Rasarit la Varful Omu - reintalnire dupa un sfert de veac

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • RO: O tura de iarna, la sfarsit de decembrie 2021, in care am urcat din Glajarie la Cab. Malaiesti si apoi prin Hornurile Malaiesti la Vf. Omu. Scopul a fost sa facem, fotografii la rasarit. Ajuns la cabana Malaiesti mi-am adus aminte de un film facut acum 28 de ani cu unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti alpinisti ai nostri. Autor a 6 carti despre lumea muntelui, unele din cele mai gustate de public, a pitonat 28 de trasee de catarare in preimiera impreuna cu prietenii de munte. A primi titlul de maestru al sportului pentru intreaga activitate, desi nu a facut parte din nici un club de alpinism. Va invit sa vedeti un episod cu totul special despre munte, oamenii muntelui si binenteles fotografie.
    EN: One winter tour, at the end of December 2021, we climbed from Glajarie to Cab. Malaiesti and then to Vf. Omu. The aim was to take photos at sunrise. Arriving at the Malaiesti hut I remembered a film I’ve made 28 years ago with one of our most famous climbers from Romania. Author of 6 books about the mountain world, some of the most popular with the public, he has climbed 28 routes as premiere with his mountain friends. He received the title of Master of Sport for his entire activity, although he was not a member of any climbing club. I invite you to watch a very special episode about mountains, mountaineers and of course photography.
    Photo/video/audio equipment: Nikon Z7, Nikkor 14-30/4; Nikkor 70-200/4; adaptor ZTF; tripod Gitzo; minitripod Manfrotto, GoPro 9; stereo microphone Sennheiser, Photo filters.
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