I follow your lab to the point where I have to download and install ONTAP. I was not able as NetApp has locked down the download. The lab is pretty much useless without it. Why don't you provide the ONTAP download for practice? Thank you
Hi Paul, Netapp described here ways to run your lab for free on your own hardware. Just sign up for the NetApp community: community.netapp.com/t5/General-Discussion/Is-there-a-place-where-I-can-access-the-NetApp-Online-Labs/m-p/142412#:~:text=Lab%20on%20Demand%20is%20only%20available%20to%20NetApp,there%20are%2016%20labs%20available%20via%20Hands-on%20Labs.
Wow, thank you for this!!!!! Being tasked with monitoring FSx NetAPP ONTAP and have no idea where to begin.
Hi, what is the possible way take external backup from netapp shares
To understand the NetApp software architecture, where do I start from?
Good lesson
thank you!
hi niel - the file iso vyos to the netapp storage is not avilable - do you have anotherone ? new link?
Excellent video!
El curso está en español 0?
I follow your lab to the point where I have to download and install ONTAP. I was not able as NetApp has locked down the download. The lab is pretty much useless without it. Why don't you provide the ONTAP download for practice? Thank you
Hi Paul, Netapp described here ways to run your lab for free on your own hardware. Just sign up for the NetApp community: community.netapp.com/t5/General-Discussion/Is-there-a-place-where-I-can-access-the-NetApp-Online-Labs/m-p/142412#:~:text=Lab%20on%20Demand%20is%20only%20available%20to%20NetApp,there%20are%2016%20labs%20available%20via%20Hands-on%20Labs.
Helpful 😅
0:25 architcture