pravi momak , uvijek spreman za salu , pozitivan , a to je nas brodjanin.mislim da ce bayern pozalit na tomu sto mu je ovo ucinio jer lewa se nece sigurno uklopit kao sto nije ni götze.mario puno srece u buducnosti
+Rebecca Svendsen Thought I am the only crazy one till I read ur comment, good to know, I´m not. ;D Laught so hard at 11.40 -15.35 . :,D ... Oh damn, I still miss hiMM9 much. :/
I will always miss Mandzu. He was one of the best strikers in europe and my favourite player when he was at bayern...but now...he doesn't quite have the form he once had :(
Rebecca Svendsen Man Im from Croatia and I admit he is fucking shit right now.He is not even our best striker at the moment.I hope he gets back in his old form
Mario ja sam tvoja velika obožavateljica. Moram te nešto zamolit ja sam djete a ti si reko da voliš djecu,ako možeš dođi u Našice to je grad kod Osjeka. Pusa od Ane M.
Yes , I understood all the film , croatian is not so difficult , it's a look-a-like of russian and other slavic languages , it's also easy for the pronunciation , all the letters are spoken (?) . Sorry I'm shitty bad at english . ;)
jedna od boljih emisija ovog tipa za pogledati.
hahaha, Knjaz je fakat kralj sa tim svojim forama! legenda! ;D
pravi momak , uvijek spreman za salu , pozitivan , a to je nas brodjanin.mislim da ce bayern pozalit na tomu sto mu je ovo ucinio jer lewa se nece sigurno uklopit kao sto nije ni götze.mario puno srece u buducnosti
i just have watched something that was 50 minutes long and i didn't understand a word...i have to be crazy! :)
+Rebecca Svendsen Thought I am the only crazy one till I read ur comment, good to know, I´m not. ;D Laught so hard at 11.40 -15.35 . :,D ... Oh damn, I still miss hiMM9 much. :/
+AR10 FC Bayern Hey guys I was wondering, do Bayern fans miss Mario a little bit? I know Lewa is in a great form but still.
I will always miss Mandzu. He was one of the best strikers in europe and my favourite player when he was at bayern...but now...he doesn't quite have the form he once had :(
Rebecca Svendsen Man Im from Croatia and I admit he is fucking shit right now.He is not even our best striker at the moment.I hope he gets back in his old form
Mario manđukić je najbolji igrać u hrvatskoj
Jebeno! Mandzo kralju!
mario majstoreeeeeeee :D
Ribéry je zakon!!!! :D :D :D
Ribéry je sranjeee
какой же он классный!!
hahahaahah ovo sa Riberyom, Danteom, Alabom i Shcweinsteigerom najjače:DD^^
zgodna si
to ga shaqiri naučio, sigurno. ;D
Knjaz je stvarno ok lik!!
Mario ja sam tvoja velika obožavateljica. Moram te nešto zamolit ja sam djete a ti si reko da voliš djecu,ako možeš dođi u Našice to je grad kod Osjeka.
Pusa od Ane M.
Super moji prijatelji će se jako razveseliti!
I samo da te pitam koliko imaš obožavatelja?
super Mario
Mandzo nisu mi dali tvoj super popust!!!
kralj MANDŽO..
love u
9:44 hahaha je** te hahaha..."Čovjek koji drži noge čvrsto na zemlji ima problema s oblačenjem hlača."
I watched all the video and I didn't understand a word XD
hahaha, I understand some words.I want to learn Croatian :D
5555588492 You must , I from Montenegro so I also speak serbo-croatian . That's a very funny documentary
Ilhan Rebronja oh,you understand this film?Cool!Croatian is a difficult for learning?
Yes , I understood all the film , croatian is not so difficult , it's a look-a-like of russian and other slavic languages , it's also easy for the pronunciation , all the letters are spoken (?) . Sorry I'm shitty bad at english . ;)
Ilhan Rebronja haha,I am from Russia ^_^ it is easy to learning for me :P oh yeaah :D
Mario ;*
3:1 Dante moj. Opljačkali su nas
Sta je sa zvukom nista se ne cuje!! :(
Super Mario
što je sa zvukom? na mobitelu se miješa zvuk
16:24 HAHAHA kak ga je ubio!
da dobijte siurnu kartu za SA ber fest pritisnite link
ni' to kolumbija :'D hahah
15:40 15:46 zna neko imd pjesme ?????
Zvonimir Gregl
Zvonimir Gregl
tooi normalan zvuk
sta je sa zvukom
Hajduk sa slusalicama je bolji
Mario u Bayernu >>>>>>>>> Mario u Juventusu
Atletico Madrid MM9
popravite zvuk
Fc red c d