The Philippines strategy to align with America regarding the South China Sea and West Philippine Sea is a wise move for safeguarding it's territorial interests. By partnering with the United States, the Philippines aims to strengthen it's position against China's assertive actions in the region. Collaborating with America provides the Philippines with vital support, signaling a unified front against any potential threats to regional stability.
Taiwan talks is absolutely good no doubt about that, can you elaborate your claim about news channels in the Philippines? Last time I checked. They are reporting the same news with almost the same format with pro to pro interview. For the same issue..
While I am writing this, my Filipina Fiancé is landing in my hometown and we are getting married. I have been to the Philippines many times and love her people. I support the Philippines, and pray the Lord's grace and protection over her people.
They are the original claimant/ inventor of then 11 dash line, became 9, now 10 dash line. Before their kick out. Taiwan should drop the claim first before they colab with us. Lols😂
Taiwan should recognized that Philippines is helping your country to make it difficult for China to conquer your land. Something Taiwan must be thankful and work with Philippines and US.
The Philippines did everything it can to maintain the peace diplomatically. The bottom line is, China is not willing to accept International law, in particular the UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Ruling which unanimously favored the Philippines and invalidated the Chinese’ 10-dash line (9-dash line previously). The international community should not turn a blind eye and should support the Philippine position. Remember the lesson of history. As a metaphor, when Hitler, Mussolini and Imperial Japan were wreaking havoc and pursuing their expansionist desires in the 1930’s and early 1940’s, at some point, some countries and the US initially turned a blind eye. Countries with autocratic leaders that have absolute power and who have expansionist desires must be keep in check in pursuing their desire for hegemony. It’s the duty of every civilized country to speak up and defend the rules-based international order that maintains the peace and status quo.
China in its long civilization has NEVER invaded any country's land territory to set the record straight. The US invaded the Philippines before Japan invaded the Philippines in World War II. The present Philippines president has a different mindset maybe in exchange for something, who knows from the US.
There is no need to repeat UNCLOS again and again, sovereignty precedes UNCLOS, and that's why Australia, Canada, China, France, Italy, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russia, United Kingdom and many other countries do not accept any of the procedures provided for in Section 2 of Part XV of the Convention. If the Philippines can respect its boundary defined by its binding treaties, the Treaty of Paris in 1898, the Treaty of Washington in 1900 and the Convention Between the United States and Great Britain of 1930, problem will be solved. If the Philippines thinks there's free cake, and goes outside of its boundary, it's looking for a war.
@@tibetanchineseofchina Well, the funny thing is majority of nations reject China’s “10-dash line”. China’s government is living in an illusion. No matter how much military power or money China has, facts are facts. No one recognizes the greedy 10-dash line illusion.
As far as Ph way of life and mindset : Ph is a country that places liberty,equality and fraternity as basic human values...with a penchant for participative leadership and places the rule of law as primary government principles..Ph therefore share these with the free world..❤
Those qualities you mention are in diametric opposites to what the xixipee has attempted to implant into the citizenry over the last few decades. It’s NO WONDER everyone is now fully realizing why they are just a “big North Korea”, in terms of being a good-faith participant in our modern, free world.
🇺🇸🫡🇺🇸USA and PHILIPPINES are FAMILY♥️ and Families HELP And PROTECT EACH OTHER 🇺🇸♥️🇵🇭through thick and thin 🇺🇸♥️🇵🇭Taiwan should understand that it is your own benefit to Join the USA And Philippines hands and hands Against the Chinese BULLY 👿
@@DineshTwanabasulol. There's gonna be a triumphant of three of most well known warriors in south east Asia. Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia are relatively known in open secret as list makers in Geneva suggestions. A ASEAN NATO is literally a nightmare for CCP and N.Korea since like in the west. Commie are literally chain locked and surrounded on all sides with each of the three Vietnam, India, Indonesia are known for Speed bump that has teeth and the Philippines as that odd bubbly neighbor in the corner who mask violence with a smile and plead for peaceful diplomacies.
Alliances with other countries, joint defenses don't rely on one-china policy and is more practical in pushing back aggression. Together we are stronger. Asian NATO will do the job.
Phils is helping now taiwan by allowing bases in the north and training people there to support taiwan in terms of humanitarian or maybe militarily. But i dont really know if taiwan is going to help the Philippines, i dont really see any signals from them. But filipinos will and wont mind that, in filipino culture any help with any return is not most cases considered helping in our culture.
Difficult but delicious and prosperous future, that's BBM. It's okay if we struggle in defense as long as we are on the right path and we see the direction that will be favorable for our judgment by the world. Unlike the actions of past presidents who readily seized quick favors
The US will use the Philippines as a logistics hub and as a strategic launch site to counter and project force in the escalation of a Taiwan invasion moreover as a secondary contingency which specifically aims to target and destroy the Peoples Liberation Navy if they tend to push through with the southern landing in Taiwan.
Actually we Filipinos dont care what china say or do cos international laws decided and binding west ph sea belongs to Philippines. Philippines no need to go in wvr to win, its already won in anyways Philippines alliances are dragons and well prepare for any scenarios on sea. I hope pHilippines could do something for taiwan as well.
@@J-yt2vj Taiwan can help the Philippines by investments lol... At the same time we have to protect and preserve free navigation of trades. Investments with Taiwan without compromising of our ezz, unlike in china they want our ezz for resources.
Philippines will surely come to aid Taiwan because tens of thousands of Filipinos are working there and to think that Taiwan is just our neighboring country, so ofcourse and i believe that the Philippines will not sit idle and just watch Taiwan. Our filipino soldiers together with America's will surely come to aid you guys. Because by any means, we may like it or not, if comes the time that China will invade Taiwan, then the Philippines and other neighboring countries will also be greatly affected. And I also believe, that the main agenda behind the bases being built here in the Philippines, is to get to Taiwan faster when invasion happens.
PH x AU x JP x SK x IN x TW alliance should be pursued, since we're all democratic nations facing an existential threat from China's authoritarian, and imperialistic ambitions. As a Filipino, while I appreciate the US finally committing more to the region, and to us in particular (such as with increasing EDCA sites and the ramping up of Balikatan, and other military exercises), they have GLARINGLY neglected us as a treaty ally, not only in their hesitation to speak up during the Obama administration, but also in how PATHETIC their supplying of our military has been. We've getting nothing but a pittance of their Cold War military surplus. Meanwhile the US is exporting billions upon billions of cutting-edge stuff to almost everyone else. I understand we don't have the purchasing powers as some of their allies, but we are an actual (even if flawed) democracy on the frontline of their greatest geopolitical rival in a strategic crossroads of the Asia-Pacific. The US spent TRILLIONS in Afghanistan, and meanwhile most of the PH's military procurement and upgrading this past decade is overwhelmingly thanks to friendly nations other than the US - such as Japan, South Korea, India, and Israel. I'll believe their 'ironclad' commitment when they actually back up their words by putting steel in Filipino hands - domestic licensed manufacturing with technology and skills transfers, long-term and massive transfers, and sales of modern and impactful systems, and assets, especially for our Navy, and Air Force. They also need to figure out what the precise mechanism for triggering the MDT on their part is - because if the MDT is actually inert even if the Philippines is attacked because it would still require a declaration of war by US Congress, then it's just lip service. Most foreigners don't know that even during the height of the Duterte administration's popularity, both the military, AND the wider Filipino population OVERWHELMINGLY rejected his pro-China rhetoric and weak stance on the West Philippine Sea issue. Duterte couldn't even successfully cut off military and diplomatic ties with the US, and could not successfully sweep the WPS issue under the rug. The US cannot continue to cite Filipino sentiments as an excuse for its own inaction. Edit: I remember - Retired Justice Carpio pointed out that if China forces the US to choose to honor the MDT or not, either way it'd be a disaster for China since if the US honors it, it's a nuclear WW3, and if the US doesn't, then all of the US' other Asia-Pacific allies will stop relying on the USA's nuclear umbrella and create their own autonomous and independent nuclear weapons. If the latter happens, you'd be sure the Philippines would either pursue its own nuclear program at all costs, or forego the US and join its Asia-Pacific friends' own nuclear-armed military alliance.
This is good. Yes, Taiwan is expected to receive the first 66 F-16 Fighting Falcon 66 jets in the third quarter of 2024, with the total sale completed by 2026-2027. The original delivery date of 2023 was delayed, and the delivery timeline was also moved from July-September 2023 to 2024-2024.
Taiwan will defeat 1.5 billion people and second largest world economy and technology powerhouse right? Most of you have allow US lies to keep deceiving you, this is the same thing US and The west told Ukraine now look at what is happening in Ukraine. Do you think US really care about Taiwan if not for their chips? Once US get those chips they will abandon Taiwan just as they abandoned Ukraine 😂😂
Filipinos are peace loving people and we will continue to be.china is bullying us because they know they have military superiority over phil.but we will fight to death for our beloved country.with the help ang support of our friends and allies we will be triumphant.
@@eagle-zj9bb As if world doesnot know who are colonial masters. Come on why would US that is 34T in debt spend billions in military base in Philippine?
@@DineshTwanabasu Why did you have to study english and then insult and make them look bad? Looks like greed and lies and ungratefulness was ingrained also in your brain.
The Philippine Diplomatic Strategy when US become lenient or backtrack on it's commitment in the Defense of the Philippines, and the overall engagement in the Indo-Pacific Region, is being supplanted by making each member allies capable independently thus strengthening the whole Alliance System, and their Linkage on each other prepared for possible US Abandonment in the Region, Moving the Security Alliance away from Washington Perspective into Indo-Pacific Focus, beyond the US-UniCentric Format, where it's already under progress from the further Evolution of QUAD minus One Trilaterals(India-Japan-Australia) and those of linking key allies like the Philippines to QUAD(IND-JP-PH/AUS-JP-PH/PH-IND-AUS), other US key allies in East Asia like South Korea(JP-SK-PH/SK-VN-PH)and Intra-ASEAN Minilaterals like those to Vietnam&Thailand(VN-PH-JP/TH-VN-PH), Singapore,Brunei &Indonesia, Timor-Leste(SG-PH-JP/JP-PH-ID/PH-ID-AUS/SG-BR-PH/PH-ID-TL). Not to include there, the Philippines embarking Security Trilaterals with it's Traditional Western Allies and Partners. Examples are those of Canada, in partnership with US-Japan. And to other European Partners like G7 members (UK, France, Germany, Italy, EU) and NATO members Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Greece, Nordic Countries (Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland) and the Baltic States. I can also add those from Middle East Key Partners/Allies of the Philippines, with India as the Key Strategic Anchor and possibilities of also making of Trilaterals to them. For PH-India Trilateral partnerships with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel which is the Philippines’ most important Allies in the Middle East.
Simply, if you are a signatory of a law (in this case Unclos United Nation law of the sea), you are bound to respect it. If you don't, YOU ARE THE SQUATTER OF THE SEA.
@@JAyado-re4xmus doesn't have defense treaty with Ukraine so the help to the Ukrainian is as vague as how can NATO specifically us lend help without being used as reason by Putin. Whereas in this case at SEA it's clear cut dry. We have treaty here in case and we cannot just abandoned it willy nilly without suffering economic and strategic importance losses. This is the domino effect that made the nelson administration go direct involved in Vietnam war. Indo-Chino Communist party that has clear chance to blockade Indo pacific and Philippines arguably cutting off trade route in Asia. Rendering south Korea, Japan and Australia and their neighbors vulnerable. That's why Vietnam war happened. Now if US fails to assist of SEA stance to complaints against china fails. The potential swing state Indonesia could fall towards business ventures with china giving unstable position to Japan, S Korea and Philippines. US will ultimately loss their influence I'm the Pacific and Asia on a heartbeat by failing to do it's role on helping the nations their against china.
@@JAyado-re4xm yes I understand that. I wasn't attacking your comment but reinforcing it because your comment make sense. And in the grand scheme of things. Ukraine is more of a glorified proxy than the situation here in pH where BBM is juggling alliances, deals, agreement with ASEAN And asian neighbors for this. We have a ace on the hole "defense treaty" but PH President opted to make more viable alternative options on his comment "Not immediately asking help from big brother" PH is undertaking National Defense and external Modernization that was delayed for decades from internal problems. And In a since Marcus Jr. Administration is still leaning on diplomacy of mutual concerns of partnership with others to secure borders against Chinese Aggression and threat. President is threading in tight rope for the nation to be ready to protect itself but it'll take time. Since everyone finally now understood how dire consequential of losing territories that prove vital to these region and it's borders.
Excuse me Gentlemen, I just want to correct the title It is “West Philippine Sea 🇵🇭”. If you call it south china sea means it is belong to china! The south china sea is very far alredy it is Six miles away from their land or shore. West Philippine Sea Exclusive Economic Zone.
Why are weapons prohibited in Taiwan? Would it be beneficial for citizens to be armed in the event of a Chinese invasion? and Taiwan ought to practice both naval and urban warfare drills, however I am not an expert because I am not in the military.
@@raulsaria2247 In the video The Taiwanese civilians training for a Chinese invasion. It isn't a Live fire exercise Live fire training (LFX) is a military exercise that uses live ammunition and ordnance to create realistic combat situations. These exercises are usually conducted in areas that are free of people to avoid casualties. For example, the US Army has a "Night infiltration course" (Nic at Night) in basic training where live tracer rounds are fired over you from an M240 while you jump out of a trench and crawl a few hundred meters, part of it underneath barbed wire. .
One point that came across loud and clear from this insightful discussion is that action speaks louder than rhetoric, regardless of who is doing the speaking. In the case of Trump, it has proven repeatedly that his actions often contradicted with his words. By the same token, despite China’s continuing verbal pressure about Taiwan, it is clear that its focus has shifted towards Philippines. Ukraine’s recent attacks on Russian territories has reminded China that Taiwan could retaliate and fire missiles at the mainland if they are attacked. Whereas, Philippines is much further away, rendering missiles counter attacks less effective. China is also pushing the envelope to see if US would actually send troops to Philippines aid. If US shows reluctance to support Philippines militarily, it would send a clear signal to Taiwan.
I couldn't agree more with Peter Boghassian. The States have ceased to be a reliable ally for a lot of reasons. I guess the biggest is that the population is at war with itself and becomes increasingly isolationist and populist-minded. "We will stand with Ukraine as long as it takes". How long did that last? Along came Moscow-Mike as speaker of the house and despite the US being a guarantor power of Ukraine practically nothing is done anymore. Since the US just absorbs such a strategic disaster it will be willing to do the same in the Pacific as well. The fact that so many millions of people support Trump, who proved to be an absolute moron who has no idea just about anything except his own narrow interests, speaks volumes about the mindset of contemporary America.
Actually the Philippines makes two bird in one shot, derailed the inevitable China plan for Taiwan & the US timetable to utilized the metal jacket in the Philippines,😂
The Philippines also help the delayed of attack from China in yet the Luzon Military Bases can can also shortened the rescue of Taiwan once the US will rescue Taiwan. It is a big help that can benefit the Taiwan against Chinas attack. US and the Philippines are already in position in Batanes island near to Taiwan.
While I am generally a big fan of Peter Boghossian, I disagree on one point. I think Trump would come to Taiwan's aid. He is not interested Europe because they are rich countries that have neglected to pay their share for decades, but Asia is the rising economic sphere and our allies, like the Philippines are not able to defend themselves. Trump has many flaws, and he talks of America first, but that also means he also recognizes when American goals are at risk as well.
Shortly after taking office Biden threw Afghanistan under the bus. Recently he abandoned Israel and Ukraine. I hope in the next episode Taiwan Talks can ask her esteemed guests “Can PH or Taiwan still depend on America as an ally?”
@@bullwinkle60Ukraine-russian war is as volatile as a nuclear disaster to happen if the us aren't careful that's why as of lately, the us is taking a backseat and only helping from behind the guise of NATO as whole aiding Ukraine. Without giving Putin munition to make to make drastic judgements from his paranoia. The china vs ASEA dispute however is clear cut and dry treaty that they should at the least honor. Or they'll lose strategic influence and profits in one careless blunder
You may want to take a fresh, macro look at US politics? While I am certainly no apologist for any of the politicians , by global standards, the US has NEVER had a president that strays all that far left-of-center. Yet, any of us here could easily rattle off the number of G20 leaders over the last few years that are squarely to the left of Biden or Obama .
is it possible to make NATO like alliance of the following countries, South korea, japan, taiwan, philippines, vietnam, indonesia, india...any arm attack on any of these nation is like attack of the alliance..what do you think ?
This channel always have a topic that includes the Philippines but it seldom has any Filipino pundits. Just this once with Batongbacal. But it’s usually just mostly Taiwanese. All Taiwanese All the time. Also Taiwan should give up its silly claims on the SCS which parallels China’s claims. China’s claims were only based on Taiwan’s!
I agree, taiwan only talks about their semi conductor these and that like its the only leverage they’ve got for the US to protect them unlike the Ph with its longstanding treaty which can be activated anytime soon the current happenings over the SCS…
@@tibetanchineseofchina , honey, i already gave you the clue, now if your definition of rejection is a mere declaration of objection and you’re too lazy to do your research then i dont think you deserve a thorough rebuttal. That UNCLOS decision alone is a specific answer.
They are the original claimant/ inventor of then 11 dash line, became 9, now 10 dash line. Before their kick out. Taiwan should drop the claim first before they colab with us. Lols😂
Thanks for your respect its 1994 England Australia 1993 Philippines Munchein but ive got names according to my race in my clan that is to beat cross interracial...Rhia Margaret Chein
It is nonsense, the name South China Sea has been that name for centuries. The google map clearly shows where the Philippine Sea is and is situated in the East, not the West or the South
Japan and the Philippines' role in the US strategy to keep Asia poor and divided was articulated in the top-secret U.S. Foreign Policy written 76 years ago. February 24, 1948, Declassified U.S. Foreign Policy: Furthermore, we have about 50% of the world’s wealth but only 6.3% of its population. This disparity is particularly great as between ourselves and the peoples of Asia. In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. ... that Japan and the Philippines will be found to be the corner-stones of such a Pacific security system and that if we can contrive to retain effective control over these areas there can be no serious threat to our security from the East within our time. Taiwan was added to the Pacific security system after Chiang's army retreated to the island of Taiwan in 1949. South Korea was added after the Korean War in 1953. The attempt with Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia was abandoned in 1975. The 1989 attempt in China failed. The 2019-2020 attempt in Hong Kong also failed.
If you want to be sincere put a Sponsor over Blinken when he goes around .... So people could better get what are the Sponsor of the Trip and what he will be programmed to say.. Like if there is a 'W' over his Head we can think it will be a Productive and more Humane trip... If there is RTX on his Lower Back We'll know it's a new attempt to transform Reality in a Realistic Dystopian Nightmare. [If it is both: I hope the Cancer does not Spread out to the Brain..]
people always talk of "rule of law" but not fair and right sense of justice. "rule of law" can mean anything that includes even laws imposed by corrupted entities. the right and fair sense of justice is to bring out all the facts to be decided without bias and hidden agendas. currently, this cannot be done with any world body as they are all corrupted hence the reason why even the situation in Gaza, Ukraine, and so many forever wars cannot be pacified and solved. and one thing is very clear, the US is mostly involved in the majority of the conflicts showing lack of credibility on justice and fairness but maintaining its hegemony as it is losing power and influence worldwide. it has spent so much money for the Ukraine war, Gaza conflict, and anti China propaganda whilst its people are suffering from illegal migration attacks, widespread homelessness, very high rates of drug addiction, very high rates of criminality, widespread election cheating, etc. how can people just see the US as an incorruptible country when in fact is a master deceiver. it rides on every conflict to get the most support as it pushes its agenda. the war with China was conceived since the 1950's hence they maintained their military bases in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines.
You should learn from Philippines, you should study how Philippines doing things for the seek of people.. I think the US know that and they they really encouraging how government work in the Philippine because in the conflict we cant think this way so you better do things in advance...
At the outset, Peter's comment that the "Houthis are cavemen" was an unfortunate immature statement. Perhaps, Boghossian is not a worthy commentator, a bit democracy adverse and is missing today's pro-democracy Biden support. Women's health rights are at the forefront of this election. The traditional poling has become inefficacious, with very small data samples. Women will not vote for Trump, and they will vote at higher rates than men. A majority of College graduates loath Trump. Although it seems more and more unlikely than many are forecasting, if Trump becomes the next president, Taiwan will become extremely vulnerable as he is anti-democratic. All treaties will be stressed and subject to his limited understanding of reciprocal agreements, free trade partnerships, and open markets. Small countries likeTaiwan, and the Philippines will be toast. Ukraine will be toast, the Baltic States, toast. Taiwan needs to wake up, mobilize full one year service mobilization for men & women etc.and find stronger military partners such as Ukraine, and Japan. Trump has that viral narcissism, which destroys everything he handles. Slava Ukraini, Keep Taiwan Free, support the DPP!
Sounds like the alliance rivalry on old world wrestling federation show. Xinping in red undie vs biden in blue undie and philipines as referee in a pro wrestling match , winner gets taiwan.
Actually China is very disappointed and angry to the Philippines, after it was welcome the return of USA military in the Philippines soil via EDCA in yet from 4 sites it was expanded up to more than 10 sites. Including the north Luzon that have only a short distance to Taiwan. USA can easily rescue Taiwan. Once it is being attacked. In this regard China doesn't happy the way it was did, by the Marcos administration. After Duterte which China is comfortable to have a relationship.
West phil sea is the iland protected in many years by d late p fem so u thinck pbbm dont make a wise dision we pilipino whant peace and no to war but we are filipino had no mersy to anyone hurts us
US gov. should see the wisdom to scrap the Mutual Defense Treaty to PH & to never again fight & die for lands which are not US territories Filipinos are brave when the enemy is far but when only slightly threatened by China they call for help to USA
Your American guy is way too flippant with his election prediction. It's not at all clear who will win the election nor what Trump would do regarding Taiwan. It's important to remember, today is not election day. And even the polling today is ambiguous. There's also a big difference between campaign and reality. It's much more important to emphasize how ambiguous and unpredictable the situation really is. Also, he went off about the Houthis in a really uncomfortable way. They have pretty sophisticated weapons from Iran and are not stupid. He really sidetracked the conversation and failed to make his point there, looking pretty ignorant and arrogant and stereotypically American. I don't think most Americans have this much disrespect for their adversaries (anymore). And DEFINITELY not people who are serious about the truth. It's also not fair to say Americans don't know nuance. Saying that lacks a lot of nuance. There are a lot of kinds of Americans. All around, he just seemed like a poor representative of my country. We have better analysts on TH-cam than this guy being paid to be there.
The Philippines strategy to align with America regarding the South China Sea and West Philippine Sea is a wise move for safeguarding it's territorial interests. By partnering with the United States, the Philippines aims to strengthen it's position against China's assertive actions in the region. Collaborating with America provides the Philippines with vital support, signaling a unified front against any potential threats to regional stability.
You saw the news 8 billion to twain and php get full military support omg
This is better news channel than local news channels in the Philippines
Taiwan talks is absolutely good no doubt about that, can you elaborate your claim about news channels in the Philippines? Last time I checked. They are reporting the same news with almost the same format with pro to pro interview. For the same issue..
It's the same news in the Philippines , but greedy Chinese can't accept facts
@@Backloggedxhittypical pinoy. Always put down its own even though the report is same and very fair or at least on the issue of west phil sea.
Why it's better? pls elaborate
May be Bec. Its all in english. Pinoy news are local
Filipinos never back down,
I’m a Filipina, I will fight, defend to our rights,
As long as Uncle Sam is standing behind you. 😂
@MactanPaul lol look up battle yultong, but PH does need the US as a former US territory.
We together support USA product and USA alliance country products. I come from Thailand I love USA Japan Taiwan Vietnam Philippines india
I don't think I've ever seen a food come to the table by itself
While I am writing this, my Filipina Fiancé is landing in my hometown and we are getting married. I have been to the Philippines many times and love her people. I support the Philippines, and pray the Lord's grace and protection over her people.
Taiwan and Philippines should cooperate to counter a common threat. China.
I don't even think the Philippines has 5th generation fighter jets. is something to consider.
Maybe if Taiwan and Japan and South korea and Philippines or other countries as well they can become powerful in defense.
LOL. Taiwan and the mainland claim the same 9 dash-line, also known as 11 dash-line to the Taiwanese Chinese. 🤣
They are the original claimant/ inventor of then 11 dash line, became 9, now 10 dash line. Before their kick out. Taiwan should drop the claim first before they colab with us. Lols😂
@@bernardseah703but Taiwan didn't bully pH ships😅 like China did.
Watching from 🇵🇭
Me too. God bless the Philippines
Taiwan should recognized that Philippines is helping your country to make it difficult for China to conquer your land. Something Taiwan must be thankful and work with Philippines and US.
The Philippines did everything it can to maintain the peace diplomatically. The bottom line is, China is not willing to accept International law, in particular the UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Ruling which unanimously favored the Philippines and invalidated the Chinese’ 10-dash line (9-dash line previously). The international community should not turn a blind eye and should support the Philippine position. Remember the lesson of history. As a metaphor, when Hitler, Mussolini and Imperial Japan were wreaking havoc and pursuing their expansionist desires in the 1930’s and early 1940’s, at some point, some countries and the US initially turned a blind eye. Countries with autocratic leaders that have absolute power and who have expansionist desires must be keep in check in pursuing their desire for hegemony. It’s the duty of every civilized country to speak up and defend the rules-based international order that maintains the peace and status quo.
CCP is a typical tone deaf bully.
China in its long civilization has NEVER invaded any country's land territory to set the record straight. The US invaded the Philippines before Japan invaded the Philippines in World War II. The present Philippines president has a different mindset maybe in exchange for something, who knows from the US.
There is no need to repeat UNCLOS again and again, sovereignty precedes UNCLOS, and that's why Australia, Canada, China, France, Italy, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russia, United Kingdom and many other countries do not accept any of the procedures provided for in Section 2 of Part XV of the Convention.
If the Philippines can respect its boundary defined by its binding treaties, the Treaty of Paris in 1898, the Treaty of Washington in 1900 and the Convention Between the United States and Great Britain of 1930, problem will be solved. If the Philippines thinks there's free cake, and goes outside of its boundary, it's looking for a war.
@@tibetanchineseofchina Well, the funny thing is majority of nations reject China’s “10-dash line”. China’s government is living in an illusion. No matter how much military power or money China has, facts are facts. No one recognizes the greedy 10-dash line illusion.
@@tibetanchineseofchinathen you know that China is not even in the equation. Not even 1 percemt.
As far as Ph way of life and mindset : Ph is a country that places liberty,equality and fraternity as basic human values...with a penchant for participative leadership and places the rule of law as primary government principles..Ph therefore share these with the free world..❤
Those qualities you mention are in diametric opposites to what the xixipee has attempted to implant into the citizenry over the last few decades. It’s NO WONDER everyone is now fully realizing why they are just a “big North Korea”, in terms of being a good-faith participant in our modern, free world.
I agree with the Professor thought about all the issues being discussed on this show.
🇺🇸🫡🇺🇸USA and PHILIPPINES are FAMILY♥️ and Families HELP And PROTECT EACH OTHER 🇺🇸♥️🇵🇭through thick and thin 🇺🇸♥️🇵🇭Taiwan should understand that it is your own benefit to Join the USA And Philippines hands and hands Against the Chinese BULLY 👿
Thank u for reporting to our new sea policies.
very intellectual discussion.
India, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, south Korea,Japan should make an Asian version of NATO
No, we dont want warmongers in asia.
@@DineshTwanabasulol. There's gonna be a triumphant of three of most well known warriors in south east Asia. Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia are relatively known in open secret as list makers in Geneva suggestions. A ASEAN NATO is literally a nightmare for CCP and N.Korea since like in the west. Commie are literally chain locked and surrounded on all sides with each of the three Vietnam, India, Indonesia are known for Speed bump that has teeth and the Philippines as that odd bubbly neighbor in the corner who mask violence with a smile and plead for peaceful diplomacies.
@@DineshTwanabasu ok, then bullymongers will always be there, look china, Russia and north Korea, always looking for a fight
Yes to Asian NATO 💯
I agree . We asian should unite
Peter's not pulling any punches. Real talk.
Taiwan and The Philippines should hold hand in hand against Bully China.
this gotta be the happiest reporter of all time!
Watching Philippines
Ph Marcos Jnr is Jnr, He has grand plans for the PH more than. just the fisher folk ! good luck Marcos nr !
Its time to review the Philippines' one-china policy.. Open direct diplomatic relations with Taiwan so we can have a joint defense strategy..
Out of the 193 countries, there are less than a dozen countries in the world that recognize Taiwan, come on wake up.
We should not recognize one china policy even china did not recognize international rule of law why we recognize their policy.
First get yourself out of being US colony
Alliances with other countries, joint defenses don't rely on one-china policy and is more practical in pushing back aggression. Together we are stronger. Asian NATO will do the job.
@@vanessali1365 First find out how the name philippines came from.
Phils is helping now taiwan by allowing bases in the north and training people there to support taiwan in terms of humanitarian or maybe militarily. But i dont really know if taiwan is going to help the Philippines, i dont really see any signals from them. But filipinos will and wont mind that, in filipino culture any help with any return is not most cases considered helping in our culture.
Difficult but delicious and prosperous future, that's BBM. It's okay if we struggle in defense as long as we are on the right path and we see the direction that will be favorable for our judgment by the world. Unlike the actions of past presidents who readily seized quick favors
The past president was afraid of China
Taiwan is passively benefiting from this. Both Viet and PH have claims but able to work together, so why not Taiwan and PH?
It’s an iron clad treaty so China should be very careful.
NATO version
(SEATO)South East Asia Treaty Organization
Wow that is Prof. Peter Boghossian, I am actually a subscriber to your channel and I love your content.
The US will use the Philippines as a logistics hub and as a strategic launch site to counter and project force in the escalation of a Taiwan invasion moreover as a secondary contingency which specifically aims to target and destroy the Peoples Liberation Navy if they tend to push through with the southern landing in Taiwan.
Actually we Filipinos dont care what china say or do cos international laws decided and binding west ph sea belongs to Philippines. Philippines no need to go in wvr to win, its already won in anyways
Philippines alliances are dragons and well prepare for any scenarios on sea.
I hope pHilippines could do something for taiwan as well.
The arrival n installation of US bases in the Philippines is a big help for Taiwan. This is now chinas biggest headache.
And what Taiwan doing for the Philippines,
We don't care for taiwan we care for pilipino on taiwan.allies love war because of training of own his military
@@J-yt2vj Taiwan can help the Philippines by investments lol...
At the same time we have to protect and preserve free navigation of trades.
Investments with Taiwan without compromising of our ezz, unlike in china they want our ezz for resources.
taiwan should start using "west Philippine sea" if you want taiwan to get recognise as independent country
Even Taiwan have occupied island in west Philippine sea.
@@kalamiadventures7210- yes! But Taiwan is more civil bec. They are not ccp.
@getmyuted Marcos Jr. should recognize Taiwan first as a country.
Philippines will surely come to aid Taiwan because tens of thousands of Filipinos are working there and to think that Taiwan is just our neighboring country, so ofcourse and i believe that the Philippines will not sit idle and just watch Taiwan. Our filipino soldiers together with America's will surely come to aid you guys. Because by any means, we may like it or not, if comes the time that China will invade Taiwan, then the Philippines and other neighboring countries will also be greatly affected. And I also believe, that the main agenda behind the bases being built here in the Philippines, is to get to Taiwan faster when invasion happens.
America should install their Military defence in the Philippines now that China is Occupying some parts Of WPS !
Philippines already installed bramos missile near in batanes
This is what happen when china ignore philippine regarding on EEZ.
Thank you for mentioning West Philippine Sea…
PH x AU x JP x SK x IN x TW alliance should be pursued, since we're all democratic nations facing an existential threat from China's authoritarian, and imperialistic ambitions.
As a Filipino, while I appreciate the US finally committing more to the region, and to us in particular (such as with increasing EDCA sites and the ramping up of Balikatan, and other military exercises), they have GLARINGLY neglected us as a treaty ally, not only in their hesitation to speak up during the Obama administration, but also in how PATHETIC their supplying of our military has been. We've getting nothing but a pittance of their Cold War military surplus. Meanwhile the US is exporting billions upon billions of cutting-edge stuff to almost everyone else. I understand we don't have the purchasing powers as some of their allies, but we are an actual (even if flawed) democracy on the frontline of their greatest geopolitical rival in a strategic crossroads of the Asia-Pacific. The US spent TRILLIONS in Afghanistan, and meanwhile most of the PH's military procurement and upgrading this past decade is overwhelmingly thanks to friendly nations other than the US - such as Japan, South Korea, India, and Israel. I'll believe their 'ironclad' commitment when they actually back up their words by putting steel in Filipino hands - domestic licensed manufacturing with technology and skills transfers, long-term and massive transfers, and sales of modern and impactful systems, and assets, especially for our Navy, and Air Force. They also need to figure out what the precise mechanism for triggering the MDT on their part is - because if the MDT is actually inert even if the Philippines is attacked because it would still require a declaration of war by US Congress, then it's just lip service.
Most foreigners don't know that even during the height of the Duterte administration's popularity, both the military, AND the wider Filipino population OVERWHELMINGLY rejected his pro-China rhetoric and weak stance on the West Philippine Sea issue. Duterte couldn't even successfully cut off military and diplomatic ties with the US, and could not successfully sweep the WPS issue under the rug. The US cannot continue to cite Filipino sentiments as an excuse for its own inaction.
Edit: I remember - Retired Justice Carpio pointed out that if China forces the US to choose to honor the MDT or not, either way it'd be a disaster for China since if the US honors it, it's a nuclear WW3, and if the US doesn't, then all of the US' other Asia-Pacific allies will stop relying on the USA's nuclear umbrella and create their own autonomous and independent nuclear weapons. If the latter happens, you'd be sure the Philippines would either pursue its own nuclear program at all costs, or forego the US and join its Asia-Pacific friends' own nuclear-armed military alliance.
This is good.
Yes, Taiwan is expected to receive the first 66 F-16 Fighting Falcon 66 jets in the third quarter of 2024, with the total sale completed by 2026-2027. The original delivery date of 2023 was delayed, and the delivery timeline was also moved from July-September 2023 to 2024-2024.
Taiwan will defeat 1.5 billion people and second largest world economy and technology powerhouse right?
Most of you have allow US lies to keep deceiving you, this is the same thing US and The west told Ukraine now look at what is happening in Ukraine.
Do you think US really care about Taiwan if not for their chips? Once US get those chips they will abandon Taiwan just as they abandoned Ukraine 😂😂
Filipinos are peace loving people and we will continue to be.china is bullying us because they know they have military superiority over phil.but we will fight to death for our beloved country.with the help ang support of our friends and allies we will be triumphant.
Better say with philipines colonial Masters.
@@DineshTwanabasu no ones our master.we have friends
@@eagle-zj9bb As if world doesnot know who are colonial masters. Come on why would US that is 34T in debt spend billions in military base in Philippine?
@@DineshTwanabasu hahahaha,do you know when the phillipines and the usa signed our mutual defense treaty?
@@DineshTwanabasu Why did you have to study english and then insult and make them look bad?
Looks like greed and lies and ungratefulness was ingrained also in your brain.
The Philippine Diplomatic Strategy when US become lenient or backtrack on it's commitment in the Defense of the Philippines, and the overall engagement in the Indo-Pacific Region, is being supplanted by making each member allies capable independently thus strengthening the whole Alliance System, and their Linkage on each other prepared for possible US Abandonment in the Region, Moving the Security Alliance away from Washington Perspective into Indo-Pacific Focus, beyond the US-UniCentric Format, where it's already under progress from the further Evolution of QUAD minus One Trilaterals(India-Japan-Australia) and those of linking key allies like the Philippines to QUAD(IND-JP-PH/AUS-JP-PH/PH-IND-AUS), other US key allies in East Asia like South Korea(JP-SK-PH/SK-VN-PH)and Intra-ASEAN Minilaterals like those to Vietnam&Thailand(VN-PH-JP/TH-VN-PH), Singapore,Brunei &Indonesia, Timor-Leste(SG-PH-JP/JP-PH-ID/PH-ID-AUS/SG-BR-PH/PH-ID-TL).
Not to include there, the Philippines embarking Security Trilaterals with it's Traditional Western Allies and Partners. Examples are those of Canada, in partnership with US-Japan. And to other European Partners like G7 members (UK, France, Germany, Italy, EU) and NATO members Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Greece, Nordic Countries (Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland) and the Baltic States.
I can also add those from Middle East Key Partners/Allies of the Philippines, with India as the Key Strategic Anchor and possibilities of also making of Trilaterals to them. For PH-India Trilateral partnerships with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel which is the Philippines’ most important Allies in the Middle East.
Simply, if you are a signatory of a law (in this case Unclos United Nation law of the sea), you are bound to respect it.
Taiwan and Philippines should learn what happened to US backed Ukraine.
Does ukraine have a defense pact with the US? Know that sht first before commenting something like this.
@@JAyado-re4xmus doesn't have defense treaty with Ukraine so the help to the Ukrainian is as vague as how can NATO specifically us lend help without being used as reason by Putin. Whereas in this case at SEA it's clear cut dry. We have treaty here in case and we cannot just abandoned it willy nilly without suffering economic and strategic importance losses.
This is the domino effect that made the nelson administration go direct involved in Vietnam war. Indo-Chino Communist party that has clear chance to blockade Indo pacific and Philippines arguably cutting off trade route in Asia. Rendering south Korea, Japan and Australia and their neighbors vulnerable. That's why Vietnam war happened. Now if US fails to assist of SEA stance to complaints against china fails. The potential swing state Indonesia could fall towards business ventures with china giving unstable position to Japan, S Korea and Philippines. US will ultimately loss their influence I'm the Pacific and Asia on a heartbeat by failing to do it's role on helping the nations their against china.
@@stalinsoulz7872 what im implying is ukraine doesnt have defense pact with US but PH has.
@@JAyado-re4xm yes I understand that. I wasn't attacking your comment but reinforcing it because your comment make sense. And in the grand scheme of things. Ukraine is more of a glorified proxy than the situation here in pH where BBM is juggling alliances, deals, agreement with ASEAN And asian neighbors for this. We have a ace on the hole "defense treaty" but PH President opted to make more viable alternative options on his comment "Not immediately asking help from big brother" PH is undertaking National Defense and external Modernization that was delayed for decades from internal problems. And In a since Marcus Jr. Administration is still leaning on diplomacy of mutual concerns of partnership with others to secure borders against Chinese Aggression and threat. President is threading in tight rope for the nation to be ready to protect itself but it'll take time. Since everyone finally now understood how dire consequential of losing territories that prove vital to these region and it's borders.
The triumphant return of RATH 🎉🎉🎉
Excuse me Gentlemen, I just want to correct the title It is “West Philippine Sea 🇵🇭”. If you call it south china sea means it is belong to china! The south china sea is very far alredy it is Six miles away from their land or shore. West Philippine Sea Exclusive Economic Zone.
China is going to find out the hard way. Keep poking at the Philippines 🇵🇭. 😮
Why are weapons prohibited in Taiwan? Would it be beneficial for citizens to be armed in the event of a Chinese invasion? and Taiwan ought to practice both naval and urban warfare drills, however I am not an expert because I am not in the military.
Taiwan Civilians hv weapons training program. Better if Philippines hv the same program.
@@raulsaria2247 In the video The Taiwanese civilians training for a Chinese invasion. It isn't a Live fire exercise
Live fire training (LFX) is a military exercise that uses live ammunition and ordnance to create realistic combat situations. These exercises are usually conducted in areas that are free of people to avoid casualties. For example, the US Army has a "Night infiltration course" (Nic at Night) in basic training where live tracer rounds are fired over you from an M240 while you jump out of a trench and crawl a few hundred meters, part of it underneath barbed wire.
One point that came across loud and clear from this insightful discussion is that action speaks louder than rhetoric, regardless of who is doing the speaking. In the case of Trump, it has proven repeatedly that his actions often contradicted with his words. By the same token, despite China’s continuing verbal pressure about Taiwan, it is clear that its focus has shifted towards Philippines. Ukraine’s recent attacks on Russian territories has reminded China that Taiwan could retaliate and fire missiles at the mainland if they are attacked. Whereas, Philippines is much further away, rendering missiles counter attacks less effective. China is also pushing the envelope to see if US would actually send troops to Philippines aid. If US shows reluctance to support Philippines militarily, it would send a clear signal to Taiwan.
I couldn't agree more with Peter Boghassian. The States have ceased to be a reliable ally for a lot of reasons. I guess the biggest is that the population is at war with itself and becomes increasingly isolationist and populist-minded. "We will stand with Ukraine as long as it takes". How long did that last? Along came Moscow-Mike as speaker of the house and despite the US being a guarantor power of Ukraine practically nothing is done anymore. Since the US just absorbs such a strategic disaster it will be willing to do the same in the Pacific as well. The fact that so many millions of people support Trump, who proved to be an absolute moron who has no idea just about anything except his own narrow interests, speaks volumes about the mindset of contemporary America.
Actually the Philippines makes two bird in one shot, derailed the inevitable China plan for Taiwan & the US timetable to utilized the metal jacket in the Philippines,😂
Philippines should not put all eggs in one basket
Looking for the colonies for friendship ?
The Philippines also help the delayed of attack from China in yet the Luzon Military Bases can can also shortened the rescue of Taiwan once the US will rescue Taiwan. It is a big help that can benefit the Taiwan against Chinas attack. US and the Philippines are already in position in Batanes island near to Taiwan.
While I am generally a big fan of Peter Boghossian, I disagree on one point. I think Trump would come to Taiwan's aid. He is not interested Europe because they are rich countries that have neglected to pay their share for decades, but Asia is the rising economic sphere and our allies, like the Philippines are not able to defend themselves. Trump has many flaws, and he talks of America first, but that also means he also recognizes when American goals are at risk as well.
They should call this segment taiwan begs for war.
Shortly after taking office Biden threw Afghanistan under the bus. Recently he abandoned Israel and Ukraine. I hope in the next episode Taiwan Talks can ask her esteemed guests “Can PH or Taiwan still depend on America as an ally?”
WW2 they didnt abandon us, sacrified thousands of their lives here
I am no fan of Biden, but he didn't throw Ukraine under the bus. It's just that he cares more about open borders.
@@bullwinkle60Ukraine-russian war is as volatile as a nuclear disaster to happen if the us aren't careful that's why as of lately, the us is taking a backseat and only helping from behind the guise of NATO as whole aiding Ukraine. Without giving Putin munition to make to make drastic judgements from his paranoia. The china vs ASEA dispute however is clear cut and dry treaty that they should at the least honor. Or they'll lose strategic influence and profits in one careless blunder
I think Americans should find a good centrist leader instead of the two existing options.
You may want to take a fresh, macro look at US politics?
While I am certainly no apologist for any of the politicians , by global standards, the US has NEVER had a president that strays all that far left-of-center.
Yet, any of us here could easily rattle off the number of G20 leaders over the last few years that are squarely to the left of Biden or Obama .
How iron clad is the 1951 treaty between US and Philippines? What much does it takes for US to do something to stop this China bullying behaviour?
is it possible to make NATO like alliance of the following countries, South korea, japan, taiwan, philippines, vietnam, indonesia, india...any arm attack on any of these nation is like attack of the alliance..what do you think ?
This channel always have a topic that includes the Philippines but it seldom has any Filipino pundits. Just this once with Batongbacal. But it’s usually just mostly Taiwanese. All Taiwanese All the time. Also Taiwan should give up its silly claims on the SCS which parallels China’s claims. China’s claims were only based on Taiwan’s!
Did the Philippines reject the 9 dashed line? When?
@@tibetanchineseofchinawould you please do your research, arent UNCLOS and Arbitral Tribunal familiar to you…
I agree, taiwan only talks about their semi conductor these and that like its the only leverage they’ve got for the US to protect them unlike the Ph with its longstanding treaty which can be activated anytime soon the current happenings over the SCS…
@@appledapple6802 you are not able to answer my questions? Did the Philippines reject the 9 dashed line? If yes, When?
@@tibetanchineseofchina , honey, i already gave you the clue, now if your definition of rejection is a mere declaration of objection and you’re too lazy to do your research then i dont think you deserve a thorough rebuttal. That UNCLOS decision alone is a specific answer.
They are the original claimant/ inventor of then 11 dash line, became 9, now 10 dash line. Before their kick out. Taiwan should drop the claim first before they colab with us. Lols😂
Now it is "Eleven Dash LIE."
Thanks for your respect its 1994 England Australia 1993 Philippines Munchein but ive got names according to my race in my clan that is to beat cross interracial...Rhia Margaret Chein
Perhaps the Chinese have misunderstood the name of "South China" Sea: rename the area to North Philippines Sea
It is nonsense, the name South China Sea has been that name for centuries. The google map clearly shows where the Philippine Sea is and is situated in the East, not the West or the South
It should be south east asia Sea
Japan and the Philippines' role in the US strategy to keep Asia poor and divided was articulated in the top-secret U.S. Foreign Policy written 76 years ago.
February 24, 1948, Declassified U.S. Foreign Policy:
Furthermore, we have about 50% of the world’s wealth but only 6.3% of its population. This disparity is particularly great as between ourselves and the peoples of Asia. In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. ... that Japan and the Philippines will be found to be the corner-stones of such a Pacific security system and that if we can contrive to retain effective control over these areas there can be no serious threat to our security from the East within our time.
Taiwan was added to the Pacific security system after Chiang's army retreated to the island of Taiwan in 1949. South Korea was added after the Korean War in 1953. The attempt with Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia was abandoned in 1975. The 1989 attempt in China failed. The 2019-2020 attempt in Hong Kong also failed.
Did communist China make Asia rich? Lets ask Sri Lanka, Laos, Nepal how the belt and road by communist China made their country rich, eh?
the difference is Trump has existing business in the Philippines with his Trump Tower Makati.. while none in Taiwan..
I think Taiwan should be thankful to the Phillipines coz if China were to attack Taiwan then Phillipines will evacute your civilian LoL
If you want to be sincere put a Sponsor over Blinken when he goes around
So people could better get what are the Sponsor of the Trip and what he will be programmed to say..
Like if there is a 'W' over his Head we can think it will be a Productive and more Humane trip...
If there is RTX on his Lower Back We'll know it's a new attempt to transform Reality in a Realistic Dystopian Nightmare.
[If it is both:
I hope the Cancer does not Spread out to the Brain..]
Trump will backup Taiwan 🇹🇼
Will philipinos become battleground...wait and see
people always talk of "rule of law" but not fair and right sense of justice. "rule of law" can mean anything that includes even laws imposed by corrupted entities. the right and fair sense of justice is to bring out all the facts to be decided without bias and hidden agendas. currently, this cannot be done with any world body as they are all corrupted hence the reason why even the situation in Gaza, Ukraine, and so many forever wars cannot be pacified and solved. and one thing is very clear, the US is mostly involved in the majority of the conflicts showing lack of credibility on justice and fairness but maintaining its hegemony as it is losing power and influence worldwide. it has spent so much money for the Ukraine war, Gaza conflict, and anti China propaganda whilst its people are suffering from illegal migration attacks, widespread homelessness, very high rates of drug addiction, very high rates of criminality, widespread election cheating, etc. how can people just see the US as an incorruptible country when in fact is a master deceiver. it rides on every conflict to get the most support as it pushes its agenda. the war with China was conceived since the 1950's hence they maintained their military bases in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines.
This is not taiwan talks, this is taiwan and phil. talks 😎 which is one thing in common, the threat of Winnie the pooh for both😆
You should learn from Philippines, you should study how Philippines doing things for the seek of people.. I think the US know that and they they really encouraging how government work in the Philippine because in the conflict we cant think this way so you better do things in advance...
At the outset, Peter's comment that the "Houthis are cavemen" was an unfortunate immature statement. Perhaps, Boghossian is not a worthy commentator, a bit democracy adverse and is missing today's pro-democracy Biden support. Women's health rights are at the forefront of this election. The traditional poling has become inefficacious, with very small data samples. Women will not vote for Trump, and they will vote at higher rates than men. A majority of College graduates loath Trump. Although it seems more and more unlikely than many are forecasting, if Trump becomes the next president, Taiwan will become extremely vulnerable as he is anti-democratic. All treaties will be stressed and subject to his limited understanding of reciprocal agreements, free trade partnerships, and open markets. Small countries likeTaiwan, and the Philippines will be toast. Ukraine will be toast, the Baltic States, toast. Taiwan needs to wake up, mobilize full one year service mobilization for men & women etc.and find stronger military partners such as Ukraine, and Japan. Trump has that viral narcissism, which destroys everything he handles. Slava Ukraini, Keep Taiwan Free, support the DPP!
Sounds like the alliance rivalry on old world wrestling federation show. Xinping in red undie vs biden in blue undie and philipines as referee in a pro wrestling match , winner gets taiwan.
This type of Media is full of shit
Prof. Yen has democrat's thought of having negative scenario about Trump 2.0.
Actually China is very disappointed and angry to the Philippines, after it was welcome the return of USA military in the Philippines soil via EDCA in yet from 4 sites it was expanded up to more than 10 sites. Including the north Luzon that have only a short distance to Taiwan. USA can easily rescue Taiwan. Once it is being attacked. In this regard China doesn't happy the way it was did, by the Marcos administration. After Duterte which China is comfortable to have a relationship.
Chinas teeth are grinding in anger to Philippines bec. Of EDCA they ruined chinas plan to occupy Taiwan.
90% of Filipinos,ready to defend territory ❤❤❤back off China
U mean 90% phillipines ready to be cannon fodder for US just like ukrainians?😂😂😂
They’ll just become missle targets
@@DineshTwanabasuthis man is crazy
You've got to get a better American than that dude as a guest.
I agree one china policy under the law of Taiwan government since Taiwan is the original china not the CCP greetings from Philippines
West Taiwan is going nuts
West phil sea is the iland protected in many years by d late p fem so u thinck pbbm dont make a wise dision we pilipino whant peace and no to war but we are filipino had no mersy to anyone hurts us
My goodness this anchor is so woke.
Trump 2024
Trump won't tell you what he will do.
US gov. should see the wisdom to scrap the Mutual Defense Treaty to PH & to never again fight & die for lands which are not US territories Filipinos are brave when the enemy is far but when only slightly threatened by China they call for help to USA
Your ignorance about the geopolitical importance of the SCS to the US borders the ridiculous.
Lol ae cannot rely.always in US especially if trump.wins lol
Your American guy is way too flippant with his election prediction. It's not at all clear who will win the election nor what Trump would do regarding Taiwan. It's important to remember, today is not election day. And even the polling today is ambiguous. There's also a big difference between campaign and reality. It's much more important to emphasize how ambiguous and unpredictable the situation really is. Also, he went off about the Houthis in a really uncomfortable way. They have pretty sophisticated weapons from Iran and are not stupid. He really sidetracked the conversation and failed to make his point there, looking pretty ignorant and arrogant and stereotypically American. I don't think most Americans have this much disrespect for their adversaries (anymore). And DEFINITELY not people who are serious about the truth.
It's also not fair to say Americans don't know nuance. Saying that lacks a lot of nuance. There are a lot of kinds of Americans. All around, he just seemed like a poor representative of my country. We have better analysts on TH-cam than this guy being paid to be there.