study the schematics of relay. the connections used for turning light ON/OFF works depends on the pin configuration of NC and NO. The light is ON when relay is at low state. Therefore in this case, NC (Normally close mode) is selected for turning ON/ OFF of light.
please contact on 7218254016 for Home Automation details . check out below link for further information
Madam I am confuse that 13:05 when relay1 is 0 light will be off. And when relay1 is 1 light will be on .
study the schematics of relay. the connections used for turning light ON/OFF works depends on the pin configuration of NC and NO. The light is ON when relay is at low state. Therefore in this case, NC (Normally close mode) is selected for turning ON/ OFF of light.
why we need variable "rly =0, or rly=1" 15:32
Madam kindly show the circuit diagram of the project
Bulb got ON momentarily before sms , in that case it may be problem for other device..
Hello Madam,
Any one can send message with text contain owner mobile number + On or OFF , In that case system can be hacked.
please contact on 7218254016 for Home Automation details . check out below link for further information
Please any one send Arduino code