Hay sahabat terbaikku 👍👍😍😍😍😍😍😍 mantap kawan ku Alhamdulillah 🙏🧕🏻🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 ini sangat bagus dan berkualitas luar biasa keren banget kawan ku Alhamdulillah 🙏🧕🏻🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
☾🌛👍🏻🔔The way you do the work gracefully - I am very proud of you. Thanks for going through the trouble and it's worth it. I’ve never witnessed such awesome editing as this one. You have the absolute power to rise above any situation or struggle and transform yourself into the strongest and most beautiful version of yourself ever. The secret to happiness is doing what you love and learning to love what you have to do to get it. Congratulations and best of luck for your promising future. Keep doing the best work. Great job, you are amazing, you are important, you are special, you are unique, and you are valuable! Never give up, go ahead, fight for your dreams, everything will get better for you, I wish you good luck. I truly love your channel. You have my full supportt 🎁 Like 8
Cara buka banyak enak ya om cepet kalo pake mesin
Hay sahabat terbaikku 👍👍😍😍😍😍😍😍 mantap kawan ku Alhamdulillah 🙏🧕🏻🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 ini sangat bagus dan berkualitas luar biasa keren banget kawan ku Alhamdulillah 🙏🧕🏻🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
L2..ban bocor owor owor...nyebar godong mlinjo
Nunggu dokter e ta cak....
Midek paku piye.... 😁
*Pekerja Keras tenan Lurrrrrr....TK tggu video terbaru nya Lurrrr.... Semangat*
Moga cepat ditambal bannya semangat terus om💪💪💪
waduuuhhhh... gembos ban ne, sabar Om, orang sabar pasti banyak temennya dan cepat datang yg membantu...
*Ujian Lurrrr....ttp sabar dan semangat Happy New Year Lurrrr*
Wah ban ne bocor ditengah2 oro2..
Kudu sabar menanti pertolongan nggih Mas.
Semangat Mas e..
waalaikumsalam hadir lur tetap semangat
Wahh,,truk e ngeban om,,, semangat beraktivitas
*Alhamdulilah akhirnya dapat pertolongan,,,,Rekoso juga ya Lurrrr buka e....*
Musibah nk Oro 2 ban e bocor, alhamdulillah msh ada pertolongan
*Gmn cerita ne kok bisa seperti itu Lur*
Ada peralatan canggih memudahkan urusan. Kerja pun jadi cepat. Bayangkan kalau buka tanyar guna menual pasti lagi teruk.
waalaikumsalam..wahhh bocorrr
L3...sing rukun..
wah ban nya bocor saat ber oprasi di jalan ya bang menunggu pomen buat benerin ban
L.58 sabar bang
tetap semangat dan sukses selalu kawanku
Semangat terus kawan yg sedang menunggu pertolongan dari supir lain. Sukses terus kawan
Ayoooh lanjut
Waalaikum salam wadoh ban depan nya gembos seng penting sabar mase
menunggu pertolongan ya bang semoga cepat selesai lancar
Menunggu pertolongan,, tetap semangat kak
Menunggu Pertolongan Pak De
Cepat sekali kawan buka baut bannya
Banyak juga truk mania yang liwat ya, dan setoringe langsung datang ke TKP
Waalaikumsalam bang, sukses bang
Waalaikum salam ttp semangat bos q..💪👍
Sabar boskuh, semoga tidak terjadi apa2 ya boskuh
Menunggu pertolongan BosQ
☾🌛👍🏻🔔The way you do the work gracefully - I am very proud of you. Thanks for going through the trouble and it's worth it. I’ve never witnessed such awesome editing as this one. You have the absolute power to rise above any situation or struggle and transform yourself into the strongest and most beautiful version of yourself ever. The secret to happiness is doing what you love and learning to love what you have to do to get it. Congratulations and best of luck for your promising future. Keep doing the best work. Great job, you are amazing, you are important, you are special, you are unique, and you are valuable! Never give up, go ahead, fight for your dreams, everything will get better for you, I wish you good luck. I truly love your channel. You have my full supportt 🎁 Like 8
semangat mas e...
Wa alaikum salam bos, selamat pagi
Semangat selalu..
43 byuhh gembos ban ee ..kenekk.paku kui mauu
Johor endi Bos
sakiki neng KL luuuuur iki vidio setaun kepungkur
Malaysia endi Bos
Di kirim kompressor ko kene piye...