@@ShashiChhetri-e8q When you next visit karnataka, It is the north side of Hampi. Around 25 km from the Centre. Any auto waala will take you there. Most auto walas take the tourists to the more crowded location for boating in the Tungabhadra. But you have to insist that you want to see the marble island and mangrove forest... And go in the morning before 10.
Thanks for your valuable information
Good one, Looks like you are planning to do PAN Bharat VLOG. ATB...
I would love traveling the whole country... Thank you 🙂
Want to try where is this river?
@@ShashiChhetri-e8q When you next visit karnataka, It is the north side of Hampi. Around 25 km from the Centre. Any auto waala will take you there. Most auto walas take the tourists to the more crowded location for boating in the Tungabhadra. But you have to insist that you want to see the marble island and mangrove forest... And go in the morning before 10.