+Abdihafid Hussein thx for wacthing...Terima kasih telah menyaksikan video kami..Silahkan berlangganan/Subscribe untuk mendapatkan update video terbaru dari kami
bisa dikirim buku panduan lengkap cara pengoperasian canon 3330, biaya cetak dan ongkos kirim akan diganti alamatkan ke suparyoto BUANA SOETTA RESIDENCE F/30 Gedebage Bandung Timur, trims
Somebody help, I have a problem about the replacement of photo drum IR2525. I replace not original made in china 1or 2 weeks is work very will and then is always paper in the photo drum side, I used this for FOUR MACHINE and the same problem. I can't find Katun or iriginal. I need your advice please
neat and clear explanation! Super and Thank U Boss
I know it late but I have to say the video was educative.more of similar videos will help
mantap, terima kasih panduan nya, sangat membantu sekali.
Thank you. I have solved the drum problem. Small technical person can solve such drum problem.
terimakasih infonya, sangat membatu, boleh minta tolong divideokan cara memunculkan menu "reapet image" pada canon ir2530, biar bisa fotokopi ktp pak?
Thankk For watching
thanks for teaching
is good !!
wahh mantapp
thanks for u good video
I like this video
good, thanks.
i love this video
Mas saya mau nanya, gimana isi toner secara manual langsung ketempat tonerny, krna penerima tabung tonerny patah didalam
very good \
10x i appreciate what have done
thankz pro
+Abdihafid Hussein thx for wacthing...Terima kasih telah menyaksikan video kami..Silahkan berlangganan/Subscribe untuk mendapatkan update video terbaru dari kami
that was great
thanks you teach me more more
om, hasil copy gelap di samping kanan, harus kah ganti drumnya ? (FOTcopy Canon Imagirunner 2525w).. tolong kasih solusinya.. terimakasih
yeah, it works :-D
When I make the photocopy, it comes out on the task sheet in zigzag
kalau box toner berputar otomatis ga ya? punya saya toner nya tidak terdeteksi, erorr replacment toner.. mohon solusi nya
Bang, minta link video cara ganti thermistor Canon Ir 2520
thank u so much
شكر وتقدير لكم على هذا الفديو
+Aamer Lafta thanks for watching our video...
+Aamer Lafta thx for watching our video
Thank you very mach
Yang warna item jejer sama drum apa namanya gan itu
Ir1730i drum unit create to much noise.what is causes
bisa dikirim buku panduan lengkap cara pengoperasian canon 3330, biaya cetak dan ongkos kirim akan diganti alamatkan ke suparyoto BUANA SOETTA RESIDENCE F/30 Gedebage Bandung Timur, trims
My copier is canon ir2525
I copy with ADF but result is out of a4 size
Not same like original
Please help me
dear vanecto
canon ir 6000, 5000/ ir adv 4045, 2520 toner are same no different toners only cairtages no. changes
Ada drum unit canon ir 2525
Bang klu drum 2520 brp ribu harus ganti?
Untuk harga drum canon IR 2525 berapa ya pa. Mungkin tau?
cara mengisi tinta pada IR 2530 gimana bos
+anjeli yasmin terima kasih telah menyaksikan video kami..silahkan subscribe untuk lihat video yang anda request..tq
Hello brother help me my canon printer IR 2520 poster re-check if the hood top and right are closed. forgive help me
2525 & 2525w same process
Knpa ya mesin canon saya keluar insert drum catrige trus... Mesin ir 2535i tq mohon solusi nya
Bedaknya merk apa
why you but a baby powder ! what for it ?
Somebody help, I have a problem about the replacement of photo drum IR2525. I replace not original made in china 1or 2 weeks is work very will and then is always paper in the photo drum side, I used this for FOUR MACHINE and the same problem. I can't find Katun or iriginal. I need your advice please
Bagaimana Cara Membuka Unit Drum Mesin Fotocopy Canon IR8070
Good information
ir 2520 problem errore e000014
I have E000020 error of ir2520, who can help me
ir 3300 canon drum blade exchange
8 o.88
E000001 2525i er
clear the error
salut à tous
j'ai un problème de canon ir 2545 pouvez-vous m'aider stp Erreur code E000225
+oussama kaoua thanks for watching our video..your problen E000225 on CCD unit
si quoi CCD UNIT
Possible clarification by photo or video
thanks for u good video
+Renato Pereira Ramos Thanks for watching our video
With pleasure
thankx so much
Thank you very very very mach
Thank you (y)