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  • @MareczqZglos
    @MareczqZglos 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    My build have a little more self mill, and tutors to grave. I use Mesmeric Orb, Cemetery Tampering plus Entomb and Unmarked Grave. Mesmeric Orb is the most efficent mill card in commander in my opinion, in late game it will mill you 10-15 cards easly for 2 mana. Cemetary Tampering its so easy to active in this deck and mill 3 every turn is still good .
    I didnt see Ashes of the Fallen in yours list - this is better then Maskwood Nexus in this deck - it dose the same, but half the cost. On top of that if you want go hard ther is Conspiracy - but that one cost 5, and in my opinion is to much. I play Ashes + Maswood only.
    If you would change yours ramp and mana base to have no basic, or like 3 of them - then Hermit Druid will be pretty much the same win con as Morality Shift but much easier to cast and find (even with yours Survival of Fittes or Tortured Existens). But even with like 9-12 basic Hermit Druid can still mill 5-10 cards per activatin thats still super good.
    On top of all I think you focus to much on cards that NEED to have the discard etc. effect. Especialy in ramp slot , i think you shoud add more efficent ramp. For sure great is to have the 1 mana enchantments that rapmps You. You would add more chance to mill enchantment and its 1 mana ramp... So for sure I would add Utopia Sprawl and Wild Growth. Still for Ramp I would play the best 1 mana "dorks" - its to good if you can cast yours commander on turn 3. Birds of Paradise and Ignoble Hierarch are must in my opnion ;)
    I would change Goyf/Changelings too ;P You missed one that is really good - Changeling Outcast - its super good if you can have in play so you will ALWASY hit a player every turn. I play a lot of games alrady with this deck (my build have simmilar game plan as Yours - just a little weaker - dont have the 100$ + cards in it ) and You still most of time win by "attacking" with 10+ Goyfs. I would still play Terravore (with yours self mill etc. - its a lot of time 10/10+ - bigger then Tarmogoyf and have natural trample ) and Magnivore (this one is 100% the weakest, but i still prefer him then a lot of changelings - he is still a lot of time 5/5-6/6 with natural haste). I prefer all of this three then Realmwalker (13 other creature cards that he can cast from top... its not CA, its just 2/2 with look at the top ... and maby 1 in 5 games cast 1 card with him.... he is reall not worth it), Cairn Wanderer (most of games it will be 4/4 with 1 maby 2 extra ability... sure if you know You will play vs. deck that care abuat abilitys, and he can be 4/4 Flying, Double Stike with Some proteioncs - he will be good, but most of time he will be a 4/4 with Reach of Trample and thats all. Still this one i was on the edge, just letting know i finali cut him for better cards) and in my opinion Altar of the Goyfs shoud be cut (yes i know its Kindred and Arficats - but most of time, you will not have it in grave - you will reanimate it with Disa - so it will not help in that, and the buff is irrelevant - this deck attack with like 10+ creatures easly... so this is 5 mana - give TRAMPLE thats all.... Domt get it why it give the buff to creature if she attack alone, really for 5 mana it could buff yours full team - then it would be great and for sure still not busted).
    And for last - yes add more reaniemate effect - even to have "cheaper" way to cast Disa when she dies , and she Dies a lot people target here (boots are not that good protection any more). I play Reanimate and Animate Dead - but i get it why you would prefere Drege Return. Still the BEST reanimate spell for this deck is Incarnation Technique... that one is amazing :D Its do both Mill and Reanimate... the best part is you can use 1st. copy to reanimate Disa , and 2nd to mill when she is alrady in play and get even MORE stuff :D
    Ps. I would still add more interaction that is good generic - like Beast Within or new Land Spell Fell the Profane // Fell Mire. With new cards the Shifting Woodland is amazing in this deck - i won one game with copy Disa from gave (she was killed for 4th time, so i would need to pay for her 13 mana that I didnt have) - but even copy any discard out-let is great or even one of the Goyfs for the "Kill". Last thing - its not the team of the deck - but Paraller Lives is amazing in this deck. 6 Goyfs per turn will win you game in max 2 turns ;)

    • @dachivale5319
      @dachivale5319 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Very good reply with many good suggestions and ideas. I also would have probably mentioned quite a few that you have and also agree that the Cairn Wanderer in my experience was bad.. Generally it was just a 4/4 with maybe 1 or 2 abilities. And if you are not able to discard him, really not a great card. The Altar is one of the first cards I cut. Nice to have trample, but you want to attack multiple people when possible, so the buff almost never does anything. So it is just a wasted card slot that could use a better Goyf like Terravore instead.
      Am interested to see your list, if you are willing to share? Mainly I get stuck on my build and have tried a few changes, but cannot seem to find the 'best' options yet. I have not had time to play it that much (about 4 games total, of which 3 where with only 3 people, so not the best for this deck I fear). The one game I did win was mainly due to Greater Good. XD
      The other games I lost 2 and the other game we didn't finish, due to someone joining up.. But wasn't going great, whiffed on mill for 12 cards (all where lands, like how??)
      I like the new lands MDFC's btw.. There are 3 I added to the deck (37 lands with 3 MDFC). So to have more consistency. Would like to add Nethergoyf, but holy moly that card is expensive and I rather not spend like 30 bucks on it. :/

    • @samuelcogny3968
      @samuelcogny3968 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Do you have a deck list to share ?

  • @Knightfall8
    @Knightfall8 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    pyrogoyf is a wincon for me. it's really easy to get some loops going to repeatedly put a 20/20 (or bigger) lhurgoyf out while pyrogoyf is out

  • @Scythecastle
    @Scythecastle 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Altar of Dementia plus Skullspore Nexus is a favourite combo of mine and a sneaky win condition of sorts.

    • @Scythecastle
      @Scythecastle 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Also loving Rankle in the deck for a easy Tarmagoyf token plus can get a draw a discard and a sacrifice is needed.

  • @Knightfall8
    @Knightfall8 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Since the creatures get kinda big, I run disciple of bolas and ruthless technomancer. Altar of dementia, greater good (which you already run), and a couple other sac outlets. You already have tortured existence which is big. I kept selvala in the deck because using these loops i was also able to sack her and repeatedly re-cast her for big mana.

  • @loralexander950
    @loralexander950 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You my friend, are a treasure. Keep it coming!

  • @mbeining11
    @mbeining11 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This made me go back and revisit Jund... I had to whip up slime/Squee and Disa decks, with slime focused on mill dump; and Disa on discard. Couldn't settle on just one Jund way. I really missed Jund lol

  • @PaulHobaica
    @PaulHobaica 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm looking forward to a follow up on updates and changes after you play with the deck a few times.

    • @Winterhe4rt
      @Winterhe4rt 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah, pretty sure this needs a huge overhaul.

  • @gregboulton8230
    @gregboulton8230 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Have you considered Mimic Vat for this deck? Not for the “create a creature token” ability, but for the exile ability means that every nontoken ‘goyf who dies will cycle under the vat before going back to the graveyard, so Disa will put it back on the field. What do you think?

      @TOOSWEETMTG 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Didn't know that interaction but that is awesome, will definitely be giving it a go. Might also add a sacrifice outlet as well as looping Pyrogoyf seems really fun.

  • @Caleone28
    @Caleone28 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’d add Ashes of the fallen as a cheap maskwood
    Nexus type card as well. Entomb would be a great combat trick to instant a blocker from your library, and if you don’t mind the mana cost, conspiracy isn’t to bad. Seriously look into ashes od the fallen which makes all your creature hit the graveyard as lurgoyfs for only 2 mana. Oh, and if you wanna be mean run strip mine to answer bull crap lands and to feed the graveyard. Wasteland is a step down and dustbowl of more budget friendly. Mesmeric orb would also be a janky sweet addition too. Being tons of Chaos to the table and works with syr and commander while in turn destroying your opponents decks as well 😂 hope you enjoyed these recommendations

  • @Winterhe4rt
    @Winterhe4rt 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I love Disa. I am flabbergasted though by all the deck techs to not see some efficient sm0l evasive creatures. I think disas ability to create Tarmogoyfs for.. just hitting an opponent is the real banger for this commander. just set up some little unlockable or flying dudes, cast dissa and swing in to create goyfs. next turn use these goyfs to create even more goyfs. and if its late in the game and the little buggers are not impactful anymore, just discard them to your discard outs. the whole milling package is way to big given the fact how comparably bad all the lhurgoyfs actually are imo.
    That being said you gave me some great suggestions w this video :)

    • @benjamintscholl377
      @benjamintscholl377 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      realy like " hideous taskmaster" in my disa deck

  • @juliocarrasco5522
    @juliocarrasco5522 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice ideas.....Hermit Druid is amazing in this deck...

  • @tanvirrahman7339
    @tanvirrahman7339 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I found more success with a Jund reanimator shell (selecting cards with multiple types over inherently more powerful cards). Once Disa hits the board, you really want to be able to hit all opponents so focus was on evasion and removal (creatures with edict effects b/c creatures are easier to pull from grave compared to spells).
    I have multiple ways to get Maskwood Nexus back but it's not needed. Just Disa alone will get you lots of goyfs. The only goyf you need is Pyrogoyf as an alt wincon and/or removal. I've slowly taken out the others. Nighthowler is just a better card for the deck than most of the goyfs.
    Oddly enough, Altar of the Goyf has been extremely useful. Sometimes there are situations where you can only attack with one creature or you just need something large with trample. I also play Nylea's Bow so Trample + Deathtouch hits like a truck.
    Fill up on ramp, card draw, mill, recursion and Disa rewards you for just smashing face. Mid-game, your goyf tokens should be 6+ power easily.
    I'm still tuning the deck, testing stuff out. (Note - I avoid certain cards that drastically speed up the deck so no fast mana, hermit druid, altar of dementia, etc - at my LGS, decks that have those types of cards tend to wind up taking 20 mins turns at some point of the game -- not games I wanna play)
    I understand people want to play goyfs. I just think goyf tokens are better than most of the goyfs in the precon. If you can afford it, Nethergoyf is worth playing but, again, not needed.

  • @ninjasuperman396
    @ninjasuperman396 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I run three battles in mine just to have that extra card type going on as well

  • @Knightfall8
    @Knightfall8 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    (also, I run mortuary so that any lhurgoyfs I sacrifice for draw/mill effects can get right back out really quick)

  • @TheGirthiestSausage
    @TheGirthiestSausage 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Terravore magnivore are really good as well

  • @kismet8010
    @kismet8010 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm a simple man.. if the cat likes it, I like it 😏

  • @mbeining11
    @mbeining11 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks for the vid man

  • @adamnox2268
    @adamnox2268 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Glad to see my idea for her seems to still be undiscovered.

  • @Combatengineer311
    @Combatengineer311 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You should throw in filth. Gives all your creatures swampwalk. Filth with urborg = win

  • @gonzluisd
    @gonzluisd 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    More like too yellow. Yikes!