12 Most Ancient Archaeological Discoveries Scientists Still Can't Explain

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 5

  • @user-px9rt4ev9x
    @user-px9rt4ev9x 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    They were to pipe in air and water

  • @lancewalker1999
    @lancewalker1999 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Dating back an astonishing 45 years????? LOL

    • @VanMichael21
      @VanMichael21 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Yeah I had to rewind to make sure I heard that correctly lol I have socks older than that.

  • @olavijoenkoski6360
    @olavijoenkoski6360 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ei ole mikään miltä näyttää ja minkä olemme hyväksyneet., kaiken alkaneen kuin suuri pamaus. Tämä järkyttävä ympärillämme oleva kokonaisuus on ollut aina laajentuen ja muuttuen, mutta sitä ei homo sapiens voi ymmärtää. Kaikki, tutkittu jatuntematon on kuin suuri kartano, olemme vasta porstuassa, mistä homo sapiensille eivät ovet aukene koskaan. kuin päiväkirjan sivu , seuraava on erilainen uusine asioineen.

  • @primesspct2
    @primesspct2 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I have the ""spheres" in my flower bed. They are all over my area in the US. Once called cannonball concretions, thought to be formed during the ice age; this theory has since been debunked? Still no one really knows, and I love the little mysteries sitting in my flower beds and in my home, yes my best is kept indoors. They keep me thinking , how????

    To the maker of this video, let me just say in my opinion; additional footage of film clips and other photos, to reinforce theses supposed theories, are not helpful. You show one quick photo of an archeological object, then fill in with photos of what it supposedly is; that are not related whatsoever.! ( that can be proven) I would rather see the object from every angle and for longer. Than a clip from some movie.
    That tooth looked like a horse tooth to me. So quick put up a giant horse photo!
    I don't know, is always a valid answer, when we do not or can not know.
    Obviously there were people on earth, that had knowledge, that we didn't think they had. Science is fundamentally theoretical.
    The gigantic theoretical leap, that aliens gave primitive man knowledge is just that , a huge leap of a theory! Why would we suppose that ancient man was stupid?? Because that's what we have been taught, in the theory of evolution? Maybe humans actually devolved, then had some kind of renaissance??
    Makes as much sense as aliens. Just saying . Nothing is truly known about the origin of the earth, its people and flora and fauna. It is okay to not know, it is allowed and I argue should be encouraged for people to reject a theory or theories , and think for themselves. That's how scientific breakthroughs have always worked.
    It is okay to have your own thoughts and opinions, and to say "We don't know"! To say what you are being taught as fact, may in truth not be a fact but a supposition of many. The scholars of old ,often were laughed and argued out of the room; only for us to learn years later that his or her rejected theory was correct after all.