Love this lectures! Interested to know if prior PAE is a contraindication for future TURP. If it isn't then even papers like Abt et al. showing only a 75% success rate with less side effects is still a plus and could be a good initial option prior to TURP. Do a PAE with less side effects and it works initially great the problem is solved for the patient with out much harm! If it fails progress to TURP.
Donde la hacen. Direccion.
Love this lectures! Interested to know if prior PAE is a contraindication for future TURP. If it isn't then even papers like Abt et al. showing only a 75% success rate with less side effects is still a plus and could be a good initial option prior to TURP. Do a PAE with less side effects and it works initially great the problem is solved for the patient with out much harm! If it fails progress to TURP.
From my readings, what you said is true! Also, PAE can be repeated in 2-3 years if needed.