MashAllah for this noble Imam, when we see his mannerisms and face online we are greeted with this breeze of tranquility, may Allah swt place him among the first sahaba in jannatul Ferdouse ameen 🤲
Salaams! SubhanAllah I couldn’t help notice the emphasis Sh Omar places on niyah for those wanting to seek knowledge. He and other ‘popular’ shuyukh would know best the fitna this can present if you’re not constantly renewing your intention. There def is a greater sense of responsibility on them to not exploit the public’s trust. May Allah SWT make it easy for them. Ameen. One thing I would add is that niyah goes two ways. We as lay people also have to monitor our intentionality. If we’re sincere, we shouldn’t base who we seek/accept advice/guidance from solely on the number of their followers. Some times, those who have great knowledge are hidden amongst the people. Some times, it could be your local imam. We, as the public, should be mindful and recognize that our ulema are human too. And try to hold ourselves up to higher standards by not intentionally or otherwise doing things that would unnecessarily create a burden for our brothers and sisters giving dawah. I’ll use myself as an example. When I find someone attractive who is giving dawah, I try to remind myself to lower my gaze. Because I don’t want my intention to learn to be tainted by my desire. And I’m a woman lol. So I have to remind myself of why I’m listening to the lecture in the first place - trying to seek beneficial knowledge, not trying to take a long look at my brother. We’re human and these things are natural, so it’s not a big deal. It does become an issue when, for instance, people go to conferences (super popular now) just to have face time with a specific speaker. Given a lot of the speakers are brothers, imo, it isn’t appropriate to approach them if your heart’s intention isn’t pure. I’m of course just speaking from my own experience and observations having grown up and attended conferences in California. No knock against anyone, it’s a reminder to myself first and foremost to cleanse my heart and purify my intentions. Because, I can’t open and see someone else’s heart and intentions … all I can do is monitor and control mine. May Allah SWT always guide us to good. Ameen!
wa salaam! Barakallahu feeke. There is no doubt that "popular" shuyukh have been most exposed and are most vulnerable. But Riya can strike anyone. I appreciate your thorough comment on the intentions of people coming to "see" speakers as well. Ameen!
Assalamu alaikum, I totally agree with you imam, because where the social media age has brought us is so scary if I may use this term "scary " to the point I always check my own Niyyah to understand if am doing something fisabilillah. I think the way out is to constantly seek Allah's refuge from shaidaan and engage in dua. May Allah protect this umma from Riya,hypocrisy and any other diseases of the heart.
Sheikh may Allah preserve you and continue to bestow the most beneficial knowledge upon you. Thanks for the gems. I wish you would have spoken a bit about the "how" part of the questions. Which sources would you recommend? I'm seriously battling with this. Jazaakumullahu Khayran
Salam.aleikum brother Omar, thank you very much for educations forum. May Allah contiue to bless you and family with afya and more wisdon so that you will continue educate us❤
Assalamu Alaikum Shiekh! Hope you are fine. I want to thank you for the Jannah series. It was so beneficial for me. It made me yearn for Jannah in so many ways. Thank you so much for that. I know you might have received a lot of messages like this but I wanted to thank you personally. May Allah bless you and your family. May Allah grant you the best of both worlds. Ameen!
@@OmarSuleimanPersonalhank you Seikh for answering my doubts for so many years. You have been guided so many people. I don't want to be a speaker, just a good person
Sister , I am currently preparing for neet ,i wanted to do alimah course but for some reason I couldn't get admission . Now I find it hard to develop interest in my subjects . In sha allah , i would join the alimah course next year , these days I join short Islamic courses on al maghrib . You can do this if u wanna do neet but I would always say that - "If you can go for an alimah course this year , please do so . " Knowledge will help you to be a better Muslim and benefit the ummah .
I accidentally deleted my first comment. I really wanted to emphasize the point on having khashia of Allah. Khashia of Allah is what brings about humility, good manners and akhalaaq. Since half of knowledge is mannerism it's really important for upcoming speakers and current speakers to remember this. Rarely to we ever advice speakers because more often then none they are also students of knowledge or from the ulama and Alhamdulillah we are more in need of advice then them. I do however want to say that it's really disappointing when a speaker publicly criticizes another speaker when the person has dedicated their life to acquiring knowledge and in the dawah field. It's also very hard to respect and take knowledge from someone like that. When one is choosing a person to learn from it is not just about how much the person knows it is also important to see how they conduct themselves, treat others, expecially their peers. I literally can google any Sheikh and another speaker would have made a video at some point. We recently had a controversy with my own local Masjid. It very hard to respect someone who openly is attacking another Sheikh especially those who may sit on boards of imams and such. As the layman we not only respect the ulama for the knowledge but also the position they hold within the Muslim community. You have a very high degree of honour and respect. Imagine seeing someone you respect being publicly attacked by another, expecially when regardless of what is being said this person will ALWAYS have a degree of respect and knowledge before Allah. You can't get the layman involved. We still have to honour them. For me that is the only concerning thing. A speaker who does not respect the other speakers is not someone I will take as teacher. I may listen to what you say were I am forced but at the back of my head I will always be like this is not a person I can emulate. The people of the past saw speakers as complete role models. We need to remember that in today's day and age. Even if a person may be old enough to my our fathers and grandfather's, we can say no thank you with respect, because with age should come hikmah. Honouring the elders is by Devine right. Another thing is people should really perfect their intentions. Knowledge literally opens the doors of the Dunya for people. With brothers expecially you see them using the knowledge card or religious card to attain worldly things like fame and women. These days the easiest way to become a "chick magnet" if I can put it like that so become a speaker or daee. I have seen speakers get upset when women don't throw themselves at them. I would like people to remember why they went on this path in the first place. In addition to that also knowing Arabic by itself doesn't make someone learned. We really need to appreciate how much effort people put in to learn the Dean. Sometimes it's easy to put someone with a lower knowledge level just because they are Arab over someone higher. If being arab was all that was needed for you to become an Imam or Sheikh no one would have went and got knowledge. We really need to appreciate and respect the journey people go on to, to be from the students of knowledge.
The fact that you are still here and alive is a sign that He cares :) please go to the Yaqeen Institute website and look into the book and papers “Your Lord Has Not Forsaken You”
Assalamualaikum Sheikh,to meet you in person seems impossible,with US and Singapore so far apart... And you being a very busy man. Here to thank you for the Jannah Series. It lifted ❤ my last 10 days of Ramadan. I have came out of Ramadan stronger with my deen🥹❤ With living in a first world country,with first world country issues and test(lifestyle,environment etc),we can be blinded by the dunya. Sincerely grateful for the knowledge❤ May we get a chance to meet,whether in this life or hereafter my dearest brother❤🥹❤
Increase your mentions of Allah ❤in your platforms lectures conversation please . Most of your material and contents speaks of everything around deen but very little of how awesome is Allah and how perfect is Allah ❤🕋🕌 I know your content is to get you close to Allah but your still missing mentioning of Allah and how kind wonderful sweet amazing and just the best so please do more mentioning of Allah❤( I know you have season Allah loves ) but I do notice you really do have almost all content about people sahaba prohet prohibition and pretty much everything else around deen but so little do you speak in all your lectures and khutbah the name of Allah and how just thinking of Allah and knowing Allah is better then all those things you mention in your videos… please go back listen to your own videos in past 4 years how much you have mentioned Allah awesomeness just the fact that we know Allah is all one need vs everything else you have said you will see clearly your busy with the details that leads to Allah❤ rather then how awesome is Allah please watch your self lecture content so you understand what I say
How do you read the following story? The person who died on the cross was Judas and became the Lord Jesus - Jesus is nobody but Judas Allaah cursed the Jews for their breaking the covenant, their disbelief in the signs of Allaah, and their killing of prophets of Allaah without right. In Luke 22:48. Judas is seen betraying the Son of Man with a kiss. It is at this (kiss) moment that Allaah cast the resemblance of Al-Masseehu Eessa ibnu Maryam on Judas. Now Judas is taken to be crucified, mistaken for the real man. In Luke 22:67. Judas was asked: Art thou the Christ? tell us! And he said unto them, If I tell you (i.e. that I am Judas, not Jesus), you will not believe. Allaah raised Al-Masseeha Eessa ibna Maryam to Himself. Soon Eessa will descend by the white minaret in east Damascus, wearing two lightly saffron-dyed garments, and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. As Judas was missing in the aftermath of crucifixion, the Jews realized that Judas was the one who died on the cross. The Jews retrieved the body of the crucified Jew (Judas) to hide their failure in their plotting and enmity towards Allaah. Judas was found hanging on a tree 4 days after Crucifixion.
MashAllah for this noble Imam, when we see his mannerisms and face online we are greeted with this breeze of tranquility, may Allah swt place him among the first sahaba in jannatul Ferdouse ameen 🤲
Aameen ya Allah
اَمِين يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
اَمِين يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
Ameen Yaa Raab
May Allah SWT protect us and keep us steadfast in our deen.
Alhamdulillah for Omar Suleiman. May Allah gather us in the highest rank of jannah. Ameen
Aameen ya Allah
اَمِين يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
حفظك الله وبارك في صحتك وعلملك ووقتك وأهلك، ونفع بك وأسعدك دنيا وآخرة
اللهم انفعنا بما علمتنا وعلمنا ما ينفعنا وزدنا علماً. اللهم امين
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين الى يوم الدين.
so much respect for Imam Omar to talk about such a sensitive subject. May Allah keep us on righteous path just for sake of happiness of Allah
Salaams! SubhanAllah I couldn’t help notice the emphasis Sh Omar places on niyah for those wanting to seek knowledge. He and other ‘popular’ shuyukh would know best the fitna this can present if you’re not constantly renewing your intention. There def is a greater sense of responsibility on them to not exploit the public’s trust. May Allah SWT make it easy for them. Ameen. One thing I would add is that niyah goes two ways. We as lay people also have to monitor our intentionality. If we’re sincere, we shouldn’t base who we seek/accept advice/guidance from solely on the number of their followers. Some times, those who have great knowledge are hidden amongst the people. Some times, it could be your local imam. We, as the public, should be mindful and recognize that our ulema are human too. And try to hold ourselves up to higher standards by not intentionally or otherwise doing things that would unnecessarily create a burden for our brothers and sisters giving dawah. I’ll use myself as an example. When I find someone attractive who is giving dawah, I try to remind myself to lower my gaze. Because I don’t want my intention to learn to be tainted by my desire. And I’m a woman lol. So I have to remind myself of why I’m listening to the lecture in the first place - trying to seek beneficial knowledge, not trying to take a long look at my brother. We’re human and these things are natural, so it’s not a big deal. It does become an issue when, for instance, people go to conferences (super popular now) just to have face time with a specific speaker. Given a lot of the speakers are brothers, imo, it isn’t appropriate to approach them if your heart’s intention isn’t pure. I’m of course just speaking from my own experience and observations having grown up and attended conferences in California. No knock against anyone, it’s a reminder to myself first and foremost to cleanse my heart and purify my intentions. Because, I can’t open and see someone else’s heart and intentions … all I can do is monitor and control mine. May Allah SWT always guide us to good. Ameen!
wa salaam! Barakallahu feeke. There is no doubt that "popular" shuyukh have been most exposed and are most vulnerable. But Riya can strike anyone. I appreciate your thorough comment on the intentions of people coming to "see" speakers as well. Ameen!
Assalamu alaikum, I totally agree with you imam, because where the social media age has brought us is so scary if I may use this term "scary " to the point I always check my own Niyyah to understand if am doing something fisabilillah. I think the way out is to constantly seek Allah's refuge from shaidaan and engage in dua. May Allah protect this umma from Riya,hypocrisy and any other diseases of the heart.
Sheikh may Allah preserve you and continue to bestow the most beneficial knowledge upon you. Thanks for the gems. I wish you would have spoken a bit about the "how" part of the questions. Which sources would you recommend? I'm seriously battling with this. Jazaakumullahu Khayran
trimksih teman ku udah berbagi ilmunya,moga kita sehat dan makin sukses amin
May Allah bless you, jazaka Allah Khairan. MashaAllah.
Salam.aleikum brother Omar, thank you very much for educations forum. May Allah contiue to bless you and family with afya and more wisdon so that you will continue educate us❤
May Allah preserve you and your family. Allahumma Aamiin 🤲🏼
Salaams, This is amazing I can’t wait for my question to be answered I emailed in Ramadhan 😊
JazakAllah sir for explaining this to us as it will definitely help us in clearing our intentions, Ameen.
trimkasih udh berbagi ilmunya teman moga kita selalu sehat dan sukses
Assalamu Alaikum Shiekh!
Hope you are fine. I want to thank you for the Jannah series. It was so beneficial for me. It made me yearn for Jannah in so many ways. Thank you so much for that. I know you might have received a lot of messages like this but I wanted to thank you personally. May Allah bless you and your family. May Allah grant you the best of both worlds. Ameen!
Ameen! Thank you for that and may Allah grant you all Jannah
@@OmarSuleimanPersonalhank you Seikh for answering my doubts for so many years. You have been guided so many people. I don't want to be a speaker, just a good person
JAZAKALLAH khair Shiekh ❤
Esselamu Aleykum my brother Omar. I wish Allah gives you jannatul firdaus. From your brother in Bosnia.
Ameen 🤲🏿
I am a girl and passed 12th class I am confused in choosing aalima and neet field plz guide me
Look into an online program like Qalam, Miftaah, or Mishkah!
Sister , I am currently preparing for neet ,i wanted to do alimah course but for some reason I couldn't get admission . Now I find it hard to develop interest in my subjects .
In sha allah , i would join the alimah course next year , these days I join short Islamic courses on al maghrib .
You can do this if u wanna do neet but I would always say that -
"If you can go for an alimah course this year , please do so . " Knowledge will help you to be a better Muslim and benefit the ummah .
@@fatima-vy7qj thanks
Wealeykum selam!!! 🇪🇷
Assalamualaikum, can you make a video on how women should perform their salah and the differences between men and women's salah
الله يحفظك استاد
Jazakallah khair 🤍🤍 shyk home you answer my questions soon
Assalamualaikum Singapura.
Assalam o alaikum
How can i start doing dawaah
I have 3 kids at home
Allah ❤
I accidentally deleted my first comment. I really wanted to emphasize the point on having khashia of Allah. Khashia of Allah is what brings about humility, good manners and akhalaaq. Since half of knowledge is mannerism it's really important for upcoming speakers and current speakers to remember this. Rarely to we ever advice speakers because more often then none they are also students of knowledge or from the ulama and Alhamdulillah we are more in need of advice then them. I do however want to say that it's really disappointing when a speaker publicly criticizes another speaker when the person has dedicated their life to acquiring knowledge and in the dawah field. It's also very hard to respect and take knowledge from someone like that. When one is choosing a person to learn from it is not just about how much the person knows it is also important to see how they conduct themselves, treat others, expecially their peers. I literally can google any Sheikh and another speaker would have made a video at some point. We recently had a controversy with my own local Masjid. It very hard to respect someone who openly is attacking another Sheikh especially those who may sit on boards of imams and such. As the layman we not only respect the ulama for the knowledge but also the position they hold within the Muslim community. You have a very high degree of honour and respect. Imagine seeing someone you respect being publicly attacked by another, expecially when regardless of what is being said this person will ALWAYS have a degree of respect and knowledge before Allah. You can't get the layman involved. We still have to honour them.
For me that is the only concerning thing. A speaker who does not respect the other speakers is not someone I will take as teacher. I may listen to what you say were I am forced but at the back of my head I will always be like this is not a person I can emulate. The people of the past saw speakers as complete role models. We need to remember that in today's day and age. Even if a person may be old enough to my our fathers and grandfather's, we can say no thank you with respect, because with age should come hikmah. Honouring the elders is by Devine right.
Another thing is people should really perfect their intentions. Knowledge literally opens the doors of the Dunya for people. With brothers expecially you see them using the knowledge card or religious card to attain worldly things like fame and women. These days the easiest way to become a "chick magnet" if I can put it like that so become a speaker or daee. I have seen speakers get upset when women don't throw themselves at them. I would like people to remember why they went on this path in the first place.
In addition to that also knowing Arabic by itself doesn't make someone learned. We really need to appreciate how much effort people put in to learn the Dean. Sometimes it's easy to put someone with a lower knowledge level just because they are Arab over someone higher. If being arab was all that was needed for you to become an Imam or Sheikh no one would have went and got knowledge. We really need to appreciate and respect the journey people go on to, to be from the students of knowledge.
How can we know that allah cares?
He will know you and care u through your works and people you care
The fact that you are still here and alive is a sign that He cares :) please go to the Yaqeen Institute website and look into the book and papers “Your Lord Has Not Forsaken You”
Assalamualaikum Sheikh,to meet you in person seems impossible,with US and Singapore so far apart...
And you being a very busy man.
Here to thank you for the Jannah Series.
It lifted ❤ my last 10 days of Ramadan.
I have came out of Ramadan stronger with my deen🥹❤
With living in a first world country,with first world country issues and test(lifestyle,environment etc),we can be blinded by the dunya.
Sincerely grateful for the knowledge❤
May we get a chance to meet,whether in this life or hereafter my dearest brother❤🥹❤
Ameen! Jazakumullah khayr
He’s coming to Malaysia, you can go see him there inshAllah!
Increase your mentions of Allah ❤in your platforms lectures conversation please . Most of your material and contents speaks of everything around deen but very little of how awesome is Allah and how perfect is Allah ❤🕋🕌
I know your content is to get you close to Allah but your still missing mentioning of Allah and how kind wonderful sweet amazing and just the best so please do more mentioning of Allah❤( I know you have season Allah loves ) but I do notice you really do have almost all content about people sahaba prohet prohibition and pretty much everything else around deen but so little do you speak in all your lectures and khutbah the name of Allah and how just thinking of Allah and knowing Allah is better then all those things you mention in your videos… please go back listen to your own videos in past 4 years how much you have mentioned Allah awesomeness just the fact that we know Allah is all one need vs everything else you have said you will see clearly your busy with the details that leads to Allah❤ rather then how awesome is Allah please watch your self lecture content so you understand what I say
How do you read the following story?
The person who died on the cross was Judas and became the Lord Jesus - Jesus is nobody but Judas
Allaah cursed the Jews for their breaking the covenant, their disbelief in the signs of Allaah, and their killing of prophets of Allaah without right.
In Luke 22:48. Judas is seen betraying the Son of Man with a kiss.
It is at this (kiss) moment that Allaah cast the resemblance of Al-Masseehu Eessa ibnu Maryam on Judas. Now Judas is taken to be crucified, mistaken for the real man.
In Luke 22:67. Judas was asked: Art thou the Christ? tell us! And he said unto them, If I tell you (i.e. that I am Judas, not Jesus), you will not believe.
Allaah raised Al-Masseeha Eessa ibna Maryam to Himself. Soon Eessa will descend by the white minaret in east Damascus, wearing two lightly saffron-dyed garments, and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels.
As Judas was missing in the aftermath of crucifixion, the Jews realized that Judas was the one who died on the cross. The Jews retrieved the body of the crucified Jew (Judas) to hide their failure in their plotting and enmity towards Allaah. Judas was found hanging on a tree 4 days after Crucifixion.