Read edits before commenting corrections! :) Edit: C6 doesn't snapshot :( Made this video at 2am and mixed up the names of her burst and skill in my notes. C2 drops a crowfeather when you use her skill. The rest of the guide is still solid/the best on yt rn, apologies for messing cons up. I didn't mention this in the video but her buff resets every time lightning from her burst hits an enemy, effectively making the max length of buff 8 seconds instead of 6. Ask me questions I'll try to answer
To me she seems geared for coop. Anyway, just a heads up you can buff 2 characters with her burst if you swap in the AOE. Timing is tight but you'll be able to snap 2 ults no prob.
@@governmeharderdaddy596 True. Besides, we probably need to wait like maybe a good 2 month or so for her to be widely use by everyone. Just like bennett in his early days. No one wanted him until us player figured out how OP him actually is.
I want to use her with my Keqing, since I C6'd my Bennett (not regretting it tho) being able to use a buffer which also activates electro resonance sounds super good to me. Also Keqing can teleport easily to the feather with her skill, amazing synergy
as a added bonus, c6 sara adds 60%crit dmg to any electro attacks for 6s. Basically cover the entity of Keqing's infusion and crit ratio problem. perfect synergy ngl.
Y'all have no idea how happy I am after I got Kujou Sara today on my first 10 pull. I know it's only a regular 4 star character but she was the one I always wanted, I'm on AR 30 btw.
I just did this today and it was definitely very fun and unique since everyone got the buff instead of just your active character like in single player.
Mouun's moon might be great on her if you run her in a high energy cost team since it has really high atk for a 4star weapon and more burst dmg is always nice
Love Sara! Sucks that it will take maybe a month or two to completely max her out due to the new weekly boss materials lmao I want to double crown my new C6 queen 👑
She works pretty well for turret character setups as well. Buffing Main Dealer is only important in early game anyway, as Bennett's buff starts falling off if your dealer has more than 2k total atk anyway
for the constellations, you mixed up her skill and burst. both on c1, c2, c3, and c5. edit: this means c1 gives her less downtime on her skill --> higher buff uptime (comparatively/in relation to downtime) c2 makes her skill trigger the buff twice (once on initial cast as it will leave a crowfeather automatically and once when you charged shot) ---> higher uptime as you can switch to her to refresh the buff in one skill window, OR you can choose to buff two different characters. tested by me so i can confirm this does work
Yeah I made this at like 2am so I misspoke and didn't catch it when editing, good catch tho. Luckily it doesn't really matter much because the value of constellations was taken from Sara mains and that's absolutely correct
@@Braxophone yeah i absolutely agree with the constellation value rating, just wanted to point it out because the description does make a difference (more ease of use)
Thank you so much for the quick guide! :3 I think I'll go for a sub-dps Sara for now... I have an Amos Bow that I wasnt using so I'll just pray for my artifact luck haha :3
I have her with my diluc, she's lvl40 rn, but when you put her with this team comp: Diluc, Xingqiu, Sara, and Bennett Using Bennett's Q plus the Noblesse Oblige 4set then using E on Sara with the attack buff then switch to diluc, you'll have an insane amount of attack buff it's so strong
@@ItsJustGreen the issue is being able to use the skill to boost someone else, in co-op it has some use but for a team it’s easier to just use her burst and never her skill because it’s too difficult to get the timing right while also using it for damage. You have to aim at your feet which means you might be right on a foe so huge potential to get interrupted, too far away and you miss the radius of effect.
Imagine: C2 sara, 300%+ energy recharge, 100% passive uptime, 3+ energy recharge every 3 seconds… Sounds small but it sounds like a really interesting idea… like a mini-raiden…. Co-op support niche maybe?
Yes cus ningguang buff does DMG in short time while Sara's buff is applied, you can do one thing. Put crow feather, swap to ningguang and use her skill, go through her jade screen and use burst, while you go through your jade screen crow feather will blast and you'll able to hit buffed burst on ninnguang
I did 2 pity’s worth of pulls. manage to get a constellation from everyone on the banner but sara idk how to feel. Baal has more constellations then my sara bruh.
🌸😹It is to be uttered that were one to be afforded coin each time the community has sought a unit to be “main dps” when it is clearly not, one would be amongst the billionaire elite😹🌸
I’m not to good at teams and I was wondering weather sara, beidou, yoimiya and Jean are okay together? It’s the only people I really have built okayish so I wanna make sure
Yeah but you might wanna change jean into bennette if you have him but if your jean is better than bennette then you should stick to jean until you can build your bennette
I guess that's one less place in the top 5 of this competition... in all seriousness though this video helped a lot since I got sara and had no idea what to do with her xD
switch baal for a geo character ninguang have a low energy cost of 40 so she doesnt need baal you can stach both sara and bennet buffs by using sara charged atack first
I think it COULD work, but Ningguang's best run in Geo resonance teams. I'd recommend running her with any of the other Geo characters because Geo resonance is way too good to ignore (preferrably Albedo or Zhongli for battery and shield respectively, but Geo Traveller and Noelle can fit those respective niches as well). Furthermore, Raiden's best used with 80 energy characters like Eula and Xingqiu as they gain more of a boost from her.
does her E and Q accumulate ? like, will the main dps get the buff from sara's q and e or do we have to use either her e or q? idk if i made it clear srry ^^
At c2, ypu can alreadiy get the ATK buff from the weaker dmg crow feather. You can save the aimed shot for later. It lasts 18s so don't need to feel rushed into using it.
I hate Sara elemental skill :( it's not my type to but her elemental burst awesome I wish they buff Sara elemental skill she teleport then hit a thunderstrike to one opponent something like that Ugh it's just feel empty in her elemental skill
Lucky, I got c2 baal but C1 Sara. The rest was just sucrose. C2 is that minimal sweet spot, so hope I can get her at least there within the next 20 days :)
I hope I don't get roast by saying this, baal is the first character that I play in trial that feel so..... Meh, unlike albedo. Looks like Raiden c0 with her r1 signature weapon is no go. But Sara is absolutely a beast though
Yeah maybe because baal is a venti type that you just press her Q and change to your main dps but I don't want to said she is bad cause gameplay often change every patch plus Mihoyo probably gonna make baal viable like they made to Zhongli thou
I actually loved her trial - her animations and attack sequence feel super smooth. She doesn't do the most damage but I have really great supports (Zhong, Benny, XQ) who cover that so she fits great w me.
Her trial is actually misleading because of how bad her artifacts are. She has awful crit/crt dmg (50/90 iirc) and she has 2 piece severed and 2 piece thundering when she has 280% recharge. That gives her 15% electro damage at the cost of 70% damage with her burst, who would ever do that.
So you have to just pick up the buff in her elemental by moving within her AOE? Then you have to do a charge shot that scales off her base attack? Wouldn't you *want* to upgrade her normal then?
Guys, I just pulled Baal (C0) and Sara (C1). Given my limited resources (f2p here), I can't level them both. Which would you advise me to go with? As backup info, I don't have an electro character (I have beidou C1 and Razor C1 at lev 1 but I never used them), and I don't have neither archer or polearm character. My current team is Diluc, Eula, Sucrose and Barbara. Thanks a lot in advance!
Baal absolutely. Her synergy with Eula is amazing. Sara doesn't have much Synergy with Eula due to Eula's burst lasting so long (at least if you want the best damage)
definitely Bennet with yoimiya because as he said in the video you have to be in melee range to get the buff on her E which can be rough on ranged chars if you don't run a shield
=w= didnt really go to read her talent description. thought she is attack-type and quite meh one. so, she is support type. umm. gonna take long time to get her C6 D: i guess current trend for artifact is Emblem of severed fate, which best for everyone esp support to keep using burst. o.O
Brax you'll kill me for this but how do you feel about me running phys Zhongli dps Noelle heals Ning sub/battery/burst nuke with Kujou as secondary nuke/attack buffer
this video show one of the reassons i want Sara in my team. whit bost and buff, we can do a increible damage, more if we play whit elemental reaction, decreasing defences. good, video, i like it. hoppe get sara, and have her at C4
Honestly didn't even want Sara and Baal, only wanted Sucrose or Xiangling constellations but ended up pulling c4 Sara along with a Baal then only one damn Xiangling with all my primogens hahahah
@@governmeharderdaddy596 Mihoyo somehow always gets you the opposite of what you want lol I actually ended up trying to wish more and ended up with c6 Sara and c2 Sucrose at least
@@frownypoints been weeks now and haven’t gotten any more Xiangling constellations but at least got 2 more Sucrose constellations also got a c6 Sara so I guess now to focus her now lol
guys pls help me on this one, the burst gives the same atk buff as her skill, so for the buffs only, should i upgrade the ult too? or at whatever level it will give the same atk bonus?
Why sac bow? It won't reset your skill, will it? My personal favorite 4star bow for her is blackclifd warbow just because it has the highest base attack among all the 4star weapons and high base attack benefits her attack buff the most
Sac bow also has the highest base atk out of the 4 star bows (equal to blackcliff warbow) and er is a good sub stat to have The passive may reset her skill cd but I haven't tried that out yet Ofc if u want to go dps sara blackcliff will be better
I don't know how I feel about this character. I just can't stop comparing her to Bennet and she just pales in every way. Even her C6 while nice for electro characters, pigeon holes her further. Her buffe are shorter, require a charge shot... idk I think she is overhyped big time
She is better than Bennett at C6 because she doesn't lock you in place, you need way less healing and shields when you can freely move around. And she allows you to have that. Also she charges her shot much faster than any other character in the game so it not a real problem.
@@minzuhagenda Bennett is really not that good for main damage dealer, and he enforces a gameplay that really doesn't help many characters. You think it helps because everyone needs ATK values, but it's actually against the kit of quite a few characters, why else do you think that for the longest time People would complain about anemo traveler's burst? People are so addicted to depend on him that they don't see how much he limits you. He is also pretty mediocre in Co-op because of how enemies won't always aim at you, so players will all go their own way instead of being in the circle. His healing also sucks as you are forced to remain in the circle. Many people like him because they already had Anemo supports to allow for Bennett to solve his problems. But he is less valuable without them because many enemies will run around the map instead of going to face you. Of course he is ultra valuable for characters who can snapshot his buff. But for everyone else he is indeed overated, as you would easily recover the damage you lost by not having him in the team, by simply having the freedom to attack whenever you want and use whatever character you want. At the end of the day, damage numbers aren't as valuable when you can't deliver them in a timely manner.
@@minzuhagenda Copium? No. People have been playing stupid melt and vape comps for so long that they forgot that Bennett was originally ignored and unused, and people still cleared the abyss without him. There are many successful team setups which doesn't include Bennett in it, and with the improved Electro-Charged, Swirl and overload, you can easily compensate for not having him in your team, since now these reactions can cause acceptable damage, moreover, people are still thinking that electro reactions are underwhelming, but few have actually tested the reactions properly after the EM buff. And I've yet to see proper testing on teams made specifically for it. People are still locked in the Idea that you need to have a source of vape to have damage.
It means any party member that receives Sara's attack buff will also have an Crit Damage stat increase. So for example: Your Keqing has 200% Crit Damage stat. When she receives Sara's attack buff, she will now have 260% Crit Damage stat ONLY when dealing Electro Damage. So the increased number doesn't actually reflect on the Attribute page.
Ngl I’m a bit disappointed in her kit. I genuinely love her character but she’s a really passable 4-star for me when compared to Bennett. Not only that, her charged shots will be a mess for me to shoot (on mobile, and the interruption to enemies will be a disaster). Overall, she can be an okay character, but can be switched for another very easily. (This is just my opinion, I don’t mean to offend anyone or oppose my opinions on others. :) )
I need another DPS cuz I got qiqi instead of kazuha and then got yoimiya so Im building her as a main DPS. I can just feel myself getting qiqi on shogun even tho I rlly want her
I'm going to 90 her and elegy she is c6 and so far I did math I should have 184er I stoll need a gob and feather so it could be 190 plus and ima Try to get more cr cd and atk and do 1 9 9. I beleive the stats should be good. Ima try for 150cd 60rate or better
Read edits before commenting corrections! :)
Edit: C6 doesn't snapshot :(
Made this video at 2am and mixed up the names of her burst and skill in my notes. C2 drops a crowfeather when you use her skill. The rest of the guide is still solid/the best on yt rn, apologies for messing cons up.
I didn't mention this in the video but her buff resets every time lightning from her burst hits an enemy, effectively making the max length of buff 8 seconds instead of 6.
Ask me questions I'll try to answer
C1 is decreasing Tengu Stormcall CD, which is her elemental skill.
Apparently the Crit DMG Buff from Sara C6 doesn't get snapshotted, are you able to confirm this?
Is sara good for baal?
C2 you said in the video it actives when she uses her burst but it's actually when she uses her elemental skill so c2 is pretty good.
To me she seems geared for coop. Anyway, just a heads up you can buff 2 characters with her burst if you swap in the AOE. Timing is tight but you'll be able to snap 2 ults no prob.
She looks amazing and moves like how I imagine a bow user would like to keeping enemies at a distance while moving away and striking
Don't all bow users move back to keep distance?
@@2crisp63 not with their elemental skill
@@justincarlozmaxino1100 Ganyu does
@@kazuha4355 oh yeah except her Sara gives me buffs while doing it so its kinda different
Loving the fact that Sara is forcing us to adapt to new playstyle.
not a fan of it though
@@governmeharderdaddy596 True. Besides, we probably need to wait like maybe a good 2 month or so for her to be widely use by everyone. Just like bennett in his early days. No one wanted him until us player figured out how OP him actually is.
@@governmeharderdaddy596 a ton of people are going to pull for sara anyways
@@governmeharderdaddy596 She a support though and for obvious reasons supports generally have pretty good long term value in this game.
@@governmeharderdaddy596 bestie I’m sorry but just because they have the same element does not mean they are the exact same
appreciate the 'I can fix her' team name
I want to use her with my Keqing, since I C6'd my Bennett (not regretting it tho) being able to use a buffer which also activates electro resonance sounds super good to me. Also Keqing can teleport easily to the feather with her skill, amazing synergy
as a added bonus, c6 sara adds 60%crit dmg to any electro attacks for 6s. Basically cover the entity of Keqing's infusion and crit ratio problem. perfect synergy ngl.
Finally there's a guide for sara now
Y'all have no idea how happy I am after I got Kujou Sara today on my first 10 pull. I know it's only a regular 4 star character but she was the one I always wanted, I'm on AR 30 btw.
i lost my 50/50 to jean i was so pissed but when i saw i got her i was rly happy
I got 4 star weapons :’(
I got her on my first pull, and i didn't get the 10 pull. Only single.
I really appreciate the quality videos that you drop. I started playing Genshin about a month ago and your videos are my go to for information.
Everyone: Burst Support
Me a Giga Chad: Full Physical w 2 piece Bloodstained and 2 piece Pale Flame with R5 Rust.
Same LOL
She is tricky to use but if you play co-op, you just aim shot and buff your team. That's cool in a way.
I just did this today and it was definitely very fun and unique since everyone got the buff instead of just your active character like in single player.
Mouun's moon might be great on her if you run her in a high energy cost team since it has really high atk for a 4star weapon and more burst dmg is always nice
Love Sara! Sucks that it will take maybe a month or two to completely max her out due to the new weekly boss materials lmao I want to double crown my new C6 queen 👑
That was a good video, although I still have a question. Is Sara only good for Quick-Swap because she feels awkward for long-term dps team?
That's what I've been feeling like but I need to keep trying new stuff.
@@Braxophone Try with Baal/Sara/XQ/Zhongli. I'm having so much fun. I know XQ ult doesn't snapshot either but the amount of tazing is so much fun.
She works pretty well for turret character setups as well. Buffing Main Dealer is only important in early game anyway, as Bennett's buff starts falling off if your dealer has more than 2k total atk anyway
So grateful for my C3 Sara before hitting pity. 30 pulls and all went on Sara and her cons heh
I got her at c0, currently practicing using her (was testing which of my DPS she can best pair up with)
I'm just pushing her and Ei in front of the line of building characters. I hope to have them ready with Kokomi when she comes out + Ayaka :D
for the constellations, you mixed up her skill and burst. both on c1, c2, c3, and c5.
edit: this means c1 gives her less downtime on her skill --> higher buff uptime (comparatively/in relation to downtime)
c2 makes her skill trigger the buff twice (once on initial cast as it will leave a crowfeather automatically and once when you charged shot) ---> higher uptime as you can switch to her to refresh the buff in one skill window, OR you can choose to buff two different characters. tested by me so i can confirm this does work
Yeah I made this at like 2am so I misspoke and didn't catch it when editing, good catch tho. Luckily it doesn't really matter much because the value of constellations was taken from Sara mains and that's absolutely correct
@@Braxophone yeah i absolutely agree with the constellation value rating, just wanted to point it out because the description does make a difference (more ease of use)
Thank you so much for the quick guide! :3 I think I'll go for a sub-dps Sara for now... I have an Amos Bow that I wasnt using so I'll just pray for my artifact luck haha :3
Sara: buffs 1 party member.
I think you forgot Alley Hunter bow, it seems nuts for her quick-swap gameplay
That bow is useless in pc, mobile
@@swanaung8890 aloys bow is the predator and for cryo...
@@swanaung8890 Alley Hunter is the name of a bow, he is not talking about Alloy's Predator bow
hoping yae’s kit can snapshot somehow so she can get that extra 60% cdmg from sara 😫😫
(yeah its gonna be a hot minute till yae but idc)
I really liked her play style, and i have a r5 stringless i just don't have materials for ascending her because of Ei
I have her with my diluc, she's lvl40 rn, but when you put her with this team comp: Diluc, Xingqiu, Sara, and Bennett
Using Bennett's Q plus the Noblesse Oblige 4set then using E on Sara with the attack buff then switch to diluc, you'll have an insane amount of attack buff it's so strong
if i get her, this will be my team
happy to know it works
Nice video, Just pulled 3 or 4 Saras and a Baal, trying to pair them with sucrose and Xinqiu for a nice taser comp
And not to mention Sara JP VA is the same VA for Rapthalia from the SHield Hero... feels weird sounds weird.. yet I love it
are we not gonna talk about his uid is literally 10125!!!!!!!!!
Disappointed at her buff duration
True but she does it more frequently to make up for it
Her skill is so beyond hard to utilize especially for mobile. Her crow feather teleport should deal damage also
get c2 to fix that problem
@@ItsJustGreen the issue is being able to use the skill to boost someone else, in co-op it has some use but for a team it’s easier to just use her burst and never her skill because it’s too difficult to get the timing right while also using it for damage. You have to aim at your feet which means you might be right on a foe so huge potential to get interrupted, too far away and you miss the radius of effect.
ameising explanation i can build her without worry animore
C3 is actually the burst and c5 is the skill , and also c6 cdmg can't be snapshotted ,since it doesn't show up in char stats
Imagine: C2 sara, 300%+ energy recharge, 100% passive uptime, 3+ energy recharge every 3 seconds…
Sounds small but it sounds like a really interesting idea… like a mini-raiden….
Co-op support niche maybe?
I use ningguang as a main dps do you think sara would be good for a support?
Yes cus ningguang buff does DMG in short time while Sara's buff is applied, you can do one thing.
Put crow feather, swap to ningguang and use her skill, go through her jade screen and use burst, while you go through your jade screen crow feather will blast and you'll able to hit buffed burst on ninnguang
I did 2 pity’s worth of pulls. manage to get a constellation from everyone on the banner but sara idk how to feel. Baal has more constellations then my sara bruh.
🌸😹It is to be uttered that were one to be afforded coin each time the community has sought a unit to be “main dps” when it is clearly not, one would be amongst the billionaire elite😹🌸
got c2 sara and baal in 40 pulls im so happy
Nice! I managed to get Sara and Baal in 26 pulls, hope I can get a constellation for Sara in the coming weeks. 🤞🤞
@@herrjingjing good luck!
@@chibble3591 Thanks! I need it😆
I got effin c5 sara and daddy diluc in 90 pulls
I’m not to good at teams and I was wondering weather sara, beidou, yoimiya and Jean are okay together? It’s the only people I really have built okayish so I wanna make sure
Yeah but you might wanna change jean into bennette if you have him but if your jean is better than bennette then you should stick to jean until you can build your bennette
If u just wanna buff team
U can replace sara with benett
Yoimiya has more value with frischl
And especially since oz is off field support
My Firework team is Etraveler, Beidou, Xinqiu and Yoimiya.
is razor, sara, bennett and kazuha/venti a good team comp? this video is very organized. u got a new sub now buddy!
So when she does her burst, she automatically gives herself her skill damage boost? Am I understanding that right?
Yes but after the first hit
Can't wait to test Sara with Razor
I guess that's one less place in the top 5 of this competition...
in all seriousness though this video helped a lot since I got sara and had no idea what to do with her xD
Is it alright to have ningguang, baal, sara, and bennett in a team wd ning as the dps
If you main ninguang then just be prepared to get a lot of shield crystals
U probs rlly want that geo resonance with ning as a main dps, helps a ton.
switch baal for a geo character ninguang have a low energy cost of 40 so she doesnt need baal you can stach both sara and bennet buffs by using sara charged atack first
I think it COULD work, but Ningguang's best run in Geo resonance teams.
I'd recommend running her with any of the other Geo characters because Geo resonance is way too good to ignore (preferrably Albedo or Zhongli for battery and shield respectively, but Geo Traveller and Noelle can fit those respective niches as well).
Furthermore, Raiden's best used with 80 energy characters like Eula and Xingqiu as they gain more of a boost from her.
Finally i got a good character kujuo sara😼
Ill just build her for aesthetics :"D
does her E and Q accumulate ? like, will the main dps get the buff from sara's q and e or do we have to use either her e or q?
idk if i made it clear srry ^^
At C6 she is a monster paired up with Raiden, like please, try it if you have both
I wish there's a taunt in his crow feathers in C2. I always got hit while charging attack. :3
At c2, ypu can alreadiy get the ATK buff from the weaker dmg crow feather. You can save the aimed shot for later. It lasts 18s so don't need to feel rushed into using it.
I hate Sara elemental skill :( it's not my type to but her elemental burst awesome
I wish they buff Sara elemental skill she teleport then hit a thunderstrike to one opponent something like that
Ugh it's just feel empty in her elemental skill
Ayanokouji !👀
you'll like her in c2, its just like you said, she teleports and a thunder hits where u were
Thanks for the video I have her C0.
I tried to get c6 Sara but its too impossible. I spent 170 intertwined fates and got 3 Baals I.e c2 Baal but only a c2 Sara.
same the rate for sara is garbage for me. I got 10 sucrose and 2 baal with 150 draws
Lucky, I got c2 baal but C1 Sara. The rest was just sucrose. C2 is that minimal sweet spot, so hope I can get her at least there within the next 20 days :)
Rip. I wish I would’ve got lucky with Baal cons
100 fates c0 Baal c5 Sara
Wth i got c5 saras in 90 pulls
No baal tho
Mind showing off her timing a bit in an electro team to work the buff in? 6 seconds is pretty short.
I finally got sara after 90 wishes :))))
is Favonius okay on her or would you strictly recommend Sacrificial?
Every time i use the elemental skill i go one step backward is that a bug or meant to be
I hope I don't get roast by saying this, baal is the first character that I play in trial that feel so..... Meh, unlike albedo. Looks like Raiden c0 with her r1 signature weapon is no go. But Sara is absolutely a beast though
I sorta agree, her gameplay isn't super different from other characters that auto attack, but they do look super cool
@@rywum yep
Yeah maybe because baal is a venti type that you just press her Q and change to your main dps but I don't want to said she is bad cause gameplay often change every patch plus Mihoyo probably gonna make baal viable like they made to Zhongli thou
I actually loved her trial - her animations and attack sequence feel super smooth. She doesn't do the most damage but I have really great supports (Zhong, Benny, XQ) who cover that so she fits great w me.
Her trial is actually misleading because of how bad her artifacts are. She has awful crit/crt dmg (50/90 iirc) and she has 2 piece severed and 2 piece thundering when she has 280% recharge. That gives her 15% electro damage at the cost of 70% damage with her burst, who would ever do that.
I'll stay with my team... Ningguang, Xingqiu, sara and qiqi
Current team is Baal, Sara, Yoimiya and Zhongli.
Does the buff on Sara's E carry over between character swaps, or is it just the character who stands in the AOE?
Just the character who stands in the AoE
i main lisa and is aiming for c6 sara rn bc i'm planning to put her in the same team. would that be good?
So you have to just pick up the buff in her elemental by moving within her AOE? Then you have to do a charge shot that scales off her base attack? Wouldn't you *want* to upgrade her normal then?
Will sac bow passive proc with her skill? I didn’t think it would because she doesn’t hit when she back dashes?
Hi!. What about Tenacity of the Millelith for an exclusively support Sara? I only want her to boost my Eula. (Baal is in the team too)
Guys, I just pulled Baal (C0) and Sara (C1). Given my limited resources (f2p here), I can't level them both. Which would you advise me to go with? As backup info, I don't have an electro character (I have beidou C1 and Razor C1 at lev 1 but I never used them), and I don't have neither archer or polearm character. My current team is Diluc, Eula, Sucrose and Barbara. Thanks a lot in advance!
Baal definitely
Baal absolutely. Her synergy with Eula is amazing. Sara doesn't have much Synergy with Eula due to Eula's burst lasting so long (at least if you want the best damage)
Toobad, I love the Sara character....oh well....I will go with Baal then. Thanks a lot guys for your answers!
Holy shit bro that was fast
Igot her just now say congrats😭🥺
Could you do a build for main DPS Kazuha?
If I don't have harp but have pulse, should I use pulse on her? or one of the other options?
kinda iffy to pull for sara, should she be okay to use with yoimiya as a support? or would it be better if i used bennett with yoimiya? thank you!!
definitely Bennet with yoimiya because as he said in the video you have to be in melee range to get the buff on her E which can be rough on ranged chars if you don't run a shield
I even use both Bennet and Sara together lol, since their attack buff can stack, its totally broken lmao
yoimiya Baal xingqiu Diona or swap diona with sara? I have sara at c2 but not built and I don’t have bennet
You can swap diona with sara but I definitely recommend building Sara before swapping
@@Braxophone ok thanks~ I’m just worried that there’s no healing on the team except xingqiu ult
In that case I'd swap xingqiu
in team with Raiden, Xiangling and Bennet who will be better Sara C2 or Mona?
I have a feeling i am about to pay just for sara
Have you tried Noble 2pcs and thundering fury 2pcs?
I'm planning to build her as quick swap burst
=w= didnt really go to read her talent description. thought she is attack-type and quite meh one. so, she is support type. umm. gonna take long time to get her C6 D: i guess current trend for artifact is Emblem of severed fate, which best for everyone esp support to keep using burst. o.O
Does Sara work well with Ningguang in a team of Ningguang, Zwingli, Sara, and Bennet
I managed to get c4 sara,I hope I can get raiden too
I was aiming for Raiden but I got her and her constellation.. Oh well
Brax you'll kill me for this but how do you feel about me running phys Zhongli dps Noelle heals Ning sub/battery/burst nuke with Kujou as secondary nuke/attack buffer
is stringless good on sara?
this video show one of the reassons i want Sara in my team.
whit bost and buff, we can do a increible damage, more if we play whit elemental reaction, decreasing defences.
good, video, i like it. hoppe get sara, and have her at C4
Honestly didn't even want Sara and Baal, only wanted Sucrose or Xiangling constellations but ended up pulling c4 Sara along with a Baal then only one damn Xiangling with all my primogens hahahah
damn, i got 3 xianglings with 70 pulls, 2 sara's and 1 qiqi con
@@governmeharderdaddy596 Mihoyo somehow always gets you the opposite of what you want lol I actually ended up trying to wish more and ended up with c6 Sara and c2 Sucrose at least
@@frownypoints been weeks now and haven’t gotten any more Xiangling constellations but at least got 2 more Sucrose constellations also got a c6 Sara so I guess now to focus her now lol
what does sara elemental skill scale with? i mean like bennet he scale with base attack, so what about sara?
I though raiden will become tengu like in previous hi3, but it was wrong the tengu was sara after all, a dark featers also good tho.
when does raiden become tengu in hi3? Ive been playing but havent seen that
@@Braxophone her armor just resemble about it so much about tengu.
Is this team good: Diluc, Sara, Rosaria, and Barbra?
my Baal has 200+ er do I still need to build her (SARA) with some er?
my friend got c6 Sara and now he sad because he don't get raiden
who is better for eula's support? beidou or kujou?
guys pls help me on this one, the burst gives the same atk buff as her skill, so for the buffs only, should i upgrade the ult too? or at whatever level it will give the same atk bonus?
@@KN1GHTCRAB so c3 is enough then? i want her c6 but as a low spender ill get the cons overtime, currently at c2. btw cheers mate thanks for the info!
5:22 is that bennet artifact really.... lvl 20
i think he said he's on a creator server or smth
@@kenji6594 hmm wat does that mean though
@@governmeharderdaddy596 oooh thanks for explaining ^-^
Is favonious bow good for her?
Does prototype Cresent passive ability help?
Why sac bow? It won't reset your skill, will it? My personal favorite 4star bow for her is blackclifd warbow just because it has the highest base attack among all the 4star weapons and high base attack benefits her attack buff the most
Sac bow also has the highest base atk out of the 4 star bows (equal to blackcliff warbow) and er is a good sub stat to have
The passive may reset her skill cd but I haven't tried that out yet
Ofc if u want to go dps sara blackcliff will be better
It will reset her skill cd. Her charged atks count as skill dmg (purple bomb thibgy)
@@andrewjamez9741 nice it's probably the perfect bow for her then
@@daimon3554 But I can't just take away sac bow from Diona. It's too valuable
@@weusedtobeangels hm idk fav bow will give diona more er that's what I use on her soo
Does baal with fate set and sara with fate set stack???
I don't know how I feel about this character. I just can't stop comparing her to Bennet and she just pales in every way. Even her C6 while nice for electro characters, pigeon holes her further. Her buffe are shorter, require a charge shot... idk I think she is overhyped big time
She is better than Bennett at C6 because she doesn't lock you in place, you need way less healing and shields when you can freely move around. And she allows you to have that. Also she charges her shot much faster than any other character in the game so it not a real problem.
@@bloody4558 copium lol
@@minzuhagenda Bennett is really not that good for main damage dealer, and he enforces a gameplay that really doesn't help many characters. You think it helps because everyone needs ATK values, but it's actually against the kit of quite a few characters, why else do you think that for the longest time People would complain about anemo traveler's burst?
People are so addicted to depend on him that they don't see how much he limits you. He is also pretty mediocre in Co-op because of how enemies won't always aim at you, so players will all go their own way instead of being in the circle. His healing also sucks as you are forced to remain in the circle. Many people like him because they already had Anemo supports to allow for Bennett to solve his problems. But he is less valuable without them because many enemies will run around the map instead of going to face you. Of course he is ultra valuable for characters who can snapshot his buff. But for everyone else he is indeed overated, as you would easily recover the damage you lost by not having him in the team, by simply having the freedom to attack whenever you want and use whatever character you want. At the end of the day, damage numbers aren't as valuable when you can't deliver them in a timely manner.
@@bloody4558 what are you snorting bruh😭
@@minzuhagenda Copium? No.
People have been playing stupid melt and vape comps for so long that they forgot that Bennett was originally ignored and unused, and people still cleared the abyss without him. There are many successful team setups which doesn't include Bennett in it, and with the improved Electro-Charged, Swirl and overload, you can easily compensate for not having him in your team, since now these reactions can cause acceptable damage, moreover, people are still thinking that electro reactions are underwhelming, but few have actually tested the reactions properly after the EM buff. And I've yet to see proper testing on teams made specifically for it. People are still locked in the Idea that you need to have a source of vape to have damage.
Is Xiao bennett mona sara a good team ?? (Xiao main dps, mona support , bennett healer/support)
So how does her c6 work? Kinda confused at that.
It means any party member that receives Sara's attack buff will also have an Crit Damage stat increase. So for example:
Your Keqing has 200% Crit Damage stat. When she receives Sara's attack buff, she will now have 260% Crit Damage stat ONLY when dealing Electro Damage. So the increased number doesn't actually reflect on the Attribute page.
@@azorailke6057 I see. I was wondering why it wasn’t shown there haha. Thanks!
Ngl I’m a bit disappointed in her kit. I genuinely love her character but she’s a really passable 4-star for me when compared to Bennett. Not only that, her charged shots will be a mess for me to shoot (on mobile, and the interruption to enemies will be a disaster). Overall, she can be an okay character, but can be switched for another very easily.
(This is just my opinion, I don’t mean to offend anyone or oppose my opinions on others. :) )
I just got her
I did 100pulls… only two Sara
I need another DPS cuz I got qiqi instead of kazuha and then got yoimiya so Im building her as a main DPS. I can just feel myself getting qiqi on shogun even tho I rlly want her
I'm going to 90 her and elegy she is c6 and so far I did math I should have 184er I stoll need a gob and feather so it could be 190 plus and ima Try to get more cr cd and atk and do 1 9 9. I beleive the stats should be good. Ima try for 150cd 60rate or better
I am building her for Raiden, although no c6 so far :/