  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • Ernesto Palacio sings "Ideale" by Francesco Paolo Tosti (1846-1916)
    Marco Rappatoni, piano
    Io ti seguii come iride di pace
    Lungo le vie del cielo:
    Io ti seguii come un'amica face
    De la notte nel velo.
    E ti sentii ne la luce, ne l'aria,
    Nel profumo dei fiori;
    E fu piena la stanza solitaria
    Di te, dei tuoi splendori.
    In te rapito, al suon de la tua voce,
    Lungamente sognai;
    E de la terra ogni affanno, ogni croce,
    In quel [sogno]1 scordai.
    Torna, caro ideal, torna un istante
    A sorridermi ancora,
    E a me risplenderà, nel tuo sembiante,
    Una novella aurora.
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    1 Tosti: "giorno" (verified by G. Miscia at the Istituto Nazionale Tostiano in Ortona, Italy, as being in the original score; with thanks to John Byrne for inquiring)
    Carmelo Errico (1848-1892)
    I followed you like a rainbow of peace
    along the paths of heaven;
    I followed you like a friendly torch
    in the veil of darkness,
    and I sensed you in the light, in the air,
    in the perfume of flowers,
    and the solitary room was full
    of you and of your radiance.

    Absorbed by you, I dreamed a long time
    of the sound of your voice,
    and earth's every anxiety, every torment
    I forgot in that dream.
    Come back, dear ideal, for an instant
    to smile at me again,
    and in your face will shine for me
    a new dawn.
    Ich folgte Dir wie ein Regenbogen des Friedens
    entlang der Himmelswege,
    Ich folgte Dir wie eine freundliche Fackel
    durch den Schleier der Nacht.
    Und ich spürte Dich im Licht, in der Luft,
    im Geruch der Blumen,
    Und das einsame Zimmer war erfüllt
    von Dir und Deinem Glanz.
    Von Dir gefangen, träumte ich lange beim Klang Deiner Stimme;
    Und jeder Kummer, jedes Kreuz der Welt
    vergaß ich in diesem Traum.
    Komm zurück, geliebtes Ideal/Bild,
    Komm zurück für einen Augenblick, um
    mir noch einmal zuzulächen.
    Und glänzen wird mir - in Deiner Erscheinung -
    ein neues Morgenrot.

ความคิดเห็น • 6

  • @edgardorughi4776
    @edgardorughi4776 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ascoltare questo tipo di musica, fatta di poesia, romanticismo, interpretata da artisti che usavano la voce per cantare e no emettere versi gutturali, inevitabilmente fai il confronto con ciò che ascoltiamo oggi e capisci il baratro che che viene messo in evidenza e quanto abbiamo perso!!!

  • @mariovaldivieso938
    @mariovaldivieso938 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Qué bella voz... musicalidad, línea de canto, fraseo perfecto... Bravo Ernesto Palacio!!!

  • @rrgallo967
    @rrgallo967 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lovely rendition....the right mood, the right voice......The voice caresses the text....

  • @davidsolomon8203
    @davidsolomon8203 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great warmth and beautifully sung!!! ( This song guarantees its own success: It is a perfect marriage of words and music!!! )

  • @jaimecastropineda2030
    @jaimecastropineda2030 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    me encanta su timbre y su musicalidad!!

  • @sabinewussow2998
    @sabinewussow2998 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bravissimo !