Fettisdagen is actually translated as the fat Tuesday. (fet = fat, tisdagen = the Tuesday). I think she has never heard the name Shrove Tuesday before. Semla is a really nice treat, but I think it's unfortunate that they sell them earlier and earlier every year. Takes away the sense of Shrove Tuesday as a special semla day. This video was probably made last year because Shrove Tuesday was on February 21st then. The bun is a typical wheat bun flavoured with cardamom. The only variant of semla I've tried is with vanilla custard instead of the mandelmassa (mandelmassa is superior in every way) but I would like to try the wrap and the one with Nutella. Yes they always have best semla contests. Every year, in every town - coz they don't have anything better to do lol. King Adolf Fredrik died from overeating. Semla was the dessert, the last thing he ate, the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak. Kan jag få en servett tack? = Can I have a napkin, please?
To me, semlor available almost the full year is a good thing (not religious). Can enjoy one with coffee anytime, except perhaps for the middle of the summer. (It's no "treat" really though, it's a pastry.)
There is a news article from ages past (think around 19050) where a bakery was brought to trial and fined for selling Semlor too early in the year. Nowadays Semlor has gone the way of Christmas decorations where you see stores decorating trees in November and bakeries selling semlor in january.
No, no, no. Shrove tuesday is what "fettisdagen" is named in English. The last day before lent. Tomorrow is "askonsdag" or "ash wednesday" in English. The first day of "fastan" or "Lent" in English. Closer to Easter we have "Palmsöndagen" = "Palm Sunday", "Dymmelonsdag" = "Holy Wednesday", "Skärtorsdag" or "Maundy thursday", when Swedish kids dress up as old ladies/witches, and "Långfredag" or "Good friday", "Påskafton" = "Easter Saturday", "Påskdagen" = "Easter day", "Annandag Påsk" = "Easter Monday" "Fat Tuesday" isn't a thing and is not the English translation, you're thinking of the French name, "Mardi Gras", which is where we got the Swedish name from as a direct translation.
Mom's bakery made some with applesauce for nutallergic customers. If not sold we get them at home after she paid for cost of ingredience. Not for worktime since she was the one doing them herself. We mostly had "het vägg". 😊❤
I recently found out that in Scotland they have something called a "scottish (whipped) cream bun" which is similar to semla but without the almound filling.
Me and my coworker might have threathened our supervisor with "severe consequenses" if he doesn't come to our site with semlor tomorrow haha. (We're construction workers so we move around a lot)
10:13 burgers have the shape of a semla though "formpurist" is someone who cares about the shape "innehållsrebell" could be someone who rebels against the ingredients. or innehåll is what's inside it i only ate spaghetti on the fat day though
Absolutely historically correct about the days after fastlags dagen. Then a few christianity days as well We also have a vårfru dag when we eat waffles. Simple explanation sometime in our history someone misheard the sentence vårfru and våffla. In swedish våffeldagen och vårfrudagen sound quite similar. Easy to mishear similar words.
Traditonalist. My and my youngest child made semlor last weekend. We ate one each with mandelmassa and grädde and then put the buns in the freezer. Tomorrow we will all have one after dinner if we dont get one at work/ school.
Finn here, I always thought that swedish word is combination of Fett and Tisdag.... Fat Tuesday... (Laskiaistiistai in Finnish, which is downhill riding with sled on Tuesday, the Tuesday again here..)
About the history. This is fest before Easter fasting. It start on Sunday seven weeks before Easter and you can eat meat til following Tuesday. So this day is orginally end of Eating fest.
Buy some buns at the bakery. Whip up som lactose free heavy cream. You can make your own paste from sunflower seeds and sugar in a good processor and let it set in the fridge for a while. Its really good
You're doing great! 🙌🏻 A for effort! 😁 As you could see in the video there's a lot of new versions 😅 my kids prefer the nutella one with chocolat cream. Tomorrow we're trying "toast semla" pretty much a toast with Almond paste inside instead of cheese. Then add cream on top and some Cardamom (from the original bun) and icing sugar!
I make my own variant with the ordinary semla bun (with cardemum) and then mix almond paste with banana and chopped chocolate pieces. The cream is mixed with kakao powder. Yummy
I like mine without mandelmassa, vanilla custard and a small amount of cream, and the lid have to be a big round one, not a small triangle, that’s the best part 😋
In Finnish we call these "laskiaispulla." They're one of my favorite things to eat, especially the variety that has strawberry jam and whipped cream. I've already had too many of them this year. They're just so good.
I'm not a fan of whipped cream nor almondpaste. But Semla is sooo good. Fortunately there are sooo many variants, like the danish semla, chocolate semla, semla with strawberry jam and many more.
You handle those swedish senties pretty well Dwayne keep it up! And yes i have eaten one Semla me personally är not the biggest fan of Semlor. 1 or 2 is more than enough for each season, the weirdest Semla i tryed so far is a Natcho taco Semla... was alright and an intressting twist of it.
I absolutely LOVE Semlor. I boght 2 Semlor at the local supermarket and ate one right after the outher. Mate, you have to try a Semla. It's one of the best pastries in Sweden. If not THE best.
I make my own semlor but I'm allergic to almond paste so I fill mine with vanilla cream instead. You can also buy them with vanilla instead of almond paste.
You reacted to a video the other day about "learning Swedish" and he mentioned a few words that could have different meaning (such as Val meaning Whale, Choice, Election, etc). Fettisdagen is kinda a similar thing in how you pronounce it based on location and dialect. You can pronounce it as either Fettis-dagen or Fet-tisdagen (or some other version). Fet-tisdagen is "Fat Tuesday" and it always occurs on a Tuesday so that makes sense. Fettis-dagen would mean something similar to "The day of the fatties" which, well, after a few semlor we all feel a bit on the chonky side!
Unfortunately most of the bakeries are super stingy on the almond paste these days, even when it's diluted with apricot kernels they put very little in the bun.
Eh it’s “Fat Tuesday” not “fatty day” I think she doesn’t know how to pronounce it. “Fettis” and “dagen” would be “fatty day” but it’s “fet” and “tisdagen”. Used to be called “vita tisdagen” that translates to “white Tuesday” and is always on a Tuesday
Lesson for today: translate the recipe from Swedish to english. Lesson for the weekend:, make some Swedish semlor. (Btw, your Swedish pronunciation is very good, I am impressed!) Semla (12 stycken) Deg: 2 dl mjölk 25 g jäst 420 g (ca 4 dl) mjöl 1 ägg 0,5 tsk (teaspoon) salt 1 msk (tablespoon) stötta (pounded) kardemummakärnor 1 dl socker 100 g smör Värm mjölken till max 37°. Smula jästen i en bunke. Häll över mjölken och rör om tills jästen löst sig. Tillsätt 240 g av vetemjölet (4 dl). Blanda och låt sedan vila ca 15 min. Tillsätt 180 g vetemjöl (3 dl), ägg, salt, stött kardemumma och socker. Arbeta in smöret i omgångar i degen. Låt degen gå 7-10 min i köksmaskin till en slät deg som släpper runt bunkens kanter. Låt jäsa ca 30 min under bakduk. Dela degen i 12 bitar och forma till släta bullar. Låt jäsa på plåt med bakplåtspapper 1½-2 timmar. Sätt ugnen på 210°. Pensla bullarna med uppvispat ägg och grädda i mitten av ugnen 8-10 min. Låt kallna. Fyllning: 75 g mandelmassa 0,5 dl hackad mandel Mjölk till önskad konsistens 2 dl grädde Florsocker Skär av ett lock på varje bulle. Gröp ur lite inkråm ur bullarna och blanda det med mjölk, riven mandelmassa och mandel. Fyll bullarna med blandningen. Vispa grädden och lägg en klick på varje bulle. Lägg tillbaka locken och pudra över florsocker.
Truth be told, the king in question had a very unhealthy diet for many many years, and died of indigestion after a six course meal that included a whole heap of these semlor. Or technically, hetvägg, which is the variety back in his days. So though semla wasnwlthe last thing he ate, it was probably his lifestyle rather, than the semla, causing it. On his wiki page, under the headline "Deatg" l, you can see the extent of that last meal - and this was probably pretty much his every day experience: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Frederick_of_Sweden
That is very true. The feast was most likely the straw that broke the camel's back (droppen som fick bägaren att rinna över) and the King most likely had a stroke that killed him. But back in the days, they didn't really eat that healthy food, so it was in a way food related. And the semla is from the beginning just the ''name'' of the bun. So what he had is not the same thing as we eat today. In the 1500's they started to carve out the ''innards'' of the bun and mix with cream, or they boiled it with milk and butter and then stuffed it back into the bun. He didn't have the whipped cream and almond paste in it but it rather got the flavour from cinnamon and raisins and perhaps ground almonds. Hetvägg was created in the 1700's and that was just the bun with the ''innards'' stuffing. The almond paste was added around 1850 and the whipped cream in the very late of 1800's.
Proud (and also a bit sad) to say i haven't eaten a Semla early this year. :D The date changes every year because it's always a tuesday and 47 days before easter, and since easter also doesn't have a fixed date (Easter is on the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox) neither does fettisdagen.
I live with my mother, and before Melodifestivalen I made 12 buns, every Saturday we see Melodifestivalen and eat a semla. It's 5 heats + final so it will be perfect. (Of course I freezed the buns and take them out 2 at a time to defrost) You have to eat the semla quite soon after you make it. I always use some of the whipped cream in the filling insted of water. The bun is a cardemum wheat bun, the recipy is all over internet, this is one of them that do both the original. that killed the king, and the modern recipe. th-cam.com/video/0Ljm5i5N6WQ/w-d-xo.html
I don´t hate them, but I don´t like almond-paste sp I take cinnamonpowder and a little suger and then the cream. (and I really like to eat them with warm milk)
Supposed to be the last delicacy before the fast. As a christian you are supposed to fast month before Easter as Easter is been celebrated as the end of the fasting. An old tradition inherited from Judism to Christianity and Islam (Ramadan).
It is one of the two good things with getting old -- semlas are sold earlier and earlier... 😉 (The other good thing with getting old, is bullying others by saying things like "You kids under 40...".)
People that hate Almond paste usually hate Selma or buy /make a semla without the almond paste and something else like vanilla cream, chocolate mousse or jam inside it instead. There may also be people that hate cream, and therefor don't like it. It's inssanely good.
Nope, he acctually died from eating 12+ semmlor, they where at the tail end of a banquet and where served in enriched warm heavy cream(heavy cream with melted butter) so he died from impaction from over eating it´s just that semlor was the last thing he ate. It´s to bad that THIS is what he is known for since he was accutally quite a good and fair ruler that did alot for his people.
In Finland i just don´t understand why du they call that semla?! Here in Finland semla is sämpylä and it´s bread and the dough is salty. We only use that word for bread and those sure are not sweet and does not have sugar. I sure understand bulla better. That is pulla in Finnish and is mostly same, but sweet and has sugar in the paistry. We eat those at the time of "laskiainen" so the backround for it is totally different. That is the day people are going to slide snowy downhill with "pulkka" (it´s a plastic sledge basicly), "kelkka" (different kind of sledge) or with "liukuri" (slider). Actually you can do that even with plastic bag if you may will . It is something that is one of the favourite day at winter for the childrens and after day sliding down the snowy hills we like to eet those delisious buns. We usually have jam and whipped cream inside and dusted sugar or almonds top of that bun. Butt once again there is lots of similarities whit that Swedish tradition/habbit.
We also have Fettisdagen. Mandelkubbens dag. Fössta Tossdan i Mass. Mazarindagen. Chokladbollens dag . Kardemummabullens dag. Muffinsdagen. Internationella donutdagen. Chokladpuddingens dag. Rulltårtans dag. Kaffets dag. Gräddtårtans dag. Kanelbullens dag . Chokladmuffins dag. Kladdkakans dag. Chokladens dag. Ostkakans dag. Napoleonbakelsens dag. Wienerbrödets dag. Pepparkakans dag. And much more!
Well, it's not called "semmeldagen" so it's not really compatible with the other days you list. ... and what about tomorrow? "Askonsdagen" or "Ash Wednesday"?
Never met anyone who "leaves out" either the grädde or the mandelmassa... Must be some vego-hipsters on Södermalm or something. :) (But sure, the old tradition was to eat them with hot milk, instead of along a cup of coffee.)
I don't eat semla because I hate it!! =) Too much bread, too much cream and the worst thing I really really dislike almond paste. no thanks for me. but I really enjoy watching my colleagues go all yummy yummy at work with powder on their noses. Even our patients at the my hospital is getting a semla today.
If anyone were ever to torture me for some reason, an effective way to do so would be forcing me to listen to Swedes speaking American English. For all eternity...
I have never understood thus semla tradition. I absolutely hate the almondpaste as well as the cream. During my 73 years I think I had semla about 3 times.. so yes therevare people who hate semla😅
Unfortunatly, cream and other dairy products have been hit by the inflation hard, so semlorna this year has had much less cream then the previous years. =/ So I guess this is a compromise on the bakeries behalf. I am also one of the conservative semla enjoyer and I eat it w/o milk. I get that there are variations though as some people can be terribly sensitive to almond. But as for me, who isn't sensitive to almond, original is the way to go. :)
Can you please react to melodifestivalen heat 2 and the artist dear Sara with the song the silence after you?
11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
I don't hate semlor, but I don't like them. But that's mainly because I don't like mandelmassa, and I'm also not a big fan of a mountain of sweet cream.
I don't like mandelmassa, I hate cardamom and I'm not especially fond of whipped cream and the way some swedes drown their semla in milk makes me wan't to puke. I'm the worst Swedish semla eater ever 😂 😉
Haha shes not exactly correct. Fettisdagen means Fat Tuesday. And i dont think anybody hates Semla, its more the Almondpaste, but you can get it with vanilla custard, chocolate, nutella. Its typicall that you get a Semla at your workplace, i only eat it ones a year, and thats at my work haha. Hahaha Burger King came out with a Semla Burger this year, a split bun with a brownie, strawberry jam and cream in the middle . Your Swedish is good!
The Semel day is always on a tuesday, so it does not always on the 21st of february! I don't know hos she could get this wrong! It's not "fatty day" either, it's called the fat tuesday (fet-tisdagen), not fettis-dagen (fatty day). 😭
It's tomorrow. It can be february the 3rd to mars the 9th. The rule is that "Fettisdagen" is 47 days before easter.
Here in Finland, it's called laskiaspulla, and it has either almond paste or strawberry jam with cream
isn't it raspberry jam?
that's what i've heard
Both jams have been used..
Jam buns are not laskiaispulla. They are jam buns. Almond paste is the only true filling to laskiaispulla.
think i saw someone mentioned "Runebergintorttu" during semledagen. looked interesting.
never really heard of jam on semla in sweden.
@@smievil semla is pretty common among those who are allergic to almond paste
I used to eat it when I was a kid
Fettisdagen is actually translated as the fat Tuesday. (fet = fat, tisdagen = the Tuesday). I think she has never heard the name Shrove Tuesday before.
Semla is a really nice treat, but I think it's unfortunate that they sell them earlier and earlier every year. Takes away the sense of Shrove Tuesday as a special semla day.
This video was probably made last year because Shrove Tuesday was on February 21st then.
The bun is a typical wheat bun flavoured with cardamom.
The only variant of semla I've tried is with vanilla custard instead of the mandelmassa (mandelmassa is superior in every way) but I would like to try the wrap and the one with Nutella.
Yes they always have best semla contests. Every year, in every town - coz they don't have anything better to do lol.
King Adolf Fredrik died from overeating. Semla was the dessert, the last thing he ate, the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak.
Kan jag få en servett tack? = Can I have a napkin, please?
To me, semlor available almost the full year is a good thing (not religious).
Can enjoy one with coffee anytime, except perhaps for the middle of the summer.
(It's no "treat" really though, it's a pastry.)
There is a news article from ages past (think around 19050) where a bakery was brought to trial and fined for selling Semlor too early in the year.
Nowadays Semlor has gone the way of Christmas decorations where you see stores decorating trees in November and bakeries selling semlor in january.
No, no, no. Shrove tuesday is what "fettisdagen" is named in English. The last day before lent.
Tomorrow is "askonsdag" or "ash wednesday" in English. The first day of "fastan" or "Lent" in English.
Closer to Easter we have "Palmsöndagen" = "Palm Sunday", "Dymmelonsdag" = "Holy Wednesday", "Skärtorsdag" or "Maundy thursday", when Swedish kids dress up as old ladies/witches, and "Långfredag" or "Good friday", "Påskafton" = "Easter Saturday", "Påskdagen" = "Easter day", "Annandag Påsk" = "Easter Monday"
"Fat Tuesday" isn't a thing and is not the English translation, you're thinking of the French name, "Mardi Gras", which is where we got the Swedish name from as a direct translation.
Well... to be fair, Adolf Fredrik ended his meal by eating *14* semlor with milk...
@@SteamboatWand the cause of death was actually a stroke, and had really nothing to do with the meal itself
Last time you said "jag tar en semla med mycket grädde, tack" it sounded really good 👏👏
Mom's bakery made some with applesauce for nutallergic customers. If not sold we get them at home after she paid for cost of ingredience. Not for worktime since she was the one doing them herself. We mostly had "het vägg". 😊❤
I recently found out that in Scotland they have something called a "scottish (whipped) cream bun" which is similar to semla but without the almound filling.
Wowww wwwooww wwooww !!!! You are realy good in swedish u say it rigth alot of Word u speak is perfekt 😊😊😊
No, as others have mentioned, fettisdagen means fat Tuesday but also Mardi gras in French (as in the holiday celebrated in New Orleans).
I’m really impressed of your swedish pronunciation! ✨😃
You don't butcher anything, bro! Your Swedish is starting to sound good.
I bought my first semla today! And your pronounciation is actually quite decent for never having been to Sweden :)
Your swedish is great!
All newspapers have lists with different bakeries and reviews of their semlor...
I'm always so impressed with how good your swedish is getting through every video!
I grew up eating them in warm milk and with some extra whipped cream and it´s the best way😋
Me and my coworker might have threathened our supervisor with "severe consequenses" if he doesn't come to our site with semlor tomorrow haha. (We're construction workers so we move around a lot)
Great job with the swedish! :)
You are doing a good job with The Swedish
Fatty day = fettis-dagen
Fat Tuesday=fet-tisdagen
It is the last that it the actual name
Shrove tuesday in English.
The Swedish name comes from the french "Mardi Gras".
Grassus Martis
I ve also heard Semeldagen.
seen some say "fetish day" for fun
10:13 burgers have the shape of a semla though
"formpurist" is someone who cares about the shape
"innehållsrebell" could be someone who rebels against the ingredients. or innehåll is what's inside it
i only ate spaghetti on the fat day though
Love semla and I like the version when you eat it with warm milk and in our family we call that version Hetvägg.
It's called Hetvägg, that's probably why you call it that. ;) Jag gillar också hetvägg, det blir något helt annat. 😋
@@GuinevereKnight en kan ju inte vara säker, finns många dialektala ord för saker, därför skrev jag att min familj har det namnet för det.
@@Murvelhund Det har du rätt i, men det historiska namnet generellt är hetvägg, sen kan det säkert alltid finnas mer lokala namn osv. :)
Absolutely historically correct about the days after fastlags dagen.
Then a few christianity days as well
We also have a vårfru dag when we eat waffles.
Simple explanation sometime in our history someone misheard the sentence vårfru and våffla.
In swedish våffeldagen och vårfrudagen sound quite similar.
Easy to mishear similar words.
Traditonalist. My and my youngest child made semlor last weekend. We ate one each with mandelmassa and grädde and then put the buns in the freezer. Tomorrow we will all have one after dinner if we dont get one at work/ school.
I swear, there are bakerys that sell out before the que ends here in Stockholm.
Finn here, I always thought that swedish word is combination of Fett and Tisdag.... Fat Tuesday... (Laskiaistiistai in Finnish, which is downhill riding with sled on Tuesday, the Tuesday again here..)
that's also a debate in sweden
It is.
It is. Fet-tisdagen. Fettis-dagen sounds funny though.
It is "fat" and "tuesday". It's a direct translation of the french "mardi gras" where we got it from.
About the history. This is fest before Easter fasting. It start on Sunday seven weeks before Easter and you can eat meat til following Tuesday. So this day is orginally end of Eating fest.
We have eaten them since at least the medieval times..Every spring. One of our medieval kings ate themselves to death with them.
Adolf Fredrik, 18th century.
Adolf Fredrik! Karl Alfred åt spenat.
Indeed, but the whipped cream part didn't came about until the 1800s (perhaps the late 1700s in some cities).
@@2121gul Tack. Fick hjärnsläpp. Rättat nu.
It's tomorrow this year. Shrew tuesday follows Easter each year.
Being allergic to almonds and lactose intolerant really sucks in Sweden right now :(
You can make it also with marmellate and other thinks you find also without lactose
There are both lactose free and almond paste divergent semlor these days.. So nobody feels sorry for you no more.
Yes but is it even a Semla at that point?@@kirsimatikainen6527
Buy some buns at the bakery. Whip up som lactose free heavy cream.
You can make your own paste from sunflower seeds and sugar in a good processor and let it set in the fridge for a while. Its really good
Same I have to make them at home. They only have lactose free semlor with almond paste in the supermarket.
You're doing great! 🙌🏻 A for effort! 😁 As you could see in the video there's a lot of new versions 😅 my kids prefer the nutella one with chocolat cream. Tomorrow we're trying "toast semla" pretty much a toast with Almond paste inside instead of cheese. Then add cream on top and some Cardamom (from the original bun) and icing sugar!
Had to go get some Semlor when this video came up on my feed😋😂
I make my own variant with the ordinary semla bun (with cardemum) and then mix almond paste with banana and chopped chocolate pieces. The cream is mixed with kakao powder. Yummy
I like the the saffron semla in December and the original sometimes with warm milk and grodsemla - almondpaste is mixed with the grädde.
Grodsemla- frogsemla.🐸
We finns call those Laskiaispulla. Some put marzipan and whipped cream and some put jam and whipped cream on them.
love the jam version.. that wrap version got me thinking .. I am a chef so maybe I will try to make wrap version with chocolate cream and jam....
@@MKitchen75 Some people also use mousse made out of Pätkis
It is not a laskiaispulla with jam. Always almond paste.
@@RoyalMela wrong it can be with jam....
@@touma-san91 that sounds delicious
I like mine without mandelmassa, vanilla custard and a small amount of cream, and the lid have to be a big round one, not a small triangle, that’s the best part 😋
In Finnish we call these "laskiaispulla." They're one of my favorite things to eat, especially the variety that has strawberry jam and whipped cream. I've already had too many of them this year. They're just so good.
Jam bun is not a laskiaispulla. Always almond paste.
I'm not a fan of whipped cream nor almondpaste. But Semla is sooo good. Fortunately there are sooo many variants, like the danish semla, chocolate semla, semla with strawberry jam and many more.
These are something else, other pastries.
You handle those swedish senties pretty well Dwayne keep it up! And yes i have eaten one Semla me personally är not the biggest fan of Semlor. 1 or 2 is more than enough for each season, the weirdest Semla i tryed so far is a Natcho taco Semla... was alright and an intressting twist of it.
Semla is also known as Fastlagsbulle, Hetvägg and Fettisdagsbulle in Sweden.
Kärt barn har många namn... ☺
I absolutely LOVE Semlor. I boght 2 Semlor at the local supermarket and ate one right after the outher.
Mate, you have to try a Semla. It's one of the best pastries in Sweden. If not THE best.
Hetvägg it was called ones. Nowdays it is semla. This bun have had many names during the years.
I make my own semlor but I'm allergic to almond paste so I fill mine with vanilla cream instead. You can also buy them with vanilla instead of almond paste.
Fill them with strawberry jam and whipped cream on top like we do them in Finland.
Just so you know. Most semla are pre made when you order them so you most often don't get to choose how they come.
The bun is a regular cardemum wheat bun.
You reacted to a video the other day about "learning Swedish" and he mentioned a few words that could have different meaning (such as Val meaning Whale, Choice, Election, etc).
Fettisdagen is kinda a similar thing in how you pronounce it based on location and dialect. You can pronounce it as either Fettis-dagen or Fet-tisdagen (or some other version).
Fet-tisdagen is "Fat Tuesday" and it always occurs on a Tuesday so that makes sense. Fettis-dagen would mean something similar to "The day of the fatties" which, well, after a few semlor we all feel a bit on the chonky side!
"Fet tisdag" is a direct translation from the french "Mardi Gras", which is the name of the day in French.
Unfortunately most of the bakeries are super stingy on the almond paste these days, even when it's diluted with apricot kernels they put very little in the bun.
The swedish king died after having a very large meal that ended with 14 semlor and then he died, many people think that he had an heartattack.
I might have snuck in a semla or two b4 today🤣
And yes it's semla day today, changes every year
I bake my own semla. I am allergic to almond, cardemum and laktos. But love semla. I put hasselnötsmassa insted of mandelmassa.
The bunn is a ordinary wheat bun with cardemum the bun is on the sweater side
Eh it’s “Fat Tuesday” not “fatty day” I think she doesn’t know how to pronounce it.
“Fettis” and “dagen” would be “fatty day” but it’s “fet” and “tisdagen”. Used to be called “vita tisdagen” that translates to “white Tuesday” and is always on a Tuesday
Jag tror att det är ett fall av bred stockholmska; de betonar tydligen så märkligt på vissa ord, att de t.om. förvirrar sig själva? 🤷♂️
Lesson for today: translate the recipe from Swedish to english.
Lesson for the weekend:, make some Swedish semlor. (Btw, your Swedish pronunciation is very good, I am impressed!)
Semla (12 stycken)
2 dl mjölk
25 g jäst
420 g (ca 4 dl) mjöl
1 ägg
0,5 tsk (teaspoon) salt
1 msk (tablespoon) stötta (pounded) kardemummakärnor
1 dl socker
100 g smör
Värm mjölken till max 37°. Smula jästen i en bunke. Häll över mjölken och rör om tills jästen löst sig.
Tillsätt 240 g av vetemjölet (4 dl). Blanda och låt sedan vila ca 15 min.
Tillsätt 180 g vetemjöl (3 dl), ägg, salt, stött kardemumma och socker. Arbeta in smöret i omgångar i degen. Låt degen gå 7-10 min i köksmaskin till en slät deg som släpper runt bunkens kanter.
Låt jäsa ca 30 min under bakduk.
Dela degen i 12 bitar och forma till släta bullar. Låt jäsa på plåt med bakplåtspapper 1½-2 timmar.
Sätt ugnen på 210°.
Pensla bullarna med uppvispat ägg och grädda i mitten av ugnen 8-10 min. Låt kallna.
75 g mandelmassa
0,5 dl hackad mandel
Mjölk till önskad konsistens
2 dl grädde
Skär av ett lock på varje bulle. Gröp ur lite inkråm ur bullarna och blanda det med mjölk, riven mandelmassa och mandel. Fyll bullarna med blandningen.
Vispa grädden och lägg en klick på varje bulle. Lägg tillbaka locken och pudra över florsocker.
That's some kind of dessert right? 😅 It's not Surströmming is a fish that smell really bad
Truth be told, the king in question had a very unhealthy diet for many many years, and died of indigestion after a six course meal that included a whole heap of these semlor. Or technically, hetvägg, which is the variety back in his days. So though semla wasnwlthe last thing he ate, it was probably his lifestyle rather, than the semla, causing it.
On his wiki page, under the headline "Deatg" l, you can see the extent of that last meal - and this was probably pretty much his every day experience:
That is very true. The feast was most likely the straw that broke the camel's back (droppen som fick bägaren att rinna över) and the King most likely had a stroke that killed him. But back in the days, they didn't really eat that healthy food, so it was in a way food related.
And the semla is from the beginning just the ''name'' of the bun. So what he had is not the same thing as we eat today.
In the 1500's they started to carve out the ''innards'' of the bun and mix with cream, or they boiled it with milk and butter and then stuffed it back into the bun. He didn't have the whipped cream and almond paste in it but it rather got the flavour from cinnamon and raisins and perhaps ground almonds. Hetvägg was created in the 1700's and that was just the bun with the ''innards'' stuffing.
The almond paste was added around 1850 and the whipped cream in the very late of 1800's.
not a single mention of the vanilla semla, which replaces almond paste with custard
Proud (and also a bit sad) to say i haven't eaten a Semla early this year. :D
The date changes every year because it's always a tuesday and 47 days before easter, and since easter also doesn't have a fixed date (Easter is on the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox) neither does fettisdagen.
Fettisdagen is in english The FatTuesday. Fet Tisdag = Fat Tuesday.
dagen betyder inte tisdag
Det heter Fet-Tisdagen. Alltid på en Tisdag.
I had a semla this weekend at IKEA 😊❤🎉
The bakery semlas have a too big and fluffy bun in my opinion. Homemade semlas with smaller and less dry and fluffy bun is awesome.
I live with my mother, and before Melodifestivalen I made 12 buns, every Saturday we see Melodifestivalen and eat a semla. It's 5 heats + final so it will be perfect. (Of course I freezed the buns and take them out 2 at a time to defrost) You have to eat the semla quite soon after you make it. I always use some of the whipped cream in the filling insted of water. The bun is a cardemum wheat bun, the recipy is all over internet, this is one of them that do both the original. that killed the king, and the modern recipe. th-cam.com/video/0Ljm5i5N6WQ/w-d-xo.html
I don´t hate them, but I don´t like almond-paste sp I take cinnamonpowder and a little suger and then the cream. (and I really like to eat them with warm milk)
I love it but not with almond past becus i am allergic
I like semla but not to much cream or almond in the bun.
Your swedish sounds very good.
Dammit Swedes, you stole this also from us! :P Gotta give it to you that at least you have easier and catchier name for it, Semla vs Laskiaispulla
Supposed to be the last delicacy before the fast. As a christian you are supposed to fast month before Easter as Easter is been celebrated as the end of the fasting. An old tradition inherited from Judism to Christianity and Islam (Ramadan).
It is one of the two good things with getting old -- semlas are sold earlier and earlier... 😉
(The other good thing with getting old, is bullying others by saying things like "You kids under 40...".)
Actually king Adolf Fredrik died from hetvägg - "hot wall" - which is a semla, in a bowl with hot milk. It's delicious, in limited quantities. :)
People that hate Almond paste usually hate Selma or buy /make a semla without the almond paste and something else like vanilla cream, chocolate mousse or jam inside it instead.
There may also be people that hate cream, and therefor don't like it. It's inssanely good.
don't think it's all that impressive with bun and cream.
but i could buy some almond paste
Every other day i eat 2 "semlor" untill the "fettisdagen" is over. Boy it is forfilling. But sooooo good. Swedish best bun1 Without competision.
I always eat semla with blueberry cream and vanilla cream. Don't like almond paste, it's too sweet. But I do like your Swedish
I do love semla orginal. But like see me new things. I have not eat this year now.
and the bread is cardamom buns
Semla is the best thing. I eat a lot every year.
It is tomorrow 13 Februari.
Literally eating one as I’m watching this 😋
I’m so jealous 😂❤️
Nope, he acctually died from eating 12+ semmlor, they where at the tail end of a banquet and where served in enriched warm heavy cream(heavy cream with melted butter) so he died from impaction from over eating it´s just that semlor was the last thing he ate. It´s to bad that THIS is what he is known for since he was accutally quite a good and fair ruler that did alot for his people.
Don´t stop, Mate!!
Its usually the almondpaste, that people eighter like or dislike. I personally don’t like and prefer strawberry in it.
The ones with cloudberry jam and vanilla"cream" are the best one but I alo love semlas with the arziban and vanilla"cream", no titmilk for me.
In Finland i just don´t understand why du they call that semla?! Here in Finland semla is sämpylä and it´s bread and the dough is salty. We only use that word for bread and those sure are not sweet and does not have sugar. I sure understand bulla better. That is pulla in Finnish and is mostly same, but sweet and has sugar in the paistry.
We eat those at the time of "laskiainen" so the backround for it is totally different. That is the day people are going to slide snowy downhill with "pulkka" (it´s a plastic sledge basicly), "kelkka" (different kind of sledge) or with "liukuri" (slider). Actually you can do that even with plastic bag if you may will . It is something that is one of the favourite day at winter for the childrens and after day sliding down the snowy hills we like to eet those delisious buns. We usually have jam and whipped cream inside and dusted sugar or almonds top of that bun.
Butt once again there is lots of similarities whit that Swedish tradition/habbit.
We also have
Mandelkubbens dag.
Fössta Tossdan i Mass.
Chokladbollens dag .
Kardemummabullens dag.
Internationella donutdagen.
Chokladpuddingens dag.
Rulltårtans dag.
Kaffets dag.
Gräddtårtans dag.
Kanelbullens dag .
Chokladmuffins dag.
Kladdkakans dag.
Chokladens dag.
Ostkakans dag.
Napoleonbakelsens dag.
Wienerbrödets dag.
Pepparkakans dag.
And much more!
Well, it's not called "semmeldagen" so it's not really compatible with the other days you list.
... and what about tomorrow?
"Askonsdagen" or "Ash Wednesday"?
Never met anyone who "leaves out" either the grädde or the mandelmassa... Must be some vego-hipsters on Södermalm or something. :)
(But sure, the old tradition was to eat them with hot milk, instead of along a cup of coffee.)
feel like there's quite a few people who don't like mandelmassa
I have never taste nutella and Im 68 years old 😂 And I bye Selmas every time Im go to shop ❤
"Mannen"....your pronunciation is quite good!
Don't cringe...you could be a nordbo any day. 😀👍
The bun is just a regular sweet, wheat bun.
I just had a fika and ate a delicious semla 🙂
Your Swedish is pretty good man. Du har än bra örat för den Svenska språket .
I don't eat semla because I hate it!! =) Too much bread, too much cream and the worst thing I really really dislike almond paste. no thanks for me. but I really enjoy watching my colleagues go all yummy yummy at work with powder on their noses. Even our patients at the my hospital is getting a semla today.
Yes, lent comes after shrew tuesday. We eat Semla, and you brits eat pancakes for the same reason.
I love semla.. rasbberry jam and whipped cream with coffee..
But that's not really a Semla.
well its called here laskiaispulla i like it with jam and cream not with almond @@SteamboatW
besides semla can be filled with jam too@@SteamboatW en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semla
@@MKitchen75 Then it's not a Semla, but something else.
@@SteamboatW well according to wiki but anyways i do those myself and they are delicious
If anyone were ever to torture me for some reason, an effective way to do so would be forcing me to listen to Swedes speaking American English. For all eternity...
I have never understood thus semla tradition. I absolutely hate the almondpaste as well as the cream. During my 73 years I think I had semla about 3 times.. so yes therevare people who hate semla😅
Unfortunatly, cream and other dairy products have been hit by the inflation hard, so semlorna this year has had much less cream then the previous years. =/ So I guess this is a compromise on the bakeries behalf.
I am also one of the conservative semla enjoyer and I eat it w/o milk. I get that there are variations though as some people can be terribly sensitive to almond. But as for me, who isn't sensitive to almond, original is the way to go. :)
Usch mjölk o semla
Can you please react to melodifestivalen heat 2 and the artist dear Sara with the song the silence after you?
I don't hate semlor, but I don't like them. But that's mainly because I don't like mandelmassa, and I'm also not a big fan of a mountain of sweet cream.
Not fettis-dagen.... fatty day. Its fet-tisdagen. Fat tuesday.
Yes, there's even a gangster-wrap nowadays...
I don't like mandelmassa, I hate cardamom and I'm not especially fond of whipped cream and the way some swedes drown their semla in milk makes me wan't to puke. I'm the worst Swedish semla eater ever 😂 😉
Haha shes not exactly correct. Fettisdagen means Fat Tuesday.
And i dont think anybody hates Semla, its more the Almondpaste, but you can get it with vanilla custard, chocolate, nutella.
Its typicall that you get a Semla at your workplace, i only eat it ones a year, and thats at my work haha.
Hahaha Burger King came out with a Semla Burger this year, a split bun with a brownie, strawberry jam and cream in the middle .
Your Swedish is good!
The Semel day is always on a tuesday, so it does not always on the 21st of february! I don't know hos she could get this wrong! It's not "fatty day" either, it's called the fat tuesday (fet-tisdagen), not fettis-dagen (fatty day). 😭