"PAYOJI MAINE RAM RATAN DHAN" - melodious Meera Bajan on Lord Ram

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • I have recieved a treasure of God's (Rama) name. My true Guru (spiritual master) gave me this invaluable gift and gratefully, I accepted it. I have lost my worldly possessions, but gained a treasure, that would have taken several births to acquire, in this life. No thief can steal this treasure (of His name), This treasure multiplies even if I spend it freely. With this vessel of truth and my guru to guide me, I crossed this occean of life. The Lord of Mira Bai is the Courtly Lord Giridhara, of whom I merrily, merrily sing His glories.
    Meaning courtesy: creative.sulekh...

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