When Iwent o the lava(Liquid magma I Got wondering should I Upgrade furter the blast radius in the gem splosion or not because the running time from the explosion , If it is a detonator to control the gemsplosion would be awsome , but if it is no detonator would be a trouble
how chalice deep is I found scrol in rosy gems deep pink/purple ground deepest 1000 meters? beging of blackish rocks , There are normal grey rocks and upgraded quality , Dark grey , Blackish 3rd level and specks of pink ground
did i mention invisible rocks . there is one when is firstly used epty wall (wall with no solid foundation when is complete like blown build wall thing . and wen is put a rock over it and when is pushed by some miracle the gem turned to a nothing
I got addicted at this little big minivideogame myself, I like it a lot. But how do you recover your stuff when you die and you don't remember where you were? I lost everything and can't find the tombstone... Thank you, your game rocks! You're so advanced!
@@felipearbustopotd Thank you very much! I also discovered every time you resume the game the last tombstone is shown as an indicator for a few seconds... I managed to get back my stuff. But I'm having a hard time getting enough gold for the laser... What's the best way to get gold fast? Thanks again!
@@felipearbustopotd I was asking about the sonar. I'm new at this game and i didn't know what the sonar looked like. I found it in the store. Thank you.
I lost exactly where you answered but abot the game being buggy and no safe chest money majorly sucking and now the best lazer upgrade to be supported or is really lost and the process sucks
It is one reason I have recently stopped playing. The game is good, but it lacks refinement. I have lost count how many times I have had to restart from scratch. I did see it as a challenge - but not any more.
but I'm cautious to control the released water in the upper layers and the rails do not allow that to build walls and stick together I'''m in about 1000 and something ? by using most of the gems for gem splosions between 3 to 7 gem ssplosion in the beging hot gems area
why would I waste efford if the falling rocks does not explode when are 3 because are gliched out rocks? it would work if the computer has maybe more processing and speed and protection otherwise it makes those stupid mistakes ruining my fun
Hmmm yes, tough call. If I had to start from the beginning, I would pick.. Digging Tool - nothing worse than digging slowly. Gold collection - why worry about picking it up, when it can be added automatically. Auto mining - You might get lucky and find a nice block of gold etc. That would be my top 3.
The watter after was drained up repeats again and agin when i was near like a ghost it is annoying other glich is the invisible wall And that is the gliched mineral rock/s electrified remaining after the explosion
Igot in one sort of a trouble dilema in the game . When I should use the bad drill where the better , and where the best . the best makes about 100 to 100and 120? at one drill to safe as much as possible repair kits
@@felipearbustopotd tHat is why Iuse the cheap dig tools on weak rocks and the strong to the BAD ROCKS ( Strong rocks) Exept the energy rocks it is pointless tpo waste good drill on that if crappy can activate it as well BTW You could carry all dig toolsandthe upgraded showvel , at least at lv 7
well there is one kind o a problem with the elevator and explosions and that is that the elevator sometimes is a burden and is needed free space to make the 3d mnanuvering
For apx 2 weeks - the ads have not worked, that said, they may have not been working for longer. Contacting the developer is advised, but please be aware, they seem not to be responding to FB or email inquires.
Well On one hand My hero is filthy rich and gold dust adds a bit extra but to haviing to replenish frequently would be pretty good so MAYBE UPGRADING NOW THE More Gold Gain is better but the previous things like the Energy rock drainer , pushing Rocks ,Stairs , Basic explosive and basic status upgrade was more important so extra Exp is So and so , Actually does Anyone managed to get fully upgrade the miner
Iacidently found a glich or is because my computetter slow memory , sometimes after clrear8ing the walls i could build could remain some of them to connect again , self advise use those or may be lost that blessing but repeating falling water , that is bummer
After the bombs is the blast range , , I do not know where I would need it , So I guess will upgrade the auto miners, maybe , If I find the cases but otherwiseIam finished
@@felipearbustopotd That iss true , BUT I GOT ALL AWAY UP TO ROCKET AND 1 Upgrade further , it seems to be a BLAST ZONE EXPANSION , Meaning all blasts ARE A BIT BIGGER . So the next thing are autho excavator s , the autho pixaxe had trouble mining rocks , and a bity speed so that is the next goal
it is a bit annoying suden rock you had pushed befoure , while are free rocks sometimes is annoying . to get extra gliched water repeating again is useful for the magma
OK aDVAnce theories tips . you need more than 1 measly water bottle you need about half cubic tiny square water space Using the walls to adjust aiming . if it is in rage you are far away you can exit and quckly enter as the computer allows yoou to put morre on top of it order thwe gems (explosive rock in a way to quckly oush it into tthe place you want to explode . after a while money(gold worths nothing) and you would prefer to have water down than elevator . or by comprmomise far away enought to have water and fast transport while the elevator builds YOU CAN DIREDCT IT , ILIKE THE MINING EQUIPMENT IN CONDITION THAT YOU CLICK ON THE MINING EQUIPMENT OR ELEVATOR TO CHOOSE WHERE TO GO
Well either you tell e for the experiment with the lava and the gem if it enriches the lava and report . As for the radar maybe in easy to retrieve place if it gets too expensive to use it if you ...sacrifice your charecter once
I have ideas infinite stairs (Buying the hammer is huge investment (NOTE IN MY OBSERVATIONS The numbers down are the resources to build walls or stairs . it is more time consuming but first make the wallss then destroy them and you may get stairs double note not in water
I now work like mole. I arrange the ladders and work around the boulders. Once I have a fully navigable circuit and ladders are in place, I either scythe from the bottom going up OR do a mass detonation.... then a small mop up.
@@felipearbustopotd As mucghas IHate , Try to restrat the computer , if it this does not work ... if you have Everything you want skill points (Miner pushing , than the Explosive minimum than ..maybe dig again down after reset game
aso the water needs to be absorbed in the water bottle and it needs to be more than 1 i repeat to get more of the water are more water bottles and hold the button to absorb more water
Well I got a update in the game , new wall some brownish stuff I wonder from what is made Iwonder where uis the rihest ON SKILL POINTS , AND Gems to buy the speciat things because in gold I am Bilionare (In the game) And the only thing is maintance ( it sucks thet is liited repair kits if are 10 but in real life would be heavy even 1 provably and if are more than 10 in the game theexesss , dissapea r so to be used Ahem anyway while making a describtion where goes where and well the decorations , than the decorations could be a some kind of substitude markings If you have building , which was the hammer and swich to decorations thething you want would appear usuallyion piedestal , exept the collums
Imanaged to find finally lava , the drills authomatic now are max . Getting over 10 repair kits in my game means use them in the game now therwise are wasted . at night when i hadto go t bed , URGED TO GO TO BED , I Used in exclusively on the lazer drill , otherwise Iwould use gemsplosions
I thought i found all gliches but new one appeares . After transporting rocks DOWN A LOT BECAUSE THE DISSAPEARING ROCK GLICH , IF IS LEFT THE GAME AFTER A WHHILE SOMETIMES IS POSSIBLE THE ROCKS TO APPEAR FALLING AGAIN WHERE THEY SHOULD FALL AND WITH eLEVATOR AND VERY LITTLE SPACE THAT COULD BE CONSIDERED FUCKED SITUATION BECAUSE YOU NEED TO DISPERSE THEM If you want to control the explosion place and that is a headache Also square rock doe s not pushes the rock over but round rock pushes it You can miss the elevator if it has rock in it by choice
fINALLY i got the tyhing representing the idea for gun clips in the miner gem bombing . just over the desired target get the artificial walls and climb up to relesee the next mininimum actions , risks ? rocks falling over the head
it is Anoying , but when the stuff much closer is it would not get mistakes . BUT THERE IS SOMETHING CALLED THE anime hanging on on the wall (Also the anime hanging in the air like frozen which may be much more time like frozen in the air unless pushed down on in direction , so be careful with the rocks when they are still if you accidently push them off target . just like trick with the Empty wall as extra cauton if the rock freezes in the air get out and when it reaches your deire obviously push it down by jumping over . just know one accidental puhsing the frozen rocks in the air byaccidently pushing it like it is the ground . of cource you need to go fast doing it
@@felipearbustopotd anoughter glich who ate 3 gems to suppose to explode , i had to make mistake to be agnoliched of te game to allow me placing far away gems as bombs the troubkle is that wwith elevator rails does not alow building walls and that is important to get the lava cool down
if you remember the trick with the collums my record for longest collum is 100 meters of 2 gems ready just to be put down and could grow infinitely restriction heght in the hight it got screwed in untiming falling befoure the rest
What is the goal of Gold digger is it ever win like Diggy or dig 2 china otherwiseit would be more easier provably and faster if you continue digging streght down after all upgrades you want you have (Igot the explosive licenze mistakely increased once the power of explosion , my miner is pumped now is near to auto lazer light drill and I'm digging straight down After the elevator follows
Lazer drill under water mining magma for 5 minutes drilled 5 big bad magma plus cool magma resets the hardness Explosion of about 10 gems is equal to the lazer drill
because I got the all stuff and moreI don''t neesd to blast any rocks , I Restarted and in the gae I'm filthy rich so I''m trying to be pac-ifist on the rocks until the magma
Well I'm searching skill points for next explosive costing 30 points , it is hard , annoying , slow while searching in the cracks while my body . Well I was seaching in the deeper That is like a diary in this game
Well here are my priorities . STAIRS if I got Stuck is MUST , just 1 Autho digging miner is enought usually for the lone whatever things , I just want STAIRS . Further autho mining thing costs Gems which is No sell . The ... spec rock with the gold absorbing thing it is Annoying And to get rid of ift Draing it first The Drill upgrade yes it is much faster and moving block more than 1 is really comfortable . Stair slide is pseudo elevator only downards . The dilema ugrading further the speed and moving More blocks or the digging equipmentl which would need only maitance once is bought That is the question .in new matherial withthe colourful soil or new things like ...Eggplant , Colourful dark cristal , green cristal and new soil gives the points . and deepness gives the skill(evolution points .) And 2 hats as extra lives obviously . Detonator is free , if you have Explosive It would be hard getting evolution poits anyway , unless start from Scrach Again with all old luggage .
Igot a new .... sol...utiiuon bring down downnn rocks .... and that thing I had ... shown . that idea down , not falling fom somewhere . but after the energy rock drains now is obstacle
In more pacifist mode on rocks some rocks fell victim to the lazer auto machine . It heats to burn(explode quickly mining Hot Magma . I have a theory what if in breaks mines The hot lava will it combust . Because While water cools down to solid magma crust it resets to basic durability of that nasty rock . I ALLREADY told about the Elevator problem and Walls . When Watrr is in the Magma layer touching the magma the watef evaporates faster when it moves I wonder how far Should be to not evaporate when adter was released and quickly contained again to not additionally Evaporate . Also wile the Lazer Auto drill has less duration in fast playing goes pretty far That are the only last news . How much deepness Should be necessary if is possible to get to the other side of the globe in the game . Was it 4000 meters or more . Actually what was the biggest record for deepness
I found anoughter glich in the game , Idid not told you befoure but someimes my miner is send god knows where and the newest glich to complain is that after anoughter glichy block I awas send in the begining losing a lot of acumulated building matherials for stairs when Iwas trying to push the water out and the phantom block blocking my entry , sometimes starting the game my miner is in the claws of the lagging adding temporaly paralisis actually even the annoying comercials after (waching them refuse to close it would be stupid to get natural free blocking thing butt if the game bug foce me to do that , actually I would give up
Then When comes to the LAVA ONE TRY , Currently I thought the drills are better first , after the hammer and the elevator early . I do not if it was mistake But Iam hunting for EXP And ater should help when comes to lava . But I am to the Blackish gems and Neon green layer , And the basic abilities are now what I seek .maybe after pushing 3 blocks would ge the baby tnt for controled blasts . I love the detonator , wITHOUGHT IT AND HAVING THE FREE big expolosive andgetting potentually stuck so that is why I cherish the TNT . The radar even 60 gold is annoying and is No selling but having milions gold and fresh radar ... unless Death in explosion on the cirface ? because the annoying Radar
Bomb from rocks/gems stuff+Gliched falling rocks repeat and gliched water repeat +the structure I mentioned of just one or 2 rocks stacked on top and to fall in bigger quantity now is just only 1700 meters , Only magma so far but is kind of cheaper than buying boms over and over Just to work you need to get out FAST from logging in the game to get out of the elevator 1 square away to 2 just in case to cach more gliched fallen rocks to use them . it is annoying but is a bit extra free rock or rock stack and is not the whole stack the repeat echo is a bit random From the last previous rocks usually what was the last fallen rock and using rocks all deep down aay from destination gives confusion of the game and maybe that is why gliches those rocks and tricking faster fallthan elevator whn theelevator is slowed by rock is Easier than empty elevator which is nearly impossible
This game is so good! played 6 hours so far
I found it very enjoyable. glad you are having fun with it too ;-)
Bu oyunun linkini atarmisiniz
Ghkxvz hnxtjz Toilet #toilet
The Previous times I had bought the bottle I had not seen it . Where I should search it after I had bought it because I didn't seen it
Left side of the screen - inventory bag.
When Iwent o the lava(Liquid magma I Got wondering should I Upgrade furter the blast radius in the gem splosion or not because the running time from the explosion , If it is a detonator to control the gemsplosion would be awsome , but if it is no detonator would be a trouble
Detonator is new - before it was.... drop the explosive and get clear in X amount of time.
@@felipearbustopotd Оh but Detonator and building walls and building STAIRS from walls IS SO MUCH EASIER .
how chalice deep is
I found scrol in rosy gems deep pink/purple ground deepest 1000 meters? beging of blackish rocks , There are normal grey rocks and upgraded quality , Dark grey , Blackish 3rd level and specks of pink ground
You would reckon so, more valuable something is, the deeper it would be.
6:01 oh my god mony mony mony 😂😂😂😂😂😂❤️ laggggg
Dig deep enough lol
@@felipearbustopotd yes lol 😂
So much fun, anybody know what is below the lava? I tried going to 4000m but still only lava.
Like wise, just lava.
Are you play in this a year?))
Only a few times
did i mention invisible rocks . there is one when is firstly used epty wall (wall with no solid foundation when is complete like blown build wall thing .
and wen is put a rock over it and when is pushed by some miracle the gem turned to a nothing
What makes the bottle of water in the game should be bought or is usless
No idea, just like the Steel, brick , concert, Alien, Bed, picture and chair.
The bottle of water can put the fire rocks out with the water
@@maddy8018 how it gets opened or is authomatic . or it is one use ?
@@ИванГанев-к4н I hope I'm answering correctly. One you get the bottle you press the bottle it'll turn green to fill it and do the same to pour it out
@@maddy8018 Cool find.
I got addicted at this little big minivideogame myself, I like it a lot. But how do you recover your stuff when you die and you don't remember where you were? I lost everything and can't find the tombstone... Thank you, your game rocks! You're so advanced!
You can buy an item from the shop that acts as an radar. Once clicked, it will show ALL deposits that you have left.
@@felipearbustopotd Thank you very much! I also discovered every time you resume the game the last tombstone is shown as an indicator for a few seconds... I managed to get back my stuff.
But I'm having a hard time getting enough gold for the laser... What's the best way to get gold fast?
Thanks again!
@@felipearbustopotd What is the item? What does it look like? I'm a newbie to this game. Thank you🙂
@@derekharris4922 Thread unknown. Your question relates to what?
@@felipearbustopotd I was asking about the sonar. I'm new at this game and i didn't know what the sonar looked like. I found it in the store. Thank you.
OMG How Did You Get All Dat Coins
By digging very deep
pls help me it is not showning gem + option on my browser
I suggest contacting the developer either by email or FB. I have tried... I have had NO luck.
I exploded 45 rocks!
Thank you for playing Gold Digger FRVR!
I lost exactly where you answered but abot the game being buggy and no safe chest money majorly sucking and now the best lazer upgrade to be supported or is really lost and the process sucks
It is one reason I have recently stopped playing. The game is good, but it lacks refinement. I have lost count how many times I have had to restart from scratch. I did see it as a challenge - but not any more.
@@felipearbustopotd oh
Hey you all how do get pass the red fire rock that burns you up?
Use drop bombs or explosive items to clear a path for you.
did you got played more of the game improving your hight score I''m now deepness 2024
When you can control the digging machine direction , or how
Is it possible the figging machine to change direction and to turn it on and off at will
Very fiddly when it comes to start, stop and change direction - for all automated items.
@@felipearbustopotd It makes it easier to control . no need to make your walls to slow down the tools yoc can divert their movemend .
but I'm cautious to control the released water in the upper layers and the rails do not allow that to build walls and stick together I'''m in about 1000 and something ? by using most of the gems for gem splosions between 3 to 7 gem ssplosion in the beging hot gems area
why would I waste efford if the falling rocks does not explode when are 3 because are gliched out rocks?
it would work if the computer has maybe more processing and speed and protection otherwise it makes those stupid mistakes ruining my fun
Fair point
Nice find
59:59 mine 4000
Just one thing Iwonder if Skill are better first or the drill which is 1 time
Hmmm yes, tough call.
If I had to start from the beginning, I would pick..
Digging Tool - nothing worse than digging slowly.
Gold collection - why worry about picking it up, when it can be added automatically.
Auto mining - You might get lucky and find a nice block of gold etc.
That would be my top 3.
How do you get the shack?
Shack? Sorry for the late reply
hOw to be sure in eficiency if the game makes the dissapearing rock glich often
while the wall builds is a time delsy between solid or glich wall
This game is NOT bug free.
The watter after was drained up repeats again and agin when i was near like a ghost it is annoying
other glich is the invisible wall
And that is the gliched mineral rock/s electrified remaining after the explosion
go to coordinates: 170, 138
coordinates: 160, 169
coordinates: 154, 171
coordinates: 159, 138
coordinates: 140, 265
coordinates: -315, 161
coordinates: 305, 162
coordinates:-321, 155
coordinates: -310, 78
coordinates: -318, 87
coordinates: -314, 293
Igot in one sort of a trouble dilema in the game .
When I should use the bad drill where the better , and where the best . the best makes about 100 to 100and 120? at one drill to safe as much as possible repair kits
If you are short of repair kits, then yes, carry more drills.
Probably a good idea to carry more drills, just in case repair kits run out.
@@felipearbustopotd tHat is why Iuse the cheap dig tools on weak rocks and the strong to the BAD ROCKS ( Strong rocks) Exept the energy rocks it is pointless tpo waste good drill on that if crappy can activate it as well
BTW You could carry all dig toolsandthe upgraded showvel , at least at lv 7
well there is one kind o a problem with the elevator and explosions and that is that the elevator sometimes is a burden and is needed free space to make the 3d mnanuvering
Does the lava would get more value if gems fall in the lava
Not to the best of my knowledge.
How much depth is last
I tend to dig until I see loads of lava. Not concerned about actual depth.
@@felipearbustopotd mee same at 2342 m lava is there
the same old dissapearing rock falling from 1000 meters to the lava just toconnect with other but freeze and dissapear sometimes
Holy $#¡+ that drop !!!!
Imagine it with NO ladder lol
Why i cant see ads? Try later always telling?
For apx 2 weeks - the ads have not worked, that said, they may have not been working for longer.
Contacting the developer is advised, but please be aware, they seem not to be responding to FB or email inquires.
what was the maximum reached depness
Do not recall - for me - it was not that much further than the yellow stones
PVP 🔫 ⚔ 🧨 🏹 🛡🪃 WEAPONS
Well On one hand My hero is filthy rich and gold dust adds a bit extra but to haviing to replenish frequently would be pretty good so MAYBE UPGRADING NOW THE More Gold Gain is better but the previous things like the Energy rock drainer , pushing Rocks ,Stairs , Basic explosive and basic status upgrade was more important so extra Exp is So and so , Actually does Anyone managed to get fully upgrade the miner
Iacidently found a glich or is because my computetter slow memory , sometimes after clrear8ing the walls i could build could remain some of them to connect again , self advise use those or may be lost that blessing
but repeating falling water , that is bummer
Maybe you lost momentarily connection and it glitched out?
when i got distracted even if rocks are destroyed on the head is failed explosion
What is the maximum amount of mining tools
Drills not sure - once I have the most expensive - I do not bother with any other.
@@felipearbustopotd well oit is 3 at least , if you dropped one tool and getting back 2 more like death Ijust wonder what is the most eficient way
@@ИванГанев-к4н I just make sure - I always repair.
Expensive to buy again lol
Why the bombs have limit how much to buy befoure the shop closes ? I Hope to restock the bombs Ilost the precious ladders
ok my biggest depnes is 844 how much further is LAVA
On my game lava starts at 1041
There was another game exactly like this but i forgot its name
If you ever get to remember it - let me know. The closet thing I can think is this.. boulder-dash.com/online-free-game/
After the bombs is the blast range , , I do not know where I would need it , So I guess will upgrade the auto miners, maybe , If I find the cases but otherwiseIam finished
C4 creates a HUGE blast area - stand clear lol
@@felipearbustopotd That iss true , BUT I GOT ALL AWAY UP TO ROCKET AND 1 Upgrade further , it seems to be a BLAST ZONE EXPANSION , Meaning all blasts ARE A BIT BIGGER .
So the next thing are autho excavator s , the autho pixaxe had trouble mining rocks , and a bity speed so that is the next goal
NOTE THE Round stones need extra containment they roll around
the suqre ae just staying still stacking
NOTE THE Round stones need extra containment they roll around
And stuff you can get the same one tan ore
How do i get 4x gold, currently i can only get 2x
I can only get ANY x2 or x4 if I play on Facebook. And it is random
They have a small redeemable value which can be sold in the THRIFT shop on the surface.
@@felipearbustopotd but how do i enter the THRIFT shop ?
@@shoeskode136 Just tap it
@@felipearbustopotd i am on computer does it still work ?
@@shoeskode136 Works for me that way.
it is a bit annoying suden rock you had pushed befoure , while are free rocks sometimes is annoying .
to get extra gliched water repeating again is useful for the magma
Iwent to Magma and was just really hot rock so can be done gem splosion
OK aDVAnce theories tips . you need more than 1 measly water bottle you need about half cubic tiny square water space
Using the walls to adjust aiming . if it is in rage you are far away you can exit and quckly enter as the computer allows yoou to put morre on top of it
order thwe gems (explosive rock in a way to quckly oush it into tthe place you want to explode . after a while money(gold worths nothing) and you would prefer to have water down than elevator . or by comprmomise far away enought to have water and fast transport
The auto shovel etc for me is a tab tricky to control - too fast. lol
@@felipearbustopotd it is a bit tricky but when you got it clicked on the mouse would pause and direct it and should go in the changed direction
No you can get a Blue!
And you R not going to the movies
and stuff you can see the gold on to the gate
Well either you tell e for the experiment with the lava and the gem if it enriches the lava and report .
As for the radar maybe in easy to retrieve place if it gets too expensive to use it
if you ...sacrifice your charecter once
I have ideas infinite stairs (Buying the hammer is huge investment (NOTE IN MY OBSERVATIONS The numbers down are the resources to build walls or stairs . it is more time consuming but first make the wallss then destroy them and you may get stairs
double note not in water
I now work like mole.
I arrange the ladders and work around the boulders.
Once I have a fully navigable circuit and ladders are in place, I either scythe from the bottom going up OR do a mass detonation.... then a small mop up.
You are boooooos i love this game
The laag gets worse the water spreads it''s tentacles hungry to drown , hats wasted , stairs wasted , no speed going slow like underwater
The same problem for me at the moment.
@@felipearbustopotd As mucghas IHate , Try to restrat the computer , if it this does not work ... if you have Everything you want skill points (Miner pushing , than the Explosive minimum than ..maybe dig again down after reset game
The Gems time to explode is about 2 gems to push fast
eye see miss in front of my eye skill point
Rocket explodes in radius 3 squares DOWN, power range C4 ,
Idiscovered it by acidental suicide
Ook thanks , now WARNING , There is A POSSIBILITY The compressed water to become exactly that smallwhen is released
aso the water needs to be absorbed in the water bottle and it needs to be more than 1 i repeat to get more of the water are more water bottles and hold the button to absorb more water
Well I got a update in the game , new wall some brownish stuff I wonder from what is made
Iwonder where uis the rihest ON SKILL POINTS , AND Gems to buy the speciat things because in gold I am Bilionare (In the game) And the only thing is maintance ( it sucks thet is liited repair kits if are 10 but in real life would be heavy even 1 provably and if are more than 10 in the game theexesss , dissapea r so to be used
Ahem anyway while making a describtion where goes where and well the decorations , than the decorations could be a some kind of substitude markings
If you have building , which was the hammer and swich to decorations thething you want would appear usuallyion piedestal , exept the collums
I have 16 million coins
Well done
Imanaged to find finally lava , the drills authomatic now are max . Getting over 10 repair kits in my game means use them in the game now therwise are wasted . at night when i hadto go t bed , URGED TO GO TO BED , I Used in exclusively on the lazer drill , otherwise Iwould use gemsplosions
Well done. Good effort. now reap the rewards.
if is no glich in dissapeariing rocks to explode the best explosion s to imitate gun clips
wow do a like
Also square rock doe s not pushes the rock over but round rock pushes it
You can miss the elevator if it has rock in it by choice
fINALLY i got the tyhing representing the idea for gun clips in the miner gem bombing . just over the desired target get the artificial walls and climb up to relesee the next mininimum actions , risks ? rocks falling over the head
it is Anoying , but when the stuff much closer is it would not get mistakes .
BUT THERE IS SOMETHING CALLED THE anime hanging on on the wall (Also the anime hanging in the air like frozen which may be much more time like frozen in the air unless pushed down on in direction , so be careful with the rocks when they are still if you accidently push them off target .
just like trick with the Empty wall as extra cauton
if the rock freezes in the air get out and when it reaches your deire obviously push it down by jumping over .
just know one accidental puhsing the frozen rocks in the air byaccidently pushing it like it is the ground .
of cource you need to go fast doing it
No game is without bugs and glitches. ;-(
@@felipearbustopotd I meant aas well rocks hanging on the air unless disturbed . at lest that glich could be handy
Do you want to show what trick Iwas trying to do in a picture
Show if you can
i am also here
Cool- enjoy.
why the gems dissapeared
Maybe a glitch?
@@felipearbustopotd anoughter glich who ate 3 gems to suppose to explode , i had to make mistake to be agnoliched of te game to allow me placing far away gems as bombs the troubkle is that wwith elevator rails does not alow building walls and that is important to get the lava cool down
if you remember the trick with the collums my record for longest collum is 100 meters of 2 gems ready just to be put down and could grow infinitely restriction heght
in the hight it got screwed in untiming falling befoure the rest
How to resist in lava
If I ever fall into lava, I try jumping to safety or if that is failing I very quickly hit the shop icon. That takes you back to the surface.
Good ideas, tyvm
What is the goal of Gold digger is it ever win like Diggy or dig 2 china
otherwiseit would be more easier provably and faster if you continue digging streght down after all upgrades you want you have
(Igot the explosive licenze mistakely increased once the power of explosion , my miner is pumped now is near to auto lazer light drill and I'm digging straight down After the elevator follows
I guess the goal is to dig deep and make big explosions.
Vídeo em (59:30)
I am in level 6
Keep going.
Ok I will do that😎😎😎👍
I am in 45,685 and also I have core drill andeffectve powerddill and classic pickaxe and myshovel ok
@@jamesdemidowicz2656 Sweet
I don't have a laser drill😭😭😭😭😭
Lazer drill under water mining magma for 5 minutes drilled 5 big bad magma plus cool magma resets the hardness Explosion of about 10 gems is equal to the lazer drill
The best worts much more to repair than re buy it
because I got the all stuff and moreI don''t neesd to blast any rocks , I Restarted and in the gae I'm filthy rich
so I''m trying to be pac-ifist on the rocks until the magma
Nice to have that option
Well I'm searching skill points for next explosive costing 30 points , it is hard , annoying , slow while searching in the cracks while my body . Well I was seaching in the deeper
That is like a diary in this game
You'll get there - and the time invested I hope will be worth it.
Well here are my priorities . STAIRS if I got Stuck is MUST , just 1 Autho digging miner is enought usually for the lone whatever things , I just want STAIRS .
Further autho mining thing costs Gems which is No sell .
The ... spec rock with the gold absorbing thing it is Annoying And to get rid of ift Draing it first
The Drill upgrade yes it is much faster and moving block more than 1 is really comfortable .
Stair slide is pseudo elevator only downards .
The dilema ugrading further the speed and moving More blocks or the digging equipmentl which would need only maitance once is bought
That is the question .in new matherial withthe colourful soil or new things like ...Eggplant , Colourful dark cristal , green cristal and new soil gives the points .
and deepness gives the skill(evolution points .)
And 2 hats as extra lives obviously . Detonator is free , if you have Explosive
It would be hard getting evolution poits anyway , unless start from Scrach Again with all old luggage .
Have you found the Golden Chalice?
@@felipearbustopotd forgot , I played a long time if i ever found it , but if it was it was befoure years befoure playing again . otherwise , No
can u post a video on how to get more money for free in gold digger frvr pls
All you need to do is dig deep, as seen in the video
Then cause multiple explosion's s
If you go to 57 mins an example is there
Or if you can get some red stone
גם אני משחק במשחק הזה הוא טוב רצח
Igot a new .... sol...utiiuon bring down downnn rocks .... and that thing I had ... shown . that idea down , not falling fom somewhere . but after the energy rock drains now is obstacle
In more pacifist mode on rocks some rocks fell victim to the lazer auto machine . It heats to burn(explode quickly mining Hot Magma . I have a theory what if in breaks mines The hot lava will it combust .
Because While water cools down to solid magma crust it resets to basic durability of that nasty rock .
I ALLREADY told about the Elevator problem and Walls .
When Watrr is in the Magma layer touching the magma the watef evaporates faster when it moves I wonder how far Should be to not evaporate when adter was released and quickly contained again to not additionally Evaporate .
Also wile the Lazer Auto drill has less duration in fast playing goes pretty far
That are the only last news .
How much deepness Should be necessary if is possible to get to the other side of the globe in the game . Was it 4000 meters or more .
Actually what was the biggest record for deepness
I read somewhere - that there is no end as to how deep you can dig.
@@felipearbustopotd stil what is the deepness record
@@ИванГанев-к4н No lie - no idea. How about setting one up?
cara paraben eu amo ese jogo
Me to - shame about the bugs.
I found anoughter glich in the game , Idid not told you befoure but someimes my miner is send god knows where and
the newest glich to complain is that after anoughter glichy block I awas send in the begining losing a lot of acumulated building matherials for stairs when Iwas trying to push the water out and the phantom block blocking my entry ,
sometimes starting the game my miner is in the claws of the lagging
adding temporaly paralisis
actually even the annoying comercials after (waching them refuse to close
it would be stupid to get natural free blocking thing butt if the game bug foce me to do that , actually I would give up
Then When comes to the LAVA ONE TRY ,
Currently I thought the drills are better first , after the hammer and the elevator early . I do not if it was mistake But Iam hunting for EXP And ater should help when comes to lava . But I am to the Blackish gems and Neon green layer , And the basic abilities are now what I seek .maybe after pushing 3 blocks would ge the baby tnt for controled blasts . I love the detonator , wITHOUGHT IT AND HAVING THE FREE big expolosive andgetting potentually stuck so that is why I cherish the TNT . The radar even 60 gold is annoying and is No selling but having milions gold and fresh radar ... unless Death in explosion on the cirface ? because the annoying Radar
OK - will try.
Vídeo em (10:10)
Video em ( 10:10 )
Now i got paralised in the start of the game i had to exit and enter
Bomb from rocks/gems stuff+Gliched falling rocks repeat
and gliched water repeat +the structure I mentioned of just one or 2 rocks stacked on top and to fall in bigger quantity now is just only 1700 meters , Only magma so far but is kind of cheaper than buying boms over and over
Just to work you need to get out FAST from logging in the game to get out of the elevator 1 square away to 2 just in case
to cach more gliched fallen rocks to use them . it is annoying but is a bit extra free rock or rock stack and is not the whole stack the repeat echo is a bit random
From the last previous rocks
usually what was the last fallen rock and using rocks all deep down aay from destination gives confusion of the game and maybe that is why gliches those rocks and
tricking faster fallthan elevator whn theelevator is slowed by rock is Easier than empty elevator which is nearly impossible
es !!!!!!!!UN!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!HAKER!!!!!!!
Nah - just dig deep
And watch load of videos
the game sopping from loading at 69 percent for much longer
оher mistake is death in elevator you lose your money keep your equipment , it i s annoying if the mining befoure was pretty plentiful
There are exceptions
Vídeo em (1:10:1)