I love how Nana kneels down and Yaman he felt the closeness and so he immediately gets up! He burns inside with each touch and each closeness. Nana kneeled down to talk to Yusuf, she tells Yusuf he’s so brave and strong for making that choice! And the hug she gives him is adorable, I can tell someone(Yaman bey) got a bit jealous! Don’t worry Yaman you’ll get your hugs and kisses from Nana soon😉.
The way their hands touch! They both felt that electric touch, the way they look into each other’s eyes❤️🔥. Yaman moves his hands and than Nana moves hers, and they both knew that felt that! I also love how both of them said good morning to each other it’s so adorable!
Nana is so funny I can’t! She cracks me up, Yaman knew the moment her hair is up she has something planned. But also Yaman face expression when she was talking to the older men, he was trying to see what’s going on from a far! I love how Nana immediately forgets she upset with Yaman it’s adorable! They both can’t be apart even for a second! Nana signals and calls Yaman to come, Yaman has me weak! Because he knows he can’t ever say no to her but still tries to but he caves in fast! I love how she said come, and he goes to her and she says do you know how to play! And he says get in the car! And she says do you not know how to play, I can teach you don’t worry😂😂
Me encantó la escena de la mano en la puerta. Ya sé.... es repetida (venga viuditas, animaos) pero es que me encanta la escena sin caras de susto o de miedo. Nana aguanta la mirada, en el baile igual. Se gustan y se nota. Lo hacen genial sin parecer que a la protagonista le va a dar un jamacuco que era una pesadez y lo odiaba, esas caras de cordero degollado........uffff. Trasladan pura química, como una pareja normal (bueno todo lo normal que es tener un hombre como Yaman al lado). Lo hacen GENIAL!!!!
Así es,👍👍👍 lo dijiste bien. Me hace gracia cuando las viudas dicen que Nana copia la Sila. Por un lado, Nana.. traviesa, llena de vida,.... y por otro lado, durmiendo de pie, con la boca abierta, la Sila.
@@lila3884 jajaja es una genia. Es un personajazo!!! Tú no has roncado nunca? No te tropiezas? No haces el ridículo frente a quien te gusta por alborotada? Pues yo sí! Eso sí, yo no le pego un tiro a nadie aunque me pongas una metralleta, no se me ocurre secuetrar a un nene, no se me ocurre meter a un bebito en una maleta......eso sí, si se acerca tu "amor" cara de "soy casta, no me toques" ayyyy qué daño hacen esos personajes..........
Tal y como lo pensé lo dijiste. Si, las escenas se parecen peroooo....lo que transmiten es totalmente diferente. Me encantan y ve que yo le decía a mi esposo que sin Seher no continuaría viendo esta serie.
@@zaidamorales2118 Pues salgamos del armario chicas!!! Que nos han tenido comida la moral durante mucho tiempo. Yo no podía soportar a Seher. Seguí viendo la serie con ella solo por YAman y Yusuf. Pero lo que hacen con esta temporada algunas es acoso y no hay derecho. El trabajo de esta temporada, diálogos, protagonistas, escenas es maravilloso. Si nos gusta, compensemos esos malos mensajes y acosadores en muchos casos con buena energía y positividad (como Nana)
Ay ay! Preciosaaaaa! Hablas por mi! Creo que por muchas de nosotras! Pensamos igual. Me encanta leerte! Que bella eres! De hace muchísimo tiempo debería de habértelo dicho! Te expresas excelente. Debo aprender de ti 🙏❤
Yaman is annoyed when Nana is near him but worries if he can’t see her… put up with her and even agrees to do whatever Nana wants (argue first then agrees) 😂
I love how bubbly Nana is she’s truly the best! I love when she was talking about how cold it way, but she said the wrong word. And she tells Yaman I know I got it wrong let me see what was it. And Yamans facial expressions has me weak, this couple is chaotic but most importantly they’re hilarious! They end up fighting, which is normal for every couple. The way Nana asked his if he has his rosary and to give it to her. And he asked why?? And she’s like I need it to say patience patience. And she says you never talk! She’s so funny I can’t, and than Yaman tells her not to get on his nerves and to go home. And she says no! Never I can’t leave my dear! Yaman he definitely loves her feisty side! He knows she won’t listen to him😂😂. He tells her to get in the car or walk around. And she says that a good idea, we should stay away from each other! And Yaman face when he sees her walking away from him! He tells himself it’s a problem when she’s here and it’s a problem when she isn’t! He knows he can’t be apart from her even a second 😏
Yusuf's first day of his school has turned out to be so important for Yaman ,Nana and for Akca Khala, more than for Yusuf. It was so good to watch how they all were excited and how they all have got ready before time and how they all have taken care of each and every need of Yusuf! Great Family!! 😍😍😍👏👏👏👪
She has me weak when she starts to tease Yaman! When he tells he knows how to play but won’t play with her, she turns her head away and she tells him okay I understand! Yaman immediately asked her what she meant, she tells him that he’s scared to lose against her, like how he couldn’t catch a fish😂😂. She made me laugh so hard, only she can tease him and he won’t get as mad! He sits down and she says don’t regret it! And he tells her don’t regret and cry😂. Nana has me weak when she puts her hand out for a handshake. Yaman his face when she’s closing her eyes shaking the dice and he tells her the game shouldn’t take long! And I love how they were arguing it’s like they’re already married❤️🔥. Yaman face when Nana kisses her wrist has me weak and he asked her were she learned that from? He learns new things about her each time, he learns about the many many talents she has!
NANA DESAFIO A YAMAN 😅-- Nana y Yaman se encuentran y se dan los buenos días. Nana es temprano voy a despertar al pajarito, tú también, Yaman dice que si, el no debe llegar tarde el primer dia. Nana fue una noche muy emocionante para él; estoy emocionada como el, no pude dormir. Yaman y Nana se tocan sus manos al abrir la puerta de Yusuf y se miran. Entran y Hala esta con Yusuf. Yaman, tía Hala te levantaste temprano. Hala, no puedo dormir con el primer día de escuela de mi nieto. Yusuf, la tía Hala me hizo jugo de naranjas de color diferente. Hala, eres mis ojos negros, mis cejas negras, le puse melaza para tu sanidad interior y te de fuerzas. Yusuf como sabe. Nana lo vas a saber hasta que lo pruebes, comienza con un sorbo. Yusuf, off muy sabroso. Hala, buena salud para mi valiente. Hala tiene un pañuelo bordado, y Yusuf le dice tiene mis iniciales. Hala suspira, y dice, de hecho, eran uno para tu padre, y para a tu tío; pero estaban destinados para ti. Hala, estas de suerte ábrelo y veras. Yusuf lo abre y tiene dinero. Yusuf, Hurra! Yusuf, Nana y Yaman sonríen. Hala dice estas sera tu primera asignación para tu primer día de clases, nuestras madres y padres solían hacerlo con nosotros. Pone un imperdible en la ropa de Yusuf, y dice que Dios te proteja de todo mal, de accidentes y del mal de ojo. Yusuf y Hala se besan y se abrazan. Nana le dice a Yaman, tienen buenas costumbres, ojalá tuviera una tía así. Adalet y Hala despiden a Yusuf. Adalet te traje tu lonchera. Nana le dice que la escuela le dan comida. Hala, yo lo quería así, querida, las comidas de las escuelas no son iguales y lo he preparado para mi Yusuf. Nana sonríe. Hala, te lo comerás todo querido, para que la vida llegue a tus dulces mejillas, vamos que Dios ilumine tu camino, si fuera con ustedes me sentiría más aliviada, pero... Yaman no te preocupes tía, esperare a Yusuf, además te cansaras, son muchas horas, mejor descansa. Yaman mira a Nana y le dice a Hala, ya llegara el momento que iremos juntos. Yusuf le dice a Nana si lo esperara, junto con su tío. Nana, cariño como te voy a esperar. Hala, vamos llegaras tarde. Yusuf se despide de la tía y de Adalet. Hala a Yusuf, que Dios te aclare tu mente, mi hijo león. Adalet, que Dios te bendiga. Hala le dice a Adalet, Yusuf está muy apegado a su institutriz. Adalet el ama mucho a su nanny y dice se me olvidó la comida y entra a la mansion. Llegan a la escuela y Yaman le dice a Yusuf, que no se preocupe, lo que sucedió ese día, está en el pasado, se fuerte ahora, está bien. Yusuf dice que sí. A Yaman no le gusto cuando Nana le fue hablar a Yusuf. Nana le dice, mi pajarito, eres el hombre más valiente y fuerte que he visto, porque has tomado una decision, y diste un paso. Yusuf la abraza. Yaman los mira. Yusuf se despide. Nana dice como no estar emocionados, creo que todo desaparecerá, cuando vea emocionado a sus amigos, Yaman dice que sí. Nana el clima esta frio, y nos vestimos un poco ligeros, digamos que nos vamos a quemar. Digamos que nos vamos a quemar jajaja Yaman y sus muecas. Nana, ya sé que estuvo mal, Esperar... lo encontré, tenía algo que ver con la comida. Nana dice no estamos quemados, estamos en llamas, es el termino correcto, 4 horas esperando y aquí sola contigo. Ha Yaman no le gusto, Nana, tienes el rosario, mejor dámelo a mi jajaja, Yaman dice por qué? Nana para que me de paciencia, paciencia, porque encontrare la paciencia con cada cuenta. jajaja Yaman la mira molesto. Y ella dice ahh, ahi esta esa mirada. jajaja Esas cejas fruncidas, dicen mucho, pero tú no dices nada. Yaman sera mejor que regreses a la mansion, no me pongas de los nervios nunca más. jajaja. Nana, jamás me ire me quedare a esperar al pajarito, en su primer dia. Yaman entonces súbete al auto, pasea, aléjate de mí y así no estaremos incomodos, ni me molestaras. Nana, retrocederé y me alejare de ti, mi mente está a gusto lejos de ti. jajaja Nana se va y Yaman dice, cuando ella esta es un problema y cuando ella no esta también es un problema. jajaja Nana llega hasta donde están jugando los caballeros y le dice buena suerte. El caballero ganador dice gracias, pero el juego se terminó, el perdió, y si el pierde se lleva el tablero, no lo dejamos sobre la mesa, levanta el brazo. El caballero que perdió, contesta no tenemos suerte como tú, nos topamos con un arbol. Y el ganador dice, pero perdiste y yo gane y besa su mano derecha y dice con la fuerza de mi muñeca. Nana observando. El perdedor dice vamos, que tenemos mucho que hacer. Yaman la observa y los caballeros dejan el tablero. Yaman mira que se hizo moño y Nana lo llama y Yaman dice que no. jajaja Yaman dice que? Nana, ven un minuto, venir. Yaman, que paso de nuevo, que pasa. Nana, mira lo que encontré, estas dentro (quieres jugar). Yaman dice que no está dentro, que lo correcto es estar en el auto, que suba al coche. Nana lo desafía, o es que no sabes, no te preocupes te enseñare. Yaman yo sé, pero no jugare contigo. Nana, entendí, está bien, tienes razon. Yaman, que quieres decir. Nana, no quieres jugar porque sería malo para ti perder por segunda vez, estabas diciendo también que no podia pescar, ok está bien, vete, pero no te arrepientas más tarde. Yaman se sienta y acepta el desafió, y dice no estes tristes después de hablar tanto. Nana, no te preocupes no se mucho. Que gane el mejor y se estrechan las manos.
I love how both Nana and Yaman are eagerly excited for Yusuf to go back to school. And they want to be their for him on his first day back. They thought they would be the first ones awake, but Yamans aunt was awake and was giving Yusuf juice. Nana and Yaman are watching Yusuf and hala interact. Hala ends up giving Yusuf money, and a handkerchief with the letter Y. I love how Nana says how beautiful this is, and she said she wishes she had an aunt like her. I felt bad for her when she said that, because she really doesn’t have any blood family🥺. She wishes she had someone like Hala. I love how Yaman looks at her, he’s eyes are watching her puppy like❤️🔥
Going to Yusuf's room their hands hold doorknob together, that electeified Nana ' sense of closeness to Yaman and she is started developing feelings for Yaman ❤😍
Bamos a ver que gana nana o yaman yaman se enoja fácil mente tiene que aprender ser más relajado más dulce con nana ella hace las cosas más divertidas para el se divierta y desafiado y se divierte cuando se enoja😄😄🥰❤️ojalá que suban los capítulos ordenados con subtitulos capítulos conpletos🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱
Yaman Kirimli is playing backgammon on the street with his fellow man like truck drivers do. So uncouth, so inelegant, so unrefined. Seher, you left and took all elegance and refinement with you.
Nana and Yaman are getting ready to take Yusuf to school. Yusuf is saying bye to Hala. And Nana says to not worry that there’s food at school or I could have.. but Hala chips in saying that she wants to give Yusuf her cooked food. I can tell Nana felt hurt by that, and she notices Hala dislikes her a bit. But I think Hala is just testing Nana, and she’s definitely acting like a mother in law to Nana! She’s also old fashioned so she’s a bit strict on Nana. But I felt bad for Nana, she feels left out by Hala, but tries to not show she’s hurt!
Doeu na alma! Credo! As mãos juntas na fechadura foi feita da mesma forma com Yaman e Seher........revoltante, falta de respeito tem essa autora e de criatividade, aff😥 por isso só haverá para sempre: Sehyam ❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋💋💔
Série totalmente falida, tudo se repete hooooo falta de criatividade, poderia valorizar os atores com novas cenas novo enredo ,mas preferem afundar mais e mais...
Nana repaired Yusuf's door latch together with Yaman, and accompanied Yaman and Yusuf on the first day of his reintegration into school, and also copied these scenes from the role of Seher. The scene outside the school with Nana petting and telling witticisms like an eighteen-year-old with wrinkles in her eyes, is utterly unacceptable and fake.And picking up hair in the middle of the road as if Rapunzel would engage in rock climbing or take part in some other difficult sport. Please find me a school where tables are set up at the door for parents to play backgammon while they wait children . You will tell me it would be very common for a university lecturer to play backgammon inside the villa or even in the yard. Τhey have the yard for dance classes in winter and learning dance with a laptop, so that the student cannot see and call the uncle to dance live. As for the lecturer's backgammon performance I had no doubt that she would be excellent, I can't wait to see her pilot a plane and why not a rocket. You guys are really funny.
This shows clearly how badly Nana the nanny was needed to do what Seher failed doing. Nana, after all, is teaching Yaman a lot of what street boys do, and that per se is a great achievement
You are so deep. As you described Nana I remembered how boring Seher was. This woman is giving us the smiles of Yusuf and Yaman that Seher didn’t give us. Seher always had a shy-intimidated- anxious face expression that honestly got super old.. Open your mind (but really open it) and with and give Nana a chance. She has so many qualities that the story need it, the fun Seher had with Yusuf was in the kitchen and let not even talk the fun she had with Yaman. He couldn’t even get a kiss from her since she had always run off to see Yusuf. Maybe that’s why Sila quit this character bc she knew it wasn’t worth doing it after two seasons she must’ve got tired of shy-boring Seher.
@msrs Never argue with a fool, or onlookers may not be able to tell the difference, thinking you're the fool Biky, not this msrs. Besides, judging by the confusion of her thoughts and words, you could very well tell her poor educational, cultural, and social background. So don't waste your breath stooping to such lowly levels, talking to them thugs who dragged the most prestigious Emanet, watched by millions, to an absurd show of only 10% or less of its original viewers of this ilks still watching.
@@lia5341 very true! You can tell what kind of a person you are by the way you express yourself in social media.. I also was hesitant when season 3 started. I didn’t watch season 2 for many reasons but I knew what was gonna happen, I was also heart broken when Seher died and said to myself that I wasn’t gonna watch season 3. Well, that didn’t happen since I wanted to know what was happening to Yusuf and Yaman when I decided to watch it and right on the second episode I felt in love with Nana’s character when she danced to Yusuf a song from her native country about a gazelle rejoicing in spring!! Besides the beautiful music to her dance movements what she told Yusuf when the song ended I knew she was a good hearted woman’s and she was the in who was gonna save Yusuf. I’m happy I gave Nana a change. Seher’s widows are so ridiculous and by their comments you can tell what kind of people they are
@msrs Talking to you will make me as doubly the fool that you are. A whisper in your ear, though. Ensure reading what you write, twice, and thrice prior to posting. Amen 🙏
Назмие этим эпизодом снова выставит Ямана дураком без ума и логики , ведь в шахматы выграет Нанушка- хлопушка , ведь рейтенги хуже 0 поетому Нануку нужно выставить " супер умной" . 🦧
لأ ومعطيها غرفة سحر على حساب كان بدو ينتقم لأخوه ياسين وقتل سحر نسي ومعيش أخت قاتلة أخوه وزوجته بغرفة سحر أصبحت فاشل يازمان لازم أنهيت دورك مع موت سحر زمل كملت مهزلة بكفي خلتك راقص ونزلت من مكانتك
I love how Nana kneels down and Yaman he felt the closeness and so he immediately gets up! He burns inside with each touch and each closeness. Nana kneeled down to talk to Yusuf, she tells Yusuf he’s so brave and strong for making that choice! And the hug she gives him is adorable, I can tell someone(Yaman bey) got a bit jealous! Don’t worry Yaman you’ll get your hugs and kisses from Nana soon😉.
The way their hands touch! They both felt that electric touch, the way they look into each other’s eyes❤️🔥. Yaman moves his hands and than Nana moves hers, and they both knew that felt that! I also love how both of them said good morning to each other it’s so adorable!
Nana is so funny I can’t! She cracks me up, Yaman knew the moment her hair is up she has something planned. But also Yaman face expression when she was talking to the older men, he was trying to see what’s going on from a far! I love how Nana immediately forgets she upset with Yaman it’s adorable! They both can’t be apart even for a second! Nana signals and calls Yaman to come, Yaman has me weak! Because he knows he can’t ever say no to her but still tries to but he caves in fast! I love how she said come, and he goes to her and she says do you know how to play! And he says get in the car! And she says do you not know how to play, I can teach you don’t worry😂😂
Me encantó la escena de la mano en la puerta. Ya sé.... es repetida (venga viuditas, animaos) pero es que me encanta la escena sin caras de susto o de miedo. Nana aguanta la mirada, en el baile igual. Se gustan y se nota. Lo hacen genial sin parecer que a la protagonista le va a dar un jamacuco que era una pesadez y lo odiaba, esas caras de cordero degollado........uffff. Trasladan pura química, como una pareja normal (bueno todo lo normal que es tener un hombre como Yaman al lado). Lo hacen GENIAL!!!!
Así es,👍👍👍 lo dijiste bien. Me hace gracia cuando las viudas dicen que Nana copia la Sila. Por un lado, Nana.. traviesa, llena de vida,.... y por otro lado, durmiendo de pie, con la boca abierta, la Sila.
@@lila3884 jajaja es una genia. Es un personajazo!!! Tú no has roncado nunca? No te tropiezas? No haces el ridículo frente a quien te gusta por alborotada? Pues yo sí! Eso sí, yo no le pego un tiro a nadie aunque me pongas una metralleta, no se me ocurre secuetrar a un nene, no se me ocurre meter a un bebito en una maleta......eso sí, si se acerca tu "amor" cara de "soy casta, no me toques" ayyyy qué daño hacen esos personajes..........
Tal y como lo pensé lo dijiste. Si, las escenas se parecen peroooo....lo que transmiten es totalmente diferente. Me encantan y ve que yo le decía a mi esposo que sin Seher no continuaría viendo esta serie.
@@zaidamorales2118 Pues salgamos del armario chicas!!! Que nos han tenido comida la moral durante mucho tiempo. Yo no podía soportar a Seher. Seguí viendo la serie con ella solo por YAman y Yusuf. Pero lo que hacen con esta temporada algunas es acoso y no hay derecho. El trabajo de esta temporada, diálogos, protagonistas, escenas es maravilloso. Si nos gusta, compensemos esos malos mensajes y acosadores en muchos casos con buena energía y positividad (como Nana)
Ay ay! Preciosaaaaa! Hablas por mi! Creo que por muchas de nosotras! Pensamos igual. Me encanta leerte! Que bella eres! De hace muchísimo tiempo debería de habértelo dicho! Te expresas excelente. Debo aprender de ti 🙏❤
Sempre meglio questa stagione 🥰
Nana says to Yaman: if you don't know how to play, I will teach you.🤣🤣🤣
Yaman nana te va enloqueser tremendo actor para aguantarla terremoto ysager noblesa te admiro mucho
Yaman is annoyed when Nana is near him but worries if he can’t see her… put up with her and even agrees to do whatever Nana wants (argue first then agrees) 😂
I love how bubbly Nana is she’s truly the best! I love when she was talking about how cold it way, but she said the wrong word. And she tells Yaman I know I got it wrong let me see what was it. And Yamans facial expressions has me weak, this couple is chaotic but most importantly they’re hilarious! They end up fighting, which is normal for every couple. The way Nana asked his if he has his rosary and to give it to her. And he asked why?? And she’s like I need it to say patience patience. And she says you never talk! She’s so funny I can’t, and than Yaman tells her not to get on his nerves and to go home. And she says no! Never I can’t leave my dear! Yaman he definitely loves her feisty side! He knows she won’t listen to him😂😂. He tells her to get in the car or walk around. And she says that a good idea, we should stay away from each other! And Yaman face when he sees her walking away from him! He tells himself it’s a problem when she’s here and it’s a problem when she isn’t! He knows he can’t be apart from her even a second 😏
Yusuf's first day of his school has turned out to be so important for Yaman ,Nana and for Akca Khala, more than for Yusuf. It was so good to watch how they all were excited and how they all have got ready before time and how they all have taken care of each and every need of Yusuf! Great Family!!
Nana 💪🔥 hhhhhhhhh 🤣🤣😂 yaman 😍🥵😌🤭😅😅😅😅😅
She has me weak when she starts to tease Yaman! When he tells he knows how to play but won’t play with her, she turns her head away and she tells him okay I understand! Yaman immediately asked her what she meant, she tells him that he’s scared to lose against her, like how he couldn’t catch a fish😂😂. She made me laugh so hard, only she can tease him and he won’t get as mad! He sits down and she says don’t regret it! And he tells her don’t regret and cry😂. Nana has me weak when she puts her hand out for a handshake. Yaman his face when she’s closing her eyes shaking the dice and he tells her the game shouldn’t take long! And I love how they were arguing it’s like they’re already married❤️🔥. Yaman face when Nana kisses her wrist has me weak and he asked her were she learned that from? He learns new things about her each time, he learns about the many many talents she has!
Gracias por trasmitir pero traduscan. Por favor
NANA DESAFIO A YAMAN 😅-- Nana y Yaman se encuentran y se dan los buenos días. Nana es temprano voy a despertar al pajarito, tú también, Yaman dice que si, el no debe llegar tarde el primer dia. Nana fue una noche muy emocionante para él; estoy emocionada como el, no pude dormir. Yaman y Nana se tocan sus manos al abrir la puerta de Yusuf y se miran. Entran y Hala esta con Yusuf. Yaman, tía Hala te levantaste temprano. Hala, no puedo dormir con el primer día de escuela de mi nieto. Yusuf, la tía Hala me hizo jugo de naranjas de color diferente. Hala, eres mis ojos negros, mis cejas negras, le puse melaza para tu sanidad interior y te de fuerzas. Yusuf como sabe. Nana lo vas a saber hasta que lo pruebes, comienza con un sorbo. Yusuf, off muy sabroso. Hala, buena salud para mi valiente. Hala tiene un pañuelo bordado, y Yusuf le dice tiene mis iniciales. Hala suspira, y dice, de hecho, eran uno para tu padre, y para a tu tío; pero estaban destinados para ti. Hala, estas de suerte ábrelo y veras. Yusuf lo abre y tiene dinero. Yusuf, Hurra! Yusuf, Nana y Yaman sonríen. Hala dice estas sera tu primera asignación para tu primer día de clases, nuestras madres y padres solían hacerlo con nosotros. Pone un imperdible en la ropa de Yusuf, y dice que Dios te proteja de todo mal, de accidentes y del mal de ojo. Yusuf y Hala se besan y se abrazan. Nana le dice a Yaman, tienen buenas costumbres, ojalá tuviera una tía así.
Adalet y Hala despiden a Yusuf. Adalet te traje tu lonchera. Nana le dice que la escuela le dan comida. Hala, yo lo quería así, querida, las comidas de las escuelas no son iguales y lo he preparado para mi Yusuf. Nana sonríe. Hala, te lo comerás todo querido, para que la vida llegue a tus dulces mejillas, vamos que Dios ilumine tu camino, si fuera con ustedes me sentiría más aliviada, pero... Yaman no te preocupes tía, esperare a Yusuf, además te cansaras, son muchas horas, mejor descansa. Yaman mira a Nana y le dice a Hala, ya llegara el momento que iremos juntos. Yusuf le dice a Nana si lo esperara, junto con su tío. Nana, cariño como te voy a esperar. Hala, vamos llegaras tarde. Yusuf se despide de la tía y de Adalet. Hala a Yusuf, que Dios te aclare tu mente, mi hijo león. Adalet, que Dios te bendiga. Hala le dice a Adalet, Yusuf está muy apegado a su institutriz. Adalet el ama mucho a su nanny y dice se me olvidó la comida y entra a la mansion.
Llegan a la escuela y Yaman le dice a Yusuf, que no se preocupe, lo que sucedió ese día, está en el pasado, se fuerte ahora, está bien. Yusuf dice que sí. A Yaman no le gusto cuando Nana le fue hablar a Yusuf. Nana le dice, mi pajarito, eres el hombre más valiente y fuerte que he visto, porque has tomado una decision, y diste un paso. Yusuf la abraza. Yaman los mira. Yusuf se despide. Nana dice como no estar emocionados, creo que todo desaparecerá, cuando vea emocionado a sus amigos, Yaman dice que sí. Nana el clima esta frio, y nos vestimos un poco ligeros, digamos que nos vamos a quemar. Digamos que nos vamos a quemar jajaja Yaman y sus muecas. Nana, ya sé que estuvo mal, Esperar... lo encontré, tenía algo que ver con la comida. Nana dice no estamos quemados, estamos en llamas, es el termino correcto, 4 horas esperando y aquí sola contigo. Ha Yaman no le gusto, Nana, tienes el rosario, mejor dámelo a mi jajaja, Yaman dice por qué? Nana para que me de paciencia, paciencia, porque encontrare la paciencia con cada cuenta. jajaja Yaman la mira molesto. Y ella dice ahh, ahi esta esa mirada. jajaja Esas cejas fruncidas, dicen mucho, pero tú no dices nada. Yaman sera mejor que regreses a la mansion, no me pongas de los nervios nunca más. jajaja. Nana, jamás me ire me quedare a esperar al pajarito, en su primer dia. Yaman entonces súbete al auto, pasea, aléjate de mí y así no estaremos incomodos, ni me molestaras. Nana, retrocederé y me alejare de ti, mi mente está a gusto lejos de ti. jajaja Nana se va y Yaman dice, cuando ella esta es un problema y cuando ella no esta también es un problema. jajaja
Nana llega hasta donde están jugando los caballeros y le dice buena suerte. El caballero ganador dice gracias, pero el juego se terminó, el perdió, y si el pierde se lleva el tablero, no lo dejamos sobre la mesa, levanta el brazo. El caballero que perdió, contesta no tenemos suerte como tú, nos topamos con un arbol. Y el ganador dice, pero perdiste y yo gane y besa su mano derecha y dice con la fuerza de mi muñeca. Nana observando. El perdedor dice vamos, que tenemos mucho que hacer. Yaman la observa y los caballeros dejan el tablero. Yaman mira que se hizo moño y Nana lo llama y Yaman dice que no. jajaja Yaman dice que? Nana, ven un minuto, venir. Yaman, que paso de nuevo, que pasa. Nana, mira lo que encontré, estas dentro (quieres jugar). Yaman dice que no está dentro, que lo correcto es estar en el auto, que suba al coche. Nana lo desafía, o es que no sabes, no te preocupes te enseñare. Yaman yo sé, pero no jugare contigo. Nana, entendí, está bien, tienes razon. Yaman, que quieres decir. Nana, no quieres jugar porque sería malo para ti perder por segunda vez, estabas diciendo también que no podia pescar, ok está bien, vete, pero no te arrepientas más tarde. Yaman se sienta y acepta el desafió, y dice no estes tristes después de hablar tanto. Nana, no te preocupes no se mucho. Que gane el mejor y se estrechan las manos.
Muito obrigada pela tradução você nos ajuda demais a podermos entender o que eles falam, muito e muito obrigada
Cómo Yaman se escapó cuando perdió🤣🤣🤣
@@sandrafernandes799 siempre a la orden 😍 lindo día 💥
@@lila3884 no le gusta perder y menos con Nana jajaja 😆🤭
Muito obrigada pelas traduções. Ótimo dia. ⚘🇧🇷
I love how both Nana and Yaman are eagerly excited for Yusuf to go back to school. And they want to be their for him on his first day back. They thought they would be the first ones awake, but Yamans aunt was awake and was giving Yusuf juice. Nana and Yaman are watching Yusuf and hala interact. Hala ends up giving Yusuf money, and a handkerchief with the letter Y. I love how Nana says how beautiful this is, and she said she wishes she had an aunt like her. I felt bad for her when she said that, because she really doesn’t have any blood family🥺. She wishes she had someone like Hala. I love how Yaman looks at her, he’s eyes are watching her puppy like❤️🔥
Going to Yusuf's room their hands hold doorknob together, that electeified Nana ' sense of closeness to Yaman and she is started developing feelings for Yaman ❤😍
Adoro yaman e Naná ela é divertida e leva Yaman com ela para que ele se distrai ele sempre bravo mais Naná suavisa Yaman ❤🇧🇷💙⭐
Bamos a ver que gana nana o yaman yaman se enoja fácil mente tiene que aprender ser más relajado más dulce con nana ella hace las cosas más divertidas para el se divierta y desafiado y se divierte cuando se enoja😄😄🥰❤️ojalá que suban los capítulos ordenados con subtitulos capítulos conpletos🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱
Tô adorando esse climinha
Lo mejor Yaman y Nana 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Yaman Kirimli is playing backgammon on the street with his fellow man like truck drivers do. So uncouth, so inelegant, so unrefined. Seher, you left and took all elegance and refinement with you.
Nana and Yaman are getting ready to take Yusuf to school. Yusuf is saying bye to Hala. And Nana says to not worry that there’s food at school or I could have.. but Hala chips in saying that she wants to give Yusuf her cooked food. I can tell Nana felt hurt by that, and she notices Hala dislikes her a bit. But I think Hala is just testing Nana, and she’s definitely acting like a mother in law to Nana! She’s also old fashioned so she’s a bit strict on Nana. But I felt bad for Nana, she feels left out by Hala, but tries to not show she’s hurt!
Halil Nanuka💋💋💋💋💋💋💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Doeu na alma! Credo! As mãos juntas na fechadura foi feita da mesma forma com Yaman e Seher........revoltante, falta de respeito tem essa autora e de criatividade, aff😥 por isso só haverá para sempre: Sehyam ❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋💋💔
Série totalmente falida, tudo se repete hooooo falta de criatividade, poderia valorizar os atores com novas cenas novo enredo ,mas preferem afundar mais e mais...
Nana ❤️Yaman
Tinha que ter traducao em todos 😢
Ponga legenda 🙃 En español por favor 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Dubuş atim demesi
Can we get the English subtitles back ? Lutfen 😢
Pq não estão legendando
En español xfa.
Aku ora eruh artine gaesss...
Mbok Yo di ke-i English translation to yoooo...Ben aku Iki Rodok ngerti...🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭
Lubię lch🌹
Where are english subtitles?
Nana repaired Yusuf's door latch together with Yaman, and accompanied Yaman and Yusuf on the first day of his reintegration into school, and also copied these scenes from the role of Seher. The scene outside the school with Nana petting and telling witticisms like an eighteen-year-old with wrinkles in her eyes, is utterly unacceptable and fake.And picking up hair in the middle of the road as if Rapunzel would engage in rock climbing or take part in some other difficult sport. Please find me a school where tables are set up at the door for parents to play backgammon while they wait children . You will tell me it would be very common for a university lecturer to play backgammon inside the villa or even in the yard. Τhey have the yard for dance classes in winter and learning dance with a laptop, so that the student cannot see and call the uncle to dance live. As for the lecturer's backgammon performance I had no doubt that she would be excellent, I can't wait to see her pilot a plane and why not a rocket. You guys are really funny.
This shows clearly how badly Nana the nanny was needed to do what Seher failed doing. Nana, after all, is teaching Yaman a lot of what street boys do, and that per se is a great achievement
You are so deep. As you described Nana I remembered how boring Seher was. This woman is giving us the smiles of Yusuf and Yaman that Seher didn’t give us. Seher always had a shy-intimidated- anxious face expression that honestly got super old.. Open your mind (but really open it) and with and give Nana a chance. She has so many qualities that the story need it, the fun Seher had with Yusuf was in the kitchen and let not even talk the fun she had with Yaman. He couldn’t even get a kiss from her since she had always run off to see Yusuf. Maybe that’s why Sila quit this character bc she knew it wasn’t worth doing it after two seasons she must’ve got tired of shy-boring Seher.
@msrs Never argue with a fool, or onlookers may not be able to tell the difference, thinking you're the fool Biky, not this msrs. Besides, judging by the confusion of her thoughts and words, you could very well tell her poor educational, cultural, and social background. So don't waste your breath stooping to such lowly levels, talking to them thugs who dragged the most prestigious Emanet, watched by millions, to an absurd show of only 10% or less of its original viewers of this ilks still watching.
@@lia5341 very true! You can tell what kind of a person you are by the way you express yourself in social media.. I also was hesitant when season 3 started. I didn’t watch season 2 for many reasons but I knew what was gonna happen, I was also heart broken when Seher died and said to myself that I wasn’t gonna watch season 3. Well, that didn’t happen since I wanted to know what was happening to Yusuf and Yaman when I decided to watch it and right on the second episode I felt in love with Nana’s character when she danced to Yusuf a song from her native country about a gazelle rejoicing in spring!! Besides the beautiful music to her dance movements what she told Yusuf when the song ended I knew she was a good hearted woman’s and she was the in who was gonna save Yusuf. I’m happy I gave Nana a change. Seher’s widows are so ridiculous and by their comments you can tell what kind of people they are
@msrs Talking to you will make me as doubly the fool that you are. A whisper in your ear, though. Ensure reading what you write, twice, and thrice prior to posting. Amen 🙏
subtitulos español
Subtítulos español
Please English translation
Назмие этим эпизодом снова выставит Ямана дураком без ума и логики , ведь в шахматы выграет
Нанушка- хлопушка , ведь рейтенги хуже 0 поетому Нануку нужно выставить " супер умной" .
لأ ومعطيها غرفة سحر على حساب كان بدو ينتقم لأخوه ياسين وقتل سحر نسي ومعيش أخت قاتلة أخوه وزوجته بغرفة سحر أصبحت فاشل يازمان لازم أنهيت دورك مع موت سحر زمل كملت مهزلة بكفي خلتك راقص ونزلت من مكانتك
Nana Yaman Emanet 3 🤮🤮🤮🤮🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫❌️❌️❌️🐍🐍🐍🤡🤡🤡🤡🙊🙊🙊🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪
Where is Saher
Seher was murdered in the last episode of season 2 (416). Sila, the actress that played Seher, left the series.
Morreu e já está a tempo fazendo outra série
كله كدب وغش وخداع من أجل الحصول على المال الحرام
Nana malipuurelib yusufi että Yaman naimisiin sänky saaks hävettää 👎👎👎👎🤑🤑🤑🤮🤮😱😱
Seher aitoa rakkaus Yaman ❤️❤️❤️❤️🇪🇪🇪🇪
@@სამი1234 მგონი იმ გოგოს ნანამდე რომ თამაშობდა ბეცივით აცეცებდა თვალებს აქეთ-იქით რაღაც სექტა აქვს.