Maulana MMAN is indeed a v pure, humble human with divine speech who brings so many years old tragedy alive with emotion and deeper meanings in the spiritual context !! myself being a non muslim and v strong in my faith ad value system, i relish every single word he speaks with so much purity conviction and strength.. may lord gd b with him always. regards
Great words for him coming from a non Muslim.Agree with you,..
Maulana MMAN is indeed a v pure, humble human with divine speech who brings so many years old tragedy alive with emotion and deeper meanings in the spiritual context !! myself being a non muslim and v strong in my faith ad value system, i relish every single word he speaks with so much purity conviction and strength.. may lord gd b with him always. regards
I appreciate on your thinking and God bless you
Behtreen alfaz, adayge. Mashaallah Labbaik Ya Hussain
Kya aapki majalis tehreer mil sakti hain