Hi my name is Jacob and im 17 years old. I grew up a Christian but slowly drifted away from God and his Grace. However, recently, Jesus has touched my heart in a way I have not felt in forever (because I ignored his calls). I was miserable, swore like a sailor and was just overall not a good person. Jesus gave me strength and reminded me what is it like to have the grace of God. I'm finally happy again through the love and grace of Lord God! Praise Lord God and the son Jesus Christ!
2025 here anyone⁉️ This song brings me to full grace everytime I hear it. Reminds me of the innocence I had as a kid. I can only wish and make a big impact for it back to help others learn through God. For I have been in and out of depression and family tramua. I hope that all of us can be healed and renewed once again as to Heaven to Earth!
I'm reading your comment here from Brazil, but I'm very happy for having made this decision. I always say that who is accepted is not God, but us. Big hug!! God bless your life and may you always give us wisdom and expertise to overcome the enemy of our souls, day after day!!
I was born in a Muslim family ...but the love that I have in my heart for Jesus Christ is huge ..I can proudly say that I am a Christian now and GOD has shown that he loves me too...
Woww! Jesus really does love you, friend. He loved you before you loved Him (1 John 4:19) so if you ever feel like you’ve done something wrong and you assume the love has stopped, reject that false thought from the enemy. Jesus will never leave you not forsake you. (Isaiah 43:1☺️). We are so happy you have joined the Kingdom of light🎉🎉
Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same god, so you were born into the faith of the god you chose, even if you chose a different way of worshiping them. Good for you for finding your own path.
My god is alive. I was a heroin addict for 12 years. I lost everything. One day I decided I was going to take my own life. I’d had enough. I cried out to god to save me. In that split second I was healed of addiction. 15 years later and I’ve never touched drugs again. God has given me back and more everything Satan stole from me. Don’t listen to what the world and Satan tells you. He is the master of lies. God is alive and want to save you. Thank you Jesus for setting me free.
my GOD'S not dead!!! Two years ago (in Poland) my son stopped breathing after birth. He passed away before my eyes. I cried out in the hospital "in the Name of Jesus Christ stay with us!" And God resurrected my son!!! Thank You JESUS!!! ❤
@@Kai-643 Yes! Thank Jesus for saving my son's life! Jesus resurrected him before my eyes and now David is completely healthy! He is currently walking, learning to talk and loves playing with screws (little engineer 🤩 )
My Gods not dead he saved me from drugs and alcohol and gave me the strength to walk away and never look back to that life and now I'm expecting my first child Hallelujah Update 2022 Life's been blessed I am still sober I'm celebrating my 4th year of being sober this year and I just gave birth to our third son in May, it took me and my husband 5 years to have my first son and now we are blessed with three healthy sons and I can't thank the Lord enough for saving me from my past and I will never go back with the Lord holding my hand forever my sons love Christian music and I will forever thank the lord for my children and for giving me another chance at life 4 years ago when he held me and saved me!
Reason I know God isn't dead...he saved me from my life of sin. Pulled me out of those jail doors and saved my life. I love God and will forever let it be known!!
So let’s see he saved you from your life of sin but ignores the hundreds of thousands of people dying from starvation,disease and wars.I’m so glad god thought you were more important than hundreds of thousands of other people suffering and dying every day of every year..guess god doesn’t have his priorities straight.
Why would god torture us in a reality where people die left and right why would he take away my loved ones why would god let the Nazis kill a million people or let the black death purge europe why would god make it so easy for people to sin if it's wrong why would god make human nature evil why would god do all these things if he's real he's not very good
@@milospolc6173 He wants it to be ur choice to love him, that's why it's your choice....if you choose to sin...then it's your choice. Edit: The reason why there’s sooo much death and crime and death in the world is because God wants to show us FIRST hand, the kind of things that Satan is capable of. So there you have it. Just coz there are bad things happening, doesn’t mean that there is NO GOD.
Why would god torture us in a reality where people die left and right why would he take away my loved ones why would god let the Nazis kill a million people or let the black death purge europe why would god make it so easy for people to sin if it's wrong why would god make human nature evil why would god do all these things if he's real he's not very good
lol Never Leave you? and PS God's not Dead is a Shitty film and if you think you're going anywhere after death than you're more Stupid than a Crackhead
@Yekkt first of all period is a sign your ready to have kids if that was in the bible women would be in hell now jesus did eat pork its a clean meat but hes means unclean as in human meat dog cat horse meat something that has a different purpose not to be eaten so what is your religion?
God saved my life from 4 car accidents, from 4 years of prison, and 4 surgeries. I'm a miracle. Thank You GOD!!!! 🙏 My faith will forever be strong. I want to speak and YELL from roof tops of GODs Grace!!!
People say God's not real because you can't see him. God's like the wind. You can't see the wind, but you can see what the wind does. You can't see God, but you can see what He's doing to us and the world. God's word is being spread over the world every single day. God's NOT dead. I'm proud to say I'm a Christian and am getting baptized in a few weeks. For my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I have a question. Are we supposed to spread the Word in your city or the world? YES
The best evidence of His existence is the inability of science and philosophy to prove He doesn't exist. For me He's everywhere. I talk to Him. He Talks with me. He lives in me!
My Grandpa is in the arms of the almighty God. No longer he is in pain, he has been called home. Lord, I thank you for taking care of my grandfather and taking him into heaven. In your awesome and glorious name Amen.
I have a understanding of what you're going through. I have loved ones too that passed away and are in heaven. What gets me through the day is knowing someday, either by the rapture or physical death I will see them again after I see my Savior, Jesus.
CrazyGamer, What did the diseased, starving people do evil to deserve it? Nothing. It doesn't make sense because there is no sense to the universe. Everything is fundamentally absurd. Face it, there is no God. You merely use him as a tool to get over your grueling existential fears, as a man would use drugs to help him get through a divorce.
SmashBusterSB Man made disease? O.o Cancer is caused mostly by mutagens like UV rays and also some viruses which have existed long before we did. There are thousands of children dying out of starvation every week in Africa. What did they do?Did god create them to let them starve to death within days of their birth? And even if there was a creator why do you think he would be so obsessed with us and stuff like who we chose as our partners. Goddamit he created trillions and trillions of stars and planets and you think he is obssessed with one random planet sorrounding an insignificant star in an insignificant galaxy? There maybe life everywhere, life way different than ours maybe surviving on some form of methane.Then comes the argument kf who created God?Like if we csnt come from nowehere same logic applies to God. The entire argument of god crumbles. Previously people thought wow look at the sky the stars thats god now that we know what they are we associate god with what we still dont know. The bible talks about the 4 corners of the earth. How people should be put to death for being gay. The bible was written by humans, if god had written it he would know that a sphere cant have corners and being gay isnt something you chose and therefore have no control over.
seraphiccandy21 Please don't lose your faith ♥ The end times are near ♥ Jesus Is Coming !! ♥ Satan. Satan is the reason why all of this is happening !!
@@josecarlosmalafaia894 There will be enough chances in your life to see that a good God exists. Just think about this: If you were the devil what would you do to make the people don't have a friendship with God? The easiest way to hold us away from God is to pretend that there is no God. But in the end the devil will be defeated. He has already lost when Jesus died on the cross.
my dad passed away February 18th of this year. and he found God and was saved before he was called home to be with God. he would always say, "I GOT GOD ON MY SIDE." Through my dads passing, I've found my salvation. and EVERY day I wake up I know my dad is with me. and I WILL see him again one day, when its my time to be called home. I wish you all many blessings and all my love. In Jesus name, AMEN!
My sister be singing right along side me and shes only 5 and this is already her favourite song. GOD WILL NEVER DIE! This is the most likes I ever got, thank you!!!
For god says to all: "That I love you with every inch of my soul. The only reason you are bad or your disgusting or your Worthless is becuase you beilive such. Beilive in yourself and stop falling on your knees with a whip across your back and chains around your neck. But beilive in the lord and be set free. For do not be evil and do not fall like the ones have on earth but recievethe truth and say unto me. For I say I forgive you of your sins. The lord I say. Forgive yourself and shall such be forgiven."Open your eyes! For shall not be such fallen for shall not be alone in the eyes of the lord For stop falling on your self, stop being your own demon and telling yourself to GIVE UP! Or YOU DONT MATTER Or YOUR A WORTHLESS CREATION you can beilive such but I tell you THIS WILL NOT HELP FOR THE LORD SAYS ONTO THE CREATIONS OF HIS EYES to stop GIVING UP ON FAITH FOR SAY ONTO YOURSELF shut up and listen to god.
This is my 5 year old daughter's favorite song too, she sings it while she's playing. We're watching this video now because she asked to hear the song before bed. ❤
Hi everyone my grandmother just suffered a stroke and she is in the hospital right now, we cannot visit her and we really need your prayers for hope. God is NOT Dead and I truly believe that. Happy Easter everyone.
Dear God i pray for Justin's grandma, God, please be merciful and allow her to live, we believe isn't the time yet, we pray for your healing, fill her with your life and power. May your will be done, and comfort the family. In the name of Jesus, Amem!
God bless every Christian out there. We must remember that when Jesus Christ died for us, He did not die so that we may continue living like the world sinfully and looking like the world too. If we are different from the world then we must show it through our actions, speech, AND appearance. I've noticed a lot of people think that its only actions. We cannot look like the world. God bless all of you and me.
Matthew 4:17 New International Version (NIV) 17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Matthew 18:6 New International Version (NIV) Causing to Stumble 6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea Revelation 21:8 New International Version (NIV) 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
@@SilkyLewIf God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit were false, I truly would not be alive I would have died from suicide as a result of mental health issues stemming from rape by my own brother because my mom would be able to afford treatment and she would not have believed me. Sure people can deny any of the fact that are apparently faith based but can not deny a living testimony from a story so no God’s not dead!
By the stripes of Jesus you are healed! Healing power of Jesus be over you! Receive it! All in the name of Jesus! Cancer, you have no legal place in this life, so go and don’t come back! Thank you Lord Jesus!
Thank you Lord Jesús, I'm 7 years and 3 months clean of methamphetamine, alcohol, and alot addictions. God is not dead, He lives. God bless y'all my brothers and sisters. Beautiful song for God's glory. And I forget to ad this on September of 2013 I try to burn myself with gasoline, I spread 2 gallons over my me, I was completely wet with the gasoline, and I try to make fire with my new vicks lighter and for grace of the Lord JESUS, my lighter doesn't work. Thank you God
I can remember being 12 years old jamming out to this song with my Dad. It was our song. He recently passed from covid and when i listen to this i can feel his presence. Praise Jesus, the most high, the almighty. God’s not dead he’s surely alive!
So sad to hear about your Dad passing, but I'm glad you have those memories of jamming out together. They're so important. Let's both remember to do that kind of thing with our own kids!
@@cmdollasign I'm sorry.. Please see my Bible way to heaven playlist, I believe it will be a blessing to you.. John 5 24: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
2 years ago God saved me from depression, every time I thought I was going to end my life a little voice always told me that he had a plan for me and that my life did not stop their. Ever since that dark time of my life I have never doubted God’s existence, he is and will always be our answer.
Yes, god has a purpose for EVERYTHING IN LIFE. A leaf won't fall without his authority! But we chose to disobey him and instead do evil but god forgives if your heart is truly sorry. Keep moving forward as I have fallen but haven't doubted god has brought me this far and I'm been very ungrateful. I need to search for the good path soon!! Take care!!
yes the bible says that his flesh died but his spirit lives on and that one day he will return to save the world in Matthew 23 32-56 Jesus is crucified on the cross and put in a tomb and te tomb sealed by a rock and had 24 /7 guards yet 3 days later it say the stone was moved away and he ascended into heaven to be with his holy father. john 3 :16 "for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who shall ever believeth in him shall not parish but have ever lasting life" because Jesus loves you. he died on the cross so you can have the freedoms u take for granted today. things like freedom of religion are because of his sacrifice and if you dont see that your stupid
Christians make up approximately 29% of the human population of the entire planet. Thats about 2 and a half billion people. It's the world largest religion. You are not an oppressed minority. Stop acting like one. If you're an atheist and you run for a president, you simply won't be elected.
I just spent 7 years in prison. I was released 1 month ago. Christ came to set the captives free! I was baptized into Christ's body and I'm now a Christian!
If you try forcing your religion down their throat it's more likely they'll be an atheist. This is coming from an atheist that's had religion forced down their throat since they were born. Oh and don't let them read the bible. You don't want them finding out why almost all athiests are atheists.
@@boobies9391 I'm sorry to hear that. I said I fell away from faith. I did not say I denounced God or Jesus. In fact over my years before coming to faith I was put through many trials in which I saved 4 lives. All addicts lives. One was my best friend. She almost aspirated on her own vomit in my passenger seat while I was driving. I would have rather crashed the car then let her die. Jesus was with me that night whether I awknoledged it or not. A guy I knew OD'ed on pills, couldn't breathe. I had to give him CPR. Jesus was with me and he lived. A 12 year old girl was ran over by a truck on the side of the road and I was somehow in the right place at the perfect time to be the only eyewitness to vehiciular assualt and drunk driving. Jesus was with me. I was left in a hotel room for three days while my biological mother went out to binge on drugs, someone heard my cries and called the police. I was adopted into a BAPTIST CHRISTIAN FAMILY and given siblings whom loved me and guided me. My biological mother died while driving high, and I was given a CHRISTIAN mother. JESUS HAS ALWAYS AND ALWAYS WILL BE WITH ME.
+Evolved Blob Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, jshut up the words and kseal the book, until lthe time of the end. mMany shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Now look at the time when he was alive when you got around on horseback now look at today Cars, motorcycles, boats and planes. Many shall run to and fro. Now take a look at the computer your on the only way a person in Daniels day could get to me with your response is by sending a messenger now look at today you can type something and it instantly show up not to mention what we've discovered in the past decades. And knowledge shall increase.
Whoever is readying this, know that I'm praying for you, I'm praying for our brother and sisters, for everyone who's sick to get healing, and for the hungry to be fed. May God bless you in which ever problems you might be having, may the blood of Jesus wash over you at home and at work, may your life be blessed with a new beginning and strength to move on from the sadness and anger that is consuming you. Please know that you are not alone, You are loved and cared for.
Who believes in 2024? I am a believer in our Lord and Savior! God is not dead!!!
all glory to our savior jesus ❤
I do amen 🙏🙏🙌❤
Psalms 23:1
I am a believer !
Hi my name is Jacob and im 17 years old. I grew up a Christian but slowly drifted away from God and his Grace. However, recently, Jesus has touched my heart in a way I have not felt in forever (because I ignored his calls). I was miserable, swore like a sailor and was just overall not a good person. Jesus gave me strength and reminded me what is it like to have the grace of God. I'm finally happy again through the love and grace of Lord God! Praise Lord God and the son Jesus Christ!
Jesus said his sheep hear and know his voice. Praise the Lord almighty welcome back brother 🙏.
Hey Jacob, just keep on keeping on in Jesus' name.
Welcome back!!!!!
Jesus is so happy ❤
Amen! Praise God! May God bless you and your family!!
Amen I’m going through alot rn just hope god be with me ! 🙏
2025 here anyone⁉️
This song brings me to full grace everytime I hear it. Reminds me of the innocence I had as a kid.
I can only wish and make a big impact for it back to help others learn through God.
For I have been in and out of depression and family tramua.
I hope that all of us can be healed and renewed once again as to Heaven to Earth!
Revival! Let's make this American come back to God moment real!
I am late to this amazing song (2025) and it is boosting my determination to finally, properly, wholeheartedly give my life to God. Praise Him 🙏
My mum when I was 2 would listen to it and I would listen to and sing it I am now 15 and this song brings back the good memories
Glory to God 2025 and he still in control
I am
My God's not dead, He's surely ALIVE!!!!!! AMEN!
Yes, yes, yes, YES......SO TRUE 😍😍😊😊😉😉
+speedysweetheart AMEN!!!!!!
Who watching this masterpiece here in 2024🙏🏻😇
I've finally accepted Christ in my life, and I'm healing slowly. GOD bless you all.
Congratulations brother! The best choice you've ever made!! It only gets better from here!
God bless you ans protect you
I'm reading your comment here from Brazil, but I'm very happy for having made this decision. I always say that who is accepted is not God, but us. Big hug!! God bless your life and may you always give us wisdom and expertise to overcome the enemy of our souls, day after day!!
Blessings to you I thank God for blessing you
Hallelujah praise god you are loved and in my prayers
I have to hear this song everyday and praise God.
I was born in a Muslim family ...but the love that I have in my heart for Jesus Christ is huge ..I can proudly say that I am a Christian now and GOD has shown that he loves me too...
i'm too happy to read this
Woww! Jesus really does love you, friend. He loved you before you loved Him (1 John 4:19) so if you ever feel like you’ve done something wrong and you assume the love has stopped, reject that false thought from the enemy. Jesus will never leave you not forsake you. (Isaiah 43:1☺️).
We are so happy you have joined the Kingdom of light🎉🎉
Que bendicion saludos desde Colombia
Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same god, so you were born into the faith of the god you chose, even if you chose a different way of worshiping them. Good for you for finding your own path.
"I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than, stand with the world and be judged by God". God's not Dead 2
lamekka west AMEN 🙏
We rather do the right thing even if it means be hated by this cursed world. Amen brother🙏
My god is alive. I was a heroin addict for 12 years. I lost everything. One day I decided I was going to take my own life. I’d had enough. I cried out to god to save me. In that split second I was healed of addiction. 15 years later and I’ve never touched drugs again. God has given me back and more everything Satan stole from me. Don’t listen to what the world and Satan tells you. He is the master of lies. God is alive and want to save you. Thank you Jesus for setting me free.
God Bless you Annielou ! I really needed to see your testimony today ! Thank you for sharing.
Stacy Hecht I’m glad it helped you. But if it weren’t for Jesus I’d be dead by now. Sometimes I forget what he’s done in my life. God bless.
@@traceycrosss message
Stacy Hecht hi. Email is traiceyanne@gmail.com if you need to talk I’m here.
May god use you to reach out to others with drug addiction and touch there heart. Wonderful to hear.
my GOD'S not dead!!! Two years ago (in Poland) my son stopped breathing after birth. He passed away before my eyes. I cried out in the hospital "in the Name of Jesus Christ stay with us!" And God resurrected my son!!! Thank You JESUS!!! ❤
Wow! Amazing! He has a special purpose and anointing for you and your son! Praise Jesus! ❤
Praise god🎉
Wonderful 🙏✝️
💔😔Sorry for your loss anything I can do for you?😔💔
@@Kai-643 Yes! Thank Jesus for saving my son's life! Jesus resurrected him before my eyes and now David is completely healthy! He is currently walking, learning to talk and loves playing with screws (little engineer 🤩 )
Jesus said “ Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed “ We live in faith . Thank you Jesus . Amen
Amen 🙏 praise the lord our God
Amen from this minister in his holy name
God's not dead, neither his love.
Tell Ben he was a crap Batman.
***** Who's Ben?
The actor who played Batman on the latest Batman vs Superman movie.
Zanyah 17 what does batman have to do with God in this
Zanyah 17 oh thanks! but i still don't get why he is involved in this comment...
My Gods not dead he saved me from drugs and alcohol and gave me the strength to walk away and never look back to that life and now I'm expecting my first child Hallelujah
Update 2022
Life's been blessed I am still sober I'm celebrating my 4th year of being sober this year and I just gave birth to our third son in May, it took me and my husband 5 years to have my first son and now we are blessed with three healthy sons and I can't thank the Lord enough for saving me from my past and I will never go back with the Lord holding my hand forever my sons love Christian music and I will forever thank the lord for my children and for giving me another chance at life 4 years ago when he held me and saved me!
Jay Love hallelujah! God bless you your family and your unborn child! ♥️🙏🏼
I have a similar story. I feel ya. congradulations
Thats awesome. May God continue to bless you, your child and your whole family
God bless all of you! Both the comment and these beautiful replies.
I’m so happy for you. He saved me from the same thing. Praise God
I'm me and my wife are 2 years clean and sober for 2 years from drugs and alcohol praise God
With God by our side we are winners
God is good all the time.
All the time God is goid
My Grandma is now Cancer free,
She's in heaven watching over us!
Thank God, I miss u Grandma!
Aww i know how it feels, God bless u!!
God bless her soul. God bless you and your Family. God loves you
No she's not. She is just *gone*
The lord has called her home, God bless her and you and your family.
So, god never answered your prayer?
Reason I know God isn't dead...he saved me from my life of sin. Pulled me out of those jail doors and saved my life. I love God and will forever let it be known!!
Hallelujah 🙌🙌🙌
God bless you 💕💕
God is powerful!
He saved me from jail also.✝️💜 Thank God for jailhouse ministries. They need our prayers
So let’s see he saved you from your life of sin but ignores the hundreds of thousands of people dying from starvation,disease and wars.I’m so glad god thought you were more important than hundreds of thousands of other people suffering and dying every day of every year..guess god doesn’t have his priorities straight.
"God's not dead he's surely alive, he's living on the inside, roaring like a Lion"...... so true
@Rhianna Besler Yes.....yes I do
@Rhianna Besler you don’t
Jesus for life
Why would god torture us in a reality where people die left and right why would he take away my loved ones why would god let the Nazis kill a million people or let the black death purge europe why would god make it so easy for people to sin if it's wrong why would god make human nature evil why would god do all these things if he's real he's not very good
@@milospolc6173 He wants it to be ur choice to love him, that's why it's your choice....if you choose to sin...then it's your choice.
Edit: The reason why there’s sooo much death and crime and death in the world is because God wants to show us FIRST hand, the kind of things that Satan is capable of. So there you have it. Just coz there are bad things happening, doesn’t mean that there is NO GOD.
God's not dead folks, He's alive and will bring this nation back to Him.
God is not dead despite of the pandemic that we've experience lets continue to have faith that it will end soon in Gods grace
u got that right
@@gachalove4945 God wants us to unite in prayer
Amen brother God is great
Ruben your name is the same name who taught me first to have a relationship with God
My God is not dead. He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion.
Amen to that sister in Christ :)
I love God he not dead my dad said that he met you all
"I would rather stand with god and be judged by the world, than stand with world and be judged by God"
I’d rather join god in heaven than more than half the world in hell
I love that fam! Amen!
Absolutely 💯
@@LadyDoe86 i rather live in light with god than live in the dark with the world
I rather be with god than be with the world
whos here in 2025 lets go guys and still believing that is not dead and still our savior
Who is still listening in 2024! God is NOT dead... HE is RISEN
Amen! GODS NOT DEAD and he loves us!
Nowadays Rules . I think they are cool
I am....amen..
God is REAL, He is ALIVE, I’m a living testimony to that, he healed me of Cancer…Thank you, Lord,!!!Praise The Lord….
May His Mercy hold you up and give you Joy unspeakable.
That is amazing God is great 😍
Did you go to the hospital, or did you just pray it away??
@your overwatered plant I think they prayed
Praise the Lord🥰
Who still watching this video in 2024🙏🏽 (GODS NOT DEAD)
Me amen
Dude keep your negative thoughts to yourself
If you can't appreciate something then don't ruin it shut your mouth alright
Anyone watching this in 2025????
Just tell God am going to live to see your glory Amen 😊
My daughter is 9 years old and she still listens to this song !Who's still listening to this wonderful song in 2024 . 😊
I love it too
Im still listening
Me. I love this Christian song it's my song that I use for sleeping
Me . The movie was the last movie I remember seeing with my grandmother before she died
He is not dead he's surely alive, can I get Amen!!!
+Josephine Habimana Amen
Of course he's not dead. He'd have to have existed in the first place in order for that to happen.
Whoever reading this, I pray that God visit your home with healing, blessings and miracles. Amen.💕 Amen.💕
Thank you & same to you!
Thank you amen and same to you may God heal, protect and bring blessings to you too God bless you
Why would god torture us in a reality where people die left and right why would he take away my loved ones why would god let the Nazis kill a million people or let the black death purge europe why would god make it so easy for people to sin if it's wrong why would god make human nature evil why would god do all these things if he's real he's not very good
Amen. God bless you and your Family as well
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
Thats beautiful! 🌄
God's not dead
He's surely alive....
He'll never leave you
Emmanuella Otoo AMEN 🙏 God Bless you
yes he will
lol Never Leave you? and PS God's not Dead is a Shitty film and if you think you're going anywhere after death than you're more Stupid than a Crackhead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
Brianna Morgan uhhjxnnxjnxjzih
I love God
O agree with you.I wish you guys will sing in my school
Amen he lives
@@abbyalvarado1617 fhabajbbjgzhjhgrahi
It's Feb 18th 2021...I woke up today and felt God's presence...HE IS ALIVE...
He is eternal 🙏🙏🙏
@@teecutie3471 very much so; amen
@@tacticalfall4505 amen 🙏
Amen! Praise God Almighty!
That God does not exist I cannot deny
That my whole being cries out for a god
I cannot forget….
This song is still rocking it in 2025! Who's here now?
God is not dead,he is my everything.🔥❤
God's Not Dead he's surely alive
So true🙂
Me to
God's not dead!!
Manualidades para ti m
God's Not Dead he's surely alive
Living on the inside
where we can not see him
Manualidades para ti yes god not dead
Well true, because he was never alive to begin with
I'm crying while listening to this song, because GOD is never dead to me.
Hes not dead at all
@Spook the cook AMEN!!! 🙏🏼
Dios te bendiga ❤
My god is dead
Here am I , watching from Cameroun
Gods not dead he saved me from sin and ONE DAY I'll see Him
@Yekkt pork is not sin 😂😂😂 Jesus said dont call my fathers creations unclean
@Yekkt first of all period is a sign your ready to have kids if that was in the bible women would be in hell now jesus did eat pork its a clean meat but hes means unclean as in human meat dog cat horse meat something that has a different purpose not to be eaten so what is your religion?
Yekkt If you have no religion then why are u here?
@Yekkt Bro you have ur own beliefs dont judge ours
God bless everyone reading this
Are you and I able to be certain that God exists?
@@dionhodge2373 yes
@@Nicolas-to8kd How can you and I be certain that God exists?
@@dionhodge2373 first of all why do you think we're here in earth?
@@Nicolas-to8kd Idk
Yeah all God are dead but My GOD is not dead
I like Michael tait and The Newsboy
God saved my life from 4 car accidents, from 4 years of prison, and 4 surgeries. I'm a miracle. Thank You GOD!!!! 🙏
My faith will forever be strong. I want to speak and YELL from roof tops of GODs Grace!!!
People say God's not real because you can't see him. God's like the wind. You can't see the wind, but you can see what the wind does. You can't see God, but you can see what He's doing to us and the world. God's word is being spread over the world every single day. God's NOT dead. I'm proud to say I'm a Christian and am getting baptized in a few weeks. For my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I have a question. Are we supposed to spread the Word in your city or the world?
Yes! I agree with you my sister in God ! God bless 🙌🏻
My favorite song right now makes spread the word that he is not dead
+Diana Soleil Yes
yes u are right he is like the wind
God is not dead!!!!
How do I know that? I talked to Him this morning, and by the way, he is living inside my heart!
😍😍💖He lives forever
HOW MANY OF YOU BELIEVE THAT GOD IS NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe that's my God is not Dead we where born again 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
@@kendrazussaineservado6720 I agree
This song just helped me through a panic attack,praise God!!
God is not dead,He always existed
Not to the millions of people who lived in Central America before Christianity ever reached the people till 1500.
Amen dude
the hard life of a christian
Ellis Hernandez Amen
I think you meant never existed.
well another disrespectful atheist this should be fun
My god Is not dead and my god Is never gonna die God bless all of you
Amen God bless you!
because it never lived
Bless you!
Thank you JESUS for dying for me; now it's my turn to live for you JESUS...2019 GODS NOT DEAD...PRAISE JESUS CHRIST
Rene Rivera I agree god sacrificed for just us we are physically weak but in our heart well are still strong
yes......'''''DO THE 2''......
GOD is not dead!! GOD came back to life!!!!😇😇
I just want to thank GOd for healing me, there were so many times I could of died but God saved me
Believe and follow Jesus Christ, He died for you, you can start reading the Bible, the New Testament, the 4th Gospel of John
@@ЕгорМатяс-е5ф I do believe and follow Jesus Christ a few weeks ago I got baptized because of how much I love Jesus and God
Wanna know why? Cus God's not dead, he is surely alive
@@marimezquite7807 Amen
amen to that
I live because of Him. God's not dead. He's surely Alive
And what's your evidence for that?
The best evidence of His existence is the inability of science and philosophy to prove He doesn't exist. For me He's everywhere. I talk to Him. He Talks with me. He lives in me!
John Marlique Koroma
Science and philosophy can't prove that flying spaghetti monsters don't exist either. Does that mean they are real too?
John Marlique Koroma
And if God talks to you, why not ask him for the cure to Malaria?
+johnflux1 why not ask him yourself?
My Grandpa is in the arms of the almighty God. No longer he is in pain, he has been called home. Lord, I thank you for taking care of my grandfather and taking him into heaven. In your awesome and glorious name Amen.
May your Grandfather rest in God’s love forever. My prayers are with you and your family.
May god be with you
Hey dude GOD IS dead
No joke GOD not DEAD
I have a understanding of what you're going through. I have loved ones too that passed away and are in heaven. What gets me through the day is knowing someday, either by the rapture or physical death I will see them again after I see my Savior, Jesus.
I listen to God not dead everyday
Natalia Chojnowska FUCK HILLARY TRUMP2020
Natalia Chojnowska Amen
Natalia Chojnowska fighters yeah, I see how religion brings peace
🎶 God's not dead, He's surely alive! 🎵
Natalia Chojnowska you or ism
Jesus is coming soon!
You mean he will come back on Earth
Sure be ready🌼
when is his flight scheduled?
Mark Tieleman he is already here. Always has been.
Jesus was always with us?
Always has been
God is good, all the time and all the time, God is good!!!:)
The same God who gives people cancer and aids and leaves children to die in 3rd world countries?
Das Kinophile ENTP "God gives Freedom to The men, The men choses do evil"
CrazyGamer, What did the diseased, starving people do evil to deserve it? Nothing. It doesn't make sense because there is no sense to the universe. Everything is fundamentally absurd. Face it, there is no God. You merely use him as a tool to get over your grueling existential fears, as a man would use drugs to help him get through a divorce.
SmashBusterSB Man made disease? O.o Cancer is caused mostly by mutagens like UV rays and also some viruses which have existed long before we did. There are thousands of children dying out of starvation every week in Africa. What did they do?Did god create them to let them starve to death within days of their birth? And even if there was a creator why do you think he would be so obsessed with us and stuff like who we chose as our partners. Goddamit he created trillions and trillions of stars and planets and you think he is obssessed with one random planet sorrounding an insignificant star in an insignificant galaxy? There maybe life everywhere, life way different than ours maybe surviving on some form of methane.Then comes the argument kf who created God?Like if we csnt come from nowehere same logic applies to God. The entire argument of god crumbles. Previously people thought wow look at the sky the stars thats god now that we know what they are we associate god with what we still dont know. The bible talks about the 4 corners of the earth. How people should be put to death for being gay. The bible was written by humans, if god had written it he would know that a sphere cant have corners and being gay isnt something you chose and therefore have no control over.
Kymberly Oliver omg the movie..... gods not dead 2 😛😛😛
Roaring like a Lion! ❤
God is good, all the time ♥
And all the time, God is good!
No he isnt...what are you talking about? Every day children are dieing of war and disease. How is this good?
Don't lose your faith my brother/sister ♥ It's the signs. Jesus is coming! #LoveYouJesus
Hurrem Sultan Children dieing is a sign? Mate, children have been dieing for thousands of years. Its never been fair, its never been good.
Please don't lose your faith ♥ The end times are near ♥ Jesus Is Coming !! ♥ Satan. Satan is the reason why all of this is happening !!
I believe that Jesus is alive.
Danny451 Fuentes 😄😄😄😄😄😆😆😆😆😊😊😄
Me too,,, Jesus is my savior
I believe too
Lol no Jesus is totally dead and crucificated 2000 years ago
Yes he is alive..
God's not dead,
He's surely alive.
He is living on the inside,
Rowring like a lion!🦁
What if i dont believe in a god?
@@josecarlosmalafaia894 Don't need to, but he/she/it believes in you.
@@josecarlosmalafaia894 Doesn't mean He isn't real.♥️🙏
@@josecarlosmalafaia894 There will be enough chances in your life to see that a good God exists. Just think about this: If you were the devil what would you do to make the people don't have a friendship with God? The easiest way to hold us away from God is to pretend that there is no God. But in the end the devil will be defeated. He has already lost when Jesus died on the cross.
Donald Duck Avril Lavigne is going to sing a different
Still here, and still believing in 2024!
It’s 2025?
my dad passed away February 18th of this year. and he found God and was saved before he was called home to be with God. he would always say, "I GOT GOD ON MY SIDE." Through my dads passing, I've found my salvation. and EVERY day I wake up I know my dad is with me. and I WILL see him again one day, when its my time to be called home.
I wish you all many blessings and all my love. In Jesus name, AMEN!
It's a good testimony! Amen 🙌🏾.. I'm from Brazil 🇧🇷
Wow your post just gave me chills! Praise God for his blessings and salvation
My dad also passed away February 18th, I can relate to EVERY SINGLE WORD you said 🙌🏻😭😭 my bestfriend now waits for me..
@@bonehead5349 dead dad is not ha it is sad
God’s not dead;
He roaring like a lion!
Living on the inside!
I might just start singing this song again even if it got some hard beats.
Nope god not dead
Amen 😇
Yeah but he will live only inside you and never show out
Gods not dead
He was never alive to begin with
What sound is he roaring?
God's not dead! 💙❤
Yeah! We can't see him, put we can feel.
You are right
You are absolutely right. May God Bless You
I am died inside already
Jesus loves you!:)
Yes my God is alive Jesus Christ
@@DoubleA0902 Amen
Well no but actually no he does not exsist
My sister be singing right along side me and shes only 5 and this is already her favourite song. GOD WILL NEVER DIE!
This is the most likes I ever got, thank you!!!
For god says to all: "That I love you with every inch of my soul. The only reason you are bad or your disgusting or your Worthless is becuase you beilive such. Beilive in yourself and stop falling on your knees with a whip across your back and chains around your neck. But beilive in the lord and be set free. For do not be evil and do not fall like the ones have on earth but recievethe truth and say unto me. For I say I forgive you of your sins. The lord I say. Forgive yourself and shall such be forgiven."Open your eyes! For shall not be such fallen for shall not be alone in the eyes of the lord For stop falling on your self, stop being your own demon and telling yourself to GIVE UP! Or YOU DONT MATTER Or YOUR A WORTHLESS CREATION you can beilive such but I tell you THIS WILL NOT HELP FOR THE LORD SAYS ONTO THE CREATIONS OF HIS EYES to stop GIVING UP ON FAITH FOR SAY ONTO YOURSELF shut up and listen to god.
Great taste
Gotta love indoctrination 💯
@@laisusud I LOVE YOU
This is my 5 year old daughter's favorite song too, she sings it while she's playing. We're watching this video now because she asked to hear the song before bed. ❤
Hi everyone my grandmother just suffered a stroke and she is in the hospital right now, we cannot visit her and we really need your prayers for hope. God is NOT Dead and I truly believe that. Happy Easter everyone.
Dear God i pray for Justin's grandma, God, please be merciful and allow her to live, we believe isn't the time yet, we pray for your healing, fill her with your life and power. May your will be done, and comfort the family. In the name of Jesus, Amem!
I'm praying
God i pray for healing to this womans life for the devil has no right! Amen
Dear God I ask of you to heal this person grandmother and bring her back to heath thank Im Jesus name Amen
i am praying for you Justin and Gods NOT DEAD
praise the Lord I love Jesus
I belive in God! He's not dead. we are waiting for him.
Bessy Altamirano it's either hes coming back or he dosent exist
***** God bless you.
xXGamerXx uzumaki God bless you, just the way you are.
How is God dead? Something that never existed cannot die.
God bless every Christian out there. We must remember that when Jesus Christ died for us, He did not die so that we may continue living like the world sinfully and looking like the world too. If we are different from the world then we must show it through our actions, speech, AND appearance. I've noticed a lot of people think that its only actions. We cannot look like the world. God bless all of you and me.
Yes, God love you.❤️✝️😍
Perch baby
Matthew 4:17 New International Version (NIV)
17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
Matthew 18:6 New International Version (NIV)
Causing to Stumble
6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea
Revelation 21:8 New International Version (NIV)
8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
God's not a myth. He is real, 100 percent
Whatever you have to tell yourself
@@SilkyLewhe is real 🙏
@@SilkyLewIf God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit were false, I truly would not be alive I would have died from suicide as a result of mental health issues stemming from rape by my own brother because my mom would be able to afford treatment and she would not have believed me. Sure people can deny any of the fact that are apparently faith based but can not deny a living testimony from a story so no God’s not dead!
I believe in God every year
I'm 18 and I might have oral cancer please pray for me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Pray,GOD Will Heal You ,IN JESUS NAME❤❤❤❤❤❤
you're healed in JESUS name. Amen
I pray that our lord and saviour jesus christ heals you of your cancer in jesus name amen ❤
By the stripes of Jesus you are healed! Healing power of Jesus be over you! Receive it! All in the name of Jesus! Cancer, you have no legal place in this life, so go and don’t come back! Thank you Lord Jesus!
How are you doing today, 13 days after you wrote this?
Thank you Lord Jesús, I'm 7 years and 3 months clean of methamphetamine, alcohol, and alot addictions. God is not dead, He lives. God bless y'all my brothers and sisters. Beautiful song for God's glory. And I forget to ad this on September of 2013 I try to burn myself with gasoline, I spread 2 gallons over my me, I was completely wet with the gasoline, and I try to make fire with my new vicks lighter and for grace of the Lord JESUS, my lighter doesn't work. Thank you God
That's very encouraging, in Jesus name may you be blessed brother.
God bless you!
@@careyblake4522 yes my brother thanks to our good Lord for His grace and mercy. God bless y'all
@@soficarias_ thanks my sister, God bless y'all always
Felicidades Humberto! Tu comentario me puso la piel de gallina! Saludos desde Puntarenas, Costa Rica 🇨🇷
I can remember being 12 years old jamming out to this song with my Dad. It was our song. He recently passed from covid and when i listen to this i can feel his presence. Praise Jesus, the most high, the almighty. God’s not dead he’s surely alive!
So sad to hear about your Dad passing, but I'm glad you have those memories of jamming out together. They're so important. Let's both remember to do that kind of thing with our own kids!
@@thux2828 I appreciate you, and AMEN! You already know!
@@cmdollasign I'm sorry.. Please see my Bible way to heaven playlist, I believe it will be a blessing to you..
John 5
24: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
I’m sorry about your father. #GodsNotDead
Am sorry for your dad
Here those of us who start this year 2025 BELIEVING THAT GOD IS NOT DEAD
God's not dead!! He's surely alive and with us every second!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻
He with never abandon you he❤ you sooooo much❤❤❤❤
This is Sophie Elizabeth Fisher and I love listening to this song on life 101.9 with my 👪 everyday and 🌙
alive with us and alive in us[:
2 years ago God saved me from depression, every time I thought I was going to end my life a little voice always told me that he had a plan for me and that my life did not stop their. Ever since that dark time of my life I have never doubted God’s existence, he is and will always be our answer.
Yes, god has a purpose for EVERYTHING IN LIFE. A leaf won't fall without his authority! But we chose to disobey him and instead do evil but god forgives if your heart is truly sorry. Keep moving forward as I have fallen but haven't doubted god has brought me this far and I'm been very ungrateful. I need to search for the good path soon!! Take care!!
great videos of encouragement and hope God bless
@@ronijr4918 great videos of encouragement and hope God bless
@@ronijr4918 God bless you! have you been born again? (not baptism)
God bless you! have you been born again? (not baptism)
I have 4 words for everyone here!
Yes and he's coming soon cause there already signs that his coming!!!
He's never been dead and he will never be dead. He's alive now and forever.
AMEN!!! 😆😇
God is not DEAD he's surely ALIVE!!!!
God is good.
all the time
Cutesy Walnut and all the time
No, he's not, read the bible.
God is good ;)
The Resident Evil Fanboy God is good
I believe in Jesus Christ
Yes he is alive ❤️
Anas Wishes his body was dead but his spirit is alive his human body dead and to show to the humanity how he's great he raised from his death
yes the bible says that his flesh died but his spirit lives on and that one day he will return to save the world in Matthew 23 32-56 Jesus is crucified on the cross and put in a tomb and te tomb sealed by a rock and had 24 /7 guards yet 3 days later it say the stone was moved away and he ascended into heaven to be with his holy father. john 3 :16 "for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who shall ever believeth in him shall not parish but have ever lasting life" because Jesus loves you. he died on the cross so you can have the freedoms u take for granted today. things like freedom of religion are because of his sacrifice and if you dont see that your stupid
austin landa thanks for the nice rememberence! Thats nice to see that you have the courage to say that.
100M people still believe God's not dead. That's all He needs to change this world. Come Brave Soldiers of Christ. Lets show them the might of GOD!
Yekkt if you follow Christ you follow Christ it doesn’t matter what denominations 🤦🏾♂️
Yes God's not dead 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yekkt is then those are false preachers and are accursed
Christians make up approximately 29% of the human population of the entire planet. Thats about 2 and a half billion people. It's the world largest religion. You are not an oppressed minority. Stop acting like one.
If you're an atheist and you run for a president, you simply won't be elected.
@Eunice Carmona well put. God bless you
Preach. God's not dead
Shake the ground with the sound of revival.
2024, everyone?
Ageless message
Yes it is year 2024
daqui do Brasil ouvindo muito uhul glória a Deus 🙌🏼. Deus não está morto ele vive por estar! ✝️🔥
Yes. I LOVE the NewsBoys. They were the first contemporary Christian band I listened to. They set the bar high.
I just spent 7 years in prison. I was released 1 month ago. Christ came to set the captives free! I was baptized into Christ's body and I'm now a Christian!
Hallelujah God is good
Amennnn God bless you👊🏾🙏🏾
The gospel must be preached; all the way to the last day
@@Considerjesus777 Amen
Was raised Christian. Fell away from faith before I was even 14. Had a beautiful child and am going to get baptized as well as her. #GODSNOTDEAD
You and your family are going to be a big blessing form God trust me sweetie god not dead!!!!!
Congratulations ^-^ Have a fabulous life and may God lead you down the path of righteousness :)
Good on you
If you try forcing your religion down their throat it's more likely they'll be an atheist. This is coming from an atheist that's had religion forced down their throat since they were born. Oh and don't let them read the bible. You don't want them finding out why almost all athiests are atheists.
@@boobies9391 I'm sorry to hear that. I said I fell away from faith. I did not say I denounced God or Jesus. In fact over my years before coming to faith I was put through many trials in which I saved 4 lives. All addicts lives. One was my best friend. She almost aspirated on her own vomit in my passenger seat while I was driving. I would have rather crashed the car then let her die. Jesus was with me that night whether I awknoledged it or not. A guy I knew OD'ed on pills, couldn't breathe. I had to give him CPR. Jesus was with me and he lived. A 12 year old girl was ran over by a truck on the side of the road and I was somehow in the right place at the perfect time to be the only eyewitness to vehiciular assualt and drunk driving. Jesus was with me. I was left in a hotel room for three days while my biological mother went out to binge on drugs, someone heard my cries and called the police. I was adopted into a BAPTIST CHRISTIAN FAMILY and given siblings whom loved me and guided me. My biological mother died while driving high, and I was given a CHRISTIAN mother. JESUS HAS ALWAYS AND ALWAYS WILL BE WITH ME.
God surely is Alive! 2024
God is not a myth, he is life. PERIOD
+Evolved Blob prophecies that have been fulfilled
+Evolved Blob proof that he does not exist, then i will give you proof.
+Evolved Blob Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, jshut up the words and kseal the book, until lthe time of the end. mMany shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Now look at the time when he was alive when you got around on horseback now look at today Cars, motorcycles, boats and planes. Many shall run to and fro. Now take a look at the computer your on the only way a person in Daniels day could get to me with your response is by sending a messenger now look at today you can type something and it instantly show up not to mention what we've discovered in the past decades. And knowledge shall increase.
+Melanie Lanham oops some of the verses where typos sorry ;)
Whoever is readying this, know that I'm praying for you, I'm praying for our brother and sisters, for everyone who's sick to get healing, and for the hungry to be fed. May God bless you in which ever problems you might be having, may the blood of Jesus wash over you at home and at work, may your life be blessed with a new beginning and strength to move on from the sadness and anger that is consuming you. Please know that you are not alone, You are loved and cared for.
Thank you for praying over us. May God bless you with eternal salvation.
Keep praying for me sister in God for I needed every da God bliss you!!!
Thank you for your prayers ❤️
thnx alot
sophie goforth yeah he loves us all that’s why kids die of disease
God is good, all the time
all the time, God is good
Pulsing Fire you are foolish
Gabriel Valladares Amen to that brother! 🙌🏽
I say that every day
Gabriel Valladares AMEN!!
Gabriel Valladares Amen!
Roaring like a lion, God’s not dead! Hallelujah God is alive! Amen
Berth Ntanga hi...
My 3 year old granddaughter loves this song & we sing it everyday while she dances. Praise the Lord for your music
May God bless you and your family!! GOD IS ALIVE!!
Please don't psychologically abuse your granddaughter by indoctrinating her into a cult. Please love her more than that.
@@510tuber ?
Mines 7 and we love this and all
Amen 🙏
We're gonna miss you singing for Newsboys, Michael Tait ❤