Regrets You Might Have If You Try To Hike A Really LONG Trail (Appalachian Trail, PCT, CDT, etc.)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 443

  • @AmadoWildlifeVideos
    @AmadoWildlifeVideos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +193

    I've just started. My first hike was today, not long but with elevation. I'm 64 and so lucky to wake up every day. Planning to day hike over the winter before attempting extended quests. Your videos have been an inspiration, thank you!

    • @treblepet
      @treblepet 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Alan. Go live your fullest life. I'm fighting the lock every day (I'm 57)

    • @robertligas250
      @robertligas250 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      It all starts with one step in front of the other. Good luck I been hiking the AT for 12 years I have 267.6 miles to go

    • @AmadoWildlifeVideos
      @AmadoWildlifeVideos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@robertligas250 Good luck to you & Happy Trails!

    • @lawrenceborreson5953
      @lawrenceborreson5953 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@robertligas250 I'm with you on that, but I think my goal may only be 10% of each state. So far I'm 100% of WV & MD.

    • @robertligas250
      @robertligas250 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lawrenceborreson5953 Definitely do the Shannondoah and the Graceland highlands New Hampshire is a very tough and scary state but it was beautiful like I said I’ve enjoyed every step

  • @survivorhighonthetrail9101
    @survivorhighonthetrail9101 2 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    I am a 64 year old hiker and tried to thru hike the AT this year. I did about 800 miles and had to get off due to fatigue and weight loss. I miss it a lot and will try to finish next year.

    • @mooseliver1772
      @mooseliver1772 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I started in 19 and did 109 miles before having a hurt ankle that kept me off til 2020. Off again for Covid but in the fall of 2020 I continued and did the Smokies (while the shelters were closed!!) Off for the winter and then continued north and I have recently passed 1000 MILES!!! Hoping to make it to the Mason-Dixon line by Thanksgiving, and then will continue north in Early March 2022. I am going to be 65 soon, and have a Pacemaker as well as shortness of breath. I started out to do a THRU HIKE but now am just happy to be continuing as far North every season as the Good Lord lets me hike. Katahdin EVENTUALLY is my plan!.

    • @halloweendancing
      @halloweendancing ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That is so impressive still!!!

  • @pungo147
    @pungo147 2 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    I definitely hiked my own hike, but regret that I didn't slow down more often. Too often I put in extra miles for mileage sake. My advice to everyone on their first hike is to slow down as much as possible and enjoy the experience. For the vast majority it will be your one and only thru-hike.

    • @SophisticatedDogCat
      @SophisticatedDogCat 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Your mother is a thru-hike.

    • @KurtKirsch
      @KurtKirsch 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      "slow down" is great advise for everyone ineverday life!

    • @robinmichel9048
      @robinmichel9048 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I pushed way too hard on my first long trip. I was 40 and trying to do big miles like the youngsters. Long story short, I got hurt. These days, I like to mosey at my own pace and take lots of breaks.

    • @laidbacktraveler2580
      @laidbacktraveler2580 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@SophisticatedDogCat - Don't have a mother, my Dad and I use yours. And we let her keep her Army boots on.

    • @treebeardtheent2200
      @treebeardtheent2200 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If I may add to that excellent point Pungo, one way to get started on the right foot so to speak is to start at a non-terminus trail head close to a prime spot so you are more self motivated to savor it from the git go. There's nothing wrong with flipping to the terminus a little latter when you've toughened up a bit.
      The PCT southern terminous is, of course, the area which is notorious for busting hikers for No Other Reason besides just doing too many miles. One amazing contrasting example was Second Chance in 2019 who simply wasn't able to do too many at first, yet he outlasted many many hikers who started in far better condition, And I don't think he has any excessive milage regrets (for California anyway).

  • @robinmichel9048
    @robinmichel9048 2 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    Dixie, don't feel bad about "starting late" with hiking. There are so many experiences in life worth having. Hiking is just one. You went to college and had a career, don't discount those experiences. They are part of your life story.

    • @kdavis4910
      @kdavis4910 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Beautiful comment

  • @KimberlyGreen
    @KimberlyGreen 2 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    A lot of this wisdom applies to everyday life too. Don't regret not starting ... just start. Be proud that you started something, even if you had to stop. At least you tried. Stop and smell the roses in life. Don't let peer pressure keep you from finding your own fulfilment.

  • @dicktandy6785
    @dicktandy6785 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I know you've heard this when you walked your Camino." You must walk your own Camino" I'm a spiritual director. When I was chatting with other pilgrims, I asked him to do this exercise. Walk it like it's the first day of your life, or walk it, it's the last day of your life.
    Thank you for all that you do.

  • @markrutledge-docmark41
    @markrutledge-docmark41 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hey, Dixie! In 1991, my wife and I attempted to hike the entire PCT. We thought we were very prepared, as we had plenty of gear (too much!), and bought 140 lbs of Bison meat, which we jerked out for stews, soups, and jerky, of course. Our meals were excellent, and we thought we had it made, until..... one day North of Mexico, we encountered waist deep snow!! YIKES! Oh, and by the way, back then, I started with 95 lbs in my pack at the Border, and my poor wife, had 65 lbs! We struggled for 850 miles to move North, having to skip the entire Sierra section due to super deep snow. In any case, with lots of stress fractures in our feet, and failing equipment, we finally gave up for that year. A few years later, we had cut our weight down to a far more manageable load, and did most of the Sierra section in only 9 days. So we're up to 1,250 miles of the PCT, so far. Now, I'm 71, and my lovely Bride is 67. We are cutting WAY down on our weights, and hope to fill in some of the PCT, after we get used to carrying far lighter weight! We learned that "hike your own hike" means just that! Do what YOU want to do, and don't worry about anyone else on the trail with you. They have their goals and plans, and you should, too. We also learned that, there is no way in heaven that you can prepare for every single sort of emergency that might befall you. Instead, you do your best, and make do, for the rest. Do not be afraid to change your plans, if it becomes necessary. In any case, we still enjoy hiking, car camping, and backpacking, and hope to continue as long as The Lord will allow it! Thanks for all the excellent an well done videos for those who are preparing for, or dreaming of, a long distance backpacking trip! VERY well done! Take care, and God Bless! Doc Mark and Lady Cynthia

  • @BrianRRenfro
    @BrianRRenfro 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Too much structure is why I never see myself through hiking the longer trails. Hiking when I was younger with my father, who has hiked most of the AT in sections, kinda broke me of wanted to have ANY sort of plan or structure. He was all, "This day we are going to hike 22 miles to stay here. Next day we will do 19 and stay here and..." I just never enjoyed a minute of it. I KNOW I wouldn't make it to the end because there are days I wanna just hike 3 miles, see an amazing campsite at 8am and be like, "This is my spot" and stop for the day, maybe two days! The thing is I understand this and I am happy with it! I am about to knock out the Ozark Highlands Trail and people often say 10-14 days. I figure I am gonna end up taking at least 3 weeks cause I know there will be days I just wanna watch the fog roll by.
    Point is do it how you wanna do it, smell the flowers, and not everyone IS a thru hiker but so often people feel let down by themselves for not being one! I don't really wanna thru hike any of the triple crown trails, but I accept that, and I am happy just going out for a few weeks at time and soaking it up!

    • @maggiedoor6093
      @maggiedoor6093 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree, and I think there are many of us that feel that way. I hope to walk the Camino in Spain but I will be staying longer at some towns if I feel like it.

    • @henrieketebrake4635
      @henrieketebrake4635 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I feel like I would be the same way If I start my own hike in America. I can do structure quite well, it's just that I love mountains and sun rises/sets. Being from the Netherlands (you know, the geological pancake country), I never see mountains. Let alone young, raw and tall mountains like at 6:40. I would not mind taking a zero just to sit and stare at it the entire day. 😅

    • @BrianRRenfro
      @BrianRRenfro 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@henrieketebrake4635 That's exactly what I mean. To hike the big three trails in the USA you kinda have to push on unless you want hike in the cold cold which means carrying all the gear for it. I would say if you ever do come over and hike them to just take your time, enjoy yourself, and not worry if you make it to the end! There is just too much to see in between thus Yanks take for granted since you would probably want to see what the towns and such have to offer too while we just pass em by!

    • @deannadavis1757
      @deannadavis1757 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      FroPro & Henrieke, I would hike with you any time!

  • @georgekohl6438
    @georgekohl6438 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I was 70 yrs old when I attempted my first thru hike. Fell, tore rotator cuff, labrum took me off trail; but I’m not done. I’ll try again soon 😊

  • @horizontaal
    @horizontaal 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Very good, as always. Only little thing I can add is that I regretted not knowing enough about the history of a trail. I often had no idea where I was. Later I heard that even the Romans followed hiked the trail (parts of the Camino), or that it was in a James Bond-movie. Or what the geological history was. Things like that make the experience richer.

  • @alyishiking
    @alyishiking 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Loved this video. I quit my first thru hike 5 years ago and am going to try again next year. I had to quit because of so many compounded reasons related to poor planning and inexperience, but the biggest reason was that I didn't hike my own hike. I hiked approxmiately 2/3 of the AT, but looking back, I'm glad I didn't finish it. I wasn't mature enough to understand the immensity of what I was trying to do. I was just out having a good time, making bigger miles than my body could handle, and when the good times stopped coming and I couldn't keep up with my tramily, I didn't want to be out there anymore. My head is in such a different place now and there are so many things I'm going to do differently next year. Edit: I was 24 when I attempted the AT for the first time. It's amazing the difference 5 years can make.

    • @youflatscreentube
      @youflatscreentube 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You are going to be a great asset to so many other first-time hiker when you go out next year. You’re being wisdom with you! Good luck.

  • @mhoefler914
    @mhoefler914 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Thanks for being so positive about is not really quitting, it is changing priorities due to change of motivation or external issues. Learn to be a friend to yourself and support all your feelings and having the courage to stop. You do not even have to have a reason, you just want a change--Period. And you do not need an excuse for other people. Relax. You have done an amazing thing and you respect your body and your mind all the time.

    • @bikestang88
      @bikestang88 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you for this. I've left the same trail twice, but have completed 100 of the 170 miles of this particular trail. In those miles, I experienced the beauty of nature, a bear encounter, pushing my own limits and finding where my limits are. I went out to learn about myself, and I did that.

    • @mysterylovescompany2657
      @mysterylovescompany2657 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Pippi left when she was relatively close to the end because she felt she'd had the transformative experience she was after, & she realised she wasn't just not having fun anymore, she was also really starting to actively _hate_ it. And she decided that she'd rather conclude her pilgrimage early than finish for the sake of finishing but then never hike again. At all.
      And for her, that was the dilemma she was truly facing. So she called her Mum to come get her, & she peaced out.
      Being able to quit from where she was, so close to the end, actually took more decisiveness & discipline than giving in to the temptation to just continue + see it through, purely so she could say that she did.
      For her, the bragging rights was all that was left in the trail, & it dawned on her that they weren't worth it.

    • @mhoefler914
      @mhoefler914 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@mysterylovescompany2657 Bragging is all about ego and the journey is about the true self learning what matters inside IMO. Congratulations.

    • @mhoefler914
      @mhoefler914 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@bikestang88 Of course we know the journey is the point and that is a moment to moment experience.....lessons learned....congratulations.

    • @mysterylovescompany2657
      @mysterylovescompany2657 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mhoefler914 whoops, lol, misunderstanding; I am not Pippi, she is a young American YouTouber by the channel-handle of Caitlyn Goes Hiking who chronicled her thru-hike of the AT.
      She posted the video of her decision to leave (under the video name *Day 110: I think it's time for me to go home I Appalachian Trail SOBO 2021* ) just about a month ago, & then a couple of follow-ups ( *An Open Letter to the Appalachian Trail* , 3 weeks ago, & finally *Why I quit my Appalachian Trail thru hike* , 2 weeks ago) not long after.
      Pippi is her trail-name. :-)

  • @christelcharlesworth5443
    @christelcharlesworth5443 2 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    One of my regrets was not stopping and swimming more. So many swimming holes, lakes and streams were passed on the AT and I wish I had stopped to swim/“bathe” in them and planned my day more around stopping to enjoy!

    • @joseftullen6372
      @joseftullen6372 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I think older hikers understand more what it means to enjoy the hike versus rushing thru it. No pun intended.
      At the end of the day, hike your OWN..

    • @TexasRoast
      @TexasRoast 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I passed a lot of swimming holes when they started becoming available as well. Mostly that was due to the fact that swimming holes in the Sierra tend to be as cold as ice. Once you take the plunge once though it's hard to pass up the next one you come to, lol.

    • @domo3552
      @domo3552 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes! On my last hike, after I'd set up camp, I wandered out into the lake, and kept walking until I reached the other side it as it was only waist deep all the way across. I didn't know that or had planned it, it was spontaneous. OK that's not exactly summiting Everest, but it added a surprise quirky ending to that day that put a smile on my face!

    • @treebeardtheent2200
      @treebeardtheent2200 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Take care not to leave bandaids where you swim / hot springs, etc.
      it kinda grosses people out.
      Long hikers are generally amazingly clean when it comes to campsites, and the bandaid thing isn't intentional, but it gets noticed some places.
      Personally, I recommend hiking in pants that protect your legs thereby minimizing the bandaids, but then there are still those who have foot boo boos. A little awareness might go a long way.
      Happy swimming.

  • @suzz50
    @suzz50 2 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I'm going to add something I don't regret that I did on my northern half of AT that many people look down upon. I brought a paper map and did some blue blazing to interesting places or to avoid gnarly sections for safety. I feel by blue blazing, I had a more enjoyable adventure.

    • @sonipitts
      @sonipitts 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      What's the issue with "blue blazing"? Why would that be a bad thing?

    • @RyanWaldroop
      @RyanWaldroop 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sonipitts taking a blue blaze to something cool isn't bad, but sometimes it will bypass sections of the AT. Some people might look at that and say that @sue bickfordmartin above didn't actually hike the whole trail because she bypassed sections.

    • @sonipitts
      @sonipitts 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@RyanWaldroop ah...I see. So it's basically just another gatekeeping issue where The One True Way is being judged/dictated by The True Fans and anyone who does it differently just Isn't Doing It Right. Like gatekeepy con fans, except the cons are held outdoors and the fandoms are trail-based.

    • @treebeardtheent2200
      @treebeardtheent2200 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sonipitts idk about the con and fandom references, but I know about the self-declared trail "experts"
      #1 The Dunning-Kruger effect is very commonly a problem. Sadly, many well intentioned new hikers fall for crap pedled by the egomaniacs. Sometimes a heavy price (health and safety) is paid for doing so.
      #2 Whatever you choose to call them, everyone (of those kind) I have encountered on the PCTs was a hypocritical fraud with less integrity than Lance Armstrong.
      Camping virtually on or next to the trail in blatant violation of their permit was the most common thing. A common excuse is that "everyone does it" or "that's an app campsite" This is why the PCTA cannot officially endorse those apps bc they encourage serious violations.
      Some other common gray areas:
      Which has more integrity?
      a - the hiker who hikes "every" trail mile but off trail uses Uber every possible chance to avoid any extra steps off trail.
      b - the hiker who walks ten or twenty miles round trip off trail for resupply and returns to the trail leaving a half mile "unhiked" gap in doing so?
      Then there are those who get those extra miles by such nifty schemes as getting pizza and beer delivered to the trail...only $200 (2019 prices) which feeds about 4 hikers one hearty meal. Yes this is or at least was really a thing.
      I would state that the pot calling the kettle black is a fitting illustration except that such hikers don't use pots and probably wouldn't know how to wash one if they did make use of one.

    • @christyj24
      @christyj24 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@treebeardtheent2200 you can order pizza to the trail!?!!!!??

  • @randyholloway920
    @randyholloway920 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Aloha Dixie, I just want to say how much I have always love your channel. I comment occasionally, but I don’t do that often on YT. One big thing I notice that you never make even the slightest back-handed or direct comment at other TH-camrs putting out similar content, as others have done to you. (Kinda shameful for two popular male YTers who should know better even though they say they are being “playful.”)
    You always keep it professional. Thank you, I appreciate how much work you put into this.

  • @jamesadams2334
    @jamesadams2334 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    When I hiked in 1990 I followed every white blaze and stuck to it and had a great hike. When I hiked again in 2002 my hike was totally different not only due to different people and technology changes but the second time I took every blue blaze to scenic views, different sites and sights and historical areas. I enjoyed my second hike of the A.T. so much more because of the blue blazes. It also made me slow down a little and enjoy the walk more.
    I tended to hike fast because it hurt my knees and ankles t hike slower. My 1990 hike took me 191 days but I had 79 zero days waiting {in the woods} for my tramily to catch up. also on the first hike I carried alot of camera gear and shot nothing but scenery, second hike I took a point and shoot camera and shot nothing but photos of people.

  • @oldenslow8861
    @oldenslow8861 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Im a bicycle tourist. I quit on day 5 in a pouring rain up on the Blue Ridge Parkway on the Trans Am Route. That lasted about a minute and then i had to laugh out loud. Who was going to come and get me? And I had to get off the mountain regardless. Got down to Vesuvius and a local got me to the shelter at the church and the pastor came by to see if I needed anything. Never thought of quitting again.

  • @WaffleHikes
    @WaffleHikes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    First, I want to be a +1 on the "not taking pictures of people" regret. I really messed up on this one. Second, thanks for the validation on "at least starting" the hike. In 2019, my then 13 year old son and I set out from Springer with Katahdin in our sights. Unfortunately, we only made it to NJ. In my mind, I know that I hiked 1,325 miles, which is quite an accomplishment, but I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that we didn't finish our thru hike. Fortunately, we are in a position where I think we can have another go at a thru hike in 2024 after Hawkeye has finished high school. Dixie, thanks for your videos. When people ask me for hiking advice, your channel is the first thing I recommend.

    • @HomemadeWanderlust
      @HomemadeWanderlust  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Congrats on your 1325 miles. It IS a huge accomplishment 🎉 Wishing you the best on your next attempt, too!! Takes courage to start TWICE! ♥️

    • @josephbarnett2566
      @josephbarnett2566 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe we crossed..I was Subway going sobo same time!!!

    • @WaffleHikes
      @WaffleHikes 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@josephbarnett2566 probably did. We were out 2/24 to 8/6 and finished at Gyp’s Tavern (highly recommend the beer, burger, and fries) just south of High Point St Pk.

  • @gregorygutsche464
    @gregorygutsche464 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    ...i took my 35' cat down the Mississppi when i was 26....too many i am an artist /woodworker....70yrs and iive on top of the hill on regrets...50$ in my pocket.....

  • @laidbacktraveler2580
    @laidbacktraveler2580 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Great points Dixie! I wouldn't feel too bad about supposedly getting started late. Some of us who left the backpacking world 3 or more decades ago to do the daily American grind are just waking up to the new realities of the world we live in - and that includes becoming fully immersed once again with their first love of being out on the trails!

  • @johnstroud1264
    @johnstroud1264 2 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    As a trail angel yes stop for trail magic and stay with us. We love it and enjoy talking to different people doing the trails. That is why we do it. Maybe Dixie will stay with us when she does the TA in NZ

    • @treebeardtheent2200
      @treebeardtheent2200 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What part of NZ?
      I sorta got one of my bucket list goals met when I visited Australia and NZ after my Iraq tour. Very glad that I spent most of my time in NZ (as a budget traveler, NOT a tourist btw), but I didn't know about the hiking or I would have stayed even longer maybe (except winter was coming on).
      Anyway, as the favorite country I have visited out of about a dozen or so, I hope to go back someday and hike (older and much poorer not withstanding) And if it happens, I want some hokey pokey ice cream every chance I get. 😊

  • @wyokid5552
    @wyokid5552 2 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    If you didn't finish, why not just pick up where you left off? I don't think you should have to start completely over. Yes it's nice to do the hike in one season, but if it takes two or even three or more, just enjoy that, unless you're super committed to doing in one year. (You can look at it as just a lot of zeros)

    • @joseftullen6372
      @joseftullen6372 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You make so much sense

    • @oldgettingolderhopefully6997
      @oldgettingolderhopefully6997 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      My buddy and I have a hiking mantra: We are not out here to impress anyone but ourselves.

    • @randyholloway920
      @randyholloway920 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You do you, but doing it in one season is what makes it athruhike, which is the goal for a lot of people. Otherwise if your doing as you suggest, then it is a section hikes. Different goals different approach. However, you still see the trail. Whatever you choose, just get up, get out and go enjoy nature!

    • @randyholloway920
      @randyholloway920 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      *you’re ( darn auto-type)

    • @joseftullen6372
      @joseftullen6372 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      If your able, nothing wrong with a thru hike.
      Doing it as a team will give you more of a chance of finishing in a season.
      Some other time maybe enjoy at a more leisure pace.

  • @terrysebold2950
    @terrysebold2950 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you Dixie, I truly enjoyed this video. Especially the last 5 or so minutes when you talk about feeling bad for not finishing a thru hike. That is exactly what happened to me this year. I started my SOBO on 7-11-2021 and actually completed Katahdin. It took me 13 & 1/2 hrs but I did it. I am afraid of heights and could not look down while going up the Hunt Trail and it was hard to look up to where I was climbing. But, I was determined that now matter how scared I was I was going to make it to the top & back down on my own. Anyway, back to topic. I was planning on doing my SOBO with my fur baby Rain. I knew that she was not allowed in Baxter. No big deal I made plans for that. What I was not prepared for was the actual mountain/boulder climbing involved on that section and what I later learned would be in store for me from Katahdin to Leigh High Valley PA. I knew about the Moosilauke Notch boulders. But was caught completely off guard for all this other stuff. As I was climbing Katahdin concern about what I/how I would handle these sections with my fur baby caused me to scrap my plans to continue that SOBO hike. I decided to come home and reevaluate my hike, gear and when and where Rain would be hiking with me. I felt that I had let my friends and family down that were following my planning and start of the adventure. I was really depressed and did not leave my home for the first 3 weeks back. I was really embarrassed. It was only due to the outpouring of Love from my friends and family reminding me that I have done way more than they have and a large majority of the population. And reminding me that I should be proud on my tiny attempt. Because to them it was huge. I have been getting out a little to hike and I am planning on retrying with a NOBO attempt in the spring. Thanks again. I am always learning something from your videos.

  • @SpaceCaptnFace
    @SpaceCaptnFace 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I head to the mountains to get away from people, which is why i prefer section hiking the CDT. i normally hike alone as it is and trying to match paces or chit chatting about gear/religion/politics gets old fast.

    • @chelsea7229
      @chelsea7229 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I agree!!! I actually don’t like hiking with people all that much at all, and almost never do it.

    • @kke
      @kke 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Talking about religion or politics is pretty much a recipe for disaster in any setting.

    • @treebeardtheent2200
      @treebeardtheent2200 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ironically, there is some evidence that with all the social promotion of the big "thru-hikes" there are so many other trails out there which are hardly getting used (in the Western US at least). Many are really amazing. However, because of the lack of use/maintenance many are being overgrown, so a machete or the like sometimes actually becomes a really useful tool.

    • @SpaceCaptnFace
      @SpaceCaptnFace 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@treebeardtheent2200 im in colorado and even the busier trails you can have to yourself if you hike around sunrise or in shitty weather. i have a 501C3 that does trail work around the front range and theres still thousands of miles of trails overlooked by locals. unfortunately the entire states trail system is made of volunteer hours and we're lucky to get a crew of 2 dozen for a trail that sees hundreds of thousands a year

  • @boofer875
    @boofer875 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dixie, I am somewhere past my 5500 "Zero" day, but I have been riding motorcycles for 55 years. When I was 20 I hopped on my '72 H2 Kawasaki and rode to Virginia from North Mississippi. To see a friend. No rain gear, no debit or credit cards, tee shirt, jeans, Converse leather tennis shoes. Guess what he and I did...hiked. My wife calls her sister 175 miles away daily and both hike their long, steep driveways for an hour. We are outdoors people who "consume" God's creation daily. Thank you for taking us other places we will never see. You will always have a bed here...or a yard, if you prefer. Barry

  • @mysterylovescompany2657
    @mysterylovescompany2657 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Re: After The Hike; when I was planning my wedding, so many ppl warned me about Post Wedding Blues, which is supposedly the crash you get after this huge thing you've spent the last year+ consumed by arranging has happened, & now it's over. Apparently a lot of women get a bit depressed after, because of the "Well...what do I do now?" factor.
    Sounds like After The Hike is a similar experience.
    The only solution after any post-Big Event crash is to have other things to look forward to. For me, it was feathering my new nest & learning violin.
    For Dixie, it was new books, & finally playing tourist in her own town.
    No matter what your Big Event was, you can't let it take over your whole personality, because eventually, it's going to be finished, & then you might find yourself a bit adrift.
    You've got to have other things that you're about.

  • @PillowStuffin
    @PillowStuffin 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I'm 28 years old now. I do sometimes feel like I wish I was starting my journey a few years younger, but I also don't think I was mentally in a state for anything like this until now. Plus I can't complain when my aunt's husband (who is 70) was telling me how he was jealous because he didn't do anything like this when he was still able bodied. So I'm taking this not worrying about my age and just being happy that I'm still young and my body still has the ability to do this.

    • @Jerrymc1975
      @Jerrymc1975 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      28? Lol I had older ppl in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s hiking the PCT. I hiked it last year at age 45. You will have no problem hiking at age 28. Best

    • @PillowStuffin
      @PillowStuffin 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Jerrymc1975 wasn't really commenting to have an age competition.

    • @CaptTerrific
      @CaptTerrific 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@PillowStuffin Pretty sure Jerry was just using his age to offer encouragement and support :)

    • @PillowStuffin
      @PillowStuffin 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@CaptTerrific thats fair, I'm just so used to replies being standoffish on here lol

    • @Kiki030981
      @Kiki030981 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Jerrymc1975 Thank you for mentioning that. I‘m 40 and I want to thru-hike the PCT next year. And I‘m not saying that to „have an age competition“ but just because it left me feeling a little bit weird when people say they feel that they wish they would have started earlier than at age 28 (it’s not to bash on those people either!). Although statistically the finishing rate drops significantly with every decade that you are older. I really want to finish but I know sometimes it‘s not in your own hands because of injuries etc. I‘m trying to get to terms with the possibility of not being able to finish, like Dixie said „at least you tried/started“, so it won’t feel like a failure if it happens. But it‘s hard.
      PS: Maybe I‘m just an overthinker… :)

  • @Wizx13
    @Wizx13 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you for all that you do! You are a great inspiration to many people myself included. I have just recently gotten back into hiking I haven't done it since I was young like still in my teens, but here I am a 48 year old out-of- shape truck driver getting back into it. I started back August of 2021 and I immediately knew that I wanted to do more. The first video I ever watched of yours was when you thru hike the Appalachian Trail almost immediately after that video I decided that I was going to thru-hike the Foothills Trail next year.
    You have helped me with my gear choices, food choices , pretty much everything that has to do with hiking. I am currently able to hike about 15 to 30 miles in a weekend taking my time and letting my body adjust. I can't wait to meet my goal next year!

  • @festorfamine
    @festorfamine 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I take extra food and water so I can take a zero or two in some remote place. I never understood about taking a zero in a town, I can do that anytime. Coming over a ridge and finding yourself in spectacular place, instead of taking a picture and moving on why not spend a zero there?

  • @melindakier1661
    @melindakier1661 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just love love listening to that southern drawl, y'all. Thank you Dixie for all the info. I am 70!!!!! My knees and back tell me that no thru hiking for me. But, I live close to the PCT here in So. Cal...and I try to get on that (my) trail a few times a week and then jump up to Big Bear or Wrightwood so that I can hike on the trail in the woods at high elevations. I love it!!!!! and I do what I can do. Yesterday I took my 7 y.o grandson hiking, not on the PCT...but, he sure does know about it from his gramma. Someday I think he will hike the trail. Well, thank you again Ms. look happy and healthy and, as always, great videos.

  • @toocleanpappas5397
    @toocleanpappas5397 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hey Dixie, I talked to you back in 17 and told you your video on how to afford to hike, made me realize I could do it. Just letting you know that on 10/10/21 I finished the CDT and got my Triple Crown. Off to hike across Ireland in March to celebrate! Thanks again! - Too Clean

    • @HomemadeWanderlust
      @HomemadeWanderlust  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      AHHHHH!! That’s so awesome. Congrats to you and thank you for sharing 🎉🎉🎉 I hope you have fun in Ireland ♥️

    • @toocleanpappas5397
      @toocleanpappas5397 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@HomemadeWanderlust oh meant to say you're invited to join me for a bit if ya want, I will probably go across England too since I am over the pond. Then may visit my friend in Edinburgh and hike some of Scotland. You're welcome to do a bit of trail anywhere. Also, haha I blame you for at least a bit of this! ;)

  • @randyman38901
    @randyman38901 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I love hearing you say, “hack yer own hack”. Not enough people speak the lords southern English on TH-cam! Always great videos Dixie!

  • @drmlabs
    @drmlabs 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I hiked Maine => Georgia in 1980. Before 'trail Angels', before 'trail names' etc etc. Much more of a wild experience.

  • @BurroGirl
    @BurroGirl 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    My hubby and I are almost 60. We have too many broken down body parts to carry a backpack any longer (we both backpacked before we met) other than a day pack SO....we got burros! I had horses for years and fell in love with donkeys before even considering packing on them. I'm a vet, farrier and now a wild burro trainer, have 11 burros, 3 mammoth saddle donkeys, and we will be doing our first packing into the Sierras this summer. Don't care how long, it's going to be a learning curve although we've been day hiking w our burros and riding our saddle donks for 5 years now. But we are SOOOO happy we have a really fun means to still get out - and stay out on overnights. Where there's a will....

  • @bikestang88
    @bikestang88 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I bailed on my 1st 2 attempts to thru-hike a much shorter trail - Tahoe Rim (170 miles). Been sad about it, especially because of the fire that engulfed the sections I did this year - so sad that I couldn't bring myself to watch your videos. This is the 1st one I've watched since July so it meant so much to me to hear you say that for those of us who didn't finish, at least we started. That warmed my heart more than I can describe. Thank you.

  • @randysmith9493
    @randysmith9493 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I just love your inspiration, "Dixie", bottom line about thru hiking is, "it's all about the "Journey", and shouldn't be about the Destination, enjoy the Journey, the Destination will always be there..❤️❤️

  • @marciewoo
    @marciewoo 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I did about 750 miles of the PCT this past season. I loved it, except for San Jacinto. I came home because of an injury I tried to walk off for over 50 miles. I am going back on trail in May. It completely changed me for the better. I love it, including the suck days. Currently nursing a new injury from my hike last week. But I am 46, and this was my first thru hiking experience. I am following a dream that I had at 16, so I encourage everyone out there to go for it if you can. And I love trail angels so much!

  • @treebeardtheent2200
    @treebeardtheent2200 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The "regret" of not "finishing" is one of the saddest things imo because that part of the experience is really the Least meaningful.
    Now as something to shoot for to help keep a hiker going, I see nothing wrong with it, but as the old wise addage goes:
    *** Mountains Don't Care ***
    The wilderness itself (the meaningful part of the whole thing...people you meet too) doesn't give a fart in the wind about who goes from arbitrary terminus to terminus.
    If there's one thing that would be a worthy goal it would be the goal of dropping that crap ton of psychological baggage somewhere, anywhere along the journey and never picking it up again. The hikers who accomplish that goal will not only avoid one big stupid regret in life, but also they will be more equipped to live a much better life overall without regrets.
    Excellent video Dixie.

    • @treebeardtheent2200
      @treebeardtheent2200 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Quitting, as in quitting a hike midstream is a completely different matter. Illness, injury, tragedy, and the like are legitimate reasons to get off trail and maybe ir maybe not resume. Legit reasons does not make a hiker a quitter.
      A quitter is one who is all for an endeavor until it gets tough or some obstacle creates a challenge.
      A long hike is usually a pretty tough thing, but people with serious physical limitations do it while some who are more physically able throw in the towel which is quitting. How common are such quitters? Very common in life. Common on trail starting out? I don' t know enough to even make a guess.

  • @1519Spring
    @1519Spring 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Nimblewill Nomad!! A few years back I was leading a scout group in Glacier and we stopped for our first night and who should walk into camp but Nimblewill Nomad. I was all excited to meet someone I had read so much about. He was a humble gentle soul.

  • @jasoninnc1
    @jasoninnc1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    “Never turn down trail magic…” pans over casket in living room.
    Can I at least “consider” turning it down?

    • @Vontress
      @Vontress 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      LOL, I saw that casket too and was like, naw... I won’t be able to do THAT one!

    • @iPlod
      @iPlod 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, the casket on the floor! Talk about your quiet sleep neighbors!

    • @JG-vv3rq
      @JG-vv3rq 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      A little more info on that trail Angel, a casket isn't something you should just pan over and not discuss!

  • @wyonative9033
    @wyonative9033 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I did get started late in life. Did my first through hike last year at 54. My husband and I did the beaten path thru the Beartooth Mts in MT. it was only a week, so I'm not sure it qualifies as a through hike per your standards, but it was an incredible adventure for us!! It was the greatest experience of my life! I was depressed for months. Our disabled son prevents us from doing it more, but we are so blessed we were able to complete that trail!!

  • @bobbyyoungs9848
    @bobbyyoungs9848 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Only regret so far is not doing it so far. I’m working on it

  • @cougarmeat8803
    @cougarmeat8803 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dixie, Thank you for sharing your experiences. Plus ONE on taking pictures of people - with their permission of course. I have two CDs of all the Cascade peaks and adventures I've was on in the '80s. There are two other CDs of the same period but they have people in the photo. I hardly ever review the "yet another mountain summit" images; when I want to reminisce, I always turn to the photos that have companions.
    On not finishing - it took me 40 years to do the Oregon PCT. I had done it all, except for 17 miles from McKinzie Hwy to Hwy 20. It looked like a Lava field and I had seen enough lava rock. So I hitchhiked from Sisters (mail stop) to the PCT continuation near Suttle Lake. For YEARS, when the PCT topic would come up, "friends" would remind me that I almost hiked across Oregon. Finally, a few years ago, I took an overnight to finish that 17-mile stretch. It brought me more peace of mind than I ever imagined.

  • @tollertollertoller
    @tollertollertoller 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    People in photos are great; they make our memories. No one needs to go wow, what a great group photo, they are for you and those people in the photos will enjoy them too.

  • @JeffSinon
    @JeffSinon 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your “not starting early enough” regret really strikes a chord with me. Back when I was young enough, fresh out of high school and hadn’t started “adulting” yet, I really wasn’t into hiking or backpacking at all. And now that I’m older, financial obligations, work and family commitments are what are going to prevent me from taking on the 5-6 month commitment it will take to complete the same AT until after I retire. Sure I could section hike it over time, but I personally don’t feel I’d get the same experience I would from thru hiking.

  • @WALKITOFFDavidSmith
    @WALKITOFFDavidSmith 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    What a timely video for me. I'm planning my first AT thru attempt next March. Thanks for sharing your wisdom Dixie!

  • @builtfromscratch4105
    @builtfromscratch4105 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Hey I love you videos , I’m doing the AT next year because of you . Love ya Dixie

    • @brandonfoley7519
      @brandonfoley7519 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's awesome! What's your start date

  • @doughaskell1690
    @doughaskell1690 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A few years ago my new boss asked "Where do you see yourself in five years?" I replied "Sitting on top of a mountain taking in the view.". Not sure that was the response he wanted. A short time later I talked to my financial advisor, time to retire. Today I was hiking the AT in New Hampshire thinking about Dixie. Since retiring I have adventured to the top of several NH peak. Some making memories with my grandson. I think my five year objectives are completed.

  • @montyollie
    @montyollie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I loooooove the line "so long as you can fog a mirror"... Brilliant. I'm going to start using that one!

  • @johnpagejr.7628
    @johnpagejr.7628 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Dixie: I am not a hiker at this time in my life but I do other out door things. But what I want to say is thank you for what you are doing. You are such a good mentor to so many in many ways, I am impressed by you and others that are sharing your lives on You Tube and inspiring so many and most of all showing woman that the can get out and do things on there own. You and Itchy Boots and doodle on a bike and spirt forest and Catherin Gregory and many more are a real inspiration to so many woman. May you be blessed in your work.

  • @hikerlarrypackgoaterrobins8575
    @hikerlarrypackgoaterrobins8575 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very much right on with the notation about interacting with the trail angels and taking the time to enjoy the human part of the experience.

  • @lindaselover2536
    @lindaselover2536 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have only done the JMT - and ended up having to do it in 2 sections due to knee problems. (Turned out to be arthritis and now I need a new knee.) So many people say they want to wait until: enough time, retired, have enough money, etc. I would recommend that people start by doing section hiking rather than putting it off, like I did. Better to do the hiking while you are younger when your joints are more flexible and stable. Any time that you are out there for 2 or 3 weeks, you will enjoy that escape from the business of the world and become more atuned to nature.
    You can still be a long trail hiker by finishing the trail in sections. It allows you to choose the best weather to hike in too. You can still become a Triple Crowner by doing all 3 in sections. Thanks for all of your discussions, Dixie.

  • @scotte3103
    @scotte3103 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Dixie, you are just the best. Your words always come from such a place of support, compassion, and humility. You've inspired me to do my first distance hike (the West Highland Way in Scotland) - grateful for your channel! xx

    • @Irishdazza
      @Irishdazza 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Really beautiful. Try to camp on the lakes of loch Lomond and speak to a ranger about using a fire pit. Awesome

    • @scotte3103
      @scotte3103 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Irishdazza I actually hiked it this past September! Loch Lomond was incredibly beautiful...but that first stretch by the loch was a killer of a hike! I would have been better off with mountain goat hoofs.

    • @Irishdazza
      @Irishdazza 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@scotte3103 yeah it's a bit of a scramble!

  • @Wingsakasherpa
    @Wingsakasherpa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Definitely one of if not my favorite videos Dixie. I love when you said the part about taking photos of people and also not wanting to regret enjoying the journey because we likely fall into the same repetitive ways of our day to day lives, get up, go/work, etc. and being more focused on our destination than our journey which will get us to the destination. That's a transferable statement from trail into many/maybe all other areas of life and even for me, my faith walk. Thanks as always for sharing and inspiring. - Wings

  • @smnash51
    @smnash51 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love this. I do road trips. One was 20,000 miles and one 10,000 and then others...but the same things. to people. Thanks for sharing. I'm 62 and have my first through hike eye set on John Muir. Be well.

  • @vickiwalden
    @vickiwalden 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm 70. I always thought there would be time. It's OK. I've hiked many many amazing hikes and still "walk". Knees and other issues stop me now. I enjoy your stories now! Do it now. Don't wait.

  • @joanbusby3213
    @joanbusby3213 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dixie, I turn 63 this month and have always wanted to do a thru hike but was afraid to do it and of what people would say. After finding your channel I have started doing day hikes to get in shape for a thru hike. Being from Louisiana I think some of the elevations will be a challenge but that will not scare me away. One hike at a time! Thanks for sharing you experiences.

  • @DannyB-cs9vx
    @DannyB-cs9vx 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your talking about people changing reminded me of my own life. In the Navy we had a saying, Once you leave home, going back things will never be the same. If nothing else has changed, you have. For a one time 6 month hike this may not be important, but if you make hiking an on going thing it could.
    After years away, you know who your relatives are, you just don't know who they are. They do not relate to you as they chose the safe normal path.

  • @marktwain368
    @marktwain368 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dear Dixie....this might be the core of your next book! You are a Goddess for all of us who hike or dream of hiking...your leadership and enthusiasm lift us to new heights! And many of your devotees would no doubt like to know the 'inner' Dixie--what motivates you, what inspired you to become a force in the hiking community, certainly more of the positives rather than the regrets. Thank you, Dixie and God bless!

  • @davebryer6133
    @davebryer6133 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have not through hiked but I have hiked for a week in the Grand Canyon and RMNP twice and did several 10 to 14-day bike trips in the Rockies and each time when I came home I was so depressed by having to return to an unsatisfying but lucrative life. But now in my mid-60s, I am so happy I had those opportunities.

  • @jenniferlawrence1372
    @jenniferlawrence1372 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I didn't think I'd missed a single video of Dixie's, but I definitely don't remember that casket.

    • @JAaronMattox
      @JAaronMattox 2 ปีที่แล้ว
      Explanation is in the comments

  • @kianna270
    @kianna270 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My plan is to do the Appalachian Trail after I graduate college in my little six month period of not having to pay student loans or anything and I’m so excited, but i often feel like i should go and do it and take a break from school so i defintely relate to feeling like i’m behind. i wish i did this before i went to college but i had very little knowledge of the AT then. i’m just happy and excited to being pursing it in my future.

  • @nessazee
    @nessazee 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Figuring out what “if you can fog a mirror” meant took me way too long. What a great expression 😂

    • @Joshua-dh3uj
      @Joshua-dh3uj 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same. I’ve definitely never heard that one before. 😂

    • @techguy9023
      @techguy9023 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well if that don’t just beat a hen a-peckin or a hog a-rootin I don’t know what does. The line that always cracked me up was the guy that said “That’d drive a freight train up a gravel road” to express astonishment.

  • @demoncleaner80
    @demoncleaner80 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dixie, I'm actually doing something similar to what you did -- quitting a (really well paying, but unfulfilling) job next spring to hike the AT. You're been a great inspiration and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge , wisdom, and adventures! Leaving the highest paying job I've ever had in my life to do this is something that many around me don't seem to understand, but many have been very supportive. I'm looking forward to it, and the days are going by so fast, lol.

    • @domo3552
      @domo3552 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Lyset - good for you! I quit my job years ago to live 'on trail'. Sure, I sometimes lie awake at 4 in the morning thinking to myself "What have I done?", but during those years, close friends of mine have passed away, and I am lucky enough to still be here and be able to appreciate every day, unlike them. We can't take money to the grave, only memories. I know friends and family who work and live their lives like a hamster on a wheel. A Brazilian author whose name I forget, wrote "If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - its lethal.'

  • @WandertoWonder
    @WandertoWonder 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I resonate with so many of these regrets from my thru hike: Not taking my time and just enjoying the experience, feeling the pressure to compare my journey and mileage with other hikers, not taking photos of or with other people (and honestly not journaling or videoing more of my sister and I instead of being so focused on the scenery), not having a good plan and sticking to it for after the trail, not starting the adventure earlier in life (I was 28 too)... so many things. I don't regret seeing the trail through to the end, but while we have some unique stories because we hiked fall-winter-spring, I wish we had been able to start earlier in the year so we could enjoy more of the trail traditions that a lot of hikers consider to be hallmarks of their AT experience.
    This was a great video.

  • @LPrimeaux2
    @LPrimeaux2 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My year is set. 2024. AT. Thanks for ALLLLLLLLLLL the info in ALLLLLLLLLLL the vids. I have a few concerns but I will get it figured out.

  • @buckballard7409
    @buckballard7409 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The casket in the living room would be sending me back to the trail PDQ.

  • @truckingkaiseradventures2366
    @truckingkaiseradventures2366 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    We were going to Mena AR on Friday which is near the Ouachita Trail. We saw a hitchhiker and realized he was obviously a hiker with a handmade sign saying Mena. We turned around to go back and give him a ride. His shoes had messed up and he was trying to go get new ones and supplies. We had a lot of rain and high winds over the past few days and he had spent a miserable couple of days. We fed him and took him to the 3 stores in town that had shoes with no luck. We are expecting to have more rain and temperatures in the 30s. He decided he was going to go home as he couldn't do the rest of the trail at this time until he gets replacement shoes and the weather wasn't appealing to him. He will return and finish at a later time. We were talking about hiking and my husband mentioned Dixie and he got a smile on his face and replied that yes he watched Dixie all the time also.

  • @DavidOfLouisiana71037
    @DavidOfLouisiana71037 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Dixie. This was a great vlog. Lots of good ideas and suggestions to think about when thru hiking. Love God, Love Neighbors, Love Others. Them others are those that you meet on the thru hike. Think of it like this - The spirit impresses someone to provide trail magic. If you say no, it stifles their spirit. Feed their spirit by thanking them and enjoy their conversations and hear their story. You WILL NEVER make someone feel good about what they are doing by refusing their gestures. Make them feel like part of your hike!

  • @tomgip
    @tomgip 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Love the advice to stop and enjoy the beautiful sights!!! Well said Dixie.

  • @davidheard7746
    @davidheard7746 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love your attitude Dixie the sun is always shinning on your face keep taking me along on your beautiful journey

  • @kerrir1955
    @kerrir1955 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Yup, quitting over a bad day. That’s me. I planned a whole vacation for a section hike of the AT and the entire week was rain. Lol. Week before, beautiful, week I had to go back to work, beautiful, I hiked in rain for three days and I stopped. Lol. It’s never all rainbows and butterflies I know, but I was just disgusted and frustrated.

  • @TheBigBlueMarble
    @TheBigBlueMarble 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    63 and planning a PCT thru-hike in 2022. Been trying to find the time for this for years, but now is the time.

  • @charlottekeeney7752
    @charlottekeeney7752 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Okay, I really need to know what was up with the trail angel having a coffin in his guest room....😂😳
    Thanks so much for your videos! Because of you I’m hiking my 1st thru hike on the AT this Spring!

    • @neilgrice1865
      @neilgrice1865 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I need to know this too...

  • @lawrenceborreson5953
    @lawrenceborreson5953 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am 64 and have only been doing trail overnights since 2019. I've done sections of the AT, JMT and PCT. I like the "Hike your own hike" phrase and understand it in multiple ways, including the ways Dixie states in this video. Fortunately I haven't run into anyone who said it in a negative way. I have stated that I will never be a through hiker. However I say I'm in it for the adventure, not the miles. Yes, I wish I would have started (overnights) when I was younger, but I have been getting out for day hike for quite a few years. As a side note and recommendation, I would suggest anyone doing longer day hikes to get a water filtration system. This could even be your first piece of gear for the overnights. ... Thanks for the insights and inspiration, DIxie.

  • @jonboatwright7777
    @jonboatwright7777 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dixie, you’re great. Thank you.

  • @lsu4ester
    @lsu4ester 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Completed the AT this year and my rule #1 was "Do not pass up trail magic". You nailed many of the regrets I now have and now understand why people do the AT multiple times. No post trail depression yet. I chuckled when you mentioned your regret regarding starting too late as I did my first overnight when I was 66 yrs old and 67 yrs when I did the AT. I met Nimble Will this year on the trail but the oldest person met was 90 yrs old. He was just hiking VA trails.

  • @amyhenningsgard8618
    @amyhenningsgard8618 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Love your videos! Thanks for your great advice. You’re a beautiful person inside & out.😊

  • @funkytrunkfashion
    @funkytrunkfashion 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Even though I took 5.5 months with my fiance to hike the entire Appalachian trail this year and we were soooo ready to be done, looking back I still wish I would have "smelled the roses more" lol
    I also had a struggle with comparing our mileage to others even though we killed it! We just happen to really enjoy taking a lot of zeros whenever we wanted or else we would have been done in like 3 months. No regrets on how many zeros we took though 😜

  • @Andy-Mesa
    @Andy-Mesa ปีที่แล้ว

    I started my first thru-hike this year at age 42. My knees definitely wish I'd started earlier, but when I see people in their 60s and 70s on the trail I'm happy I didn't have to wait until retirement age.

  • @SingaSongandMaketheChili
    @SingaSongandMaketheChili 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was 66 years old when I started this year (2021) and was 10 years old (mentally) when I finished. I regret not being in better physical condition before I started because I was so slow that I couldn't take in all the sights I wanted to see. It took 7 months and 1 and 1/2 days to finish as it was. It was all worth it though. To quote the daughter of a couple I met on the trail: "It was torture but I loved it."

  • @connorraine261
    @connorraine261 ปีที่แล้ว

    Starting my first thru hike in a few months. I'm excited

  • @adamrogers3417
    @adamrogers3417 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Couple of years yet. but I can not wait for my turn.

  • @MrsJoyism
    @MrsJoyism 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Really good video, Dixie. I always wish I had more pictures of the people.

  • @garybutler1672
    @garybutler1672 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've been catching up on a lot of your videos recently and just wanted to drop a comment of thanks. The variety of subjects you cover on your channel is the only reason I stumbled across a gear review video of yours awhile back. Then stumbled across another and subscribed. Your channel as a whole goes beyond informative to become inspiring. I'm learning new things after 30 years on the trail. Your Grandma Greatwood video is especially charming. Thanks

  • @oh-brothers
    @oh-brothers 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Your golden hair looks amazing as always !!!

  • @jurassicstroller803
    @jurassicstroller803 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just did the 100 miles between Grants and Cuba, NM NOBO on the CDT. Regretted not having more time to hear the stories of the 20+ SOBO'S in their last 600 miles. I only had a week and they were all focused on Crazy Cook. Good luck to all of you and thanks for all the tips Dixie.

  • @robertligas250
    @robertligas250 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Finished my 12th year section hike AT. New Hampshire down one state to go Hiking been good for my soul. I have Enjoy each step 😁 thank you Dixie

  • @johnshaw8228
    @johnshaw8228 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jessica Mills, everything you said is sound solid advice. It makes perfectly good sense in every way.

  • @stevencrowley1818
    @stevencrowley1818 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Excellent advice! I thru-hiked the AT south bound in 1997, experienced the same challenges, and came to the same conclusions.

  • @Adventures_with_Sog
    @Adventures_with_Sog 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I only started walking/hiking late last year at the young age of 55. People like you are my inspiration so thanks for that. *Love your channel Dixie 💚🤙

  • @Seamus3051
    @Seamus3051 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for the useful information, and for the inspiration. Stay well & safe .. Happy Trails ... Cheers.

  • @danielkutcher5704
    @danielkutcher5704 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks, Dixie. I intend to attempt an AT thruhike in 2023. I will turn 70 on trail, if all goes well. I did a 272 mile section hike on the southernmost section this spring, and only have 270 more left to complete the trail in sections. I will attempt that next spring. In the fall I will attempt to hike the Long Trail from end to end. I have already section hiked that trail, but want to see if I am still in shape to hit the AT the following spring. I seldom start with a partner, but tend to fall in step with others, and enjoy the walk either way.
    Thanks for the reality check. Hiking is hard work, but worth it to many of us. 👍

  • @jamessorenson2272
    @jamessorenson2272 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just drove thru Wyoming and Yellowstone. Thinking wow how the heck you stayed on course and finished! You're quite a special gal.

  • @Wendywindsprite88
    @Wendywindsprite88 ปีที่แล้ว

    Loving your video so far I am a 50 plus woman that is thinking of doing a t in 2 years because I think that's the amount of time I'll need to get everything together most importantly my health. keep up the good work.

  • @elynnm3016
    @elynnm3016 ปีที่แล้ว

    3 things I regret about my AT LASH. 1.) Not taking a 0 on top of a mountain and watching both sunrise and sun set from the same view. 2.) Not taking enough pictures of other hikers. You camp with someone 3 or 4 days, become friends with them and then dont see them on trail anymore. Better snap a photo while you can. 3.) Not fueling my body well enough. We get so focused on caloric intake and generally eat garbage. It lead me to fatigue both body and mind which turned my thru into a 1000 mile lash.

  • @johneason6540
    @johneason6540 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks Dixie, so true, smell the roses. And the people I met on trail from foreign countries were so amazing.

  • @dorothypinckney885
    @dorothypinckney885 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    After watching your Grandma Gatewood adventure, I went and bought the book. Great read

  • @treebeardtheent2200
    @treebeardtheent2200 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is really refreshing to see Dixie's development away from some of the over-hyped "newisms" of hiking. She sounds so much more like an old-school person who did their hiking way before such things as social media and trail apps.
    The Dunning-Kruger effect has been really pronounced with regards to hiking in recent years, and while it may have contributed enthusiasm for hiking, it's also tied in with a lot of these regrets.
    The old boyscout masters and bushcrafters who have been out in the wild for decades are still those who have the wisdom worth listening to, but it's good to see some of the new one's catching on.

  • @emmabulmer32
    @emmabulmer32 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeah I’m so scared I’ll never get to do my thru hike as I seem to have so many things preventing me. But o don’t want to be on my deathbed regretting that I didn’t even try to do it. I maybe need to do my thru hike in sections so I don’t put too much pressure on my family while I’m away adventuring. Thanks for this episode Dixie x