Yoichi isagi egostic speech - [ AMV/ASMV ] - Change is necessary
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- In this video i am sharing Yoichi isagi short story and his one of the best speech while playing against chigiri , kunigami and mikage he gave a speech about self importance in middle of the match and also he wanted to win .
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Copyright: Tokyo Corporation
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We create these videos with the intention of offering educational content in a motivational and inspirational format. In most cases, we do not own the rights to the clips and music used, and we operate under the belief that our usage falls under fair use. If you have any concerns, please reach out to us via email at - venusamvs14@gmail.com.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING - Venus amvs All the rights of images and speeches used in this video goes to their rightful owners
For those who dont understand, it's a "Learn from your mistakes" but taking it seriously. Thinking like "I'm not born special" it's a "I'm made special" The perfect ego for a competitive game or challenge
But I'm alredy special because I was born into this world
@@davidzy4924 Bros the main character
@@davidzy4924you gonna start a rumbling then
After a whole lot of losing, I have realized that being humble is only going to make me lose. For get the words We,Us, Team, etc. Focus on you. Start saying I, Me,Myself. It has helped me win and gain back my skills which I thought I had lost because of too much socializing.
Absolutely, it reaches a point where you either get too comfortale passing scared you cant do it yourself or you just feel the need to share the ball but doing this holds you back as a person, I agree with you 100%
Do you know Kageyama from Haikyuu?
@@STRIKER-94 yes. What about him?
@@AmolMY He was same as you said 🫡
I noticed it too, so I stopped to socialize so much, but instead I’m fully focused on myself
"No matter how much you knock on the door on someone's heart. In the end you can't change them, which is why you have to BE THE ONE TO CHANGE YOURSELF."
"When the world around you isn't following your plan, the only way to fix it is to FIX YOU."
"If I can't see the light that leads to the gold, then I NEED TO BECOME THE LIGHT."
That changed my whole thinking...
Props for interacting with people in the comments, taking feedback, communicating and trying to improve.
"An assist is clearly a shot you were afraid to take".
Blue Lock's themes go beyond just soccer,they can be applied to basically any sport, even life itself
i like that this is the first example of the speech about despair that ego gave when barou felt he lost to isagi
That gave me goodbumps❤❤
goodbumps fr
I subscribed and liked and downloaded this video. A perfect motivation
Thank you very much bro ❤
His loss hit me hard because my robotics team lost in the district championships due to some stupid calls from a referee since we were a South Carolina team In a predominantly Georgia dominated competition staffed by Georgia, but I digress, my brother was denied a chance at world championships, and my dream of making it there with him was crushed since that was his last year on the team. So not entirely the same scenario but in my opinion still equally depressing and it dragged my mental state through the mud, and I'm still depressed about it even though it's been months and actually almost a year.
Edit, we did make it bac to districts, but a key part of our robot was promptly destroyed, which caused us to many problems to rebound. And we did not make it to worlds. This wasn't the senior year I'd wanted but it's what I got.
@@フェルナンド-h2y oh give up isn't an option, but it's still depressing none the less
Thanks for the video, super cool!
Glad you liked it!
This is perfect, I always come back to this when I'm down and I need to be strong, in short you helped survive college thanks man, my family would be grateful❤🎉
I'm so glad to hear that my content has been a source of strength for you. Keep pushing through, you've got this!
Bro ive been watching your videos everytime i workout. It helps a lot! Subbed
Glad to hear it!
sad how did u end the video like this i really suggest that u do longer version of this masterpiece
Thanks ❤, it hits hard and I have been thinking about doing longer version of my popular videos. You'll get to see them soon
You deserve a 100 thousand subscriber man
I don't fear a man who knows 1000 kicks
I fear a man who know how to kick a ball 1000 times
I think you meant "fear a man who's done the same kick 1000 times" because everyone knows how to kick a ball 1000 times you just keep kicking it lol
This is probably one of the best yoichi isagi egoist speech
you could remove the original ost from the clip, so we are not listening to two songs at once. It's annoying, if you search there are free tools for that.
thanks for feedback bro I'll try my best to edit my videos from next time.
I love the song 😂 lmao it adds alot
Also Bono? Lol who is Bono?
@@Br8kz 😆
Yess don't remove it.....i don't know what it adds emotions
Nice work bro ❤️. But I missed that 'Donkey' part 🔥
this edit asmv needs moreeeeeeee viewsss
Thank you bro ❤
The only thing that's holding Yoichi down is his ego here it will wok but on the field no on the field you need to know how to control that ego , I mean you need to know when to pass and when to shoot if you learn that you are unstoppable Cruyff said this about Messi when he was young and now you can see Messi became the best, same goes for Yoichi if he can do it if not then the world cup will remain a dream . football is a team sport you cant just rely on yourself you have teammates that will help you once you realize that you can conquer anything and everything in football. one more thing remember taking the first step is more important than the result.
thanks for reading
Thanks fam you spoke my words.
@@blazingranger953 I understand you
Man, this wouldve been so much better without the constant light flickering. Ive never had my eyes hurt like this.
Idk what was I thinking😅
Try syncing the audio to his voice whenever he screams or says something iconic,thatll make this so much better and guarantee a sub from me
My next video's speech is gonna be synced with background music so consider sub next time 😂
Consider slipping your buttery hands on that big red button 😂😅
That'd be good for me 😂
Amazing edit bro
Thanks 🔥
Best animation!
Self Respect my attitude
i generally prefer original/japanese voice acting with subs in pretty much everything but great job nonetheless i really enjoy the video 🖤🖤
Glad you enjoy it!
ore wa STRIKER DA!!!!!
w incredible
thanks ❤️
Dreams what unfair full destiny like ours but i never gave up
hey bro, as a fellow youtuber I feel obligated to give you this tip. When you're using clips from anime and those clips contain both the voices of the characters and background music of the anime and you just want the character voices, use something like moses to remove all the music except the character's voice.
Thank you so much ☺️ for your consideration but I’ve learned that and I do that now. And good luck with your channel.
@@venusamvs14 That's good to hear! You too man
I am glad see your conversation
Needed that
I owe you a thanks
It's my Pleasure ❤️
Bro try dark side song for motivational video and also use the demon slayer words by yorichii on the fight with muzan.......
Yeah I will try
@@venusamvs14 Sugeeee😋
@@sherok7918 what's sugee
@@venusamvs14 it's a Japanese word means Wow.... won't you see anime in subbed ?
no, i watch in dub
The subtitles are a bit off, overall good video
3:41 Goal or Gold?
I think the music was suppressing the voice at times but it was a nice edit, gj.
Can you make one for nagi pls
This is so good!!!!!
Please create more blue lock edits
I really enjoyed it, but maybe try to seperate the voice and anime music from each other next time. Because sometimes two songs at the same time were a little overwhelming
Yeah I wanted to separate the voice from background music but my all free trials of voice removers are finished because I used them to make zenitsu's video so i will have to see different method to do that and i glad you enjoyed it❤
@@venusamvs14 couldn't you just use a different gmail account or smt?
@@u808 I tried but i think those ai webs asks different device to get free trial but don't worry i do this by vary webs when i get.
@@venusamvs14 ah shit I see
now i am going to break the net to score and devour the univers
Ore wa striker 💥💥
i see it funny how nagi is the 2nd most payed footballer in blue lock without even trying to be good
is it spoiler?
Japanese version next please?
The Black white flickering in the background is a bit distracting...
I also wnat to be real life Isagi
This is some serious soccer lol
change the music choice and this wouldve been one of the best edits
Thanks for this awesome feedback
Name of the background song please
Barou ❌️
Bono ✅️
i knew from the firsts econd of the video this vid was gonna be hype and it was!!!!!
One for goalkeeper, please 🥺
i'll try if i could
@@venusamvs14 thank you ☺️
No one cares about the goal keeper bro lol, Blue lock literally had bots as keeper most of the times
You want him to make amsv for bots 💀💀
@@Vishal-l9q6n I know bro blue lock and others
funny that his no. is 11 which means change
Where i can see this anime in English?
Song name ?
@@venusamvs14 the edeting and the video is amazing bro i have this on audio i listen to it very often thanks
Thank you bro ❤️
Song name pleaseeeee...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which anime is it
Blue lock
whats the song
@@venusamvs14 thank you
I liked the video but calling Barou Bono killed it for me lol. Maybe you didn’t know because this is the English version and you couldn’t understand it when the English guy tried to say the Japanese name but it’s Barou.
Yeah !😅
Would prefer the subbed version instead of the dubbed. The dub doesn’t do the anime justice
always loved this speech but ngl Japanese dub would have been better
What anime is this????
Blue lock
Bro please tell me the anime name..?
What do you mean?
Which anime?
Blue lock
Anime name??
Blue lock
Are you tryng to give us an epileptischer Anfall?
Bro the soccer triggers me
Anime name
Blue lock
Anime name please
Blue lock
It is goku dabing (?? ):D
No I only took speeches from blue lock.
ItS not soccer it's football.
who the hell is bono
auto dub generator made bono to barou
ما ف حد غيري شباب؟
you will never be able to win the World Cup by playing soccer it’s Football Isagi.
Why is it always "royalty" which btw is a trash song