Fr nigga they both have the same flow they like the same beats they the cadences if the same it would just be a banger and it would blow this guy up and he needs it
@@pedror625@Thans Hakes just because someone says something in THEIR opinion you dont get the rant off and the rapper garbage like thats so off topic kid
I always new u were gonna be great Tryston, even when u kicked my football on the roof at EPLA 😂. This song 🔥🔥🔥🔥btw. I’m gonna share it with everyone bro.
Me: playing a game for fun😀 Enemy camper: kills me😵 Me: ight hol my mountain dew😐 Turns on (kujo freestyle) and starts killing enemy players the next round all crazy asf😠😲
When the song says moziroty you probably should have rented one and had you sitting out the window while it’s driving or someone drifting or doing donuts
Make sure to follow me on social media!
Instagram: @s.inoda
Twitter: @s_inoda
Snapchat: @t.ryston
Stay tuned for more music coming out veryyyy soon
ayeee remember me when you become famous
I promise u will become famous bro dude I like this song so freaking much keep it up bro🙌👍
Bro how are you not famous this song is so good
Bruh if ski and this dude collabed, I wouldn’t know whose who.
Fr nigga they both have the same flow they like the same beats they the cadences if the same it would just be a banger and it would blow this guy up and he needs it
It would be like changes - xxxtentacion ft.pnb rock
preciate it guys yall keep up the support it'll happen soon enough
The aye aye aswell
frrr lmao
The fact I looked this up to find the song and then found the music video just came out
its a sign that you need to like and subscribe bro
Sinoda u fire bro just did🔥
Me to
This song Wanna Make Me Rob A dollar tree
do it and get me some goldfish crackers
No balls you wont
@@Sinoda illegal im sending you to rap prison
Sinoda your song is 🔥 no cap
This song drops harder than my grandmother falling down the stairs
i died laughing
His grandma probably died as well
Yo grandma got life alert ya hur
@@Sinoda so did his grandma
That dude in the suit is the best subtle hype man ever. What a king.
You're making me blush :)
The fact that me and my bestfriend listened to this song for 16 hours still scares me. What can i say its just good.
damn bro get ready for this next song I'm about to drop
Sinoda Bro your getting me all gassed I’m so hyped.
That person on your profile pic is a serial killer... take that how you wanna
Real G it was a hoax silly
Sinoda velvet!
Sinoda:”Ridin inna Maserati” the Jeep hes in: am I a joke to you?
I sadly wasn't on premier
You stole my fucking name I use to be hm hm
@@idrisbrokeasf huh
@@idrisbrokeasf GG
Most underrated song even to this day 🙏🏽
Song drops so hard makin the prices in walmart drop
@@deathcodm6405 😭LMFAOOO good 1!
Beat dropped harder than my hairline
@@itsdesean damn-💀😭
This is straight fire and yall remember my ass when it blows up 🤟🔥
Why do it sound like ski mask the God
It sound like this dude should be Korean
it's at 1:27
Ski mask the slump god
This song is soo fire but idk why people dont leave a like
This song makes me go to mars and breathe air
No balls you wont
Am i the only that thought he was ski mask the slump god
No u wasn’t
No u wasn't
Here before premiere!
honestly black ppl always spit plenty fire there are the best rappers always 😎✌
lmao wut
I can gladly say i was here before this blows up ;)
1:15 the best part in the vid
This song go hard no cap
My new favorite song 🔥
One of the best rap songs from this generation
no wayyyyy bro this means alot homie
Sinoda super underated
Sinonda beat on fleak
This guy had SO much potential
I listen to this on repeat for 15 mins every single day
i have been waiting king
Kinda sounds like x and ski when he says ayyyyyy
Stfu bro almost all rappers say that shit stop comparing good rappers to shitty ones like this guy
@@thanshakes2963 damn yo
@@thanshakes2963 This rapper is fire
@@pedror625@Thans Hakes just because someone says something in THEIR opinion
you dont get the rant off and the rapper garbage like thats so off topic kid
bruh I love this song ❤️❤️💯🔥
everybody gansta until sinoda goes requiem😤
Bruh this hit different 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
The instrumental is straight up insane
You have no right making a banger this hard😂😂🥰🥰 go off broooo💃🕺🏿
thanks bro!
I just wanna say your so underrated man 🔥🔥🔥🔥
thanks bro please share with your friends :)
@@Sinoda I sure will
Aye aye aye ayyyyyyyye
Dude i can hear the bass from a mill away
Slump god vibes
Burned my whole manga collection listening to this
Stfu weeb
@@thig6454 Shut up
My new favorite song itz 🔥🔥🔥
This song slaps harder than Chris brown in 2009
this is true i am chris brown
This is fireeeeee
how has this song not blown up like a lot yet this shit is fire and its trending on tiktok
am i buggin rn????
1:13 reminds of xxxtentacion man
Thought it was ski and x
@@Kennykenok same
Bro fr straight up, I’m a huge ski and x fan and the fist time I heard this song I thought it was ski with x Adlibs
@@Kennykenok same
Really fresh video, nice job
thanks bro I really appreciate it
I always new u were gonna be great Tryston, even when u kicked my football on the roof at EPLA 😂. This song 🔥🔥🔥🔥btw. I’m gonna share it with everyone bro.
Mane you are so underrated but ur a huuge 🐐. Fireeeee songgg🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
preciate it g
I honestly don’t know who’s more talented, Sinoda or the editor lol
I swear this is SKI MASK u cant just take his signature AYE AYE!!!!!!
This slaps harder then my dads belt sheesh
Shared this song with 10 friends they love it
Not a single soul:
Tiktok and Fortnite kids: Hippity Hoppity, now my property
Get Help tiktok best not ruin this song
@@marclopez5929 pls stop shut up you 8 yr old cringe
Derpy_Bonnie95 lmao 😂 says the one who looks like he has type 1 and 2 diabetes’s.stfu learn to complete your sentences you clown
The start be the most fire 🔥 🔥 🔥
“that was fire bro” kinda sounded like x for a sec.
Ye fr
This song is fire
found this is soundcloud recommended and it was fire, but i cant find the instrumental, i need the instrumental becuase the beat is fire
Dis song fire🔥
"Yo this dude sounds like ski"
And the king of rap is here
love this
1:18 is the best part
This not a freestyle this a real song no freestyle is better than this 🔥
1:18 my jaw dropped
thanks senpai
Sinoda ❤️🥳🔥
The bay beat go Dummie yess sir 😵 ayeee
This song is so underrated
Bad a## this song is so bad a##I'm going to have to listen to kujo freestyle all day
1:17 best part
Bro this song is so fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bruh I was so excited for this bro and it’s fire 🔥 u deserve the hype
hell yea bro. I really appreciate your support fr fr
My guy ur going places see u in on the radio
if you post the beat its gonna blow up, the beat is to to to to to to fire
1:19 goes hard😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
F for the people who cant find this song
Beat is 🔥:
Song is 💥💥
Those random people at the dinner table are his parents if ur lost
Lyrical Lemonade Would Really Body This Vid !
Tiktok: /🍑/ \🍑\
Sinoda: 👁 👁
i think its funny
Nice song added to playlist
Does anybody know the sample used in this song?
The grandpa lip syncing that was fire bro had me like cring but like 😂😂
Let goo my mans spitting bar
When I first heard this I thought it was Ski
This is my new favorite song 🤪
Me: playing a game for fun😀
Enemy camper: kills me😵
Me: ight hol my mountain dew😐
Turns on (kujo freestyle) and starts killing enemy players the next round all crazy asf😠😲
super powers activated
Sinoda bro lowkey this song gets me hyped and I go crazy on games 🔥
@@Sinoda nice :)
waiting for this brroooooooo🔥🔥🔥🔥😍
yesirrrr show your friends!
When the song says moziroty you probably should have rented one and had you sitting out the window while it’s driving or someone drifting or doing donuts
One if the first ones to see the vid
This still amazing but like, just a bit more budget it would've been fire.
After paritosh montage 😂
Aye finally
imagine him and ski holy shit
It would sound the same
@@corbanhogan6080 HAHAAHAFAFAA
Out of everything this man is a good vloggers
only those who didnt come from tik tok can like
I heard it on tik tok and was like this shit fire so here i am
Look at the idiot begging for likes
This hasn’t even blown up so u came from tictok
@@juanvergara8767 isnt that not what i said in my comment
Oh yeah been waiting for this love the last part
We need an instrument
Ay bruv this is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥
1:18 thank me later😁😜
bro you be droppin BARZ
I have been quite for months first he sounds like zankin skywok then like a fake wanna be ski mask even though g ay Que is wey
Looking good kid!