Bhaī Jīta Mērī Kripā Kāla Kērī | Kirtan - Bhai Bahulivleen Singh Ji

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024
  • Kirtan by Bhai Bahulivleen Singh Ji and Jatha. Audio taken from:
    ਜਬੈ ਬਾਣ ਲਾਗਿਯੋ ॥ ਤਬੈ ਰੋਸ ਜਾਗਿਯੋ ॥
    jabai bāṇa lāgiyō . tabai rōsa jāgiyō .
    When the arrow struck me - then rage arose within me.
    ਕਰੰ ਲੈ ਕਮਾਣੰ ॥ ਹਨੰ ਬਾਣ ਤਾਣੰ ॥੩੧॥
    kara(n) lai kamāṇa(n) . hana(n) bāṇa tāṇa(n) .31.
    Taking my bow in my hand, I pulled it back and fired arrows.
    ਸਭੈ ਬੀਰ ਧਾਏ ॥ ਸਰੋਘੰ ਚਲਾਏ ॥
    sabhai bīra dhāē sarōgha(n) chalāē .
    All the warriors fled when I fired a volley of arrows.
    ਤਬੈ ਤਾਕਿ ਬਾਣੰ ॥ ਹਨਿਯੋ ਏਕ ਜੁਆਣੰ ॥੩੨॥
    tabia tāki bāṇa(n) . haniyō ēka juāṇa(n) .32.
    Scanning the battlefield, I fired an arrow and killed a young man.
    ਹਰੀ ਚੰਦ ਮਾਰੇ ॥ ਸੁ ਜੋਧਾ ਲਤਾਰੇ ॥
    harī chanda mārē . su jōdhā latārē .
    I killed the hill-chief Hari Chand, and his warriors were trampled.
    ਸੁ ਕਾਰੋੜ ਰਾਯੰ ॥ ਵਹੈ ਕਾਲ ਘਾਯੰ ॥੩੩॥
    su kārōṛa rāya(n) . vahai kāla ghāya(n) .33.
    The chief of Kutlehar - Mahakaal (Vaheguru)/death killed him.
    ਰਣੰ ਤਿਆਗਿ ਭਾਗੇ ॥ ਸਬੈ ਤ੍ਰਾਸ ਪਾਗੇ ॥
    raṇa(n) tiāgi bhāgē . sabai trāsa pāgē .
    The remaining warriors fled the battlefield and ran. They were all full of fear.
    ਭਈ ਜੀਤ ਮੇਰੀ ॥ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਕਾਲ ਕੇਰੀ ॥੩੪॥
    bhaī jīta mērī . kripā kāla kērī .34.
    I have attained victory by the grace of Mahakaal Vaheguru.
    ਰਣੰ ਜੀਤਿ ਆਏ ॥ ਜ੍ਯੰ ਗੀਤ ਗਾਏ ॥
    raṇa(n) jīti āē . jya(n) gīta gāē .
    After winning the battle, we returned and sang the song of victory (Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh).
    ਧਨੰ ਧਾਰ ਬਰਖੇ ॥ ਸਬੈ ਸੂਰ ਹਰਖੇ ॥੩੫॥
    dhana(n) dhāra barakhē . sabai sūra harakhē .35.
    All the warriors were rejoicing, upon whom I showered lots of wealth.

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