For a long time I had stopped listening to Sheikh Hamza because I had started to listen to other famous TH-cam scholars. But coming back to his videos makes me realize how much deep scholarship I was missing.
i think ppl need to transcribe his lectures into Urdu, Indonesian,etc and compile it in books for the ppl in their countries who dont speak much English if any.
Haha - I wish for the same with Prophet Muhammed (pbuh, the other prophets (as) and all the other good people. Inshallah we shall all see each other there. Imagine hanging out with them - the coolest gang in the universe and heavens.
SubhanAllah, great wisdom. May Allah give you and all of us Tawfiq to continue our Ibadah without disobeying Allah (swt) and accept us near the prophets in Jannah. Ameen.
I don't want anything more than leaving this world. I don't contemplate suicide not ungrateful but I see in every angle I see evil that I don't want to be part of. I probably sincerely pronounce my gratitude more than 100x a day. I just want to leave. I just want to be in my final abode. The evil is overwhelming for me, I feel as if my heart will explode.
man ..reading your comment gives me a little bit peace cause i feel the same way, at least im not alone, so hang in there brother be patient, God is with the ones who are patient
There is a sweetness in faith and in hearing knowledge that increase your faith and connects you to your creator. Thank you Shaykh Hamza for always teaching us in a way that touches our hearts. You have been a beacon of light to millions of Muslims from around the globe. At a time that everyone blames others for the state that we are in you are one of the few, that always remind us to look into ourselves before pointing our fingers to others. Allah is in charge and He will change our situation if we change ourselves. May Allah protect you and your family.
A well for the thirsty, a patch of shade in the scorching sun...May Allah SWT fully reward this great man Hamza Yusuf for spreading authentic knowledge to all of us while making it approachable and full of perpectives. Ameen
man I wish Saudi Ulama were like him Most of our Ulama are drowning in marginal issues that have no affect in our personal development and being the best Umma.
rajaitimad I agree there's a lot of holes in the system but its not like the people will automatically change, Islam has been preserved but the imaan has not sadly.
Most scholars in Hind are doing the same, arguing over what should be categorized as nonissues in this age of tribulation where Islam is facing existential threat.
Bro - there are a lot of scholars in Saudi talking about deep spiritual issues - but they might not be the ones that are given a lot of publicity. I remember meeting Habib Zain (may Allah swt grant him a long life) there in Madinah. Look for him if he is still there.
We need more person's like him! I pray he has students. Im in tribulation right now. My son is very sick. At first I was angry at Allah, becoz my whole life I got so many severe turbulations and I always said Allah knows the best. But this time it overwhelmed me so much that I got angry at Allah. May Allah forgive me. And may Allah bless Hamza for explaining these things so clear. Now again I can surrender to Allah and say: O Allah I have much pain becoz my son suffers so much and I have wronged myself coz YOU most merciful, please forgive me.
JazakAllah Shyk Hamza Yusuf for such beautiful reminders. N the way you explain everything in such an extraordinary way, refreshes my imaan. You're my great teacher. JazakAllah!
@@iam1hu - Both of those countries are rich in resources, including gold mines, but with high poverty rate. How those great scholars (no sarcasm) fail to understand: "And do not forget your share of the world" (Q), is a mystery to me.
In short, don't blame anybody, blame yourself. Talk less, work hard. Dear sheikh Hamza Yusuf, I wanted to give you a question about imam Said Nursi (Rad). He (Rad) has a book also called "Mektubat", and imam Rabbani (Rad) has a book with the same name. Imam Said Nursi (Rad) was born almost 300 years after imam Rabbani (Rad), and when he was writing his book "Mektubat" he read and was inspired by imam Rabbani's books. So here's my question: Can we call imam Said Nursi's (Rad) book as an interpretation of imam Rabbani's (Rad) book or what's the difference between their work? Thank you for your great encouraging and enlightening lectures, they are priceless.
00:13 A great book emphasizing patience and contentment with Allah's decree 02:29 Allah gives tribulations to those he loves 04:39 Be patient with tribulations but be content with Allah's decree. 07:04 Blaming others for what happens is a sickness and disease. 08:44 Corruption and calamities are consequences of human actions. 10:55 Take on tribulation only as much as you can bear 13:06 Facing overwhelming odds without humiliation 14:56 Bees sacrifice their lives, unlike wasps.
What an insight Sheikh Hamza. Another interesting note about the wax that bees produce: When lighting beeswax candles, not only do they provide light as you had mentioned, but these candles have also been known to purify the air around it, Subhanallah. What an incredible example that has been given to us by Allah (SWT).
Wisdom of Allah swt transcends all times. Information so relevant and illuminating for today. Wake up people, turn back to Allah swt and ask for forgiveness for what our own hands has earned. "A word to the wise is sufficient"
Imām Ḥasan al-Baṣrī (رحمه الله) said: “Increase in seeking Allāh's forgiveness, in your homes, at your food tables, on your pathways, in your market places, in your gatherings, wherever you are, for you don't know when the mercy will descend.” [Siyar al-Salaf al-Ṣāliḥīn 1/739]
I think, when it comes to tribulations, there is still exception to the rules. That it could be confusing to many hearts to be told the fact that every tribulation MUST be coming from our own faults. It could create a sense of hopelessness in people. How about a child who was sexually assaulted when he was small, and carried the trauma and struggled all through his life, and that was his tribulations. My only point is, is the tribulation fallen to a small child came from his own wrong doing? Anyways, I love Sh Hamza Yusuf for the sake of Allah and has been listening to him for a long time and will continue in to do so. It's just that I need to clarify in this specific subject.
I was reflecting on this for a while too. I think we have to accept the premise that this Dunya is not here to give us happiness it is here to challenge us and only by challenges it provides the incentive to awaken us. To become more conscious. And the more Allah loves you, the harder your challenge will be as he says in the video( even if it's not your fault or doing). And if you are able to overcome that trauma by becoming awakened then you rise. Often times you see people who have become the most glorious, kind and spiritual had extremely unfortunate events happen to them but they transcended it. And I think if we look at these horrible injustices as a means to awaken, it gives us the opportunity to come closer to God and reach that level of awakening. Probably the closest we can get to God here on earth. So 2 things. 1. Trials and traumas that are NOT our doing, come to challenge us, to awaken us. 2. Trials that ARE our own doing e.g eating unhealthy and getting sick. The sickness is also a trial to awaken you. To make you more aware and conscious of your decisions or lack of. In the end, both kinds of trials happen not " to us" but for us to awaken. This is how I have reconciled.
Can Zaytuna in any way try to translate The Sublime Quran with sheikh Hamza as the main translator which will be a blessing for all muslim and non muslim to finally have the scripture not distorted as we see it in the current form ...
+Naim Hassan i have had the chance to read Abdullah Yusuf Ali tafseer notes in his 1938 translation of The Sublime Quran they r very informative but because of Hamzas eloquent high Arabic I think is the due time for us non Arabic speakers to put the pen to paper and try to bring this enlighting book to the masses
The Message of Quran by Mohammad Asad is a great translation. It also has a very good intro, good notes that give alternative views to the 'traditionally' accepted (which are often wrong in a number of instances). Try looking into it.
My Question is that if the calamity is because of our own hands and doings then why did Prophets (PBUTA) get tested with trials and tribulations the most? They are the best of creatures of Allah. And then the closest to them get tested the most after the Prophets (PBUTA).
Trying to reflect on something he said i did t quite understand it.. Somone help me out? Where he mentions that hardship is because of our own hands/our own doing...
hmzmss yeah it is, even if it is not from your fault, it will be from the faults of humans collectively. For example sexualisation of the society is humans doing and lot of Muslims and non Muslims are facing hardship because of it.
This concept was for me to understand and except for a long time. But when I ook back at my life, most of the time, it was my own fault one way or another.
Al Mustafaa (المصطفی), means 'The chosen one'. This is a title by which the prophet Muhammad (may Allah almighty shower His peace and blessings upon him) is commonly called, since he صلی الله عليه وسلم is chosen as the most beloved of Allah almighty, as the one upon whom Allah almighty has revealed the greatest book (the holy Qur'an) for the guidance of us (the servants of Allah almighty), and Allah almighty has chosen him (صلی الله عليه وسلم) to be the perfect practical example of how to live through every step of our lives in the way that will please Allah almighty. I hope that this answer is helpful.
Let me take the effort of the saints as my partner. Where do I go, let me do my job for everybody. Let me take this world and go to the afterlife. Let me make the houris who are flying my partner. Let me not wear soft clothes let me be leave all people. Let me make my mattress soil my pillow stone. Hit, destroy your own willing besides passion and willing. Let me take it back let me fight with myself. My body, and also my soul did not know the true God. If he did not know until now let me know from now on. Who smiles today can cry tomorrow let me cry and make my pillow stone. Poor Youns says I am the lover of Poor's. If my exterior body is not a dervish let me make my inside a dervish. Youns Emre
شكراً يا شيخ ♥️🍂 🕋مكتوب ٥٩ 🔶 🍇بخواجه شرف الدين حسين در إرجاعِ حوادثِ يوميّه بإرادهء او تعالى و تلذّذ بآن.🌺 حضرت حق سبحانه و تعالى بر جادهء شريعتِ مصطفويّه على صاحبها الصّلوة و السّلام و التحيّة استقامت بخشيده بكليّت گرفتارِ جنابِ قدسِ خود گرداناد. فرزندِ عزيزِ باتميز! حوادثِ يوميّه چون به ارادهء واجب الوجود جلّ سلطانه كائن است و به فعلِ او تعالى ثابت، ارادهء خود را تابع ارادهء او تعالى ساخته آن حوادث را مراداتِ خود بايد داشت و بآن متلذّذ بايد بود. اگر بندگى ست اين نسبت بايد پيدا كرد و إلّا پا از بساطِ بندگى كشيدن ست و بمولاي خود جلّ شأنه معارضه نمودن. در حديث قدسى آمده است:مَن لَم يَرضَ بِقَضَائِى وَ لَم يَصبِر عَلَى بَلَايِى فَليَطلُب رَبًّا سِوَائِى وَليَخرُج مِن تَحتِ سَمَآئى ; یعنی: (هركه خوشنود نشود به قضاى من و صبر نكند بر بلاى من پس بايد كه بخواهد پروردگارِ سواي من (بدون من) و بيرون شود از زير آسمان من.🔅 ................................................................ مكتوب ٥٩ جلد دوم، حصهء هشتم از مکتوبات قدسى آيات امامِ ربانی مجددِ الف ثانی قدس الله سره العزیز که به بخواجه شرف الدين حسين در إرجاعِ حوادثِ يوميّه بإرادهء او تعالى و تلذّذ بآن صدور يافته است. 🌹
You are not eligible to test me. You have to both have a station above me, which you don't want to assert because then you have to be tested for it, but you are happy to insinuate it, in that case you satisfy your ego without satisfying the credentials. Secondly, you have to have a station required for such a testing, which you also don't want to outwardly claim, although you believe you have it. So either be quiet! or make a claim on which to be tested.
For a long time I had stopped listening to Sheikh Hamza because I had started to listen to other famous TH-cam scholars. But coming back to his videos makes me realize how much deep scholarship I was missing.
Same experience here. Coming back myself.. fresh air..
Bro sammmme. Mashallah!
i think ppl need to transcribe his lectures into Urdu, Indonesian,etc and compile it in books for the ppl in their countries who dont speak much English if any.
Glad you came back ❤
Alhumdulillah, I hope I get to hang out near Shiekh Hamza Yusuf in janaat! Ameen
Haha - I wish for the same with Prophet Muhammed (pbuh, the other prophets (as) and all the other good people. Inshallah we shall all see each other there. Imagine hanging out with them - the coolest gang in the universe and heavens.
SubhanAllah, great wisdom. May Allah give you and all of us Tawfiq to continue our Ibadah without disobeying Allah (swt) and accept us near the prophets in Jannah. Ameen.
Me too. Ameen. He's blessed with great knowledge.
The Hikmah, Barakah and Nur in this is unbelievable. It's better than many modern day Khutbahs and lectures.
Landing ki Kati
that's true
Wow! Sheikh Hamza speaks the language of the heart. Be people who unite the hearts.
please anyone reading this please make dua Allah removes the calamities that are occurring to my family
May Allah SWT remove all the calamities that is occurring to your family and grant you all ease. Ameen
You guys still alive or what?
Did the dua work?
Listening to you renews my faith. Jazak Allah Khayran Anta.
Same here
Probably my favourite lecture from Shaykh Hamza ever. Alhamdulillah for a blessing such as him.
I don't want anything more than leaving this world. I don't contemplate suicide not ungrateful but I see in every angle I see evil that I don't want to be part of. I probably sincerely pronounce my gratitude more than 100x a day. I just want to leave. I just want to be in my final abode. The evil is overwhelming for me, I feel as if my heart will explode.
I feel you.
man ..reading your comment gives me a little bit peace cause i feel the same way, at least im not alone, so hang in there brother be patient, God is with the ones who are patient
Same here brother
Me too akhi
I feel you. Stay strong pal.
There is a sweetness in faith and in hearing knowledge that increase your faith and connects you to your creator. Thank you Shaykh Hamza for always teaching us in a way that touches our hearts. You have been a beacon of light to millions of Muslims from around the globe. At a time that everyone blames others for the state that we are in you are one of the few, that always remind us to look into ourselves before pointing our fingers to others. Allah is in charge and He will change our situation if we change ourselves. May Allah protect you and your family.
may Allah swt preserve you and protect you our dearest teacher.....peace be on you
A well for the thirsty, a patch of shade in the scorching sun...May Allah SWT fully reward this great man Hamza Yusuf for spreading authentic knowledge to all of us while making it approachable and full of perpectives. Ameen
Very well put👌.
May Allah increase you in eloquence.
Beautifully put, ameen!
Sheikh Hamza Yusuf is the man of real knowledge May Allah bless him with more knowledge n taqwa. Ameen Summa ameen
man I wish Saudi Ulama were like him
Most of our Ulama are drowning in marginal issues that have no affect in our personal development and being the best Umma.
rajaitimad I agree there's a lot of holes in the system but its not like the people will automatically change, Islam has been preserved but the imaan has not sadly.
Most scholars in Hind are doing the same, arguing over what should be categorized as nonissues in this age of tribulation where Islam is facing existential threat.
Bro - there are a lot of scholars in Saudi talking about deep spiritual issues - but they might not be the ones that are given a lot of publicity. I remember meeting Habib Zain (may Allah swt grant him a long life) there in Madinah. Look for him if he is still there.
Buraidah yup!!!
and still Ulama doing their job to spread the haq to ummah. May I know whats yours brother?
Imam Hamza has brought up many useful topics that have been neglected in the ummah. May Allah reward him.
His explanation is so simple but so powerful
Al Hamdulillah...tears flowing from this reminder. Lets pray for him. He desereve a lot of reward
What an incredible lecture and wonderful message to share! Hamza Yusuf- always my favorite scholar!
MashAllah it's pure barakah to see Mujadad Alaf Thani work in Hamza yusuf hands.
I really love sheikh hamza yusuf for the sake of Allah
May Allah preserve him..
We need more person's like him! I pray he has students. Im in tribulation right now. My son is very sick. At first I was angry at Allah, becoz my whole life I got so many severe turbulations and I always said Allah knows the best. But this time it overwhelmed me so much that I got angry at Allah. May Allah forgive me. And may Allah bless Hamza for explaining these things so clear. Now again I can surrender to Allah and say: O Allah I have much pain becoz my son suffers so much and I have wronged myself coz YOU most merciful, please forgive me.
I grow up with you (learning). I truly love you Ustad. May we be neighbours of a Rasoolallah (S.A.W) and Ahlul bait in JANNATUL Firdous. Ameen
hazrat mujaddid alif sani (r.a)is also a treasure for ummah and jazak Allah khyr dr.hamzayusuf & zytuna college for sharing beautiful video...🙏🙏🙏
Wize man, Sheikh Hamza, mashallah. He speaks the truth but unfortunately most people do not know this.
may Allah give him janatal firdaws!
Aameen aameen yarabbal aalameen
Alhamdulillaah! This really made my day! May Allah ta'alaah answer our du'aas & bring ease to all of our difficulties -Ameen-
Ma sha Allah...Allah azza wa jal preserve Sh Hamza, Ameen!
JazakAllah Shyk Hamza Yusuf for such beautiful reminders. N the way you explain everything in such an extraordinary way, refreshes my imaan. You're my great teacher. JazakAllah!
the Ghazali's of our time......God bless
+Issa Suwedi Indeed brother. May Allah keep him.
yet Shaikh Hamza himself claimed his teacher Sh Ben Bayyah is the real Ghazali today
Go to senegal Mauritania and u will see real modern ghazzalhis who taught Hamza
Hamza Yusuf is not to be trusted in religious knowledge.
@@iam1hu - Both of those countries are rich in resources, including gold mines, but with high poverty rate. How those great scholars (no sarcasm) fail to understand: "And do not forget your share of the world" (Q), is a mystery to me.
Alhamdulillah for Hamza Yusuf🙌
Beautiful mind. May Allah reward you grandly for all you do and share.
Thank you so much for translating this to Arabic .. finally I can share it 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
beautiful MarshaAllah, may Allah bless him with long life ameen.
Wnever i see u shyak i feel relaxed...
In short, don't blame anybody, blame yourself. Talk less, work hard. Dear sheikh Hamza Yusuf, I wanted to give you a question about imam Said Nursi (Rad). He (Rad) has a book also called "Mektubat", and imam Rabbani (Rad) has a book with the same name. Imam Said Nursi (Rad) was born almost 300 years after imam Rabbani (Rad), and when he was writing his book "Mektubat" he read and was inspired by imam Rabbani's books. So here's my question: Can we call imam Said Nursi's (Rad) book as an interpretation of imam Rabbani's (Rad) book or what's the difference between their work? Thank you for your great encouraging and enlightening lectures, they are priceless.
Alhamdulillah very nice talk. I had some questions, and I got the answer, may Allah love him always
Shaykh, I will pray for you, in-sha-Allah.
Awesome lecture.. As always.
00:13 A great book emphasizing patience and contentment with Allah's decree
02:29 Allah gives tribulations to those he loves
04:39 Be patient with tribulations but be content with Allah's decree.
07:04 Blaming others for what happens is a sickness and disease.
08:44 Corruption and calamities are consequences of human actions.
10:55 Take on tribulation only as much as you can bear
13:06 Facing overwhelming odds without humiliation
14:56 Bees sacrifice their lives, unlike wasps.
What an insight Sheikh Hamza. Another interesting note about the wax that bees produce: When lighting beeswax candles, not only do they provide light as you had mentioned, but these candles have also been known to purify the air around it, Subhanallah. What an incredible example that has been given to us by Allah (SWT).
أسكنك الله الفردوس الأعلى
Jazak Allah ya sheikh may Allah swt bless you a lot!
My favorite teacher
Mine too ❤️
May Allah bless you and reward your efforts Shaykh Hamza!
Billahi I love this man!
Such a profound lecture. Jazakallah
Wisdom of Allah swt transcends all times. Information so relevant and illuminating for today. Wake up people, turn back to Allah swt and ask for forgiveness for what our own hands has earned. "A word to the wise is sufficient"
Please pray for me i am under ver difficult time due to sihr/jinn possession
Jazak allah kahurin
How you know your possessed?
JazakAllah, I needed this to strengthen my faith👍
One of the most insightful and intellectual Muslim scholars comes from the USA how ironic.
he's Canadian
@@joolssarwar he's from California, in the US
Masha Allah Sheikh
Jazaaka Allah khayran
Jazakallah Admin for sharing this
Your Ramadan💖 Mubarak💝 dear scholar yusuf 🌻
Jazakullah khairun
What a beautiful letter!
Mashaallah ❤
always great to listen Him..
He is ammazing
Imām Ḥasan al-Baṣrī (رحمه الله) said:
“Increase in seeking Allāh's forgiveness, in your homes, at your food tables, on your pathways, in your market places, in your gatherings, wherever you are, for you don't know when the mercy will descend.”
[Siyar al-Salaf al-Ṣāliḥīn 1/739]
This is pure truth
Thank you for the great lesson Hamza
I think, when it comes to tribulations, there is still exception to the rules. That it could be confusing to many hearts to be told the fact that every tribulation MUST be coming from our own faults. It could create a sense of hopelessness in people.
How about a child who was sexually assaulted when he was small, and carried the trauma and struggled all through his life, and that was his tribulations. My only point is, is the tribulation fallen to a small child came from his own wrong doing?
Anyways, I love Sh Hamza Yusuf for the sake of Allah and has been listening to him for a long time and will continue in to do so. It's just that I need to clarify in this specific subject.
I was reflecting on this for a while too. I think we have to accept the premise that this Dunya is not here to give us happiness it is here to challenge us and only by challenges it provides the incentive to awaken us. To become more conscious. And the more Allah loves you, the harder your challenge will be as he says in the video( even if it's not your fault or doing). And if you are able to overcome that trauma by becoming awakened then you rise. Often times you see people who have become the most glorious, kind and spiritual had extremely unfortunate events happen to them but they transcended it. And I think if we look at these horrible injustices as a means to awaken, it gives us the opportunity to come closer to God and reach that level of awakening. Probably the closest we can get to God here on earth.
So 2 things. 1. Trials and traumas that are NOT our doing, come to challenge us, to awaken us.
2. Trials that ARE our own doing e.g eating unhealthy and getting sick. The sickness is also a trial to awaken you. To make you more aware and conscious of your decisions or lack of.
In the end, both kinds of trials happen not " to us" but for us to awaken.
This is how I have reconciled.
Jazak Allah Khayran
Maashallah! Beautiful!
اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا ومولانا محمد عبدك ورسولك النبي الأمي وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
Dear Sir, may be i get to meet you in person one day: JazakAllah Khair for the teachings: Alhamdulillah
Can Zaytuna in any way try to translate The Sublime Quran with sheikh Hamza as the main translator which will be a blessing for all muslim and non muslim to finally have the scripture not distorted as we see it in the current form ...
+twinsflamuri Please watch the tafseer videos by Nouman Ali Khan and Sheikh Yasir Qadhi. They are, SubhanAllah, Amazing to say the least.
+Naim Hassan i have had the chance to read Abdullah Yusuf Ali tafseer notes in his 1938 translation of The Sublime Quran they r very informative but because of Hamzas eloquent high Arabic I think is the due time for us non Arabic speakers to put the pen to paper and try to bring this enlighting book to the masses
+Naim Hassan Thank you Naim(bliss)i do appreciate this insightful but simple not distorting the word of God 🙏🏿
JazakAllahu Khair...
The Message of Quran by Mohammad Asad is a great translation. It also has a very good intro, good notes that give alternative views to the 'traditionally' accepted (which are often wrong in a number of instances). Try looking into it.
The volume is set to very low. It's hard to hear well.
+Peace3500 The sound seems to be okay. Could you check your headphone/speaker?
Shaykh Hamza and his colleagues such as Ustadh Yahya Rhodus- what is there routine in terms of diet, fasting, prayer? I'd love to know :)
My Question is that if the calamity is because of our own hands and doings then why did Prophets (PBUTA) get tested with trials and tribulations the most? They are the best of creatures of Allah. And then the closest to them get tested the most after the Prophets (PBUTA).
Assalamu Alaikkum Brothers. You all please pray for my forgiveness and purification.
ماشاء لله لا قوة الا بالله
Those pillows are beautiful
Ma Sha Allah.
Thank you!♥️
Salaam. I have youtube and laptop sound to max. and it is still very low. Not sure if its on my end or yours. Just letting you guys know. Great video!
It's true. The way I got around it is by using a headphone
Anybody have a link where I can find that last Du'aa by Nabi(SAW)? It's so beautiful Masha'Allah.
Volume is very low unfortunately
alhamdulliyah..He knows Said Nursi :)
I'm happy and surprised at the same time.
Yes Elhamdülillah ı am happy for him too
Can someone please explain what did the sheikh say at 10:50 (ibtidaa) and what does he mean by that?
I live in Kentucky, I would like for someone to tell me if there is an Islamic Institute around .
Search it up on Google
Trying to reflect on something he said i did t quite understand it.. Somone help me out? Where he mentions that hardship is because of our own hands/our own doing...
hmzmss yeah it is, even if it is not from your fault, it will be from the faults of humans collectively. For example sexualisation of the society is humans doing and lot of Muslims and non Muslims are facing hardship because of it.
This concept was for me to understand and except for a long time. But when I ook back at my life, most of the time, it was my own fault one way or another.
can somebody please tell me the dua which shayk recited at 16:00 minute. please - even if u have a link to the written dua please direct me.
irshaad khan check out Wird Latif. It's in there
can any one please tell me how to contact Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
What’s the book?
What s the meaning of alMustaphah? Thanks
Al Mustafaa (المصطفی), means 'The chosen one'.
This is a title by which the prophet Muhammad (may Allah almighty shower His peace and blessings upon him) is commonly called, since he صلی الله عليه وسلم is chosen as the most beloved of Allah almighty, as the one upon whom Allah almighty has revealed the greatest book (the holy Qur'an) for the guidance of us (the servants of Allah almighty), and Allah almighty has chosen him (صلی الله عليه وسلم) to be the perfect practical example of how to live through every step of our lives in the way that will please Allah almighty.
I hope that this answer is helpful.
Does Sheikh Hamza wear blue light blocking glasses?
The sound is very low ..
Let me take the effort of the saints as my partner.
Where do I go, let me do my job for everybody.
Let me take this world and go to the afterlife.
Let me make the houris who are flying my partner.
Let me not wear soft clothes let me be leave all people.
Let me make my mattress soil my pillow stone.
Hit, destroy your own willing besides passion and willing.
Let me take it back let me fight with myself.
My body, and also my soul did not know the true God.
If he did not know until now let me know from now on.
Who smiles today can cry tomorrow let me cry and make my pillow stone.
Poor Youns says I am the lover of Poor's.
If my exterior body is not a dervish let me make my inside a dervish.
Youns Emre
Phoebe Valleys
I don't understand.
Waters Harbor
Lockman Shoals
شكراً يا شيخ ♥️🍂
🕋مكتوب ٥٩ 🔶
🍇بخواجه شرف الدين حسين در إرجاعِ حوادثِ يوميّه بإرادهء او تعالى و تلذّذ بآن.🌺
حضرت حق سبحانه و تعالى بر جادهء شريعتِ مصطفويّه على صاحبها الصّلوة و السّلام و التحيّة استقامت بخشيده بكليّت گرفتارِ جنابِ قدسِ خود گرداناد.
فرزندِ عزيزِ باتميز! حوادثِ يوميّه چون به ارادهء واجب الوجود جلّ سلطانه كائن است و به فعلِ او تعالى ثابت، ارادهء خود را تابع ارادهء او تعالى ساخته آن حوادث را مراداتِ خود بايد داشت و بآن متلذّذ بايد بود. اگر بندگى ست اين نسبت بايد پيدا كرد و إلّا پا از بساطِ بندگى كشيدن ست و بمولاي خود جلّ شأنه معارضه نمودن. در حديث قدسى آمده است:مَن لَم يَرضَ بِقَضَائِى وَ لَم يَصبِر عَلَى بَلَايِى فَليَطلُب رَبًّا سِوَائِى وَليَخرُج مِن تَحتِ سَمَآئى ;
(هركه خوشنود نشود به قضاى من و صبر نكند بر بلاى من پس بايد كه بخواهد پروردگارِ سواي من (بدون من) و بيرون شود از زير آسمان من.🔅
مكتوب ٥٩ جلد دوم، حصهء هشتم از مکتوبات قدسى آيات امامِ ربانی مجددِ الف ثانی قدس الله سره العزیز که به بخواجه شرف الدين حسين در إرجاعِ حوادثِ يوميّه بإرادهء او تعالى و تلذّذ بآن صدور يافته است. 🌹
Zetta Expressway
Walker Plaza
Volkman Passage
You are not eligible to test me. You have to both have a station above me, which you don't want to assert because then you have to be tested for it, but you are happy to insinuate it, in that case you satisfy your ego without satisfying the credentials. Secondly, you have to have a station required for such a testing, which you also don't want to outwardly claim, although you believe you have it. So either be quiet! or make a claim on which to be tested.