Good video, thank you! Went to my local dealer in March 1985 to trade in my 200S for a 200X. The salesman said to look at this '350X'. No previous ads or nothing, they just showed up. After he got it started, I rode a wheelie across the parking lot. We loaded it up and took it home. Great machine!
You bet man! I've got an R I need to finish that I've got your bushings in, and another set for an 87 200X still in the package I need to install. More shout outs to come!
Definitely the best all around machine, fast, easier to ride with all the torque, great trail machine, nearly started 4 stroke revolution 15 years prior to it. Best all around bike. Has it's issues but nothing major besides a frame that is inadequate from the factory ti handle the ass that motor lays down stock.
I used to buy all sorts of fun stuff out of cycle Trader, as the regional rep for central TX I received the books a day early in our warehouse, I would buy them before my books hit the streets. I dith work and go buy bikes, man times were great!!!
Hey Preston, great video and tons of awesome insight. The 350X was a great machine and I own and ride a few of them regularly. I just disagree that they are "The Best model Honda made" I recognize that this is your opinion and you mention this. As a guy who has seen and rode a lot of these machines I feel that they are more often than not beat and broken due to the lack luster design. (Big Engine in a poorly built chassis) the rear is often broken up as you mention. The little underwhelming tabs welded to the frame to carry the swing arm are often egg shaped and not holding the swinger to the frame properly. When I look at an 86 250R or what Honda did to improve the 200X from 85 to 86 it shows what Honda was capable of. If only we had seen a 2nd Gen 350X, Im sure they would have improved upon the design. I just dont see the 350X as a great candidate for "best model Honda made" due to its major mishaps in the design of the chassis. I love the power of my 350X but think Honda missed it with this one.
Great video, I had a shop restoring a 86 that is 95 percent done. After watching this I told him to kick rocks. PS I sent you a. Couple pics a few weeks ago through Instagram or Facebook, don't remember now lol. Thanks again for this video, I am sure now I would have regretted buying that 86. 😀
Really? What shop? So were they putting lipstick on a pig for you? I'll have to check my messages and see if I missed yours. I definitely want to hear more about that machine they were restoring.
Awesome videos! I don't know if the brake reservior guard on your 350x trike is OEM but I'm nearly positive that Honda offered it as an accessory. I remember seeing it when looking at options for my 200x. I bought it new in 1984 and have owned it since. I've ridden it a lot (and still ride it occasionally), it is in fairly good condition, and it has a few aftermarket parts on it. I still have the original paperwork including the owners manual and Manufacture Certificate of Origin. I love this trike. Thanks for the great videos.
Great video. I drove 1hour to look at a 85 350X that smoked, had oil in the muffler, bent rear axle, maier rear fenders, bad seat recover. I passed on that one.
I have a used oem front brake line hose guide from an 1986 350x if anyone is interested. Great video. The 350x was my favorite also I wish I still had it.
If you had to pick between a really nice, stock 250R or a very gently used 350X (both are 86’s) which would you pick ? Don’t consider price… just pick the better machine. Go.
"The Better Machine".... hmmm... well that depends because what's better for you and what's better for me could be different. What's better for me could be based on what I have/don't have. If I don't have an 86 R and already have a nice 86 X.... the better machine may be the R because I don't have one. I honestly would probably gravitate towards the 350X because I have two nice 86R's right now and it would be BETTER if I had 2 nice 86 350X's... lol. I'm not trying to be snarky or anything, it's just not an easy question to answer. If you had a lot of woods to ride in where you couldn't open up your machine, you'd probably not enjoy the R... If you had wide open terrain, you may enjoy the R more than the X. Lots of variables. The R in your scenario sounds like it would be worth more based on today's values... but not a lot... but certainly more. I think I've danced around giving you a direct answer... but for me I'd pick the X. That would be better for me... based on what I've got going on.
I've had two 250R's, for where I live in southern Utah, they are/were perfect so I'd go with another one of those...of course I wouldn't kick a sweet 350X out of bed for eaten' crackers...
Great video thanks for the info. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about an 1986 honda 300 shaft driven? My friends dad had one when I was a kid that we used to ride and I haven't been able to find anything out about them or seen one since then.
Hmmm... what you're describing didn't exist. In 86, Honda made a TRX 250 2x4... basically a 4 wheeled Big Red, shaft drive. They made a TRX 350, 4x4. These in 87 became the 350D Foreman. But they never made a shaft drive 300 until 88.
I just caught pieces and parts of the video. Will watch again later, did you happen to mention checking the rebound on the suspension. A blown shock or even fork seals can get expensive in a hurry and difficult to come up with.
I can't remember what I said now! lol. Most of this stuff is just off the cuff as it pops into my head. I should really make some notes and structure these so I hit all the bases.
What I've come to understand is that the oil pickup in the 85 model was positioned toward the front of the motor; so if riders were doing wheelies for an extended period of time, or doing long duration hill climbs, it could starve the top end of oil and cause cam damage. But in the 86 model they positioned it more towards the back of the motor and that remedied the problem. I'm not sure that I've heard of any other cam issue, and never with the 86. Are you sure?
Thanks for all the good info, here in the Texas Panhandle if you can find a 350x you better buy it no matter the shape. I've been looking for years. Farmers and Ranchers around here like the big reds. Lots of those but usually completely worn out☹️
The headlight guards are Hondaline accessories. There have bee a few people making reproductions of them, but the chrome ones are almost exclusively Hondaline originals. The tool kit/box came on each machine new. So if it's missing, someone took it off at some point. You can find them on ebay used on occasion, but they're $150 to $200.
Also check on the oil on the super x I built for ya. I've run into several people running 400ex carbs and they pump the throttle too much and eventually a ton of gas ends up in the oil. Danger to look out for.
ATD-ATC. Craig Burton makes a lot of cool products. Grab bars, skid plates and other things. I'm not sure how many Yamaha options he has, but look up ATD-ATC on Facebook and you'll find him.
I have a complete machined never ran top end I can sell. The whole kit and Kaboodle. New wiseco 10.25:1 hi comp piston, bore and diamond hone. Head and cylinder resurfaced. New valves and seals, cam included. Has been only run for a few minutes to verify it was good. Was destined for a trx350d but that machine has been one problem after another. I'm looking to part with it and I'd give a good deal. I built Preston's super 350X engine which is terrifyingly fast. I'm easy to get a hold of if anyone has interest.
They came on the machine when I bought it. I think there was a guy making repop's in the past. I just looked on ebay but I didn't see any on there. I think the guy I bought the machine from said the seller was DC maybe?
You should do the 84 or 85 Big red buyers guide... probably the most common machine in my area. They are still selling for over $1000 cdn if they run, but can't insure them here so your restricted to private land use.
@@ThisOldTrike any of them. I think you mentioned one time that the 350x in 85 had oiling issues that were fixed in the 86 model. Was just wondering if there are any other things like that for the other ATCs?
Forgot to mention the oil pumps on the 85 can be a issue but have to ask would you be interested in buying a showroom oem 1981 Honda atc 250r just got it here a while back it’s super clean and original
You're 100% correct. They moved the oil pick ups a little further back in the motor on the 86's so guys wouldn't run them dry if they were doing prolonged wheelies... And I'd love to chat with you about that 250R. Can you email me some more info about it at please?
It's extremely hard to give a value based on a verbal description. I'm happy to help, but I really need more info and preferably pictures. Can you find me on Facebook (Preston Frasier) or Instagram (This_Old_Trike) and send me a message?
Great, informative video. Love the 350x, but unsure if I’d get much riding in on one at my age to justify paying what people are asking nowadays, like they’re on Barrett-Jackson. By the way, do you ever give your 1988 250R any riding time? I was ‘this close’ to buying a brand new 89 off the showroom floor, but sadly opted for a Blaster instead. I was a poor Sailor in 1989 with two little kids…
Is there a way to get a certificate of origin/title for these,a lot of you guys get them and put a lot of money into them,I have 1 lol that I need that here in fl so I can register it to be able to ride in state/federal parks,any of obtaining this would be greatly appreciated
@@ThisOldTrike yea I believe it to be a type of initiation and badge of honor to get ripped off a time or 2 we all had to learn those lessons the hard way now we know better and are able to share experiences
It's not abuse. it's called 'riding', and that's what people buy these for is to ride them. And do you own all those three wheelers? You might want to seek some professional help. Just saying. Lol
Good video, thank you! Went to my local dealer in March 1985 to trade in my 200S for a 200X. The salesman said to look at this '350X'. No previous ads or nothing, they just showed up. After he got it started, I rode a wheelie across the parking lot. We loaded it up and took it home. Great machine!
You are the Bob Ross of trike videos!
You are probably the 3rd person saying I'm the ATC Bob Ross... There will be a Bob Ross video coming soon!!
Do you have a video for adjusting the decompression cable?
This was some really good info. Always appreciate your videos. Keep this series going! Would like to see a 250r and 250es buying guide next
Thanks for watching! I've since done a 250ES version. I haven't circled back to do a video on the 250Rs though...
Preston, thanks for the shoutout on the swingarm bushings. I really appreciate it. Please reach out if you ever need anything.
You bet man! I've got an R I need to finish that I've got your bushings in, and another set for an 87 200X still in the package I need to install. More shout outs to come!
Definitely the best all around machine, fast, easier to ride with all the torque, great trail machine, nearly started 4 stroke revolution 15 years prior to it. Best all around bike. Has it's issues but nothing major besides a frame that is inadequate from the factory ti handle the ass that motor lays down stock.
Perfect assessment Mr. Buysall.
I used to buy all sorts of fun stuff out of cycle Trader, as the regional rep for central TX I received the books a day early in our warehouse, I would buy them before my books hit the streets. I dith work and go buy bikes, man times were great!!!
Thanks great video.
I am in the process of looking for a Frankenstein 350x
Hey Preston, great video and tons of awesome insight. The 350X was a great machine and I own and ride a few of them regularly. I just disagree that they are "The Best model Honda made" I recognize that this is your opinion and you mention this. As a guy who has seen and rode a lot of these machines I feel that they are more often than not beat and broken due to the lack luster design. (Big Engine in a poorly built chassis) the rear is often broken up as you mention. The little underwhelming tabs welded to the frame to carry the swing arm are often egg shaped and not holding the swinger to the frame properly. When I look at an 86 250R or what Honda did to improve the 200X from 85 to 86 it shows what Honda was capable of. If only we had seen a 2nd Gen 350X, Im sure they would have improved upon the design. I just dont see the 350X as a great candidate for "best model Honda made" due to its major mishaps in the design of the chassis. I love the power of my 350X but think Honda missed it with this one.
Great video, I had a shop restoring a 86 that is 95 percent done. After watching this I told him to kick rocks. PS I sent you a. Couple pics a few weeks ago through Instagram or Facebook, don't remember now lol. Thanks again for this video, I am sure now I would have regretted buying that 86. 😀
Really? What shop? So were they putting lipstick on a pig for you? I'll have to check my messages and see if I missed yours. I definitely want to hear more about that machine they were restoring.
Awesome videos! I don't know if the brake reservior guard on your 350x trike is OEM but I'm nearly positive that Honda offered it as an accessory. I remember seeing it when looking at options for my 200x. I bought it new in 1984 and have owned it since. I've ridden it a lot (and still ride it occasionally), it is in fairly good condition, and it has a few aftermarket parts on it. I still have the original paperwork including the owners manual and Manufacture Certificate of Origin. I love this trike. Thanks for the great videos.
Thanks for watching brother!
Thanks Just got a 1986 200 x totally in pieces now , definitely getting a 350x and a 250r ,probably stop at that lol
Omg man what a beautiful collection u have there
Love the channel and the collection. What color is the oem 86 rear skid plate supposed to be?
It should be black. And thank you!
Great video. I drove 1hour to look at a 85 350X that smoked, had oil in the muffler, bent rear axle, maier rear fenders, bad seat recover. I passed on that one.
Smart move sir!!
Thoroughly enjoyed this video. Thank you. 🔧
I have a used oem front brake line hose guide from an 1986 350x if anyone is interested.
Great video. The 350x was my favorite also I wish I still had it.
I'm looking for the one that mounts to the left triple, it's like metal wire around 4 inches wide and it's just for the front brake hose.
I'm sure somebody is interested!
Yes that’s what I have. I will send you a picture if you want. Just tell me where you want it sent to.
If you had to pick between a really nice, stock 250R or a very gently used 350X (both are 86’s) which would you pick ? Don’t consider price… just pick the better machine. Go.
"The Better Machine".... hmmm... well that depends because what's better for you and what's better for me could be different. What's better for me could be based on what I have/don't have. If I don't have an 86 R and already have a nice 86 X.... the better machine may be the R because I don't have one. I honestly would probably gravitate towards the 350X because I have two nice 86R's right now and it would be BETTER if I had 2 nice 86 350X's... lol. I'm not trying to be snarky or anything, it's just not an easy question to answer. If you had a lot of woods to ride in where you couldn't open up your machine, you'd probably not enjoy the R... If you had wide open terrain, you may enjoy the R more than the X. Lots of variables. The R in your scenario sounds like it would be worth more based on today's values... but not a lot... but certainly more. I think I've danced around giving you a direct answer... but for me I'd pick the X. That would be better for me... based on what I've got going on.
85 big red all day!!!
I've had two 250R's, for where I live in southern Utah, they are/were perfect so I'd go with another one of those...of course I wouldn't kick a sweet 350X out of bed for eaten' crackers...
@@ridingdeep8530 that's hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣
Great video thanks for the info. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about an 1986 honda 300 shaft driven? My friends dad had one when I was a kid that we used to ride and I haven't been able to find anything out about them or seen one since then.
Hmmm... what you're describing didn't exist. In 86, Honda made a TRX 250 2x4... basically a 4 wheeled Big Red, shaft drive. They made a TRX 350, 4x4. These in 87 became the 350D Foreman. But they never made a shaft drive 300 until 88.
Pick up a 125m today wondering what's the biggest engine Honda did with the hi/low selector like the CT bikes
The 200E had the hi/low range option. Little different set up than the 125M... but same idea.
I just caught pieces and parts of the video. Will watch again later, did you happen to mention checking the rebound on the suspension. A blown shock or even fork seals can get expensive in a hurry and difficult to come up with.
I can't remember what I said now! lol. Most of this stuff is just off the cuff as it pops into my head. I should really make some notes and structure these so I hit all the bases.
You never seen lights so bright right before they blow I had one with the regulator removed
Well will finish the video tomorrow. Got to get up early for work.
Rest up!
Best Honda 3 wheeler I've owned was an 86 350X...they did have a cam issue however.
What I've come to understand is that the oil pickup in the 85 model was positioned toward the front of the motor; so if riders were doing wheelies for an extended period of time, or doing long duration hill climbs, it could starve the top end of oil and cause cam damage. But in the 86 model they positioned it more towards the back of the motor and that remedied the problem. I'm not sure that I've heard of any other cam issue, and never with the 86. Are you sure?
Thanks for all the good info, here in the Texas Panhandle if you can find a 350x you better buy it no matter the shape. I've been looking for years. Farmers and Ranchers around here like the big reds. Lots of those but usually completely worn out☹️
Where do you get the headlight protector and the tool kit?
The headlight guards are Hondaline accessories. There have bee a few people making reproductions of them, but the chrome ones are almost exclusively Hondaline originals. The tool kit/box came on each machine new. So if it's missing, someone took it off at some point. You can find them on ebay used on occasion, but they're $150 to $200.
Also check on the oil on the super x I built for ya. I've run into several people running 400ex carbs and they pump the throttle too much and eventually a ton of gas ends up in the oil. Danger to look out for.
Oil seems good. The decomp needs to be adjusted again, I need to rebuild carb I think, and give it a once over at some point soon.
I really like all Hondas but I am a real sucker for utility like the 82 to 87 big red.
Where did you get that rear grab bar I would like try and put it on my ytm 200e
ATD-ATC. Craig Burton makes a lot of cool products. Grab bars, skid plates and other things. I'm not sure how many Yamaha options he has, but look up ATD-ATC on Facebook and you'll find him.
@@ThisOldTrike awesome thanks love the collection and videos plan on getting a Honda one day
You got that tricycle guy scrutiny going on, 👍 I like it
It's in the blood!
great video, another issue with these 350x is finding a cam if your motor needs one
Shares top end w trx350d, completely other than color. Good place to look when you need top end parts.
I have a complete machined never ran top end I can sell. The whole kit and Kaboodle. New wiseco 10.25:1 hi comp piston, bore and diamond hone. Head and cylinder resurfaced. New valves and seals, cam included. Has been only run for a few minutes to verify it was good. Was destined for a trx350d but that machine has been one problem after another. I'm looking to part with it and I'd give a good deal. I built Preston's super 350X engine which is terrifyingly fast. I'm easy to get a hold of if anyone has interest.
Thank you and you are absolutely correct!
what I did was to run a ad looking for a 86 to 89 350 foreman, trx350d parts on craigslist. got one for 250 bucks, kept the top end, scrapped the rest
Watch this guy. He does Yamaha and Suzuki. But he is great.
Wait a minute!
@@ThisOldTrike Dale Sweger is the channel I was talking about. I put a link to his channel in but I guess it didn’t go through.
awsome collection u hit the lottery ? lol grt property too. they made an SX too right?
Thank you for watching!!!
I want a 350x so badly. Have you ever ridden/owned and Astro 4 wheel conversion 350x or 250r?
Where did you get the 250r short track shrouds behind you at the end of the video ?
They came on the machine when I bought it. I think there was a guy making repop's in the past. I just looked on ebay but I didn't see any on there. I think the guy I bought the machine from said the seller was DC maybe?
You should do the 84 or 85 Big red buyers guide... probably the most common machine in my area. They are still selling for over $1000 cdn if they run, but can't insure them here so your restricted to private land use.
It's on my list! Coming soon!
I'd like to know which ones should you not get if you are wanting to do wheelies?
Which 350X's, or which three wheelers?
@@ThisOldTrike any of them. I think you mentioned one time that the 350x in 85 had oiling issues that were fixed in the 86 model. Was just wondering if there are any other things like that for the other ATCs?
@@TexasRedneck the '86 will do wheelies for longer 👍🏻 or get a 2 stroke 😎
@@hank1556 thanks!
Forgot to mention the oil pumps on the 85 can be a issue but have to ask would you be interested in buying a showroom oem 1981 Honda atc 250r just got it here a while back it’s super clean and original
You're 100% correct. They moved the oil pick ups a little further back in the motor on the 86's so guys wouldn't run them dry if they were doing prolonged wheelies... And I'd love to chat with you about that 250R. Can you email me some more info about it at please?
I texted you on messenger
What do you guys think a 86 and 87 200x are worth, have a nice unmolested 86 and a 87 . 87 needs some correction but not much
It's extremely hard to give a value based on a verbal description. I'm happy to help, but I really need more info and preferably pictures. Can you find me on Facebook (Preston Frasier) or Instagram (This_Old_Trike) and send me a message?
Do you know of a 350X for sale? I just want a rider,and I know, good luck
Where are you located?
@ThisOldTrike Burlington Vermont
You are the reason I got one
Awesome!! I really appreciate that man. Worth it??
Great video sir!
Thanks brother!! I appreciate you watching! Wasn't hard to ramble on for 55 minutes about 350X's and STILL not cover everything!
How much for the trx200 ? If for sale
Where in this video did you see a TRX 200?
Great, informative video. Love the 350x, but unsure if I’d get much riding in on one at my age to justify paying what people are asking nowadays, like they’re on Barrett-Jackson. By the way, do you ever give your 1988 250R any riding time? I was ‘this close’ to buying a brand new 89 off the showroom floor, but sadly opted for a Blaster instead. I was a poor Sailor in 1989 with two little kids…
Getting close to the end.
Would you sell any of your 3 wheelers ?
How much do I think u can get for a atc 200m with no plastics
Is there a way to get a certificate of origin/title for these,a lot of you guys get them and put a lot of money into them,I have 1 lol that I need that here in fl so I can register it to be able to ride in state/federal parks,any of obtaining this would be greatly appreciated
I was falling asleep, did you look at foot pegs, this is for all models if it's jumped alot they will begin to bow downward
I didn't... There's so many things and scenarios to cover...
@@ThisOldTrike yea I believe it to be a type of initiation and badge of honor to get ripped off a time or 2 we all had to learn those lessons the hard way now we know better and are able to share experiences
You are like the Jay leno of honda trikes
200x atc buyers guide?
I'll get to it eventually! There is a 200X comparison video back over a year ago.
My 350x was raced and they whilied so much that the rear grab bar is literally scraped off😅
I'll send you a photo
Yup, that's how a LOT of them look out there!!
Cool video nice 350x
Thank you!!
A bunch of people saw me rash my 200x grab bar in your driveway... I am one big indicator of abuse
Hahaha! My driveway's value just went up!
@@ThisOldTrike only because of the 200x grab bar grindings embedded
Guy in Alabama got a nice 200X for $3200 on FB
I know a guy that just bought a nice 350x $8000
It's not abuse. it's called 'riding', and that's what people buy these for is to ride them. And do you own all those three wheelers? You might want to seek some professional help. Just saying. Lol
You're definitely new here.
You're binging sir. You need a break.
Wait, I just heard you say " if you plan on riding it". Wtf else are you supposed to do with these, stand there and stare at it??
Sounds like you're new here. Yes, believe it or not, some people buy them and don't ride them.