
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ค. 2024
  • 「ネイティブの言っている事がよく分からない」という方へ。それはイディオムを理解していないからかもしれません。そこでこの動画では、ネイティブがよく使うイディオムを100選紹介します!さらに動画内では、語源と例文も合わせて解説します。記憶に定着しやすい作りになっています。ぜひ何度も見返して、ネイティブのような英語力をゲットしてください!
    0:00 イントロ
    1:11 ネイティブの表現を覚えちゃダメ?
    3:22 イディオム1-10
    A leopard can't change its spots
    A picture is worth a thousand words
    A watched pot never boils
    Actions speak louder than words
    Add insult to injury
    All bark and no bite
    All's fair in love and war
    An apple a day keeps the doctor away
    As cool as a cucumber
    As easy as pie
    8:25 イディオム11-20
    As fit as a butcher's dog
    As happy as a clam
    As snug as a bug in a rug
    As sweet as honey
    Barking up the wrong tree
    Beat around the bush
    Beggars can't be choosers
    Better late than never
    Better safe than sorry
    Between a rock and a hard place
    13:18 イディオム21-30
    Birds of a feather flock together
    Bite off more than you can chew
    Bite the bullet
    Break a leg
    Break the ice
    Burn the midnight oil
    Bury the hatchet
    Call it a day
    Cat got your tongue
    Caught red-handed
    18:04 イディオム31-40
    Chip on your shoulder
    Close but no cigar
    Cold feet
    Cost an arm and a leg
    Cry over spilled milk
    Curiosity killed the cat
    Cut to the chase
    Don't bite the hand that feeds you
    Don't count your chickens before they hatch
    Don't cry wolf
    23:14 イディオム41-50
    Don't put all your eggs in one basket
    Don't put the cart before the horse
    Easier said than done
    Every cloud has a silver lining
    Fit as a fiddle
    Get a taste of your own medicine
    Get out of hand
    Give someone the cold shoulder
    Go the extra mile
    Hit the nail on the head
    28:35 イディオム51-60
    In the nick of time
    It's raining cats and dogs
    Jump on the bandwagon
    Keep something at bay
    Kill two birds with one stone
    Let sleeping dogs lie
    Let the cat out of the bag
    Look before you leap
    Make a long story short
    Miss the boat
    34:18 イディオム61-70
    No pain, no gain
    Off the hook
    Once in a blue moon
    Out of the frying pan and into the fire
    Over the moon
    Play devil's advocate
    Pull someone's leg
    Put all your cards on the table
    Quiet as a mouse
    Read between the lines
    39:59 イディオム71-80
    See eye to eye
    Shoot the breeze
    Sink or swim
    Skating on thin ice
    Speak of the devil
    Spill the beans
    Steal someone's thunder
    Take it with a grain of salt
    Talk is cheap
    The ball is in your court
    45:32 イディオム81-90
    The best of both worlds
    The devil is in the details
    The early bird catches the worm
    The elephant in the room
    The best of both worlds
    The devil is in the details
    The early bird catches the worm
    The elephant in the room
    51:10 イディオム91-100
    Walk on eggshells
    When pigs fly
    When the going gets tough, the tough get
    Where there's smoke, there's fire
    You can't have your cake and eat it too
    You can't judge a book by its cover
    You can't make an omelette without
    breaking a few eggs
    You can't teach an old dog new tricks
    You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours
    Your guess is as good as mine
    57:32 まとめ&お知らせ
    / eigomeister
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