National Anthem of Comoros - "Udzima wa ya Masiwa"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ม.ค. 2025
  • The national anthem of Comoros (Udzima wa ya Masiwa/The Unity of the Great Islands) with lyrics in Comorian and English (CM/EN)
    Lyrics in Comorian:
    I béramu isi pépéza
    I nadi ukombozi piya
    I daula ivénuha
    Tasiba bu ya i dini voya trangaya hunu Komoriya
    Narikéni na mahaba ya huveindza ya masiwa
    Yatruwasiwa Komoro damu ndzima
    Wasiwa Komoro dini ndzima
    Ya masiwa radzali wa
    Ya masiwa yarileya
    Mola né ari sayidiya
    Narikéni ha niya
    Riveindzé uwataniya
    Mahaba ya dine na duniya.
    I béramu isi pépéza
    Rang mwési sita wa Zuiye
    I daula ivénuha
    Zisiwa zatru zi pangwi ha
    Maoré na Nzuani, Mwalina Ngaziya
    Narikéni na mahaba ya huveindza ya masiwa.
    English Translation:
    The flag is flying,
    Announcing complete independence;
    The nation rises up
    Because of the faith we have
    In this our Comoria.
    Let us always have devotion
    To love our Great Islands.
    We Comorians are of one blood,
    We Comorians are of one faith.
    On these Islands we were born,
    These Islands brought us up.
    May God always help us;
    Let us always have the firm resolve
    To love our fatherland,
    Love our religion and the world.
    The flag is flying.
    From the Sixth of July
    The Nation rises up;
    Our Islands are lined up.
    Mayotte and Anjouan, Moheli and N'Gazidja,
    Let us always have devotion
    To love our Great Islands.
    Used Videos:
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    Island stories: Anjouan, Comoros Islands - BBC News
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