Episode 2 - Starbucks Brew Crew - Ivan Georgiev - Regional Operations Director SBX RO & BG
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2025
- Inspirati de noua Misiune Starbucks: “With every cup, with every conversation, with every community - We nurture the limitless possibilities of human connection.”; am deschis o noua conversatie, in jurul unei cesti de cafea, explorand comunitatea Starbucks din care facem parte si asa am ajuns la Starbucks Brew Crew - un nou podcast marca Starbucks RO! In cadrul acestui podcast vom incerca sa descoperim posibilitati noi de a ne conecta cu lumea cafelei, cu partenerii Starbucks si povestile acestora.
Inspired by the new Starbucks Mission: "With every cup, with every conversation, with every community - We nurture the limitless possibilities of human connection."; we opened a new conversation, around a cup of coffee, exploring the Starbucks community which we are a part of, and that's how we arrived at Starbucks Brew Crew - a new Starbucks RO brand podcast! In this podcast we will try to discover new possibilities to connect with the world of coffee, with Starbucks partners and their stories.