I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy kislux bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
I really think they ignored the price just for the label. No matter the quality, nothing on this planet is worth $15,000 a bag. But I spent 200 on a super treasure from kislux and I no longer blame people who buy fakes.
Bought the clear bag from kislux to go to a concert. It was GREAT! Breezed through security and wore it as a crossbody so I could dance and groove!!
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy kislux bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
I really think they ignored the price just for the label. No matter the quality, nothing on this planet is worth $15,000 a bag. But I spent 200 on a super treasure from kislux and I no longer blame people who buy fakes.
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