Im so sick of 5v5 defenders citing cc and shield spam as reasons for why 6v6 was bad, when those things had nothing to do with the format. We could have stuck with 6v6 whilst keeping the changes made to reduce the amount cc and shields in the game, but people seem to think the 5v5 format isnt an independent factor of those changes. Idk why this isnt obvious to people like Freedo.
they don’t think. their arguments are blatantly wrong and have no substance and get debunked INSTANTLY EVERYTIME and they’re so bad at using their brains they keep using arguments that have been proven wrong time and time again. and blizzard gets their feedback from those people. you can’t win against these people. they refuse to think logically or listen to someone who disagrees with them.
Honestly I am predicting if they temporarily bring back 6v6, they’ll do something to sabotage it with purposefully bad balancing to day “See? This is why 6v6 is so bad!”
They 5v5 advocates don't want what's best for the game and only want benefits for themselves. I haven't played 6v6 but even I can see the flawed arguments for 5v5. There are also dumb suggestions for 6v6 like splitting the Tank role which is dumb but overall the arguements are stronger for 6v6 is better.
If blizzard came out tomorrow and said they were going back to 6v6 he'd be sucking them off and saying how good of an idea it is. Bros name is literally "YourOverwatch". If the game collapses he does too. He cant exactly swap his entire channel so he has to always be optimistic about overwatch and say its good cause if the game dies then his channel dies.
i genuinely think aaron is gonna make some excuse on why they ant make 6v6 a thing, and then people are gonna get mad because the "its too hard" argument is actually thrown out the window with people making game's and codes proving it has already been done and isnt hard at all. long story short; I cant wait to see how this turns out *pulls out opera glasses*
That is exactly what he will do. No clear cut reason, no actual sincere explanation, not even a solid and concise yes/no answer. He'll dance around the subject and do everything to give corporate speak on why they prefer 5v5 without outright denying 6v6 or saying they won't go back to it and it'll leave things really vague so he and the dev team can go with full on plausible deniability and pretend they never said no outright or etc.
they have to be very careful with what they say since there is a growing parallel society within 6v6 custom games, less players and increasing queue times in the current standard format. the fact that they've discriminated their own playerbase by calling them nostalgic and portraying them as yapping dogs on broadcast could turn into another blizzard scandal.
@@WolfEyes88 waiting for the new valve shooter cause I honestly can’t take these gaslighting devs. Genuinely never gonna understand if they say “it’s too hard to go back to 6v6” because people have already done it in custom games.
@@whitegrill8809Because going back to 6v6 would make it blatantly clear ow2 was not a sequel but a monetisation update. If game was reverted (as it should) then what is the difference between ow1 and ow2? Just a badly disguised way to put in an overpriced store and battle pass. Hell they could also avoid this whole fiasco by simplying allowing people to play ow1 (with none of the new chars and reworks) and a skeleton crew to do maintenance and occasional balance patch, but nope gotta funnel as many people possible to the battle pass. Can't enable OW cause "they lost the code" (complete bullshit).
the biggest issue i have with Freedo is how he insults the intellect of anyone who disagrees with him. Thats mostly why he gets the heat he's getting from people.
Yeah he basically said that people need to learn how to play the game and stop complaining in his latest videos. Extremely insulting, considering I don't even think he's GM let alone M.
Just randomly found your channel and been thinking of coming back to TH-cam and making videos/vlogs/reactions. Keep it up brother. Your feelings are shared.
Everything about 6v6 is more fun than 5v5 fun bar the spam, which is fixable either with nerfs or map changes to chokes. Synergies, solo playmaking, fight pacing are all way better. I, and I'm guessing many others from the online comments, no longer play tank because the experience is so bad now. Though it would be great if they at least trialed 6v6 at some point among the player base, I don't think they are gonna change it back to 6v6 because of DPS queue times and they will just argue that it's not worth the effort for various reasons.
the new hero they just announced seems like the anti 6v6 hero because every game in high level would be juno and kiri from what i’ve seen from the trailer but to be fair there hasn’t been actual in game gameplay yet
You and everybody else that feels this way should know that if he doesn't announce going back to 6v6 he may as well as say they are staying 5v5 and you can just uninstall. Ignore the corporate fluff in the post.
Dude I played in 6v6 PUGS frequently and Freedo couldn’t be more wrong. Yes, there are a ton of passionate people and comms, but the skills of players in those lobbies differ DRASTICALLY. First game I had on Tuesday was on Colloseo and I had 9k dmg at the end playing Soldier/Genji going like 10-9 and my nearest teammates were tied at 5k. Whole round I was asking myself “why is this so hard?” and I realized my Rein was 2-8… still more fun than 5v5, if our tank was getting diffed that bad on live I’d have 0 opportunity for elims. I got to play Rein the next game on Hollywood and popped off, most fun I’ve had on Rein since OW1. Got a 4K POTG and multiple massive shatters. Just way more fun than any tank moments in 5v5 (closest is empowered/multipunch Doom). Yes the lobbies are sweaty high level gameplay sometimes but you also get some full on plats/golds that are lost. Even using their ranked mode it isn’t perfect since it’s just a discord made thing ran by the community. With proper matchmaking I could easily hop on and have a blast on OW. Instead I have to wait 15 minutes while the discord queue fails to get enough people, someone’s AFK so we can’t play, and organizing the teams in game… it’s just such a complicated process for no reason. 6v6 is already in the game. Just support it Blizzard and I will pay you. And don’t design your own “genius” patch just copy the 7HSKW one because Blizzard is clueless. Edit: 12:45 this is exactly right. I see a clip and don’t see an issue with 6v6, I see it as an OW2 issue because they didn’t work on the live game and their balance philosophy (which they are forced to double down on in 5v5!)
OW2 is the ONLY game I own that's made me rage since the CoD 4 to BO2 era. This is the only game I've played where if you suggest a change OR even try to defend yourself or another person, people will report you for it & you WILL get suspended & it's gotten worse each season. The fact I've been suspended for the most minimal things while the toxic duo/trio can just call me trash & tell me to kill myself, continue playing with no issues is a major problem. For a game that's supposedly a "safe space" it's truly a shit hole for thin skinned toxicity that goes unpunished. ALSO I am begging for a 6v6 arcade mode, I haven't played tank since I dropped it in Season 5. 2-1-2 is the only time I've had fun on Tank as of late.
The thing is with the winton clip is that it still happens all the time on tank, the worst parts of tanking in overwatch 1 still happen and happen more frequently, it's just that you maybe live after getting hit with 1 million cooldowns. It also reminds me of when necros or getquaked on die after misplaying and say it's the character. At least in 6v6 there's a possibility of eating flash and saving you from sigma damage. Or bubble negating CC all together on you. But in 5v5 if you did this exact play the only difference is you might live to tell the tale or die because dps passive makes it so your healers can't stabilize you in time. In his own words trade offs we traded the possible denial of these abilities for the possibility of living through them with no help. From my perspective I would take having an off tank over just living but that's just me def not biased cause i'm an off tank
The dedicated 6v6 server is really good and blizzard doesn’t care what you want they care what you’ll spend money on. They’ll bring back 6v6 if the community refuses to spend anymore money
I have no problem in people defending 5v5 But Freedo i can't stand He is Rude, has no idea of what he is talking about, and feels entilted to his opinion being the right one and will throw stupid arguments and then tell that sams are wrong because he took a argumentation class when he was younger (prob slept threw the whole thing cuz he just commits fallacy after fallacy)
Yeah very true. He's condescending. Seagull used to be the same. I saw many videos of his where he would berate valid criticism of Overwatch in a childish voice, being very condescending just for having a different opinion. Even his popular video that was supposedly pooing on Overwatch he did a while back, he was sucking the shlongs of the devs. But I guess he gave up when he realized the game wasn't fun and worth it anymore.
they have to be very careful with what they say since there is a growing parallel society within 6v6 custom games, less players and increasing queue times/unbalanced matchmaking in the current standard format. the fact that they've discriminated their own playerbase by calling them nostalgic and portraying them as yapping dogs on broadcast could turn into another blizzard scandal
It's annoying that people who want to discredit 6v6 act as if people who want the mode are living in a fantasy world where the game was completely perfect. We know the game had problems, not just from double-shield/insane sustain, there have been multiple balance issues. However, the format of 6v6 wasn't the reason for it, it's because the Devs ignored the game for years. There have been more patches for OW2, than there were for OW1 after 2-2-2 lock.
The Bogur clip is stupid. It's nothing compared to, who was it LHCloudy? On Suruvasa getting bap windowed, killed from only the one ult while playing Reinhardt. From Full hp to 0 in 0.02 seconds. Tanks have had it 10x worse in OW2, it's *so stupid* they keep using these stupid old clips that rarely happened. Not to mention all of those chain CC clips, 90% of them start with a Brig bash. That's exactly how chain CC *always* started when I played Rein in OW1, *always* brig bash. They'll be stupid to confirm 6 v 6 not returning. That will be the final straw for a lot of players. Myself included. Uninstall the moment that is confirmed. The smart thing they can do is put OQ into arcade, bring back 6 v 6 alongside 5 v 5. Have the community, pro's, streamers and high ranked players do the balancing on spreadsheets and testing. Then the devs simply make the changes from the balance requests from community. That way 6 v 6 doesn't get the OQ treatment.
Bogur is disingenuous as fuck, played for a whole stream with flats and spent half the time to bash on people who want 6v6 (despite both claiming to be neutral) only to spend the other half whining about how 5v5 sucks and flats should consider becoming a variety streamer since both arent enjoying the game
Go look at overbuff role pickrates in comp for this month. Masters is wild, and the DPS KDA has tanked. The only role that is consistently played and has a steady KDA is Support. 5v5 is un-balancable. And Fredo has been ratioed in every one of his anti 6v6 videos not just his poles.
I’ve met SO many new players (ow2 not ow1) that prefer 6v6 and agree even the losses feel better. (This is within the 6v6 server and they’ve NEVER TRIED IT)
Overwatch would be amazing with the 10 things below: (1) 2-2-2 Role Queue (2) Hard-CC further reduced. Ana Sleep Dart reworked into a soft-CC dart, Brigitte ult stun removed, Mei's ultimate balanced around no longer freeze stunning, Junkrat Trap heavily slows instead of roots, Cassidy Nade no longer Hinder + Slows (would be more like Bastion's Nade in that it blows up faster so it still gets damage off without needing to Hinder, and it would deal 100 damage or less but have a shorter cooldown and have less range than old Magnetic Grenade), Sombra is the most complicated one to fix, I'd rework Hack into something that doesn't interrupt abilities anymore; maybe it just stops the enemy from activating an ability, or maybe Hack turns into a 50% Anti-Heal. Tanks with too frequent stuns like Doomfist, Orisa, & Roadhog need looked at, Mauga Cage Fight can only prevent fade/teleport abilities instead all movement abilities, etc. (3) All Anti-Heal is now -50%, down from -100% (Ana & Junker Queen would receive compensation buffs), and if an Anti-Healed character gets hit by another one, it would take 50% of the duration of the new Anti-Heal and add it onto the older duration. (4) Doomfist, Orisa, & Roadhog reworked to provide sustain for teammates so they pair with any other Tank much better and make the game feel more consistently like a team game. Roadhog would have a longer Hook cooldown so he hard-CC's less often, Doomfist Rocket Punch would no longer stun, Orisa would be OW1 Orisa again, and Fortify + Sigma's Kinetic Grasp would be nerfed and power put elsewhere in order to give Orisa + Sigma weakness up close to other comps once they close the distance while still having Orisa or Sigma viable enough when paired with other Tanks. Orisa Protective Barrier should be a bit more of a tunnel so it can be used on attack more effectively. (5) Slower left & right move speed for reasonably predictable shots (probably -20% just like backwards movement is), AD-AD strafing in Overwatch is obnoxious. Season 9 Projectile Size increases would stay. (6) General head-shot damage multiplier reduced for all heroes (should either be 1.5x, 1.65x, or 1.75x) to reduce burst damage spikes (7) Healing output slightly reduced across the board on a hero-by-hero basis (should keep the season 9 health changes to prevent DPS/Supports from being bursted down before being able to react) (8) Role Passives removed but All Heroes Passive stays (but dealing damage can also interrupt it so Double Barrier/Matrix teams cannot get the All Heroes Passive more often than a team like Junker Queen + Roadhog) (9) As a result of Role Passives being removed, knock-backs would be reduced across the board on a hero-by-hero basis. (10) Edit certain maps to move away the death-pits that are so close to commonly used routes or death-pits on objectives so knock-backs don't get easy 1-shots on various maps. Knock-backs can be compensated with cooldown reduction or damage if need be.
i find these 5v5ers excuse so tiring tank role was lest played in overwatch 1 because there was barely any varieity compared to like dps role if i remember overwatch 1 had like 5-6 tanks to pick from plus the shield and spam thing could of been fixed so easyily but due to them "working" on overwatch 2 shield spam would been gone way quicker instead they could kept the shop idea and made overwatch 1 with 6v6 format free to play freedo can make all these stupid takes but something is truth from what iv seen is top 500 for tank is plat while overwatch 1 wasnt if that isnt a slap to the face and a wake up call then i hope this next devpost kills the game as hard and shitty as that sounds as i want this game to not fail but its truly hard to keep supporting a game that dosent care back
I absolutely fume when I realize how long Aaron loves to take just to tell us they're never taking any bad decision back ever. The script is already there I won't be able to believe it if Aaron actually wants to fix the game
@@Deusaga this is an extended version of it, there is a version where it doesn't this is just the better version cause it has all the characters you want to see like launch doomfist etc etc for the normal version with no extra characters is NC336
Also I hope Marvel Rivals pops off & stays relevant, I need a new hero shooter since thearena shooters i like don't get much traction at the moment & TF2/CSGO is what I dropped to play OW
lets be real, the overwatch team has 0 direction, they need a change of prespective (or at least of leadership), because i do not trust this team to handle the change properly, 5v5 has its problems because of the format itself but it could have been managed a lot better than it has.
It’s really not that complicated. 6v6 provided way more player choice and match variation. You could choose all dps, all healers, all tanks, all support if you wanted. Any combination. 5v5 doesn’t. It’s incredibly limited and stale.
There is a tweet from one of the developers talking about que times actually. Saying that 5v5 wasn’t even made for que times it was and I quote “a happy mistake”. Also ques won’t be long if people enjoy the game and actually play all of the roles because they would all be balanced and fun. However not perfect, 6v6 would allow for easier balancing and no super tanks
They're definitely going to keep it 5v5, why would he need so much time to write the 6v6 response otherwise? If they are returning to that format, they would say that they are clearly. It doesn't make sense, the most probable option is that he's is writing the reasoning as to why they aren't moving from 5v5 to 6v6
That Bogur clip is content creator bait. Anyways, yes the key factor is balance but the devs have already shown that they aren’t capable of balancing the game. And that’s in BOTH formats. I’m a 6v6er but I do acknowledge that 5v5 can be so much better than it is now through balance. Maybe a better argument to convince the devs would be to say it’s simply more fun to have the responsibility dispersed between 6 players. Since they clearly don’t care about balance. But idk I’ve already given up on the game. As long as they keep getting rewarded with player numbers and in turn 💰 they never change course. The game has to die for anything to change 🫡
PSA TO ALL 6v6ERS: if you cant solve the q time issues that come with needing 4 tanks per lobby then all arguments about the format being better for the game are irrelevant. if the q times go back to how they were the game will die no matter what, you HAVE to solve for that before talking about enjoyment of 5v5 vs 6v6 format
Im so sick of 5v5 defenders citing cc and shield spam as reasons for why 6v6 was bad, when those things had nothing to do with the format. We could have stuck with 6v6 whilst keeping the changes made to reduce the amount cc and shields in the game, but people seem to think the 5v5 format isnt an independent factor of those changes. Idk why this isnt obvious to people like Freedo.
5v5 defenders r fkn bots
they don’t think. their arguments are blatantly wrong and have no substance and get debunked INSTANTLY EVERYTIME and they’re so bad at using their brains they keep using arguments that have been proven wrong time and time again. and blizzard gets their feedback from those people. you can’t win against these people. they refuse to think logically or listen to someone who disagrees with them.
you people are way too emotionally invested in this game
@@SchmelvinMoyville Why are you even here
ur so invested ur actually commenting on randos about it😂@@SchmelvinMoyville
This dev blog about to be MILD 🔥🔥
hoping for something but it's team 4 so idk if i should have hope anymore
They should make it 4v4 at this point tbh
Honestly I am predicting if they temporarily bring back 6v6, they’ll do something to sabotage it with purposefully bad balancing to day “See? This is why 6v6 is so bad!”
Nah they'll make it only available monday and tuesday. And be like see our player numbers are low
@@onurbuken3641 I can absolutely see that happening
We brought back 6v6 3 dps 2 support 1 tank.
@@corbinallen4562 is that what it is?
The copium from "Your overwatch" is wild lmfao, he just refuses to acknowledge downsides to 5v5.
hes a paid actor and a talentless hack. not really surprised
They 5v5 advocates don't want what's best for the game and only want benefits for themselves. I haven't played 6v6 but even I can see the flawed arguments for 5v5. There are also dumb suggestions for 6v6 like splitting the Tank role which is dumb but overall the arguements are stronger for 6v6 is better.
He is work for blizzard at this point. Thats why nobody watchs him
If blizzard came out tomorrow and said they were going back to 6v6 he'd be sucking them off and saying how good of an idea it is. Bros name is literally "YourOverwatch". If the game collapses he does too. He cant exactly swap his entire channel so he has to always be optimistic about overwatch and say its good cause if the game dies then his channel dies.
@@storm___that sounds like such a miserable existence. The other guys were smart and left
i genuinely think aaron is gonna make some excuse on why they ant make 6v6 a thing, and then people are gonna get mad because the "its too hard" argument is actually thrown out the window with people making game's and codes proving it has already been done and isnt hard at all. long story short; I cant wait to see how this turns out *pulls out opera glasses*
That is exactly what he will do. No clear cut reason, no actual sincere explanation, not even a solid and concise yes/no answer. He'll dance around the subject and do everything to give corporate speak on why they prefer 5v5 without outright denying 6v6 or saying they won't go back to it and it'll leave things really vague so he and the dev team can go with full on plausible deniability and pretend they never said no outright or etc.
they have to be very careful with what they say since there is a growing parallel society within 6v6 custom games, less players and increasing queue times in the current standard format.
the fact that they've discriminated their own playerbase by calling them nostalgic and portraying them as yapping dogs on broadcast could turn into another blizzard scandal.
Honestly at this point move on to a different game that deserves your money and time
@@WolfEyes88 waiting for the new valve shooter cause I honestly can’t take these gaslighting devs. Genuinely never gonna understand if they say “it’s too hard to go back to 6v6” because people have already done it in custom games.
@@whitegrill8809Because going back to 6v6 would make it blatantly clear ow2 was not a sequel but a monetisation update. If game was reverted (as it should) then what is the difference between ow1 and ow2? Just a badly disguised way to put in an overpriced store and battle pass. Hell they could also avoid this whole fiasco by simplying allowing people to play ow1 (with none of the new chars and reworks) and a skeleton crew to do maintenance and occasional balance patch, but nope gotta funnel as many people possible to the battle pass. Can't enable OW cause "they lost the code" (complete bullshit).
the biggest issue i have with Freedo is how he insults the intellect of anyone who disagrees with him. Thats mostly why he gets the heat he's getting from people.
Yeah he basically said that people need to learn how to play the game and stop complaining in his latest videos. Extremely insulting, considering I don't even think he's GM let alone M.
@@DetectivePikachu37347 He's around diamond/masters level last I checked.
Just randomly found your channel and been thinking of coming back to TH-cam and making videos/vlogs/reactions. Keep it up brother. Your feelings are shared.
Everything about 6v6 is more fun than 5v5 fun bar the spam, which is fixable either with nerfs or map changes to chokes. Synergies, solo playmaking, fight pacing are all way better. I, and I'm guessing many others from the online comments, no longer play tank because the experience is so bad now. Though it would be great if they at least trialed 6v6 at some point among the player base, I don't think they are gonna change it back to 6v6 because of DPS queue times and they will just argue that it's not worth the effort for various reasons.
the new hero they just announced seems like the anti 6v6 hero because every game in high level would be juno and kiri from what i’ve seen from the trailer but to be fair there hasn’t been actual in game gameplay yet
At least if they announce 6v6 is never coming back i can finally let go of the game and move on with my life.
Wipe your tears son
You and everybody else that feels this way should know that if he doesn't announce going back to 6v6 he may as well as say they are staying 5v5 and you can just uninstall. Ignore the corporate fluff in the post.
Dude I played in 6v6 PUGS frequently and Freedo couldn’t be more wrong. Yes, there are a ton of passionate people and comms, but the skills of players in those lobbies differ DRASTICALLY. First game I had on Tuesday was on Colloseo and I had 9k dmg at the end playing Soldier/Genji going like 10-9 and my nearest teammates were tied at 5k. Whole round I was asking myself “why is this so hard?” and I realized my Rein was 2-8… still more fun than 5v5, if our tank was getting diffed that bad on live I’d have 0 opportunity for elims. I got to play Rein the next game on Hollywood and popped off, most fun I’ve had on Rein since OW1. Got a 4K POTG and multiple massive shatters. Just way more fun than any tank moments in 5v5 (closest is empowered/multipunch Doom). Yes the lobbies are sweaty high level gameplay sometimes but you also get some full on plats/golds that are lost. Even using their ranked mode it isn’t perfect since it’s just a discord made thing ran by the community. With proper matchmaking I could easily hop on and have a blast on OW. Instead I have to wait 15 minutes while the discord queue fails to get enough people, someone’s AFK so we can’t play, and organizing the teams in game… it’s just such a complicated process for no reason. 6v6 is already in the game. Just support it Blizzard and I will pay you. And don’t design your own “genius” patch just copy the 7HSKW one because Blizzard is clueless.
Edit: 12:45 this is exactly right. I see a clip and don’t see an issue with 6v6, I see it as an OW2 issue because they didn’t work on the live game and their balance philosophy (which they are forced to double down on in 5v5!)
If they say no 6v6 then its all good. Cause i can finally stop giving a fuck, and fully move on.
Why not move on now
@@5080yen Cause i was a duo tank stack with my main tank friend. I have found no game that comes close to that level of fun and challenge as a duo.
@@Code_6_Beluga Better play some open Q or move on. If it comes back then come back
@@5080yen5v5 open q is not 6v6 and it doesn’t fix the issues.
OW2 is the ONLY game I own that's made me rage since the CoD 4 to BO2 era.
This is the only game I've played where if you suggest a change OR even try to defend yourself or another person, people will report you for it & you WILL get suspended & it's gotten worse each season. The fact I've been suspended for the most minimal things while the toxic duo/trio can just call me trash & tell me to kill myself, continue playing with no issues is a major problem.
For a game that's supposedly a "safe space" it's truly a shit hole for thin skinned toxicity that goes unpunished.
ALSO I am begging for a 6v6 arcade mode, I haven't played tank since I dropped it in Season 5. 2-1-2 is the only time I've had fun on Tank as of late.
The thing is with the winton clip is that it still happens all the time on tank, the worst parts of tanking in overwatch 1 still happen and happen more frequently, it's just that you maybe live after getting hit with 1 million cooldowns. It also reminds me of when necros or getquaked on die after misplaying and say it's the character. At least in 6v6 there's a possibility of eating flash and saving you from sigma damage. Or bubble negating CC all together on you. But in 5v5 if you did this exact play the only difference is you might live to tell the tale or die because dps passive makes it so your healers can't stabilize you in time. In his own words trade offs we traded the possible denial of these abilities for the possibility of living through them with no help. From my perspective I would take having an off tank over just living but that's just me def not biased cause i'm an off tank
It's stupid anyway. How is the solution 5v5 over limiting cc in the game?
I look forward to each video
Much love ❤️
The dedicated 6v6 server is really good and blizzard doesn’t care what you want they care what you’ll spend money on. They’ll bring back 6v6 if the community refuses to spend anymore money
this is true and sadly the mercy one tricks and e-daters are gonna keep spending money.
They will capitulate if they stop making a profit. Look at how fast they removed heroes behind the battle pass when that was the case.
The fact that Bogger did that, when I as a low Plat to high Gold would think was a mistake, says A LOT about his take on 6v6 😂
I have no problem in people defending 5v5
But Freedo i can't stand
He is Rude, has no idea of what he is talking about, and feels entilted to his opinion being the right one and will throw stupid arguments and then tell that sams are wrong because he took a argumentation class when he was younger (prob slept threw the whole thing cuz he just commits fallacy after fallacy)
Yeah very true. He's condescending.
Seagull used to be the same. I saw many videos of his where he would berate valid criticism of Overwatch in a childish voice, being very condescending just for having a different opinion.
Even his popular video that was supposedly pooing on Overwatch he did a while back, he was sucking the shlongs of the devs.
But I guess he gave up when he realized the game wasn't fun and worth it anymore.
What do you expect from a miserable dude who's hitched his entire identity to overwatch?
they have to be very careful with what they say since there is a growing parallel society within 6v6 custom games, less players and increasing queue times/unbalanced matchmaking in the current standard format.
the fact that they've discriminated their own playerbase by calling them nostalgic and portraying them as yapping dogs on broadcast could turn into another blizzard scandal
It's annoying that people who want to discredit 6v6 act as if people who want the mode are living in a fantasy world where the game was completely perfect.
We know the game had problems, not just from double-shield/insane sustain, there have been multiple balance issues. However, the format of 6v6 wasn't the reason for it, it's because the Devs ignored the game for years. There have been more patches for OW2, than there were for OW1 after 2-2-2 lock.
Freedo is honestly so self-absorbed and egotistical. Can't stand the guy.
I don't like samito either, but at least he's genuinely honest.
The Bogur clip is stupid. It's nothing compared to, who was it LHCloudy? On Suruvasa getting bap windowed, killed from only the one ult while playing Reinhardt. From Full hp to 0 in 0.02 seconds. Tanks have had it 10x worse in OW2, it's *so stupid* they keep using these stupid old clips that rarely happened. Not to mention all of those chain CC clips, 90% of them start with a Brig bash. That's exactly how chain CC *always* started when I played Rein in OW1, *always* brig bash.
They'll be stupid to confirm 6 v 6 not returning. That will be the final straw for a lot of players. Myself included. Uninstall the moment that is confirmed.
The smart thing they can do is put OQ into arcade, bring back 6 v 6 alongside 5 v 5. Have the community, pro's, streamers and high ranked players do the balancing on spreadsheets and testing. Then the devs simply make the changes from the balance requests from community. That way 6 v 6 doesn't get the OQ treatment.
Bogur is disingenuous as fuck, played for a whole stream with flats and spent half the time to bash on people who want 6v6 (despite both claiming to be neutral) only to spend the other half whining about how 5v5 sucks and flats should consider becoming a variety streamer since both arent enjoying the game
@@virgil7272 He is a blizzard agent to say 5v5 better he on payroll hate him fr.
Blocked Bogur(walmart xqc) so fast lol
Thank you for your real honest review it's the unbiased truth!
Bro needs a month to make a tweet. I like to imagine he comes into that office and spends 8 hours a day working on it.
Go look at overbuff role pickrates in comp for this month. Masters is wild, and the DPS KDA has tanked. The only role that is consistently played and has a steady KDA is Support. 5v5 is un-balancable. And Fredo has been ratioed in every one of his anti 6v6 videos not just his poles.
I’ve met SO many new players (ow2 not ow1) that prefer 6v6 and agree even the losses feel better. (This is within the 6v6 server and they’ve NEVER TRIED IT)
One of the reasons they might not bring back 6v6 would be that they would have to admit that the 5v5 format was a failure which we know they won’t
my lord and savior drops another video
Overwatch would be amazing with the 10 things below:
(1) 2-2-2 Role Queue
(2) Hard-CC further reduced. Ana Sleep Dart reworked into a soft-CC dart, Brigitte ult stun removed, Mei's ultimate balanced around no longer freeze stunning, Junkrat Trap heavily slows instead of roots, Cassidy Nade no longer Hinder + Slows (would be more like Bastion's Nade in that it blows up faster so it still gets damage off without needing to Hinder, and it would deal 100 damage or less but have a shorter cooldown and have less range than old Magnetic Grenade), Sombra is the most complicated one to fix, I'd rework Hack into something that doesn't interrupt abilities anymore; maybe it just stops the enemy from activating an ability, or maybe Hack turns into a 50% Anti-Heal. Tanks with too frequent stuns like Doomfist, Orisa, & Roadhog need looked at, Mauga Cage Fight can only prevent fade/teleport abilities instead all movement abilities, etc.
(3) All Anti-Heal is now -50%, down from -100% (Ana & Junker Queen would receive compensation buffs), and if an Anti-Healed character gets hit by another one, it would take 50% of the duration of the new Anti-Heal and add it onto the older duration.
(4) Doomfist, Orisa, & Roadhog reworked to provide sustain for teammates so they pair with any other Tank much better and make the game feel more consistently like a team game. Roadhog would have a longer Hook cooldown so he hard-CC's less often, Doomfist Rocket Punch would no longer stun, Orisa would be OW1 Orisa again, and Fortify + Sigma's Kinetic Grasp would be nerfed and power put elsewhere in order to give Orisa + Sigma weakness up close to other comps once they close the distance while still having Orisa or Sigma viable enough when paired with other Tanks. Orisa Protective Barrier should be a bit more of a tunnel so it can be used on attack more effectively.
(5) Slower left & right move speed for reasonably predictable shots (probably -20% just like backwards movement is), AD-AD strafing in Overwatch is obnoxious. Season 9 Projectile Size increases would stay.
(6) General head-shot damage multiplier reduced for all heroes (should either be 1.5x, 1.65x, or 1.75x) to reduce burst damage spikes
(7) Healing output slightly reduced across the board on a hero-by-hero basis (should keep the season 9 health changes to prevent DPS/Supports from being bursted down before being able to react)
(8) Role Passives removed but All Heroes Passive stays (but dealing damage can also interrupt it so Double Barrier/Matrix teams cannot get the All Heroes Passive more often than a team like Junker Queen + Roadhog)
(9) As a result of Role Passives being removed, knock-backs would be reduced across the board on a hero-by-hero basis.
(10) Edit certain maps to move away the death-pits that are so close to commonly used routes or death-pits on objectives so knock-backs don't get easy 1-shots on various maps. Knock-backs can be compensated with cooldown reduction or damage if need be.
i find these 5v5ers excuse so tiring tank role was lest played in overwatch 1 because there was barely any varieity compared to like dps role if i remember overwatch 1 had like 5-6 tanks to pick from plus the shield and spam thing could of been fixed so easyily but due to them "working" on overwatch 2 shield spam would been gone way quicker instead they could kept the shop idea and made overwatch 1 with 6v6 format free to play freedo can make all these stupid takes but something is truth from what iv seen is top 500 for tank is plat while overwatch 1 wasnt if that isnt a slap to the face and a wake up call then i hope this next devpost kills the game as hard and shitty as that sounds as i want this game to not fail but its truly hard to keep supporting a game that dosent care back
Counterwatch just isn’t fun. That’s all it comes down to.
I absolutely fume when I realize how long Aaron loves to take just to tell us they're never taking any bad decision back ever. The script is already there I won't be able to believe it if Aaron actually wants to fix the game
play public 6v6 customs with us sprixy 🙏🙏
YVE2X try this one out actually its really sick its ow1 classic
@@bdsfuwu As in launch heroes only, before Ana and anyone who came after her?
@@Deusaga this is an extended version of it, there is a version where it doesn't this is just the better version cause it has all the characters you want to see like launch doomfist etc etc for the normal version with no extra characters is NC336
Also I hope Marvel Rivals pops off & stays relevant, I need a new hero shooter since thearena shooters i like don't get much traction at the moment & TF2/CSGO is what I dropped to play OW
Expect a "You think you do but you don't" moment
If he says 6v6 is never coming, it's just time for us tank players to move on and wait for Marvel Rivals or something
Marvel Rivals is garbage. they just have a lot of money to buy youtubers
I've been playing the 6v6 community code way more than the actual game and ive never been happier.
Edit: 7hskw
Whats the code?
@@adi9530 7HSKW. Check description to get our discord
@@adi9530 7HSKW
@@adi9530 7HSKW
5 slash genji blade 5v5 is more fun tbh more hits means i get to hold my mouse button 🙂
lets be real, the overwatch team has 0 direction, they need a change of prespective (or at least of leadership), because i do not trust this team to handle the change properly, 5v5 has its problems because of the format itself but it could have been managed a lot better than it has.
It’s really not that complicated.
6v6 provided way more player choice and match variation. You could choose all dps, all healers, all tanks, all support if you wanted. Any combination.
5v5 doesn’t. It’s incredibly limited and stale.
queue times LMAO
There is a tweet from one of the developers talking about que times actually. Saying that 5v5 wasn’t even made for que times it was and I quote “a happy mistake”. Also ques won’t be long if people enjoy the game and actually play all of the roles because they would all be balanced and fun. However not perfect, 6v6 would allow for easier balancing and no super tanks
@@Sprixyy i've seen the tweet and yes 6v6 would've had good queue times had the devs put 1% of the effort into ow1 as they've put into ow2
They're definitely going to keep it 5v5, why would he need so much time to write the 6v6 response otherwise? If they are returning to that format, they would say that they are clearly. It doesn't make sense, the most probable option is that he's is writing the reasoning as to why they aren't moving from 5v5 to 6v6
6v6 gang 💪
I feel if they didn't kill ow1. Ppl would abandon ow2. Ow2 feels more like cod battle royal.
Freedo needs to go
Homie apologizing for leaving for 10 days. Homie 10 days is not a problem no mater the content.
5v5 sucks
Freedo is the biggest clown on this planet.
Fun fact, Bogur did that as joke. But Yourow reposted that and. I think he thinked Bogur was for real when h e wrote that
That Bogur clip is content creator bait. Anyways, yes the key factor is balance but the devs have already shown that they aren’t capable of balancing the game. And that’s in BOTH formats. I’m a 6v6er but I do acknowledge that 5v5 can be so much better than it is now through balance.
Maybe a better argument to convince the devs would be to say it’s simply more fun to have the responsibility dispersed between 6 players. Since they clearly don’t care about balance.
But idk I’ve already given up on the game. As long as they keep getting rewarded with player numbers and in turn 💰 they never change course. The game has to die for anything to change 🫡
PSA TO ALL 6v6ERS: if you cant solve the q time issues that come with needing 4 tanks per lobby then all arguments about the format being better for the game are irrelevant. if the q times go back to how they were the game will die no matter what, you HAVE to solve for that before talking about enjoyment of 5v5 vs 6v6 format
Everyone wants 6v6 but no one wants to play tank no matter the format
no more wii music please zzzzzzzzzzz
r u british
Huh ?
yh man its a question
He is not.
He doesn’t sound British at all 😂🙏