One important topic that you are leaving out in your dismissal of these theories is why people are so mistrustful of their government and WHO. There is a history in our country of information being withheld, human rights violations, land grabs, abuse of the banking and financial systems and overall corruption if our leaders via corporate donors. Conspiracy theorists aren't crazy although some of their followers may be. They are critical thinkers that aren't allowing themselves to be spoon fed by the media propaganda.
SO NONI@ "One important topic that you are leaving out" *proceeds to post a vague rant about a lot of different topics* Be specific and provide evidence.
People don't realize the CIA enstilled in the english language the phrase "Conspiracy theory" to dispell anyone from questioning how Kennedy was killed. People or establishments dole out the label upon anyone they don't like having their "authority" questioned by.
SO NONI - critical thinkers - really? What they do is use every logical fallacy in the book to justify a belief they already hold. This is not critical thinking - sorry. Yes there are conspiracies - they do occur and no one is denying this - but you don't get to state that every tin pot crazy ass conspiracy is true just because some are true. This is, in itself, a fallacy.
These bloke who supported bill gates and vaccine but didn't took it should be made to take that vaccine and should be made explained why today no government are taking responsibility for covid vaccine related
This guy is an insufferable cuckold. His job is to make sure everything is exactly how the status quo wants you to perceive the situation. Couldn't hate this guy more.
Outline of the Population Control Strategy in The Kissinger Report The Kissinger Report explicitly lays out the detailed strategy by which the United States government aggressively promotes population control in developing nations in order to regulate (or have better access to) the natural resources of these countries.
@@angrydoggy9170 I believe the Catholic Bishops who said the tetanus vaccine had sterilization agents in it, good ole bill gates way of depopulating the planet he just doesnt ask consent
@@angrydoggy9170 Another thing I watched a few minutes of the video and when I realized this guy was just promoting bill gates as a humanitarian I turned it off and made my comment
@@Skelem0 - oh come on - please tell me that you are not buying into this nonsense? Perhaps if you had watched the entire video you might have learned something about the thinking errors that conspiracy theorists habitually employ - such as confirmation bias, post hoc ergo procter hoc (this happened and then that happened - therefore the first thing caused the second), post hoc rationalisation (where you start with a belief and then fit all evidence to this belief). If critical thinking and scepticism was taught in schools there would be far fewer CT nuts out there.
Good point. The doc proves that even intelligent people can be clowned. Ever see the video of Gates being hit in the face with a pie? It's great. Would've been better if it had been a sledge hammer though.
@@dustsettles6099 catastrophic contagion was held on oct 23 2022 by John Hopkins, bill and Melinda gates foundation which is another tabletop exercise simulation. Pretty obvious this whole “pandemic” stuff is a bunch of bs.
Technically, when a conspiracy theory is proven to be true, it just becomes a conspiracy. But people will still believe what they want to believe, because they search for confirmation bias... anything to backup their point of view.
@@freedomissue7824 seriously. This just seems like an attempt at damage control. Too late. The truth is coming out and regardless of how many " debunked" videos get made, people are waking up to his evil plans.
@@judyives1832 Lmao no it doesn't. Because for some people no amount of money will ever satisfy them. What even makes you think that it's about money and not about power? The dude tries to play God telling us how much children we're supposed to have and uses his vaccines to kill people in Africa. I'm not one to judge but if all the things people accuse him of doing are truly true, that's seriously disgusting and gross of him.
People don’t understand that when people are in that level, whatever pushed them to reach that level also include not compromising and not being content, they underestimate the greedy side of people, they don’t see that what generally people call rich is not the rich of the wealthy people.
Well, if that's the case, why, as Dr. Grande posits, is BG taking such a long time to bring this to fruition? He's not going to live forever (well, you people probably think he's developed some magic potion where he'll outlive us all!) so why the slow going with this "taking over the world" plan? You think when he's 80 it will finally come about? Does that make any kind of sense to you? You don't get it that the wealthy already run the world, they don't need some dreamed up conspiracy theory to explain what they are doing!
@@summermemories3087 Honey, one of the biggest problems on Earth is over population! It is the reason for many of our most serious problems. There are 7.8 BILLION people on this planet! It took over 200,000 years of human history for the world's population to reach 1 billion, and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion! Our resources are finite and most of our air, water, and soil is polluted to some degree because of human dealings. We need less people on this planet unless you think a future of living in a polluted, barren world sounds like a great idea.
Also my 2 kids are autists and the (doctor) father dying with severe problems as cancer, myocarditis, inmune system problems etc. All surged after last shot. He’s only 40 yo
Sorry to hear about your injury. I've enjoyed many of this fellows videos, but not for the first time, he's proven that intelligent people aren't immune to ignorance. The CEO of One America insurance Co. Said a year ago that all cause mortality in the U.S. is up 40% since the rollout of the Fauci ouchie? In 2021 Lincoln National, 5th largest life insurance company in the U.S. paid out 163% more in death benefits. 2019= $500,888,808, 2020= $547,940,260......2021= $1,445,350,949. I will be posting a blistering comment to this stupid video later this afternoon when I get home from work.
We've been vaccinating since 1721, since then we live to be at least three times as old and the world's population grew from 603 million to 8 billion to day. Denied facts are still facts! Look it up, if it makes you feel better.
@@justincredible. We've been smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and doing drugs that whole time as well. Do you think those things have helped grow the population? So to credit vaccines with the population increase makes about as much sense. Cancers, auto immune diseases, autism, food allergies etc. have skyrocketed along with the population numbers, especially since the vax schedule has been expanded. You're a big fan of vaccines that's your problem, get as many as you want and good luck with that. The best thing about being a "conspiracy theorist" is not having myocarditis 🤣
Best Quote: Misinformation is more contagious than the coronavirus! Example: If you did not have a television, it wouldn’t be the number of people dying in the street that would scare you. It would be the number of people with mask and gloves all the sudden. “If you don’t watch the news you are uninformed. If you do watch the news you are misinformed”. -Denzel Washington.
The Leaping Salmon Why would you concern yourself with “Who” said the quote instead of focusing on the content of the quote? I know the reason, I just want you to focus on that reason so that you know why your question comes from bitterness.
@@weareone2553 Because the "who" is part of the "truth" you are proposing. If you can't tell the truth in part of your statement, is the rest of it true? Not from bitterness: from logic.
A _"conspiracy"_ is a crime planned, or in other words, *conspired* by two or more *conspiring* criminals. To _conspire_ a _conspiracy_ in itself is a crime. What you're probably referring to is the term _"conspiracy theory",_ which is _the theory that a crime was pre-planned before it's commencement. It's important to note that in order for any criminal investigation to occur of a possible crime - a theory of how and why the crime occured must exist. In other words, take what I just said, reteach it to others, because to redefine the word "conspiracy" to for some reason automatically mean _"a mockable idea"_ and then apply it to something which should be investigated of a crime undermines the possibility of an investigation to occur.
@@katherenewedic8076 Not true. WOrld Health statistics show a direct relationship between mortality rate and birth rate. As mortality age increases/longer life expectancy people don't have as many children. They have many children in 3rd world because many of their offspring die early.
If a real loony tune sincerely wants to "save the world" they would likely be certain they know what should be done, therefore they should be in control. Obviously. Bill Gates is intelligent and sane.
Not that he's not right in some ways, but this is not the way. He should invest in educating of poor people, in poor countries, about unplanned pregnancies, and having more children that you can take care of. They are just uneducated on that matter. But getting rid of people this way, using them for testing is just...insane to say at least.
@@doomsday5286 And this is why psychopaths are so effective and so difficult to stop. I don't remember what this video is about, so I'll just assume it's Gates. Instead of going on about control, resources, eugenics, grand designs, the fact that his humanitarian efforts net him a profit down the line (just like Carnegie and Rockefeller before him) narcissism and psychopathy, I'm just going to turn this on its head. On what basis can you assert any of what you stated? The problem is that people tend to ask question like "why would he[...]", but they never ask "why would he NOT?" Fact is, the elite see us as cattle, chattel, golem, and weeds sprouting up in their Eden. There are enough people to build, maintain, and expand what they want. With automation coming online, we have too many people. Worse still, we're transitioning deeper intoa service economy. I mean really, people who just exist and take care of other people, why? There is a bigger picture, but that's the core of how they see it. Acetyl btw. Grande banned my other account.
I watched this three times trying to find anything scientific in your analysis, and could find nothing. You are giving an opinion, and saying those who disagree are mentally ill. Perfect example of a misinformed misinformer.
ya I came here cause a family member believes this whole conspiracy, and as someone who thinks this area of conspiracy sounds pretty harmful if its completely untrue - the way it tears down and turns a side that is claiming it's trying to help, and in a huge way - into the side thats doing the exact opposite but like 10x worse. I think you could understand why someone would want to do proper research from both sides. I didn't really feel like this video said anything at all lol, so I guess 1 point for you guys in a way. seemed like he just called people mentality ill without actually showing me any kind of research or any form of evidence about any of it - like you said - just an opinion, which is fine and I know he's got a fairly respected opinion on a lot of things, but it seemed to be presented like he was going to be debunking. Planning on looking into it all with a healthy skepticism towards both sides, while trying not to fall into any echo chambers on either side. I usually just use 2 separate youtube accounts for that reason, maybe i'll just use this account for the other side of the debate if you would be able to point me to a couple videos that would be the best place to start going down that rabbit hole in your opinion?
Also just a random question. From your side, is calling it a conspiracy and dropping the "theory" the right way to phrase it, or do you have a different way to label when it's what you believe is the truth? If so what would that be - also if so - didn't mean it in any kind of disrespectful way.
@@brown3394 check out " event 201", also watch bill gates interviews talking about covid but first research " duper's delight". I will send quality videos that present facts supporting some conspiracy "theories" when I am able. Do you find it strange that some of the conspiracy "theories" from ten years ago have actually come to fruition? I agree it is good to have a healthy skepticism in everything, which is why I watched this video hoping for some credible evidence supporting this dr.'s thesis, but was unable to find anything. I'm hopeful, but more skeptical than anything. I appreciate your curiosity, it's healthy to be skeptical, it's not healthy to be obsessed. Some people fall too deep in a rabbit hole full of lies and misinformation. Thank you for your inquiry, I'm always happy to help open someone's eyes to our current realities.
@@13mileon @UC2r9yvzLTXA1KzLPMY6SGqQ haha yeah I know what you mean about the ten years later for a few things, lmao just the other day fox interviewed Dave Portnoy ( a respected solo stock trader ) , and he was talking about them halting the buying of game stop stocks but you can still sell them. He was like this is criminal and someone needs to go to prison, and the guy interviewing him was like, ya well did you know people are saying that everything you just said is a conspiracy theory, I was like what the fuck lmaoooo. Anyway ya I get what you mean in some sense, its just that some people start to jump on board like every single one, and some of them are definitely completely false and just so dumb, but obviously some of the shit is gonna hold some water. I guess you pretty much said the same thing so we seem to be somewhat on the same page, but yeah I might roll my eyes sometimes at some of the stuff my mom says, but I'll never just flat out say "you are 100% wrong" if it's something I'm not actually well researched on etc. ya know. Anyway thanks for the advise ill start there.
Do you really think people can say "I have enough money" or "I have enough power"? That's not consistent with the actions we see of wealthy and powerful individuals. That's where wealth inequality comes from.
You don't know any. I'm 50 and know many including two billionaires. They do not give a sh** about money. Like Gates they were in the right biz at the right time. Now they throw it around and do talks about social issues EXACTLY like gates. Its what people who feel blessed do, no jesus required. Just gratitude. Not common in America but the norm in many cultures.
over imagination they do not give a shit about money but they might have weird obsession about world depopulation and feel godlike spending their money to achieve their fantasy ...
@@MissPonsy ya he did, he stepped down. It was all over news. Anyway he donates more money to charity than anyone else on planet, he is literally the most philanthropic person in the world currently
cosmic moth But non-profits still have to employ their workers and pay them (it’s not always free). So not all funds can go to a cause. Non-profits still have to pay for their worker’s employment, insurance, healthcare, etc. I do case nanagement with non-profits and most money goes to providing community services for the poor and mainly children, the rest goes to the employees working at the non-profit who work for the community. So saying non-profits are “no longer benevolent” is really close-minded. They help place the poorest people w/ resources, housing, school, food, etc. Bill Gates donates A LOT to non-profits (millions). He’s only 1 man, I think the mistrust comes from his being “rich, educated, and in the top 1%”. Not every rich person has an evil agenda, this is not the movies where every rich person is a super-villian. Though some are, not everyone is.
Of course! There's nothing wrong with making an honest profit. Similarly, being "nonprofit" guarantees neither honesty or altruism. To me it appears that Bill Gates's motive is to increase his personal wealth and success in a way that benefits the poor. Again, this doesn't guarantee that his ideas will be valuable or successful, and the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. But none of this is evidence that Bill Gates is guilty of being in a conspiracy, and Dr. Grande made some great points. ID 2020 concerns me, and what its website means by "permanent". To me it seems a opportunistic and power-grabby to tie your unrelated agenda in with a global health crisis. I have a _hunch_ that they'll use a much-needed vaccine to force people into an ID system, but no direct evidence for it. I'll _believe_ it when I see it.
I agree "non-profit" is these days, in the post-JFK era, society has become tolerant of scams. Furthermore, facts are not "conspiracy theories." The world is becoming aware of the 'stink' in both terms 'non-profit' & 'conspiracy theories.' Gates' cult mission is to kill - nothing more than that. People who still use the term "conspiracy" rather seeing facts as truth, indicates to me that there are still a lot of blind herd, mentally-ill people in denial.
@@glorifyyeshua3292 My whole point is that not being altruistic isn't the same as being sinister. What you're asserting is a huge stretch from what I said. If you're going to make claims to people who don't already believe what you're saying, you should back them up with evidence.
correct, non profit only means you put all the money back into the business and take out as wages. So the head of your company could take a massive pay check and it would still be "not for profit"
Why are you talking like conspiracy theories are inherently bad? There are many conspiracy theories, that have turned out to be true. Can a sane person not have a theory?
Actual Conspiracies are proven to be true. Conspiracy theories these days are almost very stupid theories that are believed by people with a huge need to feel special or as if they are "in the know". It literally complete bullshit and just researching or thinking through the subject in an unbiased manner will prove it wrong. But yeah um I'm not sure you realize how lacking critical thinking is nowadays.
@george rhodes You realize conspiracy theories from the 50s are being proven true, today, correct? Even recently formed “conspiracy theories” are being proven, like the AI studies on animals. The problem with people who ignore conspiracy theories or brush them off as stupid, is that so many people fail to grasp the concept of possibilities outside their own intellectual capacity. It isn’t always as simple as “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck” because as our knowledge has evolved, so has our ability to critically think beyond others’ expectations. Have a good day 🙂
@@lace1245 I don't ignore conspiracy theories, I thoroughly research each one because I am captivated by the idea of them being real. And literally all the most prominent theories are complete bullshit if you use critical thinking and look at the evidence. The thing is I am able to look at the "evidence" objectively, but nearly every conspiracy theorist cannot, they cherry pick and ignore evidence that contradicts their idea like it's the plague. Have a good day 😉
@@FELENATOR the problem I see with your statement is that even scientists will tell you “NEVER” throw out a possibility with even the slightest bit of evidence that SLIGHTLY gives something potential until it has been factually proven to not be that thing by relentless studies and experiments. What can you study or experiment on, say, in Area 51? What about studying all the sealed documents the government has? Another problem is anything worth truly knowing about major conspiracy theories is that they cannot be disproven by simply reading or looking because they require first-hand knowledge and experience of the subject.
"Often the term “conspiracy” is applied dismissively whenever one suggests that people who occupy positions of political and economic power are consciously dedicated to advancing their elite interests." Michael Parenti
True, the term is weaponized. And people who do not understand evidence-based reasoning or Bayesian probability, even on a bare, intuitive level, and spin a more elaborate conspiracy when a simpler story is revealed to be baseless, are giving real conspirators the perfect cover. RICO was designed to address something.
Why didn’t you talk about injuries of Indian children around 490,000 paralyzed children because of the vaccines he gave them ? -why didn’t you talk about over 1 million sterilized women in Congo ??? - By the way, how much has he paid you ?????
Just think about this... How would it improve his survival to talk against the system that is feeding him? Many people don't realise this missing piece of information, but most people that are doctors that talk against the system, has had some kind of a loss, like loosing their practice or a family member. (so they have nothing to loose) Do you also expect doctors to tell their patients the truth, that all of their patients would be healthy if they just drank water and ate vegetables and moved out of the city? Of course it's a conspiracy, the whole game exists so you as a human being can come back and be charged for some service. In every video this guy is saying "I am not evaluating him as a patient" just to covers his own a#¤ Every video he makes is an evaluation.
And he won't show us his tax returns!!! I just don't understand, if he's so rich why won't he prove it? With everything we have learned in the past 4 years it really goes to show you, what ever trump says the opposites probably are true. And yes, I know you were trying to implicate Clinton, and that Clinton had him killed and yes it's super ducking shady looking at all the weird coincidences. But that doesn't mean Clinton did it or had it done. Epstein was a human piece of shit, but lots of powerful people called him a friend, only because they could dial back the facade of presenting themselves as a person of the people, and play out their deepest darkest desires to be the true monsters they really are. And yes, the Clinton's are human garbage, but just because he did it and because she did it and it wasn't YOUR side that was "winning" doesn't mean when it's your team doing the "winning" we should just turn a blind eye. Trump has some pretty bad shit hanging over him, and that, believe it or not affects us, we are seeing that even more during this pandemic. We should all be focused on the problems right in front of us, and not the problems that happened 4+ years ago.
When you understand a person’s worldview, you understand their actions. Listen to Bill Gates speak. His own words reveal what his intentions and goals are.
What if all the 'microchips' he's planted in people turned out to be completely legal as none of us ever read all of Microsoft's licensing agreement...?
Wow - how many times can you say ‘Conspiracy Theory’ in one sentence? I listened to see if you actually know anything but clearly you don’t. Please don’t start off by saying this is a scientific view. Sounds like Bill has paid you to do this.
Lady this man is right. He don’t know anything cuz your conspiracy theory is false. Just like he knows nothing about the huge tea pot hiding behind the moon🌝 ☕️
U don't know what the conditions are so better keep your mouth shut. I am form India and I have taken his vaccine and as u can see I am just as fine. Fake news seems to be circulating too much nowadays. What level of dumbness humanity has gone to really surprises me
5:19 I really have to question Dr Grande's assertion that the fact that he is already wealthy and powerful gives him less incentive. People that reach such high levels of wealth and power are never satisfied, with rare exceptions. They always have more motivation than the rest of us, that's just how they are wired.
True. If he had no motivation he would not be telling the CDC or the WHO how to run business. The WHO used to focus on clean water and sanitation which is essential for heath and it's focused on vaccines. Gates is the 2nd highest contributer to the WHO.
I question Dr. Grande's associations. The Wealthy Elite are Sociopaths. Into all kinds of sick shit thats covered up. They have a multitude of minions.
It’s the first thing that stood out to me. It’s obvious you’d be more inclined to contemplate on certain things when you have the means. I couldn’t listen any further because that is just nonsensical and makes him look suspect.
@@Roselynne1016 Yes, and now no one knows what is put into the vaccines and money is to support big pharma. Maybe 50 years ago vaccines were there to actually help people and protect them from disease. Now, it's nearly the opposite motive, and no one can trust what is put into a vaccine, and it's all about the pharmaceutical companies of human life is an after thought at best.
Ok, Bill Gates likey the low cost, preventative healthcare solution obviously. Him and Oprah also partnered to try and lower the cost of computers to give to Afrikaan school children in schools in Africa.
This refutation completely ignores some extremely important aspects of this conspiracy theory. I've looked into it, apparently more than you have. I'm open-minded and EAGER, actually, to have it refuted, because I don't WANT it to be true. You didn't address his disastrous vaccine trials in India and Africa. You didn't address his ties to eugenics. You didn't address his ties not ONLY to the WHO but to many other health organizations including a gigantic conflict of interest in founding one that has as a mission "creating a market" for vaccines. Tracking people's private medical history IS tracking, it's just not location tracking, so saying that people are claiming it's location tracking is a strawman. Claiming that people think he's a psychopath purely based on his success in business is ludicrous...another strawman. It is impossible for you to have attempted a serious refutation of this conspiracy theory without mentioning these other aspects. You should either try again, or change your stance to a more open-minded one. Some of your points are not considering other possibilities, for instance having a patent on a coronavirus that was then to be mutated or genetically engineered (and I am not saying that this is what happened, just that it is an obvious possibility that you missed). His motive needn't be more wealth and power. Fullfilling his vision for what he believes the world should be like is sufficient. However, his wealth has increased phenomenally throughout the years of his philanthropy so the idea that he has no profit motive holds no water. One possibility is that his investment holdings in these vaccine companies would more than reimburse him for the money he has fronted. Others on this thread have pointed out other things that you overlooked. There is so much more to it that you didn't mention and were possibly not aware of. It would be ridiculous to think all of it is a coincidence. Bill Gates has said himself that the vaccine could kill or severely injure 700,000 people (as far as I know, much less than that have so far died with/of COVID) and his first concern is making sure there is "indemnity." I do believe you must be a shill. You had to have deliberately left out all this info, you couldn't have missed it if you had been truly looking.
Damn you really have looked into this and I would like to hear more from actual rational open minded people like you. Some of this I have researched on my own and fact checked so I believe you.
@@homey2257 Fact check it yourself stupid. I fell down the rabbit hole and found some of the topics she mentioned and she is right they are verified. First thing I looked into were the trials in Africa and India. Lets give a few hard guesses why any scientists would want to test medical experiments on these people first? And tracking people's medical history even though the United States has HIPAA in place is indeed tracking people and invasion of privacy. You better open your ears and open your mind and learn how to be a critical thinker cause you are the one deluded.
@Kristina Love - Right On. Not to mention there is a Microsoft *Patent* "Cryptocurrency using body activated data" that hints towards renovating a completely new economy. Google it. I read the entire patent. It was incredibly bizarre and pulls the whole Covid-19 pandemic together implying the purpose of the pandemic was to breakdown the economy to implement a new one. Maybe you're aware of all this not sure, but another interesting read is The Alliance. A series of corporate partnerships - Gavi, Microsoft, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockafellers, and more. They explain ID 2020. Why it's important and back up the Microsoft patent implications stating "people need new incentives." Bill Gates and other elites are playing God as if they think they have the solution for humanity. And yet, their solution includes the ultimate form of human enslavement. You really have to read the very technically written patent to get the interpretation I did. The Alliance has created an economic development plan that was started in 2015 and is set to come to fruition by 2030. It's people like the speaker of this video that really frustrate me. Allllll of this documented. The patent. The Alliance's proposal. I can't believe people are this naively trusting of wealthy people who have no idea what it means to suffer. These elites are not enlightened. They're pretentious and arrogant. And yet we're supposed to look up to them. I just don't get it. :/
Right off the bat he primes the audience with an imbalanced representation of conspiracy theories. Gives 3 examples of the most ridiculous sounding theories instead of more reasonable ones involving people in power abusing their power at the citizen’s expense. The latter would have been way more appropriate given the nature of this conspiracy but he has an obvious bias of wanting to dismiss this theory.
i wanted to state this, everyone who wants to degrade conspiracy theories starts with those big 3 theories. And most of the conspiracy theorists dont even acknowledge them
Yes this good Doctor has not done his job until he has mentioned your favourite pet conspiracy theory... or that of anyone else's... Once he is done debunking a myriad of 1 million and 1 conspiracies than he has earned no respect from any conspiracytard
Doctor , you are living in a world of you own , your opinion of a conspiracy theorist is really someone with a different opinion from your own belief ! And Bill must be very proud of you !
@edcrobert T Videos are the BEST WAY to demonstrate/expose the system, the minions, the lies, the propaganda, the fraud and reality itself. What else are you gonna do? Read papers published by minion “scientists” who are bought and paid for and work on behalf of the system??? Lmao durrr
Sounds like we should be embarrassed for questioning the great philanthropist,and if we were sensible little children we would never question authority and by doing so risk our rational reputation as logical thinkers.
Dr. Todd logic: My wife keeps her ex's number in her phone. - She must have just forgotten it's in there. Of course she has an ex's number. : My wife is constantly texting someone late at night. - She must have some important work she has to discuss. : My wife decided to go to dinner with her ex - He must have had something innocent to talk to her about. : My wife is coming home late at night and not showing much interest in me these days. - She must be really stressed out. : I saw my wife in bed with her ex - She must've been really tired.
@@andrewyuen5 Maybe this one will make more sense to you. Dr. Todd Logic. China throws a doctor in jail for announcing there is a serious disease spreading. - The man must've been lying. : Suddenly ten's of thousands so people are sick with the disease and the doctor dies. : China was just looking out for the good of humanity. : China adamantly opposes any foreign help investigating the virus. - China has nothing to hide. : China threatens any country raises questions about their secrecy and where the virus comes from. : China is a completely altruistic country.
Well who could have guessed 4 years later we have heart attacks, turbo cancers and more is coming out of the water works daily. Just goes to show intuition and gut instinct is more valuable than a piece of paper that gives certain people a temporary elevated ego. Mic drop!
Grande, you dropped the ball on this one. And I have to question why. It’s common knowledge the death and destruction he has brought upon the female population of Africa. Common knowledge, open a book, open a newspaper, it’s there. Why would you defend this POS? Every village that he’s went through in Africa hss shown extreme depopulation rates. Less than two years ago, he was convicted in Zimbabwe of telling the women they were getting a vaccine for malaria when in fact the medicine ALSO contained a sterilizing agent. I’m not making that up. 🖕 I don’t understand how you’re so sharp and able to pick up correctly on every other human being on your channel except Daddy WarGates. While I’m writing this I must’ve heard you say, “the good Bill Gates does“ At least four times. Are you that mesmerized by him? Do you not know history at all? Why are you assuming he’s doing ANY good. Any. One case evidence of him doing something good for a mass of people, a village of people, just one instance is all I ask for. Ask the Zimbabweans how much good he does. Grande, you have incredulously angered me defending St. Gates. I’ve been pointing my friends and family towards you, that’ll not happen again. Not a fan, Grande 🖕 - Are you completely enthralled by the Magic of Gates?? The richest man in the world is collecting food, lumber, water by the continent full, oh yeah he’s doing that for his own good. You think he might be doing that to stockpile for himself?! I wish you were within arms distance. Misinformation & disinformation like YOU are spitting out of your mouth is the reason the intelligently challenged are just going with the flow today. I know you’re not a liberal, you know your guns too much. Do you genuinely support depopulation? I just don’t know how anybody could have that mindset. Whether it’s you or whether it’s Bill Gates, who are you to decide who’s born and who’s not? Idea: get a crystal ball and a turban and set up shop on the Atlantic City boardwalk.
When did he ever speak about that? Sounds like you're just confused. Give a link and a timestamp to where he says it...if you can (but I know you can't).
Reduced population happens naturally as people get less poor and more secure. They have fewer children and have them later. We have seen this in the first world already and the rest of the world is gradually following suit with the huge reduction in world poverty over the last couple of decades. People with less absolute poverty start looking after their environment too.
5:18 "We start off with the idea that he is wealthy [..] That gives him less of a motive to be an evil mastermind" Yes, that's brilliant and so 'scientifically informed'. I remember those incredibly wealthy people who run the banks and wall street in 2008 were acting in everyone's best interest when they almost destroyed the US economy by their actions. Wealthy people by their very nature are kind & generous because they are wealthy! They'd NEVER looking to profit off of their actions that could never be evil in their motive.
@Sam S The eugenicists believe themselves ordained by their blood, to lead fabulous lives and wield power over us all........WE all know they only achieved their "success" via ruthlessness and brutality.
Prosperity gospell is not just for the christians in the USA it is for everybody. Money equals value. Rich people are the best people. This is the real religion of the USA. What he just said and you quoted gives him away. This guy is shilling for that billionaire.
Yeah, John D. Rockefeller was maybe the biggest piece of $hit in the history of America and he was wealthier than Gates and Bezos combined. The doc actually looks stupid in this one.
@@thaBootyologist I love fact checkers, they are so in your face establishment shills it's just makes them funny when they check sarcasm and jokes and memes.
Yeah, I disagree with that. I prefer calling you antivaxxers the murderous liars that you actually are. It's not misinformation at this point, it antivaxxers purposely trying to murder people with antivax lies. Of course your lies only succeed against the most gullible and/or stupid, so its hardly a "win" for you when you succeed in killing such a person with your lies.
I got news for you doctor, just because someone is already wealthy it doesn't mean they don't have further ambitions. That was seriously an absurd statement, I'm very surprised you would say such a thing.
True, but you cannot assume all rich people are evil. Most of them are small business owners. Some are evil, many are not. I think people fear Bill Gates due to wealth. I also think they fear him due to a lack of understanding on biology and how viruses jump from species to species (like the Bird Flu or Swine Flu).
True but Bill gates gave away nearly 50 billion dollars to charity which mean more money is not his motive. He is also set to loose billions of dollars in funding multiple factories for vaccines even tho all wont be used, all in an effort to potentially speed up the process. Also companies make more money treating symtomps for viruses than selling vaccines.
How many times does he repeat the words 'Conspiracy Theory'? In each sentence and sometimes more than once in the sentence. Please notice how this programs people.
Can you analyze jimmy saville? Also analyze the connections between Epstein and gates. Oh and analyze the guy arrested at his house for child pornography back in 2014. Oh and no analysis needed but the attempt to market VR with occultist marina abramovie was interesting. They pulled the add almost instantly because everyone freaked out.
I'm sure he thinks pizzagate was conspiracy theorists and SRA's survivors are conspiracy theorists, and that the Franklin cover up is full of conspiracy theorists and that everyone who investigates and connect dots are conspiracy theorists. Maybe he is a cut out too. The psychiatric industry isn't that transparent when you scratch the surface a bit. Few years ago they had no problem doing lobotomy on people and we would have been called conspiracists back then to say that's evil and unnecessary. In my country, the gvt has forbidden the use of chloroquine but has given rivotril to people with potential covid, yet the former medicine is effective and the later is dangerous for people with respitory problems (covid19 attacks the lungs). Oh but I'm sure that's a conspiracy theory too right? And the German medical lawyer who got arrested in a psy ward for saying the lock down is anti constitutional for our liberty... That's so conspiracy right? After all it's a Dr who says so so we must believe him. Extreme arrogance and denial from his part.
@@mlj1309 - the only arrogance and denial I see here come from you my friend. I actually think you are a poe because no one could really be that stupid. Are you a Russian plant (lol - see what I did there - I employed the idea of a conspiracy to de-legitimise you, which is ultimately what most conspiracies are about) I mean Pizza gate - really?? OMG how do you function??
@@franmellor9843 - yeah, not sure that there is such a thing as consensual 'child pornography' - think about it - that IS child sexual abuse - they are the same thing.
The same Washington died due to not listening to the doctor who told that taking blood out From body don't treat fever.... & Same Washington died due to excess blood taken out in the name of treatment of a fever😂
Dr. Grande, normally I find your videos interesting and am in agreement with your analysis. In this video, however, you make a statement indicating that Bill Gates, due to already having wealthy and power, would not want to have more. That's quite a leap in your thinking and if you look at rich and powerful individuals you won't find them being complacent about these matters. On the contrary, they tend to be focused on gaining more wealth and power. Also, evidence of philanthropy does not rule out sinister motivations. Indeed, you seem to be implying that if someone gives some of their money to charity, they're benign and caring. Furthermore, vaccinations are not necessarily harmless and can be used to pass on other ingredients which are not beneficial.
Joe Rogaine said the SAME THING as he was shilling hard for Bill Gates-from-Hell... “he has money, therefore, he isn’t evil and a high ranking minion and system mouthpiece.” It’s hilarious how they make the SAME non-argument..... like they’re getting the same scripts to read or something
"evidence of philanthropy does not rule out sinister motivations. " What are you talking about?, this is some spiteful bs that nobody should take seriously. Believe it or not, rich people are actually PEOPLE as well.
@@coffeepot3123 lol they’re just saying that just because you’re a philanthropist doesn’t vindicate you from all wrong doing for the rest of your life... Pablo Escobar was a huge philanthropist
"Covid is critical” because it “encourages people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.” Yuval Noah Harari, Chief Advisor, W-E-F Seems pretty clear to me about what's going on.
Shadow 1118 Frequent flyer? Source? You do know that Epstein was a very wealthy individual that just about everyone who’s anyone had some contact with? Do you know why? Same reason that’s true of most rich and powerful people. People wanted him to donate money, or help fund their pet causes. Read up on it. Many scientific organizations, even, had dealing with Epstein. Just because you knew someone who turned out to be a monster, doesn’t mean that you are also a monster.
@@collinsmcrae Source: Jeff Epsteins flight log. Jeff had a bob or two and was also a eugenisist, the type who wants to father a whole new race. Birds of a feather before he was suicided. Both actual monsters.
cosmic moth guys guys, come on. Question nothing, ever. And just accept everything the media (all of which is controlled by 6 large networks) says as truth! Wouldn’t want to be called... a CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiSt 😦
Todd grande keeps saying "I can't understand why Bill Gates would do that - therefore I don't think it's true". This guy is just one of bill Gates herd of sheep. Fan boy supreme.
Classic example there of someone with a presupposition that hasn't understood the logical message in the video and is too closed minded to listen to reason.
@@roblewis3799 errrrrm... A couple of questions regarding that piece of fallacious verbal diarrhea.... 1. Exactly what "presupposition" are you referring to? 2. What do you think is the "logical message" in the video? The fact that Todd grande doesn't understand his motives is neither logical nor relevant.
@@waynemoore8615 why do you think the second wealthiest person in the world and potentially the 4th most powerful person in the world would donate so much money at his time in life to be this evil megalomaniac?
@@Facts-Over-Feelings but he was alluding to the fact that vaccines improve health therefore, families would feel more secure that their children would live into adulthood band thus have less children...
Seriously, these coincidental theorists are so stupid. Was event 201 - full fledge dress rehearsal for a global pandemic literally like 6 weeks right before the actual pandemic a complete coincidence in terms of timing too ?
Doc, it appears your background research was too superficial. Pull some thorough research together - maybe talk to a few reputable truthers - and give this topic another whirl.
There is a reason for that. Once you see reality, there is no way back. Watch Dr. Shiva at Stefan Molyneux. There actually IS a money-making machine running - it's called Coronavirus.
@@Chloroplastism EXACTLY. Once you are awake to the reality of the lies and the deception that have been going on our entire lives, hidden in plain sight, there's no turning back now. You just cannot un-ring that Bell.
When you have that many 'coincidences', there is always more than what appears at face value. If propaganda is done well, and Bill would have the $$$ to pay for it, you will have even the smartest people convinced of your innocence.
He received an honorary doctorate by an Ethiopian university as a thanks for the work he’s done to combat malaria in their country and other African countries
He's not "seen" as a doctor. While he does have an honorary doctorate from an African university because of their appreciation of his life saving philanthropy, he doesn't function as a doctor in his vaccination campaigns. He funds research & vaccine development by immunologists & other experts
I've looked for factual proof that he and his father were believers of Eugenics, but I can't find proof. I keep hearing this. Can you please point me in the direction to find evidence. I'm trying to stop believing so much of what I hear or even read and find actual facts behind everything because right now there are so many huge theories coming about.
Andrea Nehl Eugenics = population control. If you can’t find a video on Bill Gates talking about population control, it’s any wonder you managed to type out that reply.
We've been vaccinating since 1721, since then we live to be at least three times as old and the world's population grew from 603 million to 8 billion to day. Denied facts are still facts! Look it up, if it makes you feel better.
I think you should talk to the health ranger. He tested his vaccines, ask him to show you the lab results. Maybe you should find out why he was thrown out of India
@@csten9784 You are wasting your time asking sensible questions . These kind of people believe the world is flat despite looking up the Sky and seeing the Sun and Moon is round . For them search and find the truth would only confirm their stupidity .
JUDVU what business is it of yours whether others ask questions or not? I bet you are pro censorship too hmm? “I don’t like what he’s saying, SILENCE HIM!!!” Weakling.
Could we possibly drop the term "conspiracy" and call it just theory? No one is secretly aggregating and conspiring anything nefarious or evil....oh wait...
@ matt Well that sure told them. I'd slip in something like: de-lousing technology in German occupied Europe 1939-45. But, yeah! The sheeple illusion, yeah!!✌🏻🤣
Nice how Google is now manipulating the search results. It used to be really easy to find the documented instances of pregnancy antigens being added to vaccines used in Africa to sterilize the women. It's also next to impossible to find information on reverse virulence of his live polio vaccine causing outbreaks. That was in Indonesia and Kenya or nirobi if I remember correctly confirmed via genetic sequencing.
AskHack I know it’s hard to find anything about the Coronavirus and Bill Gates I don’t even see a reddit thread for it I would imagine something like this would have it’s on thread
I can't believe he is saying that bill gates can't be an evil genius because he is already wealthy😂. Doesn't he know that people who have so much money are the most e evil people out there and are never satisfied
Do you honestly think Dr Grande has enough time to spend scurrying down absurd rabbit holes when an overall consideration of the main claims of conspiracy theories would suffice. At even a superficial level most of these conspiracy theories fall apart under little investigation.
Typical Academic! Bill Gates.... 2nd richest? based on what? Forbes Magazine? I'm guessing Dr. Todd Grande hasn't heard of the 'Rothschilds family' The economic system is closed to sheep like us.
"he's wealthy, so that give him less of a motive to be an evil mastermind" ahahaha yeah, sure it's more logical that the richest man in the world who says that the way to solve world hunger is to reduce the population actually wants to help the poor people while he gets richer, that's make a lot of sense
I just about lost it when I heard him say that. He’s one of the richest, most powerful people on the planet. He has more opportunities to abuse that power than 99.999% of the population. Conspiracies aren’t meant to gain wealth and power, they’re meant to use wealth and power.
@@FBab-jb4lp You're blaming the other misfortune to someone, which is stupid, he was rich because he had a good business, he didn't steal from the poor, nor rich.
It's an insult to call us conspiracy theorists --- we are really truth seekers. We know that we are being lied to when some things just don't add up. ALL WE WANT IS THE TRUTH!!!!
ben3dex - he’s ‘gaslighting’ - classic tactic used by narcissists to discredit and attempt to ridicule - which he can’t help taking to a higher level when talking about chickens & foxes. So what does that say about Dr ‘Grande’?
Sorry, but bill gates doesn’t have my interests as his main objectives. I thought you were “scientifically informed” but ignore 💯 % facts of what has come out of gates own mouth and has been recorded and viewed by everyone. This doesn’t fall in lizard people or flat earth categories.
Over 8 million people have died this year from hunger alone! Which begs the question: if Bill Gates cares so much about human life why doesn't he use some of this wealth to help this situation?
@@Blueberrygoat92 The holiday of his wife cost $100.000 a day. She rented an island. Bill rented a 100m Ship to make party in Europa. Bill wrote a book about "climate change".
@@justincredible. I never became friend friend with the previously convicted head of a child-prostitution ring (Jeffrey Epstein). But our "friend" Bill does.
It seems more like a “defence“ of B.G. than an analysis of his mental state with a spattering of sarcasm. It would seem this subject has touched a nerve.
Yes, my uncle got killed by the same antiscience misinformation He believed on this BiG pHaRmA theory and stopped his hypertension meds some years ago, and started to "treat" himself with alkaline water and garlic like a antiscience doctor prescribed him... He passed away in consequence of his wrongly treated hypertension at the age of 55 in September 12, 2019 You guys are just as eugenicists as Bill and anyone of your bullshit conspiracy theory
Great analysis as always, but how you managed to cover conspiracy theories as a phenomenon without also mentioning how political forces are actively exploiting them for gain? I wonder.
They took Corbett off TH-cam a few days ago. Took hundreds of people off Instagram I heard. Some that I follow, doctors too, deplatformed. They are getting desperate. I'm sick of seeing every other commercial on TV telling us to get that shot. Wtf!?
@@TakaShiGUREEDO No, a broken clock IS right twice a day. If a clock breaks at 5:32 AM, it's going to be 5:32 When the clock broke, and again at 5:32 PM. It means that even a wrong person says the right thing every now and then.
There are also several mental analisys about Bill Gates, his father, how he was treated by his father and his now ex wife. I don’t understand how an expert like Dr Grande never checked about his family psychological abuse.
One important topic that you are leaving out in your dismissal of these theories is why people are so mistrustful of their government and WHO. There is a history in our country of information being withheld, human rights violations, land grabs, abuse of the banking and financial systems and overall corruption if our leaders via corporate donors. Conspiracy theorists aren't crazy although some of their followers may be. They are critical thinkers that aren't allowing themselves to be spoon fed by the media propaganda.
SO NONI - Spot On!!
They are not critical thinkers at all. If they were, they would question the conspiracy theories themselves! Lol
"One important topic that you are leaving out"
*proceeds to post a vague rant about a lot of different topics*
Be specific and provide evidence.
People don't realize the CIA enstilled in the english language the phrase "Conspiracy theory" to dispell anyone from questioning how Kennedy was killed. People or establishments dole out the label upon anyone they don't like having their "authority" questioned by.
SO NONI - critical thinkers - really? What they do is use every logical fallacy in the book to justify a belief they already hold. This is not critical thinking - sorry. Yes there are conspiracies - they do occur and no one is denying this - but you don't get to state that every tin pot crazy ass conspiracy is true just because some are true. This is, in itself, a fallacy.
The good thing about being into conspiracies is you don't get blood clots, strokes, myocarditis or die suddenly
You just described PROVEN effects of Covid
And it turns out you're right and Grande was wrong.
Fednow & CBDC on there way for slavery digital 😑
And I thank my free mind for that every day 😂
My only question is why a college drop-out, computer software businessman, who has no medical degree is telling us about vaccines?
Considering that his computer software endeavors were criminal and shady...
@@xondragrafia LMAO!!
Because he's the frontman of the WEF agenda.
"If I just say 'conspiracy theory' enough, people will stop questioning elites."
most people are sheep, so this is correct.
These bloke who supported bill gates and vaccine but didn't took it should be made to take that vaccine and should be made explained why today no government are taking responsibility for covid vaccine related
Or, you know, you can believe all kinds of crap in your own make-believe world.
This guy is an insufferable cuckold. His job is to make sure everything is exactly how the status quo wants you to perceive the situation.
Couldn't hate this guy more.
My new favorite conspiracy theory is Dr. Todd Grande is actually a digital computer program made by Bill Gates.
Or maybd you’re a conspiracy theory? You could be a flat earther.
Aerin Volk 🤣🤣🤣🤣👏🏻
Aerin Volk 🤣😆🤣🤣
If this person is actual, he is definitely on the spectrum.
Over 2 million women in kenya would like an answer as to why they were sterilized after getting vaccines
Where did you see that? Please link a page.
Outline of the Population Control Strategy in The Kissinger Report
The Kissinger Report explicitly lays out the detailed strategy by which the United States government aggressively promotes population control in developing nations in order to regulate (or have better access to) the natural resources of these countries.
@@mxolisiwilliams6178 thats not a reference
@@angrydoggy9170 I believe the Catholic Bishops who said the tetanus vaccine had sterilization agents in it, good ole bill gates way of depopulating the planet he just doesnt ask consent
@@angrydoggy9170 Another thing I watched a few minutes of the video and when I realized this guy was just promoting bill gates as a humanitarian I turned it off and made my comment
You lost me at "He's got enough money and power"...... Does a truly evil and sinister person ever think they have enough money and power?
They think they are God.
He didn't lose me. But it was a small gaff in the wider context of the video.
@@blorkpovud1576 It was a very face value look at this, he didn't dive deep into the psychology and the bigger picture.
Georgia Guide Stones
@@Skelem0 - oh come on - please tell me that you are not buying into this nonsense? Perhaps if you had watched the entire video you might have learned something about the thinking errors that conspiracy theorists habitually employ - such as confirmation bias, post hoc ergo procter hoc (this happened and then that happened - therefore the first thing caused the second), post hoc rationalisation (where you start with a belief and then fit all evidence to this belief).
If critical thinking and scepticism was taught in schools there would be far fewer CT nuts out there.
EVENT 201 was sponsored by Bill &MG foundation 2 months before covid hit , that is some coincidence
Now they have a new one "SEERS 2025, outbreak in Brazil"
Good point. The doc proves that even intelligent people can be clowned. Ever see the video of Gates being hit in the face with a pie? It's great. Would've been better if it had been a sledge hammer though.
@@dustsettles6099 catastrophic contagion was held on oct 23 2022 by John Hopkins, bill and Melinda gates foundation which is another tabletop exercise simulation. Pretty obvious this whole “pandemic” stuff is a bunch of bs.
Got released right after event 201. November.
Pandemic related conferences happen all the time, all over the world.
So when a conspiracy theory turns out to be true, is it still labeled a conspiracy theory?
Nah, for them, once it can't be denied any longer, they pretend it was self-evident the whole time.
Technically, when a conspiracy theory is proven to be true, it just becomes a conspiracy.
But people will still believe what they want to believe, because they search for confirmation bias... anything to backup their point of view.
@@SKS_The_Pomu This comment is so true
Right bill is evil
@@freedomissue7824 seriously. This just seems like an attempt at damage control. Too late. The truth is coming out and regardless of how many " debunked" videos get made, people are waking up to his evil plans.
Did this guy just say that having money makes you LESS likely to be a mastermind to dominate the world?? Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that
Well that makes sense. He has more money than he can spend so no need to get more.
@@judyives1832 Lmao no it doesn't. Because for some people no amount of money will ever satisfy them. What even makes you think that it's about money and not about power? The dude tries to play God telling us how much children we're supposed to have and uses his vaccines to kill people in Africa. I'm not one to judge but if all the things people accuse him of doing are truly true, that's seriously disgusting and gross of him.
People don’t understand that when people are in that level, whatever pushed them to reach that level also include not compromising and not being content, they underestimate the greedy side of people, they don’t see that what generally people call rich is not the rich of the wealthy people.
Well, if that's the case, why, as Dr. Grande posits, is BG taking such a long time to bring this to fruition? He's not going to live forever (well, you people probably think he's developed some magic potion where he'll outlive us all!) so why the slow going with this "taking over the world" plan? You think when he's 80 it will finally come about? Does that make any kind of sense to you?
You don't get it that the wealthy already run the world, they don't need some dreamed up conspiracy theory to explain what they are doing!
@@summermemories3087 Honey, one of the biggest problems on Earth is over population! It is the reason for many of our most serious problems. There are 7.8 BILLION people on this planet! It took over 200,000 years of human history for the world's population to reach 1 billion, and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion! Our resources are finite and most of our air, water, and soil is polluted to some degree because of human dealings. We need less people on this planet unless you think a future of living in a polluted, barren world sounds like a great idea.
His parents were eugenicists, how could this not have been mentioned?
@@desiatheart9710 No, he's just rather innocent.
Because it's irrelevant false or otherwise. Logic is not difficult see.
My dad can speak Spanish but I don't speak a word. A person doesn't necessarily always follow in the footsteps of their parents.
His dad was CEO of planned parenthood. He murdered babies. How many babies blood on his hands!
Angry Doggy how delusional can you get
Well I'm glad I trusted Gates thanks to your video. I'm infertile now with myocarditis, but at least no one is calling me a conspiracy theorist.
Also my 2 kids are autists and the (doctor) father dying with severe problems as cancer, myocarditis, inmune system problems etc. All surged after last shot. He’s only 40 yo
Yes what a good Ole boy Gates is..all my neighbors dying of cancer,cardiac arrest
Sudden Adult Death syndrome.Thank you Anthony and Bill
Sorry to hear about your injury. I've enjoyed many of this fellows videos, but not for the first time, he's proven that intelligent people aren't immune to ignorance. The CEO of One America insurance Co. Said a year ago that all cause mortality in the U.S. is up 40% since the rollout of the Fauci ouchie? In 2021 Lincoln National, 5th largest life insurance company in the U.S. paid out 163% more in death benefits. 2019= $500,888,808, 2020= $547,940,260......2021= $1,445,350,949. I will be posting a blistering comment to this stupid video later this afternoon when I get home from work.
We've been vaccinating since 1721, since then we live to be at least three times as old and the world's population grew from 603 million to 8 billion to day. Denied facts are still facts! Look it up, if it makes you feel better.
@@justincredible. We've been smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and doing drugs that whole time as well. Do you think those things have helped grow the population? So to credit vaccines with the population increase makes about as much sense. Cancers, auto immune diseases, autism, food allergies etc. have skyrocketed along with the population numbers, especially since the vax schedule has been expanded. You're a big fan of vaccines that's your problem, get as many as you want and good luck with that. The best thing about being a "conspiracy theorist" is not having myocarditis 🤣
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” ― Abraham Lincoln
Now what?
I have seen this quote in different videos .. All with different authors haha
Or you could just study global trends over the centuries and filter risk factors through a proven algorithm. That works too.
@@sheerri Says who? How does 'that' work?
@@mariosalgado3131 It is credited to Lincoln though. He said it, it seems.
Just for the record, is Bill Gates a doctor? Is he a politician?
Neither he is a college drop out...well known
Gates is neither a doctor nor a politician. What Gates is, is full of crap.
He is a philanthropist. He is a college dropout as well. Harvard
No. No.
So you suggest that the WHO has clean hands so Gates therefore is clean? Oh. 👌
Best Quote: Misinformation is more contagious than the coronavirus!
Example: If you did not have a television, it wouldn’t be the number of people dying in the street that would scare you. It would be the number of people with mask and gloves all the sudden.
“If you don’t watch the news you are uninformed. If you do watch the news you are misinformed”.
-Denzel Washington.
Mark Twain originally made that quote but it is so true
Why would I care what Denzel Washington had to say?
The Leaping Salmon Why would you concern yourself with “Who” said the quote instead of focusing on the content of the quote? I know the reason, I just want you to focus on that reason so that you know why your question comes from bitterness.
@@weareone2553 Because the "who" is part of the "truth" you are proposing. If you can't tell the truth in part of your statement, is the rest of it true? Not from bitterness: from logic.
@@InvisibleFeats Well the who was Mark Twain as already pointed out.
Every passing day, this is less of a conspiracy and more of a fact.
A _"conspiracy"_ is a crime planned, or in other words, *conspired* by two or more *conspiring* criminals.
To _conspire_ a _conspiracy_ in itself is a crime.
What you're probably referring to is the term _"conspiracy theory",_ which is _the theory that a crime was pre-planned before it's commencement.
It's important to note that in order for any criminal investigation to occur of a possible crime - a theory of how and why the crime occured must exist.
In other words, take what I just said, reteach it to others, because to redefine the word "conspiracy" to for some reason automatically mean _"a mockable idea"_ and then apply it to something which should be investigated of a crime undermines the possibility of an investigation to occur.
Fact 👍
"Population control... through vaccines" was the rest of his quote you left out.
Well if you're a woman in the poor country you sure s*** don't want to be pregnant all the time watching your kids die
I think that a healthy dose of critical thinking does the world more good than people with total obedience to the authority
@@the_endling Wow the comments I made to you about a certain former president's body count being a conspiracy were blocked by yt. Conspiracy I guess.
@@katherenewedic8076 Not true. WOrld Health statistics show a direct relationship between mortality rate and birth rate. As mortality age increases/longer life expectancy people don't have as many children. They have many children in 3rd world because many of their offspring die early.
He left a lot of stuff out
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule."
H. L. Mencken
Fantastic comment, thank you very much. 🌟
If only it was supported by anything scientific
Freakin amazing quote. This "Dr" can't see the forest from the trees just like the 80%. Gates is just a spokesman and paid puppet.
If a real loony tune sincerely wants to "save the world" they would likely be certain they know what should be done, therefore they should be in control. Obviously.
Bill Gates is intelligent and sane.
@@lightning.rezister So who has enough money to pay the richest man in the world?
Who is the puppeteer of the 4th most powerful man in the world?
Who in the hell authorized Bill Gates to decide how many people should live on the planet? That's the question you should be asking
Google this case no. and be enlightened (Gates and Google are among many other defendants) 19CV2407 CAB AHG - Southern District of California
His father the head president of planned parenthood and eugenics
And now hi is investing billions to find a vaccine to save people lives he is a DEVIL
Not that he's not right in some ways, but this is not the way. He should invest in educating of poor people, in poor countries, about unplanned pregnancies, and having more children that you can take care of. They are just uneducated on that matter. But getting rid of people this way, using them for testing is just...insane to say at least.
we should all be concerned about that, are you just stupid?
My new conspiracy theory is that Bill Gates named his company Microsoft in reference to his reproductive organ.
LMFAO! 🤣🤣🤣
Hahaha most underrated comment
Projection, LOL
Omg! Best comment! 😅
loooooooooooool 😭 😭 😭 🤣 🤣
If chickens have a conspiracy theory about humans, they're dead right...
Most of them are dead too ;-)
Yes, they are. Humans have conspired together to eat millions of chickens over the past decades.
"Chicken" from the FBI list of code words used by child molesters means "child".
@@doomsday5286 And this is why psychopaths are so effective and so difficult to stop. I don't remember what this video is about, so I'll just assume it's Gates.
Instead of going on about control, resources, eugenics, grand designs, the fact that his humanitarian efforts net him a profit down the line (just like Carnegie and Rockefeller before him) narcissism and psychopathy, I'm just going to turn this on its head. On what basis can you assert any of what you stated? The problem is that people tend to ask question like "why would he[...]", but they never ask "why would he NOT?" Fact is, the elite see us as cattle, chattel, golem, and weeds sprouting up in their Eden. There are enough people to build, maintain, and expand what they want. With automation coming online, we have too many people. Worse still, we're transitioning deeper intoa service economy. I mean really, people who just exist and take care of other people, why? There is a bigger picture, but that's the core of how they see it.
Acetyl btw. Grande banned my other account.
Chicken Run
I watched this three times trying to find anything scientific in your analysis, and could find nothing. You are giving an opinion, and saying those who disagree are mentally ill. Perfect example of a misinformed misinformer.
It's always the same programmed responses, "conspiracy theories", "seek help" etc etc etc
ya I came here cause a family member believes this whole conspiracy, and as someone who thinks this area of conspiracy sounds pretty harmful if its completely untrue - the way it tears down and turns a side that is claiming it's trying to help, and in a huge way - into the side thats doing the exact opposite but like 10x worse. I think you could understand why someone would want to do proper research from both sides.
I didn't really feel like this video said anything at all lol, so I guess 1 point for you guys in a way. seemed like he just called people mentality ill without actually showing me any kind of research or any form of evidence about any of it - like you said - just an opinion, which is fine and I know he's got a fairly respected opinion on a lot of things, but it seemed to be presented like he was going to be debunking.
Planning on looking into it all with a healthy skepticism towards both sides, while trying not to fall into any echo chambers on either side.
I usually just use 2 separate youtube accounts for that reason, maybe i'll just use this account for the other side of the debate if you would be able to point me to a couple videos that would be the best place to start going down that rabbit hole in your opinion?
Also just a random question. From your side, is calling it a conspiracy and dropping the "theory" the right way to phrase it, or do you have a different way to label when it's what you believe is the truth? If so what would that be - also if so - didn't mean it in any kind of disrespectful way.
@@brown3394 check out " event 201", also watch bill gates interviews talking about covid but first research " duper's delight". I will send quality videos that present facts supporting some conspiracy "theories" when I am able. Do you find it strange that some of the conspiracy "theories" from ten years ago have actually come to fruition? I agree it is good to have a healthy skepticism in everything, which is why I watched this video hoping for some credible evidence supporting this dr.'s thesis, but was unable to find anything. I'm hopeful, but more skeptical than anything. I appreciate your curiosity, it's healthy to be skeptical, it's not healthy to be obsessed. Some people fall too deep in a rabbit hole full of lies and misinformation. Thank you for your inquiry, I'm always happy to help open someone's eyes to our current realities.
@@13mileon @UC2r9yvzLTXA1KzLPMY6SGqQ haha yeah I know what you mean about the ten years later for a few things, lmao just the other day fox interviewed Dave Portnoy ( a respected solo stock trader ) , and he was talking about them halting the buying of game stop stocks but you can still sell them.
He was like this is criminal and someone needs to go to prison, and the guy interviewing him was like, ya well did you know people are saying that everything you just said is a conspiracy theory, I was like what the fuck lmaoooo.
Anyway ya I get what you mean in some sense, its just that some people start to jump on board like every single one, and some of them are definitely completely false and just so dumb, but obviously some of the shit is gonna hold some water. I guess you pretty much said the same thing so we seem to be somewhat on the same page, but yeah I might roll my eyes sometimes at some of the stuff my mom says, but I'll never just flat out say "you are 100% wrong" if it's something I'm not actually well researched on etc. ya know.
Anyway thanks for the advise ill start there.
Do you really think people can say "I have enough money" or "I have enough power"? That's not consistent with the actions we see of wealthy and powerful individuals. That's where wealth inequality comes from.
You don't know any. I'm 50 and know many including two billionaires. They do not give a sh** about money. Like Gates they were in the right biz at the right time. Now they throw it around and do talks about social issues EXACTLY like gates. Its what people who feel blessed do, no jesus required. Just gratitude. Not common in America but the norm in many cultures.
@over imagination
Having lots of money does NOT mean he isn’t a high ranking system minion or a mouthpiece for eugenics and depopulation.
@@overimagination2812 yet they don't step down or say I have enough money to live the rest of my life I should quit.
over imagination they do not give a shit about money but they might have weird obsession about world depopulation and feel godlike spending their money to achieve their fantasy ...
@@MissPonsy ya he did, he stepped down. It was all over news. Anyway he donates more money to charity than anyone else on planet, he is literally the most philanthropic person in the world currently
Dr Grande is entertaining as a psychologist but me thinks he's uninformed how corruption works in this world and how prevalent it is.
Or he just disagrees with your fucking conspiracy theory.
Conveniently naive. People don't want to know, because they'll be forever ostracized .
He wants to grow his channel and add revenue. If he agrees with the status quo then the TH-cam algorithm promotes his videos.
He is one of them.
@@birthesdatter8752 YES. YES. YES.
To me, non-profit no longer means benevolent and good by nature.
cosmic moth But non-profits still have to employ their workers and pay them (it’s not always free). So not all funds can go to a cause. Non-profits still have to pay for their worker’s employment, insurance, healthcare, etc.
I do case nanagement with non-profits and most money goes to providing community services for the poor and mainly children, the rest goes to the employees working at the non-profit who work for the community. So saying non-profits are “no longer benevolent” is really close-minded. They help place the poorest people w/ resources, housing, school, food, etc.
Bill Gates donates A LOT to non-profits (millions). He’s only 1 man, I think the mistrust comes from his being “rich, educated, and in the top 1%”. Not every rich person has an evil agenda, this is not the movies where every rich person is a super-villian. Though some are, not everyone is.
Of course! There's nothing wrong with making an honest profit. Similarly, being "nonprofit" guarantees neither honesty or altruism. To me it appears that Bill Gates's motive is to increase his personal wealth and success in a way that benefits the poor. Again, this doesn't guarantee that his ideas will be valuable or successful, and the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. But none of this is evidence that Bill Gates is guilty of being in a conspiracy, and Dr. Grande made some great points.
ID 2020 concerns me, and what its website means by "permanent". To me it seems a opportunistic and power-grabby to tie your unrelated agenda in with a global health crisis. I have a _hunch_ that they'll use a much-needed vaccine to force people into an ID system, but no direct evidence for it. I'll _believe_ it when I see it.
I agree "non-profit" is these days, in the post-JFK era, society has become tolerant of scams. Furthermore, facts are not "conspiracy theories." The world is becoming aware of the 'stink' in both terms 'non-profit' & 'conspiracy theories.' Gates' cult mission is to kill - nothing more than that. People who still use the term "conspiracy" rather seeing facts as truth, indicates to me that there are still a lot of blind herd, mentally-ill people in denial.
@@glorifyyeshua3292 My whole point is that not being altruistic isn't the same as being sinister.
What you're asserting is a huge stretch from what I said. If you're going to make claims to people who don't already believe what you're saying, you should back them up with evidence.
correct, non profit only means you put all the money back into the business and take out as wages. So the head of your company could take a massive pay check and it would still be "not for profit"
Why are you talking like conspiracy theories are inherently bad? There are many conspiracy theories, that have turned out to be true. Can a sane person not have a theory?
No, a sane person believes that every person on Earth is selfless 🤣
Actual Conspiracies are proven to be true. Conspiracy theories these days are almost very stupid theories that are believed by people with a huge need to feel special or as if they are "in the know". It literally complete bullshit and just researching or thinking through the subject in an unbiased manner will prove it wrong. But yeah um I'm not sure you realize how lacking critical thinking is nowadays.
@george rhodes
You realize conspiracy theories from the 50s are being proven true, today, correct? Even recently formed “conspiracy theories” are being proven, like the AI studies on animals.
The problem with people who ignore conspiracy theories or brush them off as stupid, is that so many people fail to grasp the concept of possibilities outside their own intellectual capacity. It isn’t always as simple as “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck” because as our knowledge has evolved, so has our ability to critically think beyond others’ expectations.
Have a good day 🙂
@@lace1245 I don't ignore conspiracy theories, I thoroughly research each one because I am captivated by the idea of them being real. And literally all the most prominent theories are complete bullshit if you use critical thinking and look at the evidence. The thing is I am able to look at the "evidence" objectively, but nearly every conspiracy theorist cannot, they cherry pick and ignore evidence that contradicts their idea like it's the plague. Have a good day 😉
@@FELENATOR the problem I see with your statement is that even scientists will tell you “NEVER” throw out a possibility with even the slightest bit of evidence that SLIGHTLY gives something potential until it has been factually proven to not be that thing by relentless studies and experiments. What can you study or experiment on, say, in Area 51? What about studying all the sealed documents the government has? Another problem is anything worth truly knowing about major conspiracy theories is that they cannot be disproven by simply reading or looking because they require first-hand knowledge and experience of the subject.
"Often the term “conspiracy” is applied dismissively whenever one suggests that people who occupy positions of political and economic power are consciously dedicated to advancing their elite interests."
Michael Parenti
People love to dismiss conspiracy theorists as ignorant. It gets them off and makes them feel superior.
What is the Webster's dictionary discriotion of "Conspiracy" for 200 points Alex
You all just blow in from stupid town?
Conspiracy theory is a lazy or intellectually dishonest term. History is full of conspiracies.
True, the term is weaponized. And people who do not understand evidence-based reasoning or Bayesian probability, even on a bare, intuitive level, and spin a more elaborate conspiracy when a simpler story is revealed to be baseless, are giving real conspirators the perfect cover. RICO was designed to address something.
Event 201 is just a little suspect, haha. Really? What about the flu deaths that disappeared ?
_Everything_ disappeared!
No deaths from heart failure, cancer, dementia, etc.
The virus was credited with it all.
Why didn’t you talk about injuries of Indian children around 490,000 paralyzed children because of the vaccines he gave them ?
-why didn’t you talk about over 1 million sterilized women in Congo ???
- By the way, how much has he paid you ?????
Because this guy is an idiot..
Just think about this... How would it improve his survival to talk against the system that is feeding him? Many people don't realise this missing piece of information, but most people that are doctors that talk against the system, has had some kind of a loss, like loosing their practice or a family member. (so they have nothing to loose) Do you also expect doctors to tell their patients the truth, that all of their patients would be healthy if they just drank water and ate vegetables and moved out of the city? Of course it's a conspiracy, the whole game exists so you as a human being can come back and be charged for some service. In every video this guy is saying "I am not evaluating him as a patient" just to covers his own a#¤ Every video he makes is an evaluation.
I was also going to comment about that. Why no mention from Dr. Grande?
when presenting yourself as a neutral party giving unbiased assessment, eye rolling is just a dead giveaway. you just gave up all your credibility
100% a freemason
He traveled on Epstein's plane and won't give an explanation as to why. Why?
And he won't show us his tax returns!!! I just don't understand, if he's so rich why won't he prove it? With everything we have learned in the past 4 years it really goes to show you, what ever trump says the opposites probably are true.
And yes, I know you were trying to implicate Clinton, and that Clinton had him killed and yes it's super ducking shady looking at all the weird coincidences. But that doesn't mean Clinton did it or had it done. Epstein was a human piece of shit, but lots of powerful people called him a friend, only because they could dial back the facade of presenting themselves as a person of the people, and play out their deepest darkest desires to be the true monsters they really are.
And yes, the Clinton's are human garbage, but just because he did it and because she did it and it wasn't YOUR side that was "winning" doesn't mean when it's your team doing the "winning" we should just turn a blind eye. Trump has some pretty bad shit hanging over him, and that, believe it or not affects us, we are seeing that even more during this pandemic. We should all be focused on the problems right in front of us, and not the problems that happened 4+ years ago.
And how can someone who wants to population control also want to save lives
This guy just a 40 yo virgin trying to seem smart on TH-cam Q is real so is the war going on underneath the world
@@jhunterb123 Is that the best you've got? Just because, someone puts on this veneer of giving a shit, it doesn't mean they do
@@civicgsr19 he is rich and loves one dollar burger.
When you understand a person’s worldview, you understand their actions. Listen to Bill Gates speak. His own words reveal what his intentions and goals are.
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.
He wants to depopulate the world...
@@kushal1206 you poor dumb souls.
@@zhodraa time will tell who is dumb n who is smart....!
@@zhodraa you're the dumb one here buddy. Their plans are all public knowledge, if you're willing to find them.
What if all the 'microchips' he's planted in people turned out to be completely legal as none of us ever read all of Microsoft's licensing agreement...?
Love this comment!
Wow - how many times can you say ‘Conspiracy Theory’ in one sentence? I listened to see if you actually know anything but clearly you don’t. Please don’t start off by saying this is a scientific view. Sounds like Bill has paid you to do this.
Bill gates conspiracies are bogus.
@@homey2257 but its real
They conspirate on us that are looking for the true story.
They are so good that we call conspiracy the search of what’s going on 🙄
There's clearly not a shred of logic in your thought process. Funny you think you "know" so much.
Lady this man is right. He don’t know anything cuz your conspiracy theory is false. Just like he knows nothing about the huge tea pot hiding behind the moon🌝 ☕️
Sorry I dont trust you。He is to be held responsible for what he”s doing in Africa n India!
not just india and africa hes so far detroyed whole of 3rd world countries, and now trying with the whole world , fucking devil
U don't know what the conditions are so better keep your mouth shut. I am form India and I have taken his vaccine and as u can see I am just as fine. Fake news seems to be circulating too much nowadays. What level of dumbness humanity has gone to really surprises me
Money is not everything! pls research Billgate family background。Who and who are following nazis eugenic principle。Repent man!
Vaccinating people against Polio?
@@timothyadi6019 "pls research Billgate family background"
Do you mean "watch youtube videos about", or are we talking about actual research?
5:19 I really have to question Dr Grande's assertion that the fact that he is already wealthy and powerful gives him less incentive. People that reach such high levels of wealth and power are never satisfied, with rare exceptions. They always have more motivation than the rest of us, that's just how they are wired.
True. If he had no motivation he would not be telling the CDC or the WHO how to run business.
The WHO used to focus on clean water and sanitation which is essential for heath and it's focused on vaccines. Gates is the 2nd highest contributer to the WHO.
Correct. People who are rich and powerful want to be more rich and more powerful.
I question Dr. Grande's associations. The Wealthy Elite are Sociopaths. Into all kinds of sick shit thats covered up. They have a multitude of minions.
It’s the first thing that stood out to me. It’s obvious you’d be more inclined to contemplate on certain things when you have the means. I couldn’t listen any further because that is just nonsensical and makes him look suspect.
@@Roselynne1016 Yes, and now no one knows what is put into the vaccines and money is to support big pharma. Maybe 50 years ago vaccines were there to actually help people and protect them from disease. Now, it's nearly the opposite motive, and no one can trust what is put into a vaccine, and it's all about the pharmaceutical companies of human life is an after thought at best.
So wait.. the 201 exercise debunking of that was simply - That's a coincidence? Well it sure is one heck of a coincidence.
Ok, Bill Gates likey the low cost, preventative healthcare solution obviously. Him and Oprah also partnered to try and lower the cost of computers to give to Afrikaan school children in schools in Africa.
Coincidences happen - people have been predicting an outbreak of a disease similar to the 1919 flu outbreak for DECADES
Even the CIA doesn’t believe in coincidences.
Fauci didn’t lie the virus was made in Wuhan. It was just a coincident.
This refutation completely ignores some extremely important aspects of this conspiracy theory. I've looked into it, apparently more than you have. I'm open-minded and EAGER, actually, to have it refuted, because I don't WANT it to be true. You didn't address his disastrous vaccine trials in India and Africa. You didn't address his ties to eugenics. You didn't address his ties not ONLY to the WHO but to many other health organizations including a gigantic conflict of interest in founding one that has as a mission "creating a market" for vaccines. Tracking people's private medical history IS tracking, it's just not location tracking, so saying that people are claiming it's location tracking is a strawman. Claiming that people think he's a psychopath purely based on his success in business is ludicrous...another strawman. It is impossible for you to have attempted a serious refutation of this conspiracy theory without mentioning these other aspects. You should either try again, or change your stance to a more open-minded one. Some of your points are not considering other possibilities, for instance having a patent on a coronavirus that was then to be mutated or genetically engineered (and I am not saying that this is what happened, just that it is an obvious possibility that you missed). His motive needn't be more wealth and power. Fullfilling his vision for what he believes the world should be like is sufficient. However, his wealth has increased phenomenally throughout the years of his philanthropy so the idea that he has no profit motive holds no water. One possibility is that his investment holdings in these vaccine companies would more than reimburse him for the money he has fronted. Others on this thread have pointed out other things that you overlooked. There is so much more to it that you didn't mention and were possibly not aware of. It would be ridiculous to think all of it is a coincidence. Bill Gates has said himself that the vaccine could kill or severely injure 700,000 people (as far as I know, much less than that have so far died with/of COVID) and his first concern is making sure there is "indemnity." I do believe you must be a shill. You had to have deliberately left out all this info, you couldn't have missed it if you had been truly looking.
There's no facts to back up what you said. You're just delusional.
Damn you really have looked into this and I would like to hear more from actual rational open minded people like you. Some of this I have researched on my own and fact checked so I believe you.
@@homey2257 Fact check it yourself stupid. I fell down the rabbit hole and found some of the topics she mentioned and she is right they are verified. First thing I looked into were the trials in Africa and India. Lets give a few hard guesses why any scientists would want to test medical experiments on these people first? And tracking people's medical history even though the United States has HIPAA in place is indeed tracking people and invasion of privacy. You better open your ears and open your mind and learn how to be a critical thinker cause you are the one deluded.
Sorry but you just can't trust any rich white-man anymore period!!!
@Kristina Love - Right On. Not to mention there is a Microsoft *Patent* "Cryptocurrency using body activated data" that hints towards renovating a completely new economy. Google it. I read the entire patent. It was incredibly bizarre and pulls the whole Covid-19 pandemic together implying the purpose of the pandemic was to breakdown the economy to implement a new one. Maybe you're aware of all this not sure, but another interesting read is The Alliance. A series of corporate partnerships - Gavi, Microsoft, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockafellers, and more. They explain ID 2020. Why it's important and back up the Microsoft patent implications stating "people need new incentives." Bill Gates and other elites are playing God as if they think they have the solution for humanity. And yet, their solution includes the ultimate form of human enslavement. You really have to read the very technically written patent to get the interpretation I did. The Alliance has created an economic development plan that was started in 2015 and is set to come to fruition by 2030. It's people like the speaker of this video that really frustrate me. Allllll of this documented. The patent. The Alliance's proposal. I can't believe people are this naively trusting of wealthy people who have no idea what it means to suffer. These elites are not enlightened. They're pretentious and arrogant. And yet we're supposed to look up to them. I just don't get it. :/
I'd sooner die of the virus than have my life shortened by someone's experiment.
Goodbye then!
@@arianaraquel1958 bye Felicia 😂☠️
both the virus and its vaccine are someone's experiment :v
Right off the bat he primes the audience with an imbalanced representation of conspiracy theories. Gives 3 examples of the most ridiculous sounding theories instead of more reasonable ones involving people in power abusing their power at the citizen’s expense. The latter would have been way more appropriate given the nature of this conspiracy but he has an obvious bias of wanting to dismiss this theory.
Einstein started with a theory. We're good.
i wanted to state this, everyone who wants to degrade conspiracy theories starts with those big 3 theories. And most of the conspiracy theorists dont even acknowledge them
Yes this good Doctor has not done his job until he has mentioned your favourite pet conspiracy theory... or that of anyone else's...
Once he is done debunking a myriad of 1 million and 1 conspiracies than he has earned no respect from any conspiracytard
Hes a psychologist. What do you expect.
Doctor , you are living in a world of you own , your opinion of a conspiracy theorist is really someone with a different opinion from your own belief ! And Bill must be very proud of you !
Research where the term "Conspiracy Theory" started (1963).
D M think it started around the 22nd of November, if I'm correct
The only conspiracy is that there is no conspiracies.
@edcrobert T
Videos are the BEST WAY to demonstrate/expose the system, the minions, the lies, the propaganda, the fraud and reality itself.
What else are you gonna do? Read papers published by minion “scientists” who are bought and paid for and work on behalf of the system??? Lmao durrr
@@brianwalendy3735 Exactly...a clever way for the enemy of the people to squash the truth (supported by facts) from getting out to the masses.
Sounds like we should be embarrassed for questioning the great philanthropist,and if we were sensible little children we would never question authority and by doing so risk our rational reputation as logical thinkers.
I don't think you'll have to worry about being accused of being a logical thinker.
Cringe bud
Well sarcastically said
Dr. Todd logic: My wife keeps her ex's number in her phone. - She must have just forgotten it's in there. Of course she has an ex's number. : My wife is constantly texting someone late at night. - She must have some important work she has to discuss. : My wife decided to go to dinner with her ex - He must have had something innocent to talk to her about. : My wife is coming home late at night and not showing much interest in me these days. - She must be really stressed out. : I saw my wife in bed with her ex - She must've been really tired.
hey man... did... is everything cool with you and your wife?
King Arthur Yep, that about sums it up 👌
Well put.
@@andrewyuen5 Maybe this one will make more sense to you. Dr. Todd Logic. China throws a doctor in jail for announcing there is a serious disease spreading. - The man must've been lying. : Suddenly ten's of thousands so people are sick with the disease and the doctor dies. : China was just looking out for the good of humanity. : China adamantly opposes any foreign help investigating the virus. - China has nothing to hide. : China threatens any country raises questions about their secrecy and where the virus comes from. : China is a completely altruistic country.
@Lucky A duck quacks while they show you a photo of a dog, so now you think dogs quack. Deception is so simple to the simple mind.
Well who could have guessed 4 years later we have heart attacks, turbo cancers and more is coming out of the water works daily. Just goes to show intuition and gut instinct is more valuable than a piece of paper that gives certain people a temporary elevated ego.
Mic drop!
The man has literally spoke about depopulation, like cmon people , open your eyes
Grande, you dropped the ball on this one. And I have to question why.
It’s common knowledge the death and destruction he has brought upon the female population of Africa. Common knowledge, open a book, open a newspaper, it’s there. Why would you defend this POS? Every village that he’s went through in Africa hss shown extreme depopulation rates. Less than two years ago, he was convicted in Zimbabwe of telling the women they were getting a vaccine for malaria when in fact the medicine ALSO contained a sterilizing agent. I’m not making that up. 🖕
I don’t understand how you’re so sharp and able to pick up correctly on every other human being on your channel except Daddy WarGates.
While I’m writing this I must’ve heard you say, “the good Bill Gates does“ At least four times. Are you that mesmerized by him? Do you not know history at all? Why are you assuming he’s doing ANY good. Any. One case evidence of him doing something good for a mass of people, a village of people, just one instance is all I ask for. Ask the Zimbabweans how much good he does. Grande, you have incredulously angered me defending St. Gates. I’ve been pointing my friends and family towards you, that’ll not happen again.
Not a fan, Grande 🖕
- Are you completely enthralled by the Magic of Gates?? The richest man in the world is collecting food, lumber, water by the continent full, oh yeah he’s doing that for his own good. You think he might be doing that to stockpile for himself?!
I wish you were within arms distance. Misinformation & disinformation like YOU are spitting out of your mouth is the reason the intelligently challenged are just going with the flow today.
I know you’re not a liberal, you know your guns too much. Do you genuinely support depopulation? I just don’t know how anybody could have that mindset. Whether it’s you or whether it’s Bill Gates, who are you to decide who’s born and who’s not?
Idea: get a crystal ball and a turban and set up shop on the Atlantic City boardwalk.
Grande dropped the ball on this one. So much so I have to wonder whether he’s getting a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.
When did he ever speak about that? Sounds like you're just confused. Give a link and a timestamp to where he says it...if you can (but I know you can't).
Reduced population happens naturally as people get less poor and more secure. They have fewer children and have them later.
We have seen this in the first world already and the rest of the world is gradually following suit with the huge reduction in world poverty over the last couple of decades.
People with less absolute poverty start looking after their environment too.
Yes he has. Everyone conveniently ignores that fact.
5:18 "We start off with the idea that he is wealthy [..] That gives him less of a motive to be an evil mastermind" Yes, that's brilliant and so 'scientifically informed'. I remember those incredibly wealthy people who run the banks and wall street in 2008 were acting in everyone's best interest when they almost destroyed the US economy by their actions. Wealthy people by their very nature are kind & generous because they are wealthy! They'd NEVER looking to profit off of their actions that could never be evil in their motive.
Imaging a person like him as your therapist, oh my God poor people!
@Sam S The eugenicists believe themselves ordained by their blood, to lead fabulous lives and wield power over us all........WE all know they only achieved their "success" via ruthlessness and brutality.
Prosperity gospell is not just for the christians in the USA it is for everybody. Money equals value. Rich people are the best people. This is the real religion of the USA.
What he just said and you quoted gives him away. This guy is shilling for that billionaire.
Yeah, John D. Rockefeller was maybe the biggest piece of $hit in the history of America and he was wealthier than Gates and Bezos combined. The doc actually looks stupid in this one.
@J Webslingar Yeah...what were they having for dinner, a 12 year old?
That’s their new favorite term “misinformation”.
Or “fact checkers”.
@@thaBootyologist I love fact checkers, they are so in your face establishment shills it's just makes them funny when they check sarcasm and jokes and memes.
Who is this THEY you peak of??? (Well, you said “their”, but my question remains the same…. WHO ARE THEY????)
Yeah, I disagree with that. I prefer calling you antivaxxers the murderous liars that you actually are. It's not misinformation at this point, it antivaxxers purposely trying to murder people with antivax lies. Of course your lies only succeed against the most gullible and/or stupid, so its hardly a "win" for you when you succeed in killing such a person with your lies.
Event 201 was NOT a coincidence.
That has to be the most severe case of cognitive dissonance I've ever witnessed. You're to far gone mate. Good luck.
Dr. Todd is experiencing cognitive dissonance trying to maintain his delusion of ignorant bliss.
google is gone day they will be up there with AOL
You're talking about this doctor, yes?
Davos Jan 2020 ..reset Jan 2021 missed gates is not a doctor its meglomaniac btw i think ..but im not a doctor either
I got news for you doctor, just because someone is already wealthy it doesn't mean they don't have further ambitions. That was seriously an absurd statement, I'm very surprised you would say such a thing.
True, but you cannot assume all rich people are evil. Most of them are small business owners. Some are evil, many are not. I think people fear Bill Gates due to wealth. I also think they fear him due to a lack of understanding on biology and how viruses jump from species to species (like the Bird Flu or Swine Flu).
OV: Of course you are. That's the point of this video.
Olivia V. Exactly. Clearly if he was content he wouldn’t have grown his wealth to $114 billion!
@@anizakaryan6723 He didn't. He got out looooong ago and just sat on his shares like a million other yokels.
True but Bill gates gave away nearly 50 billion dollars to charity which mean more money is not his motive.
He is also set to loose billions of dollars in funding multiple factories for vaccines even tho all wont be used, all in an effort to potentially speed up the process.
Also companies make more money treating symtomps for viruses than selling vaccines.
How many times does he repeat the words 'Conspiracy Theory'? In each sentence and sometimes more than once in the sentence. Please notice how this programs people.
Yeah now I think all "conspiracy theories" are not true. LOL NOPE!
@@dorothysnyder7014 : Exactly my thoughts... He's tryin so hard, while being paid by them regulators...!
It is in fact a conspiracy theory though right? Them doing this would be a conspiracy among them and since it is not proven its a theory.
Well, let's watch it over and take a shot of vodka after every time he says it😊
Funny thing is he’s stating facts like comprehensively 🤣
Everything you hear about gates is true and more.
Can you analyze jimmy saville? Also analyze the connections between Epstein and gates. Oh and analyze the guy arrested at his house for child pornography back in 2014. Oh and no analysis needed but the attempt to market VR with occultist marina abramovie was interesting. They pulled the add almost instantly because everyone freaked out.
I'm sure he thinks pizzagate was conspiracy theorists and SRA's survivors are conspiracy theorists, and that the Franklin cover up is full of conspiracy theorists and that everyone who investigates and connect dots are conspiracy theorists. Maybe he is a cut out too. The psychiatric industry isn't that transparent when you scratch the surface a bit. Few years ago they had no problem doing lobotomy on people and we would have been called conspiracists back then to say that's evil and unnecessary. In my country, the gvt has forbidden the use of chloroquine but has given rivotril to people with potential covid, yet the former medicine is effective and the later is dangerous for people with respitory problems (covid19 attacks the lungs). Oh but I'm sure that's a conspiracy theory too right? And the German medical lawyer who got arrested in a psy ward for saying the lock down is anti constitutional for our liberty... That's so conspiracy right? After all it's a Dr who says so so we must believe him. Extreme arrogance and denial from his part.
With all you are asking, Dr. Grande should send you a bill. 😒
It's child SEXUAL ABUSE not child pornography..the latter implies consent which is grotesque!!
@@mlj1309 - the only arrogance and denial I see here come from you my friend. I actually think you are a poe because no one could really be that stupid. Are you a Russian plant (lol - see what I did there - I employed the idea of a conspiracy to de-legitimise you, which is ultimately what most conspiracies are about)
I mean Pizza gate - really?? OMG how do you function??
@@franmellor9843 - yeah, not sure that there is such a thing as consensual 'child pornography' - think about it - that IS child sexual abuse - they are the same thing.
“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” - George Washington
The same Washington died due to not listening to the doctor who told that taking blood out From body don't treat fever....
& Same Washington died due to excess blood taken out in the name of treatment of a fever😂
@@DVanShu it’s a good thing that our understanding of pathology has improved since then and we have better methods to treat such illnesses.
:HA HA HA!!!!
Dr. Grande, normally I find your videos interesting and am in agreement with your analysis. In this video, however, you make a statement indicating that Bill Gates, due to already having wealthy and power, would not want to have more. That's quite a leap in your thinking and if you look at rich and powerful individuals you won't find them being complacent about these matters. On the contrary, they tend to be focused on gaining more wealth and power. Also, evidence of philanthropy does not rule out sinister motivations. Indeed, you seem to be implying that if someone gives some of their money to charity, they're benign and caring. Furthermore, vaccinations are not necessarily harmless and can be used to pass on other ingredients which are not beneficial.
Joe Rogaine said the SAME THING as he was shilling hard for Bill Gates-from-Hell... “he has money, therefore, he isn’t evil and a high ranking minion and system mouthpiece.”
It’s hilarious how they make the SAME non-argument..... like they’re getting the same scripts to read or something
"evidence of philanthropy does not rule out sinister motivations. "
What are you talking about?, this is some spiteful bs that nobody should take seriously.
Believe it or not, rich people are actually PEOPLE as well.
On point.
Charity is often a good pretext for dodging tax.
@@coffeepot3123 lol they’re just saying that just because you’re a philanthropist doesn’t vindicate you from all wrong doing for the rest of your life...
Pablo Escobar was a huge philanthropist
"Covid is critical” because it “encourages people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.”
Yuval Noah Harari, Chief Advisor, W-E-F
Seems pretty clear to me about what's going on.
Dr. Grande, thoughts on Bill Gates being a frequent flyer to Jeffrey Epstein's island?
Shadow 1118 Frequent flyer? Source? You do know that Epstein was a very wealthy individual that just about everyone who’s anyone had some contact with? Do you know why? Same reason that’s true of most rich and powerful people. People wanted him to donate money, or help fund their pet causes. Read up on it. Many scientific organizations, even, had dealing with Epstein. Just because you knew someone who turned out to be a monster, doesn’t mean that you are also a monster.
@@collinsmcrae Source: Jeff Epsteins flight log. Jeff had a bob or two and was also a eugenisist, the type who wants to father a whole new race. Birds of a feather before he was suicided. Both actual monsters.
@@collinsmcrae hes in his little black book, LOOK IT UP
cosmic moth guys guys, come on. Question nothing, ever. And just accept everything the media (all of which is controlled by 6 large networks) says as truth! Wouldn’t want to be called... a CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiSt 😦
Todd grande keeps saying "I can't understand why Bill Gates would do that - therefore I don't think it's true".
This guy is just one of bill Gates herd of sheep.
Fan boy supreme.
Classic example there of someone with a presupposition that hasn't understood the logical message in the video and is too closed minded to listen to reason.
@@roblewis3799 errrrrm... A couple of questions regarding that piece of fallacious verbal diarrhea....
1. Exactly what "presupposition" are you referring to?
2. What do you think is the "logical message" in the video?
The fact that Todd grande doesn't understand his motives is neither logical nor relevant.
@@waynemoore8615 the presupposition that Gates is evil and nothing will convince you otherwise.
@@waynemoore8615 the parts where Dr Grande uses logic.
@@waynemoore8615 why do you think the second wealthiest person in the world and potentially the 4th most powerful person in the world would donate so much money at his time in life to be this evil megalomaniac?
Delusional optimism does not qualify as science and facts, especially when SEVERAL key elements are left out of the story. Sorry bud.
calls him self a doctor hahaha
What are those several key elements?
@@JCW1013 Bill Gates recorded saying if we do a good job with vaccines we can bring the global population down
@@Facts-Over-Feelings but he was alluding to the fact that vaccines improve health therefore, families would feel more secure that their children would live into adulthood band thus have less children...
Seriously, these coincidental theorists are so stupid. Was event 201 - full fledge dress rehearsal for a global pandemic literally like 6 weeks right before the actual pandemic a complete coincidence in terms of timing too ?
Conspiracy REALIST is the new terminology used today
Only among those sharing the mass psychosis
@@angeladansie4378Which mass psychosis do you mean? The mass psychosis of those who question the mainstream, government approved narratives?
@@angeladansie4378Said the woman 😂
Doc, it appears your background research was too superficial. Pull some thorough research together - maybe talk to a few reputable truthers - and give this topic another whirl.
can you give me some insight?
He should take all his tech,vaccines,build a rocker and leave earth.
@Punchable Face I can't tell if you're being ironic or if you *ACTUALLY* believe this, your name does make me believe that you're being sarcastic
You damn right for sure.
Oh with elon musk too, that person has a huge love towards Mars 😍😍
they're already planning on it! your comment was ahead of the game lol
A lot of the comments here are strong evidence that when you go far enough down the rabbit hole, you're very unlikely to make it back out.
There is a reason for that. Once you see reality, there is no way back.
Watch Dr. Shiva at Stefan Molyneux. There actually IS a money-making machine running - it's called Coronavirus.
Lol whoops and you’ll see this goes over their heads just the same
@@Chloroplastism EXACTLY. Once you are awake to the reality of the lies and the deception that have been going on our entire lives, hidden in plain sight, there's no turning back now. You just cannot un-ring that Bell.
May I ask Whiskey Tango Foxtrot are y’all referring to? Exactly. I’m not sure what side you’ve referred to. Yes I’m a naive conspiracy theorist
TerrBear Please? Please ? Enlighten me to exactly WHICH LIES (not what lies I know there’s lies but which lies are you referencing
When you have that many 'coincidences', there is always more than what appears at face value. If propaganda is done well, and Bill would have the $$$ to pay for it, you will have even the smartest people convinced of your innocence.
Which coincidences.
*Project Paper Clip & Area 51 were both once called conspiracy theories...*
Operation mockingbird the best one yet
Operation Midnight Climax
Operation MK Uktra
Operation Northwoods
Look up Operation Lockstep
So how is bill gates is seen as a "DOCTOR" when he dropped out of college ?
He received an honorary doctorate by an Ethiopian university as a thanks for the work he’s done to combat malaria in their country and other African countries
Because he learned how to kill virusses at microsoft
@@hedf and create😉
He's not "seen" as a doctor. While he does have an honorary doctorate from an African university because of their appreciation of his life saving philanthropy, he doesn't function as a doctor in his vaccination campaigns. He funds research & vaccine development by immunologists & other experts
You’re leaving out the entire history of Eugenics and his family ties to that agenda.
I'm not saying that Bill Gates does not believe in eugenics, but people in general do not always follow like sheep the things their parents believed.
planed parenthood -
these ppl are not smart just criminal mob up commies ,
op mind wars
they tell u & shills spin media inverts .
I've looked for factual proof that he and his father were believers of Eugenics, but I can't find proof. I keep hearing this. Can you please point me in the direction to find evidence. I'm trying to stop believing so much of what I hear or even read and find actual facts behind everything because right now there are so many huge theories coming about.
Andrea Nehl Eugenics = population control. If you can’t find a video on Bill Gates talking about population control, it’s any wonder you managed to type out that reply.
@@albertgainsworth Have you ever heard of religion? Are you religious? Think again
Yeah this breakdown aged well. You’re all knowing man you use big words and talk distinguished
We've been vaccinating since 1721, since then we live to be at least three times as old and the world's population grew from 603 million to 8 billion to day. Denied facts are still facts! Look it up, if it makes you feel better.
This video really just serves as an example of how some conspiracies aren't theories at all.
I think you should talk to the health ranger. He tested his vaccines, ask him to show you the lab results.
Maybe you should find out why he was thrown out of India
Where can I find this information do you have a link?
@@csten9784 You are wasting your time asking sensible questions . These kind of people believe the world is flat despite looking up the Sky and seeing the Sun and Moon is round . For them search and find the truth would only confirm their stupidity .
JUDVU what business is it of yours whether others ask questions or not? I bet you are pro censorship too hmm? “I don’t like what he’s saying, SILENCE HIM!!!” Weakling.
@@judvu1926 actually you think we are spinning at 27000 miles per hour .Who's more crazy?
he was kicked out of India for his vaccines on children
This is very false.
Please elaborate
Dr. Todd Grande works at Wilmington University the same university that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have given a generous grant to lol.
Thanks for the enlightenment!👍👌
Oops! lol
Oh! That explains it!
Bingo there you go
Well, wouldn't you know!!😬
Could we possibly drop the term "conspiracy" and call it just theory? No one is secretly aggregating and conspiring anything nefarious or evil....oh wait...
Conspirators hate when people know about their crimes.
It is the other way around. LOGICAL thinking
THEY SURE DO!!!!!!!!
@ matt Well that sure told them. I'd slip in something like: de-lousing technology in German occupied Europe 1939-45.
But, yeah! The sheeple illusion, yeah!!✌🏻🤣
Conspirators was the word you were looking for but yea I totally fkn agree bro
Respirators hate when people know about their crimes.
Nice how Google is now manipulating the search results. It used to be really easy to find the documented instances of pregnancy antigens being added to vaccines used in Africa to sterilize the women. It's also next to impossible to find information on reverse virulence of his live polio vaccine causing outbreaks. That was in Indonesia and Kenya or nirobi if I remember correctly confirmed via genetic sequencing.
AskHack- yes agreed
AskHack I know it’s hard to find anything about the Coronavirus and Bill Gates I don’t even see a reddit thread for it I would imagine something like this would have it’s on thread
You sir, should be ashamed of yourself.
Even if one does not buy into the conspiracy, the way you presented this was just shameful.
I can't believe he is saying that bill gates can't be an evil genius because he is already wealthy😂. Doesn't he know that people who have so much money are the most e evil people out there and are never satisfied
Unclear on the amount of research spent on this matter.
It’s clear to me. Not enough because dr grande is missing a ton of stuff there’s evidence for.
@@thomaspayne6866 - but is there really? Or are you simply putting 2 and 2 together and making 17 (or whatever number you want)
honeychurchgipsy6 -- 2 + 2 = 4
Brit Giv -- Yup, he even resorts to ad hominem attacks. There’s something up with him and it isn’t positive.
Do you honestly think Dr Grande has enough time to spend scurrying down absurd rabbit holes when an overall consideration of the main claims of conspiracy theories would suffice. At even a superficial level most of these conspiracy theories fall apart under little investigation.
I have a conspiracy theory. You've just cemented my suspicions about Bill gate by looking at this video.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 me too! This is it! That’s all we were waiting for!
I actually watched this, hoping he would convince me as I’m shit scared. But like you just said, he just cemented my suspicions ffs
They're exposing themselves while trying to do damage control. I don't think these people are very intelligent.
Why is the Comment Section of the Johns Hopkins/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Event🌍201 "Pandemic exercise" from OCTOBER 2019 turned OFF?
Too much truth in the comments.
because they are criminals
Exactly!!! Arrest Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci and who actually funded Wohan. Well, it had to be Barack Obama.
Cuz they hiding something 👀
@@jessehalderson8465 right
People are dying of catastrophic heart attacks in their 30s and 40s but yes, conspiracy.
Why did he lie about his friendship with Epsrein. Oh Conspiracy again. Lol
EVIDENE? Stop the stupid.
He is on the flight manifest of the Lolita express.before you make dumb comments you might want to do some reading of your own.
Typical Academic!
Bill Gates.... 2nd richest? based on what? Forbes Magazine?
I'm guessing Dr. Todd Grande hasn't heard of the 'Rothschilds family'
The economic system is closed to sheep like us.
He’s probably just embarrassed that he did know him who wouldn’t be embarrassed
he forgot that his second chaiman, in the Gates Foundation, is Buffet!
"he's wealthy, so that give him less of a motive to be an evil mastermind" ahahaha yeah, sure it's more logical that the richest man in the world who says that the way to solve world hunger is to reduce the population actually wants to help the poor people while he gets richer, that's make a lot of sense
I just about lost it when I heard him say that. He’s one of the richest, most powerful people on the planet. He has more opportunities to abuse that power than 99.999% of the population. Conspiracies aren’t meant to gain wealth and power, they’re meant to use wealth and power.
He is the reason that many people are poor
Few people are holding 90% of the world 's wealth and resources
@@FBab-jb4lp You're blaming the other misfortune to someone, which is stupid, he was rich because he had a good business, he didn't steal from the poor, nor rich.
@@intel1783 he also killed, disabled, and paralyzed thousands in India. He also wants to cover the sun to avoid global warming. Nice guy...
I was shocked when he said that. If someone wants to control the world it sure isn't the poorest and less powerful!
It's an insult to call us conspiracy theorists --- we are really truth seekers. We know that we are being lied to when some things just don't add up. ALL WE WANT IS THE TRUTH!!!!
ben3dex - he’s ‘gaslighting’ - classic tactic used by narcissists to discredit and attempt to ridicule - which he can’t help taking to a higher level when talking about chickens & foxes. So what does that say about Dr ‘Grande’?
No all we need is scientific result, which is not done yet and all you need is education.
If this passes for an intelligent & intellectually honest “analysis” I’ll eat my hat!
It is intelligent. You on the other hand arent intelligent.
He's funded by gates! Search his name and then check who funds the college he worked for.
Yeah, this is one of the firsts videos to show up when you type "Event 201" on TH-cam. Coincidence, yea right.
TH-cam's algorithm demotes advocation of conspiracy theories. That's not a coincidence, it's overt just like "The Great Reset".
Like it’s literally in the godamn title 😂
That is happening on purpose. We have to scroll hundreds of files to get to any different view point or it is just censored!
Almost like a search engine was designed to search things related to your query... insane
@@CBMaster2 When I search on other platforms then I got the whole video of the Event 201 not some guy who says it is all crazy conspiracy theory.
Sorry, but bill gates doesn’t have my interests as his main objectives. I thought you were “scientifically informed” but ignore 💯 % facts of what has come out of gates own mouth and has been recorded and viewed by everyone. This doesn’t fall in lizard people or flat earth categories.
Over 8 million people have died this year from hunger alone! Which begs the question: if Bill Gates cares so much about human life why doesn't he use some of this wealth to help this situation?
He does lmao.
because he wants to lower the population, so let them die...
The holiday of his wife cost $100.000 a day. She rented an island. Bill rented a 100m Ship to make party in Europa. Bill wrote a book about "climate change".
@@mathematiknet So? What have you done for the world?
I never became friend friend with the previously convicted head of a child-prostitution ring (Jeffrey Epstein). But our "friend" Bill does.
bill gates is anything but good aand time is proving him to be a monopolist
It seems more like a “defence“ of B.G. than an analysis of his mental state with a spattering of sarcasm. It would seem this subject has touched a nerve.
Well said
Dr grand isn't gonna do conspiracy theory much more after this judging by the comments outing him
He's funded by gates! Search his name up and you'll find who's funded him in the past!(bill and Melinda gates foundation)
What do you expect from these lifelong professional dupes?
Best quote: misinformation is more contagious than coronavirus
Especially when MBSNC, C(IA)NN, AND FAUXnews all spew a 2:1 ratio of it 24/7... Not this time, Satan!
Says the gaslighter to his intended prey.
Yes, my uncle got killed by the same antiscience misinformation
He believed on this BiG pHaRmA theory and stopped his hypertension meds some years ago, and started to "treat" himself with alkaline water and garlic like a antiscience doctor prescribed him... He passed away in consequence of his wrongly treated hypertension at the age of 55 in September 12, 2019
You guys are just as eugenicists as Bill and anyone of your bullshit conspiracy theory
Just remember... the angel of darkness always presents himself as the angel of light.
Great analysis as always, but how you managed to cover conspiracy theories as a phenomenon without also mentioning how political forces are actively exploiting them for gain? I wonder.
Sheep1 to other sheep2: “look! the dog and the man are working together!” Sheep2: conspiracy theory!
😂😂😂 so true
Haha Good one🤌🏽☺️
"the sheep will spend it's entire life fearing the wolves, only to be eaten by the shepherd"
Go on James Corbett podcast and debate him. James did a 3 part series on Bill Gates, all backed up with footnotes. Good luck!
great idea! bet he wont
They took Corbett off TH-cam a few days ago. Took hundreds of people off Instagram I heard. Some that I follow, doctors too, deplatformed. They are getting desperate. I'm sick of seeing every other commercial on TV telling us to get that shot. Wtf!?
@@sonyas7422 All these social media companies are evil I'm glad they are still on bitchute
Poor old dr grande would get destroyed by james corbett, james would just bombard him with undeniable facts and evidence.
Not likely to happen but it would go viral.
"Even a broken clock will be correct twice a day"
How? At 6:30 AM and PM? At the time small arrow is between 6 and 7...
@@TakaShiGUREEDO Yes, that's what it means
@@danielchappell1672 so that is incorrect
@@TakaShiGUREEDO No, a broken clock IS right twice a day. If a clock breaks at 5:32 AM, it's going to be 5:32 When the clock broke, and again at 5:32 PM. It means that even a wrong person says the right thing every now and then.
If you dont see that gates is a psycopath as a doctor then you should ask for your money back from whomever gave you that scrap piece of paper.
This guy is comparing bill gates and event 201 with flat earth... Conspiracy theory = critical thinking in most cases.
And he talked about lizard people lmao i his 2 first sentences
Well they are all conspiracies. What's your point?
@@drmantistoboggan2870 Covid was planned
@@vegasbabyy4179 how do you know that?
@@drmantistoboggan2870 Did you read or watch any presentation on event 201? If not why are you engaged in this discussion?
What does make sense is a true evil genius would want everyone to think they are not a psychopathic evil genius.. 😉🤷
There are also several mental analisys about Bill Gates, his father, how he was treated by his father and his now ex wife. I don’t understand how an expert like Dr Grande never checked about his family psychological abuse.
I feel like the mouse being guided with more cheese.
Fantastic ironi
Superb use of words. Apart from being true, it’s very poetic! I’ll remember this long after I’ve forgotten the video!
Dear Dr. Grande, the world is being run by billionaire psychopaths.