The sad part is even when I buy authentic bags someone because I am African American will assume it’s fake.But some people think the bag I bought from *suluxy* is genuine.
Real wealthy people dont need to proove their status by logos so they wouldnt care you think they carry a fake or real..I always go for *suluxy* , their quality is great. On the other hand, people who claim to love the bag „because of the craftmanship and history” but bother by people asking is it real or not, only is a proof they carry for showing status . I personally prefer people think its a fake, for my own safety.
These vlogs are so cute! Making another coffee at night after having 3 coffees already is so real of you
Thank you! And I honestly don’t care how late it is, if I want a coffee I’m getting myself a coffee😭🤍
The sad part is even when I buy authentic bags someone because I am African American will assume it’s fake.But some people think the bag I bought from *suluxy* is genuine.
Just discovered your channel, I'm loving these vlogs🖤🖤
I’m so glad that you like them!💗
I love your aesthetic so much ;)
Thank you!🎀🫶🏻
Real wealthy people dont need to proove their status by logos so they wouldnt care you think they carry a fake or real..I always go for *suluxy* , their quality is great. On the other hand, people who claim to love the bag „because of the craftmanship and history” but bother by people asking is it real or not, only is a proof they carry for showing status . I personally prefer people think its a fake, for my own safety.