- 第六站 The 6 Cafe & Restaurant the food is so small size i feel not enough to fill my stomach but the dinner is more full and big size for the food worth the price!
i have recently go to their restaurant for lunch 2 week ago its small size not worth the price , black listed for their lunch lee +sing is the best for lunch dim sum cheap and good but long wait!
- 第六站 The 6 Cafe & Restaurant the food is so small size i feel not enough to fill my stomach but the dinner is more full and big size for the food worth the price!
i have recently go to their restaurant for lunch 2 week ago its small size not worth the price , black listed for their lunch lee +sing is the best for lunch dim sum cheap and good but long wait!
i love this restaurant. i love their curry beef and their black pepper sauce prob the best imo. would recommend
其實我覺得茶餐廳嘅黑椒汁真系一絕,整得好味嘅話真係好鬼好下飯! 🤤
Thanks for sharing!
This restaurant is so good it cured my depression. 10/10 I love their black pepper sauce dishes
真係開心你可以重新有個好嘅健康生活! 如果可以樣樣是睇開啲,心情會更加愉快, 有自然每1日都過得開心啲! 愿彼此共勉😉
Very good
修理呢個價錢其實真係算係OK 㗎😬
慳加人生活.CanSaverLife, Your videos always make me happy, so I subscribed!