I love Danny Miller. The emotion and delivery at the end of this video was beyond wow. This young man has a true gift! I can't wait to see how far Aaron goes in preventing Jackson from carrying out his plans. I think we're going to see how much Aaron really loves Jackson.
I was devastated for Aaron in that final scene. The look on his face when he realised Hazel had agreed to help Jackson end his life - you could see his heart breaking.
To be fair, that likely started way before this - having a parent abandon you as a child could definitely lead to similar feelings. But this situation didn't help...
Wow! This was so powerful! My stomach is in knots and my eyes are tearing up! I am awestruck by the acting, even if I hate where this is going. I am so hooked on this! I can not wait to see how it all ends, even though I know it's probabley gonna suck for the characters and viewers.
I just LOVE Aaron & Jackson's story line. Jackson being in paralized, no help from psychiatrists, no spine operation, no spark of hope, does seem a bit too dramatic, but hey, this is what the writers chose. This and the fact that these two blokes are not physical with each other. But my God, Danny and Marc are GREAT actors, because it's as if they really do love each other!! That is what counts! Great acting not only by Danny and Marc, but by all, seriously!!! I'm addicting to this story line!
Oh boy I'm so glad Aaron has Robert now. Sure he could be a monster in the early stages of his and Aaron's relationship but he's changed so much + loves Aaron so deeply. I just can't see him abandoning Aaron like Jackson did. If R is ever in an accident to this nature I can see him fighting to live and be with everyone he loves, ergo: Aaron. Jackson, didn't and I hated him for it. Sure, J had his reasons BUT in the end instead of understanding and rooting for Jackson, I just thought he was way too selfish, emotionally abusive and cold-hearted. Honestly, at times I just wanted him gone so it would all just end.
Lmao Robert was also way too selfish, emotionally abusive, and cold-hearted towards Aaron. And now he's cheated on him. Maybe if Jackson would have lived, he could have "changed" as well.
Jackson loved Aaron so much. He pushed him away because he thought Aaron could be happier with a full life like they'd planned. If they'd let Jacksons arms move, he might not have been so low. Aaron ended up doing it because Jackson begged. Chas blamed Hazel. Jackson thought he couldn't be happy not moving. Maybe one day he'd have got better. This couple blamed Aaron and Hazel for giving up but they never did. Robert didn't love Aaron the same. Jackson didn't abandon Aaron. He was in pain. Robert did hurt Aaron. No one else loved him the same
This episode and story arc is incredibly dark. The writers and actors have done an incredible job of exploring this issue from a lay perspective, that I actually truly feel and understand each of the 3 characters thoughts and feelings.
I love the actors and writing.I like hearing the different points of view.There is no doubt what so ever that Aaron doesn't love Jackson.Hazel loves him too.I hope the actress wins best soap award.
No one will stop someone who really wants to commit suicide. Also, no therapists. But the figures are (again) played outstanding. Aaron face ... fabulous. And, i have voted for Emmerdale (Soap Awards). Anything else would be a farce
I've watched this storyline a few times now and my mind keeps swaying back and forth. Can I just throw this out there... "Maybe" Hazel fucked up and maybe Aaron was right. See, Hazel's in her 50's with a lot of life experience. Should she have held out longer? Should she have said to Jackson "it's too soon, you need more time to try to adapt to your new life, you might need to accept that you were born again when that train hit you". Aaron's just a kid so he doesn't have Hazel's acquired wisdom.
People really confuse what a great tv or movie story is (for example this case) with what you want a story to be, just a possitive message and all that. Movies or tv shows don´t have to be possitive, they can be whatever they want. And a bad movie or tv show is not the one that is sad or negative, it´s the one it´s done very bad. This is really well done, so it´s a great storyline, wheter it makes you feel sad or not. In fact if it has the power to make you feel sad... it´s good.
Buff this is going to kill me!!! It´s so so great and sad... wow I just have no words! Amazing actress Pauline looks different, exhausted and thinner. It suits her current emotional state (Hazel). Kudos to these 3 over and over again. I´m having flashbacks of when Aaron was so desperate last year wanting to die and all that...wow
Hazel looks exhausted, Jackson looks sad and Aaron looks heartbroken. I´m in tears and dreading what´s going to happen. What ever it is, it´ll hard to watch. To get through the next few episodes I need to buy a lot of chocolate and tissues.
I love this angst! You can see Hazel's hatred for herself! I'm sure she's torn. It would be tough to do but it makes sense that you don't consider fulfilling your son's request like this. Definitely don't think it's a good idea, but I understand her struggle. I'm sure if she goes through with it - she will immediately regret it. I love Aaron's reasoning and firmness and can't wait to see where this goes!
Is it just me who thinks this is the wrong way for this storyline to go for many reasons? It's like saying that if you're tetraplegic you're just better off dead and also, despite being the ONLY realistic depiction of a gay relationship, even these script writers won't let them live happily ever after. It's like even in the 21st Century gay men don't deserve to be happy together. These actors are the best though, can't fault them!
People need to stop complaining about this story not being a delightful walk in the park. It's a story. Not all stories = happiness, & while on one level it annoys me that the gay relationship will once again fall victim to a death, at least this isn't a tragedy based on their sexuality. It's about a character who doesn't have the strength to cope, and the emotions of those closest to him. Don't like it? stop watching while the rest of us see where this goes. Bravo actors-keep up the good work.
Three people-Aaron, Jackson & Hazel. Only 2 alternatives-live through the endless grind or die. No third alternative is being considered-serious, mandatory psychotherapy. It's as if the characters are operating in a vacuum. If I could enter this vacuum & ignore the rest of the 21st-century world, then this story with its great acting would have me in tears. But this is not Shakespeare nor the Elizabethan Age but a soap that ignores the potentials of its own times & will be mercifully forgotten.
I'm more worried about Hazel and Aaron now... They have been through enough with this whole saga. I don't want to see them get hurt anymore, or for one of them to get sent to prison as a result of the assisted suicide. Jackson NEEDS to get counselling, he needs to speak to someone about how he feels before he even considers ending his life...
Aaron is amazing...But Jackson too is suffering in his heart. He can't walk or feel anything. BUT!...A miracle can happen. I am very sure that Jackson will walk again at a point. Aarons love will heal him...This is the most inspiring and beautiful love story ever...The English and great love stories,,,Romeo and Juliet, and now Aaron and Jackson....hmmmmm.
This breaking my heart i am so sad .I don't want Jackson die he means so much to Aaron .Aaron loves him he would do anything for Jackson.Like Aaron said he needs Jackson to be here with him.He can't do this one his own.Jackson is being selfish doesn't he see what this is doing to Hazel she looks tired and like she going to breakdown any moment.I cried i need more tissues.
@erzan Your reply did not refute my claim that people who commit suicide choose to be victims, nor is my claim ignorant just because your emotions and personal issues leads you to disagree with me. No one's feelings can override someone else's decision. That makes no sense. Jackson isn't the only one in his condition, yet the other tetrapelegic guy chooses to be a survivor by living for the people who love him as well as himself, while Jackson chooses the opposite. Sorry, but it is what it is.
@sanyrub De nada. :-) And yes, almost exactly one year ago (wow, time passes so quickly...) I discovered Aaron's story accidentally here on TH-cam and have become addicted to it since then.
@Bananadiva1 yes that is true, while other people have commented on how the actors may have been awkward about being affectionate to one another, I think its the writes who really have held back on the development of their relationship.
@alwaysuseless Hmmm I think they are explaining why they are on this situation really well and showing other people coping with it in a very different way. Plus you haven´t seen it all yet
I want a show about Joe the carer -- who comes to realize he is gay, of course -- and moves to Emmerdale to bring some normalcy and cheer into the world. The screen lights up whenever I see him in the room, whether smiling or not. I wish, at the very least, Aaron or Hazel would confide in him or he would overhear the conversation and intervene with an offer for counseling.
Jackson's storyline reminds me so much of Christopher Reeve's story... But, I do hope they don't just throw away what Aaron have worked so hard for the past months for this lad... I don't expect Jackson to walk, but at least a lil shed of hope or will to live... Just a thought for the story, coz its really depressing seeing Jackson like this... it's really negative...
i HATE the 'your being selfish' argument regarding people who want to end their own lives. How dare people assume they have some greater say over individuals lives. The victim, the one wishing to die, is not being selfish. If they should have the right to live, and a part of life is death then surely deciding how it ends is part of the same coin.
@sanyrub Wasn´t Brokeback mountain great? And didn´t Heath Ledger offer an epic performance? And with barely proper 'sweet' kisses? Some people really confuse things...
the story seems to be on an endless repeatable cycle. Jackson is depressed, his mom and aaron try to cheer him up. I get that it isn't easy but i feel i keep watching the same scene played over and over again from a different camera angle and room.
I think it's a good idea. For the story. It'll be so powerful, so tragic, and it'll really help pick it up. I'm curious as to what Aaron would do. What Hazel would do. It's bad that he's going to die, but I'm kind of hoping they will do it.
PROFESSIONAL, HAZEL.You are not one. Get some help. The end. This is just incredibly infuriating. I've decided that if it happens, Hazel and Aaron had better not be feeling all pleased with themselves afterward. I hope this haunts them. When everyone else finds out what happened, I hope H & A are made to see they gave up too fast. The result may still have ended up with Jackson going to Dignitas in the future or something, that's fine. But not even TRYING to treat depression first? MADDENING.
@sanyrub Don't worry, I think your English is excellent (better than mine actually) as well as are your comments on this storyline. Most of the time you express accurately my thoughts about this excellent storyline with these great actors (Danny, Marc and Pauline). :-)
One of the many problems that I have with assisted suicide is the impact that it has on survivors - especially those survivors that have played a part in the suicide. Apart for the legal ramifications if they are found out (jail and a criminal record) there is the emotional toll of having to live with the knowledge that you helped to end the life of a loved one. I wouldn't wish that burden on an enemy, much less a family member or any loved one.
Seriously, why has no one even mentioned that assisted suicide is Illegal!!!! Did the law just magically change?!?!?!!? If Hazel helped him, she'll go to prison for a very long time!!!
This is getting a little drawn out by now. I've already accepted that Jackson's going away, so just do it. I don't find Jackson's depression that enjoying anymore(not that I did before), and however great actors all three of them are, it doesn't make it easier to watch. And on another note, Danny Miller is up for sexiest male this year, please, dear Emmerdale people, give him some better outfits. Those sweat pants need to be burnt. Sorry about my complaining, and thanks a billion, Jon :)
@erzan Just because some of us think suicide is a selfish thing to commit doesn't mean we that assume we have a greater say over individuals lives. I don't think people should smoke, but that doesn't mean I have a greater say over the individuals who choose to smoke. BTW, a person wishing to die is a victim only because he chooses to be. One's sympathy for someone like that can only go so far before life goes on, and the loveones living are forced to pick up the pieces. So yes, it is selfish.
@rkthurston Yes they do. Excellent Goalkeepers do. A Father in my neighborhood did it, the boss of my BFF, a girl in my former school, the husband of a colleague. And all of them were depressed and they all visit therapists or were temporarily at a psychiatric clinic. However, i think a therapy should have been in Jacksons SL, because it will be clearer then. Not the last step, but the way .
@sanyrub No - I had clearly forgotten, otherwise I wouldn't have made the comment I made. Thank you for reminding me - however, you're patronising tone could something to work on.
It would have been one thing if it was just between Hazel and Jackson but now that Aaron knows how is this going to work? Hazel will be charged with murder even if Jackson gave his consent in helping him die. If he dies suspiciously then everyone will know something is up. My guess is he gets a chest infection, pneumonia, like before (foreshadowing) and that is how he goes. No one to blame. That or Hazel goes to the clink or ends up offing herself too in the end.
@sanyrub So what? Jackson is extremely, clinically depressed. Of course, Jackson doesn't want intervention. That's why it's called intervention. Sometimes it works, and people just like Jackson, Aaron & Hazel are forever after grateful. Sometimes it doesn't work. Medically & morally this needs to be pursued before Jackson is irrevocably lost & the heavy boot of criminal law comes down on Hazel's and/or Aaron's grieving neck.
@superxx57 You are claiming that people who suicide always act like victims. If you bothered to think this through, you could provide many examples where choosing to suicide is actually a way of taking control over your own life. Those who are told that they are slowing dying and will suffer a painful death, are victim to something they cannot control. Deciding when to die themselves by suicide can be a way for them to control their lives on their own terms.
@beautifullion69 I wondered that too. lol Another little oddity that we're supposed to believe has happened of-screen (like so many other things). Presumably she knows about him through Aaron, quite funny though - when you consider how many times we've heard Chas say that Aaron doesn't tell her anything.
@moeguy222 agree...though I still think it's a big mistake to tell this story and pretend the three of them are part of a secluded tribe somewhere and they have no access to any help available in the 21st century!
I have read many interviews with him, he is a RL Tetrapleic and he has himself stated he is not an actor but was aksed to be involved in the storline PS There is really no need to swear....
@sanyrub There's no what I'd call explaining happening, but yes, they show, in particular, the other guy in his high-tech chair who has a very different view of life. My point is that Jackson's needs are not even being considered much less met, because no one around him is actively aware of & signing him up for the kind of intervention that he desperately needs. If this changes, so will my opinion. Joe is being kept in the dark by a silent conspiracy of the others' despair, stress & ignorance.
@superxx57 And no I am not mixing scenarios to mess up your mind, I am trying to appeal to reason and logic to explain that you can't generalise suicide so easily. Jackson's case is another battle, but you did just come out and say 'suicide is wrong!' and I was trying to say, well okay but in so many scenarios people make an active decision to do so in order to decide how they want to do die. This is a positive sign of control, not victim hood.
@Demetri450 Exactly my feeling. I can't believe that they would even consider this without having exhausted such a basic recourse as counselling and antidepressants. If they had gone through this process and Jackson, of clear mind, had decided that he still wanted to commit suicide, then I could emotionally commit to this storyline. As it is, I just follow along with growing frustration.
@patroclus33 There's a saying: Nothing is more frightening than ignorance in action. I don't question the suffering of Jackson, Aaron & Hazel, but their suffering is happening in their own little world, closed off from alternatives & real possibilities. Their suffering is myopic & uninformed. Hazel has accepted Jackson's view that there is only suicide or endless misery-the well-meaning "blind" being led by the clinically depressed. Thus, I find this well-acted story sad, pathetic & annoying.
@erzan You can't be serious. I'm not speaking on behalf of myself. I'm speaking on behalf of those who have to endure their loved ones commiting suicide. With all due respect, it's kind of silly to compare Jackson's situation to a mental disease (whatever that may be). The only "unimaginable pain, suffering, and torment" Jackson is going through is depression which is not uncommon. I can't imagine a selfless person wanting to put his loved ones through the same thing by killing himself. Can you?
@superxx57 (you clearly ignored me) my closet uncle committed suicide and It was heartbreaking. But if I took your stance, my anguish that I felt after he died should be the ultimate factor in his decision to end his own life. In other words, my own feelings would over ride his own decision. That, regardless if you accept it or not, is selfish TOO. Also I never compared Jackson to having a diseased, I was refuting your ignorant claim that people who face suicide choose to be a victim.
@yngncheekychap agree with U. Hazel should @ least be making this into a condition 4 her help. Depression is so underrated & many don't take it seriously. Interestingly, wanting 2 die is not a natural human being instinct 4 any1 so when someone goes a traumatic event (regardless of what it is), then it should be a given that the pain is just too much 4 anyone 2 make a rational decision. Seeming to be rational in a situation like this (w/out any help) should be looked as a sign of trouble.
@superxx57 ¬_¬ Life and death are not entirely different things. Human right law on the 'Right to live' incorporates the persons entire life. Death is a natural process of life. To argue death has nothing to do with life your might as well say being born has nothing to do with it. Birth, living and death is life. The right to live is a right that extends from the moment you are born to your very last breathe and it deals with your decisions through this period, no matter how long or short.
If Marc Silcock is exiting the show, then I personally hope that it's not with Jackson committing suicide and instead gets admitted to a specialized treatment center so that there's a chance he can come back down the road (maybe able to walk or paralyzed from below the genitals lol) and makes a bid to have a sunset ending with Aaron ^_^ (like McQueen)
@erzan Taking control over your own life? In case you haven't noticed, life and death are two entirely different things, and giving up is not the same as taking control. Jackson may be permanently disabled, but he's not dying. You're mixing senarios to convince me that Jackson wanting to commit suicide or suicide in general is justifiable just because life throws curballs. If everyone were to think like that, then humanity would cease to exist. Sorry, but I just don't agree with your reasoning.
@patroclus33 Yeah, you're right. They will never be pleased of course. I just hope they don't continue on thinking they did the right thing if they go through with it. I don't want a whole bunch of "Oh thank God, he's at peace now, finally." I want people to find out, and I want "Oh shit, what did we do?" Because I guess my last hope is that not seeking real help will turn out to be character flaws, not a flaw on the part of the writing. Because it's just insulting now if it's the latter.
IMO while J's story is very real, ED is doing a HUGE disservice 2 viewers by NOT making the seeking of a therapist part of his storyline. I understand this is entertainment & with other storylines I normally don't expect much else. However, this is such a big issue & I don't think it's socially responsible that the message viewers are getting is: sorry mate, if U R disabled & U think Ur life sucks (which is a valid feeling for obvious reasons), there's no other option 4 U besides DYING!
@sheepiefarm No but it was a normal tone! Well I think :) English is not my language. Let´s say I can write in English but definitely I haven´t had a proper conversation in English in my entire life... :) sorry anyway
@@kristian4527 we would never meant Liv and more importantly Robert would not become the guy he is know and fall in love Arron would still be in his dark place
@rkthurston Now why couldn't you have said that the first time instead of your scrambled reply that still had nothing to do with my comment? I still didn't say anything like that. I said I want him to die because I'm curious as to what the other characters would do. I don't see him as a gay man being killed off. I see him as a human being being killed off that would make the story more interesting. They're not saying that it's okay to kill him. On the contrary, everyone hates the idea.
@superxx57 Secondly your being selfish too. Your slapping labels like 'your selfish' onto people who are going through unimaginable pain, suffering and torment that your not. Your judging the persons action based on how YOU will feel afterwards. When deciding on an issue of killing oneself, why do you think YOUR needs are more important to respect? unless you are dependent on the person (like a child) why should YOUR views be so high up there? concerned for YOURSELF much? = selfish.
@rkthurston Do you understand how silly that sounds? This whole "gay vs straight" crap is getting real old real fast. This storyline doesn't imply that gays are weaker than straights. It's implying that Jackson Walsh is weak period. Gays are not above having individual flaws just like any other person regardless of their sexual preference, so why should the writers avoid depicting it just because of your lack of thick skin?
Great line: "Why isn't it enough? Why aren't we enough?"
This is super depressing, but I can't stop watching.
I'm watching because this storyline is still better than Aaron being in love with a man who is more in love with his life with a woman.
+khyven yeah, Aaron needs a man that loves him and cares for him. I feel so sorry for him.
+khyven I always hoped it was going to get better, and it looks like I was right!
I love Danny Miller. The emotion and delivery at the end of this video was beyond wow. This young man has a true gift! I can't wait to see how far Aaron goes in preventing Jackson from carrying out his plans. I think we're going to see how much Aaron really loves Jackson.
I was devastated for Aaron in that final scene. The look on his face when he realised Hazel had agreed to help Jackson end his life - you could see his heart breaking.
Go Aaron!
thanx for sharing this video!!
Аарон ,и,джексон,классный,актёры,
and there is the core of aaron thinking he's not enough for the rest of his life.
To be fair, that likely started way before this - having a parent abandon you as a child could definitely lead to similar feelings. But this situation didn't help...
Wow! This was so powerful! My stomach is in knots and my eyes are tearing up! I am awestruck by the acting, even if I hate where this is going. I am so hooked on this! I can not wait to see how it all ends, even though I know it's probabley gonna suck for the characters and viewers.
I just LOVE Aaron & Jackson's story line. Jackson being in paralized, no help from psychiatrists, no spine operation, no spark of hope, does seem a bit too dramatic, but hey, this is what the writers chose. This and the fact that these two blokes are not physical with each other. But my God, Danny and Marc are GREAT actors, because it's as if they really do love each other!! That is what counts! Great acting not only by Danny and Marc, but by all, seriously!!!
I'm addicting to this story line!
He had operations and i think you can assume he spoke to therapists in hospital
Rewatching this storyline I've noticed things I didn't see the first time around,it has more holes in it than swiss cheese
Oh boy I'm so glad Aaron has Robert now. Sure he could be a monster in the early stages of his and Aaron's relationship but he's changed so much + loves Aaron so deeply. I just can't see him abandoning Aaron like Jackson did. If R is ever in an accident to this nature I can see him fighting to live and be with everyone he loves, ergo: Aaron. Jackson, didn't and I hated him for it. Sure, J had his reasons BUT in the end instead of understanding and rooting for Jackson, I just thought he was way too selfish, emotionally abusive and cold-hearted. Honestly, at times I just wanted him gone so it would all just end.
Lmao Robert was also way too selfish, emotionally abusive, and cold-hearted towards Aaron. And now he's cheated on him. Maybe if Jackson would have lived, he could have "changed" as well.
@@lexi219 Jackson was at least nice when he started
@@jaredporikos2197 I hated how all Aaron's lovers disappear tragically. First Jackson, then Robert, and now Ben?
@@tremainedouglas288 Jackson , Ben , dead. Robert in Jail, Yes it was so weird but the writers were like LOL gotta make Aaron suffer BRB X"D
Jackson loved Aaron so much. He pushed him away because he thought Aaron could be happier with a full life like they'd planned. If they'd let Jacksons arms move, he might not have been so low. Aaron ended up doing it because Jackson begged. Chas blamed Hazel. Jackson thought he couldn't be happy not moving. Maybe one day he'd have got better. This couple blamed Aaron and Hazel for giving up but they never did. Robert didn't love Aaron the same. Jackson didn't abandon Aaron. He was in pain. Robert did hurt Aaron. No one else loved him the same
Aaron stopped shaving just after the accident and never picked the razor back up 😂
"it's him that I want" AHHH, damn it, where were things like this before!!!
Aaron, just kidnap him and run, to a place far far away...
This episode and story arc is incredibly dark. The writers and actors have done an incredible job of exploring this issue from a lay perspective, that I actually truly feel and understand each of the 3 characters thoughts and feelings.
good use of the pregnant pause at 11:05, it really was gripping - and great acting on on three, their faces said everything
I love the actors and writing.I like hearing the different points of view.There is no doubt what so ever that Aaron doesn't love Jackson.Hazel loves him too.I hope the actress wins best soap award.
No one will stop someone who really wants to commit suicide. Also, no therapists. But the figures are (again) played outstanding. Aaron face ... fabulous. And, i have voted for Emmerdale (Soap Awards). Anything else would be a farce
I've watched this storyline a few times now and my mind keeps swaying back and forth. Can I just throw this out there... "Maybe" Hazel fucked up and maybe Aaron was right. See, Hazel's in her 50's with a lot of life experience. Should she have held out longer? Should she have said to Jackson "it's too soon, you need more time to try to adapt to your new life, you might need to accept that you were born again when that train hit you". Aaron's just a kid so he doesn't have Hazel's acquired wisdom.
u have to love Aaron - I'm not letting this happen I need and love ya. that's just beautiful no matter what happens he needed to hear that
People really confuse what a great tv or movie story is (for example this case) with what you want a story to be, just a possitive message and all that. Movies or tv shows don´t have to be possitive, they can be whatever they want. And a bad movie or tv show is not the one that is sad or negative, it´s the one it´s done very bad. This is really well done, so it´s a great storyline, wheter it makes you feel sad or not. In fact if it has the power to make you feel sad... it´s good.
Buff this is going to kill me!!! It´s so so great and sad... wow I just have no words!
Amazing actress Pauline looks different, exhausted and thinner. It suits her current emotional state (Hazel). Kudos to these 3 over and over again. I´m having flashbacks of when Aaron was so desperate last year wanting to die and all that...wow
@lionjake72 lol I´m so addicted since December 2009 when it all started. But did u found it then or have you discovered later and catched up? :)
Hazel looks exhausted, Jackson looks sad and Aaron looks heartbroken. I´m in tears and dreading what´s going to happen. What ever it is, it´ll hard to watch. To get through the next few episodes I need to buy a lot of chocolate and tissues.
I love this angst! You can see Hazel's hatred for herself! I'm sure she's torn. It would be tough to do but it makes sense that you don't consider fulfilling your son's request like this. Definitely don't think it's a good idea, but I understand her struggle. I'm sure if she goes through with it - she will immediately regret it. I love Aaron's reasoning and firmness and can't wait to see where this goes!
Is it just me who thinks this is the wrong way for this storyline to go for many reasons? It's like saying that if you're tetraplegic you're just better off dead and also, despite being the ONLY realistic depiction of a gay relationship, even these script writers won't let them live happily ever after. It's like even in the 21st Century gay men don't deserve to be happy together. These actors are the best though, can't fault them!
People need to stop complaining about this story not being a delightful walk in the park. It's a story. Not all stories = happiness, & while on one level it annoys me that the gay relationship will once again fall victim to a death, at least this isn't a tragedy based on their sexuality. It's about a character who doesn't have the strength to cope, and the emotions of those closest to him. Don't like it? stop watching while the rest of us see where this goes. Bravo actors-keep up the good work.
every word is so difficult to hear, my heart hurts more and more.... poor Aaron
Joe's scared of balloons. Haha that's funny!
Three people-Aaron, Jackson & Hazel. Only 2 alternatives-live through the endless grind or die. No third alternative is being considered-serious, mandatory psychotherapy. It's as if the characters are operating in a vacuum. If I could enter this vacuum & ignore the rest of the 21st-century world, then this story with its great acting would have me in tears. But this is not Shakespeare nor the Elizabethan Age but a soap that ignores the potentials of its own times & will be mercifully forgotten.
I'm more worried about Hazel and Aaron now... They have been through enough with this whole saga. I don't want to see them get hurt anymore, or for one of them to get sent to prison as a result of the assisted suicide.
Jackson NEEDS to get counselling, he needs to speak to someone about how he feels before he even considers ending his life...
Aaron is amazing...But Jackson too is suffering in his heart. He can't walk or feel anything. BUT!...A miracle can happen. I am very sure that Jackson will walk again at a point. Aarons love will heal him...This is the most inspiring and beautiful love story ever...The English and great love stories,,,Romeo and Juliet, and now Aaron and Jackson....hmmmmm.
This breaking my heart i am so sad .I don't want Jackson die he means so much to Aaron .Aaron loves him he would do anything for Jackson.Like Aaron said he needs Jackson to be here with him.He can't do this one his own.Jackson is being selfish doesn't he see what this is doing to Hazel she looks tired and like she going to breakdown any moment.I cried i need more tissues.
Which means its gonna happen..I love Aaron....soooo powerful
@erzan Your reply did not refute my claim that people who commit suicide choose to be victims, nor is my claim ignorant just because your emotions and personal issues leads you to disagree with me. No one's feelings can override someone else's decision. That makes no sense. Jackson isn't the only one in his condition, yet the other tetrapelegic guy chooses to be a survivor by living for the people who love him as well as himself, while Jackson chooses the opposite. Sorry, but it is what it is.
Yeats later...I'm still shocked that Hazel never told Jerry,
As if having Jackson see Steve is going to help the situation. -_-
@sanyrub De nada. :-) And yes, almost exactly one year ago (wow, time passes so quickly...) I discovered Aaron's story accidentally here on TH-cam and have become addicted to it since then.
@Bananadiva1 yes that is true, while other people have commented on how the actors may have been awkward about being affectionate to one another, I think its the writes who really have held back on the development of their relationship.
@alwaysuseless Hmmm I think they are explaining why they are on this situation really well and showing other people coping with it in a very different way. Plus you haven´t seen it all yet
I want a show about Joe the carer -- who comes to realize he is gay, of course -- and moves to Emmerdale to bring some normalcy and cheer into the world. The screen lights up whenever I see him in the room, whether smiling or not. I wish, at the very least, Aaron or Hazel would confide in him or he would overhear the conversation and intervene with an offer for counseling.
Jackson's storyline reminds me so much of Christopher Reeve's story... But, I do hope they don't just throw away what Aaron have worked so hard for the past months for this lad... I don't expect Jackson to walk, but at least a lil shed of hope or will to live... Just a thought for the story, coz its really depressing seeing Jackson like this... it's really negative...
i HATE the 'your being selfish' argument regarding people who want to end their own lives. How dare people assume they have some greater say over individuals lives. The victim, the one wishing to die, is not being selfish. If they should have the right to live, and a part of life is death then surely deciding how it ends is part of the same coin.
@sanyrub Wasn´t Brokeback mountain great? And didn´t Heath Ledger offer an epic performance? And with barely proper 'sweet' kisses? Some people really confuse things...
I just feel that Jackson has a little bit selfish on this. he doesn't know how painful for Aaron.
@sheepiefarm Chas was at the football match with all of them remember?
Aaron just needs to know that there are plenty of fish in the water
the story seems to be on an endless repeatable cycle. Jackson is depressed, his mom and aaron try to cheer him up. I get that it isn't easy but i feel i keep watching the same scene played over and over again from a different camera angle and room.
I think it's a good idea. For the story. It'll be so powerful, so tragic, and it'll really help pick it up. I'm curious as to what Aaron would do. What Hazel would do. It's bad that he's going to die, but I'm kind of hoping they will do it.
PROFESSIONAL, HAZEL.You are not one. Get some help. The end.
This is just incredibly infuriating. I've decided that if it happens, Hazel and Aaron had better not be feeling all pleased with themselves afterward. I hope this haunts them. When everyone else finds out what happened, I hope H & A are made to see they gave up too fast. The result may still have ended up with Jackson going to Dignitas in the future or something, that's fine. But not even TRYING to treat depression first? MADDENING.
@sanyrub Don't worry, I think your English is excellent (better than mine actually) as well as are your comments on this storyline. Most of the time you express accurately my thoughts about this excellent storyline with these great actors (Danny, Marc and Pauline). :-)
does Aaron wear anything else? always in boots and sweatshirt ?
One of the many problems that I have with assisted suicide is the impact that it has on survivors - especially those survivors that have played a part in the suicide. Apart for the legal ramifications if they are found out (jail and a criminal record) there is the emotional toll of having to live with the knowledge that you helped to end the life of a loved one. I wouldn't wish that burden on an enemy, much less a family member or any loved one.
Intense doesn't quite cover this. Wow.
Seriously, why has no one even mentioned that assisted suicide is Illegal!!!! Did the law just magically change?!?!?!!? If Hazel helped him, she'll go to prison for a very long time!!!
This is getting a little drawn out by now. I've already accepted that Jackson's going away, so just do it. I don't find Jackson's depression that enjoying anymore(not that I did before), and however great actors all three of them are, it doesn't make it easier to watch. And on another note, Danny Miller is up for sexiest male this year, please, dear Emmerdale people, give him some better outfits. Those sweat pants need to be burnt.
Sorry about my complaining, and thanks a billion, Jon :)
@erzan Just because some of us think suicide is a selfish thing to commit doesn't mean we that assume we have a greater say over individuals lives. I don't think people should smoke, but that doesn't mean I have a greater say over the individuals who choose to smoke.
BTW, a person wishing to die is a victim only because he chooses to be. One's sympathy for someone like that can only go so far before life goes on, and the loveones living are forced to pick up the pieces. So yes, it is selfish.
@rkthurston Yes they do. Excellent Goalkeepers do. A Father in my neighborhood did it, the boss of my BFF, a girl in my former school, the husband of a colleague. And all of them were depressed and they all visit therapists or were temporarily at a psychiatric clinic.
However, i think a therapy should have been in Jacksons SL, because it will be clearer then. Not the last step, but the way .
@sanyrub No - I had clearly forgotten, otherwise I wouldn't have made the comment I made.
Thank you for reminding me - however, you're patronising tone could something to work on.
It would have been one thing if it was just between Hazel and Jackson but now that Aaron knows how is this going to work? Hazel will be charged with murder even if Jackson gave his consent in helping him die. If he dies suspiciously then everyone will know something is up. My guess is he gets a chest infection, pneumonia, like before (foreshadowing) and that is how he goes. No one to blame. That or Hazel goes to the clink or ends up offing herself too in the end.
@sanyrub So what? Jackson is extremely, clinically depressed. Of course, Jackson doesn't want intervention. That's why it's called intervention. Sometimes it works, and people just like Jackson, Aaron & Hazel are forever after grateful. Sometimes it doesn't work. Medically & morally this needs to be pursued before Jackson is irrevocably lost & the heavy boot of criminal law comes down on Hazel's and/or Aaron's grieving neck.
@superxx57 You are claiming that people who suicide always act like victims. If you bothered to think this through, you could provide many examples where choosing to suicide is actually a way of taking control over your own life. Those who are told that they are slowing dying and will suffer a painful death, are victim to something they cannot control. Deciding when to die themselves by suicide can be a way for them to control their lives on their own terms.
episode was on me birthday
@beautifullion69 I wondered that too. lol
Another little oddity that we're supposed to believe has happened of-screen (like so many other things).
Presumably she knows about him through Aaron, quite funny though - when you consider how many times we've heard Chas say that Aaron doesn't tell her anything.
@moeguy222 agree...though I still think it's a big mistake to tell this story and pretend the three of them are part of a secluded tribe somewhere and they have no access to any help available in the 21st century!
I have read many interviews with him, he is a RL Tetrapleic and he has himself stated he is not an actor but was aksed to be involved in the storline PS There is really no need to swear....
@sanyrub There's no what I'd call explaining happening, but yes, they show, in particular, the other guy in his high-tech chair who has a very different view of life. My point is that Jackson's needs are not even being considered much less met, because no one around him is actively aware of & signing him up for the kind of intervention that he desperately needs. If this changes, so will my opinion.
Joe is being kept in the dark by a silent conspiracy of the others' despair, stress & ignorance.
@superxx57 And no I am not mixing scenarios to mess up your mind, I am trying to appeal to reason and logic to explain that you can't generalise suicide so easily. Jackson's case is another battle, but you did just come out and say 'suicide is wrong!' and I was trying to say, well okay but in so many scenarios people make an active decision to do so in order to decide how they want to do die. This is a positive sign of control, not victim hood.
Huuu Cain, a jerk as ever❤️❤️❤️❤️
@Demetri450 Exactly my feeling. I can't believe that they would even consider this without having exhausted such a basic recourse as counselling and antidepressants. If they had gone through this process and Jackson, of clear mind, had decided that he still wanted to commit suicide, then I could emotionally commit to this storyline. As it is, I just follow along with growing frustration.
there is different levels of paralysis
DOES anybody really think that she would kill her own son. Arent there laws against that.
@patroclus33 There's a saying: Nothing is more frightening than ignorance in action. I don't question the suffering of Jackson, Aaron & Hazel, but their suffering is happening in their own little world, closed off from alternatives & real possibilities. Their suffering is myopic & uninformed. Hazel has accepted Jackson's view that there is only suicide or endless misery-the well-meaning "blind" being led by the clinically depressed.
Thus, I find this well-acted story sad, pathetic & annoying.
@erzan You can't be serious. I'm not speaking on behalf of myself. I'm speaking on behalf of those who have to endure their loved ones commiting suicide. With all due respect, it's kind of silly to compare Jackson's situation to a mental disease (whatever that may be). The only "unimaginable pain, suffering, and torment" Jackson is going through is depression which is not uncommon. I can't imagine a selfless person wanting to put his loved ones through the same thing by killing himself. Can you?
@alwaysuseless In Jackson´s opinion he doesn´t desperately need it! :) Aaron already tried to convince him a while ago
@superxx57 (you clearly ignored me) my closet uncle committed suicide and It was heartbreaking. But if I took your stance, my anguish that I felt after he died should be the ultimate factor in his decision to end his own life. In other words, my own feelings would over ride his own decision. That, regardless if you accept it or not, is selfish TOO. Also I never compared Jackson to having a diseased, I was refuting your ignorant claim that people who face suicide choose to be a victim.
@yngncheekychap agree with U. Hazel should @ least be making this into a condition 4 her help. Depression is so underrated & many don't take it seriously. Interestingly, wanting 2 die is not a natural human being instinct 4 any1 so when someone goes a traumatic event (regardless of what it is), then it should be a given that the pain is just too much 4 anyone 2 make a rational decision. Seeming to be rational in a situation like this (w/out any help) should be looked as a sign of trouble.
@beautifullion69 They went to a football match where they met Steve!
@superxx57 ¬_¬ Life and death are not entirely different things. Human right law on the 'Right to live' incorporates the persons entire life. Death is a natural process of life. To argue death has nothing to do with life your might as well say being born has nothing to do with it. Birth, living and death is life. The right to live is a right that extends from the moment you are born to your very last breathe and it deals with your decisions through this period, no matter how long or short.
@brken not having a lot of fish of course not just he needs to get over jackson im so tired of seeing him like this
If Marc Silcock is exiting the show, then I personally hope that it's not with Jackson committing suicide and instead gets admitted to a specialized treatment center so that there's a chance he can come back down the road (maybe able to walk or paralyzed from below the genitals lol) and makes a bid to have a sunset ending with Aaron ^_^ (like McQueen)
For godsake, let Jackson go! That or make him ambulatory again.
@lionjake72 Oh really? Thank you much! And yes this is brilliant, not now but for more than a year... :)
go aaron :)
@erzan Taking control over your own life? In case you haven't noticed, life and death are two entirely different things, and giving up is not the same as taking control. Jackson may be permanently disabled, but he's not dying. You're mixing senarios to convince me that Jackson wanting to commit suicide or suicide in general is justifiable just because life throws curballs. If everyone were to think like that, then humanity would cease to exist. Sorry, but I just don't agree with your reasoning.
@patroclus33 Yeah, you're right. They will never be pleased of course. I just hope they don't continue on thinking they did the right thing if they go through with it. I don't want a whole bunch of "Oh thank God, he's at peace now, finally." I want people to find out, and I want "Oh shit, what did we do?" Because I guess my last hope is that not seeking real help will turn out to be character flaws, not a flaw on the part of the writing. Because it's just insulting now if it's the latter.
IMO while J's story is very real, ED is doing a HUGE disservice 2 viewers by NOT making the seeking of a therapist part of his storyline. I understand this is entertainment & with other storylines I normally don't expect much else. However, this is such a big issue & I don't think it's socially responsible that the message viewers are getting is: sorry mate, if U R disabled & U think Ur life sucks (which is a valid feeling for obvious reasons), there's no other option 4 U besides DYING!
@sheepiefarm No but it was a normal tone! Well I think :) English is not my language. Let´s say I can write in English but definitely I haven´t had a proper conversation in English in my entire life... :) sorry anyway
@brecans Totally with you there!
omg if jackson did not die chrissie and robert still be together hideing who he is and arron never met liv and seb never be he
davina melton Seb might be, he has been cheating with Bex before
@@kristian4527 we would never meant Liv and more importantly Robert would not become the guy he is know and fall in love Arron would still be in his dark place
@rkthurston Now why couldn't you have said that the first time instead of your scrambled reply that still had nothing to do with my comment? I still didn't say anything like that. I said I want him to die because I'm curious as to what the other characters would do. I don't see him as a gay man being killed off. I see him as a human being being killed off that would make the story more interesting. They're not saying that it's okay to kill him. On the contrary, everyone hates the idea.
I can never watch the part when Jackson dies ☹️ why couldn't they just put him in a coma after the train 😒
is Jackson gonna die?
@1958louief YEESSSS!!!
@superxx57 Secondly your being selfish too. Your slapping labels like 'your selfish' onto people who are going through unimaginable pain, suffering and torment that your not. Your judging the persons action based on how YOU will feel afterwards. When deciding on an issue of killing oneself, why do you think YOUR needs are more important to respect? unless you are dependent on the person (like a child) why should YOUR views be so high up there? concerned for YOURSELF much? = selfish.
@rkthurston Do you understand how silly that sounds? This whole "gay vs straight" crap is getting real old real fast. This storyline doesn't imply that gays are weaker than straights. It's implying that Jackson Walsh is weak period. Gays are not above having individual flaws just like any other person regardless of their sexual preference, so why should the writers avoid depicting it just because of your lack of thick skin?
@rkthurston And, by the way, this story is so sad.. next week i need a therapy too. And my corner shop needs more tissues.
@Thursdayization i dont get into arguments on youtube because that's stupid..so that's your opinion and this is mine..k bye
omg if this story doesnt move on i will kill jackson myself..this is bein dragged on too long
He is not an actor but he is paralysed IRL!
@moeguy222 YEESSSS!!!
@sfausdn Everything you said I agree 100% :)