. :D
i would like to see arumba reacting to long game short
Well, he was kind for like a minute
always own the Abbasid Empire. Gets too big, Mongolians come, I eat it.
always marry for eugenics. Everything else is short term.
Fifteen year old genius! That's my kind of genious right there! Let's get betrothed to her
"Arumba the kind" ... 1 minute in "kill it kill it murder everyone"
Tales of your pavilion are known from Ireland to cathay
Arumba has the Arbritary trait
That title reeks of heresy someone call the inquisition!
The kid was smothered by a pillow, excellent.
16:21 arumba can predict the future :3
That lasted about 1 minute 20 seconds
i had this friend whose way of complimenting me was saying that he could earn a lot of money if he shipped me off to china as a trophy wife
didnt know it was actually thing and not just a commentary of cross cultural inability to judge beauty
Entraya Crosshill Really? you didn't know about this? I mean there are even Ukrainian as well as Asian dating sites for American men.
oh so you can ship up women to china for cash rewards using asian dating sites for american men
I feel like this video took a sharp turn like 55 seconds in.
Hmmm I should get a pavilion
That end bit is very oof post-arumba-divorce :/
Holy shit you are amazing
He knows you are his illegitimate child now
Kindness lasted about 70 seconds , lol
You're awesome
Just waiting for the video to load rip
ive got these troublesome brothers... there not eunichs yet :P
it is pretty funny!
HHaha this escalated so quickly
11:56 my WHAT!!?
we are now syria, we are now one-handed!
16:33 is this r/prequelmemes? And women, and children too?
Is that Christmas music I hear?
So sad he quit playing this one.
Anyone want to just mention that the Chinese Emperor at 6:40 likes Zoroastrians but dislikes Iranian cultures? Talk about being PICKY.
Thats like breaking the 4th wall.
Also Arumba kinda right about the succession but the game use ottoman succession which is why in RL the sons of sultan kill each other and harem is the most hineous place in empire..
RL arab use gavelkind i think they split the realm between sons
"Female unit number 1".. HAHA:D
What mods are you using?
A pavillion for 100 gold? Seems legit
Aw, man... So THAT'S why people buy Jade Dragon!
Syrian Arumba=Reverse Alibaba
Siberia's got nothing on China.
very funny :-)
Well... For USD $50.000, I am willing to help you find more clips of Arumba saying awful things.
How you castrate a woman?